The Brussels Post, 1891-12-4, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
4e )111115515 Vest
--IS 11.71tLtailE1--
tin thine for the early mans) at
`The POSY ,Stedlu 1 ubhshite flour,
TrlINIlEnnr s'1'., Bdt'seo s, ONT. -
Timis or Sullsenlr'1'to0.--000 dollar and
hall a year, in udvanee The date to whioh
every subscription is paid Is denoted by the
date on the address label.
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the year:—
a1 7:A i 0 010. l 3 aid
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1101:bi00. All advertiaemente measured 08
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108118100e8 Cards, eight lines and under, $1
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Instructions to change or discontinue au
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1.000 0t THE POST u0t later than Tuesday
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Editor and Proprietor.
'rhe taw Regarding Newspapers.
Any person wilts takes a paper
regularly from the postofli.ce, wheth-
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If a person orders his paper dim
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In suite for subscriptions the snit
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miles away.
The courts decided that taking
• newspapers or periodicals from the
'postoffice or removing and leaving
them uncalled for while unpaid, is
prima facia evidence of intentional
3l?Stritt /.dos.
Mrs. Weir ie slowly recovering
from her illness.
John Davidson has secured a
sohool in the vicinity of Ingersoll.
Miss Gibson left here for Van-
couver where she will visit with
G. Davidson has returned from
Manitoba. He speaks vary highly
of that country.
Last week Thos. Gibson M. P.
P., arrived home from hie till) to
Seotlaud, He had an enjoyable
Mise Hannah Musgrove, dangb•
ter of T. Musgrove, who has been
on the sick list for some time is re.
The Prince of Wales Hotel ch tug
es hltu is at the close of the year.
The celebrated McGibbenny fatn-
ily will appear here on Dec. 19th.
Presbyterian Snoday school 11.11d
their anniversary on the 6th inst.
76 orders for iuetrumeuts were
received at the Doherty factory last
The sons of Seetlaud held a sup•
per at Kennedy's Hotel Monday
The Era says a generous lover
has given his betrothed $100 to pur•
chase a wedding outfit.
Dr R. L. Gibson, who has been
studying medicine in the old coup•
try, has returned and expects to re-
main here.
The illness of James Turnbull
proves to be typhoid fever, but it is
expected that under the good treat
ment and care he has, that he will
soon be all right.
mese torth.
The council has ordered two car
loads of wood from Blyth for use et
the waterworks.
"Picturesque Scotland" will be
exhibited here on the 14111 of De
cember, in Oardno's hall.
he. Burgess, of this town, has
Bold out his confectionery besieges
to Mr. Glen, of St. Marys,
The invitations are out for the
Firemen's eleventh annul Bell,
which is to be held on the 111h of
Robert Steal, of Egmondville, had
two valuable pigs drowned in the
flood caused by the heavy rains of'
last week.
A. good many Canadian bred stale
lions have been shipped from this
vicinity to the United States with•
in the past few weeks.
The eleotrie light has fully estab•
fished its character for consistency,
that is it generally goes out on dark
nights when it is most needed.
T. (t. Allan, M. A., who hag for
the past two years beau Scienoo
• Master in the Seafortu Collegiate
Institute, has resigned its position
for the purpose of resuming his
medius! course in 'Toronto after the'
Christwae holidays, .
Alis. John Ament of this town
left here on Saturday for A1iohi•
gen, where she will eyelid the winter
visiting leer eons anal other Meade,
!Vin, Piokard, of Paisley, who is
11.1 the etuploymeut of T. T. Colo -
man, bappenod with the misfortune
to Lave the top of the third finger
of the left hand taken off In a lathe.
The trustees of the Collegiate In.
stitute have been extremely fortn-
nate in aeouriug the services of F.
J. Pope, M. A., a gold medalist of
Queeu's University, Kingston, in
Natural Science.
Times have been somewhat dull
owing to the continued bad weather.
Mr. McLelland shipped a couple
of cars of potatoes to Windsor, the
pride being 9.5ots per bushel.
Arthur Brooks is at present in
Muskoka enjoying a few days' sport
hunting there. Our nimrods who
remained at home are having phen
omenal "good luck," Foxes are go-
ing to be scarce soon if they keep on.
.las. Timmins intends giving up
his store, which has been in charge
of Geo. Pirie for the last eight
mouths. It is rumored that Mr.
Pirie will continue, having made
arrangements for doing so on his
own account.
On Friday, Nov. 20tH, the store
house at the station suddenly burst
open, the west end being forced out
by the pressure of 8000 bushels of
peas in the upper story. About
6000 bushels came to the ground
and the remainder remained under
cover. The occupant, /Ir. Clegg,
will be at considerable lose. The
work had been slighted when in
course of erection a few weeks ago.
Ten elrno' v.
The Methodist congregation at
Blake, Ashfield, are entertaining
the idea of a new church. A local
Board has been formed and the can-
vas for subscription will whether it
is generally desired or not.
One of the heaviest rainfalls that
has ever visited this section took
place on Monday of lest week. The
fall of water was nearly two and
three'quarter inches on the level, or
about equal to the average of the
entire rainfall for the month of No
vember for the past six years,
Adam McDonald, of the 6th con.
of Kinloss, has a goose that the Mc-
Kinley Bill don't seem to discourage
very much. Not content with
raising a respectable sized family
this summer, the old lady has again
settled to business and has daily
dishedup a "full grown egg for the
last few months. She appears to
have an all. winter's job on Land.
The regular course of instruction
commenced last Tuesday evening,
and will crntinue every Tuesday
and Friday evening. All are re.
quested to be punctual in their
places at 8 o'clock sharp. The
necessary outfit consists of a blank
book-keeping book, copy book,
Gages No. 4, pen and pencil, bottle
of blank ink, red ink, scribbling
book, rubber, ruler and blotting
paper. It is insisted that each be
supplied with the foregoing outfit.
Our Council has decided to send
Mrs. Wilcox and children back to
the Old Country.
The Masonic Lodge Delta was
broken into a few nights ago. The
regalias and warrant were stolen.
The regalias were afterwards found
Winging about the necks of cattle
and hurries in the neighborhood.
While George Eacrett, eon of M.
Eacrett, was engaged in painting
plows at the Verity Foundry be
met with a painful accident by
tripping and falling on a plow in
which the head of a bolt came in
oontaot with his upper lip, cutting
a hole completely through and
bruising the lip badly.
It is rumored that the cobtract
for digging a ditch through the
township of Hay leas been awarded
to a gentlumau of Danville the price
being about $18,000. The length
of the drain will be about 12 miles,
through the township of Stephen,
Hay and Stanley, and will be about
9 feet wide on the auditors eloping
inwardly until it reachee a depth of
5 fret. It is expected that the work
will begin some time during thb
coming summer so as to be corn.
pleted before the freshet in the fell,
Editor White, of the Exeter
Times, can boast of belonging to
oue of the most prolific families in
the Province. Hie mother, Mrs.
Humphrey White, who lives in Au-
dorson, in the township of than.
(+hard, aged 88 years, can claim 128
direct descendants, besides 29
daughters and sons-in-law, and
grand•daughtere and sons•in law,
makiug a total of 152 penins ail
living. There are 8 sone and
daughters, 69 grandchildren, 46
great grandchildren, 9 daughters
and sons'in hew, 20 grand-daugb-
ter° and sono•i1I•law, and they are
all Siting in Canada wills the excel).
Tho Signal is after the town eon.
stable with a sharp stick.
The town Council is asking for a
bettor rating from the Underwriters.
Comity Clerk Leno lees tnoved in-
to town. Ile purchased M. G.
Cameron's residence.
The Life Boat Crew of the Royal
Tonplars is expected here for a
week's work, from Dusember (!th
to 18,
Wen. Marlton ie now making pre-
parations for building the two tugs
he has eoutracted to have ready by
Town treasurer Horton held the
annual sale of lands for unpaid tax•
es in the town hall, recently. All
the lots advertised, except one that
had been nearly loot in the lake,
wet° sold, over $500 00 being real.
A quantity of lumber was washed
ashore north o[ this port the pas!
week. It was probably a portion of
some deck load lost in the storm.
The beach for a considerable des
tante was strewn with driftwood
brought down the river by the im-
mense freshet.
The aonivereary and hot supper
of Victoria st, Methodist church will
be held. December 6t11 and 8th.
Sermons will be preached (D. V.)
on Sunday, December Gth, at 11 a
in. and 7 p, m. by Rev. G. F. Sal•
ton, of Brussels, a former pastor.
On Tuesday, December bob, will bo
held the annual hot supper, whioh
promises to exceed anything hereto•
fore attempted. A bona fide hot
supper, consisting of every element
neceesary to make it a first class re.
past is promised. Rev. J. A. Aud-
erson will take the chair and Rev.
Messrs. Howell, Potter and Salton
will give addresses. Music by the
choir and others.
Cn,uadian ]NTe w 1.
Cobourg Lae bean given a park o
eighteen acres by D. F. Donegan.
Hog cholera has been diacovere
in the piggery at Kingston Peniten
The bigamy charge against J
AIaK. Barclay, at Guelph, has been
P. Hogg, of Belleville, suffered a
compound fracture of the skull by a
fall in Chicago last week.
Jerome Hawley, residing near St.
George, dropped dead while dress•
ing Wednesday morning.
Canadian eleotricane organized
an association last week, J. J.
Wright being elected president.
A. 0. Milier, M. P. for Prince Ed-
ward, has admitted bribeay by an
agent sufficient to void his election.
Portions of a two dollar bill and
the remnants of a bank draft were
found in the gizzard of a turkey at
St. Thomas.
Ingersoll's curfew bell rings at
9 p. m., after which hour boys un-
der 15 years old are not allowed to
be on the street.
Editor Lang has severed his con-
nection with the Owen Sound Sun
but will reside in that embryo city
the coming winter.
Herbert J. Smith was found
guilty of bigamy at Brantford last
week and was sentenced to three
months in the Central Prison.
Ohas. Tucker, of Newbury, has
received a contract to supply the
G. T. R. with 2,000 cords of wood
between London and Chatham.
William Notman, the well•knewu
pbolographer, owning numerous es.
tablishments in the Uuited States
and Canada, died at Montreal last
A. E. Mathieson and tieury Me•
Cusker, of Hamiton, so ill•treated a
livery horse that it died. They
were fined $40 each or three
mouths in gaol.
Richard White, of the Montreal
Gazette, was arrested last week on
a warrant issued by Mr. Mercier,
for seditious lihel. Mr. White at
000e gave bail.
Henry Banbury, the youny Eug•
liebman, who was arrested the other
day for embezzling a small sum
from Charles Brown, the livery
stable man, has committed suicide.
The Ontario Government is mak-
ing pent! em; of pure bred live stock
for the Ontario Agricultural College,
bee of the.,. latest being the Jersey,
bull "Victoria Rego Beauty," A. J.
0.0., No. 85,799.
Through the efforts of 0, S. Hy.
man, M. 'P., a Royal Humane
Society medal has been awarded to
John A. Blend, of London, for res.
cuing Miss Ruby Smith Fran
drowning at Port Stanley.
The Toronto Telegram says
"A pity it is that the law does not
allow the carte to give ten days in
demonsjail to the Elgin county demons who
took an Illinois villain on trust and
planted him in the Baptist pulpit
that he has jest disgraced,"
Peter Meyer, editor of the BerlinNews, lost au nlnbrolla, whioh Ile
eft in the vestibule of the Methodist
church there last Sunday, and be
as bis readers never to follow
tion of two.
lie °temple, no matter hots pious
may be the .r;linreb nlembere,
The West Zorra tug-of-war team
aro negotiating to attend the touriem-
ment in Chicago oomineucing Dec.
7, The prizoe amount to $2000,
Miss Ilarilt Malone of Boston,
who enjoys a reputation of being
first authority of Cookery iuAmorioa,
will open a school of cookery in
Galt provided a class or 100 mete-
bora can be obtained,
Enos bfoynahan, the young
Windsorite convicted of smuggling
Chinamen into the United States,
was fined $800 and sentenced to
three montes' imprisonment in the
county j•til by Judge Swats last
Tuesday. He will hardly pay the
$800, but remain in jail thirty days
longer ruder the Poor Debtors Act.
The Bauble River overflowed its
banks at Ailsa Craig duriug the re•
cent rain storm and covered" the
Hate quite as much as daring the
highest spring floods, Wu>, and
Peter Stewart, of East Wiili,llns,
had 40 sheep pasturing on their
river flats, and those all but one
were drowned. A large number of
small bridges have beau carried
away and oulverte'have been meth-
od out in the °ountry around.
One of the attractions of the
Chicago exhibition is to be a py-
ramid of 400 pianos connected by
electricity and manipulated by one
.1. R. Smith, of Moore, Mioh.,
forwards the following facts :—One
day last week there was found here
in the centre of a saw log 82 inches
in diameter an Indian tomahawk.
It is 6 inches its length and has a
blade of roughly forged iron, about
two and a half inches long. The
eolid timber over the head of the
tomahawk was ten inched iu thick-
ness, It is estimated that it had
been in the tree two centuries.
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds.
J.C.Heffernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. est,
DEO, 4,trete1.S9.I
.mca®ssrarac asrmwewarr,susrratttrat
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on I'ai'in or Village Pro,
peaty at
6 cg. 61; Per Ccltt., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division. Court Clerk, Brussels.
Royal Jail Steamships.
FOnTNln1TLY 0A1011100 11011
CABIN R,tT1.8, 840. ane see, Single
880, 800 and 8.1/11 Return, according
to Looatiou et Stateroom,
IN'1'1:RI1B1]IOTB, Outward $20; Prepaid $90
Steerage. nt Lowest. rimes.
Accentnlodntlens Ii,lsi,rllnssed.
Apply to 1i, C'A. ALLAN, 'Montreal,
on W. IFI. IKE`IRlt,
AGENT, BouarnLe.
Why Not Do Your Glyn Thinking?
B11988l7c8, November Bth,10110.
J. M. AIoLEon, Goderich,
DNan 8m. I should have written before
now to Idt you know bow I um getting along.
I am aka better than I was; gaining atrougtb
every day. I nave a good appetite and sloop
well. I can take the full quantity of the
System Renovator and It does not ,token
me. My limbo are all right now : quite
smart in that Way ; swelling all gone. The
greet thirst is gone; I drink no water 01
night, bull take a little buttermilk. I am
unite straight again, Saud me another
bottle of your System Rouovator.
Yonra, 60., JAS. D01OAN.
F0UJt1'l10N 31001118 LATE1.
Bn0asELo, February 7111, 1801.
J. At. AIoLEon, Gndoricb,
D1An810: Finsen veers ago teat Novena.
bar l started to doctor first; I was treated
for dyspepsia, but they never helped me
any, At times l suffered greatly from my
stomach • I continued, but•I grew worse.
I turned.1ronatcal ; limbs and body swelled
badly. Yon know the state I was 10 wbeu
I went to Goderloh--a mere wreak, could
Hardly walk—sufteriug f}en Bright's dis-
ease. Just one year ago last fall I began
your Renovator and Specific Ohre, I began
to mend in a few days; continued thou for
three months steady. Although I was told
I could not be cured, if you saw me now,
well and hearty ; eat everything that comes
in the way. I owe you tbo praise of saving
my lite. I was in u hopeloas condition when
I went to von, in fact no one thought I
would get hotter. I cannot speak too highly
of you and of your medicines, for i0 was
Mem that cured me. Words cannot express
my thanks to you. Freely pass my name to
anyone. Yours, dm.,
Soon nr J. T. PEPPER, Bnnesnrs.
.I,°CL I,i
11.11., 51,.\„ l,, C.P.8, 0.,11I.U,1'. h.111.,
Specialist, - Toronto,
I1NA'1•flAN 13plc11A1tr', i,Iato8ol, 0HyH:—
After spending all lay money and 0101041y
to 00 0111.1080 on n,edieal Luse, Ln' what
they termed a LrhelcoH 0610 01 C01l6010l,bi00,
12r,. Sinclair eared ono."
nIes. Afs tr 1'UoLONO, weotillouee, ears; -
"whon all others failed, Dr. 8hloiuir enrol
in of fits,"
0. 3io.0011,8oN, (Iar•Irtou Pleco, says:—
Dr. btoohdr cored ole of Catarrh..,
('loo. ]rowan, Blyth, s0y8:—"DV. StuaLth•
sena 1110 01 110a1't disease and dropsy, whon
all others failed."
Diseases n( Prirate Noni, bronlllit on by
Ibtlil, Dr. iinel,ir crrioinly Cares,
C oxa1nzl.ta.t1oac. 7='ree.
WILL B]'] AT Tlfls'
•-- -
Friday, Dec. 4th, '91.
Ready for. Business !
I take this opportunity of
thanking the Public for the good-
ly share of patronage received in
the past and also to inform those
who don't know that I have mov-
ed to my new brick store, on the
site of former one destroyed by
My Stock of
is large, well bought and com-
plete. My store is not run on
wind or gae but good, solid,
every day Bargains may be had
at all times. Special Value in
Call in and see me,
Agent for Parker's Dye Works,
t7.w:s BETTER
S Dec.2-1 -
C 6 30
elite Att¢gdagtS
rogr¢SS Rapid
rig¢ Low
!amity of Room
ART 'r ,,A18 F001 ANY 60080.7
Agent, Brussels.
JF not remedied in season, Is liable to
become habitual and chronic. Dram.
tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels,
confirm, rather than cure, the evil.
Ayer's Pills, being mild, effective, and
strengthening in their action, are goner -
ally recommended by the faculty as the
best of aperients.
"Having been subject, for years to
constipation, without being able to find
much relief, I at last tried Ayer'', Pills,
I deem it both a duty and a pleasure
to testify that I have derived great ben.
efit from their use. For over two years
everlave krone etiring.
tyniyht botore in .S woul no
willingly be without them."—(;. W.
Bowman, 28 East.1ain,st., Carlisle, Pa,
"I have been takingAyer'e Pills and
using them in my famly since 1857, and
cheerfully' recommend them to all in
need of a safe but effectual cathartic."
-.John X. Boggs, Louisville, Hy
"For eight years I was afflicted with
constipation, which at last became so
1,ad that the doctors could do no more.
for me. Then I began to take Ayer's
Pills, and 00011 the bowels recovered
their natural and regular action so that
now I am in excellent health l'» S. L,
Loughbridge, Bryan, Texas,
"Having ,sed Ayer's Pitts with good
results, I fully indorse them for the pur-
poses for which they are recommended."
—•T. Connors, X. D., Centre Bridge, Pa.
Ayer's Pilis,
rllEPAwsD nx
Dr. J. C, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt,
!fold by dl Druggists aid Dialers la11lsdistaf,
Iru::ch !oolcn Mill
In Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market Price will be Allowed.
Wo have a Fine . osoxtmlent of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted
Goods, Yarns, &c.
.A11 Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or
otherwise, will have our prompt attention.
SGigHleriCTIOifV bdilTE D