The Brussels Post, 1891-12-11, Page 88 HCVD AIADD ANOTER C�iANOD' NtSOLS is coming ami vvti are getting prepared for it. Tho as- sortment of goods in our window this geek represents articles ttt 15e. or 25c. each. We cannot, however, show everything in our window and wo would like you to call and inspect our stock. We bare a beautiful lice of BOOKLETS and CARDS ulaich are so suitable ton' sending to your friends. 'They are cheap and yet nice enough to send to the Queen of England should you feel so disposed. Our stock of Bibles, Albums and Gift Books is complete, together witlh many other lines fc.r the holiday sea- son. We will be pleased to sup- ply you. G. A. DEADUAN, Druggist, Bookseller and Fancy Goods Dealer, STRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. `.1'.HIE 1311USSELS POST FE 9OOTIIERN FATEN910N W. a, .@ B. PICTURE framing done by Burgess & Buchanan. Trains leave Brussels Station, North Rrnantns and Overshoes half Soled and and South, as follows: repaired. Geo. Good. Ir yon want a lirst•alase photo go to Burgess dS Buohanan, 13Eacriptm neckwear sui'abe for Christmas gifts at D. 0. Ross'. BBnesa:Le Driving Park Assooiation want all shareholders to pay up at once. Fencwsoe & FLxrio a have all the newest novelties in dress goods and trim• mings. Fon good fresh Groceries go to the Yet. low front, opposite the Postofdice, J. T. Ross, T11oatAs Himont lost the end of one of his fingers in one of the "br'alcea" at the Sax mill. TEE elect, ic light refused to burn last Tuesday night owing so a broken wire in the eiloait. A. Kamm drives a spanking span of sorrel.. They are "Volunteer" stook and well matched. Knox church Sabbath school purpose having their annual entertainment next Thursday evening Deo. 1711. • Fon McDonald's A 1 tobacco go to the new grocery, opposite the postoffice, where you will get it good and fresh. J. T. Ross. THERE was very fair sleighing for a few Boys this week and it was taken c.:1 - vantage of by the farriers iu marketing their grain, pork and'vood. Lsines call and see our special line of corsets at 255., 50e., 70o., 90e., 100c., and the famous watch spring at $1.25. FEnousON & HALLID.1r. LAST Sunday Rev. G. F.Salion preach• ed anniversary sermons in Victoria street chnroh, Goderiob. He was also one of the speakers at the tea meeting on Tuesday evening. Rev. Mn. McNsim,of Lncknow, preach- ed in Knox uhurol2 last Sabbath. A special meeting of Maiihtnd Presbytery will beheld shortly in order to allow this congregation to prumnlga'e a call to Rev. Mr. Miller. LAST Friday evening J. M. O'Connor received an ugly eoalp wound white at- tempting to assist in some work in con- nection with the electric light machinery. 11 was a marvel that he was not killed, es it was he was laid up in bed from the effects of the blow. SIxrr waggons loaded with grain were counted on ,Tuesday afternoon of last week on Brussels market. Some of the old residents say it remindedthem of the long ago when all the groin used to be hauled to Seaforth. Brnsaole has the bulge on the surrounding towns for grain and pork market. Ian harsh, drastic purgatives, once deemed so indispensable, have given place to milder and more skilfully pre. pared laxatives; hence the great and growing demand for Ayer'e Pills. Phyei. oians everywhere recommend them for costiveness, indigestion, and liver oom• plaints, A. 0. U. W. --On Friday 4 evening of last week the following officers were eleo'ed in connection with Brussels Lodge, No. 188, A. 0. 0. W.:—blaster Workman, Dr. McKelvey ; Foreman, Robt. Armstrong ; Overseer, William Ainley ; Recorder, W. H. Kerr ; Finan- cier, John Show ; Receiver, A. Hunter ; Guide, Geo, Biel ; Inside Watchman, W. J. Cardiff; Outside Watchman, Wat- san Ainley ; Representative to Grand Lodge either Dr. McKelvey or W. H. Kerr. A resolution of sympathy was passed to Bro. J. R. Smith and Mrs, Smith in reference to the Budden death of their son George turd a copy forward- ed to them. Como SnnTH. DoINcn \oa'r , Malt a:Se a.m. Mlee1 n"1 i a.m. Express ,11:50 a.m. I Mail 5'15 pan. Mixed ........ 8:55 p.m. Express 11;45 p.m. ea Ae (. stews teles. A chief's amang ye tekin' notes, An' faith he'll prant Pon One leas, coffees, spices, Sc. go to '. T. Roes'. —isms at D. C. Roes' in tweeds. Hate, caps, dhc, SERVANT wanted. Apply to Mrs. W. M. Sinclair, Brussels. 500 ponnds of Lard wanted at once at Ferguson & Balliday's. Bto reductions made at D. C. Roes' in tweeds, hate, caps, tic. ARENT BEMs. men are in the bush getting out logs for the mill. 10 GENTS secures THS POST for a trial trip until January 1st, 1892. Pen good Labrador Herrings call at the Yellow frout. J. T. Moss. 10 doz. grain bags at 02,45 it dozen worth 12.75. Ferguson R Halliday. Horses for sale or to rent, Comfort. able and convenient. W. B. Dickson. Pnoros in all sizes and styles. Crayon and water color work a epeoiaity. Burgess & Buchanan, THE fasted Tiger blend of pure India and Ceylon tea, the best value in the market, at Thomson's. REY. A. Y. HARTLEY, or Bluevale, will preach in Melville church next Sabbath. The pester will be at Bluevale. Too "Art Studio" is the place to go for Christmas work. Aristotype work for Christmas, Lorne Hunter. TDB revival services in the afethodiet eliurch have been largely attended. Aliss Williams is an excellent preacher. Cu'rr,GE to rent, with good cellar, hard and soft water at the door, also large barn. For further pa,ticulare apply to Mre. Frain, Brussels. A Seems. under the auspines of Mel vine ctureh 0hoir will be held on Friday evening of next week at the residence of W. M. Sinclair, Elizabeth street. Lust week Alex. Wilson placed a fine Bell upright piano, style E., manufact• m'ed et Guelph, in the home of W. Nigbtiugale, merobant, of this place. TUE new officers appointed to Brussels corps of the Salvation Army are ladies. Their names are Captain Parker and Lieut. 0011010n. Park Hill au their last atattou. SATURDAY afternoon Jas. Olen ian's Item took fright at the grain storehouses at the station and ran away. They frightened John Vincent's horses end they made a daeb down street. A broken reach w•as about all the damage done. TUE correctness of the maxim "noth- fng succeeds like success" is well exemp• tilled in Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The meet successful combination of alteratives and tonics it always saseeeds in curing die - eases of the blood, and hence Os wonder- ful popularity. THE first choice of Brussels Sobool Board for teacher to take Miss Taylor's place was Miss Craigmill, of Baden, but ae she has notified the Se0retary that she bad a school before receiving word of her acceptance at Brussels, Mise Cold. ridge has been commnnioated with. There were 89 applications received for the vaoranmy. Wn e.D1oc1No AND DBmLLIna.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to ell work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper abase, Terms reasonable. Residanee second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 48.11 AIIesIONAna.—On Wednesday evening of next week, 1611 inst„ Rev, Dr, Bather. it rid, Missionary Se0retary, of Turunto, will address a public meeting in the Methodist ohnrah, Brueeele, on the mission work of the church. The Dr. is one of the best posted man on the topic named in oonneotion with Canadian Me• thodism and is a very off hand, interest - kg speaker. Sul,nla DRAM,—The residents of Brueeele and surrounding country were greatly au:prised last Friday to hear that George, eldest eon of ,Ino. R. Smith, hardwirre merchant, had passed away after a brief Illness, at,t. u early age of 14 years and 7 months, IIe had been the subject of that terrible disease dia. belee and that and subsequent complioa- tiolls apcodily teripivated his earthly career. (image was not confined to the house an a rule and was down town on. Tuesday, The deceased was a bright boy wifo made rapid advancement in his studies until compelled to leave school though ill health. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, Rev, Jno. Bose, B. A., conducting the service. Mr. and MM. Smith and family may rest as. shred bkokt Choy lave the sympathy of Il e .emir° ecmmuuity in their sorrow, R. T. or R.—The election of officers for the ourreut term in oonneotion with the Royal Templars of Temperance, No, 680, Brussels, took plaoe on Tuesday evening of this week and resulted es fol. lows :— Salad Councillor, T. Maunders ; Vice Councillor, Mrs, N. McLauohlin ; Past Councillor, J. 13. MaLauohlin ; Chaplain, Nelson Gerry ; Secretary, Mies Kate Wilson ; I'in.Secretary, Mrs. J. Kerr ; Treasurer, T. Fletcher ; Herald, Jas. Ballantyne ; Sentfuel, Jno, ICeudali ; Guard, Alex. Roes. IIAPPhxmse.--Bapprnoss often 000510ts in reading it good paper, one that lcavee a peasant taste in tke mouth, one that you can rise up from perusing with the knowledge that you have gained some. thing of permanent advantage. There are papers which do not give this happpi• nese, but whtoh, while exciting for the moment, result in permanent evil, al- though tho immediate effect at the mo. meth may not bo apparent. The Montreal Witnese is a paper of theformer aloes, It is good ; it doee good. The Weekly edition is sent to snbeoribsrs for one dollar a year, the Daily for three dollars and the Northern Messenger, a paper for the younger members of the anrily particularly and for $ondag schools, for thirty cents a year. The sabsoribers of TUE Pose can have it and the Montreal Witnees for 02,10, and the Northern Messenger with them for ttventy.dts cents extra. Ram> the tusiae pages of Tun Pos•r. District news and columns of other readable matter, CALL and see Hunter's crayon and water color partrnits, also latest Alneri• can styles in Photos 010 friends, old books, old wine and the oil Photo stand over A. R. Smith's store. Lorne Hunter. Eveur member of the Trustee Board was present at the meeting last Friday evening, the first time for this year. NEw gilt lettered signs have been placed at A. R. Smith's, and J. G. Skene's store fronts. They look tip-top CALL and see our epeoial line of ail wool Blankets at 02,75, $3.25, 03.75, 04,• 85, 64.75 and 05.50 a pair at Ferguson & Halliday's. PAY Yorn TAXES.—All those who have not yet paid their Taxes will please call and do so at my store, opposite the Postoffice, JAs. T. Ross, Collector. THE Cavalier Co. (Dakota) llepubtiaau says :—Thos. Dunford, of Harvey, was setting up the cigars to his friends Fri. day m honor of a young sou at his house. THE Executive Committee of Huron Co. Sunday School Association will meet at 01101011 next Tuesday, at 11 a. n., to arrange the program of the annual Con• vention. ALEX WILSON has disposed of his house and lot on Princess street to Mrs. Mc. Lean for the suns of 0450. It is a very cheap property. Air. Wilson intends re- moving to Manitoba. A noon has been fitted up alongside the fire engine for a hose room, The place will be heated by a coal stave. This pill Preclude the possibility of foe being .armed in the hose in the tune to Dome. CnANGEe in the time table of the G. T. R. n.ay be found at the head of the 10011 column. The most noticeable alteration is the afternoon mail train whish is not due until 8:15 o'clock. There are several other ohanees, however, that the travel, ling public wiil do well to cote. NEW subscribers are rolling in to Tim POST for 1802. Don't be caught by can- vassing agents with promises of what. they are going to do. Take your Mold paper and get the latest and most correct reports of everytlhiug going on. We are nut afraid of comparison. Our friends Dan greatly aid us by recommending THE POST and also sending us the interesting local happenings. Call in and see us when in Brussels, Hootwars,—The Public Schools, wheth- er rural, or in cities, towns and villages, close on Tuesday afternoon, Deoember 22nd, and re -open on the 3rd of January. In 1892 since Brd of January falls on Sun• day, sahool will reopen on Monday, Jan. 4011, In cities, towns and incorporated villages the schools are closed for Vaca- tion dnring the week following Easter Sunday. Good Friday is a holiday iu all 5olooe. MODEL Ev o i aerIONe.—The Model School examination for teachers in train. ing began on Monday Deo. 7. The writ- ten examination occupies the 711 and the following day. The practical teeth- ing is taken in the Goderieh Model on the 9th and the three following days ; in the Clinton Model on the 14th and the three following days. Th a result will be ready for publioution on Saturday, the 19th. The practioal exami nation in drill and calisthenics has been already taken. Howmx MnTUAL,—The Board of Di rectors of the Howiok Fire Ineurance- Company met in the Township Hall in Gorrie on Nov. 2811, Thirty-four appli- cations for insurance, amounting to 054,. 475, were accepted and reported, of that number 9 were new risks and 25 renewals. The claim of Chas. Hooper, Howiok, for damage to dwelling house by Ore was settled for 017 ; and Robt. E. Harper, Arthur, was allowed 64, for lambe killed by lightning. No action was taken in ale claim of Adam Scott for borne killed by lightning, or that of Wm. Nelson for sow killed by lightning. The Treasurer was instructed to pay the Recount of Jno. Roberteon, 057 50 for post cards and printing ; and 028,3.2 expenses for hold. ing . firs inquest on bile Rogerson, Mor. vis, claim for dwelling house and part of the contents thereon destroyed by fire August 2711, 1891. NOT GENEVA.., KNOWN. --St Toronto a storekeeper was fined 95 for haying sold what was represented to be a quart of eye. tars without bowleg measured then. Re- ferring to the ease, the Empire satyr :— When you ask a dealer for a quart of oys- ters and be graham cardboard basket 10. stead of a tin meaaure, slams the lid off a arookeryware(tub, ladles out ttvo sao0pfule of bivalves and loo and stuff, slaps down the cardboard cover and says "00 ciente," meanwhile transfixing you with a stony glare, he is noting contrary to law. You can't reach him because of the stony glare or the prine, which are the chief offences, but the Weights and Measures blot provid• es that"Any person who uses for the pur- pose of buying or selling any articles oe ascertaining annng the prfoe to be pttld fur such atticlee, any weight or measure which 11as not been duly inepeoted and stamped Ito. cording to this act, shall, on conviction, inose a 9005113' not exceeding 050 and not lees than $5 for each offeree." ,A OunlsTates ball and sapper is an- nounced to take place in the Queen's hotel Hall ml Christmas eve. A large number of invitations have beer, sent out. NonnNATIUN day for municipal officers on Monday, Dco. 28th. 12 o'olook (noon) is the hour named in Brussels. If there is en election Ronald McNangI. ton and W'm. Aldridge will be the Deputy Returning officers with the poll. ing places at J. J. 0ilpin'e office and the Council Chamber. Trustee nominations on the 28111 also. How WANT CATs.—" If 300 Gale can kill 800 rats in 800 days, Low many oats will it take to kill 100 rote in 100 clays 1" A fine toned upright piano will be given by The Queen to the first person answer- ing the above problem correctly ; an elegant gold watch will be given for the second correct answer; a china dinner set will be given for the third correct answer ; an elegant silk dress pntteln will be given for this fourt correct !Ulmer, and many other valuable prizes, all of which will bo announced in the next issue of The Queen. As the object of offering these prizes is to attract attention to our popular family magazine, each person answering must enclose four three cent stamps for sample number containing full particulars, Send to -day. You may secure a valuable prize. 910 in gold will be paid for the be.t original problem to be published in a future number. Ad- dress The Canadian Queen, Toronto, Can. 13, S. Cook has let the contract for e One new brick dwelling house opposite the new hotel, Fordwiolt. Ata recent meeting of the Winnipeg poultry keepers, a Winnipeg branch of the Manitoba Poultry Association was or- ganized with the following officers :—II. A. Chadwick, President; J. W. Bartlett, Viae President ; S. B. Blackball, Secre. tary•Treasurer. 2301R.,1V GREEN.—In Elma, on Nov. 1511, the wife of Mr. Wm, Green of a son. IIoxarss.—In Elms, on Deo. and, the wife of Mr. Jas. Holman of a son. FilAaea.—I i Morrie, on Thursday Nov. 26th, the wife of Mr. James Fraser of a daughter. Anti/SI-In Howiok, onSaturday 28th ult., the wife of Ur. Thos. Ailcine, of the 111h con. of a son. McLAUGHLIN.—In Howick, on Friday the 27111 ult., the wife of Mr. Jos. Mc- Laughlin, on the 2nd con. of a son. JOHNSTON,—In Howick, on Saturday the 28th ult., bhe wife of Mr. Melvin Jobnston, on the 4th con. 01 a son. DUNro11n.-0a Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1891, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunford of Hvr• vey, of a son. Mr. Dunford says that before many years he will have all the harvest help necessary. The latest arrival is a gen- nine Dakota rustler, weighing something less than 16 pounds. The Republican extends congratulations to the happy parents, 2t s.AiEeRxaa, ADAM e—MaKenomon.—In Mount Forest, on Nov. 25th, 1891, by Rev, D. Ram- say, Presbyterian minister, Mr. Allan Adams, of Howick, (late of Manitoba,) and Miss Jessie, danghter of Mr. Wm. MaKeroher, of Rowiok. BAY—Anna—At the residence of Mr. James Gray, 8th eon. of Mina, on Wednesday, Nov. 25th, by the Rev. Andrew Henderson, M. A., Mr. W. H. Bay to Miss Nancy M. Ames, all of Elma. =Ta=7a- PAweoN. In Grey, on Deo. 70h, William Pawson, aged 88 years, 7 months and 15 days. satITH.—In Brussels, on Deo, 4th, George Herbert, eldest son of alio, R. and Mary Smith, aged 14 years and 7 months. Homers.—In Grey, on Nov. 80th, Mar. garet, relict of the late John Holmes, of Minto township, and mother of Jas. Holmes, of Grey township, aged 89 years aad 4 days, ,'t7C'2'SOxn' _EnA..T.agB. PM 1.1, DEO. 111.11,—Farm Stock, Lot 8, Con. 8, Grey, Sale commeooes at 1 o'clock. RolaCarr, prop. George Kirkby, suet MiS T0052 o 7.,00 S.a.A.. LmC1un, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Pose Oats Butter, tubs and rolls l7 ge per dozen Flour per barrel.......,.: Potatoes ...... Hay per ton. .. . . 44,64•4 Porti . Rides per 16 ............. Salt per 111., retail.,.,.. Sheep skins, each. .•..... tamb skate eao1.,..,,., Apples per harrol. , , . , . 110 98 00 01 33 41 60 62 31. 88 15 00 15 00 d: 50 5 00 25 80 9 00 10 00 5 G4 5 026 0 100 co 65 00 05 00 1 00 1 25 .m,ma TWE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. b�'PRAYED ON THE PREMISES 1.of the uudersigued, Lot 29, eon. 8, Morris, on or .boot 5opt.]sth, itpig 9 months old, The owner is regnested to pro Vo pro- perty, pay exp Doses and take it awey, 21-4 J. BOWMAN. QTRAYED ON TEE PREM. �_. nuts of the undersigned, Lot 11, Con, 2, Grey, on or about Nov. 10th, a two-year-old heifer, red with some white, The owner is re- quested to prove prepol'ty, pay expauS08 and take her away. 21.4' 'HOS, STOKES. Ti AIR WARNING.— Any perebn ar persons found tres- passing Soo Son the ciety, after this date, will be pro- secuted . without regard to age or sex. 13,y order of the Dir eaters. D. ST51 WART, Brussels, Doe, 11,'01. Secretary, LT OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE orto rent on John street, Brulaele, lie. ing lots 188 and 154. Comfortable dwelling and convenieacee such as well, cistern, cellar, woodshed, good garden end fruit trees. For farther particulars apply to ]0 4' WM. MARTIN. DRIVING PARK ASBOOIA• TION.—A11 parties who took stock in the above Association who have not paid for the same aro asked to do so within tee days or else the aeoeuuto will bo handed in for collection. A. IiOENCG, Brussels, Doo. 10, 1891. Secretary. PATRONS OF CHEESE FAO TonIEs are bonen tted by sending milk earn part bred Jerseys. They combine both quantity and quality. Until I dispose of ono 15 my Jersey cults you eau have your ohotae. E'er further partioulars apply at my Drug uvd Book Stole, G. A. DFADBIAN, Brussels. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All portions having claims against the es- tate of Ma'•y Bainee, late of th 5 Township of Morris. County of Huron, widow, deneasnd, who died on the 2nd Day of December, 1895, are required to furnish particulars bbersof to Moyer tts D fakiseei, Barristers, Wingh am, or to the undersigned, on or before the 12YI1 Day of December, 1891, as tbo Rxeeutnrs will then proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to those o,nims of which n011oe 0ba11 have been then given. This notice is given under 1$. S. 0.. ebap.rll see. 80. JAame WILEINaoN, 005501 STnnns, Executers, Joea'Pa 01550, 1 Dated Nov. 21, '9i, Tho lands of the said deceased being S. W. and login& 5, lltlne,iwi111Uea 010 by Publlo Auction at I:allaglier'e Hotel, Belgrave, 00 $,tTURD 3Y, 1)1011 1111ElIt 12, 1S9I:. at 2 p, m, For particulars and oonditions Of sale 50e poster's Iced the above named 1110001015. Notice to Creditors. IN TOE MATTER or TIIF ESTATE OF ELI9ABETR HINOe'foN, LATE OF 005 VILLAGE Or Bouse is s, 1N Tris COUNTY Or HURON, WIeow, DSaEAOED. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, chapter 110, that all creditors and others having 0halms against the estate 01 said Elizabeth Hiogeton, do - ceased, who died on or .beat the 25th day of November, A. D. 1891, at the Vfllago of Brussels aforeeaid,are required 00 send by poet prepald,or deliver to Robert L, Taylor, of the Village of Brussels, Solicitor for the Executors of the will of the said duseased 1501 rtl their ae nd aaddre seDecemwithAf D. ll partieurars of their claims and the Securities (if any) bold by there. And Notice is fustber given that after the Mid last Mentioned dote the Slxeoutore will proved to distribute the onsets of the eald estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only, to the claims of width they thanthou have notice and that the Said Executors will not be liable for the cairn aooete or any part thereof eo dlotribnt- ed to any paean or menus of whose claim or olaime notice shard not have beau receiv- ed at the time of dlstributien. Dated at Bruasele this 811 Day of Decem- ber A. D. 1801. 22.2 It, L. TAYLOR, Solicitor for Executors, Wm, , Dav 355, Time, MAxwn/L, } l.xeoutoxs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN TIM atA'i'Tria Ot' JOHN Hanna VANaAMs', 00 7110 TOWNSHIP OF' Mortars, IN TNM 0005'1'0 Or HURON, FARMER, INSOLVENT. Netlee 1S hereby given that the above name lntnlSant Lae male in neefglnnoat to mo under the provielose of lteldeed Sta- tutes of Ontario, 1807, ahaptor 151, and lLmwench:n(311te thereto of cell 115 estate and eiteets for the benefit or Bio Creditors, A mooting of tbo Creditors will be bold at the Oilmen of It 1,'1'aylo1', Solicitor, Brneools, w1 MONDAY, the 21et DO, of De, oember,180.1,at2O'clock p.m. for the per, pose of apoolutiuguu 11155100tor and giving dlreotious for the disponi of the estate gee. orally Or0a,torearo hereby reeeired to Ole their tlwn es oorlillou by athdavlt with the said it, L. Taylor on or before the 2101 day of D0• ()ember aforesaid, atter which ditto I shall pro000d to distribute the said estate, having regard only to Lho alumni of whlah I elhall then bays, notice, and I shall not be r05pou. eiblo for the assets of the said innate or any part thereof, to any person whoop claim or claims sball not then Mato been flied, 11.L,1,'1pYGOR, G19o10G1d i3amain, b oBsitor for Aselgnee. A wawa, ringlets, 28th Nov„ 1801, 24.`2 Dr,,o, 11, 181. Ctiristma,g 181:1-2U1', )31:ATITIFtlr.,� 111-11WHii. 'the Sieeel and l,ei i's1 ,16sartuuahl 1 lie 'o ever had. Aronsil;nmentof rare thing, olivine, from Japan, is On the way between Vanonuver and hers. I expect those JapnuDsu goods iu every day note, Call in and sed thorn. They will he well worth ee,•ing, 2 'A ergo assortment 1.1 beautiful Illustrated Toy Books now on Display. • '. 7C, PiL;hl'Y71Ct, CIIEMiRT AND Da00ats'r, BitoseFLe, BANKING. 1%/1 iINTOSII & MaTAGGAR'I', BANKERS, • i3RUSSELS, Transact a Geraoral Eeaalc3.a�.g evoiseZc• NOTES DISCOUNTED. Guardian and 'United Status Drafts bought and Rohl, Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections made on ferera/le terms. Canadian Agento—Mnac,5r'e BANE o7• CANADA. New Yogi Agents—Intrna•rerts AND Tntn- Ene NA'rheNAL 13ANi, LEGAL AN -D CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solieltor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions s made. 011100—Vaastovo's Block, line. i 3520 MT M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary POD• lio, deo, Office—Graham a 11leck,1 dour north Of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Puede to Loan.— DIOKSON 1& }JAYS, Rmto with Garrey PrOudloot, God e• rich,) Hamsters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 82, OO1cee—brussels and Seaforth, liras. eels 011lee—'Up-stairs Over. Banlc, Money to Loan. 0. B. OATS. W. n. nI0315o11 BUSINESS CARDS. i' Y I3. t'IoCRACI1LN, Issuror ofMur•iage Lfae5sos. OOlo,l cutis Gr000ry,'i'ureberry,street, Brussur0 1• N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Stop—Noxi door south of A. 63. McKay,1 Co's hardware store. Ladies' and el/lichens hair (letting it specialty A/TISSt BALL Piano,? Is fwd tPipe Organ, Spoet,n alt. 'Wagon given to Technic. For further in- formation address— Bas 175, Brussels. A• t1IoNAIR Insurer of Manage Lleoneee, by 1W/ointment of Liout,•Governor, OOadmte• sion or, Pike Iasuran o Co, Of looB. 3ut the Orenbrooancer k Post Oillue, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE" AND MARINE. .._•GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Co, Huron oftheyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Lean and Theorem* Agent. Funds invested and to lows. Collections made. Moo in Graham's- Bloolc, Brussels. OIL PAINTING, Miss Merles, of Wiugham, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. forme may be ascertained at Mise Nellie noon' store where samples of work tnav be geed. Miss merle would also take a few Mere 509115 fu music. A. IIAWKINS, T. see and pupil, in the Art f Church, of A. W Thayer, hfue, Ooo,,.New' York, will give lessons to pupils either at Thee, Furrow's, oat their owe ho levee Terinerif m moder- ate, pro- /erred,48. DENTAL. 11.)3MNTX o7CI M. CAVANAGH!, L. D• Be D. D. Se Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Cui- yerslby. OErroE—Ower Pepper's Drug Store, l raeseis, AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, tend saleeAuctioneer ,Iwrtrailstock, ready Terat- me cheerfully given. oranbrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at Tun Pon Publishing House, Brussels, 1 FORGE KIRKBY, ' Licensed Auctioneer, Sales oonduot ed on reasonable terms. Perms and farm stook a specialty. Orders left at 'Lam PoeT PublisbingI•Iouse,Brusselo,or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt art etiou, Tt—'TA'VING• TAKEN OUT LICEN- JL.L an as an Auctioneer I 1103 prepared to conduct sales of farm Stook at reasonable prio00, 1lhowing the standing of nearly every parson I nm Ina position to sell to good marks and get good. security when sold on erode, Satisfaction guaranteed, (five m2 a 0.11. 82. F S. SCOTT, MEDICAL CARDS. _V M, 11'. GALE, 91.D., 0, M., Member of the Colne a of P g 11ysa ion. and Surgeons si Ontario le street Other asci laaeidionco—Main street Nast,last Titbur,0iitario, T A. 61oNAUGEITOIV, 91. D. • O.M., L.R. 0.1'„ Edinburgh, M. 0, P S. Get, Residence and ofies fn Wilson's Mock, corner of kilt and 1'urnborry Sts. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 1 • honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is monorail to treat all dieea5ee of do lestioated animals In a cont• patent manner. Particular attention pard to veterlliary dentistry, Calls pr metJ at. tended to. office rod fnermaryr—Two (kora north of bridge runabout' at,, Aro sals% 1 c to t 1 wit il. but 5175 of t '1 00 :0 le fur to gro J InR for wit ant on 5.0 on 0 en, M fel wn Di t0 Tt ch grc I.L SI Ca 13a 111 Si H all q1 do B de Cc ISO 0 0 ac ly M t1 bi g S B d3 do w a of tl et b 01 h 34 u d 17 el las al 1 r t n e fl