The Brussels Post, 1891-8-28, Page 8JERSEYS FOR SUE. 812 will buy a bull calf nearly pure bred from good milking stream 812 will buy a pure bred heifer ealf from one of the beet cows in this section. pp will bey a Jersey Cow, nearly pure bred, due to calve next March. 1345 will by a pure bred Jersey Heifer due to calve next March. 1360 will buy a young Jersey Cow, Pore bred, clue to calve next May. Also for sale a fine youeg Jet sey Buil. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, dm. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. a. et 11. TrainS leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows ; GoING SOUTH, GoING NORTH, Mail 0:53 a.m. I Mixed 9:433,10. Express 11:52 a.m. Mail 8.09 p.m. Mixed ........ 905 pan. Express 90 p.m, total iittlis Items. — - - - - -- A chiel's among ye told& notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Tim flax mill is..pushing work. Clienn raisins lc. per pound. George Good. Boort talk of a Foot -boll Tournament In Brussels this Fall. PURE spices and vinegar very cheap. GEO. GOOD, NOBLE P. Ger= is freehening tap his new home by the application of the painter's brush. Toe various departnaents of the Brus- sels public school will re open for the Fall term next Monday. JOsEPH CLEO° shipped a car load of cattle from Brussels last week and J. Stott a, car load this week. A New free bus Is to be run between the Queen's Hotel a,nd Brussels railway s.ation. R. Williams will take charge of it. G. P. ScHOLFIELD has gone to Toronto where he will play lacrosse on Saturday with the well known Toronlos against their old rivals from Montreal. RoOKS to reut over Mrs. Strachan's new block. Will be in readiness by Sep- tember let. Suitable for office, sewing moms or dwellings. Apply to Dn. Mc- Esiesev. Feeersox & Elemmes: are running a clearing sale for 10 days. They have splendidly essorted stook and to reduce it will give bargains tbat are unequalled. Call in and see for yourself. OBIT. -As will be seen by notice else- where Annie, beloved wife of James An. nett, of London, formerly of Brussele, died on Wednesday of this week of con. sumption. The funeral takes place on Filday of this week at London, LAST Tuesday James McGinnis took possession of the store and groceries lately purchased from Geo, Beaker, His edvertisemeut will appear next week. We welcome Mr. McGinnis to Brussels Sod hope he will never have cause to re- gret locating here, Ile will buy pork in the winter season and go into pork path. ing. There is a pood field hue for this business. V. TAYLOR was arrested at Teestveter this week owing to the passing of notes in which Silas Jackson, of Bruseels ; E. 1, Williams, of Cranbrook, and other blacksmiths are i»tereeted. This MEM sold patent rights for iron harrows to Mr. Jackson for Grey and Morris town- ship and then went to Cranbrook and Belgrave and sold the township rights again. Taylor was oommitted to Gode- rich jail. G. T. R. -Toronto Industrial Exhibi- tion -Fares from Bruteels to Torento and return, 8th to 3.8111 Sept., single fare 48.50. Excursion days are 15th and 17111 Sept., fore 42,60. All tickets good to re - Mtn Sept. 21st, Guelph Exhibition - Sept. 22nd to 24111, single .first-class fare, 62.10. Good to return 26th Sept. In- ternational Fair and Expoeition, Detroit -Excursion day August 28th, fare 44.15. Good to return Sept. 5111. For tioketa and information apply to T. FLETCHER, G. T. R. Ticliet Agent. le was quite currently reported that T. Coleman intended °losing the Brus- sels Salt Works altogether and do all the manufacturing at Beaforth. We have taken the trouble to amertain the facts of the ertS9 and are pleased to say the rtimour is not correct, The salt works ere not working at present owing to needed repairs but as soot as these are attended to work will be resumed. Bras. sets cant afford to be without salt now and the closing of the Enterprise Works would mean the sinking of another well immediately at or near the railway, Teecnites CeurrocAres.-The follow - Ing persons passed the examination at Goderich ;-Primary-S. Bell, E. Huth. anan, A. Christelaw, A,. Dalton, G. iternin, M. Holiday, A. Jones M. Le- Touzel, A. Moir McEavan, McKay, 31. Iteberteon, Moir, 11. 11, Thomp- eon,. R. Williams. Junior leaving -tat Blair, C. Fisher, C. Halliday, A. John- ston, 111. A. Johnston, IL Morrish, S. McLeod, M. MacCorclie, N. McCormack, J. McDonald, E. A. McNeil, A. McDan• ald,MoIver, R. O'Rielly, M, Bate, M. Rusk, A. Bellows, R. Strang, K. Struth• ore, E. Wiggins. lllatrieulation-B. Zlo Kenzie. STILL C. havems maker, hoz purehnescl a 14 foot irentage cou the lot imeediately not th of the Egg Emporium free. 13, W. Laird at 830 per foot and will let the contract at once for a new chop 1.1x5ti feet. The building will be two storeys and will have pieta glese front. Owing to 51r. Ricoh. aerie' intention of building this Fall Mr. Istird will also put up two emaSer stores filiime Om balance of the lot up to T. Fletcher's block. A. Currieet frame butcher shop will be moneyed. 11 10 also stateo that W. H.. MoCraoken has dis- 'poeed of his vacant lot on Turnberry street to 31h�. Farrow. The latter may 51001 11 store omit Benson. Burnout has at Beattie Bros, will Oat two etores 7100111 of their livery barn during 1892. THE BRUSSELS POST AUG. 28, 1891 mess= " mar , nr..wns,estenzassaterannuanitessunacenarstsee,Limm„.1 1 OASTROILINA 1 When the Frost is on the Pumpkin ' And the Fodder ig in the Shook, And you hear the hobble -gobble Of the strutting Turkey cock; And the Rooster holleuster as He tip -toes on the Pence; Oh ! its then a fellow feels his best, On a Cold and Frosty Morn When the Frost is on the Pumpkin And the men are Husking Corn. iert,,== itovicm. DON'T put your hands in your Trouser Pockets, Whistle "A.nnie Laurie!' and expect to keep 'warm the comina Fall Days Much more practical to v,elect a comfortable Overcoat or suit from our new stook of Fall Overcoaa and Suits. Nothing small about them but the price and that is exceedingly mitmte. By selecting early you secure the pick. We will soon be in our ne AT store and have bought a large and attractive stock of Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Gent's Furnis hings, Tweeds, 'Worsteds, Coatings, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furs, in fact a big stock of every- thing kept in a first-class Dry Goods Store, JACKET found. ()WHOP may hove 11 by proving property and paying for this notice. THE Pose Publishing House. Fem. District meeting of the Wingliam District, will be held in the Blnevale Methodist church next Tuesday, Sept. 1st. Bewares every day, except Sunday, in emote Dongolas, Bale, Conga and. Ox- fords. Ladies' Bale buttoned and Ox- fords. Geo. Good. WM. Column has purchased the Blas. hill house and lot in Graham's survey, south of Brussels, and have taken pos- session. The prim paid was e325. THE foot ball motch on Thursday of last week, between Brussels and Gorrie, at the letter place, restalted in a tie 2 to 2 Several of the regnlar players of Brussels olub were unable to attend. SONE people are constantly troubled with boils -no sooner does One heal than the other makes its appearance. A. thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the beet of blood•purifiers, effeceually pats an end to this annoyances. We re• commend co trial. A ante uniform ie to be ready for vohm- teer Company No. 5 for their drill this year. The boys in red will leave Brus. sole for St. Thome on Tuesday next. There is morn for a few naore recruits yet. Persons deeiriog to enlist should apply at the law office of Messrs. Dickson cit. Hays. A merrier; will be held next Monday evening at 7 o'clock, iu the Methodist church bamment, for the purpose of talk. ing up the formation of a Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Every. body in Brussels interested in this work will be welcome at the tneeting. WELL-131601EO AND DR/LLE10.-George Birt his all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells ond is prepar- ed to attend to al/ work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable, Reeidence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Bruesele. 48.11 Env, Me. SALTON has asked for a $1,. 000 collection on the first Sabbath of November to be applied on the debt of the church. He has permission to om- elet the Guelph Conference for the same object as soon as the above mentioned amount is in hand, The reverend gentle. Man says he'll get it and we believe he will. PROW/C.-0o Tuesday of this week Mrs, S. Fear, Queen street, brough to THE POST Publishing House, a branch cut from a raspberry bush, thie year's growth, upon which were munted 60 berriee, the majority of them large, beau- tiful fruit. The branch measured 2 feel in length. Mr. Fear has one of the best fruit gordene in this locality. Gm OP THANKS. -Win. Ross takes this opportunity oeexpressing his thanke to his numerous ouetomere for their patronage in the past and desires to in- timate to the public generally that his mill is in first.class eoudition and they are prepared to attend do gristing, chop- ping, &o., &o. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mill street, Brussels. Loth LETTER Box. -Last Tuesday Postmaster Farrow handed us a letter from Depuby White, of the Postmaster General's Department, stating that the application for the letter boa at Brussels depot had bran received and was pined in Inspeetor Ilopkirk's hand to have the same carried out. The box will eon. sequently be put in position shortly and will be a great oonvenience to busineee men and others in the northerly portion of Brussels. CANADA FOR AUGUST AND SEPTENME11,-A Southern dialect story, of absorbing in. terest, by a Virginia Canadian, Will be found complete in the August and Sep. tember nurnber of Canada, the new national magazine. Tim two numbers will be sent to any address post.free for 20 emote in stamps. Poebry and prose by ablest Canadian writers, choice selections and bright and timely departments in every number. Beery Canadian family shntricl subscribe for Canada. A. one dollar bill will pay for it item now until the end of 1892. Addrose: "Canada," Benton, New Brunswick. Am:mem-Last Saturday George Birt ancl John Wright were stoning up a 40 foot well on the farm of Levi Pasetbaker, 121h 0.0, Grey. Mr. Birt was in the bottom 01 1110 well aed hie companion wag loading stone in tt heavy bucket at the top. By some means the Muske1 up• sot and down it went, Mr. Wright 111 attempting to catoh it lost his balonee and down he went head first. When obeervatinns could be taken it at Mend thee no bones were broken but both men were brUi$ed ommiderably by the neei• dent yet were very thankful for their al. meat miraculous mope from instant death. The men waled for help and Mrs, Panaboker inn to a neighbors and got some men to come and hoot the prison. ere op. They were very etiff and sore brit no permanent injury was received. The wonder ie thee one or both was not ithetie on trighb or &Willy injured, 4475 will purchase the building and lot on Turnberry street, Bruesels, for. merly used as a photo. gallery and Den. tal office. Apply to 4.4 13.31, 111ARTIN, D. D. S. Box 124, Cromwell, Mich. Few children oan be inducted to take physic without a struggle, and no wonder -naost drugs are extremely nauseating. Ayers Pills, on the coubrary, being auger -coated, are easily swallowed by the little ones, and are, therefore, the favor- ite family medicine. THE three beautifully finished Fire Steamers going to the Toronto and Lon- don Fairs are abont completed and will be ready with wheels on by Monday. It will repay our eitizens to visit the Ronald Werke. The engines will be shipped next Wednesday for Toronto. BRUSSELS base ball olub took part in the tournament at Gorrie on Thursday of this week. The result was as follows : -Brussels vs. Mildmay, 14 to lie favor of Brussels ; Wingham vs. Bea -Aston, 4 to 8 in favor of Wmgham ; "'Came" vs. Wingham, 6 to 1 in fever of "Unions" •, Brussels vs. "Unions," 7 to 2 in favor of 13russele, giving our teem lst prize. A acose ieteresting discourse was preached last Sunday evening in the Methodist church by the pastor on the Scriptural prantieg "Diana or Christ." The text was "How long halt ye between two opinions 7" There was a large aud- ience. Next Sabbath Mr. Balton will prem.]] the third sermon of the Bevies taking G. Dore's painting" The dreemi of Pilate's wife." A Tiger At Large. (COPIED PROM TOIMPTTO TELKORAK AND NEWS.) The Tiger brand of tea, introdneed in- to Toronto by the Tiger Tea Co., has taken a strong hold on the public, and is found to meet the most oritioal taste of the consumer ; and to still further popr !arise its use tho momagetnent have placed it at the Curio Mall of Robinson's Musee, Yonge St., where young ladies dig. pollee the steaming beverage gratis to all those vieiting this popular resort. We tnight mention that the Tiger brand of tea, is booming in a way most enoourag. ing to those handling it, and that the ladies of this oity have an opportunity of trying and testing this tea before they buy it, and we are safe in [saying bloat the verdict of any one who is particular in regard to the tea they URe will be -no oompetitur, but a leader -and will use no c'bit'NeorT.e.-Geo. Thomson, our well.known and enterprising grocer, has taken the agency for the celebrated Tiger Brand of tea,, and will be pleased to furnish free samples to anyone coning at his plane of business. On brying this tea if yea like it recommend it to your friends. People We Know. Mee Lily Vanstone is visiting at Gods. riela. W. Vanstone is home from Winni- peg. Wm Downing is home for a short 3101 1. Mies Edith Inman is in Toronto this week. Bliss Austin, of Berlin, was visaing f riends in town. Capt. R. EL Hays, of Seaforth, was in town this week. G. A, Deadttan was away last week on a holiday outing. Frank McLatiohlin, of Detroit, was in town last J. T. Cook, wife and children were at Lakelet last Sabbath. S. W. Laird, of Lakelet, WaS in town for a few days this week. Edmund Pepper ie °larking at the Grand Union, Winnipeg. Miss Lily Kendoll has gone to London to the millinery openiegs. Charlie Grewar has been held up with a gore knse moottsioned by a fall. Miss Kate Dutton, of Stratford, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Deadman, JAM. Forsyth, a former reuidenb of this twenty, is in town on a holiday trill. Miss Millman and Miss Kate Oman, of Seaforth, were in town hug Satutchty. W. B. Ballacityne was registered at the Brunewiek Hoose, Winnipeg, lest weals. Miss Cassie Good, of Seaforth, been malting a holidity 31511 with friends lo Brussels. Mrs, A. G. Detffinach, of Deloware, is visitipg with her son and daughter in. law in Deuseele, Mise Addle Vanstone arrived home on Tuesday from an extended visits to rola. tives in Mitteouri. D. Lowry and family heve been laid up with tetarlet fever but aro gebting well 0300 11 now. Pollee Constable J. J. Walker, a To- ronto, called on his brother, jag, Walker, earriage maker, this week. W. ROBS, of NitSSagaWit, Wits in town laid Sunday. There is 0, rue,gnebic in. fittenee in Brussels for him, We meet to state that Mre, Ainley sr, is very ill and there te little hope of her recovery, She is about 80 years Of age. D. Ihrguson, of Teeswater, was in town for a few days last week. Miss Ferguson returned with him for a short visit, Thos. Smith, who was injured some weeks ago by a fall at the factory, bee not sufficiently recovered yet to be able to resume work, Nee. S. Livingston, of Listowel, and 3. H. McBain, of Atwood, vvere among the callers at THE Pose Publishing HOlifie last Tuesday and Thursday. Mrs. R. Musgrove and Miss Laura Farrow, of Bluevale, and J. M. Farrow, wife and son, of London, were the gueete of Postmaster Farrow last mete T. S. Humphries, a former Brusselite, is in town. He will beconoe a resident again, having secured a position in Smith, Malcolm & Gibison's faetory. Last Friday eve had a fraternol call from Editor Wesley, of the Walkerton Herald. He was down to the races and was accompanied by Mr. Johnston, of Paisley. P. Thompson was shaking bands with his old Mane friends in Brussels and loottlity this week. He puts in a good portion of his time at Sudbury and its surroundings. Miss Kate Richard/con, a farmer well known teacher in Brussels public echool is renewing old acquaintances in town. She will Moth in Teeswater for the balance of 1891. H. Hunt, of New York, was in town this week °ailing on relatives and friends. Mr. Hunt is a disciple of Wm. Caxton and has been in the American metropolis for a number of years. W. H. Hill, a former Brusselite, who has been statiened at Artrae. Sia20,30 Co., riming the past year,in connotation with the Methodist ministry, was in town this week. He pnrposes going to the United States to prosecute his work. We wish him succees. Mrs. Fletcher returned from an enjoy- able three menthe' visit to Winnipeg, Pilot Mound, Portage -ht -Prairie end other Manitoba pointe on. Thursday of this week. She came from Port Arthur on the steamer "Monarch" to Sarnia where Mr. Fletcher met her. Mrs. Kerr and Lathe, who went the same time as Mrs. Fletcher, will not be bask for another month. An electric, railway is proposed be. tweeWinnipeg and Selkirk. The 0. P. R. is going bo put up weather probabilities at all stations in the Not th• west during the harvest. The High Court of Canadian Order of Foresters was opened at Wiunipeg lost week by chimes from London and Brant. ford. Shipments of fresh sahnon are paseing through Winnipeg almost daily to New York, Montreal and Toronto. There is a great clemend for B. C. salmon in the east. Atwood, Sept. 29. Western, London, Sept. 17 to 26. Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 7 to 19. East Huron, Brussels, Oot. I. and B. Central, Guelph, Sept. 22, 23 and 24. North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 1 and 2. 2. Northern Walkerton, Sept. 29 to Oct. East Wawanosb, Belgrave, Oct. 6 and 6. Northwestern, Wingham Sept. 20 and 80. =aes.-Lresetemts sa..eLes.e=acelts, Fall Wheat (new) ...... 91 95 Spring Wheat 90 93 Barley 40 45 PeAS 00 00 Oats. (new) 80 31 Butter, tubs and rolls-12 13 Eggs per dozen 11 00 Flour per barrel 5 00 5 60 Potatoes ... 40 50 Hay per bon 7 00 8 00 Pork ...... ......... 5 00 510 Hides per lb 4 00 Salt per bbl., retail.— 1 25 00 Sheep skins, each 60 75 Lamb skins; eaoh 40 50 Wool, per lb. 18 20 BANfirdid, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W, F. COWAN, Preeident. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. 5,055310, - - PAID 'OP CAPITAL, • - RESERVE P111111, . $7,000,000 - 1,000,000 • 500,000 Agencies in ell principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States aud England. Brussels Agency, General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' and other good Notes Discounted at lowest rates, Drafts Issued and Collin - Mons made on all pointe. Deposits received mad interest allowed at =rent rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank Do - Monis of 51 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, and com- pounded half yearly. Prompt attention and every facility afford- ed customers dying 111 1. distance, G. P. sonoLrinix, Agent. Brussels, Apr318th, 1891. Interest is evinced as to who will be THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. the Inoky one to seoure the wordenship Of Stoney Moutotoin penitentiary, a post rendered variant by the death of Samuel ENERAL SERVANT WANT- Bedson. • According to reports brought in by Hish-he.Yex Iedians to Victoria, four white men were inland and secured great quantities of gold. After remaining some time they started for Victoria, go• iug down the Skena in a canoe. While passing through the Great Death canyon the 0300100 capeizert and the whole four were drowned. Mr. Pritahard, a retaideht of the die - Mkt of Black, a new settlement in the vioinity of Shoal Lake, to the north of Winnipeg brought a sample of reed gems that demonstrates a phenomenal growth this mason. Mr. Pritchard says the reed bait been out in previous years for hay, but this season it ig so rank az to be un- fit for fodder. The sample measures over sixteen feet, Mr. Pritchard says the ordinary prairie hay is of great height in that district this year, and the yield per acme is something wonderful. etemez-O-7- Rom tem. In Blma, on Wedneeday, Aug. 6111, the wife of Mr. G. Row- land, of a sem. Ross. -In Elrea, on the 1033, inst., the wife of Me. Somme n. Ross, of a, 500, a...tea-masa:ram. Kican-Yoste-A,t the residenoe of W. D. Mitchell, A_twood, by the Rev. A. Henitemon, 51, A., on Age, 181h, Mr, Charles Kerr, to Miss Simon Yost, both of Mornington township. =zeemeo. Wthm-In Elmo, on Thursday, Aug. the beloved wile ef Win. Word, aged 67 years. Ihmouesox.--In Ethel, on August 2.511,, 1801, Mortha, beloved wife of David Henderson aged 45 years. ANNicee.-In L'ondori, on A Ugust 26111, Annie, behoved wife of Joe, Annatt, formerly of Brueeels, Berevn.-/n Wroxeter, on August 25111, Rev. George Brown. Preebyterian Minister, aged 733 emeriti. !I This preparation will be found a, re. .3 liable remedy for the ordinary diseases 1011411o1111/1111trti olttoti otti.incouttaa l pneI ibnte,digle,,711tilioan [lotr t ito, Worms, Teething Troubles, Feverish. nese, Diarrinee, and many other diseases common lie children. (1 ragnlatea the bowels' and egoists digestion, lb does away entirely with the giving of natmeoue (loess of Castor 011 to ohildren. Ite ae. tion on the bowelis gentle and the ef- fects produced are reliable, preps!, atioe is one sI, 11 1101 the best selling KV- NOIOS 00 11110 list. The formula Ruoff is perfection, is nice In Rarer, donde in body, dark Mother and fragrant in odor. J. T. PEPPER, Chetnist & Druggist, Brussels, MoINTOSII& MoTAGGABT, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Tratanie.ct a (Renewal 2:3est.lting =Sha.citneem, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United states Drafts 13005111 and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits, Collections made ea favorable terms. COMO311OI1 Ag 0 Db13 .-^11113110IIANT'ii NAME 01^ CANADA. NOW York Asents-111MOU1333330 AND T OAD- BIM NATIONAL NANII. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. .• L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .1.1.). FORM tor and Conveyancer. Collea- tions made, Oilloc-Vanstone's Block, Brno - eels. 2.1-8m* NITNI. SINCLAIR, • soiiolbor, Convoyanc or, No tary Pub. lie, &c. Office -Graham s Block,1 dem. north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. DICKSON & HAYS, wltft G arrow 61 Prowifoot, Gado. llarr,sters, Solieitors, CODVEIT3000/8, Oinces-hrussels end &Worth, Brea. eels Liditm-Up-stairs over Bank. 7.10501 to Loan. 14,5.04310. W. D. DICROON BUSINESS CARDS. AA -IBS O'CONNOR, J.:f_L Teacher of Organ eau Piano. 40-11 Princess street, Brossols, -NAT H. 1\100BAOKEN, v . TONLITOI of MurriageLicauses, Moe at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brnssels, D N. BARRETT, it..u• Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next doer south of A. If. Kity & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and childrens bah. cuttion a specialty ISS BALI/ lo mowed to give lessons on the Pi4110. Parlor aud Pipe Organ. Spacial at- tention given to ',Cadmic. For further In- formation address- .1.3031 172, Brnssels. A DirONAIR, 13- a Tesurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lient,-Govornor, Commis- sioner, &e., Q.33. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co. °Moe at the Cranbrook Post °Mee, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM /tiatIRANON. FIRE. AND MARINE. GUELPH. LEX. HUNTER, 01001 of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron. Conveyaneer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent. Ellodil invested and to ban. OollectionS made. Office in Graham's Block, Brussele. OIL PAINTING, Miss Merles, of WIngham, is prepared to give instruotion ln oil painting. %Orme maybe alniertained at Sties Nellie Ross' store where samples of work may be Boon. Miss Modes would also take a few more 1)013110 111 music. rri A. HAWRINS, 1. • Orgaiiiet 10 St. Johniii Church, Drug - eels, and pep% in the Art ot Teaching, 01 33.. W. Thayer, Mus.Doc,. New York, will 11130 lessons to pupils either at T13013. Kelly's, Tiumberry st., Or if preferred, at their own homes. Terms moderate. 46 - DENTAL. 2:$=11'W20010,-2 1 G. L, Bali, 11, 1). S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad. mluistered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. 74 Garrard Street East, TORMITo, 1.) PkrOE' NT PM, Apply at °nee to MRS. W. SINCLAIR. M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., 31.31. S., ON EY TO LOAN.—PRIVATE I B111.00118, Ontario, and of .Vorento varsity. Orme-Over Popper's Drug Store, Funds. Apply to Guonen 111Eawrox, JolittlfIllnols, or to TEM, KDLLY, Brussels, Brunets, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental T.POR E3.ALE.--1 GOOD HORSE 5 jloolirrilCZNItigV; years VtgnnViievbhg for ea.,. Private sale. 31-5 W, B. WILSON, QTRAYED FROM LOT 28, CON. i L./ 7, Morris on August 2011, 030)511 003, grey :05 00(521 color, hole cut. iii loft oar. Aziy informatioa. leading to the rimoyery ,of bhlo in" will " "it" befIvir 1;92,. LEER. 1 8 LBS. OF BUTTER FUR wnnri The Dom of my Registered Jersey Bul I is said to be able to make 18 poen& o(1 butter per week. She Is an imported Jersey find a prize whiner 311 1310 Toronto Ind,sirl 0,4,1)1841)11413, Druggist, &a, Brussels. ^ AND LOT FOR SALE.- I-1 OuE.S!, lot, 00011031 01 JEUTIOS and staeets, Brussels, There in 5 oomfortable house, good stable, spleueld won, &e. on the me - miens, 0105 01 land, For further partion lars as to price, terms, dui, apply to MRS. Whf, lliefet/LLoUrite, 8thesele. -von SALE -- HOUSE, LOT ..11: mid Fruit Garden, situated hist outside the Corporation of Bruesels. The ender - signed oilers his bealitlful homestead, com• prieleg33.0 mire of land laid mit In small fruits, a good brick house, stable, illst-elass wen, ete., malting a complete home, For further mutton lots apply to 5, 3131/131,9-11 Ilritstate. QTRAYED. - ON Og ABOUT k..." the 10111 01 ,11108, 8 heifere s,5351 steer. TWo heifers are dark red with turned -in borne, other 1351153 13. dark grey, Steer a. dark red with white star on forehead and straight thick horns, Any information load- ing to their amovery 'win be suitably re- tvarded. GEO, BATEMAN, Lot 18, eon, 7 Grey, MOSES BENNY, Lot 20, On. 7, brcy, Ethel P.O. AUCTIONEERS. • A RAYMANN, .C1. • Anotioneer, 15 always ready to at- tend Woe of farms, farm stook, dm. Terms cheerfully given, Cranbrook 17.0, Sales may be arranged at Tun PonPablIobiug House, Brussels, GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Anationcer. Sales eondriet ea on reasonable terms, Farms and farm stock a specialliV. Orders loft at Tnn POST 1?IC111011 tug HoUse,Brii male, or 55330 10 Walton P. 0., will reeeive prompt attention, T_TAVING TAKEN OUT MOEN- .11.-1. ell as an electioneer, I am prepared to conduct sides 01 4(0351 stook at reasonable prices. Knowing the standing of nearly every person cal in a position to sell to good marks and got good security when sold on oredit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give 545 3013.11. 82. 3/ S. SCOTT, MEDICAL CARDS. NI. F. OALE, 1111. 1)., 0. 114., Member of the (inliege 01 3176151331, and Surgeo»s of Ontario by examination. °Moe and Rosideuce - Main street Haat, Othel,Chitarle, A. MaNAUGHTON, NI. D. 11 . 11,0.P., Edinburgh, at. 0, P S. Ont. At Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to' 1 1:130 a. M. and (WM I:10 to 411,10, At other hems may be reund ea hie re:Arlene°, form. orly othopied by Dr. B talon, Milt at, VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOX, . Boner Graduate rof the Ontario" VoterhntrY C011ogo, le prepared to troae ahl difionaoff of dereestleated animate fe a 00DV- potent manner. Particular attention paid to vetetinavy dentiiitry. Dells promptly nte Untied to. oillee and linirnlary-Two doors itorth 09 bridge, Ternborry et., Brustels.