The Brussels Post, 1891-6-26, Page 1Volume 18.
Number Q.
're the /Senor of Mira Pon,
Dna Sna—I wish to send you a few
notee on a trip bo the Old Country and
if you think they are worth the trouble
you can publith them in Toe Poem, On
May lath I Arrived in Montreal and won
some time sight seeing in the oily.
Montreal le 3 large city and earries on a
big manufaeturing business which gives
it quite e businetualike appearauee.
There is quite e large business done in
the export trade in cattle to the English
markete, The streets in some parts of
the city are very narrow and crooked.
On May the 20133, at four o'clock iu the
morning, we set mil for Quebec, 106
miles distant down the St. Lawrence,
one of the most noble and one of the
largest riven in the world. Now, to my
mind, a sail dowu the St. Lawrence to
Quebec cannot be surpassed for grand
eights and beautiful scenery. The whole
route was one panoramic view, moun.
tains and farms, towns and villages one
after the other feom one end of the trip
to the other. The river' I think, is about
one mile wide. We gotin sight of the
old historic town about 2:130 in the nfter•
noon which brought to my memory the
victorious bintle fought to gain its port.
session aud in which the gallant Wolfe
lost his life after leading Ms courageous
troops up the eteep mountain to the
Plains of Abraham. The place was
pointed out to us, also the steep rooms tain-
aide and the conclusion we arrived at
wile that it was a very dangerous and
difficult feat to undertake. A few months
ago a large piece of the rook fell and
crushed, several house's to atoms beneath
its tremendous force. Quebec has a very
nice appearance from the boat and I
would like to ramble through its streets
but the boat goes on and we will Boon be
out on the open sea. The sailors, being
mostly Liverpool men, several of them
asked me where 1 was from. I told them
from the Connty of Huron in Ontario.
They say, "Is that far from Winnipeg ?"
Others would say, "How tar is that
from Winnipeg?"Winnipeg seems to
them to be the capital of the Dominion
and tbe centre of attraction. Nothing of
importanoe happened on our journey
across the Atlantic. We had a nioe, fine
-voyage and landed safe in Liverpool aftee
nearly eleven days on the ocean. We
bad to pass the south of Ireland inetead
Of Londonderry to shun the icebergs
and this caused our journey to be 200
nano longer. 1 intend to stay in Liver-
pool a few days, then I will take the boat
for Dublin from which city I will send
you a few inore notes. I remain,
Youre truly,
,l, 13.
Liverpool, June Pl, '91.
Washington Letter.
(From our Regular Oorrespondeuta
Washington, Jane 13,
In ninetymine cases out of one hun-
dred the man with an excellent educatiou
and the qualifications that will enable
bine to fill an expert position or a seien-
tido chair exhibits a woeful laok of good
hard business sense when he appears be.
lore the United States Civil Service
Commission and undergoes an examin.
ation with the Lope of entering into one
of the Department or being assigned to
special scientific work. While it may be
true in the abstract that this Govern-
ment is generous and liberal, it is never.
theless niggardly and miserly when it
comes to the regulation of salaries of
men wbo are compelled to possess an
education for beyond the ordinary that
they may obtain place's paying little
more than unskilled 'Aber. Recently
there occupied vactancies in the Naval
Oberservatory, and to fill them appli-
cants will be examined for the positions
of electrician, photographer, assistant
librarian, and three computer,. Now, a
skilled electrician is worth from 631,000
to $5,000 a year, and Uncle Sam. per.
poees to inaugurate a reform. He pro.
bably goes on the theory that 'money ie
the root of all evil, and the less money
a man has the more righetons he will be.
This electrician, who, if he be suocessful
will draw the muniftoent salary of 61,500,
will be required to stand a rigid examin•
ation, in both theoretical and prantical
electricity and its maltituclinone ap.
plioations. The photographer to Uncle
Sam will only get $1,200 a year, and as
a, preparatory step to earning this amount
be rnust first tell all he knows about or.
dinaey photographic manipulations, to.
gather with the different Incomes used
in the arta But this is not all. Ile must
understand the character of the necessary
optical apparatus togethet with the ap.
plierstion of photography to aetromomioal
work. The assistant librarian is in
pretty much the same fix. The circular
of the civil service calls Elie position
that of an "ageistant libratian," and this
is the only evidence of modesty on the
part of those sitting in judgment over
these extraordinarly high.salitried ex -
pelts, This nnasenming Resident to the
librarian must be pretty much of a lin-
guist, with a dash or two of soienoe
thrown in just to keep up the standard.
The examination for oomputers will in.
Ulnae algebra, geometry, logorithme, tri-
gonometry and elementary astronomy,
rod for wearing out their braiu tissuee
both before and after examination they
oan if they aro are stioceseful draw 61,200
a year and no more. All this leads to
conolusion that then is somethieg wrong
when a laboeee who ean lutedly read and
write can draw mo a year, and the
*scientific book worm, learned in all the
elegies and isms, must ebert in, as a rule
at 0000. Them is a gemblituce of a pre.
minm on manual labor mod it discount on
knowledge, educatioo and intelligence.
The government has notified its agents
on the Alaskan Nal Mande to stop the
killing of wale by the North Amorioan
Commercial Company when the catch
bag reached 7,510. Thie shows that the
government has put into actual operation
its propesition to Great Britain pending
a eettlemeut of the long controaerey. 61
the talent negotiatione ahould be broken
Off and the efforts el the KM govern -
monis a0Me to naught a valise' Will he
eat to /leafy the seal eeMpany's agent
of the fact and authorize a contingence
06 3110 now generally prohibited killing.
63 30 Emir' that material progress is being
made towards a temporary settlement of
the Behring sea question, pending a final
arbitration of the points now at issue,
The President, Sooretaey Foster and At-
torney General Miller were in conference
early this week discussing the situation,
Tbe revenue cutter Corwin is now at San
Francine awaiting final orders, and it is
expected that thews will be sent to her
within the next few days, when she will
proceed to Behring sea. After oommeui.
eating with the government agents at the
Beal Weak; it is presumed that the Cor.
win will assist the other vessels in polio.
ing the sealing waters.
"We need a Samuel J. Randall in the
next Congress to do some pruning for
us," Bind Repreeentative W. 11. Forney,
of Alabama, to your correspondent last
night. Mr. Forney is a veteran in ser-
vice on the Committee on Appropria-
tions, and he naturally takes a deep in-
terest in the question 03 3110 receipts and
expenditures of the Government. "There
is no surplus now," be added, "and the
preparation of the appropriation bills
during the next bwo yeare will require
considerable ooze."
Grey COUneil Meeting.
Counoil met as Court of Revision Lo
drainage assessment under Byelaw 14o
284 of the township of Elma at Zimmer'
Hotel, Cranbrook, on June 19311, pursuan
fia advertisement, All the members wer
present and subscribed the neoeesar
oath. There were eleven appeals entere
against said asseesment, viz.: John Mc
Naught, Angus Campbell, John lifcTag
garb, James McNair, Geo, Dunlop, Thos
Downey, William Fulton jr., G. K
Matheson, George Shires, R. end 3. Ken
dall and Robert Robertson, all chtimin
to be too high assessed for the &melt
they will receive, The appellants wer
all present and were heard in the orde
in which they were reoeived, and the as
Basement was amended as foliates :—
Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by
Wm. Brown that Jobe MoNaughtal as
sessment be reduced $5.00.—Oarried
Moved by E. Bryan, seconded by W
Oliver that Jas. McNair's and William
Fulton's jr. be reduced earth 67.00.—
Carried. Moved by E. Bryan, 'seconded
by Thos. Ennis that Thos. Downey's be
reduoed $10.00 and R. and 3, Kendall
620.00.—Cartied, Moved by William
Brown, seeonded by E. Bryan that Ca K.
Matheson's be reduoed on the following
lots -33 and 34, con. 16, ettels $24.00 ; 21,
con. 17, 011.00, and 34, eon. 17, 610.00.—
Carried. Moved by Wm. Brown, second-
ed by Thos. Ennis that the sesessment of
the municipality be increased $154.00
aud that the assessment of John MoTag.
gart, Geo. Shia's, Geo. Dunlop, Robert
Robertson and Angus Canipbell be sus-
tained.—Carried. Moved by E. Bryan,
sectonded by W. Oliver that the Conrt of
Revision Le now closed and general
Council business taken.—Carried. The
minutes of last meeting were read and
confirmed. Petition of A. McNair and
20 others praying for a grant to repair
side road 3, con. 19—Moved by W. Oliver,
seconded by n. Bryans that the stem of
630.00 be granted.—Carried. Applica.
tion of John McIntosh for aid to bnild 40
rods wire fence on side roal at lot 21,
con. 12, Mr. Ennis to abtend to Raid ap-
plication. Joseph Whitfield applied for
a resurvey of ditch or drein—Ditolies and
Watercourses Act --under an award dated
he 4311 day of July, 1885. Moved by W.
Oliver, seconded by Wrn. Brown that the
Clerk be instructed to notify the Engin-
e0 to inspect said drain and report at
ext meeting of Conneil.—Carried. Peti.
ion of Hugh Campbell and 19 others
raying for aid to Samuel Shine, an in-
igent with one arm—Moved by Walter
liver, seconded by Wm. Brown that the
Reeve be instructed. to attend to the
neatter and grant what aid he may deem
ecessary.—Carried. A. By-law wag in -
reduced to raise Ihe sum of $8,747.00,
eing the sane assessed against the lands
nd roads for drainage originating in the
ownship of Elms, and extending. into
rey, and for the payment of the lease-
d thereon for 20 years. Said By-law
%ma read over three times and passed.
he followiug amounts were handed in
ud ordered to be paid, viz; David
olmes, culvert at lot 22, con. 16. 69.00 ;
ohn Steiss gravelling on aide road 4,
on. 18, 084'.80 ; John Steles, shovelling
ravel, (310.00; Michael Mullin, gravel,
9.85 • G. A.. Deadman, 7 index books
r Vo'ters' Liebe, 61.40 ; jaoob Long,
eaning road at lots 84 and 35, oon. 17,
18.03 ; Wm. Spence, going round to
ound-keepars and taking. declarations,
5.00 • Lewis Bolton, Engineer's expen.
es, Dianna and Watemourees Act, #20.•
; Luke Speiran, gravelling at lot 25,
on. 14, $18.00 ; Geo. Coate, phenking
wo bridgee, lot 52, cons 1, (33.20; Gabriel
whet, gravelling at lot 80, coe. 12,
5.00 • Edward Coltes, gravel, (31.38;
oter 'Sinclair, shovelling gravel, .06.60 ;
oho MoLauchlin, shovelling gravel,
4,00 ; James Campbell, culvert at lob 7,
n. 163 (34.00; John Knight, man and
am on road oee day, (32.00; Elias
iokson, gravelling at lots 7 and 8, eon.
, (310,00; Wrn. Maohao, culveei on
undary Grey and Lima, Grey share,
.87 • Wm. Ware, gravelling on side
ad 6', oon. 16, 66.40; Lorenzo Frain,
melting. wash-out on road, (30.00; Lot.
zo From, plankingibridge at lots 10 and
, eon. 8, 04.95 John Lowe, geavelliug
lot 8, con, 4, (321,00' Thoinite Mo.
suehlin, gravelling inlet 2, con. 0,984.. John Dougherby, digging on side
d 0, let 31, con. 12, 00.00. Council
en adjourned to meet again at Mellon-
d'e Hotel, Cleanbtook, on the setiond
itlay in August next, when Trainees
timatee will bo received.
Wta Seems, Clerk,
Hog oholera be broken out in Indiana.
Fell River, Mime., had a $100,000 fire
Two guards and two aonvietg wete
killed in an attempted gaol delivery at
Oole City, Gla,„ 'Wendel.
Four Imildred teed eiglity thousand
dollen' in gold has been sipped to
Ilarope from Net, York.
A. Balloonlet Drop Into Mike Erie.
Aeronaut W. W. Molewen, who made
an amain from Cleveland, 0., last Satur-
day Afternoon, cleseended lino the oold
webers of Lake lerie, lost his balloon, re.
oeived a drenching, and barely stamped
with his life. He has made 403 Ration
sions, anti says that the 13151 was the
woreb in his experience. He told 333
story to a reporter atter a rest from hie
The balloon rose at 8:40 o'olook, 66
mounted steadily until above the top of
the 10.story savings bank building. There
it Was caught by a breeze from the south
whioh wafted 33 30 a northerly direction.
As ib improaahed the lake a parachute
bearing an order for a sewing machine,
which the demob was designed to adver-
tise, was tossed overboard and decended
at the bank of the lake near Lake View
park, At a height of a mile the balloon,
then well out over the lake, streak a
north.east current of air and was carried
off opposite the eastern end of the eity,
It continued to riee until an altitude of
four and one.fournamilee, as the aeron.
aut estimated it, was reached. The
wincl at this altitude moved due west,
and the balloon wits carried with it to a
point somewhere between .A.von Point
and Rooky River, and 10 miles off shore,
iticEwen found that tho shore was stead.
ily reoeding, and his glass, which is good
for 20 miles, showed only one vessel in
eight. For the first time in his experi-
ence he suffered from the cold, and the
rarefaction of the air caused the drums
of his ears to painihim. He desoended to
a height of about three miles in the hope
of striking e current that would drive
him towerd shore, but without success.
He then turned his attention toward the
vessel on the lake below him. It was a
threeanasted steam barge with all sails
furled, plowing along under a full head
of steam. She was almost directly
beneath him and a trifle in advance
of the balloon an her course. He
pulled the wave rope and sank
steadily toward her. The vessel kept
right on and he tried to sigue-I her.
First he fired his revolver under the car
to avoid any danger of igniting the gas.
Then lie waved bis het and [shouted, but
no sign came from the vessel. His
signals had, however, attracted atten-
tion from tugs at ehe mouth of the river
and two of them put out after him. For
three-quarters of an hour while they
pursued him the bedloon ear hung within
three or four feet of the water, and at
every 100 feet or so slapped against the
chopping waves. McEwen was thorough-
ly drenched and threw out severed sand
hags, which he carried for balltest, in enc.
oession. This had the effect of raising
her a little in the air, but caused the air.
ship to glide more rapidly away from the
pursuing tugs. The aeronaut, who was
alone in the car, tied a sand bag to a
small anchor and lowered it by a l -inch
rope to the water. The drag caused the
balloon to slacken her speed considerably
and soon it began settling again. As the
car dreetped into the water sand bap
were thrown over one at a tie. The
tag, T. M. Moore, name up with the
balloon eater an almost interminable
length of time to the besoaked man. The
oar was just above her smokestack at the
time and the tug men had seized the
drag line. latoEwen hastily slipped down
tbe rope to the deck, and at the same in-
stant the tag's engine was reversed to
avoid igniting the balloon. Simultaneous.
ly the squall, whioh had been approaoh-
ing from the west Cor half an hour,struok
the balloon and releed ib with a jerk.
The strain broke the slender rope and
the balloon sailed away over the lake.
It was irnpossible to chase it In the gale
which began blowing and the tug pub
back to the river, where she arrived an
hour or more later.
Fourth Division Court.
The regular sittings of the Fourth
Division Court was held in the Town
Hall, Brussels, on 2304 inst., judge
Doyle presiding.
The oases were disposed of as follows :
Love, primary oreditor vs. Nelson,
primary debtor, Faulkner et al, Gar.
nishee—judgment for primary oreditor.
Bowen appellanb—Fenee viewers
award—Township of Grey, respondents.
An appeal from the validity of an
award made by three fence viewers of
township of Grey, alleged by appellant
to be void for went of finality, Taylor
for appellant, and Maybe° for respon.
dente. The evidence having been heard
the Judge adjgdged the award to be void
and ordered the respondents to pay
614.70 costs forthwith.
Laing vs. Burton—A, remand from
last court and was settled out of oourt
by the parties.
Serachan Bros. vs. Milne—An action
on account. Judgment for plaintiff for
$18,00 and caste.
Stewart & Lowiok vs. Switzer—Dis-
puted amount. Settled by parties.
Ross et al executors of Geo. lIayoroft
vs. jno. Molelroy—Disputed acoount.
Judgment for plaintiff for full amount
and oosts
A. number of jtulgment suinmons were
hoard and the usual orders made.
The court then adjourned.
John Partin °soaped from Michigan
State Prison on Smithey,
A mail wadi wee attacked near Tillie
by brigands end two passengers killed.
Four workmen wore killed in 3 3113110011
&resident near St. Petersburg on Sunday,
The body of a inerdered woman was
found at it houble in Tottenham Court
Iload, London, on Sunday. The murder-
er escaped.
The fent of sending feemimilim of
handwriting by electricity has been
itcoomplishea in a measure. Seeentl
thoueand words wore sent and reeeived
between Chicago and New Yorlr in this
Manlier Monday, In writing there are
but two movemeets—one tip and down
stroke, the other monument sideway%
The ourves are the result of the two
movetnente. The speed feta be as high
as it le possible to Write, but the Metre.
Menai Monday wore sot a 25 tvords
Ora media at reTee mere -
Hamm, the oarsman, is dead.
Grand Lodge 1. 0, G. T. is meeting at
The Welland Natural Gas Company
have defected to eink a second well.
A terrifio windstorm swept over the
country north of Winnipeg Tuesday.
Eddie anther was drowned while
bathing in the Assiniboine Tuesday,
Frank Ingram, it laborer, wag killed by
lightning near Auetin, Man., Tuesday.
Salmon is reported unusually plentiful
in the St, LAwrenee below the Saguenay.
A human skeleton was recently dug up
on the farni of John Gunn, North Em-
jamas Allen, Selkirk, has been senten-
ced to eeven years in penitentiary for
cattle -stealing.
Marcelles Mowry, of Peterboro', has
been allied et Viutoria, B. 0., by the
bursting of an emery wheel.
The 0, P. R. steamers him resumed
their trips to Port Arthur, and the oft/.
zees of that town are mollified.
The Windsor Council has agreed to of-
fer the County Council a free site for the
county buildings if they are removed to
L. 8. Beaten, of Pelee Island, who is a
relative of John Brown, of revolutionary
fame, has sold 400 acres on the Islend to
Sandusky parties.
The 0. P. la, steamer Emprees of
Japan has made the fasteet trip on re.
cord across the Paoifie, viz., 10 days 21
hours and 23 minutes.
A razzle-dazzle, a sort of roller coaster
machine, collapsed at Montreal Saturday
and several people were badly out and
bruised, buff no one was fatally injured.
Charles 11. Whitehead, deputy regis-
trar of Oxford county, died at Wood.
stook Monday. He was a very popular
and known far and wide for his hospital-
Rev. Dr. Alex. Sutherland, missionary
seerstary of the Methodist church of
Canada has been offered the principal-
ship of Mount Allison College at Sack-
ville, N. B.
In a game of baseball at Blenheim on
Saturday Stanley Arnold and a yonng
man named Johnson came in collision.
Arnold's cheek bone was smashed in and
he will be disfigured for life.
An inquest was held at Blenheim last
Saturday on the bodies of Mee. David
Clark and her two children, found
drowned in the Eau Friday morning.
The jury returned a verdict of tempor-
ary insanity.
Judge Horne, of Windsor, has ordered
the release of Sue. Beno, who has been
incarcerated in Sandwich for the past
two months on tbe charge made by D.
MeAllaster, of Comber, that he was about
to leave the omunry to beat his creditors.
The Guelph Rifle Assoeiation held
their regular weekly shoot the other day,
when some remarkable work was done
by Staff•Sergt. Ogg. He made 108
out of a possible 105. He used a Mart-
ini rifle, and shot from the knee at 200
Fred 0. Laird, of Chiosgo, son of the
late Rev. W. H. Laird, of the Methodist
Church. has for,varded to all the friends
of the late olergyman a memorial volutne
oontaining a sketch of his life, rec. The
volume is a very handsome souvenir,
printed on antirate paper.
There is a likelihood of the big double
scull ram between Hanlan and O'Connor
and Gitudaur and McKay, on July 18,
being rowed at the beach, Hamilton,
providing a seitable purse is offered.
Titanium and O'Oonnor will be here on
Saturday to take in the Corbel -Donohue
race, and will try to make arrangements
Theoaore Ituel, a Montreal grocer, left
bis store about eight days ago, telling hie
wife, to whom he had been married only
about a month. that he Was going down
town to buy gapes. From that time to
the preseut nothing has been heard of
him. A man 0e01ed Horton, foreman for
Kimball & Ashman, has also been missing
for a week,
At a special meeting of the Board of
Trade, held ea Kingston Friday evening
to consider the question of the ereotion
of a monument oommemorative of the
late Sir Sohn Macdonald, it was decided
that a monument costing about $25,000
should be erected in what is known as
the Tower Park, a piece of land lately
presented to the oity by the Dorniuion
Government, individual subscriptions
not to °aimed 610. The Dominion will
be canvassed.
It is stated Won the short hay crop in
Quebec Provinoe will be made more ear.
Lain by the oonduot of many farmers
who are nlowing up their meadows for
oats or turtling them into pasture lends.
This move on the part of the farmer 35 in
the right direetion. .A. hay orop is bulky
and impoveriehes the soil, already poor
enough through many arops and the neg.
Mot of manuring. The crop is an uncer-
tain one, and bay dealers are not always
In the best of favor at the bank, while by
turning a portion of meadow into pasture
the farmer ehould be able to turn his
geese into butter, 'theme and cattle, all of
WOO& are capable of yielding him a fair
and almost certain profit.
Clara Wortmen, Salisbury's missing
he, has been found, dressed in boy'e
lobbing, working as a fartn hand in
ing's county, IV% B. Deports haVe been
11 circulation for them days that a
trango-looking boy, dressed in ill.fitting
loam, and with hair rougbly cut, hod James Cevanagh, Clerk of Proton
oen seen at various points along tbe I. township, boa reoenely lost his two hue.
P, between Saliebnry and Stiee0X, dead armee of laud. About three years
n Tuesday morning of Mat week J. L'. ago he coneented to endorse a hot° for
miter, of Salisbury, drove to Penobe- 0400 for an acquaintanoe. As there were
uis, and, Omit two miles below the two others on the note, and the maker
tation holed Clara working as a farm was seism:mod to be perfeebly safe, there
and Liwith Byree McLeod. She had did not appenr to be any risk. TM after.
Ben there it wook. She did not say war& made inquiries, and was told the
uch, but alleged that elle was diesatie- note wag paid at inathrity, Reeently a
ed with things at borne. She was thit wag entered against him for the face
reseed in a pair of pante and coat be., of the note and costs, amounting to 4700,
nging to her brother. Her own oloth. A small mortgage lay againet the land,
g, a pair Of soissore and a loolting.glase and this it seems was plirohased by the
ere found near her home in the woods, boldet Of the note, and last week the
here elm had out het own hait and land Was sold. Mr. Oavimagh chsime
mimed her make-up. The first day ehe that (mule have reified the money if 'mei.
orked on the farm at Pehobsquis (dent time had been given Mtn, but, RA
elped to toed 90 Made of immure and it is, the two farms are hie no longer.
as Afterwards set to heeitg petatoera -
The Americium Mance 06 1315 Salvation
Army at Wincleor has recently disbaod.
John Keefe fell to the bottom of the
tunnel shaft at Niagara Falls Met 13011.
da' morning and was killed.
late grip is atill epidernio in the Mag.
dalen Islands. There is no lishing and
the faatorme have been closed.
Gnelph Is to have a trades proceesion
on Dominion Day in which seventy-six
firms have coneented to take part.
Dr. James McMahon'M. P. P, for the
North Riding of Wentworth, is reported
to be dying at his home in Dundee.
Miss Nioholson, severteen years old,
from Mies Rye's home at Nia.gara.on.the-
Lake, suloided near Galt on Friday.
In au elevator accident in the Gazette
building at Montreal on Saturday, a 1213311
and the elevator boy were seriously in.
During a thunder storm on Friday a
14.year-old son of W. Franklin, of Rom.
ney, was streak by lightning and instant-
ly kthed.
T. G. Shaughnesey has been appointed
a direotor oi the 0. 21,11. to succeed Hon.
j. J. C. Abbott, and has also been elect.
ed vice-president of the board.
John atobinson's Great Circus has in.
ranged to exhibit throughout Western
Ontario during July. It will show at
plaoes contiguous to tbe Grand Trunk
At the meeting of the General Assem-
bly in Kingston last week a resolution in
favor of prohibition was carried. Mon.
treat was </wiled upon as the next plaoe
of meeting.
There are flee inmates in the Oxford
county jail who were confined there its
paupers. There agee are 72, 81, 83, 87
and 91, a tote' of 414 years, or an average
of 89 years.
Henry 1. Ellard, of the Queen's print-
er's offiae, was sbot at Monday night by
a young ruffian named Misole. The ball
narrowly miesed Ellard's head. alisole
has been arrested,
The Gloucester mackerel fishermen
have had a light catch this season, even
lighter than last year. They say there
are plenty of fish off Nova Scotia, but
they keep close to shore.
.A. storm of wind and ram eisited
Omernee Monday. The drill shed was
nnroofed, other buildings damaged, ehade
and fruits trees destroyed, crops flatten.
ed and roads washed out.
George Ostruna of Kincardine, charged
with shooting at Bailiff Campbell last
winter while the latter was retaking a
seizure on his 'netnews, was tried before
Judge Kingsmill. The jury brought in a
verdict of insanity. The prisoner there-
fore will he confined in an insane asylum.
William Edgar, of Montreal, general
passenger agent of the Grand Trunk
Railway, was married on Monday morn.
ing to Miss E. C. G. Tempest, daughter
of the late W. S. Tempest, of Port Hope.
The ceremony was oonducted by the Rev.
Edwin Daniel, rector of St, Johns'
church. The partiee left in Ur. Edgar's
private car for the seaside.
A Toronto dispatch says :—Rev. Jas.
Thompsou has been suepended for one
year by the Methodist Conference because
of the declaration in a recent sermon of
his unbelief in "a material hell." Mr.
Thompson expressee the belief that there
was no punishment for wrong -doers but
annihilation, and that the ides, that they
would be punished with perpetual fire
was illogical and unsupported by Scrip
tural testimony.
A Glasgow special says that John D.
McPherson, of Sault Ste, Marie, the all
round ahampion athlete of the United
States and Canada, is there. He has
issued a chellenge to contend against
George Davideon, McRae and Owen
Duflie, or any athlete in England or Scot-
land, to put the light and heavy shot for
any amount from 2200 to 0500 a side,
for the championship of the world. Ma-
Pherson's arrival has created quite a stir
among the Scotch athletes.
The wife of the manager of a well-
known express company had cemasion to
leave Toronto for Montreal. She took a
sleeper, When some 80 miles from
Montreal she went to the toilet roora to
wash. On her third finger she wore a
$700 diamond ring, and while washing
her hands the soap loosened the ring,
Which slipped from her finger and rolled
into the svashbasin and down the water
pipe to the treck below, Sectionmen
Mose since searched for tbe ring, but
without moose.
Auerbach & Glabschen's oil works at
Breslan, Ont., were detroyed by fire on
Stinday. The brewery of Ilopf &
Cioerok, situated neat' the refinery, wee
in danger of destruotion and was saved
in a novel manner. The watee supply
proving insufficient the fireman were in.
vited to make use of the beer stored in
the place. .A. large number of casks of
thepreoione fluid were brought ont and
their contents poured upon the flames,
with the result of potting a stop to the
spread of the oonflageation.
Bert MoKitinon, a I4 -year-old Wood.
stook boy, ran away from home over two
years ago, and no tidings had been re-
ceived of Min since until Friday evening
when he put in an appearance at bis
Mothorat house. During hie absence he
travelled through Ontario, Michigan,
Ohio and Pennsylvania, and his only
explanation was that he wanted to see
the world. lie was much distressed to
learn that hifi filt1i0V had died during hie
Thos. Boon, of Springfield, employed
by the M, 0. R. Company, repairing
Kettle Creek bridge, fell 00 feet, breaking
his leg. He was otherwitie badly injured,
A series of very destruotive cyclones
ars reported from various parts of the
States. lifuoli property was deseroyed,
and in some instances there was a lose of
A. report just issued by the Depart.
meat of Agrieulture promises well for
thie year's orop returne in Manitoba.
There are 016,000 acres in wheat, an in-
creaae of 170,000 over 1890 ; B05,000 acres
in wee, an increase of 70,000 ; 80,000 in
barley, on locrease of 23,000, and 12,705
acres in potatoes, an increase of 1,893.
Harriett Berenice Stowe, the author of
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," celebrated her
8033* year in her home at Hartford,
(Jenne this week. She has reambed that
ripe old age, honored by millions of read-
ers in all parts of the world for the sig-
nal service she rendered in the abolitiou
of slavery. It is now said that she is
failing rapialy in body and mind. That
is almost to be expeoted at her tins° of
life. Every octogenarian cannot be a
Gladstone in point of mental and bodily
A serious aliooting affair took place lu
the township of Ameba', about seven
miles from Wiarton, on Thursday even-
ing of last week, which may prove fatal
to one of the partioipants. It appears a
dog belonging to a young man named
Jahn S. Cook bit the tail off a cow owned
by Johnston A.berorombie, a farmer living
near Cook's place. Abercrombie, being
naturally incensed at the dog's attack
upon the cow, loaded bis gun, walkea
over to Cook's and shot the dog while
lying at its master's door. Cook, who
was in the house at the time, it ie al-
leged, took his rifle down and, following
Abercrombie, shot him in the leg, ghat.
tering the thigh bone badly. Cook was
arrested on Fridey and tried before A. J.
Kyle and C. V. Parke, J. Pee. After
taking evidence the case was adjourned
for one week for further evidence. Both
families have lived in Ameba' for some
yetsre and have been nearly always on
friendly turns. The wounded man le
about 50 years of age and has a large
family. Cook is a young unmarried man,
of quiet demeanor and much respected
by those who know him.
People We Know.
Jas. Drewe was in town on Monday.
Mrs. Jas. Ross has been quite poorly.
Wm. Smith, painter, is away at Strat-
Miss Ethel Creighton is home from
Mrs. R. N. Barrett was quite ill during
the past week.
Postmaster Fisher, of Wingham, was
In town on Thursday.
Mrs. Cori -neck was in Stratford for a
few days last week.
Mes. Nightingale, Harry said the baby
are visiting et Mount Forest.
Miss Boyd, of Stratford, is visiting
Miss Lizzie 'Wilson this week.
Miss Maggie MoNaughton left this
week for a visit to Buele's
Mrs. George Sandere, of Flint, Mich.,
is visiting her narente in Brussels.
Lean week Mies Cowan and Miss Law.
rie were visiting Mrs. Roderick Ross in
Mrs. W. A. Calbiok has received the
-$9,500 insurance on the life of her late
Alex. Smith, who has been in Toronto
for some time, hae, taken a situation in
Kingston as traveller.
Mrs. Thos. Farrow arrived home this
week from an enjoyable visit with old
friends at London and vicinity.
Mrs. Donald Sinclair's health has not
been tirstmlass for the past month. We
hope an improvement will soon be
We regret to hear ef the dangerous ill-
ness of Mrs. T. S. Humphries. She ia
at her father's aud doubts are enter-
tained for her reoovery.
J. Croaker and wife, of Exeter, were in
town for a few days this week visiting at
B. Gerry's while on their way home front
Shelburne where theirlson, J, H., resides.
It is reported that the Misses Dimsdele,
evangelists, who visited Brussels a few
years ago, were married on Tuesday of
this week to Reverends Aikenhead and
Mrs. W. J. Fairfield has received the
$2,500 insuranoe on the life of her late
husband from the Covenant Mutual Ben.
efit Assooiation, and acknowledges her
thanke for the same.
A. J. Lowick arrived home from his
trip to the Pacific coast last Friday. He
enjoyed his outing very much and CAW a
large number of persons former residents
of Brussels and locality.
IL P. Moore, editor aed proprietor of
the Acton Free Press, visited us last
Monday and beguiled the weary hours of
"grass -widowerhood." For geniality
and whole sonledness Mr. Moore has few
equate, Ile went home on Tuesday.
Rev, Andrew Milliken of the Meth°.
diet denomination, died at Sarnia on
Thursday evening, 4311 inst., aged 68
years. He had euffered from paralysis
during the pint fase years. He was on
the superannuated Het, and had fornaerly
been g missionary on the Indian Reeerve
below Sarnia. Deceimed was well known
in this loottlity years ago.
OrairrabtENTAItY.—Tbe Durham Review
of last week says :—We are very sorry
to learn that the Rev. Mr. Kerr is not to
remain on the Durham ofrouit. Ibis too
bad to take away a minister from a field
oh which he had been so suceessfal and
from a people with whorn his beearne so
endeared. The loss that the Methodist
OM:molt here (sustains in his removal will
cerlainly be a great blessing and gain to
that field of labor to which he has been
transferred. We do most heartily wish
every blaming and prosperity to follow
him and rest upon hie labors wherever
he ilnds work to do for the Master, know.
ing that he ie one of those who love the
prosperity of Zion. Although youna in
yeare Mr. Kerr has earned an enviable
reputation for pulpit ability and maitege-
mein of church work generally, and his
removal from Durham ig meals regretted
by all.