The Brussels Post, 1891-8-14, Page 8GOOD BUTTEn CAN BE CHURNED IN Ten Minutes, 'Some people still believe and maintein gust butter to be good must take et least 30 minutes, and some say an hour, to churn. The better that took let prize on two moutons at the Brussels Fall lehow wae less than ten rninutes ili sop. orating. This cannot be done, however, evithout a good TIIERMOAIETER so as to have the °ream at just the right tem. peentore-no guess work will do. We have just received a stook of these and heiag all glass are easily cleaned, will be pleased to supply you. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, rte. EVERYTHING NEW IN GENT'S PURNISFITNGS. - EVERYTHING NEW IN BOOTS & SHOES. 012( THE BRUSSELS POST Ava.-14, 18g1 COMING EVENTS CAST THEIR SHADOWS WE will Move into our New Store with the Stone Pavement in front, instead of a 1 about September 1st. EMI BEFORE. sidewalk, when fliiished, We will then be prepared to meet all oppositions, ft8 Everything will be New in Dress Goods ; Everything New in Mantle Cloths ; Everything New in Scotch, Irish, English and Canadian Tweeds '• Everything New in Worsted and Diagonal Striped ; Worsted Coatings andPantings. Overcoats and Custom Made Suits. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. di B. Never so Lew ! Never so Good ! Never so Stylisb ! Never— "Well hardly ever"— are we left but always right N. B.— No second hand goodS ; no goods that were ever offered to the public before, will ever be allowed to enter our store at any price, but all will be New, Good and Sound Goods. We have bought all our Fall Goods, and will have them in the New Store when the time comes. Trains leave Brassels Station, North and South, as follows: Teo PG Soma, GOING NORTH. Mail Bxuress 11:62 a.m. Mail 11:53 0.01,I Mixed 8,051 p.m. 0:40 a.m. 11:05 p.u3. Express 0:05 p.w. fi.caiileths 1-- -- tons. A. chiel's among ye talrin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Bileis reduced. Geo. Good. BotissoLs races on Friday, Aug. 21s1. Cup= raisins 5e, per pound. George Good. Reim schools re -open on Monday next, Aug. 175h. Barssort public school will reopen on Monday, August 3105. IT is hinted that Jas. Ross rnay go int0 the grocery business in Brussels. Goo. GOOD is going to have a big sale to snake room for his Fall stock. THE largest and newest assortment of gents' ties at Ferguson et Ilallidays. Finse-ertss tralch cow for sale, Dur- ham bred. Apply to Jas. Walker, Brus- sels. You can get 14 yards of faotory cotton -at Ferguson &Ilallidey's for e.1.00, worth 8c. per yard. A xow set of weigh scales have been put in at the flax mill by 3. & J. Living stone for their own use, New subscribers are rolling in to THE POST. 50 cents in advance secures it enti/ January 1892. Dont borrow any longer. TIM heavy rain and wind storm last Sunday afternoon destroyed several small shade trees and blew down quite a nimatity of fruit. Cia.r. at THE, PoST Job Printing office for your envelopes, letter heads, bill heads, circular, tags, s1atements, eta. Satiefaction guaranteed. As cheap as the cheapest. blorice.--Any person found trespassing OD lot 5, con. 12, Grey, south of the river Maitland, without my permission, while I hold possession'will be prosecuted ac- cordiug to law. A. R. SHIM BECETINe of the Directors of the East Huron Fall Show was held last Saterday for the purpose of revising the priee list and arranging for the corning Fair on the 1st and end of Oetober, Mum injury is done by the use of ir• eiteting, griping compounds taken as manatives. In Ayerie Pills, the patient /AS a mild but effective cathartic, that can be confidently reeominended alike for the =St delicate patients as well as the most robust. Booens.-On Friday evening, lith inst. at 8 o'clock, the privilege of selling refreshments on the Brussels Driving Park ou the day of the races, (Friday, 21s1 inst.) will be let by public auction atthe American Hotel, A PET/TION is being oirculated asking She Postmaster General to place a look letter box at the Brussels station for the convenienee of the people in the northern aide of the village, 11 15 being largely signed. The box entails no indebtedness en our ratepayers in any shape and would be of great service to the publics. Text Yett I I -On Tuesday eleven fine Fniser river salmon, averaging 7 or 8 -pounde, arrived here by express from New Westminster, 13. C., a present frotn Jas. Ballantyne and Robt. Ross to their Brussels relatives. We had the pleasure of assisting in sampling ONO and found it lobe the very choicest eating, It is quite a distance to send fresh fish but they got here safe and Bound. The boys have our best thanks. liActe.-On Friday, 21st inst., the new Driving Peek at Brussels will be opened by holding Fall races thereon. The events are as follows 3 minute trot 0126 00 2:32 trot 160 00 Running raoe, mile heats,— 100 00 Named rece 76 00 In the latter ram there are flee entries, viz. :-Wrn. Roddiok's "Brown Bessie" ; Amentie "Billy A." ; H. Williams Son's "Sandy IL' ; Scott's "Thoinat G."; and A. Keenig's "Sleepy Mope." The trotting races are mile heats best three in five, Brussels Band will be in attendance. Manitoba and Failed Slates. Tug Poer has a great many subscrib- ers in Manitoba, Northwest and Western Stetes. A number of them keep their eubseriptions paid with the regularity of clock work but the large majority ere In arrears, some woefully SO ag far tte we -are concerned. We need money to run .our business and pay way,, so wo ask you, if you live hi the lovality named, or thereabouts, to make it point to square Cp. Look at the label on rim paper. It should be marked Jan, 92. If not yon can reckon the amount duo by multiply. iss% 40..50 by the number of years behind. Good harveete and good times only help as when they prompt bur eubseribers to send along a email share of the prOgeods, This item is not for ',Mr- Smith nor Mr. .Zones" in particular lint is for Yon if yea eve in 'arrears. We will acknote. ledge etll remittances on the label, Who will be the first to remit? A.ddrese lettere to W, LI. Herr, PUblisher, Sm. eels. Ont. HARVEST long boots at 01.50. George Good. Foment Division Court on Tuesday, 25th inst. QVARTS and gallon jars very cheap. Geo. Good. You can get all sizee in Ivorine collars for 3.5e, at Ferguson sk Halliday's. THE front of the postofficse is receiving attention from the painters. 3rearn.-17 yards of regular 7o. cotton for $1.00 at Ferguson re Halliday's. Fano races on Brussels splendid new Driving Park next Friday, 21s5 inst. Roy. G. F. SALToN will ocoupy the Methodist church pulpit next Sunday. NEW whmt is being marketed and the farmers know where to fetch it for top notoh prices as Brussels never takes a second plaoe. Bror, Heade, Letter Heads, Envelopes Tags and Statements just receieed at Tao POST Job Priuting Office. Call and leave pair Orders. Corto's tweed oape lost between Brns- eel's and Senshine on Tuesday. Finder will greatly oblige by leaving it at THE Pose Publishing House at once. lIfessns. Smith, Malcolm re Gibson handed Chief Scott 510 for the Fire Bri- »ode as a recognition of their services at the incipient fire iu their factory last week. A Cnams.-Eight roomed -house, near- ly new, with hard and soft water, A 1 cellar, largo stable and driving house. Must be sold. Easy terms and reason- able price. Apply to E. R. GRUNDY. .5475 will pnrehrtse the building and lot on Turnberry street, Brussels, for- merly used as a photo. gallery and Den- te' office. Apply to 44 (0.13. Mann's, D. D. S. Box 124, Crosswell, COMPETENT judges pronounce the track Ori the Brussels Driving Park one of the most complete in the west. Other lir- proveznents have to be made of csourse,but She Directors have pushed the work along at a lively pane. AuCTIoN S, -There will be an auc- tion sale of a horse, oow, buggy, cutter, harness, ao. aleo household furniture at tits Revere House, Brunets, next Tues- day, at 2 oieloak. Thos. Hall, propriet- or. Capt. Strettou, auctioneer. Tomone for building the wing walls at the south of 110088515 btidge were opened on Wednesday. T. Guttridge, of Egmondville, was awarded the contract at 86.00 per cubic foot. The work is to be pushed ahead as speedily as possible. There were four tenders. GEORGE BANNER has disposed of his store and grocery stook to Mr. hloInnis, of Seaforth. The purehaser will take possession on Sept. 155. Mr. Backer will visit Manitoba aud will rest on his oars for a few months. Mr. Mamie will run a pork puking business in ad- dition to the grocery. WELL -Dream AND Dnrmases.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin welle and is prepar• ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper Shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnberry M., Brussels, 49-tf Excuesmr-The annual Sunday school excursion to lobe Huron was run on Tuesday of this week and was largely patronized by both adults and children. There were not nearly ears enough ou the speoial train, although there were fourteen of them. Goderich wee reach- ed about 11:30 and lunch baskets were soon brought into requisition on arrival at the lake park. The 'City of Windsor' ran two excursion trips on the lake anti rowing and sailing boats did quite a business too. Mitehell Sunday schools exourted on the same day to the num. ber of about 650. It was a beautiful day and the refreshing lake breezes were en- joyed by the thousands of visitors. Gods). rich its a pretty place nature having done much for it. Outside of the pavilion and O fonntain the town has made very little improvement for years as far rie the COIII. fort or pleasure of excursionists is con. corned. They should either expend a few hundred dollars in adding some attrao• tive features or oleo take down their summer resort aign. If an Arneeioan town had the satne &clothe tagee 00 II erell'e capital tboy would moke Wilma Inini but the good seed sown by the town papers appetites to have fallen i»to stony ground as far au the town Council le coneerned. A. few merry go.round etvings ;an &ova. tor to and from the doolc ; a small Band that could Le engaged at a moderate ...........30 Total figure ; It few sets of croquet ; a dozen or Tno WitAnni FOlnirnnV nitia.-Ahont two tin °ups, to say.nothing about an 12;30 o'clock last Friday night the lire eleetric railway from the station to the alarm Was tang and the ory was borne park wonlci fill a long felt want and draw along thet Wilson's foundry was en fire, additional thoneande every summer. If It proved too true and the flames had got other places could be get to as convent!. smelt headway that is was an utter im- ently as Goderieh the latter %Mild soon possibility to save either building or Uri mane to exert muoli of a magnetic in. contents and vigorous efforts were gun. Mince over exoursionists owing to the easefully made to stay the onward pro. lack of enterprise on the part of the gross of the fire. The town engine Wag allthoritiOS. These suggestions are taken to the river at the flax mill and mule from an outsider's standpoint and Worked magnificently, throwing two would be supported by hundreds of streams of water tor hours, one of vrhiellt persons who visited the lake !aide, saved the residence of Licht. Wilton When A. R. SMITH. INOMOMmamemmailm•••••=...m. ns•••••tsgasomsommaesaaacosorma WATSON AINLET has the tar and gravel roof on Beattie's new livery barn about oompleted. He's a pusher on the roofing business, talks of opening a grocery in the vacant store in the Stretton block before long. Mr. Hall has a large au.. i quaintaneo n this locality and expects to do well. Is the jewellery window of James Jones there is a fine sample of the muoh talked of mica from the Sudbury mien, also niekle and amethyst oolored atones. They were brought down by I'. Thomp- son who is there 0 good portion of his time. Have we any truly great men at the present day? Some doubt it and ask to be shown the modern Washington, Franklin, or Webster. However this may be, of one thing we are sure, there never was a greater blood.pnrifier than Ayerie Sarsaparilla. BEWARE obi JEALOUS WITISPERS.-I wish it to be distinctly understood that I am at perfect liberty to sell stone or any- thing off lot 5, con. 12, Grey, south of the river, until possession is given. I have reliable witness to prove that this arrangement was made before the farm was sold -jealous minded whisperers can mind their own basinese or they will got sat on. I won't take any gates off the hinges, wire off the fence, doors Or floor- ing from the barn or the fa.noy window from tbe houee like some glib-tougued individuals have dom. When we sell anything we wish the man success with it. Oh I No, we will not smoke the plaster over when we leave the house. A. R. &Urfa. CLAY Pram:Ie.-On the eivie holiday a contingent of the Brussels Gun Club went to Olinton and bad a friendly inateh with the team of that town. The remit of the contest was a draw -54 birds each -J. Hewitt'a ecore was not counted as the home club was one man short. The score was as follows ;- Bnosstans, CLINToN. Ballantyne 8 W. Grigg 10 Jas, Boss 31 B. Pievey 14 A. Demes .. .. .. ......12 J. M0taxoray....„14 Dr, MeNaugh ... 11 Dr, Slacken 12 Watt..„.. ........... ...,12 1. Rider 4 Total 04 Total 64 Hovey and McMurray only missed one bird each. A. return match will likely Sabre place in Brussels before the season is over. CRIORET.-Tuesday last n oriuket match WU played at Clinton in which the home eleven was pitted against Brussels club. Shortly after 1 o'olook the visitors went to bat but they evidently had not on their batting clothes, and as a result, templed with the good howling of Messrs, Mo• Murohie and Kennedy, the innings only netted them 30, Clinton was more for- tunate and rolled tip 00. Howsou got 16 and Wright 12, these being the only double figures. J. and D. Ross did good work bowling. In the second, innings Bruesels played a "processional mirth" from the wicket, Dr. hfoNaughton and A. Currie being the only two players to make any sort of a stand. They get 16 runs. The more book showed 124 runs. This gave Clinton the Fame by (I runs and an innings. An emopable day was epent by all and the visitors did not mourn over their defeat but hope to re- turn the compliment later on in the re- turn match. The following is the score °LINTON. McGee. 110, Ross 0 Shepherd, b D. Boss 4 Newsom b J. Ross, 8 Cochrane, 10 MoTaggart, by D. lion, 01. Ross.. ....... 7 Mokfurehle, b and e J. Ross Wright, rini out 12 Kennedy, b 0.0080 8 Coates, b Boss 0 0150107, b J. ltoss,c Coolnano Stmonor, not out... Barge, b J. Ross, a D,ItosJ Extras Total BRUSSELS, 150 Ininnoe. 200 'muses. Cousley, b Keimody, b Maldurolne, 13 Wright ' 4 o Coates 0 Dennie, h MeMerchie.„ :1 b Kennedy 0 Oloff, 5 Malurchle..... 2 b Kennedy, 0 111oNanghtou,b Mo. 13 Kennedy Mutable 8 e Shepherd .. ... 0 Gerrie, b Mckfureltia,, 11101 out 7 D. NO88, b Kennedy e Halm, 0 b 31o1durahle, ...... 2 J . Beall, b Kennedy O Chidloy 2 b Kennedy 0 Growitr,b Kennedy o Maltbarchie . ....... ..„ o h MaMtivehie e Thomson, 0 ltenuedy... 2 b Kounedy, 0 b Xeunedy Coehrano, not out 1 e kicklurebie ... 1 Dames, It aletlurelde0 b xe»nody „„.„.. o Bo tam 5 Extrae 5 5 1 7 0 it was thought to be doomed. The other branch played on the west side of the ere and together with the work done by the Hook and Ladder Go., in pulling down the house in which las. Cooper lived, the brick blocks on Turnbeery street were put out of danger. An engine from the Ronald works rendered effeetive eervices and deluged the rear of the burning building and saved the outbuildinge, oordrvood cto. from destruction. The fire raged with great fury and the foundry and its adjuncts was soon a. mass of smouldering ruins. Nobody appears to know how the fire originated but the general opinion appears to be that 15 was in the neigborhood of the furnace. Mr. Wilson estimates hie loss at $8,000, and lie has an insurance of 02,500 in the Gore Mutual Insurance Company. The burn• ed buildings consisted of a two story foundry 1303:00 feet, with Whoa, mould- ing shop, dry kiln.; blacksmith shop 24000 fest; and a dwelling house. In addition to the tools of shop and foundry, there was 5 planing machine and a lot of wood working tools destroyed. Also 40 plows about ready for the painters. In the office were valuable papers and ac- counts but they could not be reached. The blacksmith shop was erected. about 25 years ago and the foundry a few years later. Ib is a very heavy loss to Mr. Wilson, more so as his health is not in a condition to adrnit of hien pushing burg. nese as in the past. The fire will also be a direct lose to III:Uncle as there ix no present probability of the foundry being rebuilt. Wm. Blashill's residence and Mable were well warme3 up brit the poplar shade trees protected these pr o- pertiee and gave willing hands an op- portunity to work. All the partiee who suffered by the fire wish to return their sincere thanks to the fire Brigade and those citizens who rendered them such valuable assistance. zsom.re 13retox.-In Gerrie, on July 29511, the wife of Mr. R. Black of a son. Pente.-In Belgrave, on August Fith, the wife of Mr. George Pirie of a daugh- ter. RIVE119.-At Teeswater, of July 29th,311e wife of Mr. A. Rivers of a son and daughter. 11100Asex.—At Oinoinnati, Ohio, on the 24511. July, the wife of Mr. D. X. Me - Casey, (formerly of Wingham) of a daughter. x=eoirs_ Ross, --In Grey, on Aug. 810, Donald Ross, egad 93 yeare and 9 months. MAGUIRE.-In Grey, on August 12th Dovid Maguire, aged 47 years, 2 months and 10 days. ltIoDoueseb.---In Morris, on Mondmy Aug. 10511, Penelope, fourth daughter of the late Duncan McDougall, of Grey, aged 26 years, 5 months and 7 days. sTemolotes, Western, LOlidon, Sept. 17 to 26. Industrial,Toronto, Sept. 7 to 19, East Huron, Brussels'Oot. I and 2. Central, Guelph, Sept. 22, 23 and 24. North Perth, Stratford, Oot. I and 2, Northern Walkerton, Sept. 29 to Oct. 2, 6. East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oot. 6 and Northwestern, Wingham Sept. 29 and 30. Huron Central, Clinton, Sept. 28, 29 and M. 731'2,T.T010501T....6 1A00H1A.I.L3b1=TS, — Fell Wheat (new) 87 Spring Wheat 87 Barley 40 Peas 60 Oats ...... 40 Batter, tabs awl rolls., .. 12 Eggs per dozen 11 Flour per barrel,. . . .... 5 00 Potatoes40 Hay per ton 7 00 Pork „ . „ 001) Hides per lb.... ....... 4 Salt per bbl., retailI 25 Sheep skins, each 60 Lamb eking each 40 Wool, per lb. 18 90 90 45 62 00 19 00 8 50 45 8 00 5 60 00 00 75 60 20 DRILL, 1891. Men Wanted ! A millibar Of eligible Men itre wanted ler No. 5 Company, 88r0 (11nron) Battalion, which cOe0 to camo at St. Thome. on 7ro snAY, warm/limn let, Applications ebould be mode at once at Diemen eclley'a Brneeela Brussels, Leg, 6,01, 11.5, IlAYS, (Sartain. STANDARD BANK or CANADA, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. 00WAN, President. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. ASSETS, - • - tt7,000,000 Pam UP CAPITAL, • - - 1,000,000 REBERVE 11'mm, . 500,000 Agencies 10 6110 principal 000nOs iio Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. Brussels Agency. A General Banking Rue:nese Transacted. Farmers' and other good Notes Discounted a1 lowest rates, Drafts Lamed and Collec- tions made on all points. Deposits received and luterest allowed at 001 0505 rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De- posits of 01 and upwards Iron.) ditto of deposit to date ef withdrawal, and com- pounded hull yearly. Promo t atleotiot, and ciliary facility afford- ed customers living at a distance. G. P. SCHOLFIELL, Agent. Brussels, April 8511. 1891. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. .1\10E:IY" TO IAN Apply iOtG}).—.),P)411.1HIATEN jollet,Illinois, or to 41-03 TKOS, KELLY, Brussele. fIlENDERS WANTED. 1 Tenders wanted for quarrying and de- livering 30 cords of bridge stone from scan} to Brussels, dislance 2/ miles. 0.10. SMITEL 18 LBS. OF BITTTER PER WEEK The Don 00 0131 Registered a ersey Bull is amid to be able to make 18 pounds of butter par week, She is an imported jersey and a prize winner at the Toronto Industrial, G. 0.000400.1030, Druggist, &e. Granola, QTRAYED ON TEM PREMSES LY 0405o undersigned, lot 21, con. 10, Grey, on or about Juno let, ".a yearling steer, red a114 white in color, star in ferehand, pcmer is retie pitted to prove property, pay expenses and babe 111111DAMY. 130730A1,,3) Mc:TAGGART. T_T OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.– -LA The subectriber offers her house and lot, 000050 00 James and streets, Brussels. There Is a comfortable house, good stable, splendid well, 650. on the pi'e. 015000,5 5000 61 laud. Pot further motion- lars 00 00 price, terms, ,ta. apply to MRS. WM. UcCUTILOUGH, Brussels, I:00R SALE,— HOUSE, LOT L and Fruit Garden, situated just ontsido the corporation of Bruseele. The under. signed often his beautiful botnestead, com- prising 05 0045 of laud laid out in mall fruits, a good brisk house, stable, drat -Wass ivoll eto., making a tionaplete home. For fur tber portioulars apply to S. FEAR, 4-01 Brussels, QTRAYED. — ON OR ABOUT AJ the 10tI3 of Zeno, 8 heifers and 1 steer, Two heifers are dark red 'with turned -In horns, other heifer a dark gray. Steer a dark red with white star on forehead and straight Wok borne, Any information lead- ing to their recovery will be suitably re. 100,000,1. 0E0, BA'PEMAN, Dot 18, 0013, 7, Grey, MOSES 1.118NitY, Lot 20, con. 7,11erey. nul.i P. 0, IijMERE HIR LONDON, September 17 to 26. OANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK, AGRICULTURAL, Industrial and Apt Exhibition mtabnehea 1868. JAIME INCIOSASIO OF AND ATTENIIANCE OVItitY 1800 Wax flood, but 1301 win be better, $25.00 IN PRIZES I Attractions, eta, which aro being arrMged for, will intrintitS any yet maim& SMMIAL EXOlnialen 135111181 ON Ark Bhs. nutrias Oloso Sept. lab. For Prize ldete and int Orreat1011 apply to Com A, W. Pones, Tito& A.. ROWS% President, Secretary, BEST PURE ENGLI9II PARIS GREEN AT PEPPER's DRUG - STORE, BRUSSELS. BANKING. itk/fairrTosa &1VIoTAGGART, • BANKERS,. BRUSSELS, atre.r,..actct a. Gies,owal 33106=1.=.0023., NOTES DISCOUNTED, Oannalan and Utittod States Drafts bought and sold. In forest allowed ou Deposits. Collections mule 07L favorable terms. Oanadlan Agents -MERCHANT,* BANN OP CANADA. Now York Agentt-Ineoarens AND TRAD. 1010 NAVIONAT, 13/1N/L LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ip L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solicitor and Oonveyaneer, Collec- tions made. Office-Vanstone'e 1310ck, Brue- sole. 21-301 AAT 251. SINCLAIR, v • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- lic, c2.3. Otlice-Gralunn0 131oo5 1 dear north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to 010001, D1OXSON & BAYS, mato With Garrey; 35 PrOndfoot, Rode. rich ,) Monsters, Solicitors, Conveyanaers, Ofiloos-hressels and Sonforth, Brue- eels Oftloo-Up-stairs over 13ank, Money to Loan, 11, 8. NAT& W. B. TNCITSON BUSINESS CARDS. is S O'CONNOR, .1101 Teacher of Organ aim Plano. 40-11 Princess etreet, Brussels. IAT H. MaCRACKEN, . Insurer of BrarriageLiconsos. Oilice atbis Grocery, Turnberry street, 13rusee50. N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door smith of A. 3/. McKay& Co's hardware store. Ladies' and °Midterm hair cutting Et speolalty 'iirIss BALL Is prepared to give lessons on the Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Special at- tention given to Teclanio. For further in- formation address- 1008 172, Brussels, A.• Usurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of LieuteD overnor, Commis - sinner, &a., '3.33, Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insomnia Co. Oilloo at the (1rambrook Post °Mee. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM restsnaeloo, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A LEX. EIUNTBB, _ca. 028153 03 the Fourth Division Conrt, Go. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Penile, Land, Lone and Inconstant) Agent. Printla inveStod aud to 10610. OollectIOns /made. Cilllee XII Graham's Block, Bonnie. OIL PAINTING, Miss Merles, of Wingbarn, hi prepared to give instruction in oil painting. 'loons may be ascertained at Mien Nellie Ross' store where sampler; of work may be soon. Miss Mertes would also talce a few more pupils in music, rip A. HAWS.INS, • Organist in St. John's Church, Bros - eels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, M.A. W. Thayer, Mus. Doc., New York, will give lessons to pupils either Ett Thos. Turuberry et, or If nroferrecl, at their OWN homes. Terms moderate. 40. DENTAL. ------2:13s31,TT,ZasZ,ISY" /— G. L. Ball, L. D. S. Nitres Oxide Gas ad. ministered !Dr the Painless BictraCtion of Teeth, 74 Gerrard Street East, TONONTO. ill E NT 1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., 0.0. S., Graduate of the Boyd College of Dental Surgeons, 011011r10, awl of Toronto Uni- versity, OLTIOS-Ovex Pepper's Drug Store, 33russms, AUCTIONEERS. ARA YMANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend salmi of farms, farm stock, ..te. Terms cheerfully glVon. Oranbroolc 31.0. Salmi may be arraegotl at Tan Posm Publishing lime, Brenta% GEolien KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct 00 012 reasonable terms. Farms and farm Omit a specialty. Orders loft at TEIN Poem Publishing floes°, Bru Boole, or senate Walton P 0., will receive prompt attention. HAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- La. so as an Auctioneer, I inn prepared to conclueb sides of farm stook at reasonable prices. Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to 5511 to good nittrlat and get goocl earturity when hold on credit. Satisfaction gunroom& Give 010 1101111, 82. F S. SCOTT. MEDICAL CARDS. U(TM. 1`. CALE, M.D., C. M., V Atember of the College of Pbyetelan, and Suiseone of Ontario by exaniintition. Ginee and ltesiclenclo- 01&la etroot 341,81, 1511101, Ontario, T A. 1VI0NAUGHTON, M. D. • 0.1-4,, 13.11. (LP,, icdteburgh, 110. 0. 13. Ont. At Pepper's; Dote Store froin 0 to 11010 it, 01, and 450011 1180 to 4 p. 151, At other home nitty he found at hie resideuee, forin. only weepiest by Dr, Gutobineon, itifil et. VETERINARY. T 1). VI/ARMOR, e, e Goner Graduate of the Ontakit. Veterinary Celloge, is propered to treet all stemma ot derneetioated animate In 10 oom- Petard manner. Parttoulav attention paid to veterinary dentistry, chow promptly at. tended to, eabo lolIl Inernetry-TWo doors north of bridge, Turnberry Bt., liruesels,