The Brussels Post, 1891-8-14, Page 44 New Advertisements. Locals -Geo. Good. Letitia -ties. Walker, Locals -A. IL iSmith. Lined- Dr. AieKelvey. Laicals --J. C. ,Ayer A. Co, Butter utakiug -U. A. Dettiltuan. Lotter .-10G0 Publishing flonse. rdraved-Geo. 1ettentua,11thees Henry. ',411ruscis 4,1o5t, /YU. 14, 1891. PAULIAMICNI is still sittilig, atid tray contimur in OwlSion till September. 'lite daily expense is enormous, and mey be inoreased by the demand of members le have 0500 added to their indemnity. There can be no doubt that to many of the buss men in the House of Cont. mons the all -simmer eession le ti seriona loos. Yet it would not be in the intereste of the people to provide that only men of money should be sent to Parliament. What the taxpayers who have to pay the hill should bear in mied is that with honest, copable administratovs at the helm al affairs the business of the session might have beeu trarmacted in a couple of months, and the metnbers might lieve been attending to their own business in. stead ef being engaged in investigating and bringing to light most astounding scandals, for which Ministers or thole associates, or both conjoined, are respon- sible. Vixen the NOW York State Legislature adopted electricity as a means of execut• ing capital sentences it also inede it Ille- gal for newspapers to publish more iu re- gard to an execution than the bare an- nouncement of the fact that an execution had been carried out. Of course, all the principal oity and State journals publish- ed long and painfully detailed accounts of the exeoutinna, gathered from those who were present by permission, and they defied the authorities to set the law in motion against them, bolding that the public would never consent to star cham- ber exeeutious no matter what the law might be. The matter was, however, broeght before the Grand Jury, and it has brought indictments agaiest the of- fending newspapers and they are to be tried for their offence. It remains to be seen whether the law can be enforced. Tun Montreal Witness says :-"A deep impression has, it is stated, been made upon the Russian public by the return by France of Some flags captured in the Crimea snd width have been hanging ever since as trophies in the Notre Dam, Cathedral. There must be a large nuin. ber of foreign flags hanging in English churches and cathedrals as trophies. Would it not be well in the interests of pewee and good will to follow France's extunple and return all of them to their respective nations? There must he quite a number of French ilnes among others. Just now, when France is in an especial. /y irritable ineod egainst England, would be a good time to restore these evidences of former strife. The French fleet is about to visit Portsmouth, where it will be received by the Qaeen in royal state. Why should not the admiral's flagship be loaded up with all the French flags, guns and other trophies which can be found throughout England 1 The Iluseian fleet might else be Melted over to carry oft the cannons captured in the Crimea., which lumber up all the public squares throughout the Empire. Peace is not oheap at any price, bet it wonici be cheap if it could be proeured at the .price of restoring old bunting and iron. IN or thweert Note. Wheat cutting commeteed in the Vir. den District on Monday. W, S. Affieck, a Crystal City furrier, was drowned while orossing Crystal Creek with Ilia team. The creek was swollen by recent rains and Affieck at. tempted to drive through it, Daniel J. Murphy, of Boston, the trainer of the Winnipeg RowingClub, concluded the season's duties on Satur- day and left for the Ease Before going he was presented with a handsome golds locket hy the club as well as numerous individual gifts. A Itangenburg (Moe.) deepateh says Matthew Weiser Was working from home loot week anal returning tenterdey night he friend his wife dead in the house with lier lintel baby by her side enable her, She bed upparteitly been lead SOV eral dayrI aad lar baby hod been without food that length of time. She hod+ been aiabjet Lo 11 to have died while having one. Word luta renehed It innipeg Out the steamer Ctlendeven, belonging to Gau- thier .1 Co. end plying on Lake Winni- peg was berm d to the waters edge. The intik, Chas, Mathetve, of Berrie, wag bilrlied to death and Where of the crew had o narrow melte. The bout waa authored ot the mouth of thO Little Saskatchewan, 300 miles from Winnipeg. She waa a side wheeler and valued at $10,000 ; insured for 83,000, Trackdaying on the Caleary and Ed• mitten railway was finiehed at Edmon- ton on July 25th, the last spike being driven by Donald Ross, the oldest settler lia the locality. On the fonowi»g Mon- day o train left Calgary for the other end oi the Ilais oareying fifty passengers and twelve ear loads of feeiget aud it is expected that the line will enjoy a good traffic, whieh will increase es settlement progresses along its route. Speaking of the completion of the work and the rail. way proepects of Edmouton, the Oalgery Herald gays i-olVe may expect a line into Edmoutota from the east ; there will certainly be extenaiou to the Peace , River country ; and there tau be little doubt of the 0, P. R. buildi?lig into the Yellow -head Pass, if only to hold the Intss against all owners. That there will be a great railway junction some day in 1112: 3.1 toaa itself or Port Saslottehewan is a question for railway engineers." (4 011ert() Cholera has appeared in Asia Mine A young woman et South Chariest (thio, is sneezing to deeth• Bad weather is eaid to be spoil crops in Austria. and Hungary. Grasshoppers are doing much dam in the district of Findlay, Ohio. The offieers of the French squad are now being feasted in Mosnow. The wheat erop of Kansas is said have been cornered by the Forme Alliance. An English syndicate has purchased practically all the leather board faetories en the Eastern States. A commission has base issued to the D. D. G. S. of Japan, Asia, authorizing him to institnte a lodge at Kobe. The British Admiralty has voted $20,. 000 to entertain the officers of the French squadron on their visit to Portsmouth. Crops, buildings and other property were greatly damaged by a tornado in the neighborhood of Ottutnyea, Iowa, on Sunday. The monetary crisis in Portugal con- tinues and grows even worse. The Gov- ernment proposes to reduce the army to 8,000 men. Many people have died from starvation in India, and all hopes of averting a famine in Madras Presidency have been abandoned. The extremely dry weather continues in Dakota, end causes alarm about the wheat crop which will be ready for bar - vest in ten doys. The London News Wiest that witho the help of America's wheot cro Europe woulci be ou the verge of sta vation before next harvest. The Volunteer won the 01,000 Goele Cup for schooners, and the Gorilla& the n00 Goelet Cup for sloops in the ram off Newport, R. I., Friday. Frederick Woolfenden, ettehier of the Dime Savings Bank in Detroit was drowned ou Sunday in Orion lake, Mich., while bathing, owing to cramps. A Chicago despatch Wednesday morn. ing says Fort Douglass, located near St. Paul, is reported on fire. 'All telegrephie communication has been out off. f [teatime, Michigan. The sawmill a Forest fires are again devastating par Is siding was destroyed, with lot of Ininber, causing a loss estimated t 000,000. The Russian Imperial Council has ecided to prohibit exportation of corn rom that country, owing to the bad arvest in Russia, which has caused a enmity of this cereal. At Sedalia, Mo., Samuel Williams was itten by a tarantula, which mune oat f box of pears received from Southern eerie. No hope is entertained of saving he man's life. At Columbus Grove, Ohio, a desperado hot the cashier of a bank, a farmer and nether bystander and then ran off with 1,500. The robber was overtaken in a lump of woods and was shot to death. Moses Levy, of Levy Bros. di Go., othiers, of New York, who failed in ay for a million, has been arrested on mplaint of Butterfield th Co. and the seabel Mamifaaturing Co., who allege e defunct firm defrauded them. The Rutland division of the Central erinont Railroad crosses the mountains Mount Holly, Summit Station being 440 feet above the Sea. Near that sta• on, when the railroed was building, the sks of a large elephant were deg up, d they are preserved to -day in the ermont Stote capitol. So is the shells - n of a whale, 140 feet in length, which os discovered in 1848 in the town of tarlotte while some exaavatious were ing made. This was 150 feet sleeve a level and sixty feet above the level Lake Champlain. David Dudley Field, lawyer ; Stephen hnson Field, jurist ; Cyrus West eld, merehant ; and Henry rartyin eld, clergyman, ate all sons of David elley Field, a clergyman of Madison', nn,, who was born there in 1781, and d April 15111, 1857, at Stockbridge, ass, All four are now living, the eldest ng 80 onci the youngest needy 10 s.s of age and each is hale and hearty. Some idea of tha size and importance the Grand krmy of the Republic - veterans of the late war, who hove held their annual gathering at De. it -may be obtained from the con. mption of refreshments at the piamie Belle Isle. At &bout LBO 250 waiters d 50 lemonade servers began to serve t lunch end before 8 o'clock not a mb was left. The following is an mieed list of the artielee that, wero smned by the merry pie-niekerat- 000 sandwichee 45,000 more than the tract celled for,) 25,000 dougheuts, 000 ttlenoPere, 400 barrels of pickles, barrels of lemonede, 025 phone of cream, 05,000 (Agars, 1,000 pounds of e, 6 barrels of Boston oraoliere, 10 tide, 626 bundles of bananas, 6,000 loos of coffee, on, 105 age TOD to rs' ut P, Larvest EXCUrSiDES, THE BRUSSELS POST IA spelled dettpatch from littettneba, you veye the i oilifgonee was Father Cliluiquy tette struck on the head last evening when on hie wity to the , intent 1 hem to lecture oil eAtiriculat ' Confession." The man who Pi VI101( 111111 Was 1.1E0 at. Father Chinlyty mated ' quite well during the night. The extute. meat over the affair is very groat, lee body of Bliss Lulu Bowling WOG found Sunday morning in IN/ WO(018 mow Brattyville, in Carman County, The young woman lied left her home the dey before to go to a neighbor's, yea had been absent dnring the night. She tnai been bitten in a dusen places by a rattle- snake, as was ehown by ea meny dia. colored pieces on her body, which was badly etvollen. Coiled up beside the tweets woman's body was one of the largest rattlesnakes even seen in the county. It was killed by the partite; who found the body. le measured 5 feet and had 18 rattles and a button. On Monday morning Owen Clark, a merchant of Cleveland, 01110, years of age, enounoned Attorney W. W, Beacon to his Oleo and indited a ten]. Later in the day lie• visited Grew Bros., under- takere, and bad prepared a bill of so - p5055 for a reepeetable funernl, which he endorsed au correct. The next morn- ing Olark engaged at oorriage about seven o'clock, anti drove immediately to St. Clair street, where he was joined by Mrs. MurPhY, a widow lady. The two then drove to the Cherish of the somaiounto Conception, on Lyman street, where the marriage eeremony was begun by Rev. Father Siciley. Befo. e the last words w Ileil WOI1141 protiouuee them maa and wife could be spoken Clark fell forwent itt an apoplectic spasm, from which he ne.er recovered. 'Inn remains were taken bank to the residence, on Hill street, where an elaborate wedding break. fast had been prepared. It has been learned that Clark was remarkably super- stittious, and that his concern over the arrangements for the funeral and the disposition of his property was due to a solemn promise made his first wife on her death bed in the preseuce of many witnesses that he never would marry again under any circumstances. In Me will One's left his entire estate, valued at 040,000, to Mrs. iklurphy, who, however, insists that the earemony had proceeded far enough to make her name Mrs. Clerk. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOWEST RIITES. Private and Oompany Funds. DICKSON & HAYS, soucitors, ce0., BRUSSELS, ONT. 10 a 71 a el Per CO A th V at ti A large laden barge was wrecked on tu Lake Wienlpeg on Friday and 175,000 ) alt feet of lumber was swept overboard, V The lumber will be a total loss. It be- to longed to Messrs. Brown Jlt Rutherford, wt of Winnipeg. The barge tionk to the bottom. For the Manitoba Field Trial Club's Derby entries have been received from Chatham, Ont., Calgary. Manitou and Winnipeg. 51 18 expeeted that tt very large number of dogs will be entered in the All -Age stoke. The trials will coin. menee at Morris on September 22nd. 3. M. &vent will judge. The Brandon Timee imp; 1 -"On Fri- day afternoon tut, a span of horses be. longing to Wm. Burns' west of Romney, ran away: As they were passing the door of Mr. Burns' house, his little ohild ebont 18 months old, playing cerside, was struck by the pouting team and in. gently Wiled. Moab sympathy ig felt Lor the bereaved perente." The bye.eleetion in North Brandon last Saturday foe the Local LegisInthre resulted in a sweeping victory for the Greenway Government candidate, At. on terney-General Clifford Sifton. The eru election was caused by the appointment ite of Mr. Sifton to the Cabinet, his op. eon ponent being Cliff, editor of the 13rainion 60, Mail, a Conservative. The Liberals were een counting on to majority of 75, bit on all 10, returns being counted up Mr. Sifton is 80 given a majority of 173. Cliff Will ice probably lose his depoeit, Mr. 8111011's cok majority at the last general election Wart dm 42. gal CI be se of jo Fi Fi Du Co die ler bei ye of the jag tro 95 101 an Front all Stations in Ontario Return Rates to METHVEN HARTNEY DELORAINE MOOSOMIN BINSCARTH REGINA MOOSEJAW YORKTON CALGARY PRINCE ALBERT $30.00 $35.00 To leave all points in the Province of Ontario ou AUGUST 11TH, R.°1=1,.;!.2,ilsgRis". AUGUST 18TH, "etteMer"gt,1289". SEPT'S 1ST, Beturtreviom. Parties ticketing Prow other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to 0011. neat with the 11 010, train /wiring August 110,18th and Septeinber, 151, 1891, For further particulars apply to any agent of the CJornpany. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels, Catarrh Ta a blood disease. Until the poison Ls I expelled from the system, there can be no cure for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla -the beet of all blood purifiers. The sooner you begin the better ; delay is dangerous. "I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remediee, and 'was treated by a number of physi- cians, but received no benefit until I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A. few bottles of this medicine cured me of this troublesome complaint and OM- plutoly restored my health." -J8550 M. Boggs, Holman's Mills, It 0. "When Ayer's Sarsaparilla W05 rec- ommended to Inc for caterrh, I was in- clined to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so many remedies with little ben- efit, / had no faith that' anything would mire on. 'became emaciated !rem loss of appetite and impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the sense of azueli, and 'Thy system was badly deranged, 5Was about discouraged, when to friend urged tee to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re- ferred rim to parkins whom it had mired of catarrh. ,After taking half a dozen hoi ties of this medicine, I ttIn convinced that the only mire way of treating this obstinate disease le through the blood." -Charles rt, Maloney, 115 River at., Lowoll, Mae& Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rnsranan Dr. J. C. AYter ta Co., Lowell, Mats. Price el; ale bottles, P. Worth 50 e bOttIro REAL ESTATE, FARM8 1.PON SAT/E.—THE UN eiiie of Norris and Grey. P, 5, wirier, OruA,i, 3741, AUG. 14, 189.1 ,,„,,..1...47,-,,..wgzs2032ssolorassr000sategromnosnrsio uossamsssosossos.00tosonoorsosios.asi • ps Is. 1H01.0F, FARM Faft Lot 11, con. le, Grey ) 10o 00140.1 1 101. 010.06 1,11114111PN. :0 11100 1,100:1010 to 0 ctn.!) purellastw, Ton, posrsst, Apply at once hi W.111. BIN BLAIN, Soliei tor, Brussels. lat r1HOICE, FARM 71011 8AL].— Being Sonth half Lot 27, eon. a, Morrie, Ise acres, rly all cleared, Good Minding% 13130 YODI,g bearing maimed, Immediate pos. 0080011. lisSy Toms. Apply h) tf- W. 151, EIS 01,08l1, Solicitor, ,Ve., Brussel& pROPERTY FOR SALE.—THE tir florsigued offers tin property, 11 miles 'nt Oa of Brussels, fer sale on liberal thrills, There Is one aoro of land upon which lhore ore Iwo houses, stable and a tenon orchard.. The pithy) is oonveniently located on the gravel road. For ferther port/au/ars as to price, terms, iVe. apply to Nil% 3110. SINOLAIN , 1.4 Princess street, Bruasels, rlARM li'OR SALE.—TBE UN. dersigned °Here his valuable 101 sore form, being Lot le, Con. a Oren far Selo- '.12horo are 86 sores uudor crop, balance timbered. There 10 a good orebard, Well& dm. en the premises, besides log bongo, bank barn, Re. Will be Wei 0, roueonable t011104 Par price anti full particulars apply to WM, HASKINS, Brussels P. 0., or Jong 18 gArriN, SOnfortb, Ont, 37-001 ALUABLE 50 A.OliE FAfllsi Felt SAr.);,--lieing west )3 Lot, 11, Con. 9, (+ray, miles from Brussels. Tbe land is good clay loam, well drained, mostly all cleared and in goos ardor, Ono am of or- Cbard le good roman There 1510 never fail. log sintttg on the nenilses and an extra, woll 01 Ibe ogs, Tito buildings lira comfort- able, Would take suitable property in or usarBrussels as part pity. For further par- ticulars tipply on the premises to Taos. IlloGRENON, or address Brussels P. 0. 3010 ARMPOR SALE —TR DERSIONED exaeutors offer the John LoWeratto for sale. The property consists of 100 acres, betu g Lot 10, con. 6, Grey, naid having thereo» a firet-eiass brick house, bank barn, orchard, wells, Rorer -failing spring, good fenoos, Sm. About 70 0.0113S °leered, balsam° bush. PoSSOSSiOn Will bit given ulna run. l'or further particulars as to PACO and tering &poly to W. B. D CORSON, Solicitor, Brussels, er to risrlt Elm t'°"' 69.12 00, eon., Grey. 'VARA( FON SALE.—TUE UN. neasieseste offers for sale the north east quarter of iot 28, concession 6, morels, county of Huron, containing 60 sores. The land 35 01 first quality and in a high state of Oultivation, fenced and uncler•drainecl, Tee cleared. Si5010atio 110'186,8 room& nallk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, good barns mud shed, orchard, etc. Eigbt 05150 00 fall wheat. This desirable ifroperty adjoins tho corporation of Brussels, Suit- able Corm will be given. Title perfect. IARIES GRIEVE, Owner, 86. Seaferth 70, GOOD HOUSE AND Lor FOR SALE. -The undersigned off ors for snlo on the most reasonable terms, Village Lot 101, on the corner of Xing and Jobb streets, Brussel& .0u the property are a goad collar, goo el frame dwelling , witu Soveu rooms awl kitchen, pantry and woodshed. Bard and soft water, also a good frame stable. driving Flied and ice house. The buildings are all in first -close order, and there is also ample roOln for another build- ing 011 010 corner if desired. 1'ri00 very ren• sonable, For terms, apulY bit RIBS. MARY CURR111, Brsots 1,0, 02-11 or to A, 8it7:q1001t, Div. Court Cleric. • Ean2 and, BoTeq 1 Eggs have dropped in price, so has our Large Stook of Prime SMOKED HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON szifl` SIDE .MEAT All of Our Own Curiug. We also Mande:shire Bologna Sausege. Patronize home industry by calling on us. Give me a call and prove tbe truth- fulness of the above statements. Wm, Blashill, Butcher, Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 liave becn pitioN1 in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission, Borrowers can bavo loans 00111^ plated in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, solicitor, Brussels. ALLAN LINE lloyal 211,91 Steamships, CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE PORTNICIDTLY 0Alf.11100 int0:0 PORTLAND on HALIFAX, ro DERRY ou LIVERPOOL. Cantle BATES, 550. 550 and $119, Slugle ; $89, $90 0101 $110 Betnrn, seeerdiug to Lunation of Stateroom, INTERMEDIATE, Outward 225; Preload 030 Sleerage al lowest States. ACC01112110110.110115 Apply toll. 4-1,. ALLA N, Montreal, on w. r. xsir, AO.EXT, 13nessiu.s. /1-0NEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. APPLIr TO J. 0, He ffe r n an , . A .1' o un g, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 281! Make Known Your WAN —)301,4' Want to Sell it House and Lot, Want to Buy or Sell a Horse, Want to Loan Money, Want to Borrow Money, Want to Bent a Room, Want to Rent a Farm, Want a Boarding Place, Want a Servant, Want to Find anything Lost, Want to Buy or Sell a Farm, Want to Mahe a Name, Want to Sell Furniture, Want to Rent a House, Want to Buy it House ancl Lot, Want to Save Money, Want to Find anyone's Address Want a Situation. Want to Mahe Money, ADVERTISE -07 000 COLUMNS OR - THE POST. CONF.EDERATION LIFE, - Organized .1871. Read Office', Toronto. Remember after Three Years Policies are Incontestable, 71100 711091 ALL RESTRIOTIONS AS TO RESIDENCE, TVA VEL CS OCCUPATION Paiddip Policy and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in emelt Policy. THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST PAULY DNA= ; Pnovmns AN INCOUR IN OLD ASIR, ANA I5 A GOOD INynnarttsT. Policiee are Ron -Forfeitable after the Payment of Two full annual Premiums. Profits, which aro Unexcelled by any Company doing bueiness in Canada, are allooated every five years from the 108115 of the policy, or at longer periods, as may be seleeted by the insured. Profits so Allocated are Abeointe and not liable to be reduced or recalled at any future time under any circumstances. Participating Polley Holden are entitled to not less than DO per centof the profits earned in the class, and for the past seven years have actually received 05 per cent, of the profits so earned. W. 0.14140D0NALD, Ammar. J. K, MACDONALD, MANAGING Dineceon. W. X -X. nErtn, Aant, lE31-11035,av. Piii'001.1. BROS. & 00. Aro still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, when you can got the CELEBRATED "LARDINE ?" _)SPECIALTIES(--. Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness. MANUFACTURERS : ItcOOLL BROS. So CO., TORONTO. For Solo by B. GERRY, Brassobl. 1.14int THECOOK:S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. NONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying .when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Narl Clerk, &uncle. Shoddy - Pedlars Are on the Warpath, so are im- plement agents to entrap the wary farmer into buying inferior plows made at it distance from Brussels, for which you cannot get repairs when needed. Farmers, consult your own in- terests.and encourage home man- ufacture by calling at the Brussels I'aundry Where you can get a Superior Article at it Reduced Price, Guar- anteed to give Satisfaction, or no sale. Plows. with !test PH Isburg 0.3041 steei Bennis. Single 11,1,1 Doul)le. Plow Points of Every Make at 40e. each. Gang Points 25 Cents. Best Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted on ttny plow at the Lowest Possible Price. Be sure and eall and examine our stock before buyitig. W. R. Wilson, Brussels. HIGHEST - CASH -PRICE Paid for Wool at tho Listowel - Woollen We wish to call your at- tention to the fact that we still Want more Wool, and we are determined to make this wool season one of the largest, for we have a Tre- mendous stock of Goods on hand. It is necessary that you should look around be- fore you dispose of your wool to see Where you can make the best purchases with it in WOOLLEN GOODS. • Buy in the Cheapest, Sell in the Dearest. Do not fail to come and see our Large Stock of New Fine Flannels, n New Shades and Patterns. Something Never Before Shown the Public We have made tip a lot of Fine Halifax Tweeds, just the thing for school boys. We a,lso have it big stock of Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweeds, Bed Blankets, Horse Blan- kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts, Cotton Shirting's, Cottonades, Shirts and Drawers :for this seesDn's trade, which we offer AT BOTTOM PRICES. Everybody should come and try our fine Grey Flannel that won't shrink in washing, and outwears the common grey flannel sold the public. Roll Carding, Spinning, Fulling and Manufacturing Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c. on short notice, it. F. Brook & :11.