The Brussels Post, 1891-9-18, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST dIT75�4Vii ,.R"_SSST New Advertisements, Looa1--A, Currie. Local ---Geo. Good. 1.olals..--J. C. Ayer, Locale - Cleo. raker. Locale - 1, Strachan. Locals 1l. L, .la010 00. 1s'.Culsi on __:1. Fletcher. Local -•Fireside Weekly. Excursion --J. T. Pepper. Jerseys -..G. A. Pearlman. New goods ---Mira, E. Rogers. Ilorse for sale—John Wynn. 1 ocal—lletnbly C Vanatopo. Northern fair at Walkerton. Dye Works -R. Parker e Co. In the old stand Geo. Baker. B. dr C. corset Alex. Straohan, Found---Posr Publishing Ilouse. Coat lost- Pose Publishing Ilouse. * Purse lost--Posr Publishing Ilouse. r i�c `49rllsstls Vast, FRIDAY, S.IJPT. 18, 1891. Washington Lotter. (From our Regular Correspondoet.) WAonisMTON, Sept. 4, 'el. The talk in administration circles about the appointment of Stephen 13, El- kins to be Seorotery of IVar is not a joke. It is serious. The President is very fond of Mr. Elkins, and the close iutimaoy of Harrison and ex -Senator Davis, Mr. E1. Mins' father-in-law, is well known. The New Mexico -New York -west Virginia statesman has always been a fighting friend of Blaine, and this is being urged by his friends as a reason why it would be good policy for the President to make him a member of the Cabinet. They say that Elkins would be more potent than any one else in convincing the man from Maine that he should not be a candidate against his prosect chief. In fact it is said by those who pretend to know that Elkins is engineering the present Blaine hurrah in the interest of Harrison, Of course, there are men shouting for and working for Blaine who believe he wants the nomination. Some are original Blaine men, who believe all Bob Ingersoll said of the man in 1876. Others are for him because they believe he is the only man who can prevent Har- rison's nomination. A gentleman old in political experience said a few days ago : "Blaine will fool these people. He likes his present pari. tion and will be content with four more years at the head of the State Depart. merit. Blaiue has lost none of his old cunning. He is playing the boys. when the time comes he will 'buck,' and kis riders will go into the air, while the Maine ung, with his head down and his tail to windward, will break for the Her. risen Damn and the State Department clover, and as he goes he will wink his off eye at Alger, Clarkson, Qnay, and the others, and with a 'oome-and-see•me later.boys' expression an his galloping hindquarters be will land in the Harrison pasture field. That," said, the veteran politician, "is what Blaine will do, and dont forget I told you so," and off he went. Hon. Thomas Braskett Reed, of Maine ex -Speaker of the House of Representa- tives, by reason of his dislike for musty precedent, gained for himself quite a re- putation. In a recent interview, Mr. Reed referred to 11r. Crisp's clever sot of quoting Congressman Thomas B. Reed in opposition to a ruling of Speaker Thomas 13. Reed. Mr. Reed acknowledg• ed that Mr. Crisp quoted him correctly, and complimented the Georgian's appeal "from Philip drunk to Philip sober." But at the same time, Speaker Thomas B. Reed could not afford to ofiicialfly notice the remarks of one Congressman Thomas B. Reed, of the State of Baine. It would not be at all strange should some of Oman views eonfiiot with those of Speaker Thomas B. Reed. But Con- gressman Reed is a courageous man and will not allow the opinion of a former Speaker of the House to prevent him from freely expressing himself. In view of the fact that there is no practical railroad man on the Interstate Commerce Commission the argument is being ode that in appointing a success- or to Mr. Bragg the President should de. part from the rule heretofore followed as to qualifications and select a man who knows by experience all about the cou- etruotiou, equipment and operating man- agement of railroads. There is consider- able force in the argument, and in this connection the name of James L. Taylor, of the Richmond and Danville system' bas been favorably mentioned. The politieial !Grid nonce are convinced that ?dr. Roosevelt has not resigned. They say that when he goes he will not go quietly. Of coarse nob. Having bit the Postmaster General over the head with a boot -jack in the shape of a letter accusing that officer of swearing to a falsehood, end having jumped all over the President Teddy Roosevelt can be relied on to mount a barebacked cyclone and go out in a flurry. About $27,000,000 of 44 per cent bonds have nob been extended at 2 per pent, These bonds, therefore, are due for re. dempbion. Secretary Foster has extend- ed the time indefinitely when these bonds may be exchanged for bonds bearing 2 per Dent interest, by all those not extend. ed have ceased to bear interest, While the debt statement issued just before the department closed yesterday showed an available oash balance of V30,274,894, it would embarrass the department some- what if all the bonds that are due were to be presented at once. But it is by the administration of the finances, and not by reason of an actually good condition of the Treasury, that the Secretary is able to save himself from the neueseity of extending the loan ata higher interest than he has been willing to offer. The actual appropriation made by the last Congress, amounting to a billion dollars exceed both the revenues and the amount of the accumulated surplus at the be. ginning of the last fiscal year, and expen• dfhires under appropriation acts, Which it was not neoe5eary to matte at once have been postponed and In every way possible money has 1 een saved for the present emergency. DIr, Porter eaye that the exact Impute, tion of the United States is 62,022,280, bnt there will linger that suspicion that some of ns got away. It ie a remarkable politician who isn't weighed in his party's soalee and found W rating an office, (3 'oat't•ttl Nowt-4. An Austrian spy caught in ltue'dtt has been sentenced to Siberia. 1'110 itnw rajah of Manipur, chosen by the Goversntellt, is only live years 0121 Over 2,01111 persona are reported to have perished in the floods now devastating Toledo iu dpain. British troops are reported to have landed ou Mayo ue, an island near the _Dardanelles belonging to Turkey. Yellow fever is raging at ItioJaueire. Tho village of lieful in the 'Tyrol, Aus- tris, has been deetrdyed by fire. Li hung and a negro named Uuerg5 Maseler had a prize light at Peoria, 111., alt Sunday, andlthe Chinanuut whipped his Opponent to tt standstill. The Stratford Rotuma commends the action of the London Ciby Council in re. straining youths from purebaoing gigue. elts and tobacco, and hopes that it will be followed up by the alderman of the Classic City, The London Free Press says : -A sen• aattsnal story is reported f1'010 the Vicin- ity of Newbury. A farmer named Ed• wards has an adopted son, who offended him in some way o1 Mondry last. To punish the little fellow, Edwards, it is s.titd conceived the horrible idea of bury- ing hits alive. The idea was promptly carried out. He ting a hole, laid the boy in it and covered him up. After the lapse of a few seconds, thinking the ohild sulllnienily punished, he relieved him from his Irvin,( tomb, to find him almost .lead from suffocation and 1,ight, and it was 501110 time before C011sciouen5se was restored. The outrage coming to the ears of the neighbors they resolve') to avenge it, and next night a number of able-bodied men visited Edwards' house with a stout rail, a pail of tar and a bag of feathers, '1'he tar and feathers were liberally applied to Edwards' person, and with the rail be was given a free ride for a distance of a couple of concessions. The story is vouched for by persons of undoubted veracity. 1 — , It covers the 7'01 nd —the B. & C. corset. It is perfect in shape and fit, is boned with Kabo, which will not break nor roll up, and if you are not satisfied, after wearing it two or three weeks, return it and get your money. FOR SALE BY A. S'1'RACHAN. Why Not Do Your On Thinking BRUssl. e, November 8th, 18b0, J. 00, MaLRon, Godericb, DEArt Sin. -0 should have written bolero now to let you know how Is,' getting along, I am a lot hotter thee I was; gni,.0 g strength every day. 1 have Il good aopeti to and slue'', well. I can tate the loll quantity of the System Renovator find it does not 5ioken mo. nay limbs are 0.11 right now; quite smart in that way; swelling all Roue, The great thirst Ie gene; I tb3)111 no water at night, but 1 take a little buttermilk. I am quite straight again, Sena mo another bottle of your System Renovator, Tours, So.. .1Ao. DuxcAN. 0005011E0 01071115 1,0'I'EE. BanessmS, February 7tb, J. M. McLton, Godericb, Dillon Sta.-Fifteen vents ago last Novem • ber I started to doctor first; I wan treated for dyspepsia, but they never helped me ally. At times 15ntteed proatly from my stomach; I continued. but I grew worse. I turned dropsical : limbs n utl body swelled badly. Ton know the state 1 was 111 when I wont to Gedericll--a utero wreck, could hardly wall[ -suffering from Bright's dis- ease. Just one year ergo last fall I began your Renovati»' and Spealse CUM. I began to mend in a few days ; continued than for three mouths steady. Although 1 was told 1 could not bo cured, if you saw 010 11010, well 52,21 hearty ; eat everything that coulee in the way. I owe you the praise of savh-g my life. I was in a hopeless condition when I went to you, in fllot uo ono thought I would get better. I cannot speak too highly of you and of your medicines, for it was them that cured me. Words 0nnuot express my thanks 101OD. Freely pass my name to anyone. Tours, &a., JASIO$ DGNCAN. SOLD BY J. T. PEPPER, BRusssas. Coughing S aNtaucrseomortthteobernehiarpeiagsnsasgueb• s, Frequently, this causes inflammation and the need of an anodyne. No other expectorant or anodyne is equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists Nature in ejecting the mucus, allays irritation, induces repose, and is the most popular of all cough cures. "Of the many preparations before the public for the sure of colds, coughs, bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there is none, within the range of my expert- *neeso reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. For years 1 was subject to colds, followed by terrible coughs. About four vised to try when Cherry Pe to alga d today all other remedies aside. 1 did so, and within a Week was well of my cold and cough. Since then T have always kept this preparation in the house, and feel comparatively secure." —Mrs, L. L. Brown, Denmark, Miss. "A few years ago I took a severe cold which affected my Iungs. I had a ter- rible conn, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave 015 up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength. By the con- tinual use of the Pectoral, a permanent cure was offeatod."-Horace Fairbrother, Rockingham, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED AT Dr, J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowe11, Masi. Bold by all Druggists. ]'rico $1; iIx bottler, N. u llYIl ;,T2o L.EMSel'Ltrn1212=7:a=XDZI aillf.s�nm�Ltuelt ' .. _ yN7�RY�A�T•]tttip,iTr.KEi'3tlNal"3.irY iALi �9 IJVTEH gLIOit AT MRS. E. R•GFRS, Brussels. E Invite the Ladles of Brussels and Vicinity to inspect. more = especially, our Dress Goods Department, both black and col- ored Goods. We have a very large stock of both, comprising all the most Fashionable Styles, and prices away down to the Lowest. We have also a very large stock of Siiirtings,Flanneletts,Cottonades,Carpet5 Velveteens, in fact everything new and good. We most cordially in- vite Patrons of Industry to examine our Stock, and feel stare our prices will be found lower than so called Patron antiGrange Stores, and the Goods we offer are all new and Fashionable. We invite inspection, no trouble to show goods .and no compulsion to buy, MILLINERY ! MISS GREEN, our popular Milliner, has just returned from the Markets and is preparing for our opening -which will take place on the 1ST, Soo ']Y . A\tD 3CTO' 'ECsy 91W We invite every Lady to see our beautiful Goods which this Season are very Tasteful and Elegant. MANTLE CLOTHS ! In this Department we have some new designs. Our Stock is very large and we feel confident We can suit the most fastidious taste, but unless a Garment of this description is macre to fit properly it becomes a waste of Material. Miss Moons has again charge of this Department, being, as everybody is aware, a practical hand and guarantees a first-class fit or no sale. Sept.18, '91. E. ROGERS, Brussels, SEPT. 18, 1891 BERM yang nnasnen. LA-usT HARVEST EXCURSIUN From all stations lu Ontario return rates --- TO — METHVBN HARTNEY DELORAINE 1f0OSOMIN BINSCARTH REGINA YORKTON MOO SBJA W CALGARY PRINCE ALBERT EDMONTON $28'05 $30.00 $35.00 $'4:O.00 To leave all points in the Proviuoo of Ontario eu September 22nd Return until Nev. let, 1801. Parties Satiating from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto In time to mot- ne00 with the 11 p, m, trade, For full information apply to any ticket agent of the Canadian Pacific lt'y. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. I3A13Y CARRIAGES ! .A Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs in Baby Car- riages have arrived at Ht Dennis', Brussels, Call and see them before you purchase elsewhere. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c always in stock and sold at Close Prices 1!' you want a set of Light or heavy HIarness I can supply you, See our Scotch Collar's, IL Millais. JJ BRUSSELS \VOULEN MILL WANTS TO GET 50,000 POUNDS OF WOOL In Exchange for Goods. The Highest Market Price will be &lowed, We have a Pine Assortment of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan- kets, Sheeting, Knitted Goods, Yarns, Sec, All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or otherwise, will have our prolnpt attention,, ,nTI$ 't CTXO1T G' W Tr7 D HOWE & CO., p6{'100V3 U 1 1(113 11 1I1'113 5111111• JL 81111113 111)A11. Aho undersigned ne•d x'111 Ipv i, for e'i'rtoe 1111, 77 ro eu1 snow,), the 1 u'pruvv,l largo ,v Mtn Verlish ire pi;; "nerdy' n❑ lot .c, 1400, 0, Al orris, to 101,11411 a 3)101,4 mutter (11 055* 10111 bo taken, 'Tarsus 5Inc to be paid at time (anon -fro, with the prlvlloge of return- ing 1f necessary, Podium; may be 50011 mi- en 100011(2(1021, 1HU1)1'11RT RIC110!,, lOtP Proprietor. REAL ESTATE. t.11A1f,MS FOB SALE.-'TIIE UN. im Farms for Sale anclliotre ni,ha 0a0501;00015,' in 00al'Lown5lti ,5 of Morris and Grey. F. 8, SCOTT, 13 russ0)8. 37-tf, - 1111010EFARM FOB, SALE. -- 0)585 baud ups Con, 12, ,mire ybargainom u uush 1'I150)10,0n1,. TH-4.1,01400t, All ply at 0500 to 1Y, Al. SIN CLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels, 30. Iiorc rARif FOR -SALE.- A.J Being South 11071 Lot 27, oon.0, Morris. Ino acres, nearly 011 cleared, hood ineidiugo, Soo 00013) bearing orchard. Immediate pos- 50391011. Easy Terms, Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR, tr. Huhelta', ,t'A., 19russele. TilARXE 1i'OR SALE.—THE UN- der0ig5ee offers his velnablo 100 acre farm, being Lot 12, Con, 1, Grey, for sale. Thorn are s9 Gores under clop. balance timbered. There is a good orchard, wells, So, on the 11001111555, Upsides log house, bank hare, &o. Will be sold on reasonable torula. Fnr prion and f1111 particulars appy to \VAL 1-A131{11.31{, Brussels 1'. U., of Jump; 1317AT'rin, Sonfcrth, Ont. 374ilu VALUABLE 50 ACRE FARM r'alt SArti.-Being west i Lot 11, Con.O, Grey, in lodes from Brussels, The land Is good clay loam, well drained, mostly ail cleared and in good order, One acro of or- chard in good repair, Thorn is a nosier fell- ing spring on Dm promises and an extra wolf at the buildings. The buildings aro comfort. able, Would take suitable property in or neW'Bruseols as part pay, For furthe'par- tieulars apply on Cho premises to or address Damsels P, Ol.11Ob, S[cG.ft OttOlt,Damsels 1 AR\1 FOR SALT —TEIE UN- 00051OY1 D executors Offer the Jolla Lowe Perm for sale. The property oomelets of 100 acres, being Lot 10, eon. 0, Grey, mud. having thereon a Brat -class briolc house, bank barn, orchard, wells, never -failing spring, good fences, &e. About 70 acres cleared, Mann au bush. Possession will bo given next Fail. For further particulars e.s to prior, mud terms apply to W. B. 0710335016, Solicitor, mussels, or to MO. SMITH, 11 Executors.E. J, filoARTRIM005., f 02•11 eel eon., Grey. AR1tI FOR SALE, -TUE UN- DBI2SIONE1) offers for sale the north east quarte rot lob 28, 001100ssi011 5, 1405518, County of Buren, containing 00 mires, The laud feel first quality and Ina high state of oulti vatiou, well tonued and under -drained, 10 acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms, milk nous° with concrete wails, 2 wells, good barna and shed, orebard, etc. Fiehl acres of fall wheat, '211ie Jcsirab]e property adjofus the oot'porutlen of Brussels. Suit- able tarns will be given , Title parte of 3A3I1tS GRIEVE, Owtlor, 8G- doaforth P. 0, 0011 FARM FOR SALE. - The unno'sigued Executors offer the "John Forbes" Lfarm for sale. The property Ontls1StS of 110 mires, being lot 0, 008,8, and west half lot 7, con. 8, Grey township. Tboro aro 190 nem cleared nndunder crop, balance hardwood bush. 05 the promisee is a good 2storey brick house, large bank barn with stone stabling, wells, windmill and piping to stables, two orchards, good formes, 5c, The rarer 1s ie a goes state of cultivation and is only miles from Brussels. Possession to suit puree n5er, Pur pride, terms, Re., wrf+ or apply to 8-01 341.1. CARDIFF, Brboeels 0. O. or D. FORBES, Stratford, DR. lqd Is yaC A,I Y,l M.D., M.A., L.C.P.S.0.,11.C.P.S. Specialist, - Toronto, Jou-manioc l3D5onSrel', Listowel, Hoye :- 'Atter spending all my mousy 1211(1 property to no purpose on medical men, for what they tanned ahopeless case 01 consumption, Dr, Sinclair oared me." SIRS. SIARr Fontaotio, Woodlionse, says :- "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of Ole," D. Mono] nsett, Carleton Place, says 1 - "Dr. Stucluir oared ma of Catarrh." Geo, Rowwo, BI th, says: -"Dr, Sinclair mired me of heart disease noel dropsy, when all others failed,'• Disrnsee of Private Nature, brought on by folly, .Dr. Sinclair certainly Cures. Coxisu1ta,ti024. From. WILL BE AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, —ON— Friday, Sept. 25th, '91. THOS. FLDTCHL, •-'ractzcal Watchinahei^ and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we aro opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware Exon Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us, Clocks of the Latest Designs. JEWELRY 1 Wannis'e Rlisos, LADIES Glmt AMOS, BJ1000lnRe, EA/tames, dam. 1 Also a y,111 Line df Vrof,fus and Violin Strings, Rio., in stook. Y. 11,-tfa,,, rr of Mitrrtsge tiecusos. Brussels, T. Fletcher, - Brussels.