The Brussels Post, 1891-10-9, Page 66
B\' RAMON V.A.I*(11-1
• wealth and position too highly to harbor cian, lly," Go to Met and t heel; your NOTES ON SOLENCE 4k1,1'D INDUSTKY. P
any doubts, hero as /to deserves."
•o for Madge her Streams were v iry sweet And so at bat t he two were alone,
that I 1 . „ . 1 S, S
: It
at night, , Aesord ing to t he re sou tly pu lished o'.to °LIU e•
I Deltoid out his arms, and without a wore .
, , renee of a i ;einem engineer, one of the 1)1003.est
•• heti 'men swill o. heppy day, we', 3110 she went to 11101, and ai
!d her head upqn me
,L:tt.tle eight thacam
t e tohi'hits -,:ii, entilt to 1)110101, the shelter this. would rs fur all
ry ot lb' ''1iml treating wire ropee,
tinte insure their lee. ter presorvat ion, 10 1 0 lad
0,, i 1,„ 11„„.,,,,.. nothi" ,,p,..„; had 1103.11 1)) 111:31 l'.11::.1..silent embrace, 11 art to heart their
s"itei. I.
. st,tr:
ti innt•:nl,l111,31.., t,00l ppily .t -hie hut t:e:r
CHAPTER II1 u NOblea tmy uki41,ld 1011e1 o 4,wf 11111Early y wt11vinfor 111"111'ltIL111:111'"11?.1 t
1i. 111 telyI onle ifi luxe any ethestertsMued elfmei Ihin the after•titiiitheimppyar311:311:,:iiL,'1,,,,‘,"';4,
. MLIATno. KY 01:14. 111 -Ill to, x011). to my andIm."wT1t1"11111):1?211; ,,..„„,,,,,,„,..i1li„•peek tesueWttittdwithihi,gi1:),e,thtiiiwi;titfltii141 4
((::)t0ltadThestarsntnigtlYto fh1. O1rtostoa,„1,,,,hil,,1, )1,1,0i,11%1;3 , () that houof pett whm thed 01 With Ilio repeted leievery hei111 11 1111 11 ) _ g '7,1
T11e tidal 10,10,' unto thdn a iluidt:t1 tr:ed•111n, and in the s.viety 11110111 edel, se the ,h„0,, Ias ,31ulheYet tan in vain had enthat bouttreatment 0 fol11111 to .011 proteetion aoeseetNortener ossenee dep, I) 111. her pia.were 1101)11 oneve, ,i11% The:est had never ookel ev••le,, It Mel revealed the hearts a..1um prevetinglson,oraston when theropetm keep my ownawy fr1 een but lit tief Fleirwani '1l110 1011 nt muvoi oril the 11111,10, brought In the end itetold oy. , sniles in collttet with tiny hard bodies or
willgo to laky Dell hmshall sieanight f 1al141 ho ver he i..i.ed tg111 1.,03;1;•111 ewre 1 e1131dI11y11e8111Oi a lfferenttinsWtstaeusitraphitege1 alsprevents
nt Sledgetmedum Le will hp 1.,. Neal! that Idle' rtnnee:f tiodrs, she ,severs) hours yet bviore '11)130) '11,' would ft, -0, thatwith+ ii„ li,1 ,,,nalm•tii,rubbing itt ite several 01)010 11)01') her relightedand afternwhilesve'll vriteirwonder"-
latce the mot of Ode 1eish1afternoon, ;.0,,ealiaghh,akappaigul,,,,,,1,,,,,h,
itgatust Neel other, and 11 Imds Its way even
friends 131,An us, What Hay con, cousin? " 1 %%Sell that I eould 1e1it've in hint • SleiTily the little 1 it ,pc.1 ever the !
-,tantitl,he tholle1101 F111.0p
eand it 3310 nnin.v, j1110 , sallest terstiee,nlehe
0 0 e"9 '0Does the plan suit youfaumorePerhaps I ndeed 1,11,, haetfly spiirltliegwatere,end Madgegave 113.10(11 tp y•tre befor0hreturned. )0}1 '1 those of wire canted be piledbet
So questioned Slre. Stharteris one day in -but whet mestere it um": llis fancy for to hppy day-dre,uns, Sho was passionetel y1113.1114131101)'')'„A.,1,10,1011,ra1he1'11,411,m1111111 balaid on theyroun1in wheel fern), .
early anne, as they talked of their: 01111111100 1110111 1,11ipletely ff.rgotlell. .111m1 11s .1 Pro. fond 03 1111 ocean, With the blue sky above, departure at the last, She wits going to ,,,,81):11iii.chitell'iilinteda°011'.711,ttrow 171181009,11)to'°17' iiiitt'ix'11,011)Ywi11,11111
" Yes, Flora. I know ni limiting that blem After all,"
Phesica. Alt ! \\ ell, life is a strange pro. het, Ole 30(3. 1110080 fanning her ohook, oho! Newport, so site told her friende, Reel ,,
, Was .101 1c content to drift on and on, Dell soddenly lost all its attrnetions, '.> vegetable tar, this mixture uniformly up-
, rsaparill
will be more enjoyable. 11.'e 11 live over With thoughts like One she d fled into ' She heeded not how far she was going. ;airs. Charteris was ono of the first to plied, seining OA a 1)01311803 001144)11 reduces the
Into fisherman'S uottage was now bet a, coneratuInte her eonsin.
001' girlhood days down there at the dear dreandend at last. wear and tear, 111 order to eeettre It :toed it-talty Oar:n:0sta. 1)1 1)8 fur $0. Preparett ottty
old homestead. Let ns go as soon as pos. A nundh later all Yves excitement in Ille , tiny speck on the ehore. 811e wire thinking! "71. havo been hoping for this all the conaltion foe these ropes :when under water 1,4 1'. 1. 'ilium& Oa, Apothecaries, Lowell, tense,
or below the surf ftee,It composition of thirty.
eible," old mansion house at Reeky Dell. The 1 of her life meanwhile --t he story of the past
So it was decided, and a week later guests froth the city had errived at leet, and! -of the future too with its hopes and
while' 1" (001 11 )1"" b""" 0141 "1 111Y ""V' to see
fofive litres of Blacked lime, and from fifty to
ndest wishes you two united. You
sixty litres of mineral or vegetable tar, is
found the two in one of the old seaport gay young voices filled the 1101)03 with I possibilities, So absorbed in reverie "118 were 111101111 (01' each other, dear girl. 111'111'foetid to bo eflective, the mixeuro 10 1)8 well
towns of Maine. merriment. :she that she did 001 )103.440 the rising cloud, only wonder is that you did not nrid it out
It was such a pleasant home, here at Iliere was pretty Maud Aundey, the most Luc all at once 11 named to her as though years. ago." 110118,1 and applied hot. fhtlefiniSed 00130
Becky Dell. A large, old-fashioned mansion heartless little coquette Madge ever know, : the sky had leadenly grown (1avit. There Down the dear old lane a 1)011' of 11)11)1))' 101)88 ere undesirable au driving ropes, 118
from 'whose windows you could 0110) 808 the but 01111 0300 a friend of Fiore's, and with was a reat cairn too -n, calm that was, lovers strolled. one night, There where the
the tin ooating is Worn off in a Shot t time
glimmering of the ocean ; a wide, spreading her G
sister race hadm
coe to stay with them 0111180118, 0111180118,inotia, as though the forces of nature had, slunlows were deepest they linand rust soon follows.ered foe a
lawn, and grand old elms where the whis- a month, Mrs. Colonel Devine and Ethel ' paused for a brief moment, ere the on -coming; time, and there he folded her in his arms A new cold saw for 8)13111)103 1)01) and steel
periog breezes softly sighed ; and in the VOnO 0113111)1010(1I Y. enene, or attle Was gi. ell. land kissed the ruby lips -lips 30 000383., so has been invented, known as the Pott
background the orcliard ; sloping meadow, \V111 Chartevie end Frank Durward came 1 With a start Madge realised her danger tempting that ho was powerless to resist saw, and lu!s been introduced with gre
hill and dale, stretching. on ul the distance, 1 dowu ere long, while over at the hotel but A , only too well. Quickly turning her course, them. success in Pitteburgh. 11 18 a circular 010making one of earth's fairest pictures. shorn, dietance from the farmSierard Haynes she rowed back for the shore. Stroll .• and "411)1! you have learned to love me at of (1118 818813 tempered somewhat hard, tu
(10 331 least 1110003111 111311033 Earlscourt as 1 aud several of Ins bachelor friends 108re:steady were the strokes of the oar ; aply1 last -even as I love you," he whispered, about one-quarter of an inch in thickness
she took iu the quiet beauty of the scene on 1 st11!m"1"g* ;indeed was it for her that she rowed so well, ' Love you," she exclaimed. " Life will the periphery, and ground slightly thinn
the night of her arrival. , s arkt IttylieS 08 1151101 sought Madge , but the 0101'))) Was gaining en her every , not be long enough to tell you how dearly, at its centre to sleet' itself easier in a de
Long after the others had gone to rest,
Ff1A I
society at ev
ry opportunity. momentoeah,ow
cuet ; 1118 made to revolve at a slow sp, eI
c Even Aland Ainsley with all her pretty arts! Low mutterings of distant thunder were! Looking into those dark, beautiful eyes, while the old hot saw 1118 run at a hin
gshe sat by her chamber.window and looked and fascinations could not sauced in mak- head, and the sky Was growing darker all he road her souland at last vs satisfied, rate, anddidItsWork by moans of the 1out toward the sea.
11 An I happy? '' she qestioned. •'As 'ingtiennpreeeion 011 Lineand the knowledge . the while. [me 1101),] tense friction created rather thateeth,'
hapv a9 the great majority, perhaps, The "1"10 piqued her vnity. But. then there Now the wind was risingthe waves that the new 11111011108 erns but one inch
worla deems meoneof the favored few, All 1 WAS Prank lhrward, 1)3)301, the handsomer were angrily to•eing and faming about her ; Do Yu Sing at Rome 7 minute. Italso difers from the ordina
well, why should it not 1 Yet there;aothe two, 113031511 not as wealthy ; and on they were 1101111115 into the boat; and 11111' 0(1031101' MUin this respect, namely, that
something Ineking in nty life aftr ell. f hintshe lavished hereweetest 110)1119.e. :13art lest, oh 3 so wildly as she prayed f1here is perhaps no pleasanter occupation inot the work tha1003'C8 111the SAW
old there 1, none so light of heart as Madge, 1\'ether they were apreeiated it 11110 strengthtreach the shots. 111 the familyeirele than sacred song. Many the work is fixed stationary, 011(1 the SAW
and now -oh . happy, careless 11y0,t. had 1. -ll. Frank Durward 0110 ever 1.118 has never seemed so dear to her as home 11 here there is little of beauty, or !mule to travel along the table theough ienrte,a6 nd agreeable to the 001111e1' sexthen1 owl !ytto could tell hoe near its mill 0000, or Inxury, is made pleasant 1:Iisdriven by a worm wheel and screwit long 01)1034 wepato,ae„mpamy.Madge sometimes wateheti the 1y[o : they might he? 11 the haat should capsise time t11;0ksgii4D111(11.i""ifileio,7l1 for or ive 1711! lergtialcTgwhiShall I accept Gerard Haynes '.1131 take
nv place in the world of fashion set together, and halt-woedered if this wawas none to hear her Lay fr help. She t',,,hoio;110,;10,1:,1111nit,10:th8rtTali:Inc,0d°1111b3,halletseewgea
mid folly as one of its acknowledged 0131r03/0•11 it 1)11011115 11301-3'. 0313,1 eineerely would gn down, down, benath those ,rel t""5"0,1"""Y "mg" 11111°00!" 111r0,0800001- tby solf•acting feed gear. '.1110 sere ru
leders or shall I plan out my own lie .,10110,TIO1. Il111,10 WAS1103 LI all the ene foam•tossed wves. Tho thought WAS tor-
, a
f,and made plainmalty dark spo
ts 13)0
1in a tank of solution, the greatest care bel
work and walls tht way 013)10? 11 well, 1 °",tr" for „00"k 11"rwmirible, end micamore a prover went npward, ) ghtened andmade cheeful.
130000410)' 1)1 regard to the [udity of h
I have six 30118113 to (10031110 in yet. and 111,11)1. gay Part), ilmIrli 01111 the suninnr a prayer for strength, fohelp in this dreadThose familie301)1111 insw nothing of material 1)1 (1110this eolution ; is e n s I
while I will wait and see what time will Itomissto it. a imy p ea,ant one here hoer of peril. same, 5011, 111108 some of the purest pleasure ten 1110111110 of mimic oil soap, two gallon
, 10 thisquaint 111,1 10300 by the sea. 1 As ifin auswer to that prayer she sew het falls 10 the lot of mortals. Pm',Y 01 lord oil, and fifteen pounds of sal sodi
,The dao that followed were very bright Mary were the 011111103)1es enjoyed, both on 11(10011 object in the Elistauce. A boat WAS pt11101'iS 14 duty and a privilege, hut familSwith water addedto make forty gallons.
ones, and every eveningmdgeandher, the water indin the pmegrove on the hill, puttng out from the shore. 80010 one 30138 1)1)1100 is none the less so, and there is noth-
waile 1)11311101), lawn 1011)110,.e, and moonlight Icoining to her 100
cue, and
with 1'811011'0 I
ing that binds hearts more closet tothe 1 Qne f the most interesting practical in-
coasm tooklone walks across 1110 hillsor : (11-1008 Mae the tune go on oyous courageshe rowedswiity on.down by the shore. They madetheMOD of1
their quiet holiday. Litter on gnes(s '.00011 3011)030. Nearer and nearer it came; but the
be down from the city and all would be they all syelit off for a picnic one day, all momenta seemed toherlike hours. \\he was
00 Doses One Dollar
French ingenuity has contriimcl remedyfor the inefciency of ordinary combination
locks for hones and apartments, thee con.
trivanees being tumidly of so little avail
against profoesionals who, wasting no time
m effotts to relso the tumbles and move the
sr beltsimply 1110011 the 011(1 of short iron
00 leer, 01 11010Y,'' between the door end
11 1111,1391, forcing the whole effete inward,tearing out both locks and bolts on the wya.
01 According to the new deive for meetingsl; this di leulty combinatiou is resorted to of
013 the iron shore with theoedinney lok in such
a 1110111101' that locking the dom. sets
11 1101000 in placewhich will resist anenornmus
n' strain, but on 1,110 intern of thpruprietor
80 11 1 el.i 0 1 I • y• Its the upper end of the shore from the
7 drew to the frame, where it presents 110 01,
4 Stacie to the opening of 1110 1101')'. T110
11 mechanism of the lock itself fired not be
18 very elaborate, rilthough 1he pcking of the
flock wold move both the belt and thshore,ne for if 1101.0 1111111/1QP0 euntigh to pevent
c11 picking with 0 bt of 10.1.0, and if' the jimmy
✓ Is insuffinient for the tempo..., the point of
'is; security is attained,
MIMIPM. 41” V21.7,,rpti../ITUrT,11_111t11
Er 6
home than those so es el hi li ' ntl ventions lately put upon the market Is from
sang"; and 01 tuntl,
" 0-shis'ss":e1„:"•-iier a knittiag machine manufactory, in Dresden,
901 0 piatnieLlotsiainotit 81)nriciatnie,iv's1110011,c1 usnlreesrsh jean irItts
14 0-- '''s 00'000 Germany, the apparatus in some rospeots
resembliag an ordinary knitting machine in
and excitement then.
a; , excused herself on 1)1811 of 0 headache. I stenng and steady steoko, as though le fea --
, p , a ge, 30110 a 1112 est m01110111.11 she wondered plymg the oar smith such r "
when mountains rise and oceans roll between 0 Diann be readily employed as
"I had & letter from Will to -day," s e
them. Sometimes the wayward son, wander- 3111.1111.10,101101;j07.1 round and flat work, but i
Mrs. Charteris, " and among the friends he ! hegAt,(019.1a' 1, and remained there for several There was something familar about that ing i" r• (011-01? 11"41! hears the soug his ""PeciallY udapted for variegeted patterns
the party had gone, she went to ed nothing of (lenges.
has invited down here is Frank Durward I
mother Sling, and is influenced by the old 1)1 their ustml diversity. It is capable of
' hours. lly: noon she was much hotter, and manly form, Could it be possible ? Ah I
associatioutorebnemberandservehismother's I ,at 1 atterns- r 1' ,
He will be a pleasant addition to our party..... seq., tea ei, e• , p ea c lean
He was always a great favorite of mine, yoti , bekan to feel quite like, her 11113.11101 sell yes, it was no other than Frank Durward,
G I stitch, purl cardtgan, iwo-and-levo rib, and
, &gam, so muen so tnat she onst-wished she comm.' bravely to the rescue.
Careful and melodious sineine in the home also embodies the peculiarities 0( 13 striping
se„,',,,,,.,,, s in I machine, producing in one piece of goods
lyt8 i fp eper°snoRnis° re sr ei n taughtgi 4 -10-0.1. iTg.''' c 00;1%0:Ey' , sin le, colored striped and many colored
gently and tenderly, agd without mach .1),!sifterntis •itholit clumeing the machine it -
instrumental accompaniment. Then the ,," ,i_ th vw1,140- i I facing iu or out of th
hymns learned by the young linger long in .lead 10011:111e selortte 1 thr 1 co lt et 0, • ii
' ca' "" °L Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes: 1
co me
memory 01)30010118 heritage against clays of have used August Flower with the
clarkuees and sorrow and shades ea .1 • I 1 11 II 1 '
n iepiot eft' , le a act rning
such 00 10 give the impression that the pat. best possible .r. es_ults for Dyspepsia."
Let parents set tho example of song, and .
1130 (11111(11011 will be sure to follow. h • 11 f b , ' I •
Take tens are t e lesu . o ern ion ery.
C. A. Barrington, Engineer and
time rove and then, and enjoy an (vet)ing of For dying aniline black, a process has
had gone to the picnic, but et WEIS tO0 late ( ThOy were side by side at last, and dancer
"Yee, I presume so, You always luld
, now. 01`a8 ahnost forgotten. As in a dream file
weakness for fascinating sinners."
" Well, I'm net the only one, fair coz. Do After lunch she rimmed 01)11111 teagown, heerd his voice -how it thrilled her -yet
you know, Madge, I think you're a little se. cleality; ,exquisite thing, trimmed w1111 lace her lips seemed dumb. She meld only
vere on Durward. He was never the gay anis rtaorms.. she looked most charming 'look up to him with longing eyes, but in
deceiver you fancied him, and even if he had. when her toilet was completed, a trifle pale. t'' ,• • herein! her heart at lain, as though
been, one enuld afford to overlook it, he 18 kg , but very sweet and lovely nevertheless. a an open book.
genernus and on kind of heart. For my ; At length she went ..(11,W11 111t0 the dark• • darling, I will save yoe," 11
ram 1 admire hin1 far mere thlUl (gegard ened drisynng.rpot».. IN hat -was her eurpriee voiet. was 00)1114 to her ; and then suddenly
on entering 10 (11311 it occupied by no other the storm buret in all its fury. The rain
Haynes, who of late seems to be your de.
voted follower. Of the two 1 shoeld inuelt 1.111°" 011"k Durw0111,
poured domu in torrents, and without a,
For Dyspepsia.
A. Bellanger, Propr., Stove Foun-
dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes : "I
have used August Flower for Dys-
pepsia. It gave me great relief. I
recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a
'very good remedy."
Ed. Bergeron, General Dealer,
13, , 11 11210 110.1 3-ou ecene ,from ? I moment:8 warning both boats were over- "a") ef "0";1.' Les the ,,0100 of rejoicing eon brought lately to favorable notice, In
prefer to see you wedded to Frank. Durward, ! , be heard in the tebeimaele of the righteous, view of some special advantages winch its
end you know, dear 001, you have only to tv you .,1,,veir:o miles awae , nit to the turned,
and penyer and praise ascend to the triune use has demoustrated. The process tem-
ps. ie s ite tt est of 1110 1)3301)'," .she ex. With a stifled ury of horror Medea sank , '
smile your sweetest and you would have
, claimed. be»eath the waves. She felt 1 he watee's of God. Lot each child have his hymn. sists, briefly, in first passing the goods
nim at your feet.'' '
book, and he will learn to prize it next to through & bath containing some 10 per eent.
'1111 you? Well, I hava come back it cohl embrace, and heard above her its awful s, _,
" I am not aiming at conqueste, 011(11)1 ree ' seems, heve -come 10 0)0)' with sea, if you roar. 0 (led 1 eould this be death ! But """ '''''"", and will from it gather many of glue and 20 per tient 03 1101111,0 ealts, and,
gerd to Frank, he is only a friend, nothing gm willing," lie auswered, smilingly. Frank was beside her now ; iu an instant precious truths whioh will go with him to this being accomplished, the black is (level -
mop. In fact, I could hardly imagine hint •• He's latest hour. 1Vhoso offeroth prals, epee/ by treatment with chromates, fordo or
Certainly. But how did it happen `f" she felt his strong, firm grasp, and hope 1
serious with any one, for more than 0110 sea. " Something like this 1 A letter from a revived. elorifieth Gocl. Let us have more praising 00PPor selts, according to the method
son at least," and less murmuring, niore song and fewet
. usually pursued. Oaseine may also he em -
friend arrived here this morning, changed Bravely he struggled on, Imttling against
Perhaps you will learn to think differ. all my plans. I excused myeelf to the lust wave and storm, Would he ever reach complaints. Insteed of fretting because of PleYed, 111 winch ease a hvo per cent, solution
eptly one of these days. It is very eaey to 1 of the party, made a, flyins !tip into the the shore 3 The way WAS long even yet ; he evil -doers, lot us pray 1 insteacl of repining with ;t sufficient, quisMity of aniline salt and
form mistaken opinions, you know."
Alone with her thonghts that night Madge • •
city, and 110 W have but justi (darned." (meld not hold out intich longer, though Cross, si and bear a song away" free aniline is used at the boil ; albumen
from either blood 011 eggs cell be used in the
at 0111: lot, let us leave our burdeu at the
It is 100 1333(1 that you missed the pie- alone he might have accomplished the dis-
sat and pondered. Had she really misjudg. „is.. "Mist thou no words'? Oh, think again-. (old. The advantage 01 111)0 new process is
ed him, she wondered. The conversation lance 111 801013-. no despair of these few Words flow apace When y011 complain
" 011 ! no, not at all. 40313. quite content short moments would never be forgotten.
of the afternoon had brought back a train oblitilr ,-•iti,i fgeotovieufr ytond,rese'aurs Said to bo -that the black is faster to rubbirg
than when dyed without these bodies whim,
as It is," he replied, leaning buck in tho As for .Madge 1100 strength was failing ;
of memories, memories that had long been " Were half the breath G110A vairdy spent of ',muse, is a point well understood by the
sileut luxurioas easy chair, end inentolly consider- she could not cling to him 1nuch longer ;
• • To heaven in supplication sent, trade,
ing imselt for the tune being one of the yet 088111100 heroiem eame to her then -a per cheerful sOng would oftener be,
She thought of that summer at Mt. De: favorites of eireemstance, heroism that is only born ie a great soul. 'Rear wile& the Lord nes done for me?'"
the drives.
sert, the long golden hours, the walks, a"" "How is your headache?" lie questioned, lu firm yet gentle tones she besought him
at length. to leave her to her fate, to save himself, The Boer- Tanner.
Frank Durward.
Long before she met him she had heard of o 011 I it is all gone 110W." since together death 0001 almost certain TheBoer farmerpereonifiesuseless idleness
" You will find him one of the most "Then you wil sing foe me, won't you?" " I ten not afraid to die, Fronk," she says Lord Randolph Churchill, Occupying
he plead, an,1 80 110(150 took her place itt the murmured. " You have dem' all you could a farm of from 6,000 to 10,000131000, lie
fascinating of his sex, but don't lose .your
heart, dear girl," a friend had lanshin pMno, and sang some of his favorite songs, to save me. Cleat -bye, and God bless y00." contents himself with raising a herd of a
said to her. " 'Men were deceivere ever,'
glY He watched her all the while and thought Thee the little hands that had clang to him, few hundred head of cattle which are /eft
you know, and none more so than Frank what a Invely picture she made in hoi, loosed hold. She WAS volunterily sliPPing almost entirely to the care of the native
Durward." youth and bettuty, here in this quaint old- awey from him, but, realizing her plIrpOSO, whom he employs, 11. 1)003' be asserted gen,
fashioned drawing -room. his osvn grasp tightened the more firmly. erallywith truth, thet he never plants &tree,
He thanked her very earnestly when the " LeaVe you 1 Never 1" he exclailned. never digs a well, never makes a road, never
songs nem ended. As she took her seat he "Be it life or death, my love, wo will meet grows a blade of corn.
She found Frank Durward a most pleasant drew his chair up beside her, and talked to it together." Rough and ready cultivation of the soil
companion, it is true, but then she hall ex- her in his own pleasant, entertaining way, Then, knowing how little hope there was, by the natives he to some extent permits,
pected this. Chance threw them together just as he used to in der long gone by. in silence 0110 waited fen, the end. but agriculture and. the agriculturist he holda
very often. And when at times his eyes Both were all unconscious how the hours Hark I what sound WAS that ? In the hill alike in great contempt. Ile passes his day
1001Sed terdlelly into her 011,11, she had were slipping away, (00 1303,11 were happy, of the storm it came to them, the echo of doing absolutely nothing beyond smoking
smilingly ignored it. Long practice had and in happiness one takes no note of time. voices from ofar. 418(1 1)1011 a moment later and (Nuking coffee, Ito is perfectly tuu
doubtless made him perfeot in the art, and In the evening they went out to walk, they sew the life -boat, menned with stUrdy echeated. With the exception 01 1.110 Bible,
why should she give it a moment's thought ? and at length strolled clown the lane that seamen, coming to the rescue. every word of which in 110 8)081 literal inter-
'Twas the amusement of the hOur, nothing led to the beach. Would they reach them ere 11 3000 too late? pretation he believes with fanatical credit -
more. So She had told herself many a Above them the arching trees interlaced Although well-nigh exhausted, Franks cour• lity, ho never opens a book ; he never reads
time, us though to steel her heart against their branches; through the quivering age never faltered. Even though death p, newspaper. His shnple ignorance is
leaves the stars glimmered ever and anon ; might be near -what mattered it 110W ? Had unfathomable, And this, in sublime con -
Meanwhile she drifted on with the tide, on eitherside stretched theclaisied meadows ; not this bout, revealed °Jove more preeious posure, he shares with his wife, hie 00110 33111!
but there came a turning point at laet, The while from the distance came the low, sad to him than life itself 1 flis daeghters, being proud 1.11131 1110 children
summer days were ended, the hour drew moan of the ocean, whose moonlit waters After moments that seemed endless the should grow 81) 08 ignorant, asnneultivated,
near when they must say good.bye. 11 011 eould just be seen through the long vista boat drew near. With almost super -human as hopelessly unprogressive as himself, In
comes back so Vividly to her to -night, yet before them. effort Frank Durward lifted his burden, as the wmter time he moves with his herd of
how long ago it seems, The beauty of the night ma its spell the stalwart arms of the stra0ge0 reached attle into the 'better -pastures and milder
Once again she hears those words of love; around them. The touch of her hand rest- 001 to the rescue. . climate of the low nountry veldt, and lives
fond eyes are looking into her Own, and he iug so lightly on his arm thrilled hint, They Ankfadgegeined the boat a great waveearre aa idly and uselessly in hie wagon as he does
is waiting for his answer. In that moment talked of many things ; lie told her of his rushing over them, 00 though even now the 0 1115 farmhouso, The summer sees him
many thoughts come and go. Can she life, 01000 than he had ever told to any one cruel sea would reclaim its prey. It Passedreturning home, and so on year after year.
trust 10 1111 constancy? will hitt be 0 love before, of his lopes, of the influence for 11, but in its seething curreut it had swept
that is true to the end 1 or is it not, like good which her words had wronght, tn exheusted hero beyond their reach.
others, a passing fancy born of the me- And Madge, listened to that manly With a piteous cry Madge stretched ont
mont ? voice, saw a different side to his nature' her arms RS she SW 111111 sink for the last
That was all, doubtless. She could then, a nide which his light, jesting manner ime-anit then all MS blank. Shelled lost
never expect a lasting devotion from one had before coneealed. 8110 WAS 00110010US, 0000100mm.
like him, too, of a joy -30 joy that hie presence 'When ogain she awoke she was in her own
And yet it was beautiful to he loved, and brought. room at Grandma Lee's, They told her the
somehow her heart was pleading for this Must she cresh it down, this feeling that story at last, and she listened like one W11000
handiiOnle lover as it never had before. It seemed to be gaining the mastery over lier heart seemed turning to stone,
was only for a little while, though. With at last ? Not to -night surely -the hour was They lei% her alone finelly, and there in
a strong effort she conquered that fooling, too sweet, too bright, As they good there, the darkness she 000111011 to tuul fro, wring.
and the dream was buried, in the shoelows, they heard 03133 1101005, Aland ing liar hands find praying for strength ;
Ainsleys's merry laughter ; and a moment praying for one who laid cold and slleet in
selgtert, tho returning picnic party came in the room below.
Three physiciens had been called, They
Mrs. Charter's 001118(1, and mentally eon: were with him now, doing everything in
gratulatod herself on the way inaltess had their power to restore consciousness, but
progressed during her absence, Maucl ho e hod alinost fled.
Aitieley for once was quiet ; she was wonder. Verde that wore spoken 10. 1)10 long ago
ing if it acts all by ohmic* that these two come back to Madge now-" 1 wonid ley
ha SI !dived away from the picnic. A limiting down my life for you -if need bo -to prove
SUS/7101011 to the warmly destroyed her its devotion.,"
peace of mind. The picnic had proved a "Greater love than tide Ileth no mon,"
very misotiefactory one to her 1 so also to we read in I ally Writ, 11 1)0)1 boon hers, and
Gerard Ihtyttes, !Chore was almost a frown now -0 God 1 was it too late -too late to
on his initially placid countenamee, brought reeall 11101 fend boort back to life ?
there by the burning jealousy that was Tho uncertainty 01 111080 momentsseemed
or 1 ' h' 1 '
Forewarned is forearmed. So it had been
with Madge Esirlscourt.
Two inontlis later she orossed the mean,
'Vet her heart was strangely sad as she sail.
cal away.
" If he loves me he will follow some day,"
she thought, "rime will prove whether
hie devotion is a lasting otio."
Days come and wont, lengthenecl into
months, yet no word ever came from across
the seas,
He had doubtless forgotten her. Well,
she, too, would forgot, As time went on
that sumac.. 1i. 111 t. Desert became only
AS 80010 far-oir mcmory.
Life was a very inucy one in the years
that followed, hill of change, and fraught
'with wide eNporionco, amid now seenes and
companions. After a year 11)501 )0 eight.
seeing she took up her residenee in Germany,
and there deveted herself to music, It
Nemo tho 0110i.0001030 01 1151' life -all also
seemed forgotten,
Though suitors earn°, she was indifferent
to them toll,
Madge Hellman must give him her
answer very soon, and when once she was
1110 betrothed, Frank Durward would find
it wiser to -bestow his attentions elsewhere.
The possibility 11(1 1110 snit being an un.
suceeesitil ono in the end never entered. his
thought% Gerard Haynes estimated his
Salmon At a dent Apiece,
The present wonderful run of salmon sttys
the Port Townsend, Ova. Loader has so
Aluminum 18 11 Ivhite, ductile, metallic
substanee,resembling silver, It is suscepti-
ble of a higher polish than silver, and is not
affected by atmospheric changes. Sulphur,
nitric acid and diluted sulphuric acid do not
injure it in the least. A solution of caustic
pettish or sode, hosvever, will dissolve the
metal with great ease. It is also readily
soluble in dilute hydrochloric meld, with
evolution of hydrogen.
This peottlier metal was first discovered
in INS, by Weldor, who obtained it from
ehloride. Thirty years later the mode of
production was so simplified by Devine that
it could be produced in sufficient quan-
tities for manufacturing purposes. The
process was, nevertheless, too expensive to
warrant A very extensive use of the new
metal, the price, until reeently, being as
high as $13.00 pound. By an improved
process of eleotrolysis, fully protected by
letters 'patent, alnminum is 110W obtained
from clay, so easily, taint it has been sold
in any quantity desired for from $1,50 to
$2.00 a pound. Recently competition has
reduced the price to [1. dollar a pound, and
from present indication, we are warranted
in stating 1130( 1110 price will still 500 a re-
markable roduotion,
Poverty A Blessing.
The Rev. Mr. Reid, it very pious minister,
visited one of his poor parishioners, who had
been token ill, When about to take his
leave ho held oub his hand to the object of
his visit, who pressed ib affectionately, at,
glutted the market that for some tine these the same time thanking ttio poster for his
silver.sided beauties have been sellingat Jive kind solicitude about hut tiouFs welfare, and
writs apiece, bub the priue thok 0 bumble ilt00S1s108100 said 1
yestordoy and several fisherman ;ild a "God grant ye, eir, great &Mindanao o'
boatload of flne salmou, weighing twenty PiwortY hese, and a double portion o't
pounds caoh, at the pitiful stun of one cent through it' eternity,"
aPieee, Ono cent for a twenty -pound silver " What 1" said the astonished minister,
salmon, the finest quality of 11101 excellent; " do y011 wish me to become poor?"
fish, 18 1110 lowest price, perhaps, that 010011 " Wi' a' my heart, sir," answered the old
fish ever sold 101 111 thie or Limy other countri, man, seriously ; " ye ken, a hundred times
but 00.1111 00 141'0 so plentifel Wet people c o' on' n1n,ir ye line tauld mo that poverty was
not know what 3.0 110 with Own. It is esti. a great, bloseire' an' I'm sure tell Ore'S /1 0110 1
mated that enough fish mold be (0)10)) hero could wish 10 000 better blessed than 701)1'
131 one clay to fill 1,000 barrels. Fishermen , ,
salmon at a cent apiece to the eannerios if A. solemn pease ensiled,
say they eon make big money by selling
At length the minister said, with an alr
they will only buy all they eon catch, Ono of touching humility 301)11111 showed ho felt
num caught fourteen :with a gill.hook tit. the full force of the cutting reineof
taelied to a hoe handle yestercloy, ond an. " Well, James, I confess 11)0-000 thotight
other man claims co have founil them in serial -011Y on thet 00101 till this moment,
mob uumbers in shallow watee in the 1)011.
'00003 that ho throw them out with a pitch.
fork, and soon got dish enough to laet, his
Imbearable at loot. She would go and take family for a month. Old residents soy thot
her place with the watehers bolotv. Hut at they never saw 011013 quantities of salmon
the door she mot tho physician, and in his before, and a full moment of all that ono con 111r, 11, 'Price, 15 Tabernaole Square, g,
face she road her fate, ',Toyer oolong futile hear and 000 about this big rut of eahnon C. Lonclon, Eng, mays i '4 strained my
should last, would she experience 0 moment. would sauna like the most fabulous of fish wrist lave years ago, and the pain, whioh
like unto this-liwas ot though the grave storme, and many fiersons cannot reolize the lasted without intermission, yielded like
had given book its deacl, magnitude of tho salmon catch 00 1130 Sound inogie to the Application of St, Jacobs Oil."
"He has asked for you," Said tho physis this season, its effects are magical.
Poverty cannot be a blessing It is at best
a misfortune,"
lo Intermission.
General Smith, Sydney, Australia,
writes: "August Flower has effected
a complete cure in my case. It act-
ed like a miracle."
Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss.,writes:
"I consider your August Plower the
best remedy in the world for Dys-
pepsia. I was almost dead with
that disease, but used several bottles
of August Flower, and now con-
sider myself a well man. I sincerely
recommend this medicine to suffer-
ing humanity the world over." es M
G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. im
Wrinkled Hoee
Every one, at least every ono who is a
knows that "Thou shalt net wear
crinkled and untidy hose," le the first and
great commendmen 1111 the woman's tlecelogue
-its violation the 0130 uparclonable sin.
The woman with wrinkled stockings, like
the num who (110018 131, cards, is despised and
dishonored by her kind. But how many
know 3.1101 11 WAS a greet lady who originated
this test of womanly virtue, and the lady
01100 )10 less a personage than she 01 1110 state.
ly collars -Catharine de ? Up to
her time stockings were worn wrinkled upon
the ankle like evening gloves, and what
dreary clays they must have been for the
thin ladies of her court, when their royal
and doubtless shapely sovereign Insisted on
smooth and trim stockings
The New Rifle,
Considerable attention is being direeted
toward a new rifle ordered by the Italian
Ooverinnent. The rifle is of smell calibre.
It is almost a pattern of thot adopted by
acrimony, but its management presents
numecons difficulties. The cost of nuticing
the tiles for the Government will bo
1,,IP TR/
R E m I W
Itis an erroneotts idea to 001111088 (3103 great
force is requirelt to produces, strain or sprain.
There are so Many delicate muscles Imo ten-.
dons which 110111 together the ankle and foot,
and ama; the vehicle of lomenetion, dna a
very slight thing often causes not only n, very
painful, but a very soriorni sprain, which St.
1500110 011 will mire
50011.0 Argo PeerecTLV.
Weak Spots. -A largo number of owes
is reported or 0001(110118 3.0 do tinkle or
foot, more than to all the rest of the body.
The knee is also a very delicate 003)100 or
0011011, end injure% thereto very freessently
000)111 10 undo pains, enlargements, atfireese,
unl sometimes permanent- 0318)1080, unless
it. Aeolis Oil prevents, and its
BEST Curies A# 033103(0 Cases,
onose f 14 rij 01 itni tin.rhn,•-tiSparfie: yo r1,181 wellitlias, 1tod ow.e0a0ics
Dive exertion ; to etroteli 8)110018001 ligaments
3Ylth00bd1o1000f4�, 08(111, Jacobs 011 came
117reltFRiNvgll861030113. 011
nbl CHARLES A. Co., ilallImoto,Md.
Canadian Depot: Woront0, Ont.