The Brussels Post, 1891-12-18, Page 3a
18, 1891
fahluelateitiallnatatintnesaMeliasaniestalalsima ,811.1888880611Mal880111148111.585028111=ral=2,1Xfatria0V8.8M5015858811.1810513=18/1331101r oca8888.80=40=11114111888rat
E.11/711 NOTHS.
The following are a few of the
couclusione that nay be dettivn
from the experiment of feeding
geed° Moore of dilliereut beetale
I, T13131 1333 Slictibl la slow to
draw eutielasious as to the relative
value of the different improved
bre 31,3 for mehing beef as the
food mid 103l1313111313IIty of Law nolow I
exert so 1/3fIrited an influance.
2, That the behavior of the Gal
loway grade gives coantenance to
the idea that warm a calf has been
Nil liberally by the dam for about
two months, a, milk ration is not
imlispeneable after 13310 1)0110(1'
3. That the averege grade of the
different broods in this experiment
when well fed, will make a daily
gain of 23 pounds during the first
year, when the weight at birth itt
4. That autinels without im•
proved blood aro not callable of
malting gaine so rapidly as those of
good breeding, although fed with
the value liberelity.
11. That a young cattle beast fed
ou it stone milk ration with arljancta
may be made to weigh almost as
much when one year old as one of
hirnilur breeding fed 00 a whole
mirk ration with adjuncts slmiIu iu
0. That the cost of making heel
from young animals to which a
whole milk ration has been fed, is
much greater relatively than from
those to which a skint milk ration
has been given.
7. That while making beef from
grade calve,/ up to the age of nue
year is highly profitable wheu they
are fed upon a skim milk ratiou fol-
lowed by a heavy meal ration, that
but little profit can be obtained
when they are fed upon a whole
milli ration followed by the same.
S. That 003310 animals are more
canable of producing beef of a, high.
r quality than others.
0. That it is decidedly unprofit
able to attempt to grow beef from
native or scrub stock, even when
the conditions are all favorable.
Occasionally oven yet we find
manure drawn on fields, and left 113
heaps during the winter. It is
probably from a notion that this is
the best way to prevent waste. It
really prevents the laud from reeeiv
ing the benefit from the manure it
eheuld. Spread on the eurface this
manure would be dissolved by rains
and 141.1033P, I1,11d mixed 11/1 1.11 01313
soil. In that way its benefit will be
Mt:teasedo hundredfold. Loft in
heaps until plowed in spring it will
do little good except where it lies
ihreugh the winter
Au Economical view of barn
eisterrs is often little thought of,
Not only do they provide' water for
stock, but they prevent the wafer
from roofs or barns being filtered
thieugo the 'Impure, and earrying
it its meet valuable fertilizing ole
mental. The water from a barn will
usually supply stock during the
Lime it is kepi under /flatter. It 13.
purer than water from a barn well
would probably be, and may be
made absolutely pure by a filter
placed where it entero the cietern
and occasionally cleaning the same.
There was a time when the mak•
ing 09011 of needless fences cost ouly
a little labor, and so important was
it deemed to have the farm well
l'eueed that evou when the fence Wail
hot ueedecl it added materially to
the money value of a farm. Now a
ueedlese fence is regarded ae au en-
cumbrance. What cost money
whin the' farm was bought now
Lasto money to get rid ot. This is
eepeeially tree of moue fenees, 111
rale 1.1.1410U0C13 they are salable for
building material. But unless the
farm having eraill,fenees is near a
city or village they are >3330 30 be re.
gelded 110 they are, as only enema.
bre:a:eta to be got rid of in any way
poseible at haat expense. .
'Phe fl>rcnero who are following in
the uhf rute do not generally want
to get one. It involves effuet
9113033 they e riot accustomed. In
the rut they are out required to
think, and thiaking is what they
least like. It utmally requires more
capital, aud this, also, is beyond
their retail. 'rho lack of • ready
name, is really the chief ulnae of
poor farming everywhere. We
never saw a poor, faiftlese farmer
, who did not know better than lie
did, If lie had more 'money to do
with he could make more money
then is new poseible. But the old
rat le followed it is the easuret, and
there is no ehauge until death re
moves those who have been ob
staelee to au improved eyetem
Tire cabinet met Ftidity laud
missed from the civil smear/ dello
R. Arnoldi, A.. P, Bradley, Home°
Talbot, Ernest Dionne, Andre Sena.
cal aud 11. .1 Beonskill,
Steps eve behig taken to seenee
legirlation againet
deer wall helm& in that portion a(
Simeoe Coned) eouth of the Mule
lend Railway and Georgaa: Ilay. ,
T a I NUS W II on/ MAHE a
II SBA N It II .18P Y,
Dont disturb your Inaliand while
lie 11 reading hie moruing or even-
ing piper by astrIng foolish gime-
timer. Ile in tv be only reatliug
the latest 1100011301 or diveree suit,
bIll to is just an meta interested fIR
thong!) it were 1' ;reign news or
market reporte. 110 pritieut,
when he coulee &rose anything he
thiaks you ean comprebeed, per
hape lie will reed 11 to you.
Dont commitment° unpleasent
news or ask a favor of him before
eating. The heart is not easily
touched when the stomach is etnoty.
Dont ever toll a mem 110 is good
lookiug. Same other woman will
probably, some limit, and in that
case he wont kuow that bee opinion
concurs with yburs. He carries a
pocket hand•glass now awl dear
knnws what will be next.
Dout put the morniug 11.3003 at
the botann of the pilo, 3131d dont
have more than a d00011 ad! trout
places for the Mitten -hooka
Dout impose nom/ your brae itel
jest because he ie good enough to
aesiat you in your housework.
Douc leave the stove handle in
the red-hot move aria dont itsk him
to empty the wailed Draw a line
at the aell-hod awl cleat run a free
bored to death,
era gat ler up all his reempts
and uotos that be has put (fatefully
away on Oho table and
tuck Unto' into the etove.
1)0nt m01]opoliz3 every lima to
the closet. Graciously tender him
one nail for his very otvu-an31 then
in mercy hang your 'Mother Hub
bard," your peleriue, your shoppin;
bag and your buunet some other
Dont be inexplicit In giving dire°.
tions. When you ask him to 330 1133-
810,132 for your purse, tell him it io
either on the table, or iu the farther
corner of the left-hand side of the
upper bureau dra ver, or in the
pocket ot your brown drew/ in the
closet. He will have no trouble in
Boding it -if you toll him just where
it ie, especially the pocket.
Dont atilt him where he has been
the morneut he eutere the house, or
where he is going if he etarts out
fur a walk before brealthist, It
nettlee hit a and men hate to have
euch poiutea questione sprung no•
on thorn. J3eeittee that, we live
under a free flag.
Dont ask 13i3,11 to walk the floor
with the baby half the night. Have
mercy 00 him
Don0 leave h'tir in the comb or
let your crimphig phis dingle uu
your furehead.
Dout 33111 13 long hale on the mato
or in his tooth Milli -purposely.
Dont mend his hosiery with
cotiou having knots in it larger
then a pert.
DAR iudulge iu flights of temper
when your hu +baud suggests how
ha mother did. If be objects to
having eggs boiled iu the tea•kettle
and prefers them washed omelette
to cootriag, endeavor to phase him
by indulging lum in his faneiee,
Li the meantime bring )‚oar sone
up as carefully 113 you 03113 all
when they are married yon yourself
will doubtless be held up tie au
example of virtue ; stud revenge is
Dont be too prodigal in the use
of kindling wood. There is no
fruit of hie toil that wan guarde ae
jettlously 08 130 (1013$ his kindlieg
wood. He would fain 33313. 13 whore
thieves break not through mad steal,
'So, just becanse you have free ac
ceits to it, (lout burn up enometh Lu
last a week iu one day.
mike. r 1141101 13 11111(3(I)311013 A.3,3311.
The annual meettirg of the Du
minion Draught Hurtle Breeder`e
Aesociation 191311 held in the Council
Chamber, Clinton, on Wednesday
of hat week, there beiug a large
attentlauce of members,
The report of the riameat meeting
or the Council was read aud adopt
ed. It wait IL long document aud
referred to different phases of the
associatuni's work, OLIO paragraph
related to the visit of the Parsident,
Vice President, aud Seeretary to
Washington, to see what, could be
dune towel& amen/Ilia the Atneri.
can 1111111 013 horaeo, no ectiou las
yet been taken on the natter. The
President also nittde a vet bat atecte•
meet eoticerning the visit of the
delegate to Washington. Several
amendments WOO made relating to
Otto payturat et iirrearitges, and
regietering of etoett by shippere and
jobbers. The auditees repurt sho87.
ed that the total assets of the Aliso.
ciatioo were $2007 85. The elect,
tab of officers resulted in all the old
officerbeiug realm:awl. 'Play are
as follows ;--
President, hon, 00 it •
stance ; Vice, .1), Mel/noire, lieuee
field; ;ieo., Jas. Mimic'', Goderieli ;
Treae.dno. Aficenbeittl, 0 3)313(0 1.
Com/MI.-I year t Philter,
atederich ; Juo, MeDiarmid, Leek
now ; Jas, llenderetim, Belton ;
:Fisher, 11t ninaller ; T. Orem,
Dublin ; C. PI Ai Brueelleil ;
4, If. Meitobei t 3, Liman. For 2
yeare -0. Cuitaio, Ceutrultet ; A..
131133.8,011110011 kleGregor, !Irma.
field ; Joe. Buse), fiebringville ;
W. Sinclair, Uhieelheest,
l'Ixectinvo Committee. -A. Imam,
P. Curtain, .1 as, Ifendersou, 1), Mra
lo loeb,.1, E. Bar:keit ; Anditors,
T. 13te3Ijllan, S. Bmilhe.
The next animal meeting will be
held iu Clinton on the third WetIneta
day in December. It was decided
that a Sale Register be kept by the
Seerebuy, for the benefit of platoon
wishiug to purchase stock. Mem-
bers tho emaciation to send to the
Secretary a liet of the animals they
have for sale, and all particelars, he
to furniell linvers with snob in.
The Society has a toted member.
ship of about 270. The entries of
Mack reeeivod for Vol. C. of the
herd book, no to (bite teas r-etal
lions,011 ; entree, 178, 003110 of those
131 011 031 131411110') being rogi.threl by
A. moonlit; of the Larnative Coun-
cil was held at the oloso of the
general tneeting.
ertnisteeketst Newer,
I The Sault Ste. Mara Coal ]s
been closed.
S. B. Burdett, NI. 0 , of 13e1lvi11e,
is slowly growing weaker,
001011(14er reef light Intl 130811
diecontineed for the season.
A. Fade 0333300 factory firm talks
of locating at St. Clatharinen
Kenneth Campbell & Co., dreg•
girt of Montreal, have assigned.
The Northwest (3entral Railway
will be opened for traffic Deo. I5th.
Owit.g to the big enovretorne only
500 cars of wheat left Manitoba last.
The body of a man has been
found buried in a box near Port
The Provincial Fat stook show at
GneIpti last week was a decided
Dr Bell, county clerk of Hastings,
has been stricken with apoplexy at
The law library of the late Sir
John Macdonald was sold by
auction last week
Up to the present $4,000 has been
subscribed in Kingston for the
Maedunttld memorial.
Councillor Langford of Peterborn.
claims $5,000 for alleged libel from
Wm. Lech of the same town.
The coutract for the Peterhoro'
electric street railway will la award -
ad by popular VOW OD Deeember
The I'rovincial Exhibition will be
held in Kingston next year if the
Ontario Goverument will give a
Win. Stewart, se., of Embo, was
the first man at Sarnia to buy as
ticket through the tunnel on the
A monument to 1111, late Sir John
Matid.mit1,1 will be veete 1 in
P. D. 1"03113>11 1114 13. (11 reipui»1/114-
ea by the Laurels of rsineen'A
County, N, S.
Pur overchargiug p ./1
thimilton oabby Wag 1110 101,041 d' one
date lat. week,
The C. 0. 10. now r11114 1)114
wooeotai 0(1 :111101011
100.0 1113> NN�3'(13a
A 330110(06 12 013 foot to veleta the
number 0( 11013>1 licenses in Wood
stock. A petition from thra
e te•
Palma with this 0(11 iu view win
111301,7 1331 preseniell,
0 11 rts. Pei ton, or Dialer I, is
authority fur the 1,111311>333111 that a
00103110 couple, man (1 1111 W0011111,
1171 134 01) 0130 third oonoomon or
I that13
$011 line, have a pig eleeping
in the some bed as themselves,
The woman, when 533013111 01) upon
the subject, 80131310(1 00 113)/1 It such
companionehip quite proper, but
complained that the prior hit her
0harlee Allau, medic tl Medea,
of Leamington, Ont., brouelit fl
human 0111411(131 in Detroit hist 19310)3,
1)131014043 10131 13)113131318attire halo 1-
• rig Ilea awl veil from hi r 013310,18
. wardrobe, and held it by sale
hie buggy so laterally than
t i
• 3331033 over to Claudia it paesed mus-
ter tie 0 Hein persoo. Arrivine at.
1 Windsor he exted onerait to Dam-
ington, and when he got home
bragged 10 a feet friends about the
neat pace of staugglin he lot I done,
Then. for the fleet litno, iin learned
that the 0130031133,31 tariff I WV &rat
not impose (0 clay on articulrited
laziest man in the county is
Benjamin Harris, W110 [kW; uear
Caniftou. Wednesday night 40
masked men visited his house. An
entrance being elf toted, the de -
00313118 of the whitecaps were read
that Harris should properly [rapport
his family and feed his hones, or
311 the event of ha nut doing BO
within three days his dead body
would be tarried out iu a coffin.
This the now thoroughly Reared vie
tire promised to do, when he was
led out iuto the oold night air,
where, surronelled by the horsemen
and with the stars for 8V10110138,he
wail, on banded 1131000, compelled to
promise to comply with the de-
mands 01 0)1 whiteetipe, who, with
a fiendish yell, "beware," clapped
spare to their bursae and ilisappiar-
ed as myeteriotaly as they ceine.
is not only a distressing complaint, of
itself, but, by causing the blood to
become depraved and the systetn en-
feebled, is the parent of innumerable
maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is the best euro for Indigestion, even
when complicated with Liver Complaint,
is proved by the following testimony
first train. from 111113. 0000pll
Centre Mich.: -
David Plewes, of Brantford, lets "Liver ' ,omplaint and indigestion
been deputed by the Deminitm
lers' Associrvien to take up his reii•
0 0 . II 11 II agent(I 1
export flour.
10 19 Mated that Mr. Merciee'a
prosecution of Mr. 'Caramel on the
Wargo of libel has been alindmied
in deference to the wish of Lien.•
Gov. Angers.
Beat. teloItitosh, the AP 3'1 >r rn
or the west Z aro, ta ;ger .tv at n,
is a Hercules. In practieitig at
Biala° fivo good men 0111111 1101 pull
hitn off his feet.
Last Wedueoday morning Mrs.
Wallaoe's 10•yeitiaold boy was badly
bitten by a doe, °pp./site the Arling
ton Hotel, Paris His face was
frightfully torn. IX. Sinclair bad
to put about seventeen stitches iu
the boy's face.
One of th strangest 013 bras that
has ireppeued at Niag,ars. Falls in
H01110 titne le large 31(11111113' of
wild 11(10139which )1 ive been going
over the 1(33110 t 33153.870011.The
birds, which lave been centring133
large en tam over the Palls for
two or three 3300 la past, float down
the elver 111 til they are caught in
the rapid awl seem unable to rise
out of the swift current and are
then whirled over the brink. The
largest bag of Una gone 513311 33)31(10
the other night, when a dozen
limiters picked up t 400 iu the
river below tee Palle.
The Madura Mirror 18a truthful
little paper that (38311910 in the grated
tvork of 0111134110.3113.3133 tee denizens
of the forestal Oat surround the
south there of Georgian Bay. S I
WA story. 001011033 from the aforesaid
301130113(5 Mirror, ie undoubtedly II
fact. IL says :--,,When out hunt,-
ing one day last weak, Jas. Stewart
mid A. W. Carley lam, a fox, and
318 $$ snowed no :owls of las, they of
mama, thought it 137338 dead. Be
fore leaving for botne, sena honer
aft mania, they decided to skin 0133animal, anti when about half
Oirengli the operation it turned hp
ito bead and snapped at Mr, Stew
art'a hand. Such an eVidenoe of
vitality and of 1311337011i313311088 0(13 pert,
With i'8 me 3308. rather slartImg,"
made my life a burden and came near.
ending my existence. For more than
four years I suffered untold agony, was
maimed almost 00 11 skeleton, and barmy
bad strength to drag myself about. Alt
kinds of food distressed me, and 01115'
;the 1310310 (101(331110 eould be digested at
all. Within the time mentioned several
physicians treated me without giving re-
lief. Nothing that Iloole seemed to do
any permanent good until I oomtnemwd
the use of Atcc.r's Sarsaparilla, which
has 3330313301111 wonderful Minns. Soon
after commencing Gn take the Sarsapa-
rilla I could see an improvement in my
oondition. appetite began 00 131(31311
rind with it mune the abilIty to digest
all the loud taken, my strength
proved onuli day, Phil after a few
months of faithful attention to your
cliretttione, 1 found myself n 813(11
woman, able to ;Word to 41 1 household
duties. Tho medicine has given me a
new lease of life."
$1 :9
vers oarsaparilial
rilnrunan 133
Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man.
Price $1; Dix bottles, $6. Worth $6 a bottio.
What do you do 111 the
Long EV811111n ?
Here is n List 3>1' Popular
G1.1011 tt
13 OK:SY ORE :
l'ant ! Yvan ! Historical Events,
Old Maid, Riddles, Authors'Seth
Spook's visit to Chicago, Benet
Bird or Fish, Fortunes, Muggins,
Dominoes, Optical Illusions, .Titelt
Straws, Checkers, Tortoise and
the Hare, Dinner, 13ttgatelle.
Price from 5c. to 35c.
Buy a Box for
the Youngsters.
T1112, FLETOillii
P/71.eii.Cat TVW011,111aker
albd AlUeler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support stud witching still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Platea Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
°loch8 of the
Latest Desiins..
LAMBS Gl331 103(1013,
EAutuues, dee.
1504-A.Iso a 111111 Line of VioLINS and
Fieliu Strings, d -o., in -.MA.
18. Itc-issarce of Marriage Lleelloe..
T. Fletcher, - Brussels,
Money to Loan,
Mutivy in Loan un Fenn Pro-
perty 111
1,0 Ili Ji'' '1' 11%1 l'ES.
Private and Company Fund8.
ligUSSELH, Oerr.
Ton POST Vill 114 clubbed with the
lending Weeklies (LS 1ONOW.4
The Globe and THE 52 25
The Advertiser .. .. 2 25
The Free Prune .. 95
Montreal Witness 3330
Montreal Star. .. 2 25
Torootn News .. 2 25
Toronto E m pire 2 25
Toronto Mali .. • . .. 31 25
The balance of this 3017 will be given
Free to all New ritibw:ribers.
'37e ask a Comparison of iVitr: POST
with the leading joarattts of Huron
iv, R. N4l44,
Emma a: Pinnotim.on.
Owing to Mr. ploGionis failing to
complete his arrangements I am back
again io my Grocery,
I am very thankful for the 3331040*.
>1515 in the past 15 years and ask not only
a continuance o1 the same but a large ni-
crease in trade. I have tt well assorted
stook of
0:.S.11'iNED GOODS,
and am continually adding to it.
Big Bargains in Teas,
Special Value in Glassware.
Prime Hams and Bacon.
I don't do much puffing about any
business but I am giving bargains that
are worth seeming. Call and prove
for yourself.
1,1 ....7....r.r.....=7172,',I=MITtra:MWMIT.,<9.11.1,1.10l1/71,....7.....T.7.,,,,,,
Clron to every subseriber, nye. or old. of THE
3811111(8.)1.013 1800. 'Ttionsands 113
dollars have burn spentin its preparation. Le
5111810103 (8 full). assured: it is a nighty valued
sae 8,08 0(the 3.055l4,51. stalTarmuz end the 113091
honored leader 11307 13411n,',( in Canadian history,
This beautiful Memorial. Albeit. 70100115
Pall -page illustrations el interesting &Imes in
eonneelion with the history 03 Sir John, and
preSents co the I-11011801dB Of admirers of curlew
chief many now and valuelge portraitures.
Full-page POrtral or Sir John and
15ar(1,1788 81/11/1711011.11411 Itlriliplaro or WV
.101,11 in Glasgow 1 Portrait or Sir John
when a pi33ing111011 3 8'Ortr3Itt, Of Sir .11ohn's
Mother. the 040 eve.r published; The
Old Illomestend 133 lillIg81.1111. occupied by
Mr .8014.. during the Rebellion or ISSN
Earnmellire. Sir Joba's Residence at Ottawa
Inrior or Senate Chamber., Ottawa. show-
ing 0111'Guard or 1111(1110r and Body tying 314
State; Exterior Vlen• or 11013ses or Parlia-
ment. with Funcral Procession, fanning 111
the foregrovnd View of Eastern 1110311,
Parliament.R.Sulldings, walla Fancied Pro-
I3e4:81011 3)113011 Iltr 1 Fine View Illy Mall. 0lniu4-
ton, Draped in Illeurning. as It appeared
the day Sir .44571u$: Body reached Kingston
and 8.113' 111 State 3 GVIIVI, 111411301110131 Ctolo.
tery, with Floral Tributes froul his 11:hous.
ands of' Followers : 01470- (33' W4.013 tor
Abbey, In 'which the leetuorial (53139153' 33831
held Interior View or Westminster : View or sI. Pall in 371110111 a Mesno.
Hal Tablet will be livened to SI r John's Menlo ey ; interior View of St,. Pa 1R, tiathediei I.
ail (hear views tire !Me n'qunoti Photograviiree on /envy m toinehti 733 ''3'. and ',ninthly
bound, with an illanilnithed and eirdemsed corer. A 1,1,3,3(30003,',,l1'11111 v(31 3114 11,
suitable ornament on parlor nr table. Thn tiontand tor 333.. 170113 nT,tu,...ia great,
Send in Year orders early, with ONE DOLLAR. mid Er( 'rum WAWA EaLF:lisi for Olio Tear
and OM 35111110111.1.11, .11,11051. ('1
Now subscribers will refute., Tun WICON1,1.' /01011111 free for hall333,:0 of tin, • - ••
t -D
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