The Brussels Post, 1891-6-26, Page 5t
esnassar ,..- xlmtx usardame ava.ienw
3 )isttitt l anus,
At the vestry meeting in St. David's
°hutch here, L)r. Oalo,of Ethel, and Thos.
Smith, of the 11th eon. of Jelnm, were
eleoted overdone.
St. George's obeech lteld their pio-nit
in McDonald's grove en Wodneeday of
thirI week.
Wm. Neal, of the poet office store,
had a Dasa of goods broken into in Bens.
sale station on Thursday night of last
week and about $41 worth taken. Tho
thieves also took some biscuits belonging
to Wm. Smith. This watt hard on our
store keepers but the burglars most have
thought they could stand 11.
A. couple of weddings on the Lapin.
There is not such a thing as 0 Union
Jack in Atwood.
Dr. Rico was made the recipient of a
handsome top buggy by bis mother.
Rev. R. Paul occupied the pulpit of the
1%Iethodiet church last Sabbath in the
abeeuoe of the pastor,
On Monday evening of last week the
members of the L 0. G. T., after a ehot't
hominess meeting, called on Miss Minnie
Bristow. and presented her with a
beautiful dressing case as a parting gift.
J{JCort- s
Connell meeting next Monday.
Pio-hie in John Mooney's grove on
Friday of this week.
Rev. Geo. Jewitt is visiting relatives
and friends in this locality.
➢Liss Lizzie Meanders is home from
Zurioh. Miss Faust, of that village,
came back with bee for a visit.
Some great sport is enjoyed over base-
ball these evenings by the local clubs.
For seientifio playing we lay them all
Stone masons are busily engaged pot.
ting stone stabling under the barn on the
Strebton Nero, formerly owned by Mr.
A few days ago D. D. Wileon, of
Fergus, lost eight hundred dozen of eggs
through a runaway accident.
Soots and Seafot'th meet at Toronto
Saturday to play off the last football
match for the Western cup.
W. Pendergast will sail for England
per steamer "Cireaesian." He will be
absent for two months. We wish him a
pleasant stay end a safe return.
"Florence G." the celebrated pacing
mare of Coleman Bros., ie entered for a
nember of last razes in the United States
this season. She'll make the Yankee
flyers hustle if they beat her.
c•;• r cs v'.
School pie -nits aro in season.
Miss Lottie Hill lute gone on a holiday
trip to visit her sister et Bark's Fulls.
Marsden Smith has been at Wroxeter
for the past few weeks superintending
the,Gibson saw mill. There is no better
mill -weight in this country than Mr.
There will be a large represeutatiou
from this township to Brussels on Do-
minion Day, supposing only half the
members go who are talking about it.
We all want to see Cromwell walk the
tight rope.
Ire. Henry Tindall and two dhildren,
of Neepawa, Manitoba, arrived here inst
week for a visit at her old home. Mrs.
Tindall is a daughter of Wm. Habkirk's,
0th eon.
iaYto ve, I.
W. Godfee y, G. T. R. agent, has par.
chased the two story brink cottage and
lot on Raglan sbreet,owned by S. Whaley,
who is now in Manitoba.
J. R. Martin, of the Bank of Hamilton
in this town, has been promoted and will
go to Wingbam. '
Wm. Welch, pop manufacturer, had a
narrow escape from losing hie eyesight a
few days ago by the bnrsting of a pop.
bottle in his hands. A. small piece of
glass struck the eye, causing a lose of
sight for a time. As the sight of Mr.
Welch's other ere has been gone for
some time, he bad a close oall from be-
ing rendered totally blind. Fortunately
the eight of the injured eye is returning,
and he is able to attend to business again.
The town band paid a visit to Put.
land's at Gerrie, on Monday evening of
last week, giving him a house opening.
It is said that T. 11. Rolls is to erect a
blook of stores on the old Grand Central
site with offices overhead.
An exehahge says ;-Twelve exam -
Cone have been issued spinet G. A. Ros.
botch, to whom was sold about two years
ago the furniture factory at Listowel and
the warehouse at 56 King et. west, To-
ronto, which had hitherto been controll-
ed by Hees Brea. & 0o. The sheriff in
charge of the estate, and the creditors
have taken out as injunction to prevent
the payment of insurance companies of
Ioeses sustained by the fire which des.
troyed the factory at Listowel. Mr. Bos.
boob is unfortunate, having invested
heavily in the concern utter the destruu-
tinn by fire of the Strachan avenue Lao.
Thos. Agnew and family purpose lo-
cating at Neepawa, Manitoba.
Sons of Scotland is the name of a new
society seeking organization here.
Arrangements are being made by sever.
al of the societies in town for holding a
deooartion day.
Rev. E. W. Hughes is attending the
meeting of the Grand Lodge of L 0. G.
T., at Peterborough, as representative of
AOubor of Hope L' oige, of this town, and
W. F. Broakenshire as representative of
District No. 24.
The Bank of Hamilton opened an
agency in Lucknow on Monday and J.
0. Brown, of the bank here, will take
charge of it, his Ocoee here being taken
by John Niehol,well and favorably known
to business men in Wingltnm.
The many friends of John Baillie, lets•
ly conductor on the London, Huron and
Bruce bronah of the G. T. It.., will be
pleased to learn that he has been placed
in the responsible position of caretaker of
the stores department of the G. T. R. in
A Winghamite has a hon who milks
his neigghbor's cow. The hen is thoro.
tightwad brown leghoen. She waits un•
ill the cow lies down, then pate one foot
upon the cow's tont, presses down on it,
squeezes the florid Out and drinks it.
Title story nen be vouched for.
Rev, E. W. Ilughoe will proaeh a
co mitt! sermon to the Orangemen in
Blyth, on Sundayafternoan, July 12th,
Thos, Boll hes a number of men busily
engaged on the addition he le malting to
hie furniture factory. He expecte to
have the brick work under way in e.
short tine,
The work of removing the old Royal
hotel building front the Hite of the new
Bank of Hamilton building, was begun
lust week. Work on the new structure
will be commenced sltorbly. John Smith,
of Toronto, has the contract of the brick
and atone work, and Henry herr, of this
town, will do the carpenter work.
The Dothan estate paid 14 coati on
the dollar.
Rev. Mr, Stevenson, of Molesworth,
proctoltod in Knox nhureh last Sabbath.
Mr. Fraise, of Brussels, was busily
engaged last week trimming carriages
for J. J. Mitchell.
Dan. Sboiss cub a severe gash in Ills
foot with an axe which consequently con-
fines him to the house.
Qnite a number of our Royal Templet's
attended the garden party held in Ethel
iteb Thursday evening.
Rev. John Rose, B. A., of Bruseols,
will onottpy Knox Manch pulpit next
Sabbath afternoon at 2.30 o'oloolt,
The Council met at Zimmer's hotel
last Friday and was hcrgely attended by
those farmers who are interested in the
opening of the Bttshew creek.
The young people of Knox oUuvch
Sabbath school met last Monday evening
for the nutmeg) of arranging matters for
a pio-sic which will be held on Wednes-
day duly 8th.
Mrs. Wm. Spence, Miss Spence and
Willie were away fora holiday visit last
The garden party hold by the temper-
ance lodge, on L. Dobsnn'e grounds
last week was a decided success.
rarefy noxa -Last Tuesday Constable
Scott and Detective Bradley, of the G.
T. R., were in this locality looking for
Joseph and Alfred Kress, oharged with
trespass on railroad property. The
youths were found at a pit-nio at Atwood
and were arrested while on a swing.
They were brought here in Mr. Scott's
buggy in the evening and stopped at the
Burton hotel. The prisoners asked leave
to get a drink of water at the pomp and
Mr. Scott consented, thinking it was all
right as they were handcuffed together.
The constable stopped into the bar room
to get Mr, Burton to Bend his rig to-
wards IIenfryn to meet the detective
who was walking and on coming back to
the door found the Kreae walking off
west. He called to them to halt but
they broke into a run, down the side
street past the Orange Hall, pursued by
Mr. Scott and others. The prisoners got
into a little clump of bush and despite
the vigilence of the guard gave them the
slip and escaped, going south through
the river, fields end bush. A rig was
procured and the ohase continued but no
capture rewarded the effort. It was a
matter of surprise the gait Ste prisnnere
str'uek. They called at Peter McNeil's
and borrowed an axe from a boy and
severed the chain and were thea allowed
greater freedom. The prisoners are sus.
petted of burglarizing the Brussels
freight house and warrants aro out for
their arreet. They are 25 and 28 yeare
of age, respectively ; 5 feet, 10 inches
and 5 feat, 8 inobes in height; red hair-
ed ; dark clothes ; white shirts without
collars ; black felt hats. The suspicion
of their guilt is strengthened by the
daring manner of their escape.
Business good and weather lovely.
Rumor of a wedding pretty soon.
Brussels wont lose by it. Our loss will
be their gain.
W. L. Henry has disposed of his hard-
ware stook to Jas. Ohne ct Co., of Wing -
hum, who removed it to their plane of
Travellers travelling throughout Cana-
da say prospects are brighter for good
crops around this locality than any other
place they have seen.
The A. L. Gibson property here was
not sold, the offers not reaching the
prices fixed by the Inspector. Expect it
to be Bold by private gate shortly. ,
The fine, refreshing rains we have
been having lately have greatly added to
the appearance of the crepe as also they
have to the farmers' oountenanoes.
A party of Brussels sports take in our
town regularly on their frog fishing pare.
grinations. Our townsmen may some
day arise in their might and chastise the
offenders for robbing us of our oelebrat.
ed orchestra, "the Canadian band," al-
though there are enough and to spare at
Mrs. Geo. Willis, wife of Geo. Willis,
of this town, died on Monday last after a
short illness of rheumatic fever. The
funeral took place Tuesday last at the
Gerrie cemetery and was very largely at.
tended. H,er husband and children have
the sympathy of the entire community
in there sad bereavement.
The Listowel people are trying to ar-
range a game of base ball between the
"Unions," and "Maple Leafs,"of Guelph,
for the morning of July let. We hear
they have succeeded and Cruet to see our
boys come out with flying honors. The
"Unions" will be strengthened by the
addition of Jae. Paulin, of Owen Sound,
who is home again.
Quite a few business changes in town
lately. Messrs. Rae ea Dane have sold
out their business to Masers. Robinson etc
Dune, who take possession July 1st,
They have alto purchased the stook; of
Robinson & Lee and will join the two
stoops in the Mae block. Mr, Lee is
putting in a new stook in the store for-
merly occupied by Robinson dr Lee so
We will still have the same number of
stores and same businees managers,
barring Mr. Rae, who is out of it at
present. What his future intentions are
we have not le owned.
The O. P. R. has landed goods from
Toronto in Winnipeg, via the lalce, its
five days, end the wholesale merchants
of the Prairie City are duly appreoiativo.
James Sutherland, M. P., of Wood -
stook, has been re eleoted itoyai Ohielta n
of the Order of Scottish Clans. John
Falrgrieve war the representative of
Clan Fraser at Buffalo.
Mrs. Robb. Patterson, an old lady who
lives with her eon three miles north of
Vigil Bluff, sifter refusing to eat any-
thing fora couple of days, threw herself
into a well to commit suicide. 8110 was
remitted but nay die from the emote of
the shook.
The farncua Anaconda mine, Cal., has
been Hold to an English syndicate for
Rain hsa been plentiful in Manitoba
and all danker to the crop through
drought is now parsed.
The body of 1Prcynk patrnsand, drown-
ed in Latta of the Woods last month, has
been reooverod.
A Cleveland excursion trail jumped
the track last Sunday afternoon. One
man was killed and 30 injured.
Elton spent on bee soitoois lash year
$10,502, nearly fifty per dent, more than
any other townehip in the county. in
the matter of oontributing to the county
examiner, Elena is not yet at the top,
bat will tnost likely soon be put there.
The total valuation of Elena un the
equalized asesasment being $2,380,200, a
stun which is maraud only by Blanchard
and Downie. Elms is also the only
township to have three representativaa
at the County Council.
Mrs, Estelle Austin, Bat•num's strong
woman, who died recently in Woroaster,
wee if years old. She was it large ohiid,
and early developed remarkable strength.
,At the age sf 17 Inc forth was well round-
ed out, and she had axone and limbs of
good size, with Meeh and musolen like
ient. She mane to this country about
25 years ago and travelled with various
olruueos, finally entering "Barnnm's
Greatest Show on Earth" as the strong
woman, - She married Baron de Itallie,
"The man with the Iron jaw," an at -
boogie of the circus. He died in Fall
River about eighteen yeare ago, Mme.
Ausbin'e great feat was balanoiug on het'
shoulders and nook a cannon weighing 400
pounds, with et fall.grown man standing
on enoh end. The man would then leap
to the ground and the cannon would be
loaded. Then a little boy, her adapted
son, world mount the Dannon and apply
the fres, discharging the cannon, Mme.
Austin wee also an accomplished eques-
trienne. She used at times to drive
&ebt, fen or twelve horses in chariot
races. She was about o foot 10 inobea in
height, with broad shoulders, large arms
and legs, well-developed, head, and a
beautiful bice. She weighed 250. She
was noted for her kindly temperament,
and her neighbors speak of her with
great affeotian. She never bore a child,
but her fleet husband adopted bwo, since
her marriage to Mr. Austin they have
adopted another boy, "Jimmy" who was
bore in Boston 12 yeare ago, and still
lives with his foster father.
Curler and, by virtue of a power of sale nou-
tatued in a certain registered mortgage,
whish will be Or'othtned at the time of sale,
unit upon which default las been made In
payment, there will be offered for sale by
Public Auction at
The American Hotel, Brussels,
(5n Saturday, the 27th Day or .)ane, 1805,
nt 2 11'elock p. in.
The following valuable and desirable pro-
perty :--
PApaa'h 1, Composed of Village Lots, Nos.
000, 607,608 and 600, being part of Fishleia4's
Survey of part of Park Lot Lettered 'G"in
the 'Village of Brusnols iu the County of
PuI12, All that part of Village mote Noe.
a 0
100 end 107 on theVillage
nest of Blrlo e' Turnberry
street in said Vlllago of street
ofls, having a
frontage on Tuc'nberry foot of Ave13 feat on
lot 107 and Twenty -flue foot on lot 130 and a
depth of Sixty-two feet.
Parcel No, 1 consists of one sore of land
upon which there is an excellent new frame
story and a half house, stable, sheds and
woodeouse, There is a good orchard on the
promises and two good wells and soft water
eietoru. The property is well fenced and in
able 1 condition
residence tis o the VillagOf the e. desk.
Parcel No. 2 fronts ou the principal street
in tete Visage and is in a good business loc-
ality. 'There is a largo two story frame
building thereon at present occuuied as a
msohinmy warehosiso aid paint shop.
Parcel No.1 will be sold subject to a prior
mortgage upon which there is now due 5460
prinelpal with interest,
T0atte 00 SAnn.-Ten nor cont. of the pur-
chase money e111111 be paid (lawn on the day
of sale and the balance within thirty days
Further particulars and conditions will be
made known at the time of sale or muy be
had on appifeatlon to
F. S. SCOTT, or to R. L,T.AYr?It,
Auotionoor. Vendor's Solicitor.
T s Nature's effort to expel foreign sub.
1 stances from the bronchial passages.
Frequently, this causes inflammation
and the need of an anodyne. No other
expectorant or anodyne Is equal to
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists
Nature in ejecting the mucus, allays
irritation, induces repose, and is the
most popular of all cough cures.
"Of the many preparations before the
imbue for the cure of colds, coughs,
bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there
is none, within the range of my experi-
ence, so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral. For years 1 was subject to colds,
followed by terrible coughs. Abort four
years ago, wizen so afflicted, I was ad-
vised to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and
today all 'other remedies aside. I did
so and within a week was well of my
cold and cough. Since then I have
always kept this preparation in the
house, and feel comparatively secure."
-Mrs. L. L. Brown, Denmark, Miss.
"A few years ago 1 took a severe cold
which affected my lungs. I had a tor-
Tibio cough, and passed night actor
night without steep. The doctors gave
ace up, I tried Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral,
which relieved my lungs, induced sleep,
and &Forded the rest neeeesa1y for the
recovery of my strength. By the eon -
Mittel use of the Pectoral, a permanent
more was elfeeted,"--Horace rairbrobller,
Rockingham, Vt.
Ayers Cherry pectoral
mimosa Sr
Dr. J, C. Ayer at co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by ell Dmgglsts. Price $i; sir bottler, al.
A Bee in Your Bonnet,
1 have Combs, Frames and
Empty hives for Sale.
Alves are Well Made and Well Painted,
Price, 75e. Each,
8t11 Con„ Morris.
or write Walton P, 0.
Take a Bargain while you
have the chance, • 4s•21r1
Ilam andEggs!
Eggs have dropped in price, so has our
Large Stock of reline
All of Our Own Caring.
We also Mannfaotnre Bologna Sausage.
Patronize hone industry by calling on us -
Give me a call and prove the truth-
fulness of the above statements.
Wnl. Blashlll, Butcher.
ER. NaY'CL.arit,
M.D., 11.A., L.C.P.S.O.,
Specialist, - Toronto,
TolWrHAN Bpscaenm, Listowel, says :-
"Aftor spending all my money and property
to no pnr„ose on madded men, for what
they termed shapeless ease 01 consumption,
Pr, Sinclair (lured me."
Was. Many Sumatra, Woodhouse, says 1-
"Whon all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured
me of fits."
D. ItonnnTso5, Carleton Place says :-
"Or. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh."
Gnu, Rowan, Blyth, says; -"Dr. Sinclair
cured me of heart disease and dropsy, when
all others failed."
Diseases of Private Nature, brought on by
folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Cares.
Coaaeultatieaa Free.
Tuesday, July 7th, '91.
001 allte I
Paid for Wool at the
Listowel -
- 14311s.
We wish to call your at-
tention to the fact that we
still Want more Wool, and
we are determined to make
this wool season one of the
largest, for we have a. Tre-
mendous stock of Goods on
hand, It is necessary that
you should look around be-
fore you dispose of your wool
to see where you can make
the best purchases with it in
Bay in the Cheapest,
Sell in the Dearest.
Do not fail to come and
see our Large Stuck of New
Fine Flannels, in New Shades
and Patterns. Something '
Never Before Shown the Public
We have made up a lot
of Fine Halifax Tweeds, just
the thing for school boys.
We also have a big stock of
Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweeds,
Bed Blankets, Horse Blan-
kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts,
Cotton Shirting's, Cottonades,
Shirts and Drawers for this
season's trade, which we offer
Everybody should come
and tl'y our fine Grey Flannel
that won't shrink in washing.
and outwears the common
grey flannel sold the public.
Roll Carding, Spinning,
.Fulling and Manufacturing
Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets,
&e. on short notice,
B. , F. Brook & Son. l
300 yds. all wool Debeige 40112. wide at 25c. regular price 45e.
1000 Cashmore 46 47c. " rl
500 " Silk Finish Henrietta 4(i " " " (17c, `r " JOc.
25 pieces 40 in. fancy pattern Dress (jc,ods " 45c. " " E5c.
We are going to offer all our Dress Trim-
mings at exactly Cost Price.
10 doz. pairs Black Lisle Thread at 40c.
5 55 05
5 rr
We are also Sole Proprietors of the Ever -fast Stain-
less Black Hose Warranted not to Hide or rub oft
rr .r n „ 85e.
Balbriggans 28e.
Navy and Brown 30c.
price 70c.
" 50e.
" 40e.
" 40e.
4 doz. pairs Colored Jersey Silk at 20c. regular price 40c.
8 " " Lisle Gloves 12ie " 20c.
We keep the best makes in Ladies' Kicl Gloves in both
Black and Colored at 50e., 75e,, $1,00 and $11.25.
We have decided to clear the balance of oLir
stock of Parasols at Cost Price,
N. B.- Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange for Goods.
In Exchange for Goods,
The Highest Market Price will be Allowedi
Wo have a Five assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan-
kets, Sheeting, Knitted
Goods, Yarns, &o.
All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls .or
otherwise, will have our prompt attention.
SATISFACTION �& CO.,fiiT.ArR,.6e1 'TEEi�