The Brussels Post, 1891-9-18, Page 8eilealealeemmcatencesuseetawanotatecrasentassa"W"M=2,3,"0000.01WWWWWWW.II. JERSEYS FOR SRL 812 will buy a Mill calf nearly pure bred from good minting stride, $13 tvill buy a part bred heifer calf from one a the best Cows in Ude notion. 'HU will buy a Jersey Vow, nearly pure bred, due to calve next 'March. 845 will buy a pure bred Jersey Heifer due to nave next March. $60 will buy a young Jersey Cow, pure bred, tine to calve next May. Also fur sale a fine young J cony Bull. G. A. DEARMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, de:' GRANO 'TRUNK RAILWAY. SotrrnEEN EXTENstoN W. 0. & B. Trains leava Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Goma Solna. Gams Mum. ....... 0:08 ams. I Mixed 0145 am. Express......11,52 a,tu. Dian 3•00 pan. Ahmed 0:05 p.m. Express ......5:55 pan. 'Korai ttetil5 3f.cm,5. A chiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Cot oil at Ili cents at B. Gerry's. PEETTO brooches at H. L. Jackson's 1VAzeito a smart errand boy, Ce Good. YOUNG ot1w for sale. Jas. Wal Brunets. JAS. BALLArrue has purchased a Safety bicycle. iinse received half a ton of L. C. ba at Geo. Meker's. You get e. 81.00 worth of coal oil for cents at B. Gerry's. Tin; beat value in flannels we h ever shown, Alex. Strachan. Wan about the look letter box at 23russels depot? When is it cooling? No. 9 cook stove and 21 pieces fnreiture for 816.00 at B. Gerry's. Bmtz.—Any quantity of bran at National Roller Mills, Mussels, f,12 ton, APPEENTIcit wanted to learn Hato Making. Apply at once to II. Den Brussels. Bnows rubber ooat lost. Finder greatly oblige by leaving the same at I Pose Publialling Hone. Fon a nice pair of fine boots Cooper Smith's or J. D. King's, Stranan's the place to secure them, Tim Voltinteers arrived home from Thomas on Saturday's noon train. Th report baying a good time. EDisoN'S wonderful phonograph will -one (4 the attractions of the East Bur .Fall Fair. Don't fail to be there a ,lieJr it. ItEv. Ma. IlIcCosa occupied Kn church pulpit the /ant two Sabba.ti .Rev. Mr. Moran is expected for ne .Sunday. ImussEts grain and produce market beginning to boom. Farmers kno where they get tbo top price and sati .factory dealing. GEMAGE Coons expects to become 'resident of Brussels next spring and Wi that intention has purchased it /tense at lot from T. Watson er. of Ilarriston, o Queen street. Two oents on the dollar will be tl rate of ts,xation in Brussels this yea It is not high aonsidering that hose h been purchased, firemen to be paid f three Ares, and the electric light intr A. Kama moved inn the new Ame Inn Hotel this week and is getting nic .ly settled in very nmfortable quarter The house is complete in its appoint meets and is worthy of an extended not ice whin will appear next week. Ton ase of calomel for derangement of the liver has ruined many a fine con stitution. Those who, for simile troubles, have tried Ayer's Pills testif to their efficaey in thoroughly retnedyin the mandy,without injury to the system PuEsE Lowr.—Cm Friday of last WU between T. Eletcher's store and the resi duce of W. 33, Dickson, William street It contained a sum of money. Findei will be nimbly rewarded on returning he same to Tun POST Publishing House, Brussels. Busson foot ball team trent to Hen. sall on 'Wednesday and played a match with the home (dub and associates at their Fan Fair. The result was it draw a to 1. Our team was composed of Sloan, Thompson, Jackson, Sample, Meadowe, Ferguson, Moblareara, Rutledge, Morden, &tenon and McColl. Wist,L.Dreente AND Diura,Mo.—George Birt has all the nocessary machinery for . digging mud drillin wells and is proper - 'ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaotion. Wells cleaned out and pot in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residenee second door north of the bridge, west -Ude of Turnberty et., Brussels. 48•0 Funerals' Smoutim—On Sunday, 27th inst., at 8 p, m., the members of Court Princess Alexandra., C. 0. F., together with waiting brethren will numb from the Lodge room to the Methodist church wInte Rev. G. E'. Salton will preaah the annual, Society eermon, Sunday sehool will meet at 2 instead of 2;130 o'cloelt on Mat day on aceconnt of the above men- tioned service, Dinn.—On 'I'lmerlay of last week Win. Wahl, brother le Mrs. Jobe Hill and d3/hop Ward, of this p'ace, died at his home at St. Paul, Neb,aska, aged 81 yetis. The deceased lind bees &Mug for the putt 10 years and Ina death was not altogether enexpeoted trom Ids (tisane. Mr. Ward was a nettle .1 of Breese's in ,the bygones, marrying it Miss Johnston ,here. Sim amd nine obildren survive orge ker, new eon NO ave the of the per ess will is St, ey Le 00 nd ex is. xt is s• 10 tl le r. 11.5 Or 0- r- 3. 5. 11 • • THE BRUSSELS POST ben the Frost is on the Pumpkin And the Fodder is in the Shock, And you hear the hobble -gobble Of the strutting Turkey cook; And the Rooster holleuster as He tip -toes on the Pence; Oh ! its then a fellow feels his best, On a Cold and Frosty Morn When the Frost is on the Pumpkin And the men are Husking Corn. vn-Lmlm ,amtvirom, DoN,T put your hands in your Trouser Pockets, whistle "Annie Laurie" and expect to keep warm the coming Fall Days. Much more practical to lielect a comfortable Overcoat or suit from our new stock of Fall Overcoats and Suits. Nothing small about them but the price and that is exceedingly minute. By selecting early you secure the pick. We will soon be in our new. store and have bought a large and attractive stock of Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths,. Gent's Furnishings, Tweeds, Worsteds, Coatings, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furs, in fact a big stock of every- thing kept in a first-class Dry Goods Store, Rums, flings. 13. L, Jaokson, jeweller. PLease put in your order for stove coal to B. Gerry. Not's:Leine in jewellery. 11, L. jack• son, jeweller. SEE the lin of eplendid special prizes for East Huron Fall Show. Fon a nice suit or overcoat you cannot .do better than at Stracban's. Rums indebted to Tun Posy are ask. ed to agnare up as we need money. 2, Soon was at the Industrial Fair this week with his young Carlisle Now is the time to advertise your Vali goods. If you have bargains why not let the public know. Rnv. Jzo. Ross 13, A.., is preaching an interesting series of sermons on Sabbath evenings on the Mountains of the Bible. M,uer,Alte Presbytery met on Tuesday of last week. The report of the proceed- ings will be fonad el eewhere in this issue. OvEncoAT found. Owner may hnve it by proving property and paying for this nonce by calling at Tag POST Publishiog House. MenvILLE church W. F. NI. S. recently despatcher' a box of clothing valued at 850.00 to the Indian Missions in the Northwest. East Huron Fall Pair is now the talk of the country. It will be held on • Thursday and Friday Oot, 1st and 2nd. See the bills. Tian contract for the new stores for I. C. Richards and 5. W. Laird is now in the hands of D. Lowry, who is !maim; the excavating clone. 3300310 to rent over Mrs, Stream's new block. Will be in readiness by Sep. !ember 1st. Suitable for office, sewing rooms or dwellings. Apply to De. Me, You cannot be too particular about the medicines you use. When you need a blood -purifier, be stare you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. It will mingle with, purify a.nd vitalize every drop of blood in your body. is makes the weak strong. A.,Nunlitut of spurious lOment and 25, oent pieces have reeentfy been put into circulation. They can easily be detected as the metal is very soft nod feels greasy to the touoh. All that have been seen so far have been dated 1891 and lack the letter "II" andet the wreath. lintiovem.--Owieg to the building of it new block I have had to vacate my old shop and may be found for the next two months at the Mussels Egg Emporium where I will be pleased to wait on all my old customers and as many new ones as favor me with their patronage. A., CuluirE, Butcher. AlonELLues.—The following are the modellites who are attending Clinton school i—Jennie Grant, Lizzie Kenney, Janet Kirkby, I. J, Xydrl, Jennie Mas. turd, Martha bmillie, Mary 01011118, Beatrice Stonehouse, B. A. Thompson, Lizeie McLatiohlin, Robt, Fergueon, E. F. Hagan, John Holdsworth, F,dwin W. Jarvis, John C. Lindsay, W. S. McDon- ald, Albert McDowell, Joseph E. MoDon- agh, W. Rea, W. Robinson, Frank Turn- bull, A. Taylor, Bagar Whi trnore, John Woods and Louis Wild. MAX Plenolis,—On Thursday of last week a match took plan here betiveen Brunets and Seaforth Gun Clubs, seven men on a side, The shooting averaged well, the visitors tvinnine b 4 b'rd Tint following is the list Of pagsengers ticketed by T. Fletcher eine last 1501),)of Tint 2081! Ifabkirk and claugh• ter to Neepawa, Man, ; Mies Pollard, Walton, to tinsearth, Man, ; Mrs. 8, Welett to Boston, Mass,' Mies Joan Rosa to Tecomeeh, Minh. t Min 10, Kneoldel to Greenville, Xiah.; Peter McDonald and daughter to Detroit, Mich.; Willie Shaw to Port Arthttr ; IVO, 8, Pt arsonto Port Aaron, Midi, Score was a follows— . e excuses al- lowed by the Act are :—BIlloient Mann, 3 Tioai BRUSSELe. 7 .7 1)0thle er,AVORTE1. tiou at home or elsewhere ; sickness ; a, Revd tt 10 J Turner 11 no Sehool within two utiles exauses a It Watt 8 child under tee, three ntiles if older ; ft R Grieve.......... ....... 10 1 1 1 , .. 4. Dames br aioNaughton...,0 I? 13nattle 12 ao c o school nootinnociation ; 1G ax- le h. Stark 0 oused by a magiatrate or prinetpal, or ',AIME assortment of watches at a L. Jackson's, le you want cheap glanware call at Geo. Maker's. Gmtstrrn preserve kettles for about hall price, 13. Gerry. HotraLr& VANnotte shipped two oars of flour to Quebec last week. NVOIEIMEN are building the stone wing - walls at the south end of the iron bridge at Brunets. Hum Huron Fall Fair at Brussels on Thursday and h'riday, On. let and 2n2. Dont forget the dates, Fon all lines of goods suitable for the Fan trade go to Strachan's where yen will get good value for your money and nice freah goods. A ming number of our citizens and residents of this locality are attending the Industrial Fair at Toronto. Another contingent will go to London next week. A :Atm and well assorted stock of Cooper tt: Smith's boots and shoes juet received at Strachan's. In addition to the above excellent make and quality we hove added several lines of ',Idles and gents fine Beets manufactured by j. D. King ds Co. As this firm has it high re. potation for style and durability We have only to mention the fact of having them in stook and shall be pleased to show them to our many customers. Alex. Straohan "A STrren in thee eaves nine I" and so does a, garmeot save time, money and expense if cleaned, pressed and dyed in a thorough and artistic manner, which can be done promptly and at a small cost by sending to Parker's Dye Works, Toronto, or any of their agents all over Ontario. R. Parker dr Co. make eAuld clothes look main guid as new," at a, cost of lees Man onmfoarth their original value. Ole him it trial and ye'll uo re. gret it. Agency at f.‘kene's General Store, 13russels, A 1311AIN TwrwrElt,—The Fireside Week. ly is offering great mall prices for the solution of their Poetical Puzzle, Three Hundred and Fif ty Dollars are offered every week, divided as follosys Prize, 8100 ; Second Prize, $75 ; Third Prize, 850 ; next fifteen, 85 each, 875. These prizes are given to the first correct answers received each week, beginning Monday, Sept. 21, and ending Nov. SOth —the prize list beginning Over again every Monday moruing. In addition to this 850 will be given away to the first correct answer reueived each morning, and to every fifth of those not securing cash rewards a Handsomo Silver Gipsy Kettle, with stand, valued at 118 will be given. Raab solution must be accompan- ied by 01 for six menthe' subscription (26 numbers) to Canada's popular and only story paper. For full particulars buy it sample copy from your nwedeater, or send 5o. to The Fire Weekly, 9 Ade- laide Street West, Toronto, 9-8* Souon LAWS.—As the Public, achoole have re opened, it will not be out of place to call the attention of parents to the Act passed at the last session 02 01)5 Local Legislature respeothig truancy and compulsory school attendance. This law, which went into effect on the first day of August, requires that all childreu between the ages of 8 and 14 shall at- tend the public! school for the full term, failing to do so without satisfaotory ex- cuse parents, guardians end children are liable to proseoution Th Banantyne ...... A .1 Bright 0 Rosa 8 B Hinahloy 12 has passed the entrance, A justice of leave of absenae clueing each school term if he Is satisfied that the serving of suoli child are required in husbandry, or in urgent or neceseary household duties. In towns and villages the, amide/Pei connoils shall appoint truant 01130510 to d aorn this A.ot ; in townships the school trustees have this power, and if a child hale to Attend within hve clays of nOtifioatiOn by thin officer, proceedings shall be instituted against the parents. The penalty ie a fine of from 415 to $20, with the option of giving bonds for 8100 Mut the child shall attend the echool, 4050080110rs are to enter in a book, whoa malting their assessment, the names and ague of all children of eohoth ages in tho munieiparity, which will be compared with the echool register by the truant officer. Corporation, officers or agenta of cor' porations neglecting to enforce this Aot are liable to 11 penalty of from 825 to 830. OL. S. 0.—A, ninth% of the Chau" tangos Literary and Soientifie Circle wag held at De. Graham's residence on Tues• day evening of Eat week, the President. Rev. G. F. Bolton, in the obair. W. 13. Diann Male appointed Vie° President, The mimeo of reaming was tallied one and 'meetings on the let Thursday even- ing eaoh month deeided upon, The next meeting wilt bo held on the let of Ootobee at the Methodist Pareonage oottunanoing 7210 o'clock When the onto will begin, 10 18 too late for yen _ the peace msay grant a child ix weeks Total 90 Total 74 Duo ins owN GRAVE.—A. telegram WaS reeeived here On Tuesday of last week intimating that William Riven, who re- sided on his farm in West Oxford, near Woodstoek, had been suddenly killed. Re was a younger brother of Samuel Rivers, of Brussels, and the tnessage was forwarded to him at the oamp, St. Thomas. It would appear that the de, ceased was intending to bury a big stone, weighing about three tons, in a summer fallow, and had dug it hole 4 feet deep for that purpne. The stone inoved before he was ready and the life teas crushed 000 lin animate man in a sectomf, llie 000 55108 plotving in the same field having only two Iambi to plow to cr plate the work, the stone being on the last, and not seeing his father went to the spot mid to his horror found him buried ea above stated, MI hurried away for hold and after two hours hard work and the help of three teams the stone was removed. The body was badly mangled. Dia breant and head was erushed in, juglar vain ant, right arm broken in two planee in ad. dition to minor injuries The fluter I took pinoe on Thursday and was largely attended, Rev. Mr. Hunt ollictiat- ing. The subject of this notice wax a, Godly man and for many years was an ftetive worker in the Methodist ehureh. A. wife arid OM ohildren mourn the end' dos and unloOked for removal of Intsband and father. • • .•• Smit to go to school or college (are you tno old or too poor, or too busy) 5 Should yo like to Penne a carefully arranged °ours of roarling in liistory, ;tuatara, science and art ? Should you like to turn mat- ure yearn, middle life, and old age into youth again ? Shot:id you like to turn street, sitting-roorn, parlor, shop, rait- way-nr, market, kitohen, sea•side and forest into recitation rooms? The Chau- tauqua Literary and Scientific Circle is designed to meet just this need. It claims (1) to encourage people to read helpful and instructive books, and (2) to stimulate these renders ae far as possible to become careful and thorough students. The four year'a course of the 0. L. S. 0. embraces the subjeon takerz op in au average college course, and in this way the Circle gives to its readers the college student's general outlook .in history, lit. erature, 1301011Ce and art, The study of the languages 1002 of the higher mathe• twain, however, does not form a part of the work of the 0. L. $. 0, The Circle is not in any sense a college, either in its course of study or in its methods of work. Yet it has put into the homes of the peo- ple educational influence, atmosphere and anibitiou whioh will lead many thousands of yontlp to seelt colleges and universities. The regular course ein- branee outertaining and instr un- tie° rending in ancient and modern his- tory and literature, in physical, mental and moral science, and in all matters that pertain to a true life—physical, in- tellectual, industrial, domestic, sooial, political and religious. It is unseetarian and unseetional, promoting good fellow- ship and fraternity, iuspiring help to the home, the church and the state. .• . -- , =3MOt7s.V.•=21..73 Zural.:ES.Z.1=0WS, ti --- 0 Pall Wheat (new) • ..... :hi 98 Spring Wheat .. 00 95 Barley 40 80 Peas 80 00 Oats. (new) 30 81 Butter, tubs and rolle„12 14 "Eggs per dotsen 12 00 • our per barrel 5 00 5 50 Potatoea ... •10 00 13fity per ton . 8 00 00 Pork ...... 500 000 Hides per lb 4 00 bah per bbl., retail...,1 25 00 Sheep skins, each 60 Lamb skin emit 40 Wool, per it . 18 McRae BANDs.—In Grey, on Aug. 2810, the wife of Mr. Win. Banda of a son. PELTON.—In Atwood, on Sept. 1410, tke wife of Mr, John Potter' of it son. JAORSOIT.—In Morris, on Aug. 27th, the wife of . Psfre Jackson of it son. CONNON.—in Morris, on Sept. let, the wife of Mr. Alex, Oonnon, of a eon. LOW1111.—In Brussels, on Sept. 150, 1891, the wife of Mr. Daniel Lowry of a son. CLEVE.—III Brussels, on bept. 13th, 1801, the wife of Ilev. W. T. Chuff of a 505. JAERSON.--In Morris, on Sept. let, the wife of Mr, Jas. Jaekson of a daugh- ter. BURRE—GmEnsos.—in Blma, on Sept. OM, by Rev. 3. Livingston, at the ' residence of the bride's father, Joseph Burke, to Miss Mary Ann Grierson, daughter of Geo. Grierson, all of Lima. ItRannonnit—Gresoz.—At the resi. deuce of tbe bride's mother, on Wed- nesdaY, Sept. Oth, by Rev. John Ross, B. A., assisted by Rev. Joseph Mahood, brother-in-law of the bride, Mr. Wm, 5. MoKercher to Mise Isabella Wilson, noond daughter of the late Debt. Gibson, both of Howiok. e:tx=em.. Widtm—At St. Paul, Nebraska, on Sep. tember 80h, William Ward, aged 51 years. MAr.—In Atwood, on Saturday, 50131. 501.1, the infant daughter of Mr. /3. May, aged 8 menthe. SAIITN.—In Donegal, on Sunday, Sept. ath, Edith Mabel, daughter of Mr. Henry Smith, aged 5 years and 4 months. 2. MMEONNTS, Elmo, Atwood, Sept. 20, Blyth'Oot. 8th and 1100.. Seaforn, Oat, 1st and 2n5. Lneknow, Oct. 5th and fith. Howiek, at Gerrie, Oct. Ord. Zurich, Sept. 14011 and 15011. Bxeter, Sept. 28t11 and 2010. Hausa, Sept. 16011 and 16111. Mitchell, Sept. 9.3rd and 2400, Goderich, Sept, 1.6111 to 18111. Weetern, London, Sept. 17 to 26. Harrieton, Sept, 30111 to Oat. ist. Pahneeaton, Sept. 2800 and 2910, Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 7 to 10. Bast Miro», 13russola Oot. 1 and 2. Central, Guelph, Sea. 22, 23 and 24. North Perth, Stratford, Oet. 1 and 2. Northern Walkerton, Sept. 20 to On. 6, Beet Wawanosh, 13elgrave, Oet. 6 and Noethwestuen, Winghtun Sept. 20 and 130, Centre Brun, at Paisley, Sept. 22nd to 241111, Huron Central, Clinton, Sept. 28, 29 and BO. Kincardine, at Kineardine, 006. flth and Oth. Canada Central, Ottawa, Sept. 23rd to 00. 2nd. /./UrOn Township, at Ripley, Sept. 20811 and 80 1 Greet International, 5% John, N, 13, Sept, 211115 to Oct. Brd. 75 50 20 MANDAN BANE OF CANADA, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. (IOWAN, Preeideot. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. ASSETS, • - • - 47,000,000 PAM EP CAPITAL, - 1,000,000 RESERVE PEEP, - • 500,000 Agencies in ell principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. Brussels Agency. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' and other good Notes Disoounted at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Collec- tions made 00 010 points. Deposits received and interest allowed at solvent rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De- posits of 81 aml upwards iro10 date of deposit to date of withdrawal, and 80111. pounded hall Prompt attention and every &WIRY afford- ed customers living at a distance, G. P. SCHOLFIELD, Agent, 131.i/see/a, April8t1a, 1801. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. clENBEAL SERVANT WANT. 070. Apply at ono° to AIRS. NY. M. SINCLA/R, ONE Y TO LOAN.—PRIVATE .111 Joliet, XEITA'a• odg"33. to GEoRon IlxxosToN, 41-11 2400, RBLLY, BrusSels, I_TORSE RISING 5 YEARS J. OLD FOR SALE. Weighs 5,400 pounds, sound autl good worker. Apply to 3130.11 NN,Brassele. VOR SALE. -1 GOOD HOR.S.E .32 years oid, good driver ; 1 Covered Bug. ,gy ; 1 light Wagon and it now Cutter, Wimp, for cash. Private sale. 0-8 W. R. WILSON. G_ OLD EAR -RING LOST LAS week betweeu Alr, John Stilleben' Grey, and the 7t12 conceesion. Pinder Wi greatly oblige owner by leaving it nt lise Pots, Publishing 11011 Se. 1-4/ STRAY STEM -3,—A. ROA.7`7 Steer, one year old, emu o to Lot 0, oon, 12, Croy, about two menthe ago. The owner is regneated to prove proportY• PoY expenses and take it oway, It, SMITH, Bruosels, SErr.1.8, 1801. CIAMOILINA preparation will be build a to- linble remedy for the ordinary airman or children, finch Solir Weinacji, Col1Stipati011, Willfl C0110, W01111311, Teething Troubles, Feverish , neele, inarrinna, and many other digeaseS common to ohlidron, 10 regulates the bowels aria assists digestion, t don away entirety will' the giving of nannone doses of Castor Oil to children. Its no. tion on the bowels is gentle aml the ef- fects produced are imitable. This' prepar. ation is one of, if not the best palling ar. Melon on our lin. 7..'he formula itself is perfeetion, ie nice in flavor, dense in body, dark 111 odor and fragrant in odor. X. T. PEPPER, Chemist & Druggist, Eruseels, M'e.INTOSEI MoTAGGART, 134bTKERS, - BRUSSELS, weettaRecact 0.. al-ost..erca. Mo.riat.ing NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian awl United States Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits, • Cotlections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents —1111tuvrisam's BANE og CANADA, Now York Atemts—Isreonruits AND T RAD - Ens NATroNAL BAER. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BA-RRISTER • settettor foul Conveyancer. Collo:- Mons made, Office—Vansteue's Bleak, /3rus- solo. 21-3in* -vAT SINCLAIR, TV • Solicitor, Couvoyainier, Notary Pith - lie, &o. Office—Graham Blook,1 de north of Popper's Dreg Store, Private Fantle to Loan. DICKSON HAYS, (Late with G arrow &Prancifoot, Gude- riabliarrotors, Sollal tore, Conveyancers, Sm. Offices—Brussela Ana Sonforth. Brim - Reis Oilica—Up-staire over Bank. Money to Loan. R. a 11058, IV. D. 010738011 BUSINESS CARDS, 11/1-1SS O'CONNOR, .1.111 Teacher of Organelle Piano. 40-81 Princess street, Brossels. . . MoORACKEN; — at h is Grong,VutritIELTrggettr:al."13% a gill," -P N. BARRE1T, _IA). Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south 01 .0,. llf. Magar 00's hardware Moro. Ladies' and Windrow( hair witting a. specialty yrISS BALL -L prepared to give lessons on the Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ. Special at- tention given to Technic. Por farther lu. formation address— Box 172, Brussels. • MoNAIR, runny, pi. nr_ringe Lioensos, 1.)3, VOTL1111,t0/501,',3Q1.13.1."Voticg"aTeTrn'hnuaaliZT Eire Insuraneo Co. 01110eYat the Cranbrook Post Office, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM• INSTRANom, F/RIE AND IVIARINF., GUELPH. ALEX. KUNTF/R, Work of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loam. Oolleotions made. Onloo In Graham's Block, Brussels. r\IL PAINTING, ‘,._/ Friss Merles, of Wingliam, is prepared to give instruction in oil pointing, lams maybe ascertained 50 Miss Nellie Ross' store whore samples of work may be seen, MISS Martha would also take a few more pupils in rouge, r11 A. HAWKINS, • Organist in St, John's Church, Brim selikau(1 pupil, in the Art of Teaching, of A. VV. Thayer, Mlle ..000., NOW York, will Wye lessons to pupils either at Thos, Turn berry st., or if ereferred, at their own homes, U:orniS moderate. 40 - DENTAL. 333V,31.1-TTSWZR.-2-) 5 G. L. Ball, 7), S. Nitres Oxide Gas ad- ministered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth, 74 Gerrard Street Bask Tonotrra. 1)1E-INITIESX I M. CAVANAGH, L. 13• S., D. D. S., T Graduate of the Royal College of Dental s, Burgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto UM - 11 varsity, Om/Ion—Over Pepper's Drug Store, B BruSSetri, QTRAYED BROM LOT 28, CON. kJ 7, Morris, on August 20011, ranch ocrw, grey and red In e0101., hole cut in loft ear, Any iniortnatIon loading to the reeovery :of this animal will be anitably reworded. 7-81 JOHN WALICEIt. ----- DOCKET BOOK CONTAINING -I- It email mut of motley tort a him 151.10. sole Egg Emporium on July lath, Owner may have GIs same by proving property and paying for this notice by aPeiYiug 00 MRS. 13ALLANTYNI0 & SON, 1200 LBS. OF MILK A YEAR, The chop of myPu re B rod Jersey Bull hoe given 0(10 Ms, 5(milk in toss menthe WI 111 her first milt. 811e 05 0:001501555 to giro 1,2' lbs, in 15 months 55115 her third emir, For further pai‘,iculars regarding this liu" op - ply 500 1010' Drug and liook Store, B. assets. G. A, pelf .DMAN. VI()USA AND LOT FOR SALM— The sobseriber offers her house Ana 10t, eOrner 0/ 3a111411 and atroots, BraSsela There hi a emnfortable 1505580, good stable, splendid do, on the Pre- mises, ;I. acre or land. For filrther portion., Iars as to price, terms, 4a, imply to 81058, Wol, MOCHILLOUGH, Brussels, • — SALE,— HOUSE, LOT J.and Fruit Garden, 01 1010084 Piet Outside tito corporation of Reuesela, under. signed offerable heatitiful lionosteatl, emu- Orisioft 510 sere of 181,01 1101d out in small truing, & geoa brick house, stable, d100.,01aes ethos ritecfrint° 110100' rt'i' 0, PEAR, 441 Brunets. AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, LA. • Auctioneer, 10 always ready to at. te tut gales 01 20.0055, farni stook, 40. Terme cheerfully given. Orauurook 1(0, Soles may be arranged at Tne POST Pub11Shing House, Brussola GEORGE KIRKBY, Liconeed Malmsey. Sales eondueb Sot on reasonable terms. Farms and forte stock a specialty. Orders loft at Tun Poem 0501, sliing Ho u se , Bra satilti, or gen iso Walton PCI., 00/1 reeelVo prompt attention, T_TAVING TAKEN OUT MOEN- - -LA. en as au Auctioneet, I prepared to conduct solos of farm stook at reasonable prices, Nnewing the ebandflig Of nearly every perinni I am in it noaltion to aell to good clerks ana got good seenrity )vhen sold on credit. Satighteinn aultranteoa. Give Inman, SS- E 13, SOOTT. NIEBICAL CARDS. livivt, .17. GALE, 114. D., 0. 141„ V 111011Ther of b110 Collog e of Phystoite,, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. 0/110 And Renton° -- train anon East, 1011101, 00 tart°. T A. MoNAUGHTON, 11I. D. 0, 6 0.111„ 14,13.3?„ 0, P 5.001, At Popper's Drug Store frolu 0 10 note m. nee front 1110 to 4 Tr, in, Al other hours nifty be found at his residence, form, arty oeceplea by Dr. tiutChinson, 5501 50. VETERINARY, D. WARWICK, e o atomr eruduo,to ot tho Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat al/ diseaSea of domesticated itninutle In* own- petent manner, Partioular attentlett paid to yoterinarV cleutistry, calla 8r5mp5* at.. tended te. .611.1oo and inf1rmary-44re doors nOrtli 01 beldje, Turnberry so,, Ertinels,