The Brussels Post, 1892-4-29, Page 4New Advertisements. Locals B. Gerry. Locale -I1, s, Eerl. fruits T. Rutledge. 1 mats- (1 If. Perry. Locusts -A. Strecltau. Local Alex. Stewart. Looal W. W. Burgess. Locals Dr. J. 0, Ayer. Bale of Lands --C. L', R. For Service -Robb. Currie. Looal-H. Williams & Son. Photography -C. E. Perry, Photography -II. J. Strong. New Shoe Store-13eo. Good, Standard Bunk -G, P. Scholfield. Card of Thanks -John ItfoOallum. Mechanics' Institute -A, Hunter. Ontario Mutest Life -J. A, Young. Queen's Birthday -Driving Park As- sociation, lr be t l`.11ssc.i$ 19,135i, FRIDAY , A1'RJL 29, 1892. NotINATtoN will take plane iu East York on May 4th and pulling on the 11th. This eleotiou ie caused by the decease of the late Hon, Alex. Maokeuzie. The Conervetive candidate is W. F. Mao. Lean, of the Toronto World. No111t Perth electors are now iuto the tnrnlonl of another political contest. The nomination is on May 12,h and the elec- tion on May lath. The candidates are J. Grieve. of llorningtml, for the It • form refuse, and David Scrimgeour a well known resident of Stratford, for the Conservative. A worm tannest is outlet- pated as it is a Conservative riding with a Reform candidate returned at last eleo. tion. arm little sympathy will be wasted upon Robert H. MuGree'y, who has been sentenced to one year's imprisonment in gaol, a term which would have been shorter by six months, the judge informed him, had he not fled from justice. Mr. McGreevy is not suffering for his main offence, that of ooiepiritlg with his brother and the rest of the boodltng gang who preyed upon theDepartmeut of Pub- lic Works fur thire,eu years. This penalty was inflicted for conspiracy with Eugene Murphy to defraud iilichull Cona golly, another of the boodlers, out of the sum of four hundred thousand deflate by means of a note which yficbml Connolly seems to have drawn in favor of Mr. Murphy as a joke in a moment of idle folly. As compared with Sir Hector Langevin, Thomas McGreevy or Murphy, Robert McGreevy was, however, a mild offender against the country -Montreal Witness. NB= Monday will be observed in many plass., as Arbor Day and a large number will look after the planting of trees, shrubs, &e. Brussels will do web to fol• low this line this year. A. number of poplar trees have bean out down on the various streets, by somebody's authority, we suppose, and maples should replace them at once and now is the time to see to it. The trees wont come in them- selves, however, so if the work is to be done every resident who sees a vacant place for a tree should constitute him- self a committee to see that a maple is secured. Brusaele is Doted for its long rows of well kept shade trees and we want to keep up our reputation in this respect. The Agricultural Ground and Driving Perk requires some attention too in this particular. Clumps of maples should he planted in the Northeast and Northwest corners of this park and a few in the Southeast portion. The plane looks very bare now. What's the matter with making a bee on Monday and have this part of the work done in a little while ? If the officers of the two organi- zations interested would move conjointly the trees oould be got and planted with very little trouble to anybody. Keep Mouday in reserve for this. Perth t:ounty. The new town hall in St. Marys is to be opened shortly. Amos Shier, produce merchant, of St. Marys, hag merle an assignment for the benefit of creditors, to John Clark, bar- rister, of that place. Three hundred dollars reward has been offered by the St. Mary's Town Council for bhe conviction of the persona who set fir' v, J. D. Moore's storehouse on the ev,:ufug of the 2Jth March last. Miss Nellie Beattie, of the Alma Ladles' College, St. Thomas, is at pre- sent at her home in St. Mary's. While in tis. Tlv,mac site had the misfortune to lone one 1,f her t„ee, caused from an in• grown tea nail, T. 11I. Campbell, formerly a fanny goo l merchant of Stratford, lately with W. A. Murray, 'i'ornnto, has received the appointment of local manager of the Ger. manic Lies Insurance Company, with hradgnarterein London. The Stratford Bicycle Club has elected the following olliee16 :-lIon, President, Wm. Bockingbam ; President, 0. 1s, Naemyth ; Vice.President, Dr. W. N. Itoberteon ; Soca-Tress, J, H. Renner ; Captain, 0, Weigh ; Bugler, 0, C. John- ston ; Standard-bearer, A. Scarff ; Com. reittee, J. McFadden, R. McFarlane. Mrs. Blair, wife of Wm. Blair, poet. master of Stretford, died soddenly on Thursday morning of last week. She was taken seriously ill the Tuesday be. fore. She was the youngest daughter of the late James Stock, of Mimieo, and was 11 years of age. The late James Stook, of Toronto, was a brother, and the late Mrs. Jae, Corcoran, of Stratford, a sitter. Her brothers living am Edward Steak, Toronto, and Joseph and John Stook, Ellice. The funeral took piece on Saturday. It is reported that the Congregational ohuroit, Stratford, will shortly be sold. There is said to be a debt of 08,200 on the building and the congregation is un. able to nit'et the interest. Just after retiring to bed Saturday ore„mg, Ap f1 4•h, Itiobttrd Broughton, of Elms, was seiz d with a 'sandpits do strulta, which rendered powerless the whole of bis right side, including a leg and arm. Flo oleo lost his epeeoh, bat the voice lies s%nee retuned.. ate is still In a low oonditlen and the worst fears are entertained for his recovery. Arrangements have been made to Delo- brace the 2411, of May in grand style at St, Marys. The Athletics Assooiabion have engaged two teame of Indians to play lacrosse in the morning, while the afternoon will be spent ip a fence drill by the Knights of Sherwood Forest, of Stratford, and a glee of laoroese, Incl; - ens vs. Alerie of St. Marys, The day's proceedings will be ended by a concert in the town had. A young man named Samuel Gilpey, who was sentenced by the Stratford police magi. trate to two months int orison. Wren, in the county jail there, and ten , lashes in two lust:temente of five lashes each, for an indecent assault on the daughter of his employer, a promiueet Mui'nington farmer, received the first iuetatment last friday morning. The whipping was done its outset the a-rrldors 1 of the jail. News has been received of the death iu Texas, of Alex. ;floc;,. gor, a man whose name WWI prominently associated with the early history of Stratford. He taught in the first school there n arly 50 years ago, aeons Itis pnpile being the present Judge Woods He took an native part in the theism of the united (toilettes of Huron, Brew and Perth, and was Perth's firer comity treasnrer. ife 'inc also Clerk of the Dummy Court. At a large and relive eutativo meeting of Lhe Coneer.atives "f North Porth held a' SIilvet•ten on Tuesday David Scrim. geour, of Stratford, received the unani- usue nomination of the convention as their oaucidete-iii the coining by-elootion for the house of Commons, which takes place on Il,y 10th. Short addresses were given by Col. D. D. Campbell, 5, R • less 11, ex II. R ; Thos. Magtvood, 31. P. P., the candidate and other prom. inent Cost-ervatives. The first case brought under the Charlton Act in the county of Perth was up at the Stratfor.i police court on Mon- day. W. P. Thistls, woo formerly ran a livery stlllle in Atwood,was charged with having seduced Maggie Varner, a girl under sixteen years of age, now residing with her sister at Newry. The offence was alleged to have been committed last July. Miss Varner, who is a r sther good looking girl, told her story without much trouble, though in a low tone of voice. In her arose examination she admitted that eh, had told , Stratford doot'r that another young man, who was in the Made of keeping her company, was the father of her child ; but said she lied then ; I'tn on my oath now, and I'm telling the truth.' Greenawalt 1Pacew•-. Cholera is spreading in India. Smallpox is creating terrible ravages in Salvador There are said to be 103,000 families in London living in single rooms. Obolera is spreading at an alarming rate in Punjaub, British India. Gold to the valu • of 811,505,000 was ordered at New York for export last week. Two people were fatally injure,l in a collision between street Dare in Chicago Fraley. A very destruotive hailstorm visited sections of South Carolina Thursday afternoon. Two men were ran over and killed by a Lehigh Valley train rear Aubu^n, N. Y. last week. Joseph Berland, a halfbreed Indian, died at South Bend,Ind., at the advanced age of 110 years. A $5,000 load of ooutraband opium was seized with the steamer Michigan at Port Townsend, Weals. The betrothal of Prince George to Princess Mary of Teak, it is said, bas been definitely decided on. In a battle British troops and Leaflets, between Dingle and Damagiri, iu India, 40 of the latter were kilted. John Hand, a teamster, and sixteen horses were burned t0 death iu a fire at San Franoisoo on Monday. Jealousy caused Ernest Rapp to shoot his wife and child and then himself at Syracuse, N. Y., last week. Elections in Frauoe are always held on Sundays, in order to snit the convenience of workingmen and peasants. Emperor William has denoted 3,000 marks to the 'moiety for the encourage. numb of outdoor games in Germany. At Denison, Ohio, George Moore shot his wife and Edward McClelland and then committed suicide, Jealousy was the cause. The restaurant of Very, the man who delivered Ravachcl, the Paris Anarchist, to the police, was wrecked by a dynamite explosion on Monday. After eating heartily of hailstones which fell on Saturday, a Soottsbnrg, Ind. girl was taken violently sick and died soon after. The doctors say she was poisoned, and the hailstones prob. ably killed her. Last Sunday morning Rose Foster, Ethel Gray, Oscar Trefethem and Fred, Burke, all of Portsmocth, N. H., started up the Piseataqua River in a sell boat, with the intention of going for May fiowera. When neer the Portsmouth and Kittery bridge the strong current set the boat against the bridge, end all four occupants were upset into the river. Young Frefethen caught bold of a spite of the bridge and pulled himself out of the venter. The swift running tide swept the °there through the bridge up the river. Burks tried to support both of the girls, but finding that he ootld hot be relin- quisiled his hold on Mies Gray, who, with rare presence of mind, turned on hor back end floated in the water. The Dries for help from Trefethan caused two boats to put out from two sehuoners lying et the draw pier. One boat reached Kiss Gray, who had floated hell a mile up the river and picked her up unharmed. The other boat proceeded eater Burke end hie companion, but just before the boat readied them Burke became exhausted, sank and was drowned. Miss Foster was sinking for the third time when sbo was seised by the roceuerere. She was taken ashore at Kittery and 'alter being una condemns nearly two louts recovered her senses, but has been in a very precarious co•utlitioh, Berke wee 20 years old. TILE BRUSSELS POST 4leebricity is marching rapidly, De. 1 MONEY rl'O LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Leaf, on Farm or Village Pro- perty at livery tvngnne, the motive rower of wltioh ie eleotrieity, are tate newest vehicles to London. A green timer had the first. Philadelphia club men have formed an enht•treating !segue. Its promoters pay that the leogne glees 0 ire„ hew liber( and putt; lit 1 at as everywhere. 1 ease y1 p Theydeny that it le atemperances move. mens. The league's motto is "Seem• coigne,” which the leaenece trearcl,tte for11 own,”e "Iiaoh Boos to Any member found treating or aooepting a treat from a fellow member will be fined, A receipt traveler in New Zealand states that the Maoris have taken very kindly to the game of chess, and that they make excellent players. Like all primitive peoples the Maoris are vey inquisitive, and, in the manner of obild- ren, are inclined to bring everything to their mouths to test Be quelities. In the early days a party of Maoris 0,nne aoress some bars of snap which had been washed ashore from a wreck. Finding that the stuff was too sticky to be eaten raw they resolved to cook it. Acoording- ly the, out ft up lath smell pieces and sprinkled those pieces over the sweet potatoes and flet which formed their evening ureal. Finally, they covered the whole mass over with fern leaves and mats, aurl, patting mirth m1 the t ,n, left everything 60 bake quietly in the ovens HP the evening. The scene ab that even- ing meal must have been very funny. Not only did the tribe have to go supper - less to bed, but the whole soft of ovaue were spoiled, and new ones had to be oonstrueted before any further cooking could be done. At Qnebeo, at 2 o'clock last Friday afternoon R. H. hloGteevy entered the C'iminel Court in charge of High Con. .table Gale, and was conducted to the dock. where he took a seat alonside B,•aeletbe, acceorol of stealing lettere, The jury in the ease of the latter prisoner brought in a verdint of guilty with it recommendation to mercy. Mr.Lemiettx for R. If. McGreevy, convicted at a previous term for roospiraes to defraud, asked the court to grant him tune to consult with his oolleegne, IbIr. Belleau, Q. 0. Their client had only juet return. e4 from the United States, and thy in- tended to argue the motion for a reserve ease, merle when the verdict was render. ed, but which was postponed owing to the flight of the prisoner. Judge Bosse ad. Lemieux the court for an bone so that Mr. Lemieux might see Messrs. Belleau and Drexel on the course to be followed in McGreevy's case. The prisoner was then •eat to gaol for one year, the judge remaritinu that but for his running away be would have been sentenced to six months. Prior to the paesiug of the sentence the prisoner appealed to the judge for clemency. The term was then declared closed. NERVENDRVE a _ ns r dieeoverytbIIEANSat euroera the S worst oases of Nervous De- bffit y,s Gnat Vigor and BEAN. ar iu • manhood I 6 • restores the era of body or mind or the errors of excesses of youth. This Rem-dy absolutely cures the must obstinate cane when all other TREAx- IaENT5 have felled even to relieve. Sold by druggists at $1 per paolcage, or six (or $5, or sent oy mail on receipt or erica by address- ing THe Litres MEOioZNl Go., Toronto, Ont. Writs for pamphlet. Sold In Brussels by G. d. DFIaDMAN. CEAI in Prices Lanais West of Third Meridian. Salo commenced April 4th at the uniform price of S3A 85 E. Edmonton District. Auction Sale commences May 3, Apply to any agent of the 6 & 6i Per Coil,, Yearly. Al NAD. PACIFIC- J. .AClFC J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. ndigestion IS not only a distressing complaint, of itself, but, by causing the blood to become depraved and the system en- feebled, is the parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the beat cure for Iudigeation, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mfoll.:- "Liver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came near, ending my existence, For more than four ,years I suffered untold agony,was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hrdly had streugtlt to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed mo and only tho mnst delicate could be digested at all, Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving re- lief. Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced rho 050 01 Aeer's Sarsaparilla, which ban produced wonderful results. Soon atter commencing to take the Sarsapa- rilla I could sec an improvement in my con,lldnn, My appetite began to return and with it carne the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength im- proved emit day, and after a fete mouths of faithful attention to your dfrao.iio"N I found myself a well won an, aisle to attend to all household chairs, The .medicine bas given ;too a now lease of lift." lia ars �ersSarean Y Sarsaparilla, Plt0rdf160 EY Dr. J. 0, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Pette $11 811 betties, $u. Worth $a A bottle. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. We have caught on a new stock of Iron and Wooden .Ale Wagons; with- wire and wooden wheels ; boxes or 'bent rail. Also Carts, Rocking Horses Rubber Balls, Marbles, Al- leys, &e. Croquet Sets Ready for the Spring. Cricket Sets, including Bat, .Ball, Wickets aucl "PostBookstore, BEUSSELn. Aram 29, 1892 CRANBR@OK Lime ors The undersigned desires to in- timate to the public that they havo leased the above well known Lime Works where they will al- ways have on hand a quantity of first-class lime. Order early. JACOB GRAM. GEO. GRAM. • J. & J. LIVINGSTON 600 BUSHELS OF BEST DUTOII SEED For farmers in the vicinity of Brussels, who iutend raising flax ;luring the coming season, which they are prepared to deliver in quantities to snit flax growers. Can he got art the Brnseols Flex 31111 or at \V H. aleCreeken's grocery, Seed given out at $1.50 per buohel and on the usual forme. Order early and seom e a supply. For Flax grown from this Seed l0 rel. tor: will be aid, If of good growth, harvested in the pro- per season and delivered at the Flax Mill as soon as tit for threshing. We will also rent a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing fax. J, ce J. Livingston, Wt;. BRIGII'P, Peornnrrons. NIna nnea. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES ..�^e'" D. L. OAVBN. """ 1 Oor„nto. Travelling Paesenaer Agent. 0 P R, U I T Sap,: ,n 11„ a C- i D n. r n draft an rl 1. , l dr ,s --fn my0011 Dose 11 4 It 1n chat at lv tl ah111 111 lama c a ve l nn F Y e4," n ndndY nn 1 on Lu ,M 1 nal c r w, �g �p�t i 011 Q.5�b6'f3tI i+a ��e� t""•�m t t iT and pliable and l 1 .. e Restores Fading hair to Its original color. Stops failing of hair, al 9 ;(ceps the Scalp clean, Makes hair soft and Pliable Prcmotea Growth. SOLD BY G. A DEADMAN, BRUSSELS. A Stir W. W. Burgess, who intends going to Winnipeg, has sold out his Photograph Gallery, in the Stretton Block, over the Standercl Bablf, to arvie e J ®e�. 4M••_ ilr. �rong, O..bt rZO±I OITTT'O, Who has had FIRST•CLASS EXPERIENCE in some of the best Galleries there and is prepared to execute all the work en- trusted to him in a way that will be appreciated by those who like a well finished Picture. in a short Fines he expects to be in, a position to jive special atterntwn to Craryon 6V'o/16. Orders Filled Promptly at Moderate Prices. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Don't forget the place. GALLERY OVER STANDARD BANK. ]--I 11' STRiO G-. QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS, This well known hostlery has been leased by James O'Leary, formerly clerk in the Commercial hotel, &a - forth. It has received a thorough renovating and is now in first-class order for the comfort and convenience of guests. Largo sample rooms for Commercial Men. Union bns meets all trains. Ample stable and shod accommodation for the local trade. Every attention given to the travelling public. hates 111.00 per clay. JAS, O'LEAARY, Prop. 30 Yii.APA FIBRE ----AND— Slillin (Ve Froni I take this opportunity of thanking my Many friends for their liberal patronage during the last thirty years that I have been in the Carriage Business in Brus- sels, My work giving general restagae' tion and by square dealing with my eas- terners, I am pleased to say that I am still here to provide you with anything you want in my line, I can supply you with as good Buggies and Wagons as yon oars get 01 the Ooc,eby. I can furnish you with 5 Different Styles of Roadcarts, from $12 up to $35. Old Buggies repainted and trimmed and made to look almost new. Thanking my friends for past favors, 1 eoliolb a contiuuaoce of the same. Yours, Respectfully, JO. W YNN GcRn1Aa71 111A1M11, B1mseHLe. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. DR. SI NCLAI , M.D., M.A., L.C.P,S.O. M.C.P.S.M., Spooialist, - Toronto, JONATHAN RtreoaranT, Listowel, says 1 -- "After speeding all toy money and property to no purpose oil 10010x1 men, for what they tanned a hopeless mase or consumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." MRs MARY Punnowo, Woodhouse, says"when all otliars fasted, Dr. Sinclair cured m e of !Its." D. liexcnxeog, Carletolt Plage, says "Dr. Siu choirri au atm f e o (.atat •rh '• Gno. "town"), Myth, says: '•Dr. Sinclair cured me of heart cilsuaso au 1 dropsy, when all °there failed." Diereses of Private Nature, brought on by folly, Dr. Sinclair certainty Curse. Coazpulto.tioxa. Free. WILL BE AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, BASSELS, —ON— Wednesday, May II, '92. CAS. V V nA IAbq Let —Manufacturer of.— Buggies, Carriages, Ac., OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, Our Work will satisfy ,you and our Prices Will please. Call and See us as We are Here to Hustle Business. THOS, IJ'LBTCHBR, .Practical Watchmaker dein Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and suppyr. and wishing still to NORMyonidi,abronage, Ivo are opening out Full Linos hi SOW AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware teem Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs JEWELRY 1 WnnDiNG RINGO, Donna Gnu R1NGe, Dnooanss, EAnntaes, &a. ta'Aleo a Full Lino of Vomit. and Violin Strings, &c., in stook, • 11. ti.+-1ssarer of marring° T docnses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels,