The Brussels Post, 1891-10-16, Page 44
New Advertisements.
The lVeeltly Globe,
Estray—Jelin Caber.
Cersete..-A, Strachan,
Locals---I)r. J. C. Ayer,
Looms—I. 0. Richards.
Removed—J. G. Skene.
Estray --Alex„ S bewa r t.
Popper's Pill —J, T. Pepper.
Auction Sale—W. M, Sitiolair.
Notioe to Creditors—A, Flunter.
Fountain Paan -.G, A. Deadman,
(b.c ci3x1155r15 n crzt,
l''RIDAy, OCT. 16, 1891.
IN Edinburgh they have a rather
peculiar style of caring for the civic dig-
nitaries, it would appear, as the follow.
ing note, clipped from a Scottish news.
paper would indicate. We would also
gather that the temperance sentiment ie
not of the advanced prohibitory character
so generally manifested in Canada. The
article says 1—There was an odd discuss-
ion the other day as to whether alooholie
beverages and cigars should bo supplied
as items of refreshment to Town Coun-
cillors. By a large majority the Town
Council decided that question in the
affimative. There may be reasons why
refreshments should nob be supplied at
all at the public expense. But if they
are to be so supplied there seems to be no
reason why the man who desires beer
should not get what he wants, jest as
much as the man who prefers ginger ale.
Until the popular voice condemns the
use of alcohol, even in moderation, as a
moral delinquency, there is no reason
why it should be refused when other re-
freshments are supplied. Total abetin.
ehce in principle is worthy of all respect,
but it is intolerable when abstaiuere seek
to make their practices compulsory with
others. The man who abstains himself
but supplies his guests with what they
are accustomed to elsewhere, acts reason.
ably ; but the man who not only ab-
stains himself, but oompels others whom
be knows took alcohol yesterday and will
take it tomorrow, to miss it to -day, is a
TUE burial of the body of Mr. Parnell
at Dublin Sunday was the occasion of
a popular rather than a national dem-
onstration. The whole nation was
doubtless deeply moved, but the mourn-
ing of those in authority was not public.
ly manifested. Had 'air. Parnell died
two years ago the funeral, instead of
being conducted by a faction, would
have, in all probability, been taken
oharge of by the city of Dublin. The
Imperial Parliament, probably,—certain•
ly the Liberal party—of Great Britain
and every city and oouutry municipality
in Ireland outside of Ulster would have
been represented by offioials. Sunday
there seems to have been no crucial hod.
les of importance. Parnell's greatest
lieutenants were not present. Of mem.
hers of Parliament there were present
only those who adhered to him after his
fall. There was, however, a great mal•
titude of the common people, and their
grief is a tribute which any statesman
might envy. Even the tenant classes of
Ulster recognized that they were bene.
fioiaries of Mr. Parnell in all the recent
land -law legislation which all cornier in
attributing to hum, The most opposite
views are expressed as to the probable
results of his death. The main body of
the Home Rulers have plainly expressed
their opinion that his death removes
the principal obstacle to the reunion of
the Irish National party and the con-
summation of the purpose at which it
aims. The Times, on the other hand,
not always trustworthy, takes the ground
that with Mr. Parnell the movement
loses the support of the Fenians of Ire•
land and America, who have been all
along, in its view, the principal motive
force of the movement and who only
sulkily allowed themeelvee to be whipped
into the lines of constitutional agitation
by the masterful spirit of him who is no
more and that the failure of the support
of that element means collapse to the
movement. The Nationol League, a
body recently created by Mr. Parnell,
and speaking for his absolute followers,
have issued a manifesto expressing a
similar view. They point out that
Penianism flourished till Parnell, and
threaten that any departure from his
policy will bring it to the front again.
But neither the Tories, as represented
by the Times, nor the Parnell irreoon•
oilablee are exactly unbiased judges of
the events, and the probability seems to
be that the Nationalist movement is
strong enough to go on without
the sympathy of the Fenians and it is
certainly morally stronger without them
than with them.—Montreal Witness,
Sporting News.
William O'Connor, the oarsman, hits
received a cablegram from Sydney say.
ing Stanebury has 1016 for San Pranoimco,
accompanied by Beaoh. O'Connor is of
opinion that Stanebury fe oomleg to
America in response to a ehallengn made
by himeelf and Minion to row against
Stanebury and another oarsman three
races, one a double -scull for the chum.
pionshlp of the world and the other two
einglee, O'Oonnor 10 row Stansbury for
the world's championship and Hanlon to o
row Stanebury'e mate. 0'000001 says W
he Will row a race at San Eu0301060 in d
two months and will allow the Australian w
his own terms, O'Connor hag left for G
Ban rranei800, ,
13rla.GR.AVH SHOW.
The last 1Vitwanoeli kgrlcultuval
Society held their anneal fall show in
lielgrave an Tuesday and Wednesday of
last week. The show was good, but ow.m
tug to the downpour of rain 811 Weds -
day afternoon the usually good crowd
that visit this show (did not materialize,
The dirsotore did all in their power to
snake The 5110w a 61100850. The in.
aide department was good, with the ex.
caption of the ladies' work department
in,whioh there were some falling off.
Outside there was some fine animals as
one would wish to see. The following is
the prize list.
11 shirt, Geo Sowlar, Jae Henry & Son;
; fanoy knitting, Geo Moffatt, '2 Forbes ;
' llneu shirt, Jas Dow, Geo Moffatt ; fancy
d ' flannel shirt, Geo Moffatt ; braiding, 0
r MoOlolland, R Coultis & Son ; woollen
p etookings, W H McCraokon 1& 2; wool-
; leu socks, W II MoCraokon 1 & 2 ; wool -
Joe Anderson, N Cumming; horse fon
Jos Anderson, T II Taylor, jr; mare foil,
M 11 Harrison; two year old filly, Uinta
Anderson, R Corley ; two year old geld
ing, T H Taylor, jr ; Jas Dow ; one year
old filly, Thos Ross 1 & 2 ; one year o1
gelding, John Taylor ; John E Pell
Carriage Horses—Rrood mare with foa
by side, D Geddes, J N Perdue ; spring
foal, J N Perdue, D Geddes ; two year
old filly, T T illoDonald, Thos Bridges ;
two year old gelding, V Vannnrman, T
Wilkinson; one year old filly, Thos Lind,
T Wilkinson ; one year old gelding, Thoe
Bridges, John Bennet ; buggy horse,
Wm Geddes, Thos Brandon ; haolc horse
in saddle, J A Brownlee J N Perdue ;
span carriage horses, T Durnin, John
Taylor ; best brood mare, any o'ass, Thoe
komt lxtata sexla
H Edwards ; nitron, Thos Denby, A
Proctor ; tomatoes, Chas Proctor & Sons,
Geo David ; beans, 1) Geddes, W 11 Mo.
Crnike ),
501b keg butter, Ai I'1'Harrison, A
Carr ; 25 Ib crock butter, A Carr II
Dennis ; basket of butter, 1 Dow, Jas
Harrison ; home made bread, 0 Proctor
& Sone, Chas Harrison ; maple sugar,
Chan Harrison, .11 Wightman ; maple
syrup, A Proctor, A Carr ; gat oake,
Proctor; factory cheese, D Leitch ; home
made cheese, Jas Dow, Thos Anderson.
Tatting—Thos Forbes ; crochet work,
Geo Moffatt, Thos Forbes ; bead work,
Jas Dow, Thos Forbes ; woollen hooked
Heavy Draught—Br000d mare wit
foal by side, Thoe Todd, Allan Speir
horse foal, Thos Todd, Allan Speir
mare foal, Wm Wellwond ; two year of
filly, John Young, John Coultis ; two yea
old gelding, Geo Stewart, D Taylor ; on
year old filly, M Woods, Allan Speir
one year old gelding, R Corley. Genera
Purpose -.-Brood mare with foal by sid
len gloves, Geo Moffatt, Jae Henry &
Son ; woollen mets, IV H McCracken, G
1, Moffatt ; log cabin quilt, A Proctor, Thos
i, Bridges ; knitted quilt, R Scott, George
y Moffatt ; patched quilt, 0 141e0lelland,
- Mies h1 Pollooh ; rag melt, Thos Wilkin.
Thoroughbred—best cow, John Ar-
mour, R Coultis & Son ; two year old
heifer, John Amour It Corley ; one year
old heifer, N Gumming, M H Harrison ;
heifer calf, Geo Sowlar, T H Taylor, jr ;
bull calf, John Amour, N Gumming.
Grade—best cote, Thos Wilkinson, R
Corley ; two year old heifer, N Cumming,
R Corley ; one year old heifer, John Ar-
mour, R Corley ; heifer calf, M H Har-
rieon, R Corley ; pair 2 year old steers,
Thos Wilkinson, N Cumming ; pair 1
year 010 steers, Thos Wilkinson, R Cor.
ley ; pair steer calves, J H Taylor, Thos
Wilkinson ; Beef cattle, N Oum.ning, 1
& 2 ; yoke working oxen, D Scott; beet
herd of cattle, Thos Wilkinson.
Leioesters—Sbearling ram, J Pelton, T
H Taylor, jr ; ram lamb, N Cumming,
1 & 2; pair aged ewes, Aroh Robertson, R
Coultis & Son ; pair shenrling ewes, R
Coultis & Son, N Cumming ; pair ewe
lambs, Geo Sowlar, R Coultis & Son.
Southdowns — Sbearling ram, Geo
Stewart ; ram lamb, Geo Stewart 1 & 2 ;
pair aged ewes, Thos Roes ; pair ewe
lambs, Geo Stewart ; fat sheep, any
Mass, Geo Sowlar, Arch Robertson ; best
pen of sheep, N Cumming.
Large breed—Aged boar, R Coultis &
Son ; boar littered in 1891, H Edwards,
Jae Harrieou ; sow littered in 1891, John
Armour ; small breed—brood now, T H
Taylor, Jos Anderson ; boar littered in
1891, John Amour, H Edwards ; sow lit-
tered in 1891, John Amour, H Edwards ;
best pen pigs, John Agnew.
Geese, John Patton, Jas Harrison ;
turkeys, T Wilkinson, John Pelton ;
ducks, Aroh Robertson, T Wilkinson ;
olymouth rooks, Jas Harrison ; legborne,
Jas Harrison, 1 & 2, spaniel), Jas Har-
rison, 1 & 2 ; hamburgs, Jas Harrison, 1
& 2 ; any other variety, Jas Harrison, 1
& 2.
Churn, Hamilton & McLean ; pump,
H Clark, 1 & 2 ; lumber wagon, J Bruns -
don ; buggy Wm Wray, J Erensdou ;
double carriage, J Brunedon ; gang plow
John L Geddes ; iron harrow, V Vonnor-
White fall wheat, Geo Moffatt, 0 Proc-
tor & Son ; red fall wheat, Walter Scott,
Robb McGowan ; fall wheat, any other
kind, R McGowan ; spring wheat, Finlay
Anderson, A T Cole ; six rowed barley,
J & J Anderson, 0 Prootor & Sons ; two
rowed barley, 0 Proctor & Sons, J as Har-
rison; white oats, H Edwards, Jas Neth-
ery ; black oats, Geo Moffat, J & J An-
derson ; peas, Geo Moffat ; timothy seed,
Thos Lind, Wm Levy.
Golden russet, T S Brandon, B1 H Har-
rison ; baldwm, Thos Beilby, A Carr,
Fametse, Geo Taylor, John Taylor ; It I
greening, Thos Lina, M H Harrison ;
maiden's blush, Geo Moffat, Wm Ged-
des ; northern epy, 181 H Harrison, 0
Proctor & Sons ; colverte, Joe Anderson,
T H Taylor, jr ; Lotman sweets, Robt
McGowan, Robt Scott ; oolleotion of
winter apples, A Carr, Walter Scotb;
oolleotion of fall apples, R McGowan, A
T Cole ; fail pears, R Corley, H Wight.
man ; Winter pear., R Corley, Walter
Scott; grapes, H Wightman ; crab
applee, M H Harrison, Jas Henry & Son;
plums, W H 1t1o0raeken ; peaches,
Walter Sontt, Jas Henry & Son ; collets.
Son of fruit, H Wightman •,bouquet of
flowers, Thos Anderson, 0 Proctor &
Sons ; flowers in pots, Thoe Forbes, Jas
Harrison •, collection of house planta,
Geo David, Jas Harrison.
Home made cloth, Mise M Pollock
flannel, T Anderson, Miss M Poltook ;
union flannel, Mime WWI Poltook, Jos
Owens ; blankets Mise M Poltook, T An.
derson ; set team harness, H Dennie ;
pair ooar5e boots, H Madden ; home
made Wine, Jas Owens, A Prootor ; cook.
ing stove and furniture, Hamilton & Mo.
Lean, 1 & 2. EO
• 880068 AND VRTAILtt5.
Potatoes, H Madden, Geo David ; pea
tatoes four varieties, W Wylie, H Ed-
wards ; cabbage, Geo David, I Bone ;
cauliflower, Jae Henry & Son, W H Mo
Oraoken 1 beets, W H 9100raellen, J
Bone ; mangele, W H MoOrenken, J & J
Anderson ; swede turnip., J ,Bone D
Geddes ; field carrots, W 1:1 McCracken,
D Geddee ; early horn oarrots, Geo
David, W H Mb0raekon ; onions from
seed, Geo David, W H Mc0reoken ; peek
moan, W 511 McCracken ; sweet corn,
FI MoCraekon, Jae Henry & Son ; in.
tan ourn, J Bone, Jam Henry & Son ;
ater melon, W H McCracken, D,
eddee ; meek melons, W tl Mo0raeken,
Bowler ; pumpkin, W IJ McCracken,
son, A Proctor ; Berlin wool work, raised,
0 McClelland, Thos Wilkinson ; Berlin
W001 work, flat, Mise ➢I Pollock, George
Moffatt ; sofa pillow, John Bone, George
Moffatt ; cotton stockings, Miss 141 Pot
look ; card 8201-14, A Proctor ; penoil
drawing, Geo Sowlar ; hair flowers, 0
McClelland ; embroidery on silk, 0 Mc-
Clelland ; embroidery on linen, Thos
Forbes, 0 McClelland ; lace work, 0 Mo.
Clelland ; twine lace, C Mo0lellend ;
carpet, A Proctor, T Anderson ; outline
embroidery (recommended) Thoe Forbes.
Best three selections on organ, Aggie
MoLcau, Louisa Daley ; best three
selections on violin, G David, D Ander-
eon jr ties ; best three songs, D Robert.
son, J Miller.
Judges of horses—W J Johnston,
James Johnston and Wm Lane. Oattle
—Jno Elston, Thos Garbutt and W H
Kelly. Piga and Sheep—James Lone,
Geo Duncan and J T 01211ie. Poultry—
R Elliott. Implements—Hugh Williams
and Chas Wheeler. Dairy Prodeoe—D
Stewart and Jno McMillan. Ladies'
work—Mrs A Nixon, A Harrison and
Mrs Jno Coulters. Roots and vegetables
—Wm Wray, D McKinlay and J McMill-
The undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 7, Con. 6, Morris, the thoro'-bred Cheater
White Boar, Canada." Pedigree may be
seen 012 application. His sire and darn both
took 1st prises at the Industrial Show at
TorontoSeaforth and Blyth, io 1800. Terms,
81.00, with privilege of returning 1f aeces-
32-4 PRANK 13AIN3S, Proprietor. °
The undersigned will keep for 50rviee this
present season the Improved largo white
Yorkshire })pig "Ready on lot 85, oon. 8,
Morris, to which a limited number 0f sows
will be taken. Terns $1.00 paid at
time of service, with the privilege of return-
ing if Douessary. Pedigree may be seen up -
00 application. 180131:RT lsaOPIOL,
1211 Proprietor.
nRneteNEn has several good Farms for
sale and to rant, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey, F. S. SCOTT. Brussels.
Lot 14,00 12, Grey ; 100 acres ; first-
class buildings. A rare bargain to a oash
'purchaser, Titre perfect. Apply at once to
N.M. STN GLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. 39-
) Being South half Lot 27 eon. e, Morris,
100 Gores, nearly all cleared. Good buildings,
tine young bearing orchard. Immediate pos.
session. Easy Terme. Apply to
tf- Solicitor, &e.,Brussels.
dere(gued offers his valuable 100 acre
farm, being Lot 32, Con. 0, Grey, for sale.
There are 86 acres under prop, balance
timbered. There is a good orchard, wells,
&c. on the premises, besides log house, bank
barn, &e, 89111 be sold on reasonable terms.
For price and full particulars apply to WM.
HABKIRB Bruesele P. 0, Or JO0N BnATTIE,
Beaforbh, dnt. 57-601
Fon bALa.—Being worst I Lot 11,00 0. 9,
Grey, 21 miles from Brussels. The land is
eleadred and in good order. One aero Of or-
chard in good repair. There is a never fail-
ing spring on the premises and an extra well
at the buildings, The buildings are oomfort-
alple, Would tape suitable property in or
near Brussels as pert pay. iror fnrthet par-
ticulars apply on the premises to
or address Brussels P. 0, 2861
DERs,oNE» exooutars offer the John
Lowe farm for stale. The property 00,1eieta
of 300 sores, being Lot 10, con, 5, Grey, and
having thereon a Bret -class brick house,
bank barn, orchard, walls, neverdaillog
spring, good fences, &e. About 70 acres
cleared, balance bush. Possession will be
given next Pall. Por further parblCulare 85
to price and terms apply to
W. B. DICKSON, SOlieibor, Brussels,
or to JNO. SM1fITH, 1
E, J. MOAIt'litya f Exooutore.
62-11 gth eon., ray.
DERe15NEn offers for sale the north
east quarte rot lot 28, ooneession 8, Morris,
County of Gluon, containing 50 acres. The
land is of first quality and in a high state of
cultivation, well fenced and under -drained,
45ram ebeared, New frame hone°,8rooms,
milk bongo avitb concrete wolfs, 2 wells,
geed bathe and shed, orchard, eta. Eight
ems of fall wheat. Phis desirable property
adjoinsth0corporation of Brussels, Suit.
able to IP will be given, Title perfect,
;AMLB GII73VE Owner,
80. Stealer1h P. 0.
t T The uuder01gu0d )Executors oiler the
"John Forbes" Ifarut for Bale. The property
consists of 150 acres, being lot 6, oon.8, ,and
west half Hat 7 eon, 8, Groy township. Thorn
Are 100 acres cleared anduuder crop, balance
hardwood bush. Ou the premises is a geed
2storey brick, house. large bank barn with
stone stabling, wells, Windmill and piping 50
stables, two Oroharde, good fences &o, The
farm Is la a, good state of oultivatlon and fs
only 2i miles from Brussels. Poaeoesion to
suit nurellnso1. Por 1,0108, terms, &e„ write
or apply to
8•tf US, CARDIFF, Brunetti P. 0.
or D, 5034)3511, Stratford.
OCT, 16, 1891
A� i i
13 t� R ESS O
,t s~
This being one of our leading Lines we are this
Season showing all the newest novelties, Compris-
We invite the Ladies of Brussels and Vicinity
to call and inspect our Stock before purchasing
elsewhere as we have many new novelties to
A Tip-top Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at
He Bennis', Brussels.
Call and see thein before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
&c. always in stock and sold
at Close Prices.
If you want a set of Light
or Heavy Harness I can
supply you.
See our Scotch Collars.
L Dennis.
Owing to Mr. McGinnis failing to
complete his arrangements I am baolt
again in 1133 Grocery.
I am very thankful for the patron,
age in the past 15 years and ask not only
a continuance of the same but a large in.
oreaee in trade, I have a well assorted
stook of
and am continually adding to it.
IN Bargains In Teas,
Special Value In Glassware,
Prime Hams and Bacon.
I don't do Moll puffing about my
business but I am giving bargains that
are Worth securing. Call and prove it
for yourself.
Geo, Starer.
1.'0.1t, THHi
In Exchange for Goods.
The Highest Market Price will be Allowed.
We have a Fine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted
Goods, Yarns, Soc.
All Wool left with us for
maiufacturiu, whether rolls or
tttherwise,,willhave ourprompgtttention.
Sa& XsAC I/\ OMMqbtlsrED