The Brussels Post, 1891-11-27, Page 44 New Advertisements. I loth (act theld. Oastots I Rutledge. 1'aals 1t, 1. C. Ayer. ( to es leser nnc•kehxe. ;loopy cattle --G. A. 1)eadanae i3oars for ttervice._ADans Shaw. Notice to (!retliters_ Joseph Clegg. 1'ey (;ands - Parcel :ot, ,r llallidny. Bolus for Service—Samuel Walker. (Tin ljl`1155tI5 `131.05t, FItIi).j 1', NGT'. 37, 1891. Tratemieern people in Buren County should not lose sight of their principles the forthcoming municipal elections. It will do no harm to have candidates ex. press their sentiments on this vital public question, The trouble with Pro- hibition in its relation to the Dominion Parliament is that too many stt-exidle. the.fence men write M. 1', after their name. If the temperance eoutiment is to continue to grow and thrive the elect. tors most keep their hands on the leaver --the ballot --and see that they vote as they prey. Prohibition is the goal to be attained and our enccees for the future depends very largely oil being true to the cause and educating the youth of this Dominion in temperance priuciples. As there are and have been many cases of scarlet fever in this locality we think it not out of plate 10 record what the law Bays rela- tive to the duties of physicians and par_ tints interested as to the public health, as many transgress without knowledge of the law in connection with infectious diseases and as a consequence infeotiou often spreads and the Board of Health finds their hands fail in endeavoring to cope with the trouble, On pages 2,277 and 2,280 of the Revised Statute's the following plan directions are laid down :— Whenever any householder know that any person within his family or house- hold has the small.pox, diptheria, scarlet fever, cholera or typhoid fever, he shall (subject, in case of refusal or neglect, to the penalties provided by subsection 2 of section 106) within twenty.four hours give notice thereof to the local board of health, or to the medical health officer of the district in which he resides, and such notice shall be given either at the office of the medical health officer, or by a communication addressed to him and duly mailed within the time above speoi. fied, and in case there is no medical health officer then to the secretary of the local board of health either at his or by communication as aloreseid. 47 V. c. 88, e. 46. Whenever any physician knows that any person whom he is called upon to visit is infected with smell pox, scarlet fever, diptheria, typhoid fever or cholera, such physician shell (subject in ease of refusal or neglect to the penalties provid- ed by sub section 2 of section 1061 with in twenty-four hours give notion thereof to the local board of health, or medical hedth officer of the municipality in which swill diseased person is, and du gush manner as is directed, by rules 2 and 3 of section 17, of stilted/Ile A. 47 y, c. 88, S. 40. When the smalI.poit, scarlet fever, dip. theria, cholera, or any other contagious disease, dangerous to the public health, is found to exist le any municipality, the health officers or local board of health shall use all possible (tare to prevent the spreading of the infection or contagion, and shall give public notice of infeeted plaoes by such means as, in their judg ment, is most effective for the cocumon safety. 47 V. c. 38, s 50. 'Whenever a case of small -pox, chole a, eoarlatine, diptheria, whooping cough, measles, mumps, gianders, or other eon. tagious disease, exists in any house or hou,ebold belonging to which are persons attending settee!, the householder shall, within eighteen hours of the time such disease is known to exist, notify the head teacher of such school or schools, and also the secretary of the local board of health, of the existence of each die- euse ; and no memiler of such household shall attend school until 9 certificate has been obtained from the medical health officer, or legally qualified medical prac- titioner, that infeotiou no longer exists in the hous), and that the sick person, house, elothtng and other effects have been disinfected to his satisfaction ; and until such eertlfoatee shall have been ob- tained, it shall be the duty of every mem. ber of the household, and of the teacher, to use all reasonable efforts to prevent the association of members of the said household with other children. Whenever the local board of health, or any of its officers or members know of the existence in any ]louse of small -pox, cholera, scarlatina, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, mumps, glandere. or other contagious disease, they shall at onus notify the head or other master of the school or schools at which any mem- ber of the household is in attendance ; and should it not be evident that said member has not been exposed to said diseases, or any of them, the teacher must forthwith prevent such further at. tendanue until the several members pres- ent a certificate stating that infeotiou no longer exists, as provided in the proceed- ing sub -section, Huron County. Gotrie wants a Gun club, The "Emma wells Co." is billed to ap. pear in Lucknow soon, The saw mill, recently destroyed by fire at Fordwieh, will be rebuilt. One week recently D. Oat telon, of Olin. ton, packed from one orchard nine hun. dred barrels of apples. 11. Rase, of Gorier', is offering 35.00 for the conviction of some slink who injured his shade trees. 'C'hat's business. Mr. Crittenden, who for a number of years was a mrechent in Lakelet, sold out last week and left for Delmore, A shooting match, for a puree of 380, between Mooers McMurray, Ilinchley and Blackall, was held en Monday 9th feet. at Clinton reeulting in favor of the arab named In the contest proper, Musket! and MaMurray tied, but the latter beat in "shooting off the tree' Furewich is to he a regular station en i the C. 1'. 11, friar! this, Trains !lave been flagged for 5Dlhhe year's. '1'hn teems given shoo]i have entitled theta to au x1,11,1 tall along. .108. Snell the well-known breeder, of llullotl met whit 0 !Ivey., lase, When he went out to the stable one morning, he found one, his floret imported breeding mane lying dead. The members of the T,neknnw Cale (-Ionian Soefety will eelebratn St. Au THE BR ��. t I lliLL'. ltic TSSELS POST Nov, 27, 7.591 ' � - _ gam,craaWsxeawasrm�vmttx�mtacxn�ar ATip-top Display of the Latest Desi'lls ill 131lhy fhar- drew., IA0111, SIonday, Nov. 30th, by a : riagel have lll'rivetl 0 grand ball end supper 111 the large hall l on the Caledonian Paik. e All the present staff off teachers inIBennis ' Brussels Lueltnow public school have been re. I ' 1 s ar engaged for another ye, except Mise Ctlmaron DX the second department. The Call and SCO then] before you DOW teacher securer] for that roost is Mies Carrick, of Ashilsld. The salaries paid purchase C?1SL'1Vhere. the different towbars per year are ;--D. 1). Yule, Principal, 3650 ; George 10111. dleton, $450 ; 3. G. Smith, $000 ; Miss Ca, rick, 3225; Mise Archibald, 3266. I Trunks, Valises, Satchels, The llarristou Trillium says e -Mr. Dolmage, the groat llowiek sheep and t C, always in stock 1111(1 sold cattle buyer, has this hall shipped 0 eery at Close Prices large uumber of llunbe to the United States. Duri,ig the early part of the Jfyou Rant a Set of Light the market was fair and the sales gave ,lir. Dolmage beak about his own or Heavy Harness I Call money, but on the last few sales he has been losing money, anti so has we under- Supply you. stand, every other shipper found himse f upon the wrong side of the helium, sheet. This state of affairs is to be regretted ae it will no doubt have a bad effect upon the lamb market another season. C orrice. Mr. Doig is reunited to bed by an at tack of pleurisy. The lei teller's shop haw again changed hands, G. Berton having sold out to Mr. Cole. A new tailor is in town with the iuten. Um] of commencing business, He hails from Blyth, Rev. Won. Torrance is at London talc. ing a course of mineral baths. We hope he will return restored to perfect health. The Methodists held a social in the Totvn Hall on Thursday evening of hast week. Rev. 3. W. Pring, of Fordwieh, filled the chair and eddres,es were given by Revs. Messrs. Sallery, of Winghanh, and Shaw, of Wroxeter. The proceecle amounted to 317.60. The new paper will not, ae stated last week, be called the " Eiowielt Enterprise" owing to the Vidette having realized an urgent necessity for adding that title to its former one. What the name will be we have not learned but it ie expected to show for itself this week. Con. Straw fell into the dam on Sun. day and was carried through along with the gate while in the act of raising them. Wm. Dane, in attempting tore5000 him. also fell in. The results were not serious although Mr. Strew had only re. Gently recovered from an attack of pleurisy. The water has risen higher this week than it has been for ye ars and fears were entertainer) for the safety of the clam and bridge. 31r. Walker's shop was sut•round• ed and the floor overflowed so that he had to move his tools and other tnaterial out. Mr. Dane trill be a heavy loser as the nates in the dam cannot be replaced perhaps during the winter. The saw mill is surrounded by meter and quantities of lumber have fleeted down the river. XX es. Mrs. Stills, of Gwillinsbury, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Robb, The high flood tats week and floating loge damaged Clark's bridge considerably. Wm, Robb, 6th line, has about 3,000 bushels of turnips as the result of 4 acres of gt'onnd cropped. James Johnston, wife and family, of Minnesota, have returned to the let con. after an absence of four years. Miss Cassie Anderson, of Lueltnow, is visiting her friend, Miss Kate Mallwsn, of the let eouoession, this week. Calvin Campbell, of the 3rd line, hes had his house greatly improved in ap. peerance, by having it newly weather boarded, Another wedding on the boundary in the near future. Never mind M—we will not give Len away. "Carpe Diem" as time flies. Harry Mooney, who had his legbroken by a horse some timeetgo, improves slow. ty but we hope surely. He is still con. fined to his bed. Morrie township fathers have paid oil the balance of the W. G. ds B. railway bonus amounting to 313,004. They still have the London, Huron dt Bruoe deben- tures to pay. The handsome residences which have been undergoing construction, on the farms of Robt. Souoh and Thos. Warwick, 011 the third One, are now nearly mom. pleted. They are both frame, set upon solid stone foundations, are veneered with galvanized iron sheeting. When oompleted, they will make very comfort. able and commodious farm residences. ANDDING Banns,—On Wednesday even- ing 18th luse the residence of John 1110- Vety, 1st con., was the scene of one of those festive occasions which are not generally forgotten. About fifty invited guests assembled there to witness the marriage of Mr. MaVety'e eldest daughter, Mary Ann, to James Alexander Moffatt, one of our moat enterprising young men. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Blnevale, in his ostial able and efficient manner. The attendants of the bride were Miss Jennie McVety, sister of the bride, and Miss Aggie Mot fat, while the groom was a000mpanisd by his brotber, Peter Moffatt, and John Fell, ell of whom performed their duties in royal style, The bride was elegantly attired 10 dark gray cloth, with Lace and orange blossoms. .After the marriage the assembled guests sat down to a sump- tuous repast prepared by the good ladies of the house, and eaob and all did ample justice to the good things provided, The bride was the recipient of many hand- some presents as follows ;—silver sugar bowl, silver cruet, Bilk handkerchief, 7udoz. eilver knives and forks, coverlet, fancy table 0100 and a doz. nappies, water pitcher and glasses, sot glassware, color- ed ehceee dish, tray and lemonade set, table cloth, silver pickle castor, set gold edged glassware, tea tray, silver butter dish, preserve dish, cheese dish, teapot, lemonade set and tray, Plush cabinet holder, table sloth, cake stand and water pitcher, 35 hill, table oloth and pair towels, preserve dish and i dos. nappies, cot of rocking chairs, pair pillows, set of dishes. The evening was spent in music and social chat. About 1 o'clock the fair ttesemblagejwended their way homeward after extending their best wishes to Mr, See our Scotch Collars. IL Dennis„ Col'`'= hin IS Nature's effort to expel foreign sub- stances from the bronchial passages. Frequently, this causes iuflammatiou and the need of an anodyne. No other expectorant or anodyne is equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists Nature in ejecting the mucus, allays irritation, induces repose, and is the most popular of all cough cures. "0f the many preparations before the public for the mire of colds, coughs, bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there is none, within the range of my expert - erica, se reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. For years I was subject to colds, followed by terrible coughs. About four years ago, when so afflicted, I was ad- vised to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and today all other remedies aside. T did so, and within a week was well of my cold and cough. Since then I have always kept this preparation in the house, and feel comparative] secure." --Mrs. L. L. Brown, Denmark, Miss. "A few years ago I took a severe cold which affected my lungs. I had a ter. rible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave me up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded the rest necessary for,the recovery of my strength. By the con- tinual use of the Pectoral, a permanent cure was effected."—Horace Fairbrother, Rockingham, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price 31; six bottles, 30 Srdr 1\kw I'Oli11S FRESH (1) New Firm, (2) New Stora. A11H1VALS (3) New Goods. (4) New Prices, .A. Lot or Beautiful Grapes and Cranberries. Get solea of theta OYSTERS! Fresh Oysters Received three tines a week. You may depend on them being good. Order It Quart or a Gallon and try theta T. RUTLEDGE, Opposite American hotel. N (5) New way of doing Business. OW OPEN, We carry full lines in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing', 11Ien's Furuisllin. s, Boots and Shoes, (Tats, Caps, Furs and Groceries, Our Goods are Well Bought— Which Means Half Sold. We intent.] doing Business on the Photo, Gallell., f 1 have leased the Photo. Gallery in Capt. $trettozl's Block, 'E3JaU4es;Fe. Leff and have fitted it up in the most approved and modern style. Nothing but first-class work turned out and sat- isfaction guaranteed. CRAYON AND WATER COLOR WORK A SPECIALTY. Picture Framing done neatly and cheaply. Moulding always in Stook. I Solicit a trial from the peo- ple of Brussels and adjoining Country and feel assured you will be well pleased with the result. iAr. V, BUM. 'R3 AFTER BUSJESSI N account of the large and increasing business that we are no* doing we find our. Factory and ware - rooms altogether too small for our stock and are compelled to find more ronin for the display and storage of our mer- chandise. For this purpose we have opened out in full blast a Furniture Store in the building lately occupied by A, R. Smith, near the Post Office, Brussels, where we can show you in endless variety full lines of everything in the weey of Fur- niture. This place is easy of access, and as you are passing and re -passing for your mail, call in and see us if you can spare the time and we will be happy to show you our stock. We are quite up to the mark in Bedroom and Parlor Suites, Ex. and every other kind of Tables, &c., &c., Side Boards, Secretaries, in all kinds of wood and all manner of finish. "Solid Comfort" .Reclining Hammock Chctii",s are unexceZtvcZ and we invite your inspection of them. Oar Our Under- taking appoint• llments are not surpassed by any and orders The 3151'1tY.S!a,.. ,.144 4' of this nature will receive our undivided attention. store is specially supervised by Messrs, David Hogg and G. A. Hood, two young men, excellently qualifi- ed, who will ably and pleasantly attend to the wants and requirements of all our, customers, Yours truly, and Mre. meat for their future llappi- SMlvh' 1W 7 e01n AGibson S a+^ S TEI Which will allow us to sell at lower prices than any Credit House can do. We are here to do business and iC Good Goods, Fair i'ricos and honorable Dealing will secure business we expect to get it. Our Motto will not be so much, Cheap Goods, as—Good Goods at Low Prices. Come in and see us. We will be pleased t.) show Goods and quote prices. t'"Good Butter, Eggs and Poultry taken in exchange for Goods at the Highest Market Price. Irl c i 0 roof , TE-1�; Brussels oo10 Mill WANTS TO GET 50,000 POUNDS OF '=00L In Exchange for Goods. The Highest Market Price will be Allowed, We have a Pose Assortment of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan- kets, Sheeting, Knitted, Goods, Yarns, &c. All Wool left with us foe manufacturing, whether rolls or otherwise, will h;uve our prompt attention. SATISFACTION G°C A A i`TE HOWE Y E & 005 Brussels, an on P pr M n 0o e3 fa L, de ofu Sit fag 0