The Brussels Post, 1891-12-18, Page 1umuse„must.. Volume 19 District Ilttos, 8.31 heel. Helmet closes next Tuesday. Christmas entertainments aro coming to the front. Postmaster Spence has been bothered with a teach cif le grippe. T, P. Simpson is still on the eiok list but we hope he will soon he better. The annual meeting of the Ethel cheese factory will be held on Saturday of this week. weeetiort 1t. Ilarry Strong in home from Montana, The I. 0. 0. T. gave it successful coffee social recently. '1 hero le likely to be some fun over the coming municipal eleotion here. One of the eandidatee for the W inni• tag Mayoralty is Alex, McDonald, a former Sereforthite. Tiros, Brady and family have removed to Ingersoll where he bas purchased a grocery business. Bales 5-seete John Coultee paid a visit to Guelph last weelc. E. Livingston unloaded a new carriage for his saw mill last week. The Trinity Cherub Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas Tree and entertainment in the Forester's hall on Christmas eve. The I. 0. G. T. of this place will hold nn entertainment in the Forester's hall on Thursday. A. number of prominent speakers will be present end F. Metcalf, of Blyth, will occupy the chair. Our town was the scene of a pugilistic encounter on Saturday night, between Mach from Blyth and another good fellow of Belgrave. It is said that Mack was knocked out the first round. A.0wan oel, Our Pnblie school closes on Tneeday, Dec. 22nd. The Elmo. Insurance Company met in town for the transaotion of business on Tuesday of last week. Tenders have been asked for the pur• chase of the old Presbyterian manse and gro"nrl belonging thereto. 1?obi, Smith has returned home from Manitoba. He is quite taken up with the Wait and will probably return in the Sprint., The annual meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in the Baptist church, Atwood, on Friday even. dug, commencing at 7 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Winchester, of Berlin, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Henderson, 11. A., occupied Mr. Win- chester's pulpit at Berlin. 11313•'t h. Municipal matters seem to be very quiet in this berg so far. Joseph Carter returned home from his trip to Calgary on Wednesday last. Will Emigh left this station on Setur• day with several oar loads of pork for the Boffaln tnardtet. Dr. Ferguson bite moved into the rest. deuce which ho recently purchased from Counoillor McNally. On Wednesday evening Mre. Julian Wall, of Washington, D. 0., and company gave n grand concert in Indnebry hall. On Sunday Rev. Mr. Dighley the new inenmbent of Trinity ohnrch officiated for the 'first time since his appointment to this parish, a •Robt, Howard having rented hie house acmes the river to the wardens of Trinity church has moved into the house former- ly oceipiod by H. Poulton. On Monday evening next the first of a series of 'sutures is to be given in the I Methodist church under the auspices of i the Epworth League, The lecture is to ' be delivered by Rev. Mr, Potter, of Don. mouton. Subject, "Self culture," On Tuesday evening en mild time 1 :j Scotch social under the auspices of the Hopeful Gleaners wan held in St. An- drew's Kirk. After the audience had clone justice to orowdie, bannooks, ate„ j'l which were served in guid Seotob style, a good programme was given consisting 11I of singing, readings and recitations in the Scottish dialed with exoellent in- strumental music all of which delight- ed the audience immensely. GI rev. il Mre. Henry Ball is home from an ex- ' !ended visit to relatives in the East, Alex. Stewart 8th cont., was laid up for ia few days with a lame knee occasioned by one of Job's oomlorters. roinabione at Oran brook Township no Orn brook on Monday, 2811i inst. There is a strong probability that the old Council will not have opposition. 1 1 Samuel Yuill name borne from Van- derbilt, Midi., for a visit with relatives and friend. He has resided in Michie gas for the past 9 years. A muaiodi and literary entertainment 1 auspices f the P trove o In. under the usl 0 a f dreary, will behold in Turnbull'e school house, lath con„ oh Friday evening of thin week. We are sorry to hear that Jno. 7. Ball is somewhat bothered with hie former trouble—rhenmatics or soiaatioa—bot we hope the remedies being used will prove efficacious. The Whitfield ohurcb, 12th eon, is nndcrgoing a renovation and will be mnoh improved when the wont is complete, +A stone foundation Dae been built, now Chimneys added and ceiling and walls t renewed with ash lumber, There will be no service next Sunday on account of the work beingfns mpJeno Wellington ton ) Vogel, of Ethel, and Ivir, Campbell, of the 11111, have rho job in hand. OnxT.--On Tuesday of this week the epirlt of it'lie. Thos. Whitfield took its flight, About two years ago she had an , Y a o of grippe i1 e an(l this 00011 develop. lo . ed into consumption. Owing b4 her Vigorous constitution and strong will, she did not bnito to her bed until throe months ago, She Wes Cheerful through her 111• noes and never lost faith in the promisee of God,which she had loneittently follow• 11 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, ed for ninny years. The doaeave$ was 1)0 0.1) 1n Durham Co. on May 11th, 182e. and woe netted In marriage to her un.v bereft partner over 40 years ago. In the year 1800 Mr. Whitfield purchased lot'dal, con, 12, Grey, from David Miller, aid moved hie family thereon, end those who are hone continue to reside there et the present. There on ten children living, all of whom live in tide locality except Dolle and Thomas who matte their home in Michigan, and Mrs. John Brandon, whose home is in Barrie. The funeral took place on Thursday of this week, Rev. IF. 111. Smith oflicieting. Mr, Whitfield and family have the sympathy of the some meaty in their affliction. It 001t'rvta Report says there Is to bo a wedding shortly. Particnlers later, Bawtimheimer & IIeffernan shipped a carload of fat stook to Toronto on Monday of this week. Municipal politica are again lonming up, feeling will again beelectthat lttevo ed. Milne J. L. Meanies has completed the briil:e on the eitit con., near here, and it appears to be a very substantial stenotore, Between tea meetings, surprise parties and reifies we are reminded that we are in the midst of the long winter evenings once more. Alex. Fraser has bought the old saw mill frame and intends rebuilding it on hie form on the 14th con„ Grey, to be used an a barn, Brown & Cooper have just completed a long season's threshing and are now arranging to run a nutting box by steam to accommodate the farmers. Suoaess. 1Lieito w o l . A Charity concert will be given by the Canadian Order of Forresters on the 21st, for the poor of the town. A cheque for $2,000 has been received by the Recorder of Listowel Lodge A. 0. U. W., for the payment to Mrs. Forbes of the beneficiary on the death of her late husband, William Forbes. During the past month Hay Bros. have purchased at outside etalione over seventy thousand buehels of coarse grain, oats, peas and barley, all of which has been exported to Liverpool, Bristol or Glasgow. The export demand is due, dealers say, to the Russian famine, otherwise coar50 gra100 won1,1 be as heavy drug in the market. At the last meeting of L. 0. L. No, 370, Listowel, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year :—W. MVI., Bro. 0. Anderson ; D. M., Bro. W, Welch ; Chap., Bro. T. Later ; F. bee., Bro. W. Sewers; R. Seo., Bro. R. Woods; Treas., Bro. It. T. Kemp ; Committee— Bros. S. Strain, S. Onlbert, C. Wilson, J. Medill, W. Tremain. An effort will be made to have the 12th celebrated in Listowel next year. Wanton. Quite a number of the "boys" from Brussels attended the bazaar and social here last week. We are always glad to see our Brussels friends. A Christmas tree for the Sunday school will be held in the Methodist church on Thursday evening 24th inst. The annual tea meeting will be held on New Year's night. The members of Council No. 388, R. T. of T., held m free social at the house of Thos. Williamson on Wednesd,y evening of this week. A. vary pleasant time was spent. Joico Petbick, who has been in the employ of L. McDonald for same time past, has gone to work for Geo. Thomp eon, of Zetland, "Jeoh" is a good work man and will doubtless get along o. k. Miss Kate Johnston, who has but late- ly recovered from a severe illness, hue returned to her hone near here to rest for a time. 1Vlise Johnston le a graduate of Toronto General Hospital and las been practising for some time in that city. CoocsnT.—li grand benefit concert will be given in the school house here on Wednesday evening next by T. A. Haw- kins, The program 'is an excellent one embracing vocal and instrumental mueio, recitations, essay on music, &o. Robb Ferguson will preside as chairman. Mr. Hawkins has been a very willing be'per and should have a bumper house. S. 8. OoNVENTIoN.—The second meeting of the Walton Union S. 8. Conveitiou will be held here on Thursday, Jan. 71h, 1892, commencing at 1 p. m. The after. noon session will be held in St. George's ohurcb, when interesting topics will be diecueeed after being introduced by Mrs. T. Jaoltson, J. Parish, D. Knight and, Mies Diok. The evening session will be held in the Methodist oberch, beginning ab 6:30 Moloch. After bhe opening ex- ercises, and an address of welcome by Rev. W. ()Newell, addresses will be given by J. Smillie, Rev. W. T. 01u13, of Bras. eels, J. Bulgur, W. 11. llerr, of THE POST and Rev. Mr, Forrest. Get one of the printed programs and think over the topics, The present ofhoers aro James Smlhte, Presieunt; Mea. Berry, Vice President ; hire. Neal, Secretary ; and George Grigg, Treasurer. BASAAIo AND Soal.oL.•—Tho bazaar .and social held at the mance on the evening of Dee. 10th, under the auspices of the W. F. M. 0., wee a 0000ene in every way. Ml bhe articles which had been prepared for sale were disposed of and in this way gafte a sung sun eros realized. An ex• cellent tea was served in the manse from four until eight after which the party adjourned to the church where the fol- lowing program was presented :—Open• iug (thorns by children ; report of society by the secretary, Itfiee B. iloKibbin, musio,ohair ; reading, Miss A. Gardiner ; solo, Dora McAllister ; recitation, James Mefindzean ; instrumental tondo, Pref. Hawkinsreading, Miss 11. Hwitele duets, Mises B. MtKibbie and l'. 0sn boll snarling, Boyd Mor rlem) , male, che% • roadftJr Miss A Sellers , solo Mre , remelt• reudi Lanehliu; music, choir ; reading, Mies Maggie Johnston ; addresa, Rev, Mr. Ittungrave ; mesio, choir.; olosing hymn, "Good -night," by children. Permut + amounted 10 $50.00.. lflsel -r weenel Henry Bennett bas arrived from Port- land, Oregon. There is a tlonrielthm rlresmn d:big shop in this village ran by the Misses Murray, Gen, McKee has sold hie farts of one hundred nares to Bir. McKee, of Peter. boro', ata good figure, Mrs, nos, McKee wee suddenly called away to Sbrathroy to attend bhe funeral of a child oL Mrs. Smith, her sister. 11Ir. McDermott, of Palmerston, and his mon are talcing square timber out of gate a number of bashes around here and they are doing good work. Abe David Howe met wielr a serious aceidonb by falling on a pall while re. Naming from the barn. The doctor fracas recovery is impossible as the in. juries are internal. Mr, feed has bought two acme of bosh Som Alex. McDonald, of Grey, He has employed the help of Richard Spillet and Neil 1foLeughton, they ]rave npwar,le of one hundred cords out. 131es ewe 1ie. W. Farrow, of Brussels, wee visiting in Bltaevale this weak. He found her gnite well. A grand Christmas Tree entertainment will be held on the evening of the 23rd inst. in the Bloevale Methodist oharoh. The programa will consist of singing by the choir and Sunday school, dialogues, readings and recitations,after which the tree will be unburdened of its fruit Last Saturday our junior foot -ball team played the return much of the pre- eeding week in Wiugham. The Wing- Ieumites on their own ground and with several larger boys, managed to defend their goal and make the game a draw, although they had some very olose calla. ANNIVEnoAiY.-0n Sunday lest the Presbyterians were treated to two very excellent sermons by the Rev. J. Ross, 13. A., Brussels, and every one present spoke in high praise of them. On Mon- day evening the annual tea meeting was held and, although the usual rain and mud prevailed, the church was well tilled. The tea, which was served in the For- ester's Hall, well deserved the eneoniums which were spoken on all sides. The Presbyterian ladies are noted for their superior cooking. After adjourning to the church the chair was taken by the pastor and a program was gone through which many declare was the beat they ever enjoyed. Rev. Mr, Ross was the speaker of the evening. His address re- ceived much applaaee at the time and great praise since. Rev. Mr. Hughes, Ohurcb of England, Wiugham, also de. livered a well prepared addro.e which was well received and justly praised. Rev. Mr. Waliwin gave a short address in his usual pleasant style. S. Graney, of W inghasn, gave several of his inimit. able readings and never failed to bring down the house. G. Duffield sang two solos and was loudly enoored. The Misses Watson, of Winghem, assisted by several young ladies from Teeswater also sang with great acceptance and rendered severed fine selections on the violin. The taste shown in the selections of music suitable for the ooansion as well as the skill displayed in the performance was simply perfeob. Last brut not least the ohuroh choir delighted the audience by a number of anthems rendered in such at manner as to show that they have not been idle dm Mg the comparatively short time they had for prepratlon. W i•oxt: tee r - Lots of grain and pork coming into town. Business dull on account of had roade and weather. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibson, of Brussels, were in town visiting this week. New baker canto to town, a practical one. He hails from Delmore lite former home. Bad weethear fur skating and curling, Our rink Go. catt)d not put 00 ice owing to poor weather. The saw mill shipped 4 or o Dare of lumber to Wingham this week having sold it to the Furniture 0o. there. Its "twins” and Billy wears a double sized smile this time. Hardware and tinware can be got at a bargain now. Mr, Ireland, of the oatmeal milts, has a new miller from Preston helping him during the rush. They are now working night and day to keep «p with demand. Now since cold weather has some our population is increasing owing to the re- turn of parties who went to Manitoba for the seminar months, Rabt. Black, of the flour mill, is a busy man. He has put on an extra band and the mill is now running to its toll capacity, nnght and day, Mmes. Hamilton and Sanders shipped 2 oar 1, ends of sheep and 2 of cattle to Botlbelo and Toronto markets last week, They are doing a big shipping bueiness. John Gibson, wbo has been in Mani- toba for last season, returned home last 'week. Ile was a000mpenied by his seater, Mrs. Leonard, who is here on a visit to old friends. John hes resumed his old positice in the flour mill. One of oar mo -t prominent church members here wen recently inducted to invest iu n "patent right" of a washing machine, giving notes in setblemslib of seine to the amount of 3576.00, He im. mediately saw his error and advertised notes so we are pleased to say tete affair settled, When will people take warning against shoddy paddlers and patens right neon ? C. 0. ]i', ---Ab the regular Median of Coat Wroxeter No, 2(37, O. 0. P. the following officers were duly eleetod :-0, R., 3. A, Ballard ; V. C. R., Jae, Fox 1 1 R. H , Jno. W. Green ; 1', S., (1na, 1!,. Deno; Treas., Jno, Bray ; Chap., Robb, Shyne ; S. W. 7. W. Sanderson ; I. W., W, J. Kieft ; S. B., Mr, McFarlane ; I. 13,, Milton Edtnunsan. What might of bents a Very serioue fire was jtisb dieaovered on time, Shortly atter church WU oet Sunday morningnim g awoke, was dicaoverod corning through the roof of Jolm hfartin'e house. The Marin wag ghiekdy given and wiilfng hands snooeeded hr putting it out before any serious damage was done. Supposed to have caught from a apafk, DECEMBER ,seeks.,.,, G. Davidson returned hone a week ago, Ile reports lots of grain standing in cheek yet, fie was at Cienbnro.' Alex, Dodds and brother returned from the Souris Dietelot. He replete a great scarcity of threshing machines some farmers being Hirable to got their grain threshed at all, It. T. of T.—The following officers were elected ab the Royal Templars meeting on Deo. the 411,.:—S. Cl„ Thos. Rae ; V. 0., Mise Lousia Playford ; Ghee., Alex, Smith ; R, See., Wm. Sanders ; F, Sea., J. H. Gill ; Treas., Alex. Gibson ; Herald, 1, Musgrove ' I. G., W. A. Leckie ; Sentinel, D. Thompson ; Trus. tees, Alex. Smith, T. P. Miller and Jae, Fox. The Royal Arcanum Council No. 1000, Wroxeter mot on the night of Tuesday the 811, Deo. The election of officers will take plane on the night of Tuesday the 22nd inst, The present officers are Regent, 3, Cowan ; V, R„ Tinos, Ram - show ; Seo., I. Elliott • 'Tens„ Dr. Brawn ; Collector, Thos. Rea ; Orator, W. C. Hazlewood ; Chap•, Robb. Doug- las ; Guide, Jas. K. Rae ; Warden, J, ilamilton ; Sentry, A. Wells. L. 0. L.—At the regular monthly meeting of Wroxeter L. 0. L. No. 1001 the Following officers were elected : —W. 11., Jnr. Bray ; D. tv ., Thos. Hemphill ; Chap., Chas. Simmons ; Rec. Seo„ An. drew Brown ; Fin. Soo., Wm. Davis ; Treas„Robb. Eearte ; D. of C., Geo. Fun. anon ; Sect., Richard Wren ; let Com., W. Montgomery ; 2nd Com., Robt• Evans ; Ord Cora., Gib. Parke ; 4th Com., Sam- uel Griffith; 511t Com„ Hezikiah Hayden. Wiesnettevern. A young lad named Watson, aged about 13, was drowned in the Maitland river lest Friday afternoon while peeping. His body was reoorered on Saturday morning. A lodge of the Knights of Pythias has been organized in this town, by Grand Chancellor (Fitzgerald, of London, sevist. ed by Knights Gardiner, Webb, Hutohi. son and Crawford, of London. There is a charter list, consisting of 28 members. The lodge will be known as Sicily Lodge, No. 32. After the instituting ceremonies had been completed, the following obieers were elected and installed for the current term :—John Norrie, P. C. 0.; W. Craw- ford, C. 0. ; J. H. Hteoocks, V. 0. 0. ; D. MoCormick, P. ; Robb. Oornyn, M. at A. W. J. Plenty, It of S.; J. H. Beeler, M. of T. ; C. E. Williams, M. of E. ; L. Hanson, I. S. ; W. J. Martin, 0. S. B,u.sAtvtis.—The Times says :—What might have been e, more serious runaway accident than it was, happened at the cemetery last Friday afternoon, at the funeral of the late Mrs. Jackson, of Lower Wiugham, It appears that a livery teem belonging to R. Tenant, was driven up to a tie post at the cemetery and as the driver jumped oat of the rig he threw the lines on the bank of the off horse, which at once started the team, In spite of all that could be done to pacify bhe enraged animals, they sueeeed• ed in breaking the tongue and freeing themselves from the rig. Theo, iu the twinkling oL an eye the maddened brutes dashed through the open gate of the cemetery and made ebrarght for the pro- cession, which bad just entered, and doming up in the rear of a top buggy, occupied at the tine by Win. Pelton and his sister, Miss Ida, from neer Zetland, they aeparatecl and taking each a side of the vehicle, they completely demoralized it. Mr. Pelton and his sister were thrown to the ground, and strange to say, not hurt. The runaway team was pros- trated to the ground, caused by their col. Helen with Mr. Pelton's rig, and were soon under control. But not 0o with Mr. Pelton's horse. It took fright Mao, soon freed itself from the rig and made straight for home, clearing the steps that lend up to the cemetery, at bound. No damage was done more than that two riga were more or less damaged, and several persons badly frightened, ss they had reason to be, for at one time it look- ed at if the whole procession was going so be annihilated, M.orrilee. Mrs. Arthur Centleon, of the 8rd line, is laid up with an attack of pleurisy. J. Barnhill talks of taking a course at the London Military College early next year. A day school entertainment will he held in Barrie's school house next Tues. day evening. The Fall wheat throughout the town- ship is looking extra good this Fall. It allege aloes to the ground and is locking very bright and green. The three•year-old daughter of Quin. tin Anderson, 8rd line, inflicted a severe burn on her leg by using a hot poker to play with. She is now recovering nicely. F. Embury, G. Nicholson and A. Brooks bad a successful deer hunt in the locality of Wiarton. Mr. Entbury server. ed three doer and his two companions one each, Robb. Bench, 8rd line, moved into hie nets horse, which ho bulli during the Barmier, on Friday last. Ile finds it a great inn n'ovementon the log oabin of pioneer days. Wm. Sample, who has been laid up for some time past with a sewn o out on his foot, is now so far recoVerod as to be table to saute° hie work again with R, Armstrong, 8rd line, A number of the young people of the 8rd line wore at at party on Wednesday night of last week at Wm. Raid's, 1st con. of Grey, where they tripped the ii ght fantastic toe until tate "Wee sma' 'ours Wilt the twat•" Oe Thursday of last week as John Mason and Jae. Bowman were grnbbing the timber on the eideread between lobe 25 tend 211, Bed eon„ a falling limb atrutalt tvir. Mason on the aide of the hetet!, fell- ing him to the geouncl and making an ugly gosh tinder the right eye. Nominationatido at the Township Hall on llondaYY 28th inst. The indict -Wale are that ttxe present council will be returned by aoulaanaatioa es they bate done very well by the toWnabip. The electors ehonld.turn out and hoar their epeeohea and ask any question they want answer. ed. 18, 1891 Number 28. The Morrie correspondent who at• tempted a joke about getting a photo taken, &o., was elightly off hie hash and elmuld not report items that are built on the "Tom Pepper" foundation, The pupile of 1I. Black, teacher, S. S. No. 3, will give a musical and literary entertainment and Christmas tree in the Township Ifall on Wednesday evening, 23rd inst. A good program is in 0001005 of preparation. Well founded rumour says that P, 3, Kelly, 5th lino, has taken French leave, It is said he is now in Michigan. "Friends fondly cherished have passed on before." Mr. Kelly was thought to be an honeeb man and as a consequence not a few have unbalanced accounts on their ledger. DEATH On ,1 -As, NEN/COMM, et.—Ex- Treasurer Jae. Newcombe, of Morris, who Dae for the past few menthe been lfviug with lumbers of hie family at Newark, N. J., passed away to his re- ward on Sunday, Nov, 28th. Deceased wee In his 75th year and was one of the pioneers of ]hie part of the country. He taught school in Morris township some twenty-five or thirty years ago. Decease ed owned lot 10 on the 0th con. and with his family worked the farm for a long bile. His life was one of many trying experiences, and although his recent oen• neotions with the municipality of Morris were of a humiliating nature, ice was highly respected by bis numerous friends. His entire family are living in Newark, N. J., with the exception of one daugh- ter, Mrs. John Wallace, of Morrie. Haim !AILMENT AND PraaeEN'rATION,— The entertainment in Button's school, on bhe evening of Dem. 4tb, was, in spite of nuf the rather avoralle weather, a decid- ed success, The following persons took part in the program :—Misses Wil , liameou and Pollard, Messrs. Hawkins etegill, Hof, rod, Tough, Laidlaw, Reid, Beat, Pollard and McColl. Those were ably assisted by the local talent of the section and pnpils of the school. The singing and music were excellent, calling forth hearty and repeated encores, which were good.naturedly responded to. The room was comfortably filled and the best of order prevailed. A pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation, by the pupile of a handsome present and complimentary address to their timber, Mr. Morrison, The present consisted of a handsome Bible, dressing ease and oom- pauion. The address was as follows :— "Demi TEAcnon —It is with the deepest regret that owing to your desire tofurther pruseeirte your studise, yuu would be compelled to sever the pleasant relations existing between us. We hope you may be successful in year preparatory work and in any profession in wench you may iu future engage. While acting in the capacity of a teacher you have at all times performed your duties faithfully and have let pass unimproved no oppor• trinity to advance the best interests of the children entrusted to your care, you have won the respect end esteem of parents and pupils alike." The address was read by Mies Lizzie Moore and the gifts presented by Miss Lucy Sholdice, Mr. Morrison briefly thanked pupils and parents for their present and for the kindness shown him during his stay in the section. 'II ANiiSD3ll: STO1t1'4. TEE SMITH BLOCH. The two Large stores erected by Mrs. Sbraohan to replace the frame structures destroyed over a year ago by fire, are buildings worthy of special mention as they are nest -eines in all their appoint- ments. The stores are 24x85 feet each, of white brisk with red trimmings. The ceilings are finished ie oiled pine and large plate glass windows afford aband• canoe of light. The shelving, counters and offices aro modern in their style and altogether make fh•st•olass stores. Both buildings are heated with bot air furnaces and are lighted with electricity. A. R. Smith, the well-known merchant, oo. oupies the Southerly store and Messrs, Irwrin & MaBain, new arrivals in Brus. eels, the other. Mr. Irwin and family reside o'•er their store in well arranged roosts. L. Hunter has hie photo gallery over Mr. Smith's store. The upstairs alto shares in the benefit of the hot air, D. Lowry had the contract for the mason and brink work and plastering. Smith, Malcolm & Gibson did the wood work and Wm, Boddick and staff attended to the painting and glazing. The tar and gravel roof was put on by Watson Ainley and the plumbing was done by Meyers, 13itllanty ne & Wilton. The block as it stands is one of the most complete in Brussels and reflects credit on the enter. prise of the owner of the property. J. 8. SCCIONS'S 5T00E. Mr. Shone was a sufferer by the firs of Nov. 22nd, 1890, but Phmnix like upon the old site arose a well built block of white brick, 80x00 feet, with 1.4 and 11 foot ceilings respectively on the first and second flats. The ceiling of the store is oiled elm. Mr. Skene has also a plate glass froub and givee his auetomers a warm reception by the aid of a Copp furnace. A. wide hall and stairway leads spetairs whore fir. Share and fancily have most comfortable and convenient apartments, so emelt in advance of the ordinary upatair residences as to bo bo. yond comparison, The wood work up- stairs ie all grained. The work on this block was done by the same eontro.obors as ad Mt's. Stra:hail's and was oarefnlly supervised by Mr. Skene, so that he has everything to his liking. Both biWeke have No, 1 cellos with almost hnex• haustible storage room. We dont think w5 would be guessing very unob if w0 said that $10,000 was expended in the erection and OOmpletiet of the two blocks referred to in this notice. The trial of the petition against the return of M, 0. Cameron (Liberal) as member for'4Vest Huron opened in tee court house Goderieh ]est Monday before Justices Ferguson and Robertson. 6 is The onsn of Samuel Weller, charged with treating on Meriden day, was gone into, and en it being admitted by the respondent tint Weller was ten agent, then Lordships at once voided the Mee - Non with coats. People we Know. Mrs. Alex, Wilson 10 vielling at Iler. riston, P. Thompson was home this week for a visit. Wm, Downing is home for the Winter menthe. Jno. McNaughton is home from Hen - gall on a visit. Miss Emma Hingston and Bliss Tillie Tait have gone to Griswold Man, Mrs, Noble Gerry and daughter are visiting relatives and friends at Durham. Miss Sarah McDowell, of Listowel, wan visiting her cousin, Mies Maggie Gousley, last week. Miss Eva Bawtinheimer has returned from an extended visit with her sister in Michigan. Miss Rebeoaa Holmes has been quite seriously ill, but we hope soon to hear of her recovery. Bev. S. Jones was on the eiok list last week but is about all right again now we are pleased to state. The family of Samuel Waleb has re- moved, it is said, to Boston where the pareute are making their home. J. H, Sparliug is back from Neustadt, where he has been butter making. He will spend the winter in this looality. ltev, J. L. Kerr and wife arrived home from Toronto last Saturday. The sight of Mr. Kerr's eye is going to Dome all right. Chas. W. Jaokson, third son of Walter Jackson, of Brussels, is now in Portland, Oregon. 0. W. bas seen quite a bit of the world for a young man. Mrs. Barley, of Northville, Michigan, is in town summoned by the serious ill- ness of her mother, who died shortly after her arrival on Wednesday. W. W. Burgess, photographer has been laid up for a few days owing to aoid getting into a out on his hand eausing something like blood poisoning. John Sad and wife were away at Lack - now and London this week attending the funeral of old ,lir. Bryan, father of Editor Bryan, of the Lucknow Sentinel. The Goderieh Star says :—Capt. J. Y. S. Kirk, of Brussels, was one of the jurors of our Lady the Queen, this week. Capt. Kirk baa nut visited Goderieh since he left twenty years ago. His old friends are glad to find him so hate and hearty. ADDITIONAL Lela.:a. Mtn's, Tru. "Art Studio" is the place to go for Christmas work. Aristotype work for Christmas. Lorne Hunter. Lennie call and see our epeoial line of corsets at 25o., 50o., 70c., 90e., 100c., and the famous watch spring at 31.25. FLTsocSON & HALLIDAY. Leer Tuesday Johu Doweiug, shoe. maker, removed to his new premises, in the Laird block, and is now snugly settled and reedy for hie old customers and all the Dew ones who may give him their patronage. Mien Conductor Snider next Sunday at 10:30 and 2:30 in the Methodist on arch, Brussels. Miss Williams will preach her farewell sermon Sunday evening at 0;30 o'clook. If you have not heard her this will be your last chance as far as this visit is concerned. How NABS CATs.—" If 800 ma's can kill 300 rate in 300 days, hots many oats will it take to (till 100 rats in 100 days ?" A fine toned upright piano will be given by The Queen to Oie first person answer- ing the aeovs problem oorreobly ; an elegant gold watch will be given for the second oorreot answer ; e obioa dinner sat will be given for the third oorreot answer ; an elegant silk dress pattern will be given for the fourt correct answer, and many other valuable prizes, all of which will be announced in the next issue of The Queen. As the object of offering these prizes le to attract attention t0 our popular family magazine, each person answering must enclose four three oeut stamps for ample number containing full particulars. Send today. Yon may seoare a valuable Prize. $10 in gold will be paid for the best original problem to be published in a future number- Ad- dress The Canadian Queen, Toronto, Can. Two game -keepers employed an the estate of Lord Brownlow, at Aylesbury, have been found murdered. It is the gouerel opinion that they were shat by poachers. Leat Saturday night James Bisland, a near n Canonsburg, Miss., planter, living ase. on the Louisville, New Orleans a& Texas R. R., took passage ou the mixed train for his home, When near his atabion, Conductor Turner aroused Bieland, Who, being in a drunken stupor, said he would go on to Hateiebon, and gob very angry because the o0udnotor wanted hint to pay additional fare, He drew a pistol, and commenced firing at Turner, who rushed through the train pursued by Bieland, who continued firing at the oohduubor. On reaching the platform of the second car, Bisland fell off end broke his nook, it is said that the livelieeb railroad en- terprise now in progress in Africa is the road from Beira on the eastern chest to the now gold diggings in Masltouland ; that four different routes have already been surveyed, and that the Lento which seams to be most available has been chosen, but that even this routs runs through forests that must be pion. ed. 0roee streams that must be bridged, and over marshes in which pilon lutist be raised for the rails. Those obstruo- tione can be overcome through the rise of gold, and for the salve of gold, and by MOD tato aro in look of gold, es any other obstructions to any other obstructions to any other gold field ahold lihowieo be over - opine. :Cite projootors of the Pungowe and Buri railroad are pnrclasiug tiro material needed foe rte construction ; they will soon est their onginee•a and 1 horera t thework a n of c of building i t • they estimate the uo t of the first hundred tulles of it tet 36,000000 they ex e o ct to complete this sootier' of itnext year, after which they will rush the rest of the titre onward to the Maehonalaed gold liable, 'Chug things go in Africa, and thug they go wherever gold Is to be fount.