The Brussels Post, 1891-7-24, Page 88 llOUY!EumI Wu have lately extracted a nie article of Pure Honey, Ther are not only difffrent kinds o extracted honey but there are different qualities of the same kind. Honey, to be of good pal- ity, should remain in the hive until well relined -not a few lose all appetite for honey from eat- ing some that has been extracted before it was ready and as a con- sequence condemn all extracted honey. We use large hives and are careful to have honey that is not only pure but of superior quality. We have also honey in the comb, either of which we will be pleased to supply you. G. A. DEADMA.N, Druggist, Bookseller, &e. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ee SOLITUEnx ExTESSION W. 0. 1en. Trains /care Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : GOING SoirTsL CMG Nonni, MaO Exptess 11:62 Moil ...........808 0:53 ami I Mixed 0:45 Muted .........9:61 p.m. Express 9:35 p.m. "ant .cius A chiere amang ye takin' notes, Anfaith he'll prent it. Excnasiox to Goderich oa Tuesday, Aug. Ilth. Boon agents have been swarming in Brussels for the past few weeks. .A. amente is on the tapis. The ex- peotant bride is a resident of London. TAB Inspeotor of weigh 8.05 measures paid Brussels an official visit this week. Men, women boys and girls are busy, or will be, puling and caring for the flax orop. LAWN party at Dr. Gratiam'e Intim On Thursday evening of this week. Report in netissue. EASPIIEBItIEs have been a sort of drug on the market this season owing to the very abundant crop. BEY. M. MoCume, of Amager, preached in Knox church hist Sunday. fie will be here next Sabbath also. A el:01=0176n and granary is being built on Livingstone Eros., farm west of Brussels. The building stands on a good stone foundation. REDIJOED RATES. -Por the next three weeks we offer millinery at greatly re. &iced prices. -Large quantity of flowers, etc. Call and see. Miss Hoare. EIGHT colonies of Italian bees for sale at a bargain, as I have not time to at. tend to thern. Alim a good working horse, 4 years old. D. Fliotx, Brussels, j, J. GILPIN, implement ment, has sold fifteen mowers this seasor. Not abaci record considering the fearful state of farmers worrying about the shortege in the bay orop. Lase Sunday Rev, Mr. MoVettie, of Austin, Minn., preaoltect in St. John's 1 church both morning and evening. He is a brother•in.law to the incpmbent, Bev. W. T. Cluff. EBONY walking stick lost on the 1251 eon. Grey last Sunday evening, between v Whitfield's and Shine's school houses. t The finder will be suitably rewarded by C returning it at once to E. Doaroun, Brussels. A LAAIP exploded in William.' livery t barn one night last week and for a time M it wae feared a confiage.tion would be the B reeult. Precept measures were taken to a smother the fire and no serious damage was done. It was a close call. Pax accounts' due Messrs. o Stewart & Lowiok not settled within the B next 10 days will have ten per cent. add. T ed for colleotion. As Mr. Stewart is re. e moving from Brussels the accounts must o be settled now or else pass into other hands. &Ewe= (ft LotView. Warn -Dm -ma son Demuntea-George ,Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a. way that will ineure satisfaction, Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence S second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brunie. 43-tf SAMpLES of Manohester and Itoffirs Fall wheat aud Lost Nation Spring wheat, grown on the farm of Henry Hamilton, near Walton, were bronght to Ira Pose Publishing House on Thursday of this week. Mr. IL says he expects 40 bushels to the acre from the first men. Honed variety and the others will not be far behind. 'Fall wheat it a' wonderful crop this year. A. IIBBTING Cras held last Tuesday even- ing at the 'MB POST Publishing House to close up the Dominion Day oelebration flnanoes, Treagurer Sokolfield presented hie report and on motion it was accepted and adopted. The sum of $60 was planed in the Bank to the credit of the Cele- bration Committee and the balance hand- ed over to J. N. Kendall Treasurer of the Band Committee, T E BRUSSELS POST ArLY 24, 1891 saseswesareaseinansatemearinewansmamawsanasisawnesase. RNINGT COMING. EVENTS OAST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE, E will Move into our New Store with the Stone Pavement in front, instead of a sidewalk, when finished, about September lst. AIL 3Et 114 XV We will then be prepared to meet all oppositions, 99 Everything will be New in Dress Goods ; Everything New in Mantle Cloths ; Everything New in English and Canadian Tweeds • Everything New in Worsted and Diagonal Striped ; Worsted Coatings and Pantings. Overcoats and Custom Mad Suits, EVERYTHING NEW IN GENT'S FURNISHINGS. Scoteh, Irish, EVERYTHING NEW IN BOOTS & SIIOES. We have bought all our Fall Goods, and will have them in the New Store when the time comes. Never so Low ! Never so Good ! Never so Stylish ! Never -"Well hardly ever"- are we left, but always right. N. B.- No second hand goods ; no goods that were ever offered to the public before, will ever be allowed to enter our store at any price, but all will be New, Good and Sound Goods, A. R. SMITH. Warsort Argiar is busy putting on the tar and gravel roof on J. G. Skene's new block. G. 4, DsomfOx has purchased a new Safety bicycle from a Toronto firm. It's a beauty. Max. -Having lately purchased two fine Jerseys we have plenty of milk and neyer having sold buttermilk our custom- ers are still welcome to it. Jos. Wrnsas. MITCHELL 10.0POSSS club is wanting a match with Brussele. It mars to us that they now owe us a couple of retarn =tales to even up games played in that town. TNE evils resulting from habitual costiveness are many and serious ; but Ole use of harsh, dreatio purgatives is is quite 9.8 dangerous. In Ayer's Pills, however, the patient has a mild but effetive aperient, superior to all otheas, especially for family use. SHAWL .-The party who some time ago took a striped black and gray shawl, by mistake from A.. R. Smith's store, Brus- sels, will kindly return the same at once and greatly oblige the owner. It may be left either at Mr. Smith's store or TRB POST Publiiihing House. MRS. 0. BowElt3loO. Inn village of Mattawa, last Saturday, voted for the purchase of a Ronald Fire Steamer and full equipment of hose reels, &o. They have had it on trial for several months and its satisfactory work brought ahnost a unanimous decision, only three votes being against it. Good work always Villa POSTIIAsTan Pannow is having the build- ing, formerly used as a Flour and Feed store by Hartley Bros., north of Beattie's' new livery barn, put in shape for the postoffice, as it is said he intends re- moving the office from its present site. There area number of opinions, pro and con on this matter but Tan POsT thinks it is an unwise course to follow and Will not be as satisfactory to the public at arge as 11 10 were lett where it is. MFFRFF ACRINAC and return, good from date of issue until 81st Oct., $18.00. Going ia N. W. T. 0o. to Sault Ste. Marie, henoe steamers of Delta Transportation o. to Mackinac. This tripgives tour- sts an afternoon ai and night n Sault Ste. Maria and four daylight trips through he entire length of the beantiful Ste. arie River and is direot route from russets and return. For information nd Tiokets see 72. PLET0112B, Town Ticket Aga EBBS= DBORNE.--/. IR. Young, Grand rganizer, put in a Select Degree in tassels, in connection with the Royal emplyze of Temperance, on Tuesday Vetting of this week, and the following Moors ime elected :- Alex. Wilson, S. C. ; Geo. Rogers, P. 0.: W. H. Maunders, Prelate Mrs. A. Wilson, B. 5, ; Thos. Maunders, B. T. ; Thos. B. MoLauciblin, 5teward ; 131n. A. McGuire, Tyler; Dr. MoNaughton,Medioal Examiner. eventeen applications were received thirteen of whom were initiated on Mon. she goes," and we want to give them day evening. The prospects for heoln. timely werni°g* 8° if be 0006ee Mt° a ing Council are very favorable and 10 is place of business emiling in his blandest expecited that a large number of members Manner, rest assured it is not about the weather or the mops he is going to talk. As for ourselvee, we are "away from home" from this time henceforth, or at least until after he makes his visit." EXouliSION.-The annual Sunday school excursion to Goderieh on Tuesday, Aug. 11. Return fare from Brussels, by special train, leaving a1 8;30 a. m., will be only 80 cents for adults and 90 cents for children. The steamer "City of Windsor" Will run exoursion tripe on the lake that day. Train gets to Goderieh at 10;45 a, m. and leaves at 'f:86 13, m., thereby allowing osoureionista nearly 9 hours at the lake, S33tent.. Begone' feem ran meaty one day last week with the mower and stirred tip coneiderable excitement. Jas. Bur. gess was mowing on the Rithardson form when the team got startled by a snake running throtigh the grass. Des- pite all the driver could do the frightened horses would not stop, so Jim decided he'd get off and in doing so wita Inn over by the wheel of the machine and con- siderably shaken 00, The horses( no against a pump near the railWayanti Wrenched it out and one of the animals was slightly injured. The mower aleo auffeted and bad to be taken to the 'shop lot meas. &Tartu found in Brussels on Thum The owner may have the same by p ing property and paying far this ad Lisement by calling at Tim POST Publ. ing House. Tun proprietors of the Queen's American Hotele contributed 220 eao the License Fund for violating the te of the Crook's Act by having more one bar in operation on July 13611, Con lost on Monday, 13th inst., the 4013 line of Morris between the B sela gravel road and the 3rd sidero The finder will much oblige by lent, the same at TITS POST Pub. House, Br sels. Ens silver cep, the prize for the w mars of the football inatah on Dornin Day, came to hand last week and was exhibition in the window of IL L. Ja eon's jewellery store. 16 18 a hands° trophy. Tan Wingharn Advance says :-Fra Bolt, of this town, while getting on train at Brussels on Monday evening, 110111 inst., had a silver watch and ch snatohed from his pocket, and someo else is now enjoying its benefits. Dottie be discouraged aboat tl eezeme till you have given Ayer's S saparilla, a persistent trial. Six bott of this medicine cured the complaint f George S. Thomas, of Ada, Ohio, wit all other remedies failed to afford a relief. Wz are busy recruiting now and w be entrenched in our new store about 1 Sept. behind an entirely new stook first dry goods and it will there require big man with a good stiff back to don ua in prices. So far in our experien we have never been downed. A. Smith. G. A. DaAntitai is aoquiring a 00nt mantel reputation for breeding and rest ing pure Italian beee. He shippe queens all the way to Matique, Britis Oolumbta ; Dominion City, Manitoba Chatham, New York • and Quebe province recently. The bees are sent b mail, enoloeed in small wooden boxes Hi dimensions of which are about lie 6001108, The little boney gatherers ap pear to stand the journeys all right an ale handled carefully without bein labelled when out of the mail bag fo good mid sufficient res,eons. Tugger WAncrxxo -The Clinton Ne Era says: "At the recent Methodist Oon ference, Rev. G. F. Salton was appointe pastor of Brussels Methodist church Our readers require no introduotion Mr. Salton, for he is well•known here having supplied Rattenbury street pulpit for some time. As a matter of fact Mr Salton was pretty popular here, and it is hinted that his popularity is what brought him west. Unfortunately,Brus eels thumb has a heavy.. debt, and Mr. Salton has the name of being it capital follow to raise a debt. This is given as one reason for ,his appointment to that charge, and he was granted full permits. sion to canvas for help anywhere In the district. Onr townspeople of the Meth°. dist persuasion may expect a visit from Mr. Salton one of these fine days, for if he undertakes to wipe off that debt "off day, rov• ver• nth - and h to rtns hum on rue,. ad. 'leg us- in - ion on 00- 018 nk the the ain ne tat en. Ise or en ny 111 et of 8. in oe 11. r. • a will take beneficiary certificates. Tim Toronto World says of a former Brusaelite :-Kineardine ia considerably perturbed over a dispute in the looal papers between 5. II. Laird, a oitizen of the town, and an unknown party signing bimeelf "True Blue," The cause of the wrangle was an unutual circumetanoe on Dominion Day. An Amerioan vessel earns into the barber and ran up the Stare and Stripes while the British flag was noWhere exhibited as required by law and prentioe. Mr, Laird and anoth- er gentleman, who were among the many who felt that the ant was done through deliberate disrespect for the town and the Canadian national holiday, requested the Mayor to order the flag to be hauled clown, This he declined to do. The two citizens, being Me» of spirit, Went down and notified the oaptain of the offending vessel to heti down the flag. He refus- ed and was warned that union he did so inside of 16 minutes a orewd of citizens would do i1 for him. He chose to com- ply. The anonymous writer professes to see Laird in a ridiculous light and says a writer in this journal "took his (Mr. Laird'e) pante down and switched him with the keenest of ridicule," This is a mistake. Our writer patted Mr, Laird on the book and nowhere eleo touched hirn. 10 18 all mighty fine for nameless people to amuse thetneelvea at the expenee of Mr, Laird and ridicule hie deoleration of war upon tho United States, but a few men of hie ritamp aro worth more to a yoang country that hag trouble ahead of it than a host of jeerers. Mr. Laird may Ind justification fax his action in the greet hubbtib raised in Buffalo the other morning when it Was found that during the night a T.Inion jack had °limbed up the flag pole of the City hall. Brussels Council. The regular monthly meeting was held in the Council Chamber on the 6th Met, all the members present, Beeve Graham in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and paused. The following accounts were present. ad t - W. Denbow, Street Imp,, 5 265 50 Band grant, 31 25 W. Smith, Street Imp„ 28 12 Neil MillOy El El 8 00 lira. J. EDAM, chanty, 0 00 Moved by W. F. Stewart, seoonded by It. Ross that the aboVe accounts be paid. Carried. The Clerk reported Town Hall rents to be $8.08 sinoe hot report. Council then adjonened. Perth County. Wm, IL Gilmer, lot 22, eon, 12, Di ma, has flax measuring 4 feet, pulled July 11611. Jab ek Stephens, of Walkerton, has purchased Editor Abraham's interest in the Stratford Beacon. The direotors of the klornington Agri, eultural soolety have (leaded to hold the fall Amy on September 24011 and 25t11, The 280h Battalion will go under oan• Vag at 15t. Thomas early in Septeniber neat, The brigade camp will be located thero. j. D, Moore, of St, Mary'a, has pur- ',based in fifilverton, Newton and Poole Itheut eight tons of butter at a geed figure. Albert Robinson, a boy, was arrested at Stratford for stealing a horse from G. Jackson, of Sarnia, The boy admitted the theft and was taken back to Sarnia, Hon, Speaker Ballantyne attended the Sir John Macdonald memorial service in Westminster Abbey and has a souveuir of the occasion in a copy of the Pinrant of the services. Thome Burman, an old pensioner hailing from Blanshard, eighty.one years of age, died in the jell at Stratford, of which he had been an inmate off and on for the last five or six years. Henry .Armstrong, of Stratford, charg- ed by Patrick Moore with embezzling Some notes, Was granted bail on his own hereby for 0500 and for 5250 besides, to appear at the next court of competent jurisdiction. August gives promise a being a lively month in Stratford. The Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. F. will draw a large influx of strangers, and later on Hon. Wilfred Laurier will attract 10,600 of the best people of Western Ontario. Joseph Tiovenmark, a Swede, dived in- to the lake at VVarinington Park, KanSaS Oity, Mo., the other day from rt platform 88 ft. 35 in. This 18 008. the best on re- cord, the best previous dive having been one of 75 ft. 7 in. by 5, .4., Blake, at Lan- don, in 1888. Considerable amusement was caused at the Stratford depot by two Stratford young ladies. One was leaving on the train, the other did. not want her to go and pulled her off the steps just as the train started out. She tried to catch it but twenty miles an hour wastet her gait. J. D. Hamilton and A. B. Magnin are the only two residents of Stratford who participated in the battle of Ridgeway a little over twenty.five years ago. Mr. Maguire was in Toronto on Saturday and while there the Veterans' Association presented hirn with a beautifully inserib. ed gold medal commemorating the his- torical ever I. John Hintz, oon, 10, Logan, has a well on his farm 03 feet deep, which during the last nine years, furnished little or no we.ter. On Saturday, July 4th, Jas. Blair, Elms, started to Imre, and in less than two days, at a further depth of 17 feet, he struck a spring and the well filled in three hours within 18 inches of the surface, Mr. Hintz is delighted with his suocess. Wm. McEvoy, Ontario foul brood in. specter, visited the different beekeepers in Elma. He found considerable foul brood among the honey makers. This being the inspeotot'e first visit. Mr. MoEvoy in each case showed the bee- keepers how to cure the diseei.e. Should he disoover foul brood existing upon any future visite the law provides that he shall destroy the hives in whioh it existe. SBORZI 0OIII1T.-In Atwood, on July 1151, the wife of Mr. John Court of a daugh- ter. Elma, on July 18011, the wife of Mr. Wm, Dewar of a daugh• ter, V.Dros.-In Molesworth, 056 July 18th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Vance of a daughter. Vita/mfr.-In Brussels, on the 15111 inst., the wife of Mr. J. J, Vincent of a daughter. Num -min. -re Morris, on the 13011 inst., the wife of Mr, Micheal Nicholls of a daughter. SREAREII-Illommunwr.-At the resi• denoe of the brideie father, on the 15011 inst., by the Rev. W. Torrance, Mr. T. G. Shearer, teacher, to Miss E. 3. Montgomery, all of Howiok. DABIL-In Grey, on the 1811 inst., George Dark, aged 71 yams. ADOSMON.-In Goderioh, on 16011 iust„ Peter Adamson, County Clerk of Huron, aged 66 years, 2 months and 16 days. Voters' List, 1891 muNion,txmv or TIM TOWNSHIP or Goon-, 00UNTV Or Hienox, Notice le hereby given that I have trans. mitted or delivered to the persona mention- ed irt natione Sand of the Onfi8.rt0 %Stars' Lin Act, 1888, the coulee reqtlired by said Indiana to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant fa said Aet, of all PerSone appearing by the list revised As- sessment Roll of tho said hfuldeipality to be entitled to 0000 10 the said Muni-WIWI* at EleatiOns for morebers ot the Legislative aseembiy and et Municipal Elootione ; and that said list was nvet posted tip at My odlOo at Ethel, on the 24th *68.31 01 July, I601, and remains Elmo for iziapection. Elootore aro oalled upon 'Le examine the field list, Mal if any onnisliOns or any other ',fixers are Mend therein, to tele immediate prooneinge to have the said errors cor.. meted according to law. WM. SPENCE, Clerk of Grey TOwnithip, Dated at Ethel 15011 18.1' of au ly,10.51. STANDARD 33ANK OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, W. F. GOWAN, President, J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. ASSETS, • PAID tio CAPITAL, - RESIMVE FUND, • - $7,000,000 1,000,000 • 600,000 Agenclea fu all prinaipal_pOillta in Ontario, Quebec', Manitoba., United States and England. Brussels Agency, A Genera/ Banking Business Tpansaated. Farmers' and other good Notes Dinouuted at lowest rates. Drafts Ieaued and Collec- tions made oz all points Deposits received and interest allowed at cuireut rates, SAYINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De posits of 51. and upwards from date of deposit to date et withdrawal, and aom- pounded half yearly. Prompt attention and every facility afford - ed oustoni era titles at a diStanea, G. P. SCHOLFIELD, Agent. Brussels, April 808. 1831. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. A/TONEY TO LOAN. -PRIVATE IJoliet Elin VA-, Fut; 06 Applyto GEOIN ZGE HGOTON, THOS. KELLY, Brussels. rilENDERS WANTED. 1_ Tenders wanted for quarrying mud de- livering 90 cords of bridge atone from quarry to Brussels, dielauce St miles, 4,311. SMITE, QIRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, lot SI, eon. le, Grey, on or about June 1st, !a yearling steer, red and white in color, star in forehead. Owner is requeeted to prove property, pay expenses and take hive away. DOUGALD aloTAGGART. NOTICE I Notice is hereby given that the pa. - nership heretofore existing between John Ocher and Ephraim Caber, as oanitiqo makers,in the village of Ethel, is title day 11(800160,8 831 mutest consent, The business will be carried on by John Colter, end he colleate remounts and pays all liabilities. JOHN COBErt, EPHRAIM °OBER, Ethel, July alst, 1551. Mlist.T.TMISMEiZtell 2..C.A.MSICOV314B. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butber, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potaton Pay per ton Pork Hides per lb Salt per bbl., rabail Sheep skins, eaoh Lamb akins each Wool, per lb. • • 95 89 95 99 40 46 68 65 44 45 12 13 11 00 500 650 60 100 700 800 600 500 4 00 125 00 60 75 40 60 18 20 Canadian Pacific .R'y1 LABORERS WANTED -IN- M ANITOBA and NORTHWEST To enable laborers to roach the bountiful haiveet of Manitoba and the Northwest, the Canadian Pacific By. will make the following low one-way rain :- Front Buy Station in Ontario to DELORAINE METIIVEN IIARTNEY BINSCARTII MOOSOIVIIN Ruing duly 28 and August 4 Purehasere of these tickets to r000fre Oob- titoato to enable Oath 01 rete(* Up to Nov. 1300,1001, Mr 813 each, providing they have been worlitha as farm laborerefor One InOnth previous to their totem. Por partioulare apply to any Denadfan Pacific ItailwaY Agent, J. T. PEPPER, A,gent, Bruffoolg BEST 4 , F.R0311 41 PURE 1 § VI ENGLIsif PARIS GRE.EN 2 ,74 5 E ti I9 41 P. -r• cu 49 a It '41 ! a r, A r44 5' A e. AT PEPPER's DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS. BANKING. MoINTOSII & MoTAGGART, B.A.NKERS, • BRUSSELS, iruaaatuact0, C2Foxseral OBo.salairle 7nwoineoro, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United States Drafte bought and sold. Intermit allowed ou Deposits. Collections made ott favorable terms. Canadian Agents ---Menonvir's B AIM 061' 00143.0.4, New york Agente-IsfroweenS TB/m- une NATioNAL 13ANyi. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -1-4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solieitor and Conveyancer, Collect - Mous made. O1800-Vaustoue's Block, Bruo• seta. • NAT • SKolleitirN, Ile, &a Ofgeo--Graham s Bloak, 1 dc north Notary rob- ot Pepper'e Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. - DICKSON & BAYS, (Late with Garrote Be Proudfoot, Code - HMO Barrafers, Solialtors, Conveyancers, Othoos-Bruseels and Seaforth, Brus- sole Otlice-Up-stairs over Bank. bloney to Loan. It. 5,06810. 14. B. DIONSON BUSINESS CARDS. MISS O'CONNOR, Y.1. Teacher of Organ anti Piano. 40-tf Princess street, Brussels. -Vij H. MeORAOKEN, r • Usurer of MarriageLiceneeti. Oftlea at 1115 Grocery, iniumberry street. Brussels. TQ N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door south of A. 8.1, Molloy dc Co's hardware store. Ladle s' and ohildrens hair cutting a specialty MISS BALL Is prepared to give leesone ou the Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ. Special at- tention given to Teohnic, For fnrther M- ien:lotion address- Box 172, Flresee/a. A MoNAIR, 1-3,- • Ieeuror of Marriage License, by appointment of Lieut, -Governer, COMMIS. Pion er, &8.,.B. Convoyanaer and Ageut Fire Ineuranee 00. Office at the Cranbrook Poet °Moe. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INtronAtion, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, CO. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insuranee Agent. Fuuda invened end to loan. Collections made. Oftlae in Graham's Block, Brunets, OIL PAINTING, N..„1 Miss Merin, of Wingham, le prepared to give instruction in oil paintiag. 7.orms may be ascertained et Miss Nellie Rosa' store where eamples of work may .be seen. Mute Moriea would also take a few more pupile in music. rff A. HAWKINS, _L • Organist in St, John'a Church, Brum. sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, of A. W. Thayer, Anis. Coe., New York, wilt glye losson8 to mils either at Thos. Sally's, Turnberry at., or if preferred, at their own homes. Terms moderate. 46. DENTAL. azaszilvwxsTia-ri G. L. Ball, L. 8.0. Nitres Oxide Gan ad- minietered tor the Painless Extraction of Teeth. 74 Gorrard Street East, Ton ogre. 31-11M JN "E' te_41C M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D.P. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Stirgeons, Ontario, and of Termite Uni- versity. Ortiniz--Over Pepper's Drug Store, Dku08015, AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, -ex . Auctioneer, ie always ready to at. tend sales of farms, farm nook, cba. Terme given. Oranbrook 0.0. Hahn may be arranged at Tau tEOBW Publishing Nouse, BrUseels, EORGE KIRKBY, \.A Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con duet ed on noticeable terms. Forme and farm steak a Specialty. Orders Osfb at TUE POW P shine Houae,Brussele, or sent to Wit 110n P. O., will receive prompt attention. TTAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- sn on an nuntionner, 2 azn prenared to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prim. Knowing the standing 01 *MAY every 1le100i 5 am in a 'position to sell to good moths and get good nativity when gold ou oreclit. Satiafaction getrurantood. Give me a call. 82. E S. SOOTT. MEDICAL CARDS. txTNI. F. OA:LE, M.D., 0. M., v V Member of the (lenses of Physician, and Surgeons of Ontario by ORanilnatiOn, Oillee end Reaidenee -Matti street East, Ethel,Ontario. -r A. MaNAUGHTON, M. IX tr • 0.1d., I,. It. C.P Itilinburgb, 00, 0.0 S. Ont. Ab Popper'S Emig Stor 1 tow 6 to 11,80 a, re, and tron31:80 to 41,06, At other been may be found at his residenee form- orly ocampled (*31 1031, Hutchinson, Mid et. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK; • Honor GradttMe of tho Ontario Veterinary Delloge, is prepared to treat alt diseases of domesticated enftnale in a oom• tioteht menter, Portiettlar attention pO,I41 01 ciOntititry, Cfalle promptly sh• tOndtol to, OtflOO Una Ingrmary-Tiro doers nor* 01 bridge, Thritherry Ste firtutSelin