The Brussels Post, 1891-11-6, Page 4New Advertisements
Locale --J. T,
Tho Weekly Empire.
Oysters. '1. Rutledge.
Lotials--Dr, .1, C. Ayer.
Lamle-- W. S. Dickson.
Loyale-1, C. liltharcls.
A Serprise—G. A. Oeadman.
Auction 13u1d—Leye, Reid Af Owens.
Wall and Winter Goods—Ferguson
(Lbc cilltuzuls 'On5t,
PRIDAY, NOV. 6, 1891.
Tim Worneee Methodist Missions
Convention passed the following resol
Non :—"Whereas alcoholic.: liquors i
large quantities are being exported int
heathen countries by professedly Chris
tian nations, thus subverting InIssionar
effort, therefore res dyed, That we hereb
acknowledge the sisterly greetings of th
Ontario W. O. T. Union, that we exprel
our sympathy with them and assure ou
sisters oE oar hearty co-operation 10 thei
noble efforts to bring about the tota
prohibition of the liquor traffic."
THE Chilian Government has eplied
to demands of the 'United States iu re•
gard to the riots at Valparaiso in the
most firm and dignified language. The
Chiliao Administration of Justice have the
affair under investigation wali a view to
the rigid enforcement of the Chilian
lawsand it protests againet the 'United
States interfering on the strength of a
necessarily one-sided enquiry on board
of a American man-of•war. Chili its•
sures the 'United States that justice, ao-
cording to Chilian law and methods, will
be done, just 88 11 the victims had beet
Chilians, and no foreign government has
the right to ask more. This is in effect
exactly the reply of the United States
Government to the Italian Government
at the time of New Orleans massacre,
and the Italian Government had to be
contented with it, as the 'United States
Government will have to be in this case
unless kir. Blaine is determined to boom
himself by means of jingoism.
THE North Perth election trial is ad-
journed to Nov. 20th. All charges are
practically abandoned, except the charge
relating to the G. T. R., that is the giv-
ing of tickets to voters which were paid
or to be paid for to the G. T. R. James
F. Walker, traffic auditor said : I knew
about the tickets issued at the last elec-
tion. They were business tiekete to be
paid for, and part were paid for. We
have rendered the account. I have taken
the following extract of the amount with
reference to the last election :
J. A. Ohapleau.. ..... $ 216 00, not paid
Sir C. Tupper 1,015 50,
J. W. Sward 1,270 50,
E, Pacaud 1,241 30, " "
T. McGreevy. 172 00,
D. McCarthy 86 75, paid
W. T. R. Preston 432 70,
W. 11. Preston— 3,384 03, not paid
Conservatives of Nap-
anee, Belleville,
Kingston aud Co-
hourg 500 00, not paid
Sir Jno.A. Macdonald Services free.
This IS a new phase in election trials and
shows the folly of using an anoient
voters' list. Nearly all this expense
would be saved to both political parties
if the Ontario Franchise Act were sub•
stituted for the Dominion.
4.4 ease t-ts I CV ewe..
Snow fell all day Monday in South
Turkey ie refusing admission to re-
fugee Russian jaws.
H. A. P. Carter, Hawaiian Minister to
Washington, died Sunday.
The influenza epidemic is rapidly
spreading in Central Europe.
There were 180 eases of cholera and 90
deaths in Damascus the past week.
Over 1,000 men are at work on the new
cruisers in the United States naval yards.
Three hundred and twenty convicts es-
os,ped from a Tennessee prison last Fri•
Mrs. 0. S. Parnell is growing weaker
and there are fears that she may not re.
The kthe prohibiting the export of all
Russian cereale except wheat was issued
The Detroit Football Olnb defeated the
Toronto Scots 8 to 0 in Saturday's match
at Detroit.
Thirty thousand operatives are out of
work in the North of England through a
strike among the engiueers.
A. monk was killed by burglars on lest
Friday at the Cistercian Monastery, near
Montelirnart, France, and the safe rifled.
'United States Marshal Wise and a
friend named Garvia were killed while
trying to arrest a desperado in Texas on
Friday of lath week.
The delegatee to the Women's Misaion-
ary Society Convention at Washington
were received by the President and. M.s.
Harrison last Saturday afternoon.
Ten giant buffaloes from the pitting of
Nebraska were shipped by C. 7. Jones, of
New York, to Charles Leland, a Liver.
pool banker, The animals were raised by
;At. Cook and sold for 91040 opiee. kir.
Leland will put them in hie private park,
One of the delusions of the crazy king
of Bavaria ie that the carpets of his
apartments are of thin glans and must
not be trodden upon. Another of his
hallucinations is that the walls of the
rooane are hung with newspapers and
from them he tea& aloud to his aetend•
ante imaginary stories of the events of
the day.
Mut. Dea,eing, living at Deniaon, Tex.,
the other day carried her little daughter
into the front yard and planing her on
the ground returned to the house. Some
lime later the mother wont for ahs child
and found 8 large snake coiled around
her neek. After uncoiling the snake and
killing it Mre, Dearing found that the
child had been strangled.
A Berke 01 brutal murders have been
perpetrated recently iu iloorgiana,
Timothy Healy, 111. was pabliely
horsewhipped iu Du huh, Tuesday by it
nephew of ti' ledie Irish loader,
11 term out that the lire is the Prima
of Wales' rethionee Wag at Sandrin nil aill
hall and not at Merlborongli house.
An inch of enuw fell last Melliiny
TVarren, Minn., and thousands of nerve of
grain In the vatoth was mimed with lee.
"O12 Hatch," late of the Chsssgo
Board of Trade, has applied, for member-
ship in the New York Produce Ea -
ficiug, to theo ntbreak of smallpox iu
Cadiz, the Gibraltar authorities have
declared a quarantime against vassals
arriving from that eity.
Following the arrest of the principals
of the Lousiana company the Werke are
all being proceeded against for seeding lot.
tery tickets through the mall.
A. white trader named A. Gunderson,
three missionaries and two of the orew of
the schooner Glide have been murdered
by natives at New Hanover, New Gninett.
Majuna, an important town on the
north -eat coast of kEtutediason,r, has been
alma -4 entirely consumed by a tiontlagre.
tion. Only 10 homes are standiug.
Loss, $2u0.300.
An engineer at Chemnitz claims to
have constructed the smallest 'working
engine in the world. The machine fits
1,110 80 ordinary nutshell and is of Beni-
cient power to drive a cotton reel.
A despaton from Yokohama says that
according to an radial eetimate 4000
persons were killed by the recent earth-
quake, 5100 wore injured and 50,00
houses weir destroyed. No Europeane
were killed.
King Humbert will pay an official
visit to the Quen in March next, on
which occasion there will be n review of
the Italian and English squadrons at
Spithead. King Humbert will be ac-
companied by the members of his house-
hold and a brilliant staff.
Conueoticut's smallest baby died last
Sunday and was buried Monday. The
midget was 0 girl, and its parents, air.
and Mrs. Rafael baroleo, live in a big
tenement on Chapel street, Norwalk.
When the child was born it weighed nine
ounces only, and on the day 05 118 death,
two months later, it weighed leas than a
pound. The baby's head was smaller
than a league base ball, and its legs were
eo small that an ordinary finger ring
oould be slipped over its foot and passed
up bhe leg to the thigh. The arras were
no larger than pipestems. The midget
fed on milk from a spoon, a few drops
only being required at a time.
The following is from The Waltham
Register of July 10, 1829 ;--"Perhaps we
shall be thought desirous of taxing the
credulity of oar readers by publishing
the following dimensions of a hailstone
which fell in the presence of several re-
spectable persons at Munson, Mass., last
week. The appearanoe of the mass is
said to be that OE a compact body of hail -
atones, as firmly united as Me usually is :
Extremes, 4 feet long, 3 feet wide and 2
feet thiek. After removing the rough
part of the body there remained in solid
clear block of ice 2 feet 8 inches long, 1
foot 5 inches wide and 1 riot three inches
thiok." In the St Louis Republic of May
10th, 1890, there is an aocoant of an 80
pound hailstone which fell near Salina,
Kan., itt 1881. It was about the dimen-
sions of a natl. keg.
The first female member of the Syd.
uey Trade and Labor Ocniuoil, The Lon-
don Star, has just taken her seat. Her
name is Miss Cree Stanley, and ehe is
the delegate of a newly.orgemized but
powerful body called the Female Em-
ployees' 'Union. She is deaoribed as
being dressed in a semi -mama ins attire,
with starched shirt, high color, white
tie and open jecket, the whole edifice
being crowned with a small travelling
nap set on a bunch of olosely-ohopped
hair. The president of the council ex-
tended a hearty welcome to the first lady
member, and expressed the hope that
before long be should have the pleasure
of receiving other ladies as delegates to
take part in the deliberations. Miss
Urea Stanley soon made it manifest that
she has no intention of being a silent
member. She spoke no less than aix
times on the evening of her admission,
incidentally remarking on one occasion,
"I am not afraid of any man in the coun-
cil, nor of any press representative at the
table yonder, either."
The new temple to be built in Chicago
by the Illinois Oddfellowa as soon 8,4
site has been selected by the Building
Committee promises to be the tallest
building in the world. The plans and
specifications have been prepared and
show that, apart from aoeommodating
many societies, this immense structure
will provide room for 1,100 officers be-
sides a drill hall, measuring 8,000 square
feet in area and a number of public halls.
The building will be thirty•four stories
in height and will be so constructed as to
have windows in every apartment facing
the light. Elaine to a height of thirty
feet shove the sidewalk the building will
be 177x210 feet in dimensions and will
cover an area, of 43,000 square feet. The
main building will be twenty stories high
while the tower will add fourteen stories
more and will be visible fora distance of
sixty miles, towering to a heigdt of 556
feet. While the design of the tower will
he artistic it will not be merely a curi-
osity for within it will be placed eighteen
elevatore and four slaircasee, which will
relish 192 offices. One interesting fea-
ture about the building will be its pro-
gressive recessions from base to pinnacle ;
the terminals serving as buttresses for
the long arms of the cross, the typical
characteristic of the plan. The third,
fourth, fifth, sixth and tenth stories are
to be devoted to twenty-four lodge rooms
and public halls, while one end of the
latter ittory is to form the large drill hall
mentioned. The area enclosed, exclusive
of wane, partitions, corridors, atm, will
be about 050,000 square feet. In order
that the bnilding may be seffioiently able
to successfully resist the wind strains to
which it will necessarily be exposed,
eiveted steal pillars and steel girders will
be used in the aliperetructUre. Thew
will be riveted together at all points by
steel or iron rivets and a syetern of diag-
onal wind braces of steel, which, together
with the mum of masonry surrounding
the in the lower parte of the strum
tore, Will give the required strength.
The stairs and elevator guides and armiee.
urea will be of metal ; the corridor floors
and hallway will be of mosaic; nomeon-
&toting, Arethesisting enelothres Wilt
attround the structural iron and steel
there will be non.dombnetible fillings be.
tween floors, berme and pillars, and every
detail Will have the greatest cam and
all the latest ideas in architectural prest-
108 wilt be employed,
•'1002 CL,L.,01w
N dr:C. can a-
.•, L. •
Cdiet--a' t.••, Idler
of ii•ot .3 11. •
file horl e,icvii ill ids
wimilerful 1.rdedretli.e. mem eei.ed.
ivy 11t. 1 11
,,,,,1 .given rip 1.y ins 1,13y:dela/I. Ono
b 111. tInd t ludi ot av,01
J, ,
" Several yenea arm I was tteverel,- ill.
thiethis said 1 wee in cionoinildien,
mill that they to1111.1 In nolliiit•
1:5r•ir a 300.1:3 01111:5.,T.: i ty
2..var's ll'oetoral 11,;
this •;.S -C1 or Illroo
081'oured, l 1.f5.'llea1l1113:1vairl ;soca
1 10 present (lay,"—jaPles
2., 1;." c.,111ra, :ea
fit r••". 1' 11 1.1 11,1r.d• toud
y,•11311i1 1 1ly •itni,-rociti, 1•.!
phys;olon co0M:1 -,reit raV fdt,
in danger. litippelting 10 Levo a .11:"LlY
of Ayer's ("henry re:qui al,
frool:', aid' lay u'or :1 :
10 11 hualliiy eoudilion. d 1.
have invariably r•-entuyin.n,l,i:
u9r90 f.,^•c?ii
,• /. • r.
. • 1!.-.
21,1 c • 7
Dr. 4. 0. Ayer ' •`.,
80.4 by all D10c:1,1,•,:,1.c , 18., V.
Nov, 6, 1891
----TO BUY Willi --
COVC7'S the ground
—the B. & C. corset. It is
perfect in shape and fit, is
boned with Kabo, which will
not break nor roll up, and if
you are not satisfied, after
wearing it two or three weeks,
return it and get your money.
FOE SALE l3S1 A. STrucumq..
Given to livery subsarIbar, new or old, of 173
*18381451,0' timPtitzt FOR KUM Permute& of
dollure bare boon spent in its preparslion. Its
stweess Is fully new:refit11. is it highly vahliid
SOliventr of the greatest statesman and Ilia most
honored leader ever known in Cann -Ilan history.
This bonittifill Memorial V011,101'8 15
full-page illustrations (If seems in
co:me:slim with the history of Sir doh% and
Presents to the thousands of admirers of our htta
chief nlatly now end valuable portraitures,
Pull -page Portraits of Sir John and
Baroness ; Birthplace of sir
John lit 4.1asgow ; Portrait er Sir John
when a young man : Portrait ol' Sir John's
Stonier, the only ono ever published; The
Old ItIontostriorl at Kingston. oceupled
Sir John during the Rebellion of 1830
linirmelilte, SW John's lictilileuee at Ott:gull;
Interior of Senate Chamber, Ottawa, show.
Ing the Board of Konor and Body Lying in
Slate; Exterior View or Rouses of Parlia-
ment. with Wirral Procession forming In
the foregrovul ; View of Eastern Enoch,
Parilament-Voildings. with 'tern* I'ro.
cession passing; Fine View City 11011. Kings•
ton, Drtipod In 508 11 appeared
The day Sir Joint's Body reached Kingston
and idly in State ; Crave nt t'ainiranal Penns
try, with Moral Tributes from his Thous -
it ntbi of Followers ; View or Westminster
Abbey, in the Memorial Service was
hold ; Interior View of IVestudoster ; View of St. Paul's Cattle:1re/. In Whirk a Memo.
rho.' Tablet will be Erected to sir John's Mom o ry 1 Interior 6' i 4,11. 01 St, Cathedral.
A11 these views are fins half.toned Photogravures on 1020 vy enameled piper, nt suitably
bound. with an illuminated and embossed cover. A. really Valblit snip:solo that wI•1 1,4, 0
suitable ornamoriS on parlor or library table. Tho den:nod for 1 t. wirl; prom late 10 be great.
Bend in your orderearly, with 0803 110811,Alt. and get true WEEKILV EMPlitil for ntli. seer
Now subscribers will receive THE WEEKLY li;MilltE ,','cc for baltinen of the, t,,•
ON account of the large and increasing business that
we are now doing we find our Factory and ware -
rooms altogether too small for our stock acd are compelled
to find more room for the display and storage of our mer-
chandise. For this purpose we have opened out in full
blast a
Furniture Store
in the building lately occupied by A. R. Smith,
near the Post Office, Brussels, where we can show you in
endless variety full lines of everything in the way of Fur-
niture. This place is easy of access, and as you are passing
and re -passing for your mail, call in and see us if you can
spare the time and we will be happy to show you our stock.
We are quite up to the mark in
Bedroom and Parlor Suites, Ex. and every
other kind of Tables, &c., &c., Side Boards,
Secretaries, in all kinds of wood and
all manner o nish.
"Solid Comfort" Reclining Hammock
Chairs are unexcelled and we invite
your inspection of them.
Our Under-
taking, appoint-
ments are not
surpassed by
any and orders
of this nature
will receive
our undivided
The store is specially supervised by Messrs, David
Hogg and G. A. Hood, two young men, excellently qualifi-
ed, who will ably and, pleasantly attend to the wants and
requirements of all our customers.
Yours truly,
Smith. Malcolm & Gibson.
Prices within the reach of all and
1000 yards Plaid Dress Goo..'s at 15e. worth 20o.
15 'Pieces Black and Colored Cashmere at 50c. would
extra value at 60c.
Ask to see our 10c. Flannel worth 25c.
10 Dos Ladies' Cashmere Hose at 43c. worth 50c.
5 Doz. Ladies' Heavy Wool Hose at 25c, splendid quality.
Ladies' Vests at 50e, 60c., 75e,, $1.00 arid $1 25.
15 Dos. all Wool Shirts and Drawers at 50c. worth 650.
10 Dos. Mens' Ties at 25c. worth 35c.
Men's Heavy Wool Hose at 15c., 20c , 25c , 40c, and 50c
Opposite American Hotel,
In Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market Price will be Allowed.
We have a Pine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted
Goods, Yarns, &c,
Ail Wool left with us for manufazturing, whether rolls or
otherwise, will hAve our prompt attention.