The Brussels Post, 1891-11-27, Page 3• ;o el al a. ru 'le ; ue ids it• dY do tut 1.111 ;he tdu int xl, ore his Use 110, hiS the ing tier s f ' Nov, 27, 1891 11.1.114,•••••••••••....., LATE FoREIGN NEWS .7g,n(:;:!1;irir,:,i.iirtIlizliltiztx pail through the panic. The Mormons who lied to Malec: Ithout five years ago ere Iltatt.ielling in their new JIrtnesele le to have ae elevated cable roma. Menial, 'rheas are (untied a little east of the Tasmania ism (tissues:red silver mines Mr Sierra, Madra Alinudainki, III about 851 ° rielier Gan any in Ansi rstlia, north latitude, whore the fertile Cases 'rho slieinend enttore are ile. Graselte valley gives them plenty of rich ploring the rt•strictimia mem the (noon a land to till. :some of thee° settlers( made cliemonds effected by the South .1.frican homes: f !tether eaet. Inn they are retreating dininosill (reefs to the las ger set lessemts twee the inlitill- St. Aldo has tut °maims essitd miter who is tains, :(.11er the elms d le better and erops a marquis ; count, who earne Isle living by ern r1.81er L0 raj", l'-'1Ygn'.'""7 it 81,111, eve eontranted with nipun ty, making monum trope, and tt balling Mali Whose title is Count Raoul de la, Begins:, 1Centsetly Smith, a veteran eporisorth and Marquis do Clitexibery, guide of the Deed itiver cinema in Maine, 111 g gssoo a (,,,,,.,1,4 3,,,,,,, Tre,,,,O,,, T,,,,,,,,,, has lt, hig. hly te.,10,,0,51 ,re11,11. hi, the ..furin.,0f m powner horn NYiii m lie Maim. I:1 11:1,1 aus sent, Charley Banks put up his pistol in lieu of chipe, A dispute mese, and in 1110 etreggle detserted homer 1)0111' Dead River. I lie hern for the pot the pistol NYCnt, Olf, shooting '8 e a ' '• . - . et ' I I mately my 1 buing eguipletely covered with desieste of birds halt, deer, Ando: through the head. and ehips, and licit t s the insernition : " John Over the door of every honse in the largo Shannon, hie horn, Al ado at Tioonderogre village of t 1 (inmate J apan, is the tnot to. Sent. ye 22, 1760." 01(1 bullets 11110 recent- ....Fetigal its all things. Liquoreprohibited." ly "seen pi:skint up near tho 11011:4U Where the 11hat town believes In local option, and ahl horn Wall 101111d, Mud I 1, IS supposed that the every one has joined. the ranks of total ale atieles aro Polies' of Benedict Arnoldas stainers no spirits of any sort, can be bought, expedition to Canada. in the plates, before his tent, weeping and crying for One result of the spread of the Al oh mined. mercy, their feces unveiled in token a deep an religion in Africa is to nethe tribes that coetrition. 'I hey staked the Sultan to have forutimly disposed of thee esupthee by can- teeny on their husbands:, their brothers, and nilial ism save them and sell theel for slaves, their children. The next, slay they continm A Baptist missionary in 13nemell is proud ell then. piteous wailing, and in the evening to say Out he munbere a Buddhist prieet the Sultan tegle them return to their homes among hie Exinverts, It ill very rare indeed and send their husbands into camp. lin that a priest of the Buddhist faith abandone comforted them with the aseurauce that if his religion. Twelve genes ago thlt; pasts. their tribe obeyed hint and refrained f vont miler priest, would not sit on the same level highway robbery he would not ettaele them with is., Catalan, nor take so ninch as a, again. tract from his Imnds. Ali things are eltang• The people of Afghanistan, groaning lin- ed since his conversion, lie ham mat off der the heavy taxes their ruler imposes, aro his Hatred robes, taken a wife, and eettled skipping over the border et a lively rate. (fowl: to a useful life as a. ifAcksinith while The lcust census :slaws that the pnpuhttion preaching on Sunclays, of the Cendalmr district has decreased 10,• Thirty-two millions of the Russian peas- 000 na 005» pared With the census taken in entry aro now destitute, duel:tees Senate:. the time of Share All. Many Afghans Intve liarinolf, and will remsin so for ten frantina sohl. their ossessions and gone to British There are some extraordinary examples of selielenial in the provinces. Priuee lismiski Karsokoff, the head of one of the noblest families in Ruesia, is living on goose Avert bread, ils an example to hie servants. An- other latunsi proprietor bee turned over his pieperty to the poste:trite, and two desighters have taken si [statism's as governesses. Robert Shaw of Snow's Falls, Ale. wont to sleep in a field the other day, and when hb awoke he was miens tt good peir of thou- sers. 'Field. mice, which swarm in Oxford county, had mewed the garment Lao shreds and carted awa.y. The superstition of sailers that ecelesias• Goal assachaions bring bail luck to the ship will be strengthened by the recent explosion of the steamship Evangel's boiler on Puget Sound, by which three men wove killed out right and five others badly hurt, Evangel had been a gospel ship, and waS built by small contributions rom a groat nunther of 011 ure11- .A Pasteur Institut° for the treatment uf rabies has been in exigence a Beetles ay res three years. During that time ege patients have been treated, inelusling laege number of persons who had been bitten by flogs actually noel as Nvell suspected ettees The resnite }MVO been extremely satisfactory as ouly eleven deaths have thus far Mum recorded. India ea Belochistan. In the northern goatee the people emigrating to the ituSSitLii part of the country the exodus has boon still ble opportutatios to become rich at a boned. Idle waiting demorelises tbe waiter ; and mssessions, Tashkurgen, for inetstneo, noised wants the men who is contenb to wait, It is sniel that " All things come to him who svelte" ; but it is the manner of the waiting which insures the " coming" of " o.1 1 things." If you do your best always for your em• ployer Inuell as for yourself, yon will surely find your rieht vocation ; but nail you do, take the advffie of the 01(1 motto, which wee on the fireplace of the Lu t terwork rectory of John Wycliffe : " Do the next thynge." When A.T. Stewart was in tbe first flush of enthusiasm over his plan of building a model city, he sent, for a arenitect (a volution of inine), of whose ability and honesty he had the highest opinion. Laying before this Man hi14 scheme, dilat- ing 011 trie bounty and sanitation of which he proposed to make his Carden City the inummittion, lie ended by Fraying " Now 1 want you to take entire charee of this peo- jeet and carry it theough ; oink° the eon. tracts ; see that they are correct and carried out 'bright ; and pay ell tells." The architect lward him through. Then, he wad very quietly, "Mr, Stewart, the man you went is doing business for himself." \ ho ia he 3" inquired Alr. Stewart with quick curiosity, and the evident intention of securing ttt any pelee. " Any man," said the architect, "who has the kuowledge and ability to do what you require, is inevitably at the head of an army of subordinetes. 80011 skill and execu- tive ability never stay in the ranks." 'Make strictest integrity tho rule of every businessact. 1)o this because it Is right, and not solely or chiefly because "honesty is the best policy." 11 your " word " is always yea " bond," if no pressure or persuasion will induce you to be In the smallest degree dishonest, yea Intro alsearly within you one of the mien elements of success. Stria integrity can no more be hidden then " love, ru eough, smoke a money." lt oommands a price in the labor inarket in proportion to its excellence and rarity. How rthre it is, is, peehaps realized by Mega em- ployers looking foe trustworthy managers, and rich men seeking relieble ex:meters. There is nu such thing as a trifling die. honesty ; but there may be dishonesty for a trillirg gain, and. many it man has sacrificed hie financial future by what he felt was a very sliglit lapse. 1 kuow of one Man who last a lucrative place of trust which ho had hold ninny yeas when it was found. that ho Mel his 'private account for tall its:meliorated in his employ- er's bill. .0 myself discharged it rideable assistant who helped. himself to my postage stamps foe his OWII correspondence, At ono time I was (Moat to embak in a heftiness venture of nonsiderahle magnitude with a man who Mel impressed me favor:11)1y. While our ansingements pending, I gave him money to blly for himself and me two theatre tickets. Using my mune, be smut - ed oomplimentary tiekets, but kept my money, and let me think he bed bought them. A :fasted glance at the tiokets show- ed me a teenager's private merle, Nvhich I (being one a the feternity) recognized, In- quiry stt the theatre eonfirmed my suspicions and I had im more dealings with a man to whom I had been ithout to tarust hundreds of thousands of dollars. Loge employers stre obliged to sift care. fully their reliable men mid rejeet the unre• lieble. Tho comprehensive and far -teaching meth ity of un (Molting. tratlifffiness and honesty affects all who come in 000tact with it, and Inspires itnitation in the negatively good and eespoot in the most noserupulons. Of one of my employes who 1108 MIN rirtne in its fullest development, I could tell many apposite and amusing stories. Many Inen aro more brilliant, some two more amisuble, but none more valued and liked. On ono oceasion the Client Ohang, who had lost by death the trusted agent who lied travelled wIth him for many years, WaS referred to this aid of mine by an epplicant foe the vacent place. On asking S710. --as to his knowledge of the applicant's character and capsbility, Ohasig received the astonishing reply : "Have nothing to do with him ; he is ttn unscrupulous rasettl, would saely deceive you mid steel from you." Natursi- ly, Chang clid not ingage the intun ecrrecomu mended. Next day the disappointed appli- cant, in great disgust and vexation, accost. ea Me, --with. " Why did sem say sitch itbominable things of me 1,0 Oliang ?" "Simply," said bemuse they (100 tame." It sometimes Imppous filet the cantme- men end their paymestere do nnt take ex. petty the 001110 view of athletes due, eto, Oftentimes it hits li Imo ss .1 that sclitstatisli. ed emplo,ye had 510 1.1, 1 nuttier by ssying Well, will le.. • it to Mr.--; if lie says it is right, it M riffid." The value of man whose 'kelt equally by his chief and ettbordinass' '‘. st be appiment to tho voriesttyro in In •Ess. Nob only toyourself. ' it, your children, will your good 4, good, morele and good name be hicalculable bleemiegs. „We knoW thais unfortunately, goodness is not invariably tranemitted from parent THE BRUSSELS POST. 7 YOUNG FOLKS, ger Party. She twilled upon her tiptoes( 111;11 1, 1N1‘.1t 1tor tangled tress,, 4.(01 erlod: " in isms Geo a ;doe: 1 11 have Male:Hs I:: ilny 3' s::I the table '110.1111 We, MI:5351 ing .11551 und Ten bins :•ups Upon Ifie Ivo , 'ren Mates mid spoons in trio: array, Ten I winkling tapers thin and inn, And then the fiend. was sone). 1111. The thrushes 1 en lest awl MyltIered sweet, '011, tore was 1011111V 1,11, 111.1, re. ; )1, dy 01131 Willi Inee was vinimod. " N5,1V hero am 1 luid here's the t rent!' She cried, "11,11, who Is 1 liero to eat, 1 1 nin very thirsty for ins tea, 1 think ell ha 1 lie ea:nouns. Aed sipping Dow :mid Li:sling 11011, Sim atm asel drank for all Mu ten I HOW TO SITOOBLD LIPB, A 1,08,511r510M4 11011 1117 P, n.111NOSt. Add to yonr acquirements typewriting and stenography, both of which will be 1.100 - fol to yott as employe or employer, I believe the time Is not, far distant tellea both will bo ttn in Wirral part of a businees oduseution, just as 010011 as arithmetic. Keep yen, bruin feee from Lite fumes of Mahal, you]. blood free from ite to Int. Avoid tobacco RS the poimon it really is. Keep yourself clean, physically and moral. ly. tare yea betty the cere you would give to :my tnachine of which you require 010011 goal work. Choose oarefully the work moat =igen. ial, and for which you feel best fitted. 1 f you cannot find it at, ontie, take the best place yon can get and do your best in it, whatever it may be. Yon will be forming habits of industry which will be iuveluable to you when you do find the right thing ; and you will prove to yourself and to others the eapaaity tor work thitt is in you. Do not wait, for the place you want in an idleness whiell will lill you with chimerical ideaa of and visionary longings for, impose'. ta Wu See it every clay ; end if Ivo were tempted Lir overlook it. we should be 1 1 A GHOSTLY WARNING. Steam tvhaling vessels have never yet been employed in the South Patifie. It now be- gins LO be noised about tat whales in that region aro not so nesely extinct as they were reported to be, and that there is room for the mai table eMployment of Len m whalers A whaling bark which left Tasmania cni Aug. 17 eaptured in two days two large black wheles, whiell yielded ambergris valued. at $20,000. BEIWONAL, retnittsled of it by peeeignistie proverbs, of The EmPoror of Auelli 1 ha" °ea. f"r,"(1 the 1 ,, No 1 ,11,,Itosis".1;:;:17;4silig-Tisnita."1:17oCsts," said a whath wa have plenty, :such 08 " Black Ordta. of the 1 enti Crown upon St, l lonely, sheep in every fold," " Clergyinen'm sons," who i4 tioW entitled ti style limmat 111tron i liriiie„,:,$1110oltlinvItlungeligineer on one of the trook ete, ‘'aur Bon, hoWeVer, bas just, es 11111011 you Pelts:sir. 1 Out of Katerae City. " IVIost es lin hue of inlieritieg yonr Isbie :los 0.r i301,,,r,ti Camtie well un Into L:lo 0„,„„ \ 5 ,,, ,3„. ,„„li.,,,,,,,, 1, , 10,. s.,„.10,,, of the ph:01011101m We run aeralte call bu 0X- "."•'"" '."'-'1'"" ,' -- -:'^-- -',('' HI a,Y ,,-- ' plained on 001ne Millet' hypotheels, and of E•hatice of inheriting yens' moral ten:I:Melee onte of yourS, juSt as 11111:511 1121 WS 11481:11M, inn a NEemal, ,r, Tho beatings tur stt the , uesH. y,,,,e,artinhatl,t,r,,,, inIttiajlri,Lyma.remiliumeriten11011010- those tied. Meek baits /lie mor sle may hi, tlas dupls. will probably remain there until tho 141 ter yons mune, g,,0,1 or 1,,,41, he 1,115:4, mhe.rit s„,,,,,,), (.,1„,,1,, ,,,Ii„,11,, (,,,,,,,,, ii„,,, ,,,,t.,,,I, „lath, inysell that 1 coulE1 not explain st the time, awl be helped 00 handicapped by ft. N oll : the nmse selasow ism t ot t , , and never miner) been aisle to, but I still be- ' '''" - " - I' 18, I", ''''' ' lieve they must have (mine rational explena• ' NVight" whar"'" "'mall). pa0N011 LI° t'1"331' Hun. Cele of th, strungmit incidents in My :11,51 give hint no riehee width east corn p5. re , With 11 good 1111011 and a good example. I he .1,1„, h„;;,ia),a; where, whoa the present Amoco esconded the thi•one, there were 1 0,000 oceuffied houses with tenants. The Ameer's country used to be called the land of men and stones brit an Indian journal suggeetri thet if the present flight continues it will become a land of stsmes alone, Mr. W. S. Caine, a prominent ox member of Parlietnent, said reuently Edinbagli that lenglend had foreed intoxicants epee the people of India and by her liquor policy spreed tesmible ruin and misery among he native population. The British discov- ered a hundred years ago that absolute pro- hibition Was the attitt1:10 of tho old native Governments, lie said, and the people of India were by habit, tradition, and still more by religion, total abstainers from in- toxicants. Forty years ago an excise system was introduces: under which the Government farmed out ardent spirits to the bidder Who took the lits•gest quantity, and in addition, stquired and nom, holds, mouopoly the sale of opinin end bluing, the Intim. dos. eribed as the most maddening Intoxicant in existence. The system has spread ruin and desolation among the natives. Something may be learned from the Met, that the tem- perance reit:meters have recently secured the closing of over 10,000 liquor Shope in Madras alone. men who know what yon ere will .10 11.1"1, ' The aaeinss sophie (Imisherg, who wee (1Ticeul LrlIslietwuglitielitinlitives“811ireU1113nfli!:/ginaSnliter's1Igeht108 the mune of your son. C ho hoe nror,01. ; gigs:stele execated iu Puma:Ian ; Rogdhouse, You know there is a little whet metal lie is mad0 of, they will give :ndann ,sv.aa 1,i,,e0,11,11005,11 170a1s 1511',.11,1,10711,11r libtaastii,oner1,1,78.0 u(.11,1s&aryka, where the Chieago and Alton and the We - a young Men of whose family not l!ing, or 1 leave the mtres of the theatre all behind , hays se come to a full mop, and, though I ' nothing good, IS innoW5i, 1 cotild give gvou s him ,vjen he gnu; norm, and la ;Ingo,. jam. , have sense over it a thousand times, I never 1 many instaterce of Ode, but G110 1.1111strat.lon self exchisively to MN wife and two little ' go orer it without a shudder. Whenever I ' must eullice, One of my head mon has.two young acms. '1°11141.1-°". "1"." he ie 11"1 ee the re..."1: ' :eke an engine orer that, crossieg a lady's A friendof mine whohas gamed greet: weelth 11111,510,,tte,.iter•litilelyronLII 1811 it:071011i! triiiltehoumpe faktwiNr:anv .1 way. 0070 0 10. ' yoke as gentle and lie vlear as a silver bed, and worldswide reputation liy industry, ,,,, , plainly and dist inetly : theatre capable of aceommodating 1 50 mei i I Ap right ; go, ,,,h,,,L, nova 1,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,, mily shrewilnees, and that ammo ettpn:•ity one great. element of which is the power to road character. and divine who will serve him best, offered to the (shiest son, as soon as he left seheol, a place in hia office. " Bygund- by," he said, I :Mall want the younger boy also foe 1 like the stock." father of these 'boys, without, any extraimous aid, rose in Brightly' from poverty to competency, His sons us this laud of large opportunities, asel with the heritage of LIMIr father's good name and the incaleuleble advantage of hi example and training, will become affluent P. T. BAB.NOM. Breed IMproVement. We visited a dairyman the other (buy who waS renovaing his herd of cows. He want- ed to improve the general status of his dairy and Elo it expeclitiouely, stud this was his method 1 He was tawnier; the inferior animals in the herd, and 510 Man 11.0 One beeve wee disposed of the money Hutt it brought, with more added to it if necessary, was expended foe the purchase of a first elass (stitch 00W. By this method he is re ,sonably sure that next yea' his dairy will do et least third better than it has done the past 00E18011. This num on the start did not have an uncommonly poor dairy by any men as, but had fair grade of common milch stook. He will piele out the rough diamonds from other common herds about him and soon possess a dairy actual to any grade herds. The gentleman must needs go farther, how- ever, if he makes a what ending out of a good beginning. He should by all means put ts. registered bell at the head of the1 herd next speing. The choice cows he is selecting will do al- right for a few years, but for their quality to be perpetunted, and if possible be int prow - ed upon, a sire of straight pedigree is stria• ly necessary. To improve upon mileh stock you meet have good cows and a good sire too. This would seem to be plain enough for any dairyman to comprehend, but yet the country is thickly, populated With fanners who, if they do understaud this fact, utterly ignore it in practice. , A ecrewny scrub, Et two or three yess old bull, and often & yearling, is to be seen run- ning with herds of noble cows on farm after farm through this section (New 'York State). Less frequent ly, but occasionally, grade or full. blooded bulls are noticed -presidiug over eonlmon dairies. Both systems prevalent are in the ultimate result wrong, although some good may bo derived irons the latter. Either the etre or the dam, or both, must contribute (nullity to make the offspring of a good 11111011 strain. The governing charac- teristics of the offspring arc 08 likely to be inherited from the ffium ass from the sire, and vice versa. It thuS appears DS a plant fact thee you canna breed into good miloh stock intelligently and surely without good blood on both sides. A blooded bull alone isn't going to be the salvation of your dairy by any means, although he is fox preferable to ail inferior sire. On the other hand good cows, while they will last a fow years, are not sure by tho use of inferior sires to trans emit their milch testae to bovine posterity. If any of oar dairy roasters are teeing their herds this fall by the purchase of choice CONys oUr firm belief is that they have only gone half way towat•d permanent improve- ment, It is an excellent time now to in - ungulate a system of permanent improve- ment in your dairy ; and as such improve- ment means more to you for labor involved, you will never rogretthe wise stop, (Cleo. E. Newell, in the Prairis Farmer. Manx Branonr. In the Isle of Man, as in Scotland, much of the humour, says a weiter the Satur- day lie ries., depends upon odd tans of ex- pression. " If ever I get to heaven, pitmen [parse:II," said an old perish clerk, 101 be under your patronage." The notion hese is funny enough, giving a, vivid glimpse of the future state as depicted by a man who seldoin been outside his own pavish. Or the humour may consist, merely in the rine:coo:Aka rise of some particular word. 110001, old charactee who had been given a new mu Iller and kept it carefully wrapped up in papee instead of using it replied to all remonstrances, "I'm not gem. f lo melte a hack of it et all." Upon another 00CaSion he remarked to a visitor who had been much benefited in health by residenee on the iShInd . " Von issl a much batter gentleman new till 700 WaSS when yon came" with which tray bo compared the coui•tly Minis- ter's " who putteth her ladyship's trust in Thee." To those who took his words liter- ally, soothe!. expression of his would sound amesing. Describing it former mistimes lio esid, " We twos fellin. pa reg'lar the first two yeare, but niter then I could manage her.' Yet ell he meant by the lest plu.ase Was that matitees had run more smoothly, Some funny stot.ies are told about the mar - liege service. One Ot eill relates how an uld man brought rather unwillingly to the altar could uot he induced to repeal; the responses. " My good man " length ex• claimed the clergyman, "I really eannot marry, you unless you do as you Etre told 1' But the man still remained silent. At this unexpected hitch the bride lost all patience with her hiture spo ase, and bast out with Go on, yon old toot I Say it after him just the Fame as if you' wises mockin' hire." The same difficulty occurred in another case. Tho clergyman after eXplaining whet -was neuessery and goffig over the responses several times Nvithoub the smallest afoot, stopped in dismsy, whereupon the bride- groom encouraged him with—" Go ahead, MassSi, go ahead— thou'rt dole' bravely I" tTpim another occasion it wee, strangely enough the woman who could not be pro. Sailed upon tO Speak. When the elergy• man romonstruted with her, she in- dignantly replied, " Your father married 110, twice heftier, mut he wesn't aerin' me any of them imperent questions et all," Some- times, as hero, this uneensoions humour is apt to be a little disquieting to the person to whom it is addressed. A certain manor, having explained tho nature of his OeCupil, (ion to an old Manx woman, was hardly prepared for the ecnmnent, " Well, well, what does it matter so long ee s body melees his livin' honestly ?"—the words being evidently meant to pet hitn on better terms with Ininself. But worso still feted an English clergyman foe eome time viesur of a UNTO: periell sect, from ignores= of the people and their ways, not 0 very popular one. Hsving received preferment 0100Whern he started on mend of farewell visits, bet without Melting a single regret Gut ho Woe going, At lest ono old Wolnall tOld 1110 6110 " mortal sorry." In his delight the the viesr Id ouriosity outren diecretion, and ho asked for hor reason, Well," sad she, with totoffing candour, we've hod es lot 0. pass'ns over here from Englend, mid melt one has been vsorso than the last ; and, after „yoe're gone, I'm &feud be sen'in us the devil himself." 1Plui vicar left hariedly. The largest steam shovel in the world is digging out phosphate in the mines at,Johnal Island, near Cffiarloslon, S. C. Its weight is 56 tons. It can clig to s. depth of ten feet below MI Mack and to a distance of forty- five feet on either side. The dipper, which can swing through two-thirds of a circle, MIS a Capacity of one and throe quotas cubic yards, end about two clippers full eau be handled in a, minute. The Mat hespitel in the Khanete of Bois. hare was recently opened with imposing ceremonies by the Russian Government agentS and the authorities of the counthy. The Emir of Behave, has established the institution in commemoration of the lucky esesme of the 0z:wawa:di hi Japan. At the opening of the hospital the reppsentative of the Emir pronounced a toast in honor of the Czar and his heir epperea. Only Russian physicians have been appointed on the medical staff of the new institution. Moro letters go to the Dead Lotter Office from tierotoga clei•ing Septombet• than item any other Post Office in the United States, For nine months of the yeaz the postal bum ness there is that of tun ordinary town, but diving three smut= months tho business is thee of a city of more than 100,000 popula• 'Mon, and when visitors leave the hotels they neglect to leave addresses to w111.11 letters may be forwarded. It is said that fully 25,000 deaths occurred in one of the recent epidemics of small pox in Guatemala, but notwithstanding this frightf01 mortality and tho frequency of small -pox swages, the Government has telcon no wins to introduce any schwa of vaccination, and the State is without, eny vaccination laws at ffil. In this respect Guatemala is farbeltind some of theneighbor- Mg Centrist Ainet.ican countries. A medival society in Gustetnala has tiukeu tip the subject and will endeavor to persmule the Government to adopt proper sanitary laws. The reports that the exportation ot rye from Russia by way of the White Sea would be prohibited, havo caused the Ambassadors of Sweden and NoeNvay to ask the Russirun Minister of l'oecign Alfait•s whether there is rottliy such a measure in contemplation. 'Ph 1V/inister answered that the Cztur's ukase about the exportation of rye does not em- brace the ports of tho White Sea so long asi the shipment in those ports does not ex- . weed ite normel proportione. The Ministry of the Imperial property has been informed that despite the oxisthys re. gnlations, there aro women Nvorking In the mines in the Polish peovinees, mid thst he - :sides the bard tabor they Imam to perform uodee the gronal and the rude treatment to whieh they aro subjected, they meet with boa:lents more frequently than the men. A set of lbws has therefore been Dimmed by Which in Russia as in 1111 other European imentries, excep'b 13olgintn, NvOnien NVill peohibited from working in mines, and a Inavy fine hnposed ott those who otnploy thom such work. ss A Ms Petersburg Despot' prectiote gold ie Europe, in consequence of the hall erops this year, According to its alienist - tions, the European countriOS will hewn tn pm•ohaso grain snit other pro:Inas in Amor- leas 1.0 tho vele° of SO00,000,000. This immense sem will listne to be paid in gold, and the drain must, sooner or later, be felt in the markets Only Russia, which has it, stock of 300,000,000 Marks in gold in its treasury, amd Vranee, Which, besides su our - VoNfistroes—" Bridget, have you spoken to the milkman about the kind of milk ho hse been leaving es lately ?" Bridget (recently imported)--" No, 'ma'am. liever spite to strangers until 1011 well aegratinted Wid 1 on), pit., where him children delight in ef,""g three times that this has nut Innis done. reciffitions, The younger, Adelaide, is ye.. igioo juitig aho ;gild is, ion; ported to Show already signs of letving 1 " • Stop I wait admits, I' Inherited her lather's talent, Mr. Wilson'e I Es so &es:wog:ea 11,10 betscene to obeyin private " den " is furnished with odd bits of furniture he bas pitiked up in Ins travele, and the floor is smeared with a rag her that I :stopped at 1:1100 at the nnusna onnsinaud. Lookieg ithead 1 HAW by my headlight that a Man had caught his foot ' caveat NvIsiell Sir. ilsou eliewe gyeat in the frog Just ahead, and Would lia.00 been ! Pride as the worlc ef hie mother and little erushed ii 1 had gone ahead. He himself girls. He declares bine:elf 0, farmer, ter 110 said it Was a :1---11 close call, Init on learn. keeps a cow and raises chickens. . r. Wilson is of Quaker parentage. Since retiring to Hindhead to finiell the work of his life, Professor Tyndall hue been eubjected to annoyanees from disobliging neighbors whieh igh tt y even a phi loslopli yr. First, to preserve needed seellisiOn, Ise WaS forces' to hey a large piece of land Whieli a speculative builder advertised in building lots us "overlooking the gromels of Peon:Esser Tyndall." He leit the property open, how• ever, and ohmic patties ancl wild.fruit gat:hovers have nenle free with the heath. Alore recently an adjoining tenant started to build a stable dos • to the peal essor's ittessrite walk and in full view of hie study windoW, and persiateil its doing so, elthough he was offered a differeet site free of cost and $500 ill Money to diange putpose. o proteet himself agninst the offence to his vision, if not to his nostrils, the philosopher hat' to erect a screen of larch poles end heather, and now carping critics speak of his met as ungenerous and churlish. John Raskin has made a record as hy- draulic engineer by solving for the inhabit- ant,' of Fillsing, a small town in Sussex, England, the problem of olitaieing an ado. quota supply of cli•inking water. As an evidence a their gratitude the penal° have erectod .. to the glory of God mad in honor of John Ruskin." ing that he Was the 0:1:toi• of one t little country weeklies a alisssetri I didn't toll him why bad st oppal, for I had no desire to here it publiehed, my queee' im- agination buying already 0 tused unfortun- ate talk. " After that, foe a year, everything went as usual, anil 1 alWayS heard tile Name gentle voiee Fay 1 " ' All right : go ahead 1' " One slay stitor I lied come to a dead stenshstill, and had started up again, the lady's voice said to me, in quiek, aexioue tunes " 5.4.0p ! Wait a in:01118 ! You'll he too. late ! Reverse n " I followed her commands as quickly as. possible, end a little golden -haired fairy- Nvas picked up from ;Met in front of tha wheels of the lueomotive. The mother. who was waiting for a Wabash trete fainted, and was still utemsiscious when we went on, but she afterward sent a handsome cheek to the division supet.imendent for me at Slater. Now, the strangest pate of ffil this is the fact that no one ever heard these commands of warning exeept me, When NN*0 had saved this little girl mention, the fireman asked me if 1 saW tho ehild and at once add, No.' and, of course, I then had to explain why 1 had stopped. and rm'ersed, and thiS relliv- ed the talk which haat been very common a, yea or more before with regard to My l• :met r' Ways, Mit NV111011 had been dropped. When the superintendent later sent for me to give me the shock that had been sent, lie asked me the !acts and I told him the whole story just 10 it, really existed. He looked at the a little queerly when 'got through, and Saiil ." You Isave been too long with us, and 0.00 too serv in.,able for ns to Want to lose yoll, hut we emit have any stories like this ohs calming. 1 t will injure our service too badly. I suggested that only twice ha 1 ie. interfered with my run for a half musette,. and in both eases hed satmul a life, lint this Mil no good, and I saw that 11, repetition of yielding to my imagination as he called it would probably mean my resigation. It 'happened that I was requested to take the plate of a friend and run back over the road that very night, nod although I had lost fu. great deal of eleep, 'couldn't refuse. When we approached the Clark switch and cross- ing I WaS very uneasy and neevoas slid felt that tny imagination was just in condition.. to sense me any sort of a trick. " 'We stopped, and es I started np again I heard that voice I know so Well say, with perfect distinaness ". Stop I Wait a. minute !' " Now, I thought to tnyself, I must not yield to my imagination, like a child. Sol made no 1000e:tient to stop. "She spoke node, and said in agony, as it seemed : " 'For heaven's sake stop ! 'Reverse 1" 130, insteed of doing so. I gave her more steam, and as We went forward I itnagined I head the engino toying something, and I know I heard tho warning voice in tears, crying : " 011, dear 1 Oh, dear 1" When I came back on my ratan f learned that our (vain bad run over an Est,' mem who lived' a few minutes, but was never indentiffed. I went over the run once 01. twice afterward, but diet henxtrendering ory of Oh, dear 1 Oh, deer 1' rings in my ear every time I go past Clink, and mi. I told the superintend. ant and hauded in my resignaticn." " And yet you doir.t believe in ghosts ?" said a listener. " No," he replied. " Of course I can't ex- plain thiS, but it must have some reasonable explenation." David Christie :Murray, the English journalist and novelist, who has recently untEle delsut ell the London stage, is about forty.four pars old and siX feet tall. lIe ran away front Oxford to enlist in a cavalry regiment, where he distinguished himself as a rider, fencer, and boxer. When he tired of solsliering he became a newspaper correspondent, and was at the front during the Russo-Turkish woe , A train on Nelda Jay Gould waS t•ecently riding over the Chicago and Northwestetn Railroad made a run of eight end onc-half 01iles in five minutes, an average of one hundred and two miles an hoer. The amusing pictures of people in London society which have appeared for so many years in Punch are not. caricatures, the artist, George du AI:wrier says, but faithful retire. sent:040ns of the ridiculous side of society life as he has seen it. Bishops mist flunkies, he admits, are his fevorite types for illus. tration, and many of the absurd situations which helms depicted are actlial occurrences. The gowns and bonnets he draws ere true to tho fashions of the times, and are coplea from those Worn by his wife, and three cimighters. Mr. du Maurice lives on the top of a great 11111, the edge of Hampstead Heath, in a house full of works of art. A little grendson ancl his dogs, who often ap• pear in his pictures, are nmong his contemn. ions, Amid these homelike surroundings, thisman, who has drawn fun for the English. reacting public during the last twenty-seven years, leech an ideal life. An Immense Honey Bee. An immense honey boo has been imprison- od in one of the rooms of the University of Pennsylvanie. It is Jelly four and a half feet from sucker to sting, and measures near- ly six feet from tip to tip of the wings. This is the hugest boo ever seen in this part of the country, at least, end if it could feed on clover blossoms would make necessarily .n, greet honey -producer, for its honey bag is big enough to storo away a whole comb. But there is little danger that, it will escape from imprisonment to the fields, 0.13 it iS made entirely of papiergnache says the Philadelphia Record. This huge imitstion has boon purchased for tho use of the stud- ents in the biological department of the en. iversity, It was mentifinitured in Peris by an itugenious artificee, Emile Deyrollo, who is famous for being the unique constructor of such biological workieg models. The big shiny bee is poefectly articulated molded snit jointed together, true to the busy little "yellow -breeched philosopher" of the Sole's, aftet' whom it wee fashioned. Wings, head, thorax and abdomen ate all bo disjointed by the simple eurgery of thumb and finger the head may be trepanned, displaying 'the sinsull brain and physiologierd machinery within, tho thorax seressated, and the abdomen disemboweled, Every organ, artery, vein, fold, SineW, LiSS00, has boon carefully reproduced in exact proportion with delicate fidelity half lost sight of in so Ittege a model. Doan Charles S. Holley intends' that the pupils of his department shall diseet thie big bee and study' it until they bebome experts in bee architecture. A huge ensil and leech, each :Mout three foot long, Ilse° also been secured for the biological depertmea, mut a whole musenni of gigantic insects is to be gradually ammir• cal.Seinee Dffineong 010 brother of the Ping of Siam, who is at presents in Paris, says he thinks the miesioneries in his country put the cat before the hor60, They begin, he says, by preaching that all the Stem tele know and all their belief in Buddhism itre entirely false, anti that the only truth is tho faith which they propound, Then, of ter prejudie. ng the people ogainst them in dliS way, they establish schools and do some good work. lie thinks they ought o begin by opening school:: and performing other 10008:Ervin tvhieh the people can appreciate, and, then enlighten tin:P.-public as to their tends and NY111I0 explainnig their faith thoy shoific.l. not utterly condemn lituldhism,batshould teach What iS gc!od. Christianity WithOUlleondennt. ing what is good 111 tho native faith, C. Wyncoop, of Colorado, is to heed an expedition soon to be sent to Africa from London by a company of Eneliall capitstlists in search of False Solomon's mines, 'Phey do not rely entirely upon Haggard's roinanee, but go on the supposi• tion that the mines from which much of King Solomon's wealtis waS thaNyn have never yet been discovered. Teey depend ripen legend and tradition for loceting the mines of Ophir. Mr. Walter Pelham has revived what lute been almost n. lost art, and 001110 Iscautifid specimens of his taste and skill have elicited Ingh praise from clities aria connoiseenes. Certificates of marriage and of baptism, en rummy vellum, illuminated in gold and oolors by Ale. Pelham's brush, possess the softness Et00 delicacy mid something of the exquisite clutetn of mannecripts and missals treasured in old monasteries, and patiently wrought in the Middle Ages. Mrs. Elizabeth Beatty, once maid of honor at the court of George IV., died in Elizabeth, Now Jersey, a, few (lays ego, at the age of eighty-eight. Sho was forineely the tinfe of a British officer. The most popular patroness of athletic sports in Francs is the Duchess d'Uzes, who is herself a fine sportswoman and horee woman, She also debbles in literature, plays the organ, and shows a good deal of telent as a ssulptor. A number of royal European ladies aro addicted tO the use of tobacco, if ell repute be tree, Queen alarglierita of Rely melees constantly when she is slone as does the Czarina, who has 0 pretty boudoir, copied from an apartment in the Alhambra aim filled with painntrees, which she uses as 0 ststolcimproom. The Empress of Austria, the Queen Regent of spent, the Queen of Port. 'mid, Queen Natalie of Saida, and the Queen of Ronnutuia, all smoke cigarettes. And Ile Didn't Oare Ono day, RS 1110 first Mayor of Weiner- hampton wsts riding dewn the Starlord.,Ei el, he oveetoolc n, youth driving some pigs which evidently 1100 eome from the mnrket. The INlayOr, ltS be came eloser to the driver, sok. ed him " who WAS the MaStOr rsf tho60 pigs." " That 111110 beggar there," pointing to a sandy one, " he worries them all." The Mayor, in a rough votee, again ex - Ordinal ; "1 tusked you who teas the master of these pigs?" The driver egain bawled out,: " That lit. tie wretch them, he maoks 'ern all run ; look at him now masking thea big 'nn run." At this the Meanie bemire excite:1, and said " Do you kerne who I are ; do yon know you ere speakiug tho Alayor of Wolverhampton 3" Tho Elrivor answered " don't know whether you aro it mere a a boss you look as 11111011 like mon se I O'er :500 anybody." HO is poorest tvho lugs least love in his heart, •- S01118 Priat104 &oily persons find speedy relief for nem, - ons headache by wasffing the head thorough- ly in weak soda wetter. By using it plentiful supply of warm weter on the faze before resting much dosnage to the akin is saved, and Much geed towards its preservation is accomplished. Olcl potatoes should be peeled and thrown in a pan of cold water to prevent them from turning blaok, then drained from it and put to cook in boiling water end a twine of snit. Heavy suppers and excitement are the pi•ineipal disturbers of sleep. Take e, light supper an hour or two before bedtime, and engage in reading, or something of a soothing nature, some time before retiring. Tn make potato starch pudding, nse on quart of n1ilk, boiling hot, put four table. spoonfels of potato starch, three eggs, and a lakle salt, well mixed anti °eaten together, and your pudding is made. To bo eerve of the tea -leaves in sweeping 0t111y001Z0ies.ten handful of bran, the catmets. The bran not only gathers et the dust, hot brightens the colours of tin meterial. Don't lthe tOo hard a knell el sweep too vigorously. For a swollen too jointsoak in warm watei in which a handful of salt is dissolved, Dis solve as tnuelt salt in a gnat bottle of ho water es the water Nvill take up, and tise th as a lotion. Wet several thicknesses of hem to use as a pad, pour on it four drops o arnica, extract, apply the annicate4 side is the and 00000 With bandage, Easy fitting boas or shoes aro essential. In nuthing rolypoly Make a rich bi00111 dough, Wills an Ogg, batter tend Sligar i yanr bread rising, Roll it mit thin, to bat en inch, steered with stewed evaporate( peaches nr apricots, or with raspberry jam Roll it over into a long loaf. Bette in buttered pen for helf honr and sere with a herd seem To boil a rolypoly fol low the same direotion, bet insteed o baking tie it in a well -floured cloth runnel for three hours or steam it,