The Brussels Post, 1891-8-14, Page 5Aur„ 14, 1801.
tliS'frict ' c1U5,
Mr, Miller, our esteemed tailor, ie very
low et present,
\V W. Knight, toaeher in (itrnthroy
(inllegiate Institute, Is Home for his
(mite a few from thin vicinity took in
the Sabbath nobout menden to Godo.
Holt Iasi Tneeday.
Cameron Bros. have 0 gang of about
10 men and boys pulling flax, They will
ADM 1.11N week.
Mr. and Mrs. Heyman and James
Knight, of London, are visiting at John
Knight's this week.
Thorn wore 10(1 tickets sold hero for
Goderieh Tuesday,
T. Simpson aid wife, of 130101, paid a
abort vinic to friends here last woelc.
Mrs. Watt, of \Voodetoek, is spending a
few weeks with her brother•in-law, P. J.
A number from this locality intend
going to Grimsby and Niagara Falls. Sat.
Mf. Thomson, of Tecewater, is busy
rnannfaoturing broom handles at Stewart
t Duff's mill.
Rep 'tit gays that the Patrons of In.
dostry society is dying out in the neigh-
borhood of Lnchnow.
Mr. Loyd jr., of Wingham, filled the
pulpit of the Methochet church for Rev.
Mr. Wallwin last Sunday.
A flook of sheep had a narrow osoapo
on the railway traffic a few days ago.
They oroas the cattle guards as easily as
a human pedestrian.
Wm. Smith returns to this school at
Castorville on Saturday. The sweet
strains of the "B" cornet will be miss•
ed then. Ile assisted tho Methodist choir
while here.
Council meeting on Friday of this
week at Cranbrook.
Last Tuesday Edward Carvin, non. 11,
brought to Taw Post a Sample of Ameor
Ramalon oats which measured 5 feet 1
inch in length. There were 60 grains
counted in one head.
A wild oat was shot h, the pia-nio
grove on Mrs. Juo. Forbes' farm on Wed.
nesday of this week by J. Harney er.
The olcl gentleman drilled it with n
bullet as it was climbing a tree. It's
mate has been heard in the same loonlity
OBIT.—On Wednesday morning of this
week Arthur Maguire, lot 10, eon. 0,
passed away to his reward after a some-
what tedious illness occasioned by la
grippe followed by pleurisy and decline.
He was the eldest son of \Vm. Maguire,
of the township of McGilivary, Middle•
sex Co., encl was a resident of Grey town-
ship for abort 20 ,years. Mr. Maguire's
wife and daughter died quite suddenly in
the month of September, 1887. In Nov-
ember of 1889 he was married to Mies
Ames, who tenderly oared for him dor.
ing his late illness. The deceased was n.
sterling man and had been a member of
the Methodist church for many years.
Mrs. Maguire and relatives have the
sympathy of the community in their
bereavement. The fnno'al takes place
on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'eloolt.
FATAL ACCIDENT. —Everybody was pain•
folly surprised to learn that Donald
Ross, 17th con., had met with an 0011.
dent last Saturday morning which ro•
enitecl fatally. It appears he teas lead.
ing a young horse with a rope line and
in some unaccountable manner he was
tkrown clown and dragged against the
"ate post or gate and so badly injured
that he had only strength enough left to
get to the house where he soon passed
away. The deceased was 33 Sears and 1)
months old and was most highly esteem•
ed by everybody in the community. He
was precentor is the Presbyterian ohnreh
et Walton and was a feithful steward of
the Heavenly Master. A widow and
three children are left to mourn his sud-
den demise. The feneral took place of
Monday afternoon, Rev. D. Forrest
E. L. Dickinson has returned from his
Bummer trip up the lakes.
Monday, 171h inst., hos been proclaim-
ed a civic holiday for Wingham by the
The stonework of the new Bank of
Hamilton building is completed and the
brick work ban been commenced.
Gray, Young db Spading,of the salt
works, were awarded a gomedal at the
Jemaoe exhibition, for their superior
matte of salt.
W. Smyth shipped an extra large
monument, to be erected to the memory
of the late Philip MoRihbon by his
widow, at Pioton, Prime Edward Co.
A young man named Jas. Hamilton,
while engaged at his work in the Union
Factory, had the misfortune to have a
large splinter run through his hand.
The splinter was abort half an inch
thick and about twelve Indies of it went
through hie hand,
Wtn. Willis, who is employed by R. C.
Sparling in buying butter and eggs et
Luoknow, received word of the death of
a brother of hie who was farming in the
Oak Lake district. Mr. Willis left on
Monday of last week for Manitoba to
close up hie brother's affairs there. The
deceased young man had lived in Mani.
tobo for upwards of eight years and al•
ways enjoyed good health until last Feb-
ruary, when he was prostrated with la
grippe, from which he never recovered.
The immediate cause of hie death was
hemorrhage of the lunge.
Peter MoLareh, Treasurer of Turn -
berry township, was in town looking for
law for a young man named Geo. Case-
ment, son of Jos. Casomore, who resides
near the Junction, for viciously assault.
ing a son of Mr, MoLaren's. Duncan
McLaren, aged about 10 years, was at the
Junction, when young 0,00mor0 hit a
dog belonging to McLaren and tuns told
to leave the dog alone, Without any
provocation Casemore knotted the boy
down and jamped upon him with his
heels in the abdomen and otherwise ental•
treated him before the was taken away by
those present. The boy was taken to
his Thome and medical aid summoned,
and he is now ont of danger. Ouselnero
could not be found when wanted and it
is thought ha has cleared out.
W. H. C. Meyer, of Wiegbatn, and W.
G, Murdoch, of Toronto, appeared before
the Deputy Minister of Justine at Ottawa
fast Friday in the harry Garbutt extra•
dition case. Garbutt was on the 18th
Jelly committed by Judge Morgan for ex''
tradition 10 the State Of Texas on the
Immira'I . ,NO,,,,,,] „,,,, m,•,,a7MSR ieaservescww:eT.rldr -;iii.'r rne!rTS.creetoo',..,.e.....watoi?:7•ldawatehtze:':il,Twvlw NdS T.:'+.::
ebarge of forging the eudorsetneut of Jae.
Whitely on It draft for $1,500, purporting
to be dawn by Ford, Bonithten ,V C..
b Ll,k os, of Barton, Ohio, nu the Chase.
National Bank of New York City runt
melted at the (lity Bank of Sherman, hi
1'allalntin", 'l'1x0", 111 the 2111 1lareli
last, Garbutt wee tweeted in Toronto
on the 2nd of July last on information
laid by Olin Lucas, a private deteetive of
Seattle, \Vadhwgtorl Territory'. After
Judge Morgan's order, halm"; 001(11114
proceeding% 000001000 before Me, Juetlee
Meredith, who adjourned the 01100 until
Augoot 11, directing that the Miuleter of
Justice be notified of the application.
6Ir,111eynt' and air. Murdock appeared
before the Deputy Minister friday and
dismissed the matter. J. W. Curry re-
preeented the victimised bank, After-
wards they sow Sir John 'J']tompsou.
The Department of Justice will not in.
terfer0 pending the habeas 000913s pro.
eeeding0 in the court, but think it is 0
case which may nseoseitate 01 nob inter-
natioaalcorroepondence ae to the present
state of the extradition law and the
treaty between Great Britain sad the
United Statee. There is no doubt that
extensive forgeries and frauds have been
committed by a gang which has been
working the Weete re and Southwestern
States, but Garbutt's friends say that the
detective in arresting him is altogether
on the wrong track. Ile is a British
subject and a resident of Wingilanl, and
tnventy respectable oitieans of that place
a o ready to swear that lie WES there on
the first five dnye of March, while the
proseeubiOu must fail unless he was in
Texas on the Ind of March.
Township Ccuneil next Monday.
Public schools gut down to buetioss for
the Rall term next Monday.
There will bo a• largo screago of Fall
wheat sown this year in Morris.
Last Saturday A. G. l:• asom pulled a
stalk of oats that measured 5 feet 10 in.
01(000s Atelia and Minnie Chambers
and W. Be Mooney spent [ant Sunday
with friends neer Senforth.
There is more truth 1111111 poetry about
the letter in last weeks Poet on statute
labor. A change is badly needed,
Last Sunday's wind storm flattened
down a lot of grain and it will be a very
difficult task to out a lot of it with the
Next Tuesday evening a garden party
will be held at James ltuesell's, near
Sunshine. A. musical and literary pro-
gram will be presented and a good time
is expeoted. Proceeds go toward furnish-
ing parsonage at Bolgrave.
One morning last week W. R. Mooney
went out to the barn and tossed Ia fork
up into the mote previous to his climbing
the ladder to throw down some hay.
Imagine kis surprise on getting up to the
sone of operation to nee a young, able
bodied tramp emerge from the hay not
at all pleased about the narrow es00pe
he'd had from vaccinntion by the fork.
Mr. Tramp had lodged in the mow the
pteviOns night without the knowledge or
c0neent of Mr. Mooney.
SUDDEN DEATu.—Early on Monday
morning Penelope, fourth daughter of
the hate Du 1)01111 ;ll0Duuga1l, 7th con.,
Grey, died at the re idenee of David
Moose, 9111 con., Mortis, after a brief ill-
ness of n few stays. She had been vieit.
ing at 0bss. Ritchie's' on Tuesday of last
week and went to AIr. Moore's on Wed-
nesday. Taking ill with vomiting a
physician was summoned on Thursday
but although temporary relief was afford-
ed her system wee to run down previous
to this illness that she lied not strength
to rally. The deceased was born in Grey
township and on reaching womanhood
became a school teacher. Three years
were spent at Walton when her third
elan certificate expired and she went to
the Goderieh High School to prepare for
a higher certificate. She wrote at the
recent examination and then mune to
visit with old friends and try and regain
her wasting health. Mise McDougall
was a general favorite with all who knew
her and was a kind hearted person will.
ing to do all she could to aid those re -
gut ring her help. She was Conscious al.
most to the last and had no fear of the
messenger death. The funeral took
plane on Wednesday afternoon and was
largely attended. Tile relatives may
rest assured that they have the sympathy
of all in their sad and uulouked for bor.
School reopens next Monday.
Postmaster Spence and J. Hemsworth
go [vest on a trip next Tuesday.
The revival spirit has been at work in
111e Methodist ohuroh here and some
extra good times bete been enjoyed.
It will not be a matter of anrprise if a
marriage or two tapes place here this
fall by the wet, the courting business is
being attended too.
Quite a number of people from this lo•
oalfty went to Godorieh on the excursion
last Tuesday. They had an enjoyable
time but were late in getting home.
The Conti held here hast Priday at-
tracted a large number of people. Judge
Toms presided and after hearing the
case reserved his deeieiou, The general
opinion seems to be that Matheson will
lose. Lawyers Harding, of Stratford,
mud Proudfuot, of Goderieh, were in et
GONE Hoouo—Wm. Tompkins has gone
home to his reward after le long voyage
of over 86 years. The old gentleman
died on Sunday morning, FIis death 1003
not unexpected ns he has been eou(ined
to the house for the peat year and it wile
a general wear out. He was born in
Leicester, England, and was united in
marriage to Rebecca Nicholas about 62
years ago. 18 years after this they ami.
grated to the new world and after a
temporary residence in New York state
they settled near Toronto where they re•
aided for '20 yenta and then removed to
Highland Creek, See bore, In 1881 the
old folke Dame to Ethel and resided here
tmtil their decease. 14110. Tompkins died
on Aug. 15111 1801, There are ten
children living and two dead. The old
hoople have no less then 74 grand atilt,
ran and groat grltnd children. Mr.
Tompkins was of old Methodist stock
Mid more than oboe John wtaley, the
founder of Methodism, preached in his
father's house. In his long life the de.
exceed wee a living epistle of the religion
of the Bible and died the death 0f the
righteous. Tho funeral took plane on
Tuesday afternoon, ROT. 13. Sherlock
preached an approptiate discourse. The
interment was made at Brusasl0 come.
tory.. Mr. Tompkins children are John
e'4 of Georgetown ; Frederick and Hb.
maser, of Bay City, Mirth, ; Handel, of
1,0019101., New fork ; Mrs. (100119, of
Toronto ; ,lire. \Vnb, 591114•, 131 11 1rii. '111•
eat awl ;tire, M[gliln) of Ethel ; MN.
1). W, Milne, of Lookpoet ; Mro. 50001',
of Yale, 111111, They were Dal at the
funeral oxo,, pt 1:beiemer Tomplcine and
Mrs. Cramp.
1l.irecto w (11.
The rate of taxoton will bo '22 mille on
the dollar this year,
Thursday, Aug. 1311, wag proclaimed
Listowel's elide holiday,
The Standard LH holidaying tide wcelc,
The Banner slid ditto hist week,
1. 5. Bowman, dry goods merchant, le
radium!, the rear part of the Ontario
0101100 [mother story.
13. B, fafvla has returned hone from
the coast. Ile wont south as far to San
Francieeo, ale, visited Seattle, Portland
and other point," in the went [0d North.
west. Ifo was greatly pleased with hie
11, Martin has let the 10010 1 for r0•
building hie store on the south side of
Main street, destroyed by fire at the
burning of tho Grand (loutral hotel. The
work will be proceeded with at once.
The youth of the town are given time-
ly warning that the flout -toil will likely at
its next meeting appoint a truant officer
for the Public School, and alga plass a
by-law forbidding all boys under 15 year$
of age from playing or loitering on the
streets after 9 o'olnek al night.
L'. S. Bowe has one of the large
windows of his barber shop well filled
with stuffed birds, all of which were
raptured in this neighborhood. The
oolleotion iuoludes a number of choice
epocfinens, The other window is filled
with plants, ferns and flowers artistio,tlly
The Reliance Electric Light Co:,
after having entered into a made Dot with
the town to light the streets at 12e. per
bight per night, and having put in a
plant, 014otecl poles and furnished light
for a short season, have removed their
plant and withdrawn from the controot,
which was nob signed. Tho Co'S reason
for this step appears to be that they
couldn't find a purchaser for their plant
or make satiefactory arrangements for
operating it at the figure agreed upon in
the contract. The Reliance Co. have
lost nearly $1,000 by the transaction,
which should teach them a lesson which
they appear to need, from their haste in
rushing in 11 plant on chance.
meeting of shareholders of the Listowel
Furniture Co., limited, was held in the
Council chamber on Tuesday evening of
last week at which about 50 of the stook -
holders wore present. The principal
business of the moetiug was receiving the
report of the Provisional board, the adop-
tion of By-laws and the election of a
regular board of Directors, It, Martin
was called to the chair and J. 61. Cartbew
noted as Secretary. J. 0. Hay, Preei•
dent and Secretary of the provisional
board, presented an elaborate report of
the work clone np to the present time,
including the procuring of the site and
letting of the oontraot for the new factory.
The nit eting endorsed the act of the pro-
vistnnal board. By-laws were then
a'lopted, one for regulating and govern.
ing the Company and the other for allott-
ing the st.'tk. The election of Directors
was then proceeded with and resulted in
the choice of the following gentlemen :
J. C. Hay, 800 votes ; J. W. Seott, 731
votes ; B. 0'. L'reok, 771 votes ; Dr.
Nichol, 7132 votes ; D. D. Campbell, 700
votes ; J. Livingstone, 678 votes ; Wm.
Milne, 673 votes. B. Rothwell and 0.
Tabberner were eelegtod as auditors.
The Company's charter limite the Stock
to $100,000, about $55,000 of which 11210
already been subscribed. An effort will
likely be made to aware the balance of
the stook at en early day. The con-
tractors have the Halo factory well under
way. The fOnndation and basement
walla will probably be finished bhie week.
The contractors are bound to complete
their svorlc by the 16th Nov. The new
factory 0110011 be in operation by the 1st
of Jan. next,
Mr. Willoughby of Wallace, aged 24,
fell from a load of wheat and the wagon
passed over his head completely smash-
ing it to a pulp. Death was install tan -
John Chambers and John Shey, the
Milverton burglars, were tried emruarity
before His honor Judge Woods, on Fri-
day of last week. Chambers pleaded
guilty, but Shay did not know that he
was guilty until he heard the evidence.
His Honor sentenced both to five years in
The 7.year old son of D. Weaver, of
Listowel, was terrib y gored by a bull on
the 3rd line Friday, and his recovery is
doubtful. The boy would have been kill-
ed outright, but Eer the fact that a little
dog, pinned the bull by the heel, when
the brute ran after the dog and in the
meantime the bey was rescued.
IF not remedied in 000000, 19 liable to
1 become habitual and chronic. Dras-
tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels,
confirm, rather than cure, the evil.
Ayer's Pills, being mild, effective, and
strengthening in their action, are gener-
ally recommended by the faculty as the
best of aperients.
"Having been subject, for years, to
constipation, without being able to find
much relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills.
1 deem it both a duty and a pleasure
to testify that I have derived great ben-
efit from their use. For over two years
past I have taken One of these pills
every night before retiring. I would not
willingly be without them."—G, W.
Bowman, 26 East Malu tit., Carlisle, Pa.
"I have been taking Ayer's Pills and
being then in my family since 1857, and
cheerfully recommend thou to all in
need of a safe but effectual cathartic,"
—John 01. Boggs, Louisville, Ily
"For eight years Iwae afflicted with
constipation, which at last became so
bad that the doctors could do. no more
for me. Then I began to tale Ayers
Pills, and goon the bowels recovered
their natural and regular notion, so that
ppow I am in excellent health."—S. L.
Lougllbridge, Bryan, Texas.
" Havin used Ayer's Pills with good
results, I fully indorse re thefor the pur-
poses for which they aro recommended."
T, Conners,106. D., Centre Bridge, Pa,
flyer's Pills,
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mabel.
,001(1 by ell Waged. and Dealers is Median.
TA'IPRO1 I:DLAI(C1P: Willi'19 Y(lltI{.
1(1III1k 130.11(,
Tho x anll.1 oigned will keep for narvlre this
11111 u , t 0111011 the Inn 1 Ive,l huge wldln
5) �ri., t,l� wii,,,', n "Deady"
n t, . ,�u,,. lot 10,
1.0(11 0e taken, 'l'erinv :Merl to 1..e poll at
thus of service, with the privilege ,if return.
bit if m'oeooary. Pedigree May he seen up*
(111 appltc114luu• 110111:1ET N1111101.,
111.1 Proprietor,
Dry. SINCLAIr86.Ya,
M.D.,51.A., L.C.P.R.O.,1T.L'.P.S,M.,
Specialist, - Toronto,
JONAT)1AN 13u50uAn'r, ILlu ta1Ya1 earl
"Atter spending all lay money ant{ property
to 00 purpose en medical men, for what
they tel'leed 0110 Bless 0080 01 conesmptlon,
Dr. Sinden' oared Me."
Mlie. MART FUaLON,,, \1'o0dtnale0, Sara 1—
"Whet) all ntbere failed, Dr. Sinclair cured
me of fits."
D. ltelllutrseN, Carleton Plnee, 0O)'s1—
"111'. iihiel it oared ma of Catarrh."
Goo. ltowrtn, Blyth, says1—'•Dr. Sinclair
cured 1110 of heart disease and dropsy, when
all others failed;'
Disraseo of Private Nature, brought on by
folly, Dr. Jinoleir certainly Cures.
Cones[ to,tion Foao.
Friday, Sept. 25th, '91,
FOR su'LE.
The subscriber offers the following
Well-bred Animals for Salo :
"Cadiz" (0604), Vol. IT ;
"Earl of Breadalbane" (0709), Vol. II.
These horses are 3 years old ; heavy
"Lagen Chief," 6 years old, heavy
One Entire Colt, rising '2 years, from im.
ported stock on both sides; heavy
"Prince of Douglas," a road or carriage
stallion, rising 8 years ; imported.
Ono heavy Draught Mare, 0 years old
imported ; with foal.
One Canadian bred Mare, heavy draught,
rising 6 }years, with foal by her side.
One Mere Foal, from imported stook on
both sides.
Ono Gelding, 3 years old, heavy draught.
1-�L4131InAL TIunrs will be made to
Responsible Parties.
The above mentioned stock may be
seer, pedigrees secured and prices ob-
tained by applying to
A. ;'•iPPECYSa.,
You are privileged to buy
all classes of DRY GOODS
at very close, sharp prloes,
so long as you do not ask for
trust, and bring along the
"useful dust." It is easli we
sell for, our prices are rock -
bottom Every day. We have
a special sale on each day of
the week. New Table Lin-
ens; New Table Covers, New
Table Napkins, New Towels
and going at greatly reduced
See our $1.76 Marselle
Quilts, worth $2.26.
Butter and eggs taken in oxokange,
Canadian Pacific R'yt
' TC 1E
To "name laborers 10 rean0 the 'bountiful
harvest of Manitoba and the North wast, the
Vanadium Paciaa Ry. will make the following
low ono -way rates :—
From any Station in Ontario to
UhL011A1 '1'
r � r
going July 28 and August 4
Porohasere of these tickets to 0000(0 0er-
Militate to enable theta 10 ret1 11 111, to Nov.
b)lite, 1001, for $13 each, providing they have
oon working as farm lalerarsfer one month
prOVIOUO to their return.
For partleulare apply to any Canadian
Facie. Railway Agent,
Agent, Brnsse's,
Why Not Do Your Own Thinking?
BRUSSELS, Novemlcr nth,1s00,
J , M. AIcLwon, Goderieh,
DeAR Sin --I should have written before
now to let you know how I aa, getting along,
1 em a lot better than Isms; gain tug strength
every day. I have it good appetite and sleep
well. I can tape the full quantity of the
System Renovator and it aloes not sicken
100. My limbs aro all right now; quite'
smm't in that way; swelling all gone. The
greet thirst le gone; I drink un water n1.
night, but I tarso a little 'buttermilk. I am
quite straight again. Seu.i me another
bottle of your System Renovator•
Yours, etc., JAS. D000AN,
Bantams, February 7111, 1001.
J . M. llticLEon, Gnderiob,
D1uAn Stn,—Fifteen years ago last Novem-
ber I started to doctor first; I was treated
for dyspepsia, but they never helped me
any. At times I suffered greatly from my
stomach; I Continued, but I grew worse.
I turned dropsical ; limbs and body Swelled
badly. You know the state I was in when
I went to Goderieh—a mere wreele, (mula
hardly walk—suffering from Bright's dis-
ease. Just one year ago last fall I began
your Renovator and Specific Cure, I began
to mond in a few days ; continued then for
three months steady. Although I was told
I mould not bo cured, if you saw me now,
well am) hearty ; eat everything that Comes
in the way. I owe you the praise of saving
my 111e. I was in a hopeless condition when
I went 10 you, in Sant no one thought 1
would gat better. I cannot speak too highly
of you and of your medial nee, for 11 was
them that eured me, Words cannot express
my thanks to you. Freely pass my name to
103000. Yours, re.,
Senn By J. T. PEPPER, Menem,
£1101 (+1P,:.rt';14::Li oi.x1 r/zzpx. A' e1ty,yyyy,.
I'r'((ctfCad JJ''ifcllr:llu.ltr.�r'
arid Je(vcler.
Thallkhtg the public for past ftsonre and
support Itild win lin[; etill to 0ecure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Linen in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Italiabie Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks- o/'tlze
.T atesb Desiy n'. ,
SYzor 1Ve 130000,
r:, --Also a Full Lino of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, &n., in stook.
\, 11:—Issnrcr el' 3lan'il1Re Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
1l a Icl.l7t'ES
A Tip-top Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby- Car-
riages have arrived at
lea Dennis', Brussels.
Call and see them before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
&c. always in stock and sold
at Close Prices.
If you want a set of Light
or IIeavy . Harness I can
supply you.
See our Scotch Collars.
IL Dennis.
50,000 POUNDS OF 1900E
In Exchange for Goods.
The Diahsst Market Price will be Allow 1,
We have a Fine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted
Goods, Yarns, 8co.
All 'Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or
otherwise, will have our prompt attention.
HO YY a•.• & CO.,