The Brussels Post, 1891-8-14, Page 1A =DEMON Volume 19. Washington Letter, (From our Regular Correepoodenth Weeffington, Aust, Vel, The Speakership light Is one of the most interceding contests of the kind in many years. Last winter, too early for safe prediction the friends of Mr. efills thought he had deeidecily the advantage. After that) the soles inohnod for a while even to the eyes of an everage Mille man, to Mr. Calap, the Georgian having scored something over the 'flaxen before Oon• gross adjourned. Is the beginning mil014 was heard of a western oandidate, but latterly Mr. Springer's boom has seemed to depend on the farmer's movement go - lag to him on its own failure, 19 11 should fail ix its combinations. 11 18 40001100. ed Mat the four alliance Democrats in Mr. Crisp% home delegation will not aupporb his oandidecy. The feetl how- ever, is that the oandidaoy of Crisp, in the judgment of his friends, has never depended on his obtaining the' solid sup- port of the Georgia delegation. The statement that Mr. Livingston of the At- lanta district wee to be the alliance can- didate has now been before the publio for several days. The situation is deaidedly peculiar, If the alliance) members, both those °hooted as Democrats and those not so chosen, should be able to cohere and find to man from among the mph'. .. ants to suit them who had nearly enough 1 voters to elect hire, they would hold the . balance of power. It seems impossible ,4 for Mr. Crisp to accede to the Ocala platform and without that aeoesaion the . .,, lsoo.uyrtTeeymobitenensoof vtollt t ee for°e 71rt. rtia:ii,T,: 1 . demand so much as that of any other r.,candidate ? Will they go to Mr. Hatch or Mr. Springer ? These are the quest- ' lions the political paid MItlICS ht the Cap. . ital are worrying with at this time. Washington is the Convention city. Conventions naturally and, it may be said, properly gravitate to the Capital City of the Nation. I have heard it re- marked that meet people regard it a special privilege to receive an appoint - e, ment as delegates to any convention or other assemblage that gives them an op• portunity to visit this most beautifel and by far the mod interesting of Amer- ican cities. Not only is there much at the Capital of the Nation that is ettree- tire to all citizens by reason of political and historioal assometions, hut usually the epeeist centre of interest and sources of information for znost of the conven- tions is to be found here. Apropos of the many summer oonven. Lions here, it may he noted that there is a very geveral error in regard to summer heae in Washington. The Potomac, which brings the tides up to our doors, and the neighborhood of that great arm of the sea, the Chesapeake Bay, and of the mighty ocean itself, a little beyond, have the effect of so tempering the solar rays that the extremes of high tempera- ture often felt in northern cities are al. most unknown here, and we never ex- perience the torrid hots that frequently in August scorch the prairies of the Northwest. The fact is that just ati our winters are mild, having no extreme cold, so also our summers are mild, having no extreme heat. A report of the operations of the patent Olio for the past year, has been trans. mitted to the Secretary of the Interior. Io contains a table which shows that the number of applioations for the year 1887 was 118,408, and that there has been a gradual iuorease for each of the ensuing years. Last year the number received was 48,616. In 1887 there were 7,601 applications awaiting action, and last year the number was 8,911. The receipts for last year amounted to 91,802,74 while the expenditures were 61.145.502. The report refers to the patent celebra- tion held in this eity last April and the opinion is expressed that it will result in • widespread and intelligent interest in itll that oonoerns inventors and inven- tions. Pension payments aggregating 97,500,• 000 have been made by the U. S. trove - neer since the lab instant and have re - duped the cash balances from 950,783,- 715 to 948,277,443. Of this latter %mount 820,836,164 is in national banks and 1319,. • 532,447 is in subsidiary com. The pen - ;lion money was distributed in New York, Philadelphia, Topeka, Indianapolis, Knoxville ann Louisville. Mr. Ingalls presents to the public the statistical conclusion that not less than 10,000,000 people are constantly hungry. The number of people who are eonstant- ly thirsty is doubblese too formidable for figures. Senator Quay's warranted stringlees resignation has induced to state of gener- a/ restfulness that is almost oppressive. It will soou be time to chronicle the fates of gentlemen who blew into the muzzle of the presidential gun. IIANLAN AND O'CONNOR. Fully 15,000 people witnessed the great double scull race ab Hamilton Sat• inlay afbeenoon for the world's oham- pionehip. The men were in good con- dition, and the Neater smooth. Ib was exactly 7 &dock when a start was at last made, and it was a beautiful one. Both crews got away together, Hanlan and O'Connor pulling thirty-six strokes to the minute, and Gandaur and McKay thirty.five. In Was nip and tuok for the first 800 yards, but after this point the Toronto double had the rum well in hand. The mile post was passed in 5:25, Hankie) and O'Connor were then over a lettgth in adVance of their Opponceits, and palling thirty strokes to the ininute, while Gandacr and McKay teem still pulling bard ab thirt,v-five. At the mile and a half buoy the Toronto crew made a beautiful turn, While the loon' in the rnoe made a very ugly one, and lost fully a boat length by their poor Work there. The mile and a half stake Wag reached by the wintiere in 8 minutes, 30 Occlude, On the home reach the leaders did not exert themselves to any extent anti within a quarter of le mile of the finish they dapped rowing end Madan dipped his hand in the bay. The losing Merle were still pulling hard at thole old end managed to gain a roil* of onmemommturmagan....manuanowa.namm..anorn....einuanmeaream. ...neemewmammstamoorapacommiummeamews.... BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1891. lengths by tine manseuvre on the pert of the Toronto mew. The result, however, WES nuelianged, and Healer) and O'Oon. nor arrived at the finish winners by fully four boat lengths in 18 minutes 26ir sewn& Many people wore disappoint. ed that the three•mile reord wen not lowered, and it is general thoeght that Toronto orew could have accomplished the fen% MIA they wished to do so. MURDER, AT MITCHELL. Daalel 'Whale 00111 stand his Trio tor eiansiasettler. When the people of Milethell fixed up - en Tuesday, August llth, as their Civic Holiday they little thought that its mem- ory would be blotted by the recollection of a foul and cruel murder committed within the quiet preoints of the town. An aged couple named Daniel and Ann Whale are the thief characters in whet has every indication of being a most brutal murder—the slaying of a wife by her husband after a married life of over a quarter of a °enemy, and when both had retired from a life of activity to eud their clays in peace and plenty. The ciroumstances soggest the Ilanclooth af• fair in some reepeote. The prisoner Whale rushed out and called for aid, giving out later on as an explanation 09 the terrible scene of blood that his wife had met her death by a fall. Nothing in the eondition of the furniture bears cut this statement or justifies the deep and wide gash in the back of the dead women's head. This, however, is the munition which the coroner's jury and ultimately the cethrts will be oalled upon to aonsider. The facts as brought out by the inquest aro as follows :—At 9:15 Tuesday morning Daniel Whale himself gave the first intimation of the tragedy. He came out of his house and met Wil- liam Taylor, a neighbor, whom he asked to go inside while he went on to hunt up a doctor. Taylor went in and found Mrs. Whale lying on the floor in the dining room with her head resting on the sofa, blood !meeting from ta wound in her head and unable to speak. He phteed her on the sofa and presently Whale and Or. Wood arrived, Everything was clone to relieve the poor woman, but the dead- ly blow had been struck and shortly after 4 in the afternoon she waa in the presonoe of her Maker. Evidences of a foul orime having been committed gath- ered quickly. The exoibetnent in town amongst the people rose to fever heat as the fact gradually dawned on their minds. Con- stable Furrow promptly arrested Daniel Whale on suspicion. He aoted without a warrant, and under the oiroumstanoes oould hardly have done otherwise. Daniel Whale is a. retired hoteldteeper Mout 60 years of age, whose wealth is estimated at front $40,000 to 960,000. fle formerly kept the Windsor Hotel, on oorner of Churth and Richtnend streets, Toronto, moving to Mitthell with his wife about eight months ago, his son•in. law, Mr. Belden, having purohased the Royal Hotel there. He has lived there ever since, and has the reputation of being rather quarrelsome and frequently under the influenoe of liquor. His wife, a woman delicate in health, was about 05 years 01 499. She had only returned a week ago from a visit made to a small place about eight miles from Oshawa. They did not live happily together, and the neighbors report having heard of frequent quarrels. Whale was consider- s. quiet and easy•going man, but when in liquor he was known to be very pas- sionate. Rightly or wrongly, the ime pression seems to have taken hold of the public that in a fit of passion he struck his wife with sorne heavy iniitrument that caused her death. Ho denies and aerates that she fell down and struck her head against the corner of a side. board. To carry out his explanation of the affair ibis stated by others who knew deceased intimately thee she was subjeot to fite and the heart was affected. In the incidents that led to the quarrel it is quite evident that Mr. and Kra. Seldon, the daughter and son-imlaw, played a prominent part. John Seldom came from Toronto lot fall and bought out the Royal Hotel, a large•sized hostelry doing a good business with the travelling pnblio. He is about 89 yore of age, of athletic build, and wears a blonde moustache. Re has been merriest over twelve years, and haa two daughters. When he settled hi Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Whale came also and took a cottage a short distance from the hotel. For the past six months Whale has cherished a grievance against Belden over some money matters, and has frequently expressed his intention of not leaving him any money in hie will. MTS. Whale took the part of the daughter to a large extent, and to this is atteibuted the ill -feeling between her and her husbaud. 1114148801s School Beard. The tegular meeting of the School Board was held in the Council ()heather on Friday evening of last week. Mem- bers present—H. Dennis, R. L. Taylor, W. B. Diekson aud T. Fletohee. The minutes of the lust regular meeting were read and passed. Moved by T. Fletcher, scroonded by B. L. Taylor that LI. Donnie be Chairman pro tem. Carried. Moved by W. B. Diolteon, tioneded by It. L. Taylor that the Secretary request the Municipal Coattail to levy the sum of 91,450,00 to defray current expenses of wheal for 1891, Carried. Moved by W. B. Diolcson, seconded by T. Fletcher that the property committee visit and examine the wheal and have all neeeesery repair% attended to. Carried, Moved by W. B. Dickson, teroonderl by It. L. Taylor that the asicont of Welter Smith 91,25 for work done at sehool, and S.'Hindos order to W. Bose, 910,60, be paid. Carried. The I3o8ed then adjourned. • 13`, Wobn heti been arrested, °barged With etealing a Winnipeg IOW and dim posing of her to a city butther, Wher killed her. Cat N ove-t- St, Oatharinee had en Oeange oelebra- tion Mosley. Labor Day, Sept, 7th, will be a Wide holiday in Mootrettl, The weather in the Northwest con- tinues favorable to crops, The hope of striking natural gas near Belleville has about been abandoned. Montreal is entertaining the officers and °raw of the terenab oorvette Bisson. Cattle shipments from Montreal show to dowses° this season as oonpared with last year. Ellie Hayden, aged eighteen, was drowned while bathing in the Thames at London. An unknown man fell off the (steamer Maggie Mason at Hamilton Saturday and was drowned. Oliver B. Harris, of Lendon, fell from a high ladder and died from the injuries which ho received. A. putty of United States capitalists will search for mineral wealth beneath Whitby town and township. A fleet of boats arrived at Kingston, Saturday, on route for Montreal cella 260,000 bushels of grain. %he annual onion of the High Court of the independent Order of Forrestere opened Tuesday at Brockville. Hamilton is preparing on a grand scale for its visitors during the Siengerfest, which commences on August 18. 00 Guelph's Civic Holiday the G. T. R. sold 61,500 worth of tickets to parties in the oity leaving on exoursions. An effort le being made to have St. Peter's Cathedral, Montreal, oompleted by May next. It will eosb 92,500,000. A movement has been started in Ham- ilton to erect in that city an institution similar to the Mimico Industrial School, Robb. Laing, while bathing at Delhi, struck his head against a log, injuring his spine to such an extent that he died. Gus. Brede, a Port MacLeod teamster, was killed by lightning while smuggling Chinamen over the border from Canada. A sturgeon weighing 147 pounds, width ie took two men to land, was lifted in one of the nets at Port Dover repent. ly. Whiskey has been raised to 10 cents a drink in Aylmer, oath landlord being bound under penalty of 9100 not to break the contract. William Steele, a well-known farmer of Loudon Township, was run into and killed by a train on the G. T. R. at Hyde Park Tuesday evening. W. Chisholm, of Brisbane, reoently sold to B. Holmes, of Anton, a Shorthorn bull three years old, for over 9107, the animal weighing 2,550 lbs. Nassagavveya Agricultural Society has adopted a new plan this year and given ladies the work of canvassing for new members and special prizes. The captain and crew of the Hamilton yitoht Verge have been presented with gold medals for their reeent rescue of Messrs, Stewart, Bruce, Billings aud Champ. Mre. Biggard, of Brantford, committed suidde at Buffalo Friday afternoon by hanging herself with a towel. She Nthe visiting hee brother, J. W. McKay, of that city. Sydney Lemnos, an acoomplished swindler, who recently mud° an impress. on on eh° pockets of St. Thomas people, la under arrest in New York °barged with similar offences. Reports received from many parts of Ontario indicate that Sunday night's storm did considerable damage to pro- perty, but the crops suffered less than was at find' supposed. Sir Hector Langevin has resigned his position as Minister of Publie Works. He made a sworn statement before the Tarte Committee Tuesday denying the various charges against him. O. P. Geary, of Ste Thomas, has sold his trotter Silver Star which won the three minute trot at Ayhuer and Port Huron fie Flynn and Brannigan, of Buffalo, The price is said GO have been a little over 34,000. While Jas. Reaburn was digging a drain from his cellar, at Walkerton, the other day, and while is the ace of laying tile the side caved in and buried him up ID the arm -pita. Mrs. Reaburn called Jactob Wagner and others to his ages. tame, who dug him out. The largest sturgeon that the oldest fisherman of Exeter have seen was caught on the shoree of Lake Huron, near Grand Bend, a short time ago, taking two men to haul him out of the net into the boat. It weighed over 200 pounds and measured over 8 feet long. The body of Sophia Hand000k was exhumed Saturday to allow of indepen- dent medioal experts examining the skull with a view to determining whether or not the featured skull could have been caused by a fell. To the surprise of everybody it was disoovered that the de. ceased was apparently killed lay a bullet wound. leohert Shields, of Orengoville, pro- bably holds more potutions than any other man in Ontario. The following is a partiel list of the many offices he fills :—Ohief of the Orangeville police force, ortretaker of the town hall, public health inspeoter, truant offiner, eltreet.light aceountant, poll -tax collector, dog tax detective, eto, eto, Jas. A. Bothwell, of Walkerton, has obtained from a gentleman in South- ampton, two valuable additions to his curios. One la a genuine Indian tome- IntwIc and a braes skinnieg knife, found in the mouth of the Saugeon. The brae thinning knife mud be very old as it wits used by the aboriginies in the age when brass was the article of manufee• tnee. The engrossing of the adhere' from the °minty Connell to Lady lliaodonald has been completed and wee forwarded last Moray. It is in the form of SA albem bound in black moroeco and inelOged in it fine leather case. The eover of the book beaea the county's seal in silver, On the firet page hi the Maadonald coat of arms, and on the second are the oounty's cot a Arnie and the Dominion arms, both within a border of maple leaves. The addrees is engross:id in soft oaliere on Se white silk haekgrolind, and the whole ie a besultifel piece of work. IIIROOME• John Waelson, aged 25, Was drowned in the mill pond at Greenwood, Ont., last Wednesday, Henry Saes was sentonced to live years in Kingston Peniteiniary at London Wednesday for theft. W. 11. Osborne, of Darlington, Wait Darham, los throthed over 1,000 bushels of wheat from 22 acres. Aubrey White, of Toronto, saved two thildren frorn drowning at the mouth of the iquekoke river ',Friday, William MacKay, of Kingtton tiary, jumped into the lake and escaped from the guards Wednesday. Tue premises of Miller & Bunting, basket manufaeturers, St. Catharines, were destroyed by fire last week. Port Arthur people are grumbling be- cause the C. P. R. steamers do not call always in their tripe to Fete William. Meagre. P. Zceger and W. Waddell wera Tuesday nominated for the vacant deputy reeveship of Mornington two. shop. Two large lynx aro killing sheep in the neighborhood of Roe (Weston, lots 18 and 19. George Glassford has been close to them and shot at them with a revolver. Ofilster Trudel made a capture of 9500 worth of smuggled liquors on the salmon- er Anne Prudence below Quebec on Sat- urday night. Alfred Richardson, for 18 years teller for the Huron & Erie Loan dr Savings Company, 'tension, ie dead, the result of paralysis. Hamilton policemen are to have good - conduct badges granted them in an- cordancie with their length of service and proper behevior. Two gazelles are pets on board the steamer Osmanli, now at Montreal. They were seouree four months ago on the Euphrates in Persia. 0. L. Kelborn, M. A. M. D„ anl Miss Jennie Fowler, B. A., missionaries -elect to Ohio, were married at Cobourg, 18 prisoner at Kingston Wednesday. Mr. and kirs. John Hawkins of Bow- manville and Miss Florence Kaybee of Elope Township were drowned in Rios Lake through the upsetting of a boat. The voting on the by-law granting $5,- 000 for the extension of the Wharton Water works resulted in the carrying of the by-law by a majority of 99 to 6. Rev. Father Molphy, of Ingersoll, was a posenker on the train near Syracuse last week and lot all his baggage. He had a narrow escape hut did good service to the wounded. The Post Office Deportment has final- ly dropped the latter part of Essex Cen• tre's double jointed name, and as the municipality did the same thing long ago, the town will hereafter be known as Essex, ofaoially and otherwise. A. child of 0. A Macdonald got hold of a sample box left by a manufactnrer of washing soda, and somehow got it open, tho °entente falling around the child's arms. The flesh on one arm WES burn- ed so bad that the flesh full off, exposing the bone. Patrick Moran, aged 15, was drowned while bathing at Henneesey's landing, Lindsay. A lad named Hughes was sinking when Moran swam to his assis- tance and was carried under by the struggling boy. Hughes was rescued, but the other brave lad perished. The poeition of registrar of Welland, rendered vacant by the death of Dr. Everard, has been filled by ,the appoint- ment of Lieut. -Col. Jae. E. Morin, Col. Morin represented Welland in the Local House from 1883 to 1890, and was to very popular aml efficient member of the Rouse. Pttul Kingetone, of Warwick, about three weeks ago had 0 mare which gave birth to a mare colt, which possessed an udder about the size of its mother. On beiug tested 11 was found to contain milk, and for over a week the colt had to be milked twice a day, but sloe then once a day has suffieed. Otherwise the oolt is the same ordinary colt, and promises to live and thrive, Robert Shields, of Orangeville, probab- ly holds morepositions than any other man in Ontario. The following is a par. Mal list of the nanny offices he fills :— Chief of the Orztegeville polies force, caretaker of the town hall, public, health inspeotor, noxious weeds inspector, tenant officer, streetlight accountant, polLtax colleetor, dog -tax deteotive, etc., etc, The fueere.1 of James Nixon, aged seven years, who was run over and Willed on the farm of his parents in London township last week, took plaoe on Sun- day. The boy was riding home from the field on a load of grain, and by some jolt of the wagon was thrown off, the wbeels passing over him just above the groin, the moident proving fatal almost im- mediately. On Sunday the Crostley.Hunter church in South Dortheeter, about four miles south -ease of Belmont, was opened. It ie a neat briok edifice capable of accent- modtoting shout two hundred and with shed cost about 41,500, counting about 0300 worth of labor which was done vol. untarily. Rev. H. T. Croseley preached in the morning when the church was crowded, and a large number were 08 - able to obtain admittance. Rode, Cross. ley and Hunter oonducted the dedioation service'Resisted by Reeds, Jas. Kennedy, the pastor, Wood and Edwards. Wednesday night Sergeant Prentice at the heed ole egned of offlocirs and men paid a v1814 to the Globe Hotel, Nos. 101 102 and 103 King.street east, Ilainiltoe, at about 11:20 &Mock. They went up two flights of stairs, and entering a room wore in the midst of a very remelt alarm. cal crowd of men, young and old. The room wits aid ont with tables and a game had been going on before the police disturbed it. The red, White and blue chips and the poker deck was there. When the polio entered there Wes a rush, Some made for the windows, others for the door, which they fonnd well guarded. The police gathered them all in. At the Police °cart Thurs. day morning the magistrate fined Situp. 505. the }teepee of the dive, $70 or MO menthe in Central Prison and each of the others 920 or two menthe. Of the $895 imposed in fines e295 was paid be. foto 3 o'oleck Theraday afternoon. Number B. mumetwarear• rtarda,teeurmleurom,,,,a,,,savoxi, A, sointtre of oneiclereble magnitede has been made by the °cisterns authori Wee at fit. John, N. li„ consisting of the OM. kis eleotrio likht plea. Under valua• Mon ie given as the mean for the seizure, Merriam, Ferguson and Mahony, the three men who were Implicated in the re- cent shooting affray at Berrie, have been sentenced to irnprionment, the first - named for five years and the others for two years and two menthe, The Emerald Benefieial Aseolation celebrated the 110th anniversary of Daniel O'Connell at Hamilton lot Thurs. day, Branches front London, Toronto, Stratford, Ingersoll, Dundee, Oakville, Elora and Peterboro' were present. The Orangeville Sun, discussing the hubbub raised. in London elsewhere re• garding the "loud" carpus posters, rays :—.11 is a wonder the people of London and Stratford do not tog out their sitw horses with pantaloons." On Saturday evening Robert Laing, of Delhi, while bathing in Big Creek, dove, striking his head againet a log and injuring his spine so that he had to be extricated from the water, Ile dled Sun- day night, Ile was a member of the Independent Order of Foresters. George Baird, a 12.year-old Detroit boy visiting at airs. Joseph McDonald's, Kingsville, was attacked by a savage bulldog on Saturday, and before the brute could he driven off the boy's hands and legs were badly bitten. The dog ryas shot. If inflummetion doe not set ia the boy will likely recover. The High Cana of Ontario of the In- dependent Order of Foresters met on Tuesday afternoon in the Court 1300EG at Brookville, in the fourteenth ennual ses- sion of the Province. High Chief }Unger N. F. Patterson, of Port Perry, was in the chair. The reports show an increase of 3,842 members in the Province and 74 subordinate courts were iustituted. Herbert Holt, a tnan workieg for D. Smith, down the river at Chatham, was de.ngeyously hurt by a team of horses kicking hitn. A bear 10 charge of some of the fakir fraternity climbed a tele- graph pole in view of the team and so scared them as to render them unman- ageable. The result was that Holt came out of the fray with some of his ribs and collar bone broken, to sey nothing of some severe cuts ou his head. Alfred Oarter, of North (Mills, killed a deer with his eelf-biuder. R. M. Don- nelly had just set up the machine and Carter was driving around the field when he noticed what he took to be a ground hog in front of the knife. He pulled up bnt the knife ran into the animal. It proved to be a fawn about five weeks old and its throat had been mat by the sickles so that it speedily bled to death. A horse belonging to Mr. Gillespie, of Campbellfordaudly evenged a punishment which lad been previously inflicted on him. Gillespie went to put on the halter, when the animal turned on him, caught him by tho arm, and brought him to the ground. The arm was broken and the flesh badly lacerated, and no doubt he would have been killed had not a second person come to his reseue and knocked the beast down, when it let go itaxililoslpde.aking about the grape orop pros. pots Mayor Hirardet, of Sandwich, who is one of the largest growers in Canada, said on Saturday that the outlook could not be better, mid the prospects are that it will be the biggest crop hu years. Of course a great deal of this depends on the weather, for should the present droght continue for another week it will do thousands of dollars of damage. Corn is suffering terribly, and if rain doss not come soon grave fears are en- tertained for the crop, For sometime a colored man named Prof. Jones, has been ooming to Paisley ono a week to give lessons in moist, making his home in Kincardine. He arrived Friday morning on time in usual health and gave one lesson about 7 tt, m., and was on his way for his breakfast at another house when he called at R. Scott's store. While talking he stam- mered and throw his head beak and wan falling when caught by Mr. Scott. In five minutes he had breathed his last. Apoplexy or heart disease is suppood to be the trouble. Geo. Sinipsou, a well•to.do farmer, aged 67 years, living in the Diokie settle- ment, a few miles trom Galt, committed suicide last week by shooting the top of his head off with a gun borrowed from Andrew Chisholm, his next neighbor. Siamon informed Ohiehohn thee he wanted the gun for the purpose of shoot- ing a dog that was worrying his sheep. About half au hour leter the report of a gun was heard. Search was made in the direction from which the sound name and Mr. Simpsou's body was discovered foe downward close to the fence it> a corner of the field near the bush, with the whole upper part of the bead from the middle of the notie blown off. Ap. pearaneee indicated that the munde of the gun was placed in his mouth and, standing up against the fence, he pulled the trigger. The gun was found under the body and blood and bruit* spattered over the fence. Portions of tlie skull were found several yards away. Poor health for some years past Is generally opposed to have unhinged his mind, nativity in the niokel industry has of late been steadily increasing and solid poetess is being made. The re- sults of the experiments by the U. S. Goveentnent with Mattel have been re• indeed with great interest and satisfac- tion. 11 is stated flat sitilils.r experi. !tents 1400 being qnietly made by the &Dish Governmenee, and that in 008. 8817018110 of the emits, which are not yet publicly known, a number of British capitalists, usually well posted, are in- vesting horsefly in niolsel lama. A strong company has boon formed in Chicago to operate a property some milea west of Sedbury mid another oompeny of had. Mg Canadian investors; fa being formed to develop the nickel deposits of the Townships cif Craig and Monorief. The new machinery of the Omuta Copper Oeinpany is now ilo operation, and the /ergo chiptnents ot tackle matter httve Inspired gteat confidence in the future of the district Which is now beyond doubt. Burglars operated at Teemater lam Thursday night. They first abated the potoffice, They ',trod open the ITOI1S door and overhauled letters, scouring a email sum of money and one registered letter containing theques Nos. 16, 21 and 22 for 838,1e, $88.05 end 2.70 respective - 13'. drawn On Welkerton branch of the Bank of Commerce, in favor of Angus Stewart, They then went to the general store of H. W. Carter, and, forcing the front door, blew open the safe and secur- ed 677. The force of the explosion was so great that the safe door was blown oompletely out and two large front windows entirely [shattered. There is no clue to the burglars. Sidney Davis, who resides on tile front of Sidney, had a rather unpleasant ex- perience Tuesday with an eagle. 'Mallet at his boathouse, armed with a shotgun, in expeetation of to, chance shot at a gull,a very large bird, soaring high overhead— which Mr. Deeds supposed to be a guil— tless fired at and fell into the water with a broken wing. The waves washed the bird into shallow water, whence it wadsel to shore. Mr. Davis seiaed the "gull," hub found himself in the talons of a bald eagle, which, with "tooth, claw and marl -scraper," mule it very warm for its assailant. After to severe struggle the man proved the conqueror, but it was a dearly purchased viotory, for Mr. Davis' trousers were badly torn and one of his legs had sustained some painful wounds. The eagle will be stuffed as it memento of its slayer's dearly bought victory. PERSON A L PARAG RA. PHS. J. Leckie, of Toronto, was in town last Tuesday. Walter Burgess, of Seaforth, spent Sunday in town. J. Lennox, of Hamilton, WES visiting Ward Farrow last week. Miss Kate Cormack spent last Sunday with Mende at Goderith. Miss Lena Shaw, of Wingliam, was visiting in town laet week. Miss Bertha Farrow, of Goderioh, is visiting at Thos. Farrow's. lilies Lucretia Oliver has gone to the west for a visit of a few weeks. Mies Nellie Gilraour, of Port Huron, is the pest of Mrs. Dan. McKenzie. Ira Barkley, a former resident of Brussels, was in town on 'Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Herds of Day Mills, Algoma, is paying her ldrussels friends to visit. Mies Amy Brett, of Seaforth, spent several weeks in Broads with Mrs. Dr. MeNaughton, E. Downing and wife, of Ge3erjcb, were visiting at j. Downing'e for a couple of days this week. The home of Albert Rivers, Teeawater, a former residene of Brussels, has been gladdened by the arrival of twins. S. Hughan and wife, of Walkerton, were visiting at W. Roddiok's this week. They were former residents of Brussels. Jos. Huston, of Stratford, representing the Confeleration Life Assoiation Com. pony, we% in town on Friday of last vveek. R. Leatherdale is away at Stratford attending the Grand Lodge of 1. 0. 0. F. as representative of Western Star Lodge, Brussels. Nelson Gerry retarned home last week from a visit to Michigan. He reports that "Barley" is looking well in that eention. George Love arhas gone to Portage la Prairie where he is pushing the imple• relent business. 7 -Xis son Wesley accent - padded him. Mrs. Geo. Rogers has been quite ill, being confined to bed for several days. We hope she will be speedily rotored to her usual good health. Thos. Ross has gone to Toronto to at- tend the outting eohool recently opened there. He is a first-class tailor and wil soon get hold of the new system. Last Saturday's Globe contained the portraits of M. Y. MoLeen, of Sesiorth, and Dan, MoGilliouddy, of Goderioh. They were very correot likenesses too. Dr. J. W. Shaw, of Clinton, (femilie,r- ly. known as "Jack" among his Brussels friends) was in town on Thursday and Friday. He is well pithead with Clin- ton. TILE POST hail a oan from GOO. StiVEM, of Goderioh, last Friday. He is a ondi• date for the County Clerkship and is making a canvass among the various Reeves and Deputies throughout Huron. Last Tuesday Adam Reid left Brus- sels for a holiday trip to Wiunipeg, Manitoba aud the Northsvest. He will be absent five or six weeks and Neill, no doubt, put in an enjoyable time with relatives and friends. W. B. Ballantyne leaves on Friday of this seek for New Westminster, B. 0., where he hopes to peril his fortune - His brother Jae. is a resident of that eity. If close attention to work is worth anything in the western metropolis W. 13, is going to get to the top. Miss Enema Welker has taken a situa- tion in a dry goods store in London and Miss Iva is filling a position in Reids Crystal Halt in the same oity. Mrs. Walker is removing toLondon this week, Miss Iva WES it, member of the Methodist ohuroh choir for the past year and there is oonsequently a variant cffirtie Owing to her removal. We with the family sum MSS. ADMITIONAL LOCAlf, NEWS. --- Wa have just passed into stook this week 50 piecee of the newest Materna in prints. Ferguson & Boors to rent over Mrs. Straehan's new bloolc. Will be in readiness by Sap- tembee lat. Suitable foe °Mee, owing rooms or dwellings. Apply to Dn. hic• KELVEY. A 'MET not and convenient Oleo has bon fitted up in the Queen's Hotel for the aocommodation 01 1119 travelling pito- lie. The painter's bru•li has made every- thing shine. SUNDAY sollOol anniversary earmone will he preached in the Methodist church Beuseels on the fleet Sueday in Septem. ber by 1.1:ev. G. F. Salton. The reverend gentlemen lute epeoial qualification tor bbi vety important part of hts work