The Brussels Post, 1891-7-24, Page 4New Advertisements, Mule—Miss Boo11. Local—A. R. Smith. Looal— 16. 0, Muter& Looels---Dr, J. C. Ayer, Warning—A. R. Smith. Honey—G. A. Deadman. Voters' list --Wm. Spence, Rheumatism—Dr. J. C. Ayer. liarveat Excursiens—C. P. It. Manitoba Excursions—C. 1. R. Tendon Wanted—A.. R. Smith, Save Your flair—Dr. J. C. Ayer. Shawl Loet—hIrs, 0, Bowerman - Sunday School Exeursion—W. Edgar. 113t isztis Vzst. FRIDAY, C LY 24, 1891. •- REV. CHARLES Srreamox, the celebrated London divine, who hes been ill for Boone time is not expected to recover, Hon. W. E. Gladstone, England's Grand Old Man, is also failing rapidly and may drop off very suddenly. WE have much pleasure in suggesting the name of Thos. Street-Ianx•Reeve of Grey, for the Ivacent County Clerkship. Mr. Stu -ellen is well acquainted with municipal affairs and his experience in the Co. Connell and his knowledge of the various municipalities would make him a worthy successor of the late highly es. teemed Clerk. TIIE deeper the probing in the Quebec) scandal ihe more rascality is brought to the surface. One day this week Martin I'. Connolly, bookkeeper for the firm of Larkin, Connolly di Co., geve evidence in which he clearly stated that various sums were paid to Inspectors Pelletier, Brunelle and Germain for certifying to work which had never been done. The witness admitted destroying receipts and erasing entries from his oash book in order to coneeal the bribery. Instead of wasting time over a Commission war- rants should be issued for a score or more of these plunderers and have them get their full deserts at Sae band of the law. Many a poor man has had to pay the penalty for small thefts and am- ' bezzlements while these gentry trusted with the administration of publio affairs have been fattening by their ill gotten gains. It is hinted by the Toronto World that Hon. Mr. Haggerty's de. partment may be opened up to public view also when other startling revela- tions are expected. (ones -a1 Iews. The Shah of Persia is seriously ill. Ex -Emperor Dom Pedro is improvi in health. At New York Monday $600,000 go was ordered for export. Sarah Davis, said to be 138 year's age, was buried at Indianapolis Monde Five youths were drowned off Donega Ireland, Monday by the oapsising of pleasure boat. Chin Hop, the New York Chine leper, has been removed to the Charit hospital on Blackwell's island. A case of powder carelessly handled a the Leipoldshall saline works explode with terrible effect. Four miners wet' .killed and five badly injured. A eyolone caused greet deetruclion St. George'e county, Maryland, on Sat urday. Barns were destroyed, live stoo killed and large trees thrown to th ground. No loss of life is reported bu details are meagre. A. feature of Chinese econorriy just die covered at San Francisco has 'created some alarm. On the tops of many of the buildings in the quarter (=opted by the Celestials wooden kitchens have been constructed. They are made of rough boards, and the chimneys in them extend scarcely above the gab roofs. Here all kinds of ordinary and laundry operations are carried on with reckless disregard of the constant danger frorn fire. The 'mace between the buildings, on narrow alleys, has been utilized in the same way. Sometimes these fire boxes are three stories in height, with fires blazing in them constantly. He had a car to himself, and at one station up in the Alleghany Mountains had left his car for a minute or two to run forward to the engine, whioh was taking water. The water tank was di- rectly west of the great tunnel, and when the tender was filled and the oar started the mail clerk sprang for his oar. The entrance to the car was on the side and a solitary handle was grasped,where. by the clerk pulled himself up to the door, To his horror he found that the door had been jarred shut and could not be opened from the outside, and the eee- ond he dieeovered this fag the train shot into the tunnel. With a desperation horn of a terrible death stating him it the face the °Jerk hammered and kioked on tne door and shrieked for help, but the noise of the train drowned his cries, and with both hands grasping the handle, his feet on the iron step and hie body glued to the side of the oar for fear of being dashed off by the jagged sides, he was carried through the tunneto As the tunnel is a mile long and the atmos- phere therein is almost stifling, this luck. less mall cleric's experienee 3Etn better be imagined than described. When the train shot into daylight again the engin- ear looked back, SS is the custom, to see if his train was following all right, and diectovered the clerk in his harrowing peeition. Quickly stopping Ins engine the engineer ran baok, and with the as- sistance of the conductor helped the al. mOst demented man to the grouna, where he utterly collapsed,the strain Igen his nerves being too great. For six monthe be was under a physioian'a care, and after he had become a well man again be said :—"/ thought that tunnel was ton miles long, and my head, I imagined, was hollow, with the dense smoke rushing in my mouth and nostrils and coming out at my ears like ateam pipes, Whenever I think of that ride my brain role, and I feel myself (smelting es I did upon the outside of the oar during that horrible experience." ng Id of y. 1, a se (Ultra eoutinues to opreed in Mem. The crown prince of Roumania has abandoned his proposed marriage to Vacareaeo. A memorial to the late Sir John Mae- donald le to be erected in St. Paul's cathedral, London, bloat of the railway strikers in Paris have resumed work. All the old mil. ployees will be taken hack, The steamship Circe is said to be a total wreck at Anticoati. Capt. Jen. dings, two engineers, the cluef steward and the storekeeper bare been drowned,. Anxiety is felt at Titoome, Wash., regarding the overdue tea ship Guy 0. Goss, which sailed from Japan loaded wall a half million dollar cargo of tea on June 10th. The trouble between millers and con- victs in Tennessee continues. It is thought the lessees of tile mines will withdraw the convicts. In the meantime large bodies of troops are preserving order. A wholesale dealer in apples from Liverpool Is down in Maine driving over the countty roads and getting In some fine bargains, whilb the fruit is still on the trees, lie esys that it is useless for the Main growers to "deacon" their fruit in peeking—that is, place a layer of large, fine topples en top and the small ones below. The English have learned by experience to buy. from lotto of several barrels poured out in heaps upon the floor. Mrs. Thomas Lochridge shot her three ehildren and herself about 1 o'clock Lost Sunday efternoon at her home in Nash- ville, Tenn. Mrs. Lochricige was BO years of age, her eldest ohild 4 years old, Mao second 3 years old and the third 4 months old. The awful deed was done with a double-barrelled breech loading shotgun. As near as can be learned from the surroundings Mrs. Loohridge had drawn up her children's clothes one by one, placed the gun sgaiost their heart and fired. Then she placed them side by side on a pallet, which she had made for the purpose, and arranged their dress neatly about them. Standing at the feetland probably gaziug down upon the the distracted mother placed the muzz of the gun at her own heart and sent he own soul iota eternity. She left a net Lor her husband, which shows that he mind was affected. The London Times thus summarize the harvest prospects of the world. I Russia there is it grave deficiency, th peasantry are staving and there is mai hope of relief. In India it serioo anxiety prevails over a considerabl portion of the country, Madras, Rajub atha and the Patmjale are the wors sufferers. There is drought in Bangs and the need of more rain is urgent Bombay alone promises a good harvest The American harvest will he good in quality and amount, but with the failure of the Indian and Russian sup plies it is of the utmost importance tha the English orop shall not be short. The proved on the whole is good. In the THE BR S The Standard is holidaying thin week. Dr. Shaw, of Clinton, WAS town MI Sueday. We regret to hear Unit Tanner, sr,, ill quite ill at present, Hector Buie, of Montreal, is vieiting under the parental roof at present. Mr. Von Beale, an employee of the Standard Whoa, is spending a few hell. days in the Queen city.. W, Mouthy, proprietor of our briolc yard, is having large demand for his make of brick. Mrs. L. II, Sloane Rod family /eft here on Saturday for two months' visit amongst friends in Miehigan. Some of our farmere have already commenced witting their fell wheat whieh is oonsiclered to be on excellent orop. Dlr. Poulton has purehased a, very desirable residence at the north end of our burg from J. S, McKinnon at a very reasonable figure. J. W. Bell intends removing from his present stand in a few days to the store formerly occupied by 11Irs. Carey, ono door south of Kelly's big brick. The annual Sunday sollool excursion runs to Goderioll on Aug. llth. Return fare from 1113th, adults, 50 cents end children 25 cents. The steamer 'Iaity of Windsor" will run excoursion trips on Lake Huron that. day, Harvest Excursion.s. From all Stations in Ontario Return Rates to in METHVEN no HA.RTNEY • MOOSOMIN $ 2 8. 0 0 le DELORAII^TE e BINSCARTH REGINA O YORKTON $30.00 ATOOSEJAW el CALGARY • PRINCE ALBERT $35.00 e To leave all p8ninttosrgt.lilio Province of AUGUST 11TH, 'e=b0,1V611"- : AUGUST 18TH, n'ttnbe,un,2"- SEP T 'R 18T, Returtionrgio,uing, Oslo. Parties ticketing from4tlii.eirrotip,:: tsohrl.nd- enrercatn4f010 =le; t 53, tiatn 10371 03 August 11th, 1804 and Septembe.r, 105,180Ln ollief wheat counties, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk, the crop is above the average and in other counties up to the average. The harvest will be late and prices high. There is a good outlook for the English farmer to break the long series of disas. roils years. A. freak of lightning, probably more re- arkable than s.ny hitherto recorded, as occurred near the mall village of ew Salem, Vt., at the foot of the Eel. oberg Mountains. Arent S. Vandyok copies an old mansioo, in the parlor of hieh hung it collection of revolutionary words, one of which was heavily plated ith silver. A terrific thunder storm me the other night, and one terrible ash aroused the household. All were unned for 0 moment bat recovering ey hastened to see what damage was ne. Suddenly the younger Vandyck inted to an old-fashioned sofa. Ijpon lay what was apparently the silver age of a cat ourled up in an exceeding. comfortable position. As far as the ape and posture of the animal wae 000. 0e0 it might have been a live cat. oh glittering hair was separate and timid, and each silvery bristle of the iskers described a graceful ourve as in . Father and son turned towards the ods which hung upon the wall juat ve the sofa and there saw that the rd had been stripped of all its eilvem. e hilt was gone, and the scabberd was a strip of blackened steel. The ily cat had been electroplated by tning. In one of ths panesoof glasa he window was found a round hole ut the size of a half dollar, where the tning had evidently • entered, There O charred streak across the sash ere the electrical fluid had made its to the sword, down which it passed he oat, carrying with it the silver, oh it deposited upon the animal. Of ree the oat was instantly killed, and refore remained in the position in eh it was quietly sleeping when the h came. It is thought the plating of oat's body will prevent decay and Oprobably it may be retained among collegion of ourioeitiee, whioh is a remarkable than all. Local mien. are puzzled by the oeourrenae and of the members of the Albany Insti- ls investigating the cage. 53 oto tv 00 Or st th do go It im ly sh aer Ea die wh life sw abo swo Th but fam ligh in t abo ligh was wh way to t whi Doe the whi sae Mac the the mot Mao one tete N osthweet Note80. Mrs. Large, widow of the inurdered Methodist missionary, is in Winnipeg on her way to Japan. A bachelor at Joly's, by the name of Ohouinard, is reported to have eloped with the wife of a neighbor named Tay. lor, In the suit of Hamilton ve. the 0. P. R. for unlawful ejection from it train, a Calgary jury returned a verdict for plain- tiff, fixing the damages at $1,400. The writ has been issued for the North Brandon bye-eleotion. Polling takes place Aug. 8th. The candidates are Attorney -General Baton and 0. Cliffe. 31 appears that Private Gillies, of the 90th Battalion, Winnipeg, won the Prince of Wales' prize in England gayer. al vats age, making four Guadiana who have gained tido diatinetiou. A. ease of infanticide was revealed Tuesday morning at Winnipeg by the discovery in the Red River of the body, a nowborn infant tixl up in an apron. The body had been in the water so long that chances of identifying the guilty parties are very small. There was a ebrike Tuesdayof 60 Ice. landera employed on the Winnipeg sewer centred by Melly Brea. They wore re - calving $1.25 and $1.50 per day and Wanted $2.00. The contraotors offered $1.60, whieh was refused, and they will replace the strikers with laborers from St. Patil, For further particulars apply to any agent of the Company. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. Make Known Your 'WANTS —JEW .-1" 0 irj(-- WkInt fo Sell a House and Lot, Want to Buy or Sell a Horse, Want to Loan Money, Want to Borrow Money, Want to Rent a Room, Want to Rent a Farm, Want a Boarding Place, Want a Servant, Want to Find anything Lost, Want to Buy or Sell a Farm, Want to Make a Name, Want to Sell Furniture, Want to Rent a House, Want to Buy a House and Lot, Want to Save Money, Want to Find anyone's Address Want a Situation. Want to Make Money, ADVERTISE —014 Tau COLUMNS OF— THE POST. Rheumatism, BBING due to the presence of uric acid in the blood, is moat effectually mixed by the use of Ayees Sarsapa- rilla. Be sure you get Ayer's and no other, and take it till the poisonous aold is thoroughly expelled from the oyetem. We challenge attention to this testimony :— "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, inoluding mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took At regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effected a complete cure. I have since had no re- turn of the diaease."—Mrs. E. Irving Dodge,110 West 125110 at., New York. "One year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory flieumatism, being cot - fined to my house six months. I Came out of the sickness very much debili- tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered iu every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength OM soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise Of MIS; well-known medicine," -.Mrs., L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. IL Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED ay Cr. J. C. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Mau. Peiv• ale betties, $6, Worth $6 a bottle, 'ELS P 8 T SSIMEMAIDOMMIWZMOrearill REAL ESTATE. TilAIEMS FOR SALK—TR E 11)0011INED bah several good Panne f or sale end 10 rent, °Kay ternin, in Townehies at merlin and Llrey. 10.8. 80 011', 1111080s. 07-11. "III0I0E FARM FOR HALE. - 14011,4, Ceti. 12, Orgy ; 100 item ; cplufti%"111111:;1,1 n24.1.1.1e ei:farfo°1.1gall'IllYn at L" call 101 W. hi. SIN CLAM, liolleitor, Brussels, II0I0E FAIt1V1 FOR iiii7g7=-- Being South half Let 27, eon.% Morrie. 100 acres, nearly all ;floored, Good In nue voting bsanbsg orchard, LBW a aid lvis- 8MI91011. Easy Terms, Apply to 11- W, DI, SINCLAIR, Solicitor, An„ Brussels, DROPERTY FOR SALE.—THF, mulersignect oilers her property, miles orth of 13ruaeols, for sale au liberal terms. Thera Id one acre of land ripen which there are two houses, stable and a toul311 orehard., The plaue be conveniently located on the Ts11,1;4;:l JD' Dr so,4.1.00nrmf,uprityliteiz, rpe rtloula re as to ALBS. JNo. SINCLAIR, 1-4 Princess street, Brussels. -1-0A1lm FOR SALE.—T1-JJ UN dersigned offers his valuable 100 mere farm, being Lot 32, (Jon. 0, 0 -ray, for sale, There aro Sti acres under crop, hokum timbered, There is a good ()reliant, wells, 110. on diu gratuities, bashlos log boom bank born, &o, Will be 50111 03 rensonehlo Lerma, For price and full particulars apply to WM. HABKIRS, ft russels P. (1., or Joins BEATTIE, Seitforth, CMS 07.001 NTALUABLE 50 ACRE FARM v roll BALII.—lieing west Lot 11, Cou, 0, Grey, 21 tulles from Brussels. The 100,11 le good olay loam, well drained, mostly all cleared and in good order. Or.e acre of or- chard lu good repair. There is a never fail - ug spring on lb e premises aud an extra WWI at the buildiugs. The buildings are comfort- able. Would take suitable property in 00 uear Brussels as part pay. For further par- ticulars apply ou the premises to T1103. hfcGREG OR, or address Brussels P. 0. 11810 FARM FOR SALE.—TRE UN. 0020530)]10 executors offer the John Lowe farm for ettle. The property consists of 100 acres, Blau Lot 10, con. 0, Grey, and haying Miele= a first-class briok house, bank barn, orchard, wells, never -falling spring, good fences, dm. About 70 acres cleared, balance bush. Possession will be given /mit Fall. For further partioulars as to price and toms apply to W. B. D MESON, Solicitor, Brussels, or toJP10f . SAIITFI, I ExecutorS. E,, aloARTRUS 62.tf Stll 000., Grey, FAR NI FOR SALE.—THE UN. -L DERSIGNED offers for eale the north salt quarto r of lot 28, concession 0, morris, County of 'Huron , containing 50 acres. The hind is of first quality and in a. high state of cultivation. well fenced and uuder-drained, -.`0 acres cleared. Z1ew1ras house, 8 rooms, milk house )vith concrete walls, 2 wells, goolbanos and shod, orchard, 00,, Eight acres of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit. ab/e tonr. will be given, Title pez-fe ct Isamu GRIEVE, Owner, 50; Senior th P. O. G00D HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale on the most reasonable terms, Village Lot 121, ou the corner of ring and Join; streets,Brussels. ,On the property ave good cellar goo d f ramie dwelling, with seven rooms and' kitchen, pantry aud woodehed. Earl and soft water, also 6 good frame stable, driving shed and ice house. Tho buildings are all in firet-elass order, and there is also ample mom for another build- ing on the corner If desired. Price very rea- sonable. For terms, dos., spuly to MRS. MARY CURRIE, Brussels 570. 52-0 00 10 A. HUNTER, Dry, Court Cleric. saTpLAin, M.D., ALA., L.C.P.S.O., Specialist, - Toronto. JONATHAN BUSCHART, Llama), Bays :— "Altem Emending all my money and property to no purpose on ro eclicati men, for what they termed %hopeless ease of consumption, Dr. Slut:lair Cured me." Mita meals Fnur,one, Woodhouse, says :— "When all others failed, Dr. Sinulair cured rue 01111s." 18. MoBERTBON, Carleton Place, Bays :— "Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." GEo. Rowan, Blyth, says :—"Dr. Sinclair cured me ol heart disease amt dropsy, when all others falled.', Diseases of Private Nature, brought on by folly, Dr. h'tinolair certainly Cures. Coslavatatiou,. Free. WILL BE AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, Tuesday, Aug. Ilth, '91. Half the Virtues ST. LEON Have never been Told. Read this— JOY FOR PAIN. Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast and kidneys for years very bad. When I stooped eould seareely straighten up; felt mitigate. For three months I persisted in a free ingi of ST. LEON WATER. It was the cup of joy to me; brought relief, par excellenee ; pains, gifting, eta. all gone. Call at my office, I will tell far more about the value of St. Leon, W. BIGGINS, Empire Laundry, 823 Queen street worst, Toronto, And thia- 13DAOTIS HEADACHES GO. I bad rheltinatism in my 13nee0 endangers, Milting headaches, sbe, every tow Noche. Mr, Biggins, Empire Laundry, urged me to try 83.1,0000 Mineral Water. (lid, au d it set MO ell right; headaches and pains ail gone. My wife and three ehildten also use It We all find 80, Loon Water verV good and healthy. J. !V, 3. ANDERSON, Watell- maker and Jeweller, 810 QU eau street west, Toronto, A FRESH BARREL JUST RECEIVED, Geo. Good, Agent, &diem Illineral Water Co'm St, Leon, Que. ''110! F011 Uldit)61 teT4 Sunday School Excursion \ 1 Tho Annual Sunclay School Excursion to Lake Huron will take place to Goderich on Tuesday, August 11th, '91. A Special sTATioNs. Train will Run as follows; Tam. Thsvnxoo FARE. PALMERSTON 7.10'A. m. Adults $1 00 Children $ 50 GOWANS TOW N. . 7.25 9,5 - 50 LISTOWEL '7.37 95 50 AT WOOD HENFRYN 7.50 90 45 ETHEL 8.00 85 444' BRUSSELS 8.10 85 45 BLUEVALE 8.30 80 40 8.48 65 35 WINGHAU ......... 8.55 65 LUCKNOW 35 ) Regular trains to and 85 45 WHITECHURCP.1 J' from Whagham 75 J3EL GRAVE40 BLYTH 9.10 60 30 9.40 50 LONDESBORO' ... 25 9.55 25 CLINTON 10.05 45 85 20 Arriving at Goderich at 10:45 a, m. Returning, Train will Leave Goderich at 7:35 r. thereby allowing Excursionists nearly Nine Hours at the lake. The Commodious Steamer "City of Windsor" has been engaged to run Excursion Trips on the Lake during the day at a Low Fare. L. J. SEARGE.ANT, WM. EDGAR, General Manager. Gen'! Pass. Agent. - CONFEDERATION LIFE Organized 1871. .Head Office, Toronto, Remember after Three Years Policies are Imo ntestable, PERE FROM ALL RESTRICTIONS AS TO RESIDENCE, TRAVEL OR OCCUPATION Paid.up Polley and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed it each Policy. THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECT/ON AGAINST EARLY DEMI ; PROVIDES AN INCOAIE IN Ow AGE, AND IS A GOOD INVESTMENT. Policies are Non -Forfeitable after the Payment of Two full annnal Premiums. Profits, which are Unexcelled by any Company doing business in Canada, are allooated every fiveyears from the issue of the polioy, or at longer periods, 05 may insured. Profits selected by the Profits so Allocated are Absolute and not liable to be reduced or recalled at any future time under any oircumstanoes. Partioipating Policy. Holders are entitled to not less than 90 per oen6. of the profits earned in the olass, and for the past seven years have aetually received 95 per eent. of the profits so earned. W. 0. MACDONALD, ACTUARY. J. IL MACDONALD, MANAGING DIRECTOR. W. I. KERR, Agent, 13z -use. 141'COLL BROS. & CO. Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will injure your machinery, when you can get the CELEBRATED "LARDINE ?" —)SPECIALTIES(— Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, E3oltcutting, Solar, Harness. MANUFACTURERS litcCOLL BROS. 86 CO., TORONTO. 4.. For Sale by Ill. GERRY, Brussels. Ram and Eggs! Eggs have dropped in prim, so has out Largo Stook 01 Primo SMOKED HAMS, BREAKFAST 13A004 AND SIVE MEAT All of Our Own Curing. We alao Mannfaoture Bologna Sausage, Patronize home induatry by calling onus. Give mo a call and prove the truth- ftilnese of the above statements. Wm. Btashill, Butcher, A Boo in Your Bonnet. I have Combs, Frames and Empty Hives for Sale. Hives are Well blade and Well Painted. Price, 75e. Each, Call at— DAVID MOORE'S, 8th Con., Morris. or write Walton P.O. Take a, Bargain while you have the chance, 45.2m