The Brussels Post, 1891-9-4, Page 44 New Advertisements, rtisernents, Local --D. Ewan, Louale-i3. (larry. Locals,- 1)r, Ayer. Loun1--A, Currie, Looal-11. panni+. 111:tuitnUtt-O. P. 1t. ;Strayed ---A, R. Smith. Farm for sale --•Jas, Cardiff, Groceries -James McGinnis. Earring lost --Post Publishing house. Pocket book foiled -burs. Ballantyne Son, Nru5sds 'Oust FRIDAY, 81,211T. 4, 1891. TnE new Provincial Parliament baild- ings at Toronto aro going ahead rapidly. The roof is nearly finished, and all will be iu good shape for the interio_ work during the wiuter months. But one more session will bo held in the old buildings. The first Department to move into the new building next spring will be that of the Public Works. THE census record has paused die - appointment everywhere, but in those parts of the country where it reports actual depopulation it will cause exasper- ation which will be added to when the neeesiary re•dietribution of seats in Parliament reduces their representation. This will he the case, unfortunately, with the Lower Provinces which are all to be losers. Nova Scotia will hence• forth have twenty representativesiueteed of twenty.one, New Brunswick fourteen instead of sixteen, and Prince Edward Island five instead of six, Manitoba gains two while British Columbia and the Northwest remain like Ontario and Quebec, as they are. It will be very difheult indeed to dock the Maritime Provinces of some of their seats without causing much angry feeling. GLADSTONE bas written a strong letter against gambling. The Grand Old Man has no fear of offending those in high planes when he assails a great evil. It is enough for him that itis wrong. He bas an able seconder in Cardinal Manning, whose recent condemnation of the culti- vation of the gambling spirit in comm. Son with church work has also been re- ferred to by us. The 0erdival's letter as received by mail is as follows :-"All my lite I have done my utmost to prevent the holding of bazars, lotteries and raffles for works of charity or religion. It seems to me that our Lord's works ought to be done in our Lord's way ; that is, for his sake, and with the purest motive. Anything of self or of the world mixing in so far deetroys the parity of the motive and, as St. Paul says of charity, may reduce them to nothing. We are all in Jaeger of their lower motives, and we certainly ought not to encourage them." ONE of the most noteworthy episodes hi the parliamentary transactions of last week was the adoption by the goveru- meut of Sir Richard Cartwright's motion condemning the aooeptance of testimo• nials or donations by any Minister of the Crown, or any member of hie family, from any person or persons holding con- tracts or office tinder the government. The rule is one which will commend it. self, to the sense of propriety of every one in whom that sense exists in the most moderate degree of development. The wonder, and we cannot refrain from ad- diug the disgrace, is that it should have been deemed necessary that the Canadian Parliament should solemnly affirm such a principle. Had not history and exper. ience taught the contrary, one would have been glad to believe that such a rule could be felt to be "elegantly under- stood," as the old grammarians used to saw of a aertain Latin oonslruction, The affirmation of the principle gave some of the opposition nrators and news. papere an opportunity too good to be re - slated to make some unkind hietorioal allusions, but the Government wisely brooked the taunts and asked their fol. lowers to vote for Sir Richard's amend. meat. -The Week, te; exteer _rl News,. The Freeman's Journal, of Dublin, will hereafter oppose Parnell. Emigration from Italy continues on a large male, many going to Brazil. A terrific storm visited Bermuda last Thursday. Even stone walls were levell- ed. Aeronaut John Hogan fell half a mile from a balloon et Detroit Saturday and was instantly killed. The subscriptions for the relief of the sufferers of the Park place aouident in New York now amounts to $0,432. Deepatohos lint Friday night indicate a complete defeat of the Government troops in Chili and the fall of Valparaiso. Fire burned over o, etrotoh of country 50 miles long and 20 wide in Faulk County, 0. D. Saturday night, The farmers are ruinecd. Alaeka'e population ie 31,000, a de. creaee of 2,000 in ten years. The native population has deoteased by 8,000, bet the whites and Chinese have largely cveaaen, Ghureh statistics show that there are now 020 women either occupying pulpits or licensed to do so. The Universalist denomination heads the list of churches in the number of women it has ordained. A vast "banyan" tree o',vering between six and seven acres, has been diaoovered on the tiny Lord Howe Island, 800 miles from Port blaoquario, in Anetralia. It fe surpassed in size only by the greatest of tbota in India. Charles Ross, a butcher 13t yoare old, employed In Shea Bros.' meat market in New lurk, was cu n lad:ler .11.01)day try. iug to hang up et side of beef ell a hook when the ahpped end fell, and was int. paled on a lower hook. Ile bled to death. The report that the 'Ballot; of Lincoln would, in the ovcut of 1118 Privy Couooil reversing the judgment of the AraUhlcliop of Canterbury, luevo the 01101011 of Eng- land and lotted a new 0hu)cb Hits elioftod an authorized denial frolu the bishop's friends, A jeweller at Pleasanton, Cal„ has a live tarantula in a glass jar, where belles kept it for more than a year without food. About two Ine110e of dirt le all there is in the jar, and how the creature lives is a mystery. Ile seems as frisky as over. The Chinese paper mummy is in red, white and yellow paper, with gilt letter- ing and gorgeous hand.dr,wn devises. The bills, to the ordinary finauaiore, might piles for washing bills, but they are worth good wormy m the flowery Kingdom, A oloudburst deluged the eastern part of Rensselaer county, N. Y., on Thursday evening of 'act week, washing away sev- eral honses mid causing damage of $100,• 000. In Troy further damage 1008 done, ,laking the total hall a million, Three persons were drowned. The street railways of Paris are under the Government control, and the rules for their guidance are very strict. Only four passengers are allowed to stand on the back platform, the first chess paeeea. gars iueide, pay six touts—while those on the roof of the car ride at hall rates. The aoopest mine in the world is at St. Andre de Poirer, France, and yearly pro- daeee 300,000 tons of cold. The mine is worked with two shafts, one 2,052 feet deep and the other 3,088. The latter shaft is now being deepened and will soon touch the 4,000 -foot level. A re- markable feature is the comparatively low figure experienced, which seldom rises above 75 0 Fahrenheit, The first held trials of the new rifled cannon, adopted by the ordnance depart. ment of the army, were held last Friday at Goanal, Tex. Six hundred shells were fired, and all exploded but one on the mark shot at. Shots were fired a die. tanoe of lj• miles, and every obeli hit the mark, so skilful were the gunners and so deadly a000rate the guns. This ordnance is the beet in the world. A deoided innovation in the printing world has been introduced into the office of the London News and Post, of wbich J. H. Copleston, formerly well known in New York ass journalist, is the manager. The paper is printed with scented ink, whiob gives a delightful fragrance. Any desired odor may be produced, and the experiment has proved nob only a great success but a big advertisement for the journal. A labor problem of a very serious nature is troubling the people of Brazil. The recent emancipation of the slavae has completely demoralized the agricul- tural and domestic labor of the new re. public. It is very diffioalt to get suffio. bent field labor to oultivate the grope, and many families are entirely without seta vents, and are unable to get any. The negro ex -slaves positively refuse to work for love or money. Miss Conant, a shut-in cripple of San Deigo, has made a picture out of stamps which shame Coronado Beach, Point Lome, the Coionado Hotel, and the sea beyond with the sun setting, and in the foreground the Graud Army Republic en- campment. A Soutioel in full uniform and a Grand Army Republic badge are among the embellishmeuts. The work is an ingenious one, and will he sold at the encampment for. Miss Conant's benefit. Ray Lloyd, aged 18, of Salina, Pa„ went home the other day with a big box of toy pistol cartridges 1n his hip pocket. Shortly after his arrival he disobeyed bus mother, who at once proceeded to admin- ister corporal punishment. While elute. tising him with her slipper she ettmak him across the pocket in which the caps were, when suddenly a terrific explosion followed. When the smoke cleared away there stood the boy with hie clothes torn off and scattered all about the room. One side of his body and back was ter. ribly burned, the fiesta on the hip being burned to a crisp. A physician was speedily summoned, who dressed his in- juries, and he is now on a fair way to recovery. The mother was frightened almost to death. A Cleveland despatch says that at noon Friday the steamer Japan found the schooner British Lion, 180 tuns bur- den, bound from Romney, Out., to Erie with a cargo of stave bolts, wuioli had capsized. Iu a yawl to leeward were Capt Luoae and his four men. They were almost exbausbed and had to be assisted on board the steamer. The famished seaman were oared for sad taken to , Cleveland, Capt. Ludas eays he left Romney about,0 o'clock Wednes- day evening. On Thursday evening the boat sprung a leak and the pumps could not keep her clear. Finally her deck load shifted and she capsized. They took to the yawl boat laying on the lea Side of the schooner. A inrfoue gale blew all night and the men were subject to its fury for nine hours before being sighted. Captain Lucas lives at Wind- sor and has a wife and child. The others are Mate Leonard Willcox, of Jerome, Micah. ; Ed. Smith, of Buffalo, wok seaman Harvey Stevens, whose family live at Black hock, N. Y., and George Obubbe, of Montreal. A family in Maine consists of six brothere who look so much alike that only their moat intimate acquaintance can tell them apart. They are rather otoee-listed young men, and the other day, while visiting in a strange town, tools ad- vantage of their remarkable resemblance to eaoh other to save a few dimes and make life miserable for a barber. Each brother wanted a shave, and one of them went into into a barber's shop, had his heard removed and paid the customary ten cents, Five minutes later apparently the same man rushed into the shop with a three days' growth of beard on his free, declared that he had not been half shay. ori, and demanded that the work be done over again. The asbon"l rl barber apologized and shaved the man again, bat in lees than ton minutiae apparently the same man acme back, angrier than ever, and with hie beond still brietling. The barber, after a feeble kick, Went through the process a third time. When the fourth brother came, howevee, the harbor lost all patience and yelled :--"See here, if you're trying to tel! me some pat- ent hair raiser I'll take your Whole stock, but if yon are an osoaped museum freak either you'll have to get one or I'll have to olose this shop." The remaining , brothers patronized another shop. TITB BRUSSELS POST SEPT, 4, 1891 arlliz ,.ssavNfi ➢eIDualres23W1119011104=3101.01=0.011011r15i:1`+it,701 M6IM215'19[FM0080000Al'den001012,ue,n y , 100010310099 CelA Imvuovlf1) LA ROE WlIITla YORK. 5111111 13OAR. The undersigned will 110ep f"r service this prevent 0010011 the improved largo white Yorkshire which 02t iii itelu number ofsolve will bo taken, ferule ;