The Brussels Post, 1892-7-8, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST PRE PARIS GREE1\ ONLY 250. PER LB. To Compete With Illegal DeftierS ilud Others who may be selling an inferior article of Paris Green have decided to sell, until fur- ther notice, OUR BEST PARIS GREEN FOR ONLY 25 Ms. PER LB G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN =TENSION W. Q. & n. Trains; leave Brussels Station, North ara South, as follows: Coma SOUTH, GOING Nonni, Mail 710 am. I Mixed 9:58 am. Elxpress 1150 a.m. Alail ... ....... ., 3.16 p.m. Mixed ... 0:50 p.m. Exprese 9:45 pm. wocat Retus tents. A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Ermaxa is on the program, Raenlainares are ripening fast. SLIGHT frosts cluing the past weelt. LET Us know the names and residence of your visitors. Samoa Board meeting on Friday even- ing of this week, hlionmi, Sam lost a good e0s7 last week from milk fever. NEST Tuesaay the Orangeman will celebrate the 12111 in Kincardine. Batmen's Band will accompany the Orangemen to Kincardine ou the 12th. t. LEATHERDALE is the proud possessor of an Oliver Wilkes foal a few days old. A. M. :ticK_tx & Co. are handling "The Old Flag" English binding twine at a low prioe. CHEAP fares to Saratoga., N. Y., to the National Eduoational Aseocietion meet- ing from July 12th to 15th. CLEGG & DAMES shipped 4 oars of cattle and pigs from Bruseels last Mon. day. They handle a lot of stock in a season. OVER $8,000 worth of butter was ship- ped to Montreal last Monday from Brue• sets, the purchase of one buyer from our merohants. Swum cricketers played a match with Brussels on Thursday of this week on Vlotoria Park. The game was not aompleted when we went to press. T. A. HAWKINS, of this town, es. slated in the mualoal program of a Straw- berry festival held at Dr. Cale's denee, Ethel, on Thursday evening of this week. UPWARDS of 150 people from Brussels and locality went to Wingl3am on Do. minion Day. Jas. Jones, W. Grewar and R. N. Barrett assisted the Listowel Baud at the demonstration. The home guard played foot ball ard tennis, went boating, bathing and °hared arouud generally, ON Dominion Day Unary James and Tom Ross played lacrosse with Clinton at Goderich. The former was on the de. fence and the latter goal keeper. The Co. town team weren't in it bat they were very intent on their attention to the visitors after the game, seine of the Gocleriobites even going BO far as to don. ate a portion of the material for a stone house. Orn,r 22. -On Thursday evening of last week we were presented with a box of strawberries, of the Wilson variety, grown by I. 0. Richards, twenty-two berries filling the box. They were beau- ties and were just as good as they looked. Mr. Richards in addition to looking after his harness shop is quite a gardener particularly in the vegetable and small fruits linos. S/LVER Cor. -J, O'Leary has donated a silver cup to the Brussels Gun club. The members shoot for its possession every month and the highest average score will hold it until next season. At the first match there were seven members present, eaoh having 15 shots. Tbe following was the result •-D. 0. Ross, 11 ; J. Hewitt, 10 ; R. W'att, 9 ; J. Irwin, (3; A. 0. Dames, 7 ; Joe Ballembyne, 5; Dr. Igo. Nalighbon, 5. Mr. Boss wag consequent- ly the winner of this Rhea after a elose outwit. Some fun is expeoted before the Summer is over, Next match will be en Friday, 29th inst. 'MUSICALE.- On Thursday afiern0011 Of last week T. A. Kawkins met with his Brussels musio mils in the Odd Fellows' Ball and gave a very interesting program ef vooal and instrumental music to a large circle of friende and acquaintances who had assenibled to hear thetu per. form. The following mils took part viz., Mines Mary Lamont, Lillian Ainley, Annie Rose, Allis Cardiff, Jennie Mc- Nair, Boll Smith, Maggie Reymann, Mary Lang, Bella Bob, Jennie Howe, Ella Ainley, Lothe Hill, Aggie McNair, Amanda IlloCracken,Bertha MOCUllough, llasty Ritohie and Minnie MoNaughton. At the close of tbe concert Mr. Perry took a photo of the class. Tan Estrorsiox ov Arrs. -The New York Observer hes a correapondent who soiree the problem ea follows : "Having had years of torment ith ants, both black and rod, we lighted on the follow. ing relmnly which with es bas worked like magiol One spoonful tartar emetic, and ono spoonful of sugar mixed into a thin syrup, As it evaporates oe is carried off, add ingredients as needed, A sicker lot of poste would be hard to find. Whether they impart tho result to the home firm or whether all are killed, how not. Certain it is bloat they do nab pey us 11 seoond visa, For ante on the fawn, a spoonful of Paris groan out with alcohol and made into syrup with slaw -.and water can be put on moose Of glass or arooltery-eover from dor:Manic pota- and the eloughter will be tithisfaotory." Sr, Joured °handl Sunday sehool held their annual ple.nic on Wednesday after. moon. .1. J. tr,rta haa (Hero •ed of 25 mowers this season. Tho heavy bay aim basin) dOnht indered a good Many 10 purohaSe. D. Saawurr's deolstion in the osee of T. Stewart ve, Wm. Illaehill, W111011 Wag re. ferred to him by the judge:It the Division Court, was that one runiount balance the other, each to pay hie own outs. AbwArs read the advertisments in your loath papor. Thu show Plat what live business men are about, mud every one who has to do trading will find that it pays to trade with those who advertise. CONSTARLE BROADPOOT IRIS had sOme lively skirmishes this week over en. deavoring to impound cattle as the Cow By-law directs. From 8 p. in, to a o'. olook on the succeeding morning is the restrioted time. A Puma:cm Farmers' Piamio, under the auspices of the Central Farmers' In. stitnte of Onta' rio will be held at Grims• by Park on Tinirsday and Friday of this week. Exounions will be rua over all railways in Ontario to Grimsby Park. FATAL AecIDEN r.-Litet SittUrday tile team of John Wilson, Streetsville, ran away on his farm and injured him so badly that death resulted on Wednesday. The deceased was a brother of Mrs. a.. G Skene's' of Brunets. She attended the funeralon Friday. Mr. Wilson WAS unmarried. Tummy evening a song service WAS given in the Methodist ohnreh basement, entitled "Mips," illustrative of the aon• dition of old London poor. The urn, tire was given by Rev. G. 1'. Salton and the vocal eeleations by the °holm Straw. berries and cake were served at the con- clusion of tho service. Sonsummis in arrears to Tun Pon; will save us a lot of trouble by remitting the amount at once without waiting to lave accounts sent out Some have al- eady had two notifications. See the libel on your paper it should be marked o January '93. Our thanks are due to hose who settled daring the last few ;melts. THE A06011 Free Press has celebrated hi 18111 birthday and its energetic editor, H. P. Moore, keeps it up to high water mark in addition to the other multifari. us duties he attends to, Acton people hould not only be proud of the Free ress bat should give it their hearty upport. A Imam and very enjoyable evening as spent by the Christian Endeavor °piety of Melville ;thatch on Munday vening of this week on the lawn and rounds of Mrs. D. Sinolair, Qneen street. short program oonsi.ting of Intlei041 eleotioos on the harmonica, solo by Miss ono Rose, reading by R. M. Dickson and nthems by the choir was presented. offee and other refreshments were dis• ensed during the evening. The gather - g was for the purpose of developing the Mal qualities of the young people ther them any financial results, DIED. -D. A. Robertson, brother•in- w to Walter Jackson, of Brussels and old resident of St. Marys, died at his sidenoe in the stone town Tuesday after long illness. His death has been ex. oted almost hourly for three weeks, at; was unable to take acaroely any urisliment during that time. His onble was paralysis, but the disease as of a peculiar nature and unlike the dinary paralysis. Deceased Was a ties of Scotland, where be was born years ago. A. nunaber of years ago he s mayor of St. Marys, and during his tole earthly career was held in the foll. t esteem by his fellovr•oitizons. He yes a large and estimable family, cion. Ong of his mourning wife, four aons d four daughters. The 1 nneral took ma on Thursday afternoon, Rev. S. nes and H. L. Jackson attending. FOOT BArm.-On the forenoon of Do. nion Daya foot.bell match was play - by a junior team frem the Oth um. ey township chiefly and the juniors of ussels, on Viotoria Park. Neither side red during the hour. The players re ;- Gte7. PoP50310520. EnussEr.s, ti rd BGe00310s1 Rel IdeJaadmwe; iably roarlinger... Hall Backs ymaSe ...LeatheGerr rdale ..... or Centre Jacket,* ss /119ht wing f ....... ,....Shaw guson vSte wart ell { Lett Wing { 51{0Vd% a 1 1 10 13 a a in so ra la 101 re 5. pe he nO tr or na 73 WS WI SS lea sie an pia Jo mi ed Gr 13r SCSI we Ru J. EC Ws R a Om E00.90Ost Stel Per Rill Roe During the evening of the same ray combination eleven made up of Grey and Walton players came to Brunets and had a friendly tussle on the same ground. The home team was too heavy for the visitors although they contested the ground well end did ecune good playing. Brussels won by 2 goals to 0. The fol. lowing were the members of the (dabs and the position played ;- IlitcresEus. PosITIoN, WALTelt. flombly Goal Rialop Ferguson A. demob) I { S Banks m(th Simpson JemesJ. Elielop Meadows McCracken-, ..... Half Books ( nougat! .... -Sollars Bollinger calibre sumbell McDonnellElarrie W, Sample ..... I Bighb 10ing4 •-fdeLaceblin Lowry 'Ramsay Loft Wing ( Morrison Ramsey PICKED UP AT TETE DEPOT.-Geerge Dirt is digging a well at the station for the acoommociation of those concerned. A pump will he placed in it. -The fences ab the cattle.guards have been whitewashed SO as to inchoate to the engineers where the orossings are. -During the past year the out ma of freight from Brussels station exceeded the former year by the large amount of 2,200 tons. -.A. DOW time table is now in force, Zoe pal:hooters see table at the head of the local column of 1.Cm3 POST. -On Tuesdaymorning next, the 120h, it special exothaion train will leave here for Kincardine at 8:05 o'clook. The return fare for adults will be 01.00, 600 or more passenger,, are expeoted from Brussels. -During the week Messrs. Clegg and Dames shipped 4 oars or extra good atook ; 3. & J. Livingston, a oar of flax seed and a car or tow to Badon ; 10, Gra, ham 5 oars of wheat to the Eastern markets ; T. Coleman 1 tars of salt, - Yew sootions on the railway are kept in better shape than that muter the direo, tion of Seotion Muter MoKenzie and inen.-Tho Satuaday exouraions to the lake are rapidly iooreasing as the weathoe grows warmer. -If it worn not for the careful watching of Station Agent Kew dall and Operator Oogarth there might be mom then one cow belonging, to the rosidents of Brusaels converted into cold beef by the trains. The 0. T. IL is eo. fording the law (mouthing cattle miming at hirge in several plaoes In this Nortb. ern section. -4/m. &mitt shipped a oar of s took to the Eastern markets en Thursday, Tue friction that existed botweon Sea. forth Methodist church and the Station. ing Comlniltee bas been amicably settled by sending Rev. W. Smyth to Ontario street obureb, Clinton, and Bev, a. am. ioway to Seaforlh. Rev. W. H. Hinolts WM invited and accepted, subjeot to the Conference ratification, but before that body assembled Ito was also invited to Owen Sound where he was sent, hence the vigorous Iciokiif,g of the Seaforthitee. URIO itoid in the blood is the minso of nearly till disease, it visits every part of the body and is liable to fasten disease on any organ ; the (hay of the kidneys is to extract wastes from the blood; a cold will !hop thia action, a pain in the baolt follows and unless relief is obtained, per- manent inability of the kidneys to por• form their functions follows, which may teatni tithe in liver complaiiit, dyspepsia, blood disease, dropsy, diabetes or Bright's disease. Dodds Kidney Pills aseish the kidneys to natural work and cure all complaints and results arising from same. People._We Know. Rev, 0, F. Salton was in Torouto week. Mi -s Lottie Smale is home from ronto. Councillor Thomson was 213 Hami this week. Miss Tunis Sample spent Sunda Wingham. Mrs. J. D. Ronald has gone to Ohio for a visit. Geo. Good, of Seaforth, was in town Wednesday. 01. W. Baltzer, of Bodin, spent a days in Brussels. M. Farrow, of Blamable, was visit his son this week. Miss Mitchell, of London, ie vista Mrs. A, Sheehan, Murdy MoLennan, of London, was town on Thursdav, Mrs. Walter Jackson and Loon home from Toronto. A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric away at New York. Miss Dolly Braker was visiting Winghatn this week. Miss Dolly Shaw was visiting ab P Elgin for a few days. J. T. Oook has taken a situation Wingham for a time. Mrs. Walter Wilbee and chndren In gone to lierriette, W. Morrison and wife, of London, a visiting at W. R. Wilson's. Mrs. John MoOrae has been on sick list and is still poorly. Mrs. J. T. Cook aud children are vie ing relatives in Kincardine. J. F. McCrea, of Montreal, made visit to bis parents last weelc. Wm. Scott, familiarly known "Scotty," has gone to Drayton. William Rivers and wife, of Teeswate were visiting in town last weelc. Miss Joan Ross, teacher at Tecumse Mich., is home for her vacation. Miss II. Spence, of Ethel, spent la Sunday in town with Mrs. Cook. J. Buckborough, of Waterloo, was vie Lig Rev. G. F. Salton this week. J. Gallagher, of Gillies & Smith's pr vete bank, Sundayed in Luoknow. The Misses Robertson, of Kincardin wore visiting in Brussels last weelc. Mrs. Fred. Pelton, of Port Ffuron, visiting her mother, Mrs. S. Pearson. Brien and Stewart, sons of P. Soot are visiting their grandfather at Settfortl Miss Cora Ferguson, of Teeswater, visiting relatives in Brussels and. looa ity. Jae. Stretton, wife and children, o London, were visiting in Brussels for few days. J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, formerly o Brussels, is in Toronto thia week on business trip. Mrs. James Ross has been seriously il during the past week but is oonaiderabl improved now. Miss Fannie Smith, of Taronto, is en joying a honday visit with her sister Mrs. R. L. Taylor. jno. McCallum has gone on a pleasur trip to Newark, N. J., where he will visi relatives for a time. Miss Paul, Miss Olimie and 0. Climie, of Listowel, spent Dominion day with Mrs. Roderiok Ross. R. G. Wilson has a situatiou in Lieto web at hie trade. Mrs. Wilson and son are still in Brussels, however. Mrs. Packer, of Saginaw, is ill town, brought here by the low condition of her sister, Miss lava Bawtinheimer. Dr. T. G. Holmes, of Detroit, was in Brussels for a short time Ulla week. Ho is liking the oity of the straits well. Jas. O'Leary, proprietor of the Queen's Hotel, has been no the utak list during the week and under the physician's care, Mrs. J. C. Holliday is visiting her daughter at Detroit. Geo. Halliday ac- companied hie mother &afar as London. tan, Thos. Dunford has gone to Peter. boro', Orilla rand other points on a holi- day visit. We wish her a pleasant time. Reuben Jewitt, wbo has been attending the Earriston High sohool, is home. Ha will write at the Taaohers' examination next weelt. H. J. Norden, teller in the Standard Bank here, loft on a Monday for a three weeks' holiday trip to Pioton where bis parents reside. T. Knechtel will teaoh S. S. No. 5, 11 rnilea west of Sunshine, Morals township, after the holidays are over, Re has a 2nd Maas oertificate. j. Poster and wife, of Detroit, and J. Sims and Minnie and Bruce, of Math. am, are making a holiday visit with la, Danford and family. Tau. Kew, who has bean with 11. Dennis, harness maker, for the past three years, lute gone to Kincardihe where he has a job as journeyman. Howard Rivera was home for a ahoot visit froToeswater last week. Ile is learning the blacksmithing with his brother in the northern burgh. II. and O. butte, of Galt, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Geo, Thomson. The former will remain here taking a posi- tion in Connoillor Thomson's; atore. Chas. Wake will go back to the painting bneiness. Mre, fa, Parcly, of London, who haa been visiting bee datightere, 14/rs. Fartow and Mrs. Frani( MoOraokon, for somo thrte, returned to her bine on Friday, PostMitater Parrow aceompanied her aa far as Stratford. last To- lton Y in ago on few ng ing in are , is in ort at lye re lis it - a as r, 13, at t• e, ia t, 1. is 1- a (0 • Prosido»b Rarrison has formally ao, oopted the resignation of 0. Dowry Smith, Minister to Russia and II M Sewell, oonsul•general at Samoa, TIM British Privy Counoil has given Judgment in favor of Mrs, Iolynn, of Montreal, Who stied the 0, I'. R. for , damagee on aocount Of the death of her huaband. S1VID.,1.117) ALINE OF CAN1)4, JOLT S, 1892 azwx...4.2:zzA-z-.3=== IS GREE HEAD OFFIOE. TORONTO. ASSETS, • (Seven Million Deflars) • 57,000,000 CAPITAL (Antitorized) • • 02,000,000 Agencies in all principal paints in Ontario, Quebec., Manitoba, United males &England. A General Banking Business Trannoted, Farmers' Notos Discounted. Drafta leaned and Collections &node on all point., SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits or 51.00 and upwards (roto date of deposit to data of withdrawal and compounded hall yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TEE COLLECTION Op FARMERS' SALE NOTRE. Every facility afforded Customers living at a aistanoe, (3.1?. SCOOLFIELD, 0(3112010800, Marstengamene......enontracearmosna_ GILLIES 84 SMITI-I, ZIALTICEES LT T_J 9 Transact a General Banking Business, Drafts Bougllt and Sold on all points in Canada, United States ancl Great Britain, FARMEliS' NOTES DISCOUNTED, SALE NOTES AND MORTOA.GES A SPECIALTY, 543111X6S AMR P.„5.,,e,gentmyr, nteregt Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. l‘ge effect 10 Write lueuranee Is old English or (.UW1(111111 C51hP11111(14, or In Mut. oaf Companies ne may be desired. A MOM P011 CANADA. AND UmmED STATES: Tim CANADIAN BANN OP COMMERCE, 111211SzolintesemeteozatoalSIMMINSIISMIII, Business Locals. EvEnn day is Baby Day at Perry's. FAMILY groups a specialty at Perry's, SumanAtiS and Mikado panels at Perry's. Pon the best cabinet photos go to Perry's. 00.3. STRONG finishes all his work by 1;13e new process. TIMM boats for sale at a bargain. Apply to Alex, Smith. Go to Strong's and have your photos anished in tbe latest styles. Tntrxxs and valises, good assortment, very cheap at H. Dennis.' H.'7. STRONO (pbotographer) puts an extra finish on all his pbotos. Fon bargains in all lines of dry goods call at Ferguson Ss Flalliday's. Arm photos printed ou the new per- manent aristo paper at Perry's. aUST arrived a fine range of Baby car. Haps which will be sold at reasonable rates. H. Dennis, COMFORTABLE lariOlt house for sale or to rent in Brussels. Apply to Ferguson & merobante. HAVE you read Ferguson & Halliday's advt. yet? Dont put Tim POST away un- til you do. They have bargains for you. Tan Jackson waist is endorsed by physicians as being beneficial to health. Ferguson & Halliday, sole agents for BLTsteniss. L1001115 call anti see the now Jackson Waist. They are the most natural gar- rnent worn as a urea. Sold only by Ferguson & Halliday. SnAwL found last week in Brussels. The owner may have the same by prov• ing property and paying for this notice, by applying to Mos. D. MONAIIGHTON, Queen street. WISM,-Dielerno AND Datrzma.-George Birt has all the neoeseary maohinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper gimp. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry at., Brussels. 84-11 0001111ANn &JentiSmott, marble manu- facturers, are now taking orders for ipring delivery iu their line. AS hereto. tfors all workmanship and °Mere trusted to their oars will be pub up in the most approved style and sabisfaotion gnaran. teed in every case. Anybody requiring anything in their line of trade it would be well for them to aee their designs and prices before making their purchases. Shop opposite Queen's hotel stables. 550.00 7011 A Cmox333:„-To oreate an interest in t/3e breeding of high-olass poultry, I will award a speoial prize of 550.00 cash to the person raising the heaviest Plymouth Rook chioken hate). ing from eggs purchased of me. Ply- mouth Rooks are unquestionably the best breed of fowl known for the Canadian farmer. Send for descriptive circular of this valuable breed of fowl. Eggs for hatching, guaranteed fresh and true to name, carefully packed in baskets and delivered to express ootnpany, 52,00 per setting of 13. Address, T. A. Wiurame, Breeder of Ply- mouth Book Fowl Weston, Out. The boy found on the Island aribworiz at Toronto, June tbe 20th, has confessed that he is William D. AdainS Of A.ncester township. He desired notoriety, and declares he bad no acooinpliou. Passengers on Tuesday's train from the east to Wiunipeg had an exciting experi. ence. An Irishman from Montreal ticketed to San Franoisoo went into delir- ium tromene and jomped from the rapid• ly moving train, Ile ran clown the traolc for a oouple of miles and was chased by the train men on a hand•oae ; when they neared born he took to the moat:. After a long abase ho was captured and is now 11, the hospital. The Ogilvie Milling Co. have favorable advises from the Province regarding the Manitoba orope, but much depends on tho weather of the next three weeke, Up to a few days ago the Western country had been euffering from want of rain, but the meant low showers have won, derfully improved the condition, and prospects on the whole have improved. Many ;motions rennet ovens well forward, the grain being from 22 to 24 inches high in several places. Straw, however, is »at likely to be heavy, which will insure early ripening. ZE34DM.t.g . GOOD. -In 13russels, on July 4th, the wife Of Mr, Adan Good of a daughter, Wurrhav,-In 'Kincardine, on 3n2)5 the wife of Er. H. J. Whitley of a son,. OBAPMAN.---In Winglman, on lune 201h, the wife of Mr. W J. Obapinan of a (laughter, MOR-M-Ses3Mr...s Pall Wheat 74 Spring Wheat 73 Barley 35 Pens 56 Oats 26 Butter, tube and rolls-. 12 Eggs par dozen 8 Flour per barrel.. ...... 4 50 Potatoes ......... 20 1fa.y per ton . 8 00 aides per lb .. 3 Salt per bbl., 1 00 Sheep skins, earth.. 60 Lamb skins eaoh 65 Apples per barrel I 00 Wool 16 71.) 75 40 57 28 13 00 5 00 00 10 00 00 05 1 00 00 1 25 18 szi FIRST CLASS SET OF Blackenalth's tools for sale at a great Large= Call an d get price, A. Id. DioNAT Co„ Brussels, DEIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN on farm security. Portion/ars near be obtained by applying at THE POST Publish - lug Rouse, Bruesels. TEACHER WANTED. -A -a- cations will be received by the under- sigued up to July 1011, 1892, for a teacher fa S. 0, No, a, township of Grey, from ;summer holidays to end of 1891 Applicant!' to state what certificate tboy hold and what salary they require to knob for each term. ALEX. STEWART, Soo.-Treas. S. S. He, 5, Grey Box 20, Brussels P. 0. To Ditch Contractors. TENDERS will be received by the Munlei. pal Council of the Townanip of Grey up to Saturday, the 1001 day of July, 1895, for the coustruotion of drains under the Municipal Drainage Act, Plans and speeifloations OS /I be seou at the Clerk's Ofdoo, Ethel, any Ohne otter the 8th day of July. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILLIAM MILNE, Reeve, 524 Ethel P. 0. REAL ESTATE. TpARms FOR SALE. -TRE UN. ste eTantrrwel7, hers r tio%B.„.°0i0na u.c.arniThfir of Morris and Gray, 5 S. Su OTT. zymase:. 87-01, riuorcE FARB& FOR SALE.- %) Being South half Lob 27, eon, 0, gores 100 mores, nea NY all cleared. Good buildings(' flue young bearing °milord, Immediate pos- session. Easy Torun'. Apply to W.m. stet CLAIR, tf- Solicitor, Bru ssels. FOR SALE. -THE UN. .1. DERSEINED °Fern fore sale the north cat quartssof lot 28, aopoossion 6, Morrie, County of Amon , contain in g 60 mores. The land is of first quality and In 0115(311 state of cultivation, well fenced and under -drained, 45 acres cleared, New frame house, 8 rooms, nink house with conorete walls, 2 wells, good barns and shod, orchard, etc. Bight aoros of fall wheat, This deeirabie property adioine the oorporatien of Brussels. Suit- able tette be given, Tam perfect, TAMES Gainvn, Owner, 50. Seater MI 5.0. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. 03 Mune lots 11 and 12, 000.19, Township of Grey. County of Boron, oontoluing 200 amen, the property of tho late John Robert- son. 150 acres Moored and hoe fro(1i 01). strtiotMne, 15 acres buali, mixed timber, balance, partly Maitre& Soil clay loana, meetly rotting: Feneed with straight rail knees and Watered by two wells and a epriug privilege. Commodioue dwelling house, with largo woodshed attached and an excellent °eller under house. Two largo barns, stone 'dahlias; and other on thuild- lugs. Two good bearlog oroharcle, orna- mantel trees and email fruits. 45 utiles from Brno/Isle a lively town on tho G. T, 11,, oonveni (nit to sohool, (Murales Loci post office, Thki property lies weli, Is a first- class grain and stock farm and should bo soon by imbuing puroh mom as ltbe offer. ed at a bargain. Por further partionlars apply to MRS. 3NO.ROBERT SON, or DANIEL ROBERTSON, on the pron.:lime, or by letter to Oranbrook P. 0. 139-4 Voters' List, 1892, 81IJNICIPALSET OP TITS VILLAGE OP BRUSSIMS 00113012 OP 11 011030. liable is hereby givon that 1 11000 trans. mitted or delivered to the persons mention- ed in Emotions 5 and 0 of the Ontario Voters' List Ani, 1859, tho ooplee requiter': by hid eectione to bo transmitted or dollvered of the 'let, mode pursuant to said Act, of all Porinnus appearing by the last Teyised As. Sosmnont ROI of the said Munielpality to be entitled 10 vote In the geld kIttnioipallty ab Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Munieipal Elections ; and that add list Was first posted up at my °Moo Bruseelsom the 29111 dioy 01 bans, 18001 awl and rooming there for luspootion. Mahout he celled upon to examine the hid list, ma if any ouitheione or any other errors are foetid therein, to take immediate pnaeodings to Mho the had errore 511100514 aa wording toaw l. F, 3, SCOTT., Olork of 13 rs Maga Dated at BrUssels,20th day 01 30(30,1505, PURE 25 Ct. Per Pound -AT- Pepper's Dru Store, BRUSSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. "p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solleitor mid Conveyancer. Collec- tions made, Offiee-Vanstone's Bloch, Brno - sets, 21.ffin - /V • liMol.logoirN, 0°oLnyAeyraRn'oer , No tory Pub- lic, dm. Moo-Graham5 Block, 1 de Jr LIOrtb of Popper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. rtch,) liameters, Solioitors, ClonveYanO0re, tko. Offlees-Brussols and Seaforth, Brus. solo offiee-Up-stalrs over Barak. MoneY to Loan, J -Z (Late with El arrott Proudfoot, God°. n. s. HATE. w.H.DicatsoN n1OXSON & HAYS, AUCTIONEERS, A, RAYIVIANN, • Auctioneer, is always reedy to at- tend sales of farms, farm stock, Rm. Terms cheerfully given, Oranbrook P. O. Sales may be arranged at True Posm Publishing House, Brussels, GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms end farm stook a speoialty. Or dere loft at Tan POsT Publishing Rouse, Brussels, or genet° Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- an as an Auctioneer, Ian, prepared to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prices. Enowing the standing of neatly every person Lam 000 position to sell to good marks and get good soeurIty when eold on credit, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give nie 31 5(101. 22- E S. SCOTT, BUSINESS CARDS. 110 111 H. MoORAOKEN, . Issurer °Marriage Lioonaes. Office Grocery, auvaborry shoat, arnssels. P N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door south of A. Id. afoRay& Co's hardware store. Ladies' and childrons hair cutting a speolalty A ffoNAIR, Lamer of Marriage Lieenses, by appointment of Lient,-Governor, Ooinmis- stoner, ao., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Piro Inaurance Go. Oftloo at the Oranbrook Post Office. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. .1VLEX. HTJNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division ooutt Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurenee Agent, Funds Invested and to loan. Oolleations made, came in Graham's Stook, Brussels, nIL PAINTING, mule Illorioe, of Winchatn, is mourod to give instruction in oil valutiog. %Orals May bo ascertained at Arise Nellie Roes' stote whom Samples of work may bo seen. Mae Moils would oleo take a tow more pupils in music. TA.. HAWKINS, • Organist in St. John's Church, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, of A. W. Thayer, Abut. inao., New York, wilt give lessons to pupils caber at Thos, Farrow% ()emu of Queen and Princess Ste., or If pre- ferred, at their own honaes. Terms moder- ate. 40 - MEDICAL CARDS. WM. F. CALI), M. 0., 0. M., Member of the College of Ph Melon, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. Offiee and Residence -Main street East, Ethel, Ontario. -r A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. . chm„ 1,,, 0.P., Edinburgh, 20.0,5 S. Mt. Residence and Mlle° in Wileon' Block, oorner of Mill and Turnberry Sta, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, Ronor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domestic:sated animals In a com- petent manner. Parttoular attention vaid to veterinary dentistry. Oats proinptly at. tended to, Office and Infirmary -Two doors north of bridge Turnberry st,, Brunets, DENTAL. 13 10/N TX M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S, D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, And of Toronto. Uni- versity. Ospron-Over Pepper's Drug Store, Brusaets, 1....Wore••••••••••*•......mr.m.s..04 TOOK FOR, THE DAIRY.- For the eonvenlande of Mime living at or neer Elybb I have made arrangements with Mr. Robb. Latdlaw, of North nail Lot 7, Con.0, Morris, to keep fer service during the simmer 500E01 one of my Jersey Bone, Tbe other win aeznain al; Druesols th hare - Mb"' G. A, DRAM/AN, Droggist,..te, IviSeftImIallEE„siliToAd Ewin keep for service this MP ROVED LA.ROE WUITE YORK. present setteen the Improved largo whits) Yorkshire pig "Ready" on lot 211, oon, 0, ataxia to whIeli a limited unntber of sows will be taken, Terms $1.50 te be paid at thin of FierViee, With t.110 privilege of return- ing 01fneeeseary, Pedigree May bo soon 115. ca applioatiouR , OBERT bl AlvEro rrcloi 5ort 0 r DIME BRED 1304.105 FOR SER. vNin.-The UndersIgued will keen for serviee on north half Lob 29, Con, 7, merlin, a pure bred Berkshire Boar, bred by Mr. Snell, end au Ohio improved Chester White, bred by Time eteorge, Putnam, front im. MAeti dock on both eideS, This hog took srd prise at the Incluatrial Fair in 11 Olites of 17, in 1890, and 05000 th o Weetern Pair M. a °lessor 15, Miff sire tool) let at the trial in 1891, Ternie 81.00 bo, bo paid at thou Of sertlee With nritilege f retUrning 1(3 11000 0S 8"gif SAMUEL WALKIllt, kron,