The Brussels Post, 1891-6-26, Page 22 THE BRUSSELS POST. JUNE 26, 1891 •••••••••M... LATE BRITISH ‘EW sto. The 1,, mid looked itround, awl 88Ar 'Sullivan a mass of flames. She, with great ;promptitude, threw wtder on him, and sue !corded in extingeishing the thones, Sullivan • ;sees takee in a tereible eondltion to the cholt of teventy eittives of South Aide tribeleft for Loeclne last week to show t resmit of their etluetstion and meaning giving eoncerts. The Dnke of Argyle is 8, witness in a tri ist Dnmberton eonctorning a eerteen en re 1' eiteumetisel, in solteequence of havieg fee a testimonial of its rine in return ter 11 • treatment. . Hebert Turner, aged 3S, was found han ing on Taesiley morning in the dokeho under the steps of St. Alphage Chure Greetiveich, life being quite extinet. it eupposed thua the unfertunete Ulan CO/IMO ted suicide. The annonr•plated erniser Neleoe uhde went an unsatisfactory trial of her tnaehi ery at the mouth of tee Thames on Tnestla after being refitted at 0 cost uf 31140,000 1 service as; napless az Pertsmout le A fatal lire dent -red at the hairelresser ellup of Mr. Roberts, Gosport, on Tuesda af edema]. Mr. aud Mrs. Roberts left ti premises far dinner, and appear to ha \ forgettee that, their child was in the shot Wben they returned the plaee was i flames, and the deed hely of the child ws afterwards found. At Bodeen, on eatersie.y, Thennae tham, a Loy, W115 arena ,411,.1 ill a M10110118 belongirg to his employer, .11r. Jane. TO bay was hanging by A repe feutrt to bean W eon 3tuestioned about Ns:tenant's proem ed abeenee from the hoese, 0 young son t Mr. Jazte 11031 stated that he and es erthat hail been "playieg sit hanging," Ilene& th teareh made in the etorelionse The wild beast businese seems to be ver tive. Cowl Ilageebeek of the Ltnelo -ystal Pehtee lies daring the past yea ...reposed of 74ti lino, over ene tigers, ne 350 elephants tuttl is:tethers. ;teen ti us pet for a feuutle hippopetannte, Clam for 4. Ithi: 000108, end ;C;300 for a tapir. Lions ma iu price from 1240 up to Ceote A fine tig.. fetches C200, and a white beer oily :Mee Early on Tnesday morning alary An 3Io3nestic servant, was procealin to her place in Poplar wben she was follow ed by 'Moines 110W(1011, With WhOln site Int kept compeny. After vet:emitting a fet words Bowden, declaring the girl should uo jilt him as she had dole; auteher man, ut tacked her with IL knife and inflicted an in jury in the artn, ehe bladc breaking in ell struggle. Bowden escaped, but was arrest ed hie house atter 0 ilesperate struggle, it the nourse of whieh he tired as. a eonsteble and shot him in the side. Bowden wa chargee with the double serene tit Thames Police Cetera London ami retnitnci en for a Week. Operations will etenntenee elmost at one in connection with the iarm wheal "Gener al" Booth hest:emelt near eouthend for hi home colony. Ti;e General hopes before It starts on his tour lettnid the werld in July t have the colony i11 adValleed state. H. believesa that morg the people wito hav been swept eau tiarkest elugland, not it London, he will have no difficulty in fitelin an initial band of euitable colonists. Not withstentling the melancholy forebodings o some of " teenentl" Booth's midv is over 1,1 turning farmer. he is himself very coneniee that the vett- ere will prove a saceeee. A shockine merder was perpetuated on Friday at Gr&ftonstowli, neat Delvin, eounte. Westmestle A nom named William ivory shot his wife fatally, and then inflietet -wounds on his own throat that are expect ed to prese fund. tin Thursday night arm ed masked moceilightet's tivet severe shots at the reeitlenee of Jhn oReidy, at Mullen, aud then enterel fuel Fan!, swk al the house, taking away a small St1111 Of InOney. Reidy escaped uninjured . No arrests have been made. Lliza Jones, agel LI, left inr home in Fleets Street, Bootle, 011 e evonMg of the I 3th i»ste, aud tlid nut return. The follow- ing day she wrote to her mother to say that elle was ti' e1 of her life, and that she thought of drowning herself. Nothing has s'nee 'been heard of her, and herpnrems are in a, state of the utmost auxiety. The fol. lowieg 31eseriptien of her is Int -lashed by the police :-Height rather over 5 feet, fide com- plexion, end beown Itar ,• dre.ses dart - jacket and froek, tired felt hat trimmed with Sea ribbon, leads stockings, end laced boots, iinfirmary by the police, who helmeted Jere- ite midi lealliniut end John Bellinan, be; The ',apartment:0 Committee of the . British Board isf Trade and lanuel of Agri. al cultere, which wee apppointed to inteeire or: int.(' 010 E111,1113031011t10 cattle evade, bee just eli :nettle its report. The agues given to show ee the growth ot the trade are -interesting. In i 1 877 the Ottited States cern 11 ,5231 cattle 'and 1 3,120 sheep to British ports, while Canada sent 7,039 cattle and 10,875 sheep, eh In 1090 the funnel' eonntry sent over 2,94,• lee 3111 tetttle and 3s8,64 11 sheep, and Cenada te I 83,555 matte itnd 1 21 ,300 sheep. The report ileale exhaustively with the 1'11110118 CI 13011, tiU114 With regurd to the trade which have recently been so much diseassed, and the !general eonelusion to be drawn from it is Y.' thar, while the toos tal ls of cattle is still or; eoneiderable, ;tad is sometimes. iatended by 'meal sullerina to the :feint:Os, the n voyage loes 10 00 mparetively and is'deereas. 3,- ing 015,15g tO imprevements in tee vessele, le; *e ,Baron Gilves $15,000,000 to RzpeRetl t Russian Jews. n It has become very tiled that the Russian ' lovernment intends, se fay ne possible, te te 'destroy the prosperity el its Jewien tan and to drive it tea ef Resent, Aesere. ing to the 11 apologiets it is eilleS1i011 Id selie3lefense, the .1 ews being 'altogether too succeesfel in their commercial dea lings; ,f with the less auto people about them, and 11 ;at the sante time emitted:, to Is large extent, " the burdens of eitizenship. It is a (furious confession on the part of the vast empire of :Russia, under au autocracy, that one of its y mewee d at e po mee peoples sttees it. prosperity 11 that an extreme farm of political pereeeutioe r. ill4ti flea. That 81101 lb persecution has d been deliberat el' mitered 1131', awl will be a sareonoway carried out them is not the 1- slightest doubt. Life in Russia is to be y ma -de intolerable to the Jews, for tile ex. r pretest puree e of forcing them to emigrate ; they are to Ire so surrounded by restm et ions, "so emit in by liinitetione, that. they will re- " !use to stay. The various restrietions whieh g•we have enumerated many times in these columns are bein,g impesed every- where, while new -hardships ate studiously e 'added front time eo time. The Jews are 13 ' already s9 limited as to Opportunity, en put 1011. and location that it must be almost '.impoesible for the gaeat majority of them to e obtvin livelihoed. Moscow and Keiff have -; been added to the places in which they are :forbidden to live, and they are no longer to s3practice their nsual trades in any of the 8 cities of Old Russia. It is said that leany of them 1,0 accepting baptism for the suke " of diminiseing the hardships of their int, i without, ouwever, intending to surrender et their faith. .; one taken into account the fact that e there are about live Inillione of Jews :in e, Russia, the magnitude of the injustice which :the Czar is abott to inflict on this people c becomes apparent. Three tittles in their history the 'Jews 110.00 804» ford bly compel'. ed to change their teed of residenee-twice 3 front Palestine and once from Spain ; and a Russia is adding another tempter to this ei terrible stery. (inc province after ap- e other is being cleared of them, city after a (say is being elosfed ageiest them, occupetion ! after occupation is being prohibited them. They are to be driven 001 0.0 rutlilessly it, if ' the bayonet were behind them. It is loubt- '' less trne that the Russian Jews llama many , looked into the question believes for an 1 instant ehat the economic miseries of • :Russia are to be laid on the shoulders of its 'Jewish population. Ths charges brought -against '010111 81T, for the most part, saintly cloacks for race and religious antagonism. It . doubtful if so great a :race tragedy luta been seen since medirsval Tne miseries involved in moving : about a million women and three millions ' of children, to say nothing of uprooting pee :ples who have lived for hundreds of years in :Umpires:es from Which they are now driven, 'who are peculiarly dependent on their dem eiations and their communities, mem are ilieliked by every other count'ry to which they nifty go as emigrants, tire quite beyond the imagination. That a smealled Christian nation should be guilty et so base a brutality tie this ege of the woeld is (terns -hill' a mot e sel for pessimists. It might to be mention ed DI this connection that Berets Hits= r proposes In devote tile her:tense sum of $1 50 b 000,1ei0 to relieve his lelhasesountrymen in a 1suesm, by planting Jewieli eolorties. No location has, as yet, been fixed von t but 11 is; robthle that some province of Brazil 0,11) se ,dented. The great difficulty in the , ‘'ay of such schemes Bee in the inaptitude ) csf the .fettes for agrieulture, del their entire 1 lack of training and skill as colonists, Vincent Borg, 34, stoker, was at Clerken• well Police Court on Tuesday, iedieted for, while on a B&W' ship, having itesaulted Vinceut elide 111111 ceseasioned him bodily barrn. Mr. Lesley and Mr. Lawlees prose. cuted. Evidence was given showing that the prosecutor, who is a &mum on bo r 1 the steamer Anther, when oil'Ilarcelena, was asseulted by the palmier, who bit him on the 0111,1.lhe proeecutor had a piece Of • flesh bit t an off, and a wheeze stated 13e could see meander s teeth throngli it. The de- fence was that prosecutor had greatly pro- voked the prisoner during a dispute which took place between the two concerning the prisoner's fluffily, The prisoner was round guilty, and senteded to 12 months' hard ou A further contingent of about 05 foreign Jews, mainly in the laet stag,e of poverty, arrived at Tilbury Docks London, from Hamburg by tiatarclay inerning's packet. Theyare mid to be chiefly of Russian origin. i The mmigration of these aliens has for some time been on the increase, each boat to Lou- don, of which there are three weekly, bring. 1113 a complement, while membere arrive by other routes, and, excepUting a few who go right through to the nited States tho. whole of them settle in London, Mancheder, Leeds, and other populous towns. The number ofeforeigners 0Y1 Saturday morning awaiting the Tilbury train was so great at Fenchurch Street Station that Um company's • police were compelled to retnove them from the platform. YOUNG FOLKS T I think sho hatellfeLn1leintitiseLovers,/eepinte setae. Wing low, sing 10W-.1001 awake herd CM, r•Ole's the loveliest little team ; And her father's oar finally baker, such beautifel hnns and ehoeteatemaltrs, wing low, very low -you'll alarm herd And on, ketch eleganv tart. hem:deal And els 011010 14.100)101 110471101. And her sweet 11111110 it Minor Jane, And her step 10 O eget 110 11 10041,011 And we meet every day In the Idne ham, Ana Ivo go to school together, And 110110' and then she brlegeme nettle (Sing law or she'll hoar what we're .aying.) And after school, when PlIr aqks arc clone, ln the meedows we're fond of straring, And 1 rnalie her wrwth of cowslips there, A. 100.11 in the blosgozning clover, And then ells hinds It 'wound her hair, And twines; 11 over :nal over. She's ten 1 l'in site ; Mit 1 am as tall As she 1., 1 gire.s, or nearly. And I cannot ,qty that 1 cire for her doll : Butch, 1. do love Sri. dearly. Weary tired of playing at Icing anti queen, )Sing 1, w. tor we teuet ea awake her.) And ole fell rt-aceir lir the Inaso. se green ; And 1 thought that 1 rue 81,11 forseee her, And when 1 am grown te a tag tall man, 1 men to be mart and Meyer; Atel then 1 win niurry tow If 1 care And well live Itren huas forever, -St. Xfeho /no A Well Adventtre. g1.011V I On BOYS. " 01111 Aflame it large wolf within the city Ihnits, hut Satheiley, while out hunting rabbits. The wolf has been duffed, veld may be seen in the window ofJackson's fur store.' So reati my father from the Daily Choaker, one everang, lei we 50110 all mattered about the fireside. ''1 didn't emcee titere was a wolf within twentyaive mile of here," remarked Unele Torn. " lint 1 can recollect the time when you couldn't step out ra night herenbout tvitliont being bothered by the pesky whelps." so can I," afernted my father ; and then they proeceedel to tell numerous blood curdling tales of the -pioneer days of the comary, and their own personal adventures will, wolves and other tierce vrild animals. I went to bed that eight with my brain fun of the stories, and 11114 almost sure, when I gazed upon the chrome which hung over the mantel, that the wolves Ode portrayed really moved as they went how. ling after elle two melt in the one horse cutter who were trying strenuously to BONO themselves. 1 was eo excited that, it would have been little wonder if I had dreamed of fighting wolves all night. You eau itnegine, then have my hair deed up when I was radely awakened from a troubled sleep by an un- earthly bowl, such as my uncle said a wolf uttered ivlieu it smelled blood. I listened a momeet. The night wee made hideous by another awful howl. I arose and looked through the window. The peacettd moon made Lite surroundings white with her light, but I could see no wolves. Then there came another end still louder ery. Determin- ing not to lie there and be murdered in bed, I jumped up and into my clothee ; took down my little shot gun ; smelled the win- dow, and cautiously dropped upon the abed roof underneath it. When I found myself there I would have given anything to be safe in my room again ; but I could not reach the window, and felt ashamed to cry for help. 110001 make up my mind to be brave, as the 110,05 in the stories had been 1 and being rendered by not hearing any more noise, jumped to the ground and peered abont in the uneertain light. 1 went toward the barn, keeping as much in the shadow as possible, .As L neared the building 1 811AV something eleek lying upon the grouna-evidently an animal of some kind. It did not move. " It's Tiger 1 Poor old Tige ! The wolf Iran done for him, sore 3' I Thought, Anti my blood boiled with a desire for vengeance upon our maned enemy. I wee about to see if Tiger WiLS very badly mutilated, when my ear caught the sound of a cautious etep in the rear. I looked, my blood, from boiling immediately earned cold. The well eves coming elowly but directly toward me 1 I dropped gem fortitiele and my wish for veneeence, and fairly flew to a grove several ods away from the barn. 02100 I looked ackward 1 the wolf was following slowly, s if sure of his prey. 1 remelted the grove ; the trees were all too small to afford a safe haven ; but re. meinberieg so tall, 411111 maple tree thatetood a some distance 1 ran to it, and breathless. y climbed up its bare trunk, I was not a noment too soon ; for as I reached the first 1111113 I saw the umlf cm:tithing lieuentla I thought it etrange ;lint the animal did not howl, 0.111 110011', well out or danger, be. an to feel bold again. I thotteht of poor ige, lying stiff and cold in the barnyard. If only had my gen 1 How foolish raised to rop 1 I soon grew tired of my erempedposition, nt would not, cry outs I did not want my nele in his joking manner to say,- " This is the boy who dro pad the gun, and took a run, and deemed a tree to avenge his dog's tnurder I had heard that wolves always slunk away at dawn, 00 I resolved 1.0 remein where I WAS 11/1 morning. The moon sank ; it beretme piteh dark ; endthen in the le east a rosy tint began to displace the acknette, until Icould once moredistinguieh y perseeator's dark form at the base of my fuige. gh Lter and yet a little lighter ; the imal boson to grow restless. .1 heard a, nine -that wolf was beginning to wriggle it ridiculously unwollieh manner, still a ttle more light end I could see that my roe fact was -Tiger 1 With an exclamation of disgust I slid down the thee and s»ealiod towards the cover of the barn, hoping to recover my gun and reach my room unobserved, Use• less endeavor 1 As I turned the corner of the rn, I saw my 00.113 1101113 unole looking at o and shaking with mirth as he pointed ward my gun, which lay 110150 5111 old buf• 1110 rolte. The cat was nue of the bag ; and I have not palmed the last of my awful adventure with a wolf. Big Pacts in Little Space. Abont .450 B. C. the Ionians firet intrc. ef„ • duffed the present system ef writing from e left to right ; preteens to the above date, :from right to /eft prevailed, There are at leaet ten million nervefibres in the human body. Three and a half millions of people arc " always on the sette of the world, Onehalf the people that are born the be- fore the age of sixteen .A recent survey has established the num- ber of glaciers in the Alps at 1, :8;5, of which 2.49 have 0 length of more than four and three.quarter A grain -of musk will scent to room for twenty years and at the end of that time 0, will not allow it luts diminished in the- re least. re A grain of carmine or half a grain of ani- line will tinge a hogshead of water 40 than an strong microscope will detect coloring mat, le in At Loneester Castle on Satueday ,Tehn Beek,feriner,Higherlfaylefte,Roebarndene, was sumtnoned fur cruelty to a mare. Super. intendent Moss said there could not possibly •^ ' be a worse case of cruelty to an animal. The defendant fastened the mare in a hole, and left it without food or water for several daye rintil it died, The clefendent's excuse was that be went to Lancaster and gut on the spree, and so neglected the animal, MaJoenes Robertson, veterinary eurgeon, mid that he heel made a poeMmortern examination. Ho bad not the slightest doubt thitt the mare, whith W118 aliont 17 years old, had diol from starvation, The Beech orilemel the defetelant to ply 85 and £3 4s costs, or a moetliet irn• prisonment, with hard labour. Your men named Philip Sullivan, .Jere. mink Hallinan, John Hainan, and James; Colman, of labouring class,were drinking in a public•house s.t Cork on Saturcley evening. They were on friendly terms, .ind became somi.intoxicated, It is stated that Jere. rajah liallinan asked the barmaid for 801110 partite; oil, and it is alleged that he thee saturated tho neat and trousers of Sullivan With the oil, whieh wae afterweed etre fire ter 5» 50150,0 1111,3. A lerninous buoy has been invented, the ,11 light of which is produced by phospinmet of 90 calcium, anti is visible two and is half miles away. Tile proportion of Anglo•Sexon words in the lenglish Bible is 07 per cent, of the whole, The receipts of the Vrencli Treasury aro In' larger then those of any °eller civilized ", notion. to It takes about three seconds for a mes- sage to go from one end of the Atlantic cable to the other. This is about Seven hundred miles a second. Only one person in a thousancl dies of old age. An inch of ride means 100 tons of Water on 0001,0 0010, The smallest known idea, the Morato. Ines Putnamii, o. .arasite of the ichneu- mon, is but one nineteenth of an inch in leegth, The thiceeds of the herrem hair varies hem the two.hundredguiddiftleth to the siednitelredili part of nal inch. Blonde hair la the finest and red Die enema set, Teo force required to open an (triter appears; to be 1,3lee times the weight of tho shellems creature, le lots been, ealeulabed that there aro :Onset 200,000 feud:lies lirirtg ht imedon on about CI a, wet& -- Self-Made Men. christopher Columbus was the eon of it weever and else it weaver himself, Clem& Lorraine was bred apaatremsook. tervante wits a oommon soldier, Horner wee the eon OK a farmer, Deutostliend waft the mon of it cutler, Oliver Cromwell Wass the non of a Ismever, Howard was an apprentice Lo 0 grocer. Franklin wag a journeyman 'mine. er and son of a tallow:chandler end amp. boiler. Domini Defeo was to hosier and son of a butcher, Cardinal Wolsey was the sou of a butcher, Lucian was the eon of a maker (if statuary. Virgil was tho sob of iort or, Berns wits the son of a ploughmen in Ayr. shire, -- The Fen, Tite defied moiled wilting wee on Meeks, tiles, oyeteaehells, stones, ivory, bark and helves of trees/ ; and front the hitter the term " leaves of tress" is probtubly derived. Copper and Mess plittes were very early in use, and it bill of fetsibeene on eopger 11158 some years emelt diseevered in Indus, bear- ing the date 1 00 years le te, Leather was else used as well as wooden tablets. Then the pewees comes hito vogue, end 'theta the eighth century the papyrus; was super. seded by parchment, Paper, however, is of great antiquity, especially amoug the Chiuese ; bit 1 the firm, paper mill in Ragland, was built in 1548 1.50 (10110811, 1.11.D1411.1.0111, 111 Kent. Nevelt:aids, it IV 1,8 nearly 11 century end a half -namely, in 17 1 3 -bel ore Thomas Watkins, ft stationer, brought paper•making to anything like perfection. The first approach to a pen was:the styles, O kind of iron bodkin, but the Romans for- bade its use on in:count of its frequent and even fetid nee in tputrrels, and then it was 115d0 of bone. Subsequently, reedit, point- ed and split, like pens 00 111 the present day, were need. The Opium Trafflo, The preepeet 3if putting an end to the viten traffic 111 belie is not en bright its it seemed et month ago, 110 )ten the House of Cominons, by a vote of 10 to Me, pitesee resolution that the Indian Governmeet should cease to greet licenses for the eel ii• vation of the poppy, and take measures to prevent the traneit 01 elalwah opium through English territory. The member who introduced this resolution has since ex. pressed himself as °merely 8iLlisfiod with the declare tion of the First lord of the Trea- sury that the policy of Off: flevernment bad been toward a steady reduction of the quantity of land placed under poppy diet. vation, and that thee policy would be per- severed within the future. In other wort's, the Act of Parliament was little more then a harmless expression of ii philanthropic sentiment. The great " praetical" objec• lion to its execution 111111.8, of course, the loss of revenue which would result. Those, however, to whom duel en objection is not tsli.sullicieet attempted to show that moral. ity and selaintereet were on the same side. The London "Spectator," for example, insisted that if the opium eraffic were pro. hibited in India, the coarser and more poisonous opium of Smyrno would take Its place. This ergnmeet would have seemed to us a stronger une had not the " Spectator" followed it ep with the de. claration that in a few years "en Americen syndicate world import. Indian poppies into Florida, prepare the juice as carefully as the Opium Departmed 13as always done, and divide a profit, ne tee Indian Govern. ment does, of five or six hundred per cent." 111 Ot1141 1VOrd$, the English Government should corainue in an immoral business in order to prevent this rernute chance that some Americans would take its place. In. stead of simply suffering to prevent others suffering,Eughsh eltrutem has reached the point of sinning to prevent others sinning Yet the morality of this propoeition is not more grotesque than that of Sir Lepel Griffin, formerly opium agent in Central India. This old -school gentleman writes to the " Times " that " the outcry against the opium trade is the most conspicuous modern instance of the wicked intolerance of the fanatics who are willing to commit any ee• travagenee and impoverish 'millions for the gratification of thew own selfish vanity," and supports this vigorous pieee of denun- ciation on the ground that the $25,000,000 amnia/ revenue is raised without burdening British subjects at ell, inasmuch as tile opium is sold entirely to the Chinese. 'The ethics of this reminds its of a story toled by Dr, Trumbull of to minister wile saw °lie of his country parishioners picking toadstools, and upon expostnletion with 11101 received the answer that he was " not picking them to eat, but picking them to sell." Too Maar for the Landlord. An Irish landlord, who is now on a visit to London, relates that oue of het tenente came to hit» before his departure anti asked to have his cottage enlarged. " ,eure," he sae", " it, do be ton small already, an me family does be ueedin' more room. • " Brit, 'Mancha- replied the landlord, "you've not boon inerried very long. How old io your oldest 9" " they're eight years." " They S" '3 Isis. 'nwo ay them. Twina" " Ah 2 And what's tile age of thenext 1" " They're six, yer honour." " They ?" " Yis. Twins." "Goodness 1 Have you any more ?" " Vie The next, do be three years." "Boy 01' gira?" "Both, sot' . Twins," " Francis, this secnet 1106 " '' So I thought, sor, but there were only wan in the last lot, He's a yea. meld." " Well," sigh,ed the lamllor 1, "ten afraid I shall have to enlarge your eettege." The Charge Against Parnell, Meanwhile The National Press in Dublin has been noW for a week daily charging air. Parnell with having, stolen some $75,060 of the funds belonging to the public purse of time Nationalist movement, and in plain Eng• lish reiterating teat he is a thief and chal- lenging praseention for libel When it is bormi in hand that ebb:Ilse, conntry in which you ottu mulct an editor in damages if ho so much as suggest in his paper that you are isanclemlegged, it will be seen thitt this open itemisation marks 0 very grave etage lim the faction tight, elr. Parnell is striving against hope to =Wain, How he ran renntin silent under it 11r1 one sees ; bet then no one enev how he could wriggle out, of his chat. lenge to melted Cork with Maurice Healy, 01 110W 1113 oniihl do rtny one of a score of other incredible things he has (101)0 WINO hie clowefell. To suffer himself to be callesl it thief 110,0 01101' tlay is, however, a matter which the House of Commons may welly feel called upon to ask ono of its members to cspittin. If you want knowledge, you must toil for it ; if footl, you meat tell for it ; and if plea. sure, you meet toil for it. Toil is Dm law, Pleasure mops from toil, neul not by self indulgence and indolenee. When one gets to love work, UN lie is a happy one. 11 10 best to strive to cultivate au intermit in simple, innocent and inexpensive plea- sures. Wo may thus aid in cliffueing that; spirit of contentment which le of Wadi is rich anil it permatione possession. One of the plainest of human rights is the right (0 1,8 let alone, and to be elle wed. the Horace wan the snit of a shop coper. privilege of a:omitting one bent:voted fecul- Shakespeare was the son of a wooleitapler, ties anil extending one sympathies in 1101100. 1150.8 tbo A011 ef o inoney.serivener, ever direction '11/41 prefer -aright which can. l'opo 111118 1-1,0 eon of a merchant. Robert not be invaded without tyranny. Air• AND MRS. BOATER, What's elle matter end -wit et have you got. there ?" queried Mrs. Bowser as he came heme the ether day 1,slfien hour ahead oi his 11811111 time, end beim; lo Idea down with a heavy purchase of sotnething. "Don't yak me any questions11010 1 he re. plied, ne lie dropped his Int isnd squirmed ont of hitt overcoat, " Is anything wrong -are yeti sick 1 " she anxiously demanded, Don't say a word -not a word, and lon't bother me fel ten minntes ! I hope I'm in time to avert the clanger 3" She tented pele anti fell upon the oda, end be Itueriedly broice the dregs securing Ole package, seized the three quart -bottles Which comprisee its contents and rushed up. etairs, clown the back stairs, down into the basement and up again, .A. strange, ,lis' agreeable odor followed hint ea he heeded around, ana by the time be lind returned to the sitting.room Mrs. Bowser heel recovered sufficiently to ask t ".011'. Bowser, what on earth 1110 you do. ing anti what in the name of goodness is that stuff? " " What have I been doing ? Saving our lives, Mrs, Bowser -saving the life of every one under this roof 1" 11110 I-1 didn't know our lives were in danger." " Of eourse not, If the house eves on fire from top to bottom and the firemen pitching our f urniture out, of the whitlows, yet, thighe poisibly realize the fad, but it lets never 01 11511 you that death silently lurks in every room in this 1101180." " HOW you talk, Ma Bowser; What has been the demger hanging over us S" "Microbes. elms Bowser 1" he whisper. ed, as he '-s. tlown and wiped his heisted face, " elmrobes and bacteria- 'Milled of 'em " 1 t be 1" she related. " Can't it You've lived in New York twn weeks, been out XS far as Broadway once and yon think you know all about it ; I knew of course, bet having so many other thiugs to see to this one slipped my mind until toglay." " Bat what, (muses that terrible odor ?- " Nothing terrible abed it, as I see. On Ole contrary, 1 rather like it. It is tee odor of disinfectants:, Mrs. Bowser -the odor oi something which has no donbe saved our " How?" " By hilling oil the mierolses and bacteria, whiee would soon have entered Otte svetems and produced terrible illnee.s, if not death." " Well, I suppose you 11110110 best," she seitl, as she opened it window to let a yard or two of the ettrbolic smell dodge out. "Certainly I do, oertnaly. All husbands de. Mrs. Bowser, let tee draw yoa a picture of a mierobe. Yoe can then 1 ealize the dam ger which menaced use" "Nice thing to have about forty of those birds muttering around through your eye. tem, eh ?" " Where do they come from 1" " Seweagas, tide time toenorrow the house would have been switrtning -with them and nothing on earth could have saved us from typeorl fever or 31iphtherie. If the microbe was the only thing to look out for I shouldn't have been to anxious, but there is the bacteria.' " What's that 1" " Here is a pieture of him. Comes in the sante way, and his mission is to vat out the lungs. It is calculatea that 2,000 of them will eat out the strongest inates lunge in a month." " And they were in this house ?" she asked. " Right here, in this house" " And ready to be absorbed into our sys. tents V' " Not only ready, hut ameious." "You are sure you don't -mean cook. roaches? I saw two under the kitehen sink yesterday, and was going to oak you to get some powdered Berne," " Mrs. liewser !" he began, as he stood up, " are you growing soft in the top of your head 't Do know a Bengal tiger from a woodchuck 1" I -I sinppose sto." "But I don't know a microbe 01 11 bacteria from a cockroach ? " he thundered. ' "But I never heard you speak of them adore, and I-1 "--- " Do you imagine that I or any other tusband sits down and tells his wife all he cnowe !" he shouted. " Because I heven't old you that a jack rabbit's begs have three tents is that any reason why I haven't keown it for forty years 1" " But this is medical science, isn't it ? he softly protested. " And etippose It ist 1 Dn you seppose 've gone sloshing amend all these year vith eothing bet a recipe for milking soft top in nis head " She W88 silent, and after striding up and lown the room a few times he halted before lel. and continued : ' A. wife isn't expected to know these Lines, of course, hut Pll be accounted a &die' husband and fathee and member of cientifie club if I knOW all about nicrolces and bacteria." " But that picture of a bacteria looks iko a lobster," she presided. "Lobster 1 Looks like t lobster, does it ? 'ery well, Mrs, Bowser, this dieceseien vill end right here. It is plain enough hat you haven't the necessary knowledge o appreciate it." " Bat don't you "- " Never you mind, elre, Bowser 1 Let it rop right here. Is supper ready ?" Plus odor was so strong, in the dining own that the butter tasted of it, mid after upper the cook called 'Mrs, Bowser into the Relent eo ask : " Is it going to be • like this all the ime ?" " Oh, no. Mr, Bowser had to kill off the iernbcs and beadle, you sea" " What's them 1" " 011 have him coma out and explain." " No need of it, ma'am, for my bundle is 11 meele up, and Pin going. A man who'll rag dead eats through his own house 'cited client et poor girl out of her wages at le end of a month, Itlicrobas fuel baderia, h 1 / don't believe it 1 Let him show them o ma np in the Zoological Gardens eVhen elree Bowsor told Mr. Bowser hat, had occurred he bridled up, got red 1 the face and exclaimed "1 see bete it Is ; conldn't carry your Met with me, and so you went out and pea the giel 1 Mrs. Bowser you are tread - g on dengereus gm/end-very dangerous, husband may be worm, bue if that orin ia stepped on too of ten he turne 1 Re Was Very Oenseientious, 30811-"eTeines, T bear, givo rip studying for dootor and is now etti,Iying for tile UM. vereity." Holdis-" Yes, so he informed me the lett time We dined together." John--," Did he toll you the reason Why he gave ttp 81 9101 prolvesion for the dieted ansi ?" elobbs-" No, finless; it is Ohl r think that he found he could enamel better than 1 he could practice, " ITEMS OB INTB1B3T, 01 )048 yeers mesical schools have multi- plied exceedingly. An idol collector in Nan Francis°, who in18, just died, hail it eolledion 01 130)1 little &mdse. Exeentant musiciaria experience an erer- increasing dillicnIty In mining their according to elle John Mar- ley, " don such foolish things as an excused, ingly clever /11011." Among bird food the summer rane seed, found in Germany, is elle best kind' for the: use of breeders or bird OW11018. There la room on the gentled floor of the »ew Scotland Yerd, on the Victoria Ertl- beekinee a to assemble 3,000 men, A In miltous buoy has heen invented, the light of whice is prod:mei by pimplier:A Of caleiture and is visible two and a half mile10 neaYikenny consiste of two towns, 0110 of which is termed the English town, told i15 larger and better built than the other, whittle 18 called the Irish town, Among English temeicel amateurs, ready 11,1101 correct sight-reading, which need to be - regarded as a surprising gift in the fifties, is now a common acquirement. A new departure io earination is; reported. A patent has been taken out in France tor an electric formtoo for the rapid incineration of human remains, The caterpillar feeds with two saw-edgeti jaws, working transversely, ane lied them to such good purpose that he ads three or four times his own weight every day. Carmen Sylvta the Queen of Roumania:, begins her literary work before it is day. Site disturbs no one, butlights Iteeown lamp, and tvorks until the sun briegs more light. In Germany there are 20,360,847 EvangeS- icals, 1 5,785,7e4 Cetholies, 125,073 other Christians, 4563, 172 Jews, and 11,258 of other religions or of none, Egypt has been inundated tvith crowds of people "doing" the Nile in steenters nr dahabealte, etten armed witlt Ins 0 1/ 11 speeial fancy in the way of 14 etemera, The quantity 01 1151110 nuale throughout Preece butt year amonnted 00 0001 Mx hun- dred teethe' gallons, ebout eighty million gellons in excess of the peevious year, It is ealculated that it will require 3,780 cars to 30000 the orange crop of Southern California thie season. The value of the crop is estimated at e,6031,000 dols. Inceadiarism is just now very rife in Russia, Nire out of ten lives are intentional, while conflagrations ere so f repent and ex- tensive that the annual loss amounts to nine millions sterling. A liotele thiown into the Atlantic on November 2401, 18117, from the anhafos fa, about 400,111100one from Boehm, wae recent- ly washed ashore on a little hetet in the Caribbean Sea, 6,300 utiles away. Fully 2,500 persons commit suicide in Russia every year :indeed, the violent deaths of ell kinds annually reach 45,000, while 18,0011 people ale of typhus fever -the mese destructive national disease. At Strasbourg, and in most Of Ibe great towns in Flanders, hotted of industry ere established with 0 view to extirpate idleness, beggary, and mendicity, These workhouses ere in every respect malterpieces of political economy. The lulinence of tobeteo upon the heart ie fregnently more secnagly markea 000 in any other direstion. Teere ere few persons who use this subset:nee to excess who do not suffer from the disordered action of the organ in question. There has just died in Texas a es:loured man, named John Shaw, who wee born in shtvery about 100 years ago, in Little York, Vn. In 1819 he end flee other slaves escap- ed to the RI ieish warship Sapphire, hying in Chesapeake Bay, and were 'ended 11, Ber- tnuda. The Gernmn canary ia usnally grey and yellow. Theee is to bright: yellow canary on Ole market which is bred in Norwich. These birds are fended by many on aegount of their brilliant plumage. They are not nearly such fine singers as the Gort0040 0.0 11 general thing, but they bring about the St"ZatitPtitee' Pat, i recently did a kindly ace to the Welsh poor in her district. Ascer- taining the 1115551ee of those in receipt of perieb relief, she drove down frotn Craig -y - Nos Castle to the schoolroom, where she had invited all the recipients to meet her, and there she :supplemented the parish charity in every ease with a gift from her own puree. The objection to the hest kind of pipes 10, flea very neach more of the eicotine ana oil of the tubed°, are absorbed into the system than is the ease with cigars. With oommon pipes. especially those with short stems, the degree of irritation which is excited in the lips and interior of the mouth is fne: greater then thae 111otnilitlg from tobacco usedin any other form, A oandidate for priest's orders preaching his extempore trial 0011000 before the Into Archbishop Tait and Dean Stanley, in his nervousness began stammering :-" I will diserle my congregation into two. -the con- verted and the unconverted." this proved too much for the Primate's sense of humour, and he exelainiod:-I think, sir, as there are only two of us, yon heft bettor stly tehich is WIiitel' i's's'eid that some of tho young nobles of the Austell:4i Court are about to make a gift to the German Empress Augusta Vic- toria of a fan forzned of the featlide of tho mountain cock. The handle is to be set with jewels of greet splendour. It appears that of lute the belles of Vienna have intro. elected the fashion of carrying a fan outdo of tho feathers of birds shotby their admirere an ideal one madding the skill of sixty oti eoventy sportsmen. A diamond mining oompany lieve for some: time past been hoarding up all the rere storms which have been mee with in their mines, end now they ttee in possession of a dried collodion ot strange colored diamonds. Among them, eo far as they have yet been ent, are et few green diamonds, varying in colour from the palest green to grass groan, and weighing from one to three cartete. One of the finest stenes is said to be o beantiftil brown, weighing ten carats, anil valued et tt, fancy figure owing to its rarity. The collection also includes Beverel yellow donee of varying colour gentle and brilliancy, An ingenious device has been designed for the German navy, by which the officer of the watch can instimtly infortn bimeolf if the orders given to the engineers and lialmentru 111000 1/0011 understood and obeyed. The ap. paratus, which consists of a dial bearing Ins dientinue relative to the speed and handling of the ship, 10 platted upoil the bridge and the orders ate !min.:pitted telegraphically 10 1)10 engineer, whoby tho exoeution of them eauees the hand upon tee dial to point eueeessively 10(110 hulications of the move- ments Which letVe 1+000 made. A similar arrangement Tints tho officer in communica- tion with the helmsmen. cri