The Brussels Post, 1891-7-17, Page 7jay 17, 1891.
Riots for B1101111er.
As warm weather is bore, let me
tell some of the sinters Imw I manage In
81111111100. I wash mho) 0 week, 80 eolled
clothes will not lie too loitg mid grow musty
or damp. I iron what I have to, end no
more, Tho children's: underwear 1 /11111,1C0
well, iron expend parts and air them 1 11100
they ore rattly to lay away, 1 never iron
coot:kluge • it is juet as well 10 011)0011) them
nicely and' roll up. Your dreams are as
sweet, in sheets with nicely -ironed tops OA
thcmgh they were ironed all over. 11111a
tiny bit of starch in rinsing water and Lim
garments will look glossy and waah easier.
K.eop windows, outboards, beds and leas
(dean, and put away all memento (.11(811 (1111
duty in whitey 1 that is, woolly stuffs or
heavy bric•a-brao. Put up cherisealoth
ourtains, pall up the carpets, stain or paint
the floore. Put linen coven twee the
furniture, and try and rest and take what
comfort you eon, for life la short.
Of ell things, don't got hot incals three
times a day. John's second wife won't, do
it, and I don't propose to kill myself and
give my John a, chance to 10%'0 1301110 other
woman. I ean very selfish as to that, for
after twelve years of married life, and six
babies, we love emelt other still. I know it
is terribly old-fashioned, but I like tho
Don't, forget to keep the babies healthy
and 000l and woll bathed in hot weather.
Let them make mutl pies and have a posy
goaden of their own, or give them posies
front your own garden. Don't forget what
comfort wo took with rag babies who had
blonde looks made of corn silk, and black
bead eyos and red yarn lips, and how we did
Jove them and our little wooden pail and
broken dishes picked up from many Malt
rade, 011, we were all babies once
Oare of Mead,
When the loaves of bread are taken from
the oven, stand them on their sides on the
bread-board.and cover with a dean bread -
cloth. A yard of heavy, tuibleached table-
cloth will make two bread -cloths. They
may also Ito made of the best parts of a
table -cloth that is worn too much to use 01)
the table, but these du not last very long.
Never 000 a oread-oloth for any other pur-
• ,,
TITLED LION-8LA.aREI. the northeru 01 1110 80110/084 111000 is 1
•-•-• H1111 ample sport, for anothel G anion Cunt.
It 14 singular that In all that ming,
hes been brought out regarding Sir Wit.
liam Gordon Cumming, leeway, laths
mention hos been matle of Gin most famoue
member of the family, Cordon Cumming,
the lion elayor. A bout :Of years ago We
eivillsed world rang with Gle ex Moat; of
Jou x AIGNI11.0.
Affairs in
In order the more suecessfully wary on
their war against the government, the
( ineurgente have appealed to the
WILL AND IlfAXIDE. %nu tears stood in Me eyea when 1 told hint
of Mantle. He did not, sey
IThe mixt day I wont to the postallico and
I saw Maude talking so earneetly to Will.
Will Wall a 11810801110 yOUllg 01041 and his Slut was oryieg, too, and it seemed to have
people were wealthy -I" ariattierate," some I& greot effect on him. I sow her [0071
ealloil them •-inul we could hardly blame coining down the ntreet, mid ['.0181111(1 11 '
Meude foe falling in love with lam. He liaal for lie W014 opposed to Will and forbade
loved her 1411100 Oley were children together. Maude to apettk to him.
Iltoualeyn George Gordon Cumming, who, Ilia grandfather lived Met acmes the road She wont hoine with me, anti 188 WO were .
European powers to be recognized RH tosur.. the German Emperor.
Pan"' ;smite, that DI that, timpowers shall mouton
I [00111 NI 11 011 0'S 110010. SO he easy her quite goiug she told me that Allen had bit the keting8 in honor of
often foe he Was 0.1W1Vykl going 10 Kee ilie WWII, and that mho had hopes for Will now. Nest week the L01111011 streets will he
withIliet rifle and 0 Sopoy SOVV8111,
tamed foe into the Dark Continent, and their aotioa as J1011/1 able under the eir• ,,,1,,s's i„„,.,,,,,,ipeoe She slope! to tea with ine, and after a
lad many a wila and 1,01110110 adventure, cumstances. As 11 10 thu neutrality which
Wo iieed to tome him a groat deal about I WAS 0001 W110 011011181 001110 ill 1/01 'Will. 1
That was before European eportemen began form part of the compact that bin,18 the
to Nook excitement, le African i I his lova for his gritielparento, and woilld wout on Mantling to my housework, and
sling "' family of nations, prevents any moinIter of
Gordon Cumming was the pioneer in that always ask lion how they . were gutting let the young people have it good talk to -
the family from furnishing those who retie!
110111, and his adventures have never heauf Rosiest constituted authority with arms, (donee. Ho never failed to goat us a, good 1(30(1801.
surpastatt in courage and danger by aril, o ammunition, supplies, in ellort, anything anower, for he was aa sharp as tacks, After that Maude seemed so happy. Slie
1118 suet:memo While serving in the Otat ras ,1 • 1 1 1 1
. 1(1081' . WIL8 S Imp. Is a . ler WAS 011 0
Will I II' 1- tl • e 1 would tali me nothing but that Will. was do -
1 1 •
Kaiser Wilhelm the AttraCtien-atildatoner
Loses ale Son,
Engliehmen will be mainly ()coupled for
ilays to come with various jousta and jun..
eavalry, Gordon Gumming mot and con-
quered the maiieloss lion of Asia, and he
desired to encounter the genuine Barbary
nuinerch of Africa, Obtaining a long leave
of abeence, lie took passage for the Rod
Sea, and landed in al assowah. For many
rebellious purposes. On the 0(11(1 110(111 to
recognize the &tangents as belligerents
leaves them fvee Lo purchase from miter
nations ally thing they may desire or require
The grounds upon 88 11183(1 the Chilton insets,
gents rese for this recognition are that they
months lie traveled In Africa, am""o" "'PI 1 tattled y poseeets Mae promotes, that they
and brutes about equally "AI"g•''' l'i'i id° have the support of the navy, and that their
was sometimes dependent on the caprice, of 8011011 WILS authorized by the Congress of
potentates who then knew 111110 00' nothing 188(1 As opposed to thio claim the 3011100 -
of Englishmen. But he novae forgot Mr cella government aro in a position to urge
Cumming motto, '1Cottrage"-and he that they have undisputed possession of the
coolness in foam of danger was his safe- Capital and the prtheipal port ; that the
guard,army 1s51111 loyal ; the 1 most of the pre -
It '.'an in Doh Foor that Cordon Cumming vinoes recognize their authority', and that
mot 1)101 110(111)' proved the conoluding inci- the new Congress sell Mil takes the place of the
dent of his career. The Sultan of Doh Foor ono that irregularly deposed President 13a1-
8008 a alahomodan, and he coneeived tho maceda is favorable to the government and
idea that Cumming WM au emissary from has condoned the extraordinary action of the
Egypt to spy out the land for future con. President in prolonging the credits fur the
quest Cumming AVM seized th0. moment military budget which the Chambers had de -
that his arrival in Kolibe, the oapital, had clined to vote as necessary wader the eh,
been reported to the Sultan. Ilis pleas to cumstances. In view of this strong position,
be brought before that ruler 8001,13 0111100(1011, though the Powers eau hardly avoid feeliog
He was an infidel,which " w 01100(311, thatlalinacedu, has itetecl in a high.handed
and a suspected spy, which was inot:e than and dispotio manner, and is himself largely
enough, to justify his dear,K Cumming was to ',faint) for the present state of affairs, it
being hurried to the bazaar, to be exeouted, is not likely that they will grant the desired
When, fortunately for him, WILB heard tho vecoomatica. Nor is it desirable that they
's call to reyer. Gumminwog, h
0 shmild, since in that ease they would be only
was a man of great strength and etature, lending their aid m perpetuating a tratri
suddenly dropped on his knees, dragging cidal war that has already done inealoulable
his captors with 111111, tad began 011 earnest
&vow don in the best Arabic. Tho story
was carried to the Sultan, who had con-
demned him unheard. The despet ordered
Cumming brought before him, end liked
him so well that he wished to detain him in
his capital. The traveler tore himself away
ass quickly ea possible, and plunged again
into the forest.
Gordon Cumming killed, during his Afri•
canau ventures, altogether about thirty lions,
pose, and see that it is frequently washed. and he 11(000AI-wino with hint the skins of a
A tin box with a close-fittie cover is the
dozen. He onoe rescued from the jaws of a
huge male Bon a native whom a 80il0 carry-
ing off. Afraid to use his rifle at any dis-
tance for fear of killing tho man, Cummins,
dashed boldly in face cif the brute, and triea
to fire, almost touching its skin. The lion
dropped the mem and leaped for Cumming
just as his rifle was discharged. The bull t
intssed the eye, for winch It was amied, and
breaddiox 111 a cool, dry place. All bits of struck the lion in the shoulder, slightly, lam -
stale bread should be thoroughly dried, then big, but not disabling him. With a blow of
rolled, sifted and stored in a tot box for use
, his paw the lion dashed the rifle to earth.
in 'breading chops, e I
o, oy,stevs, etc., am) C0111111111g, by 8 dexterous apring, escaped
for puddings. 11 1180 bread is toaeted brown the force 0( 1110 leap, and before the lion
befere teating, it is &tie ill soup. could 1 mover sufficiently to seize him, he
grasped its mane with his left hand, and with
the right drew his hunting knife. The lion
tried to shake him off. Over and over they
rolled together, tho lion tearing at him,
while Cumming p&nged the knife at evoey
opportunity 1010 11(0 animal's body. At last,
he streak a vital part, and the struggles of
the lion grew weaker. Cumming: rose from
the erouncl immersed in blood, both his own
hese to keep bread in, but 1110 bread must
not be put away until it is entirely cold. Do
uot put fresh brood into the box with stale,
but clean the box out and wipe it well be-
fore puttieg in the broad. It slices of bread
are left front the table, lay them together
evenly and slip them Into 0 paper beg before
putting them into the Keep the
Reliable Recipes,
COCOANUT CANDY. -Take 0110 101(30 grated
00101111(11 01(111 un e and one-half pounds granu-
lated sugar, Put the milk of the cocoaroat
togetner with the sugar into (1,1)81.010 (adding
fl little water if the milk- be scant) and bent,
001 81.181081 IliWy01% and meld think of more
sharp Gauge to my thae any ono 1 know of,
and we all spoke ofs Will 0088 " a chip from
the ohl Wools,"
Maude was lovely girl and always so
happy. She had pretty blue eyes and dark
hair, whith made her more interesting than
ever. She had a slitter Nell, and they timed
to be inseparable, It made no diflorence
where ono was, the other wee sure to be
More too, Ina Nell felt in love with a Mee
(armee and WaS 11080 ol11 on his farm as his
wifitleIande seemed so lonesome when Nell
left, and it was no wonder elle got nioro
attached to 'Will, for lie made it a point to
be a greet sympathizer at this timo ; not a
tlay went by that he did not call to take
hee for a drive 01 01 walk,
Her parents were not wealthy, but were
comfortably well off. and we thought it
would be such a smell match for Will and
Maude to marry, tor 11 would bring two nice
families into closer friendship.
About the time we thought the happy
day WEIS set, a young man maned Len ALleu,
who had been out' West for some time,
returned home. He had not had an extra
good name before ho left, but he came book
so fashionably dressed and cut such a dash
that the boys took right up with him. I
could not help feetirg sorry when I saw
ham) to the country, especially along the Will going around with him 50 (110011, Some.
coast, and has brought rum to many a pros. how I coula not feel that Allen was as good
tames trader and merchant. Instead of as he might be, and I was afraid he would
such recognition humanity demands that, the lead Will astray, for he was young end full
civilized nations shall unite in an effort to of life and I thought easy to fail in with
bring the unseemly and deadly strife to an the ways of any one be was in company
ond. Already the American Ministerat San- with.
tinge has attempted to mediate between the It was but a shut time until we noticed
government and the insurgents, and has sug- Will did not (30 10 see Maude as often as
gested an anniotme followed by the pro- he used to, but that he seemed infatuated
&emotion of a general amnesty and the with Allen and was with him all the time.
election of a new Congress empowered to 11101(0011 Maude began to look troubled
revise the Constitution. Though his pro. but when. Will would come to Me her she
postas have not been regarded with favor would seem brighter for awhile, so Isuppose
by either party it is believed by some that he told her he bad good excuses for not
if Balmaeoda could be assured that goieg to see her oftener -that work or
his executive authority would be recogniz- business matters kept him away -and, of
ed during the remainder of hie term, and course, she believed him,
that 1)8 80011111 not be liable to impeachment In a few weeks more I noticed that lie
and legal reprisals, and if the Insurgents did net call to see her any more, and that
lvere informed that recognition of their bet. she was looking so pale and sad, and one
ligerent rights is impracticable so long as day 1 just could not stand it any longer, so
they me not prepared to take the field in I asked her to tea and thought I could
Central Chili and advance upon the capital find out, the trouble and do the beat .1 could
&compromise of the kind suggested could be for her.
brotglit about. The 00.50 at any rate is She said she would come 81111 seemed
suflielently grave to demand an earliest and pleased to do so, as it was a change and it
honest effort to bring the WM' to an end. took her thoughts off a little from " my
Referrine to the geeat sensation over the Will " as she used to (41,11 111111.
notorious Tranby Croft game of cards, the After tea was over we were sitting by the
Rev. Dr. Paekee, of City Temple, London, door when who should
pass but Will and
remarked in a sermon recently -e 0taAllen.
man or a W01181 connected with threoent
" Hello, Maude, fine evening," cried WilI
baccarat 0000 0)11100 out with the elightest hi a rather thick voice, and saw she but
honor. There is no chivalry among gamblers . barely nodded to him, and stepped back into
Without disputing the verdict, it is impos• the rooin and burst out (trying
slowly until the sugar is melted. Now, and the lion'e, but not fatally injured. Orem sible not to think that Sir Wiln Gordon
boil for five minutes, then add the cocottuut, that day the natives thought that Gordon. eummine was very Ineanly used, and not 1800111 to her putting my arms around
which has been finely grated, and boil ten Cumming hove it charmed We, He was the her ami asked her to tell me her trotibl
only man over kuown to them to come out
alive from a Mose encounter with a liou.
Gordon Cumming had high respect for
the animal which he selected for his older
antagonist. He says that the lion is rarely
a coward, mid that the (not that it sometimes
retiree at the presence of man is not owing
to fear, but indifference. The safety of the
hunter depends on his ability to hold the
eye of the lion until ready to shoot. Then
the shot must bo unerring, or all is
lost. Cumming always aimed between the
eyes. Rio rifle carried a heavy bullet, suf.
Meta to crash the lion's at two hun-
dred yards. Cummitig, however, always fired
at a much shorter distance.
Another bold hunter of more recent date
is Lord Arthur Kinnaird, noted for &sad -
ventures in the mountains of Aleria. Lord
Kinnaircl there encountered the Numidian
lion, accustomed to prey upon men, and not,
like his brothel: of the forest, regarding
mankied as a ram and, from a victualling
standpoint, a doubtful curiosity. The Num-
iclian lion is alincet always 0 manaitter in
preference to anything else, and he gathers
in enough to sustain himself from the waifs
and strays of tho Aral° villeges. Sometimes
Ile bas been known to attack a slave CILVFIA.R11
011 its way to Fezor Mequince, scatter the
escort and carry off ono of the captives,
Lord Kintuard statianed himself in the
inountains at Arbil, between the Little De•
sert and the Great Sahara. The place WaS
thoroughly infested with lions. The Arabs
did not dare to leave tho village after night-
fall, and the fierce brutes would sometimes
enter the villege itself in searuh of Inman
victims. When Lord Kinuaird took up bis
abode among the Arabs they related to him
pitiful stoties of the straits to whielnthey
had been driven by the inameatevs. He
said that he would do Inc best to clean the
neighborhood of the scourge. He kept his
Lord Kinniardclid not accoinplish the task
unaided The vhole village was drilled to
obey him, and they assisted not only with
willingness, but also with courage that offect all their after lives,
Kinnaird lual not expected. When 0 If the qualitim of love and tenderneas, of
was believed to be about, a goat, a. calf, or a thoughtful care awl unselfishness AVG lacking
nrowded with thousands of people running
at liia heels): Despite squabbles in the very-
emu:test set, and licartburnings over fall -
wee to got invited to tha Court (ammonites,
the word. has Leen mewl among those peo-
ple who continuously depend upon Royal
duo commence:I keeping company with patronage for their social preatige, that the
Deo Reid, youeg man whom latIter W80 Queen regards it a matter of the first int-
portanee that no pains or oxpense shall be
did everyone, at f00 Rile WOU Id not
spared to make a favorable hnpreeeion. oe
the yoang monarch. One story going round
s that the Emperor intimated, in a manner
which could not be miaunderstood that he
hoped certain persons of high degree whoso
names have been unpleasantly associated
with the Prince of Wales would not be in-
vited to the Marlborough House garden
party. This request raised what at first pro-
a mordant of our race, I wondered, as '
listen before of going with any other young
mut but Will. 01 courao we wondered how
Wilt would take it, but he WILS enjoying
himself, as he woe taking Mina Hood twery•
whore, Not a, (lay peetem but whet we maw
them together, either buggy riding or walk-
Will commenced :studying law with his
father. Ho told me how sorry he was for
how he had anted, but mid Alton had suet!
all influence over him, aud it didn't stop mi-
ld Allen hail robbed him of everything,
money, name, friends and all. But now he
was trying to make amends.
It was whispered around that Maude and
Reid were to be married. You know how
a story like that gets started. I would not
believe it, for I knew she thought too =loll
of SVill, but I could not understand what
what was going on. I knew alautle's father
W05 so against Will, and he threatened to
put hint out of tho house if he ever came
near. I behave he would as soon kill 1Vill
as not, if he saw hint going with Maude,
the least by these responsible for the gambl-
ing and so-called hospitality. Why all the
pother about cheating when the Dow itself
is a complete fraud? Such gambling adds
sunray to the throne. Long liva the
Queen." Others besides 1110 10010118 London
divine will be perplexed to perceive any real
distinction in moral quality between the
twin offences, cheating and etealing,
minutes longer, stirring the candy constant. saying that I would be a true friend and
ly to keep from scorching. Pour on butter- perhaps I meld help her.
ed plates and cm in squttros when dono and " 011, clear," sobbed she, "its just does
allow it to dry and harden for a couple of not mem possible that he 0011 be my Will
daya. of whom I was so proud, and to think how
BUTTER Semees.-Dissolve one pound of happy we were until that Allen came."
migar in one•half pint of cold water. Rub • But what is the matter with Will and
one pound of butler into three pounds of what has Allen done?" I asked.
flour, mix with the sugar and water and odd "You know how intimate Will has bean
one teaspoonful of dissolved soda and three with Allen lately. He stopped coining to
eggs. Roll out, cut in small cakes and bake. see use, and oh, how I worrted about him
but never suspected anything wrong until
CONN CANE. -Sift two eups of corn meal, one day my father said he lout heard that
one cup of wheat flour, two tablespoonfuls of Allen was a gambler and drinker and that
sugar, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar. he was taking Will with him as fast as he
With milk dissolve one teaspoonful of soda, eould and mid that he wanted the engage -
and add this together with two troll beaten ment broken between us for he could uot
eggs. Make just thin enough with milk allow his daughter to keep nompany with
to pour into well greased pans, and bake in any such person.
O pretty brisk oven. . "I asked him if I could not try and get
BUNS. -Break ono egg into a cup: and fill Will to stop -that perhaps he would for my
up with sweet milk. Add one-half oup of oaks. I mad not believe that, it was wand
yeast, one.fourth of a cup of butter, three- wanted to ask Will. Father saw it made me
quarters of a cup of sugar, and flour enough feel so bad so he EAU if he SW Will he
to make a soft dough • let rise until light; would tell hint to call and that I WEIA to tell
mould into biscuits, lel rise a second time : him if he did not i dorm right away that he
then bake. would have to stop coming to his house and
000101m. -Two cups of sugar, oue cup of our engagement cease.
butter, three eggs, not quite a teaspoonful of " You know when father makes. up his
soda, dissolved in two tablespoonfuls of mind to anythinee it is hard to make him
water ; nutmeg to Mete, and flour enough to °bongo it, and if he got right angry at any
roll out soft. Cut into cakes and bake in a one he would as soon kill Mon as not, I 10/10
moderately hot oven. afraid of father and thought strange that he
at:moo-Mix with two-thirds ore, pint of would even give Will 0. trial, but I guess ho
milk half a pound of melted buttee, and was sorry for Inc and Will's folks,
flour enough to make a thick batter. Add " When IT ill came that evening I asked
three tablespoonfuls of yeast, and set in a him if it NVLIS SO. Re flew up in a minute
warm place to rise. When light beat two and talked so terribly about hither, me, and
eggs with half a pound of rolled sugar, add evory one, and said ta could attend to his
mud enough flour to mold out. Let them own business and wanted me to attend to
my own, I tried to huah him up and plead
oue teaspoonful of salt, one of onnuonon,
rise and bake in about quarter of MO hour. with him but it slid no good, and I tolat him
BSEF Seise,- -Take four pounds of the skin our engagement would have to be broken.
of beef, four quarts of wateazix onions, four Re did not seem to oare and I actually think
carrots, two turnips, all chopped fine. Pep. be was glad. I knew the drinking story
per and salt to tame. Put lihe meat to boa, was so, for I oould Lanett whiskey on bio
and 111 the end of four hours add the vege• breath, and oh it seemed iliy heart would
tables and oak for ono hour longer. break, for I had been so proud of him, Be
is clanking this maim., orifeau tell by the
water until tender. Adcl to it 011 equal way he looked and. octal,"
BAIL011 CODIONIL-138i1 the fish in clear
quantity of mashed potatoes, one tablespoon. Poor girl, I did not know what to do for
fol of butter, ono egg, popper and salt. Put her. I wanted. to advise her but did siot
it in a, baking dish, brush over with beaten know 11010, but I told her she must not woery
so that she was looking sick and it would
egg and bake a light brown. intik() her parents feel so bad and told hor
LIMON SAVOR SOO STEASIND PVDEITINIS..-.• 10 try to he her old self again -that 111)1111(3181
Boil ono cup of sugae in two cups of hot 11(080 weeks in 1.11000111111'y with her sister
water for five minutes; add theee table- would do her good.
spoonfuls of cornstarch set in a little cold She Well 1 0111 10 N011'S tho next day and
Sow What You. Would Reap.
The one unpleasant thing about life on too
many farms is that the work is never done.
There is no vacation, no time for recreation.
This is hard enough for any one, but it is
doubly bard for the boys and girls. If they
could have a half day often to go fishing,
nutting, riding or visiting, life would be
much brighter for them, and they would not
he in such haste to leave the farm and crowd
into the cities, leaving father and mother
alone on the farm in their old age. I have
heard parents say, with plide, of a boy
fourteen or fifteen years old "He does a
man's work on the farm," never thinkiug
that this meant that he WU (10111g 100 1110011
work for a boy, end that by the time la was
twenty-one he would be stoomehouldered
and stiff -kneed instead of strong and vigor.
ous foe his life work, which ought then to
be only earnestly begun.
311080 seen some parents who seemed to
think that the sole object of thole children's
existence was to 80811 011 then), and did not
consider that a child can grow weary as well
as themselves. The farmer would know
bettor than to put a young colt to as steady
and hard work ae he does his horses, but he
is careless with his boys. Of course, every
ohild 01005 14 duty to his parents, but parents
also owe a duty to their children. While
children ought to work according to their age
ond strength, thoughtful oare should bo
taken that they are not overworked, and
that they have the needed time and oppor-
tunity Tom play and rest. Their life is all
befoee them, and if ovetworked now it will
A row weeks after Maude went to. visit
Nell. She often went out to help her with
sewiteg. I met them 0,0 they were going out
and asked her how long alie intended to
stay, Mo.
The Sunday after she left, Will paesed my
house in a buggy. Ho was dressed in tip-
top style, and whelk he shoute11 good morn-
ing mid bowed so nine 10 1110, he put me in
mind of the W111 that used to be.
That afternoon I wits so surprised. One
of my neighbors told me that Oho had heard
that Will and Maude had gone to Berryville
and were married, and that her father was
terribly excited, and had just gone to
town to get a revolver, saying he was
going to 11-111 Will. He ran around like
a mad mau all the afternoon. When he
got angey he never had any sense, but he
was always sorry in a little while, and I was
in hopes soine one would tell 07111) 11111 Maude
to stay out of town for that evening.
Ile wout to 111118 home, where a crowd
had gathered to 1800110 11)13 bride end groom,
and stayed around the gato welling for
Some one did go and tell them, and they
stopped at the firs( house they came to and
staid until the next day.
Maude's father found out it would dr) no
good to make such a fuss about it, and hav-
ing got over his mad spell, he sent word for
them to eonle and spend Tuesday with him,
%viten be gave them a grand welcome.
He thinks 11080 (10)1 ‚(‚7111 15 just splendid,
and since the baby boy oame and calls him
grandpa, he wonders why ho was so against
the inarriage.
Will has a lovely home, aud with his dear
Mande and the sweetest, bestest and most
precious baby in the world, he is a very
happy man.
He is now one of our best lawyers, and
was nominated last week for mayor. We
are sure he will be elected. Although he is
young, I think he svill make a good officer.
Oh, yes; I came near forgetting to tell
you of Mr. Reid and Mina Hood. They were
niarried last week, with Will and Maude
standing up with them. It was a big affair.
So you soo no hearts were broken, a041
think a is a, good time 10 stop. Don't you?
worlaless hoese woe tied, as a, sort of bait,
near the mall that the lion WM likely to
purser). The lion, 11111 came, W41.0 not, then
interfered with. Its visit was made at
night, and, no matter how pitifully the
victim cried, the marauder was allowed to
walk off with it. Early on tho following
molting everybody turned 0111 0,1 the chase.
Tho lion WAS traced to his liar, gorged and
(rapid with the feast of the previous night.
Lord Kinnaird thon made short work of the
brute In this way he nearly exterminated
tho lion's career in that part of Algeria.
The Pvinee of Wnles 1110001( 10 soniething
of a Nimrod, and disploye a tiger skin which
represcuts creditable pima of hunting in
India. It wan in Hyderabad that the Prince
otted his tigee. Ile woe mounted on a
in the parent's treatment of Ills Oilmen,
these qualities wilt not be apt to spring
spontaneously into 1110 11001110 Of 1110 chil-
dren when that parent is old and dependent
upon them for orate
Panels by .Post,
Apropos or the parcels post treaty with
11103100, Jamaica, Barbadoos the Bahamas, in trouble. Bis mother was nearly crazed
Britleh .11 onduras, the Stoolivich and Lee. at the Omega. His father would talk to bicycles merely tor pleasure may be q u ustio 11 -
ward Islands, Colornbia,CostaRica,S'als'ador him but MI tor no good. liewoult1 premise ed, unless it can be easily controlled and
and the Danish West 10(1111 fallouts, which te be better, then when he would gel with! Itept at it slow rate of speed, Amending to
ing elevon.pounds in weight awl three feet Allen and Will attended 8c110011
provitlos 11181 unsettled pack0ges not exceed- Allen he 000111011 10 forget all promises.
a stalling pedals equals about forty miles en hour. If
Mr. &wallow, thirty 111101108 IL 11)1)11100 011 3.110
MX 11101100 III length may be sent in the moils a few miles 11.0(11 10)11111110 night and I guess I machines of this sort aro to go cavorting
for lOsa a pound, the Philadelphia PPV812 says they wore both intoxicated, for the um tday alinut the (ternary at oven that late, nese
?logo elephant, whiell made Ilgoe:Inniting that " a system or international commerce they were earested fordisturbing 11(0 1)101.00. I problems in highway regulation aro 10 1)0
pleasant 00000 ooeopi, fop 00 010p11,111 1. 15 developing ramdly, especially with ilow bad we all felt, aml I jtat natio up solved. On the other hand, 11 111000 machines
'rho boaters undtentionally drove the tiger Mexico. A few ditys ago the upper half of a my 'Mud T. would lo and. talk to Wil1 and.' 01011 bil propelled on prepared roads al 6 111.11011
water, Boil all for ten minutes, thou add
the juice tool grated rind of rose lemon and
one tablespoonfel 01 1)1(11101, Stie mall the
butter is molted and serve at once.
Mee WAvetes.-Ono cup 0( 1)011013 rico,
one pint of milk, 1800 0(3(33, hotter the size
of walnut, half a tottspoonrul Of tioda, ono
toasp000fta of cream of tartar, one teaspoon.
fel of salt,. flour sufficient to maim a thin
batter. Bake in waffle irons.
COCOANUT CAKIN. -Two eggs, oue cup of
white mow, one-half cup of swoet
smarter of 00111) of butter, ono end a, half
cups of flour, one end a half teaspoonfuls of
balcilig powder. Bake in a moderato oven
in pans about one inch deep. To prepare
the dessicated comanet, boat the whites of
IlWO eggs to a, stiff froth, add one cup of
pulverized sagas, and the coecianub after
soalchig it in boiling milk, Spread the
mietueo batsmen the layers of tho cake and
over tho top.
I was so glad, for Will W110 getting deeper
:niseib to be a Mee li domestio row, because
fleveral invitations had been issued which
eould scarcely be recalled without awkward
explanations, but the Prifteees of Wales's
ready tact bas proved equal to the emer-
genoy. Everything now looks harmonious
tor this particular tete. The strictest pre.
cautions will be taken by the police and
military to prevent any hostile demonstra-
tions in the streets towards the Imperial
guest. He is perfectly safe with Englishmen,
among whom he is personally popular, but
there are crowds of foreign Anarchists in
London and a gooti many Frenchmen of a
type more or less approaching insanity. A
great many things may happen before next
Saturday to quite upset the plans arranged
with so much care, and which, so far as to-
day's journey from Sheerness to Windsor is.
aoncerned, were carried out without much
The death of Gladstone'. eldest son is 11111
event of little public significance exoept boo
the effect it may have on the Grand Old Man
himself. He is in no physical condition
now to stand worry and trouble. The re-
ports which have reached his friends from.
Lowestoft for several days have been.
anything but encouraging. It was with
10(110 apprehension that the news of Mason's
death was broken to him. The old man re-
oeived tho information very quietly, though
he visibly trembled for some seconds aa
though stricken with a'sudden chill, Then
he insisted upon returning immediately to
London. His medioal man and the two or
three friends who met him at the station
could not conceal the fact of the effects of
the shock, which obviously quite destroyed
what little benefit he gained during his stay
at the seaside.
Two Miles a Mintte.
A one -wheel cycle, eight feet high, that a
greenhorn mu learn to ride in 010(110(0, and
then write his name in the dust with 11 111
fifteen feet of space not to mention a speed
ottpisoity of ttvo miles in sixty seconds on a
good track, is theastonishinginventionwhich
Victor &ranger of Worcester, editor of .14
dourrie, de 1r oree.vier, claims to have produc-
ed. after two years of hard work.
Lost week, he 018)15, 1110 brother 10 1(10011001
rode the phenomegon 73 miles in one hour
on an ordinary highway, and that wee at
the rate of 11111011 more than a mile a minute.
Mr. Beranger himself, on a wager of $100,
svill leave Worcester some day next week
in the presenoe of a ntunber of witnesses, so
he says at the some time the new "Chicago
flier 'on the Boston and Albany Railroad
leaves for Boston, and he promises to arrive
at the Hub at least 15 minutes before the ex-
press train reaches there, notwithstanding
that ho will have to teavel 66 miles by high-
way as against 44 by rail. If he does it, in
the face of the fact ahat the highway
between NVorcester and Boston is in no
way simpered for such a lightning trip.
"alonsionr" will have furnished the world
the biggest sensation possible short of an
matted 'flying machine. Mr, Bovanger may
be au enthusiast, but he has made applioto
tans for patents in eve countries, and hie
p111001 111 this country is already assured.
The new oyele will certainly make tho fur
fly in"bika ' circles 11 111 goes, for it will be
sold for 570, and its weight will be about
fifteen pounds less than the ordinary P71811'
101010 " safety."
The &sonar chains. that to propel his ma-
chine requires from seven to ten times loss
power than is required on the ordinary
bicycle. Indeed, the difliculty ho seems to
fear moot is a vast exems of power, which
will make the machine minianagemble to the
ordinary permit through its terrible spoot1
1(1(10 one wheel oyele, according to the in-
veutor's deeigns, is practicable, its avail-
ability for people who nowadaya ride
too nem! the PrillooIe With eml- cartiage,divitled into tWolvo sonavate Peek: perhaps told I) in how Maud 800.0 1001'. glOttlOr speed. Gam is attained by locomm
den leap the fame animal planted its olaws ages, was sent from St. Louis to Motile°. eying herself to death about him he would tives, the commercial oprirtunitios for
in tho flank of the elephant, Whieh trumpet- Over a thousand pounds of movohandiso
ed 'entity in agony and fear. The Prince,
With admirable coolnem shot the tiger
through the brain. Ware/mod deed, a
magnificent apechnen of the Royal 'Bengal.
Africa is becoming more and move popular
with sportsmen, so moo11 so that both Got,
mans and 'British have (battled 10 180010
striugent rogultaions in regard to the killing
of ante Those regulatione, if observed,
them may be immenect aa, meanwhile
try to do beam.
Alion pleaded edify to tho charge, but , Mr. Bet:anger 11118 to dentonetmto to the
NVill Mill 110 8000 1101(30111(3 to for ho did not world the meccas of his invention.
do anything out of the way and so ho wont
thAtt41,8.1311:y largo crowd of people wore in the 11 11(10 boon estimated that ono ton of cord
ourt•home Netter; the trial came off, and gives anon 11 8111111011ift 1/0 &rash about3011et
Nvore trausnotted by parcel post during the
month of Marell, being four times the video
ot such business for -January. All the secur-
ity extended by the Government to the
regular motile is given to the pareal oat
system, and packages me delivered w are
any of the governments above inentiened When they brought Ina verdict, of not, guilty of °redone photo, the present value st winch
have post onions, either by rail, coach, horse .31(0101' hoard smolt (dapping of hands, stamp ill alma '2 per ton, and there being ton
CI:oust Biacrit.-.1.1to cupe of or -nom ov foot." This system is about two yeas iug of feet, Me. Wo all went to Will and million tone of eottle annually 1 fee
(00111), one tottspoonful 01 soloratue, pinch of may save the elophaot, lion, and other largo 0111, and IlltelY to aeeeffilmelate Wolf shook his hand, thinking it would do hint gee, no less than 3e3, POO (.011001 01n1311101
Stab 81111 pinch etogar, Hone enough (10 10111 (30800 118111 beinsexternsiuMed. 1111t, in the Wall le 11081' 1118110 IOU 0e01pro0ity.-[11md• good, 01810003.
of the money value of 1.:1,607,148, Itto 101»
quite soft. Wandered regions of the Soudan, atid along etreoCe• I got to talk to billl 0. little by himself,
The Railway Brigands.
All trains travelling from Constantinople.
to Believe and. tiee 001118 100, states p Viestrusa
correspondent, now carrying au armed
escort of 20 soldiers,. A telegram reports
Anasta,sius, the brigand chief, to have told.
Freudiger, the kidnapped engine driver,
that he had received information so 1.0 the
number of passengers in the train which he
and his men waylaid. A telegram was sent
him, he says, with the words, " Eight bar-
rels (i, e., passengers) are coming." The
question is being asked, Who sent this
telegram ? The directors of the Eastetu
Railways are anxious to defend their ser-
vants from all charge of complicity, but
there is not a newspapse in this country
that has hesitated to :express the opinion
that the outrage at Tcherkesskeui could not
have been perpetrated unless the brigands
had confederates either among the railway
servants or among the Turkish officials. .A.
correspondent who professes to be thorough-
ly well informed as bo the management of
the Turkish railways, says that the precau-
tions taken for the safety of passengers are
absolutely inadequate. Whereas in Hun-
gary the beat of a railway watchman or'
01(311011)118(1 does not exceed two kilometres,
it extends on the Turkish lines to four and
O half kilometres. The watchmen have no
apparatus for signaling, no bells, no discs.
If anything goes wrong they cannot com"-
munioate with each other nor with
the nearest station. The stations are 36
kilometres apart. The correspondent adds
that nine ont of ten level crossings are left
open and unguarded, and he remarks that
att.oks by brigande on stations, goods de-
pots, and signal houses have been of frequent
occurrence, This last statement is borne
out by the Constantinople correspondent of
the Neuss Wiener Tagblatt, who alleges that
Herr Von Radowitz, the German Ambassa-
dor, holds documentary evidence of thefact
that sinoe the middle of 1S89 there had been
no fewer than 71 armed attacks upon the
property of the railtvay company. That
journal adds :-" We shall never know the
whole truth about ,the affair unless the
brigands and their friends quarrel in divid-
ing the spoil. 1( 1110)1 share the plunder
fraternally we shall hear little more about
the business."
Two Neighbors and an Alarm Olook.
It happened about 6 o'clock one morn -
A man with a flushed face and attired in,
a white robe stuck his head out of a bayt
window and yelled ;
"Is that your alarm olook ?"
A snore Ives wafted through the windows
nf the next house, and that was the only
" I say !" yelled the mon again, "10 that
your alarm clock ?"
"IL& ?" mine a muttered response.
" Is it your cloak that's waking tho entire
uoighborhood?" shouted the 1111011.
"My clock ?" came the voice amtitt.
Then, after a tame 1 " Hold on a mintae
and see."
.3110180 draped lignee (tarrying a cloak apo
peered tho window of the next honse.
"Ily George ! it W11,8 my clock," it said.
1(11 1100181 8001110 to svelte trio."
IVell, it wakes me I" roared the first
'4 Anti then you get up end wake me,
roturnoci the othov, "That's kind. of
" Yes got up and wake 310)1, and soma
11100 I'll: throw a brick through that win-
dow l"
"No nonessity for that. You j11811 Wear
1)11110 and it'll mese me all right. Suppose
I leave this other 80111(1080 open, too. Thet
-would make it surer, you know, and I rout
get up at 6 o'clock. If you go away from
home you just let mo know and I'll pub the
olook whore it'll catch tho men in the house
on tho other side, so that boom yell (81 1180.
I want (.0make sure thing of it with ma
of you, for I never 1)0180 1110 (dock,"
Thee he milled in his head raid a boat.
jaok whizzeti by and ;Mattered a lamp -post..
015 the comer.