The Brussels Post, 1891-6-19, Page 8SMALL POTATOES, Many Potatoes no doubt re- main small from planting the "seed end" of the potato. Many more from ming inferior seed.. These, however, are not the only causes of small potatoes. The well lmown Potato Bag is respon- sible or many also. Those who have once used Pure Paris Green THE BRUSSELS POST FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1891. Great Sale of Re y aa e Ci thi 7 Bought from a Reliable Manufacturer at '55 Cents on the Dollar. 'We do a big business in Readymade Clothing, and we are in a position to handle big job lines. When the manufac. turers have any clearing lines to offer we get first chance. We took advantage of one this week and bought a big line for 650. on the $. such as we sell know how vain- Now we will sell Men's Suits for $3.95, worth $5.00 ; 3\.fen's $10.50 Suits for $7.00 ; $12.00 Suits for $8.75 ; $13.00 Snits for $9.00. able it is as a slayer of POTATO BUGS, As heretofore we have been careful to ste- mma a tine artiele which we guarentee to give satiafacaion, We will be pleased to Reapply you, G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookselter, rec. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTITERN EXTENSION W. G. d: R. Trains ieave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : Gorse Serene. Goma NoleTn. Mail.- ....... 11;23 a.m. I Mixed MO am. press 11:45 a.m. Mail 8:031 pm. limed 405p.m. Express ...... 9:45 p.m. Tara' lTto Jtem3 A. chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BRUSSELS races on August 21st. Bove' summer coats and vests cheap at A. R. Smith's, 75 Cures, in advance, seOureS THE POST for the balance of 1891. lelemmes, ehallies, prints, flannelette cheap at A. R. Srnith's. Tim tar and gravel roof was put on the new American Hotel this week. MEr's rammer coats and vests at wholesale prices at A. R. Smith's, TOMAT0, Cabbage and Cauliflower plants for sale at L C. Richard's harness shop. Tim committee are sparing no expense to make the int of July the gala day of the year. DONT forget to come and see the great Cromwell on the high rope, at Brussels on Dominion Day. FULTORT, the boneless wonder, at Bre' eels on Dominion Day in his marvellous feats of contortion. REV. S. SELLER'S: will be in Brussels two Sabbaths more. We state this in re- sponse to several enquiries. Oerosiinni WANTED.-COme on with you opposition for the next 80 days in madymade clothing. A. R. &urn. 14Imenhee &larch choir will manage the musical exeroises withoutit precentor for a time as a trial and if satiefactory will continue on the same line. Wong is being pushed along at the Brussels Driving Park. F. 8. Scott and .A. Ecenig have been appointed Inspectors of the job. Races will be held on Aug. 21st. TEE town Will he beautifully decorated with evergreen arches and bunting on Dominion Day and these will be well worth seeirag. Every towusman should assist in this work, A. LARGE number of Brusselites visited Seafortla this week and took in the Fire. men's tournament. We wonder if the Seaforthites will return the compliment on Dominion Day) Turn about is fair play, you know. Lona acemegy.-On Thursday of this week G. A, Deadman shipped a colony of pure Italian bees to High River, 40 miles from Calgary, N. W. T. -a journey of over 2,000 miles. He sent another ace. ony to a purchaser at Pembroke, Ontario, the same day. WELL-DIGGEIG AND DRILLING. -George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residenoe sewed door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43-tf Meter se CASE. -On and after this date all casual advertisements and job. work must be cash transactions. Tug Pose has to pay cash for wages, plant and stook, and will not hereafter book casual work done. As a rule, the indivi• dual amounts are email and clan be paid easily at the time of ordering the work. We hope our patrons will rernernber this. FOR the past three years E. 13. Biggar, of Montreal, has been gathering anec- dotes and facts telathag to Sir John Macdonald, and the result is an aneodot. al life of Sir John, whieh will be issued in a short time. Before going to press Mr, Biggar will be glad to reoeive any authentic anecdotes or reroiniseenees on the aubject that have not yeb appeared in print. Mr. Biggar's addresa is the Fraser Building, Montreal. Poor, Onoetivelx, the tight rope walker, has been secured, at large expense, for the Dotninion Day celebration in Bras- mtg. He is well worth seeing as he per- forms some wonderful feits Bluth as, walk- ing the rope with his feet in a basket and tied up in a sack, and balancing °halm on his head in roid•air. He will also cook and eat his dinner and comfincle by wheeling a man morose the rope in a wheelbarrow. Dont fail to see him. 6500 rots A Neninez.-"Our Homes," a thirty.two page monthly mageeine, de. voted to house building, home furnishing, bongo deeoration, faahions, general litera- ture, elm, ie the best potrication of itet is Wass in Ametica. The publishers, in °Mar to inereaae the elimination of their n magazine, °fieo large cesh rewards to o thoee of their subaoribers, or intending A. enbeeribere, who correctly answer the th following question ; Where in the New c Testament are the words "a needle" firat to Sound? Cash daily and weekly rewarcle ti given while the competition taste. The fi publishers will give away thoneands of b dolhers arnong those correetly answering the question -the leading reward beteg si 4560 in gold. Send ten meta in stamps of or envoi; for a sample eopy of 'Our Hanle& a and eemplete rtiles governing the mem- It petition. Addrese-Oon Home Putiaii nt /130 Coe Brookville, Caneda, THE ABOVE PRICES ARE FACTS. - SMITH. - CALL AND SEE THE GOODS. Remember the stock of' Readymade Clothing we bought is not a bankrupt stock. The goods have never before been offered for sale. They are all new, and were made for this season's trade. These goods are manufactured by one of the largest, if not the largest, wholesale manufactures in Canada, and were intended for fine trade, This sale offers a great opportunity for clothing buyers. If you have been accustomed to give $12.00 for a suit bring $8.75 only and see for yourself, Save Good Money. Fern stock of mourning goods, crape, Jar. at A. It. Smith's. COOPER d: SMITH'S boots and stapes at right prices at A. R. Smith's. Gr a program of Dominion Day sports and send it to your friends invite ing them to Brussels. A New band stand is being erected on Victoria Park to replace the old one which was took small. James Wiesen purchased two well bred Jersey cows at Guelph this week. He gob them home on Wedneeday morning. 40o. Japan tea for 27ies. ; 350. hyson for 24.o. •, 40a. hyson for 29o.; 35c Japan tea tor 26c. ; 20c. tea for 10a• GEO. Goon. WE don't handle old shop. worn goods, but when we get a snap in new goods from the manufacturer we take them. A. R. SMITH. THE bicycle races at Brussels on Joie. lat promise to belan interesting feature of the day. Two events are on the pro- gram viz. 1 mile and a 2 mile race. CAPT. FREEMAN mei wife, of Wyoming, are the S. A.. officers appointed to Brus• eels. Capt. Sweet and Lieut.. Bergamo have gone to Drayton. They "farewell. ed' laat Sonday evening. Bl'ERVBOUT ShOUld /12/5110 an effort to get to Brussels on the forenoon of Do• minion Day to see the grand display made by the Trades' procession and afterwards the fire fight between hose - men. Our bueinese rnen are preparin already for the proceseion. RNOX Church Missionary Society has been moot fortunate in seouring Rev. J. H. Simpson to give them a lecture on "The Heathen of Amerioa," on Monday, June 22nd, lecture to commence at 8 p. m. Mr. Simpson is well known in Erns - sale and his lecture will be well worth hearing. A. collection will be taken in aid of the E. C. M. S. .A. $20.00 gold piece will be given as a spectators' prize on Dominion Day at Brusaels to the holder of the lucky en. trance ticket to the park or concert. The name of the successful person will be announced at the concert at 8:80 o'clock p. rn., when the drawing will take place. The admission fee to the grounds is only 15 oents for adults and 5 cents for child- ren under 10 years of age. Concert tickets 10 cents with chance of drawing in either case. CREBAR W/Lb.-Proceedings have be. gun in the Chicago cirouit court to break the will of the late John Crerar. The plaintiffs are residents of Ontario and Manitoba, who claim to be cousins of the deceased, the relationship having been diseovered since hie death. The fieht will be made to set aside the funds to in- sttutions not yet eetablished, inoluding the free library, the Linooln monument, and the bequest to the Second Presby• terian tabard] amounting to 42,000,000. Should the will be broken some of Mr. Crerar's millions will likely fall to Brussels where some of the claimants reside. DOMIN/ON Der R. -The Summer Sleeting at Listowel is on July let and 2nd. There will be two days dead game races from the word go. The first day there are two trete and a mile and a quarter Saab; the mooed day a 2:40 trot, an open trot and a three.quarter mile run, best 2 in 8. Their splendid knelt never was in better shape, They are in She Great Western Trotting Circuit and some of the best horses in Ontario will be on the track. If you cam to Pee good horses go for they are worth,a visit to Lis. towel on one or both days. 48-2 GRAVELLING CONTRAOTS.-Last Saturday afternoon the oontracts for gravelling on the boundary of Grey and Morris town- thips were let, at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, by Reeves Mooney and Milne. as follows :-Thos. Bird, 188 yardeoronth of Brussele ceme5ery,660.00 ; Geo. Read - man, 105 yards, north of 16th 000,, Grey and 85h line Morris, $40.00 ; J. M. Merril] $60,00 at Franck's invamp, 01 700. per yard ; and $40.00 opposite (them factory at 500. The total sum is 8200., We have no doubt the work will lee well chine as far as it goes bab the reed should have three times $200 expended on it to put it in decent shape after hist win- ter. The raised sides should be cut away so as to allow the water to run off at mace instead of wathing fuerows On the highway. WATCH OCT. -Still another swindle is fling perpetrated on the agriculturist. he 'Uxbridge Journal reports umber of farmers have been the vietinle what looks like a stvindling operation. glib -tongued agent would drive up to e houee and induce the farmer to bo- oms agent for a sulky harrow in his whship, and would end his converse - on by agreeing to meld him eix harrows, ve of which Ile Wail to sell tie his neigh. ors and keep the sixth for his labor, he agent then required the roarer; gnature to what he °ailed a certificate &gooey, but whieh Mune out to be an greement to neeept the harrows at a ated priee, Some weeice 115 tor another an turns up Who demands a settlement, rid then the tardier discovers that he ag been viotitnimad," • A. R SMITH, Amiiimiumwmissommoismommeasiominim Smale's Brick Block. Opposite Central Hotel, Brussels. Exec:rams 10 the model feriae, Guelph, on Saturday of next week, 27t1i inst. Return fare from Brussels 80 cents. MARTER FULTON, the Serpentine Wonder, will be present at the Dominion Day sports in Brussels and surprise the sightseers by his wonderful 9e11509051311- 008, We want to show our oustorners the difference in prioes in readymade clothing for the next; 30 days. Cornpare our pricee with those who boy in the regular way. A. R. SMITH. TDB overorowded state of the news- paper business has led to several news- paper /animas during the past year or two. There has just been another, that of the Ingersoll Tribune, of which Harry Rowland has been the hard-working, worthy publisher for the last sixteen years. AnVtieristuo PATS.-Lasb week the two advertisements in TEE Porn °oncoming 4 head of cattle strayed, and a pair of shoes found, did their work and the owner creme into possession on armount of it in each case. Tim Poor is read by the public at large and those who are not subscribers are often "ri day late" on a good many things. WE understand that Councillor Stewart has leased a roller flour mill in Durham and will take possession in August. He was a former reeident of that town so lees a good idea of the business done t rare. His removal will cause a vacancy at the Commit Board. We are sorry to lose him from Brussels, rig he is held in high esteem by all, but wieh him success 113 his new ventare. The eleotrio light plant %run in connection with the Dur- ham mill. CHAMBERS 0AUGET.-A.1 5110110 hardly correct in a few particulars the following item will be read with interest by per- sona in this Imlay :-Detecrtive Murray, Chief of the Ontario Detective Depart- ment, has, after considerable trouble, succeeded in effecting the arrest of Thos. Chambers, of Guelph, one of the oracles - men who is believed to have had a hand in committing the reaent postoffice rob. baries throughout the west. A. few weeks ago Constable P. R. Berliner, of Listowel, endeavored to arrest Chambers in a Clinton hotel on a charge of being concerned in the robbery of the Brunets postoffiee. Chambers' sensational escape from the ofileers at the time is familiar After a f usilade through the bed -room door between Belmar and himself,Cham bers emerged with two loaded revolver in his hands. Balmer attempted to ba his passage and Chambers lodged a butte in the officer's breast, and then cooll marahed down stairs and out into th street, his firearms aeryang to keep the citizens, who had been aroused by the firing, at a safe distance. Chambers reached the woods unmolested and es- caped. The Government was notified, and learned that Chambers had gone to the Northwest, Detective Murray notifl- ed the authorities at the Portage and Chambers was arreeted and committed for 60 days for an offence oommitted there. As soon as his time is up De- tective Murray will hand him over to the Huron authorities to answer a charge of shooting with attempt to commit mur- der, Chambers is not an "unknown" in Brussels. A. 0. U. W. BENErIOIARI.-On 'Wednes- day of this week Mrs. ano.Forbee was pre- sented by the officers of Brunets lodge, Igo. 138, Ancient Cyder of 'United Work- men, with a check for $2,000, being the amount of beneficiary held by her late husband, John Forbes, in the Order. The cheek was accompanied with the fol- lowing letter of coodolenoe : Perna. -Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jae. Ross preached a very interesting discourse to the childree in Melville ohnrch. His text wae the latter clause of the 4th verse of the 25t1i Psalm : "Teach me Thy paths 0 I Lord." The divisions were well definel as follows :- (1) Plain Paths, (2) Poblic Paths. (3) Pleaaant Paths. (I) Pore Paths. (5) Prosperous Patba, GONE TO His REWARD.-Parly Net Time. day morning the spirit of Chas. U. Park- er took its ;eight from the tenement a clay. The old gentleman was born in Dundas County, Ontario, in the year 1810 and upwards of 60 yeara ago was united in marriage tee Miss Welsh, his now bereft partner. In the year 1852 Mr. and Mrs. Parker came to Moeda township, driving through the alined solid bush from Clinton. Theysettled on lot 10, eon. 6, where they made for them- selves a home where he oontintied to re- side until about 14 years ago when they removed to Brussels to spend the rem. nant of their days. Seven children were born to them, two of whom are dead. Those living are Mrs. Barkley, of Bel. grave; John, of Iowa, r, Mrs. Joseph Clegg and George Parker, of Morris ; and Mrs. Wm. Clegg, of Wingham. Last spring they celebrated the 60% an. niversary of their marriage. Tlie subject of this notice seas a very unassuming man yet one whose worth was highly valued by those who knew him. He was the first Reeve of Morris township and also filled the offices of Councillor, assess. or and collector at various times. He was tax collector in Brussels for one or two years. In his earlier years he Waft a powerfel man and few could ao such a day's work as 0. m. Parker. Upwards of 50 years ago he joined the Methodist church and scores of times preaching services were held in his house and many a pioneer preacher shared his hospitality. Father Parker did not lose his intereat in the oause as the years rolled by but delighted to give his testimony as to his faith in the old Gospel. He was a class leader in the Brussels churoh for ten or twelve years and only resigned the work on account of increaeing feebleness. The muse of death was said to be heart fail. ore, with other complications. He had been failing quite rapidly for the past years but was only ill for abotat three months. During that time he was lov- • • ingly and tenderly cared foe and his last . utterances were words of praise to his o God. The funeral took place on Wed - ✓ neaday afternoon, being under the direct. tion of the Orange Association, Rev. S. y Sellery gave a suitable address at the O house after which the prooesaion wended its way to Sunshine cemetery where the interment Wail made. Mrs. Parker, who is 70 years of age, and the other members of the family have the prayers and sym- pathies of the community. The floral offerings were vety beautiful. They were arranged by Thos. Relly, florist of BrasSels. 86031091 00 God, well done I Thy glorious welfare's past ; The battle's fought, the race is won, And thou art crowned ablest, To Airs. .7. Porbai, Dean MADAM. -Whereas it has pleased an all -wise ,Providetee to remove from among us by the hand of death our muell beloved brother, john Ember!, we, the members of Bruesels lodge No. 188,5.. 0. TJ. W„ of whieh he was an honored mem, bete embrace this opporbunity of convey. ing to his bereaved wife and children 000 eineere and heartfelt sympathy, and ex. 90380 our deep regret for the loss of our dear brother, one who wag just and up- right in all his dealings and enjoyed the eeteem of all who knew him. That the Most High may keep you and yours me. tier Ills guiding ottre, and oornfort and strengthen ,on tinder your affliction, is the prayer of youre, in behalf of the Order. Signed, A, McKereme, III. W. W. IL Rene, Rec. 01111) Or TUANSS. The following card of thanke speak tor itself: To the Om* and inantbers of &meth Lodge, Aro. 138, el, 0. 11, 19.--Gmans- gni t Please extent my moat eincere Urania for you» kind letter of eondolenot ftua for the kindness and sympathy you have all shown during the tittle of trouble. I have also to thank yon foe bho prompt manner ite which you settled my (claim et $2,001 May yowl treble order continue to flOttrish and prosper in youe worka of enemy. Ametz Foust& Redeemed from earth and Dab, An b when shall we ascend, And all in Jesus' presence reign With our translated friend." Wiherez,-In Brussele,on Jane 10th, the wife of Mr. Jose Wilbee of a son. MoLeom-In Ethel, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr, Wm. McLeod of a SOIL Zur..A.1"Mr=24. ANDlineen-Annin.-In Stratford, at the rosiclenoe of the bride's mother, on June 8r5, by Rev. E. W. Panton, Mr, Donald Anderson, of South Easthope, to Miss Rate, daughter of D. Addie. Rone-Manns.-At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. James Mills, Du /Morgan, en Wed nesdtty, 10th inst., by Rev. FL Moore, Mr, William Robb, of the townehip of Morris, to Misa Mary Elizabebh Mills, of the township of West awillimbury, - PAESI:IL-In Brussels, on Tuesda,y, June 16th, ?Mae. M. Parker, in hie 81st year. ASTe'V006=17-43 a\44.41.M.2C1=0, Van Wheitt Spring Wheat 13 Relay Pette Oata Butter, tubs and rolls., Eggs per dozen ... FloUr pot barrel Potatoes . , • .. • • • • alY per bon............ Pork Hides per 113 BAH par bbl., robuil Sheep ekins, eaoh,“• lie 00 Lamb skins earth..e..... Wool, por111 1 00 ... 98 46 43 06 12 10 5 00 50 6 06 5 00 4 1 25 60 40 18 1 03 1 00 50 45 66 18 00 5 50 00 8 00 5 50 00 00 75 SO 19 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ON EY TO LOAN. -PRIVATE .LYI. Funds, Apply to Gmonon HirmirroN, eoliet, XIhluois or to 41.51 11800, RIILLY, Brussels. pRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN 1 on Farm geourIty at Low rate of In. tarest. Apply at Trot Posm Publishing House, Brussele, 95 H. A. ATALISE LOST ON TUESDAY V evening between Brussels and Lead - bury, The name of the owner is written on the bottom, Vella° contained ladies' wear- ing apparel. The finder will greatly oblige by returning the sam e, at epee, to trEE POST Publisbieg House. Brussels. REAL ESTATE. OHOICE FA.Rtt FOR SALE.- Lot 24, Con, 12, Grey; 100 acres; first- class buildings. A rare bargain to a cash purchaser. Title perfect. Apply at 01100 10 W. M. SIN CLAIR, 8oliciter, lirussels. 89- FAnms FOR SALE. -THE UN - DEMUR.= has several good Farms f or Sale sad to rent, einlY terms, in TOwnshiPe ot Morris and Grey, P8, BoOTT. Brussels. 87-tf. 011010E FARM FOR SALE. - N../ Being South boa Lot 27, con. 6, Morrie, 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, fine voting bearing orchard. Immediate pea - session. Easy Terms. Amply to W. 31,01140118110 tf- Solmitor, Ito., Brussels r_youst AND LOT FOR SALE. - .11 -1. The eubseriber offers her house and lot, eorner 01 James and etreets, Brussels. Them is a comfortable house, good elluble, splendid well, dm, on the pre. mises, 4 aore of land. For further partiou- Jars as to price, terms, dm. apply to MRS. WM. AMOULLC)IlGH, Brussels, VARM FOR SALE. -THE UN. deigned offers his valuable 100 acre farm, being Lot 12, Oen. 9, Grey, for sale. There are 85 acres under orop, balanoe thnbered. There is a good orchard, wells, &a. on the premises, besides log house, bank burn, dm. Will be sold ou reasonable terms, For prioe and full particulars apply to WM. HABRIRR, Brussels P. 0, Or Joan Dasauszi, &Worth, Out. 97-050 ATALUABLE 50 ACRE FARM V 1/0/1 SALIL-Belug treat Lot 11, 003. 0, Grey, 23 milee from Brussels. The land is good, clay loam, well drained, mosIlly all cleared and In good order. One acre of or- chard in good repair. There is a never fail- ing spring on the premises and au extra well at the buildings. The buildings are ounfort- able. Would take suitable property in or near Brnsaels as part pay. For further par- ticulars apply on the premises to THOS. MaGRIIGOR, or address Brussels P. 0. 21810 1R111 FOR SALE. -THE UN- DDIUDGIDOD offers for Sale the north z5(051quar50 105 105 28, coneession 0, Morrie, ounty of Huron, containing 50 aores. The land 10 of first quality and in a high state of oultivation. well teneed and uuder-drained, OD auras cleared. Nowframe house, 8 rooms, milk house with conorete walla, 2 wells, good barns and ehed, orchard , etc. Bight eons :fall wheat. This deeirable properte adjoins 1he corporation of Brussels. Suit. abic torn, will be given , Title perfoot. 4AMIIS 101511030E, Owner, 80- &Worth 9.0, MORTGAGE SALE TALIIABLI VI= P11011111, 1Juder and by virtue of a power of sale eon - Wined in a °attain registered mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, and upou wbioa default has bee ti made in payment, there will be offered for sale by Public Aim tion at The Amerman Rotel, Brussels, O n Saturday, the 2111. bey or June, 1885, nt 2 O'clock p. The following valuable and doSirable pro- perty 1- Perione, 1, CornooSed of 'Village Lots, Nos. AA 1107,008 end OW, being part of lvishleigh's survey of part of PAH{ Lot Lettered "G" io the Village of Brussels in the County of Patient, 33511 that part of Village lets Nos. 100011(3 10738 the Pest side of Turuberty etreet 10 eaid Village of Brussels, having a frontage on elurnberry street of Ave feet 00 lot 107 and '1030001y 4e foot on lot 1.30 and a deyth Of Sixty -to foot. Faroe" no, 1 Oonsists of ono note ot tan cl oven whir% there ia an excellent new frame e Wry and a half houem stable, sheds and woodhooso. There ie a good °roamed 00 the (1901311858 330(3 two good wells and soft water eistern, The property is well formed and in good condition and is oue of the most desir. able phone of residence in the Village. Parool No.2 fronts On the principal street In the Village said is in a good bileiness too. ality. 'X here le a largo bwo story frame building thereon at lament occuulea aa 31 machinery Warehouse and paint Shop, Parcel No, 1 will be sold enbl ea to a prior mortgage upon Which there 3033030 (1116 4450 ovine:pal with interest. Team or Seem. -Ten per cent, of the 9111, 013000 131011'y Medi be paid down ou the day of sale and the balancer within thirty days thereafter, nuttier particulars and conditions will be made known ab the um of sele or nley be had ou appMation to P. 9800715, or to Re L.TAYLOrli, Auottonter, Vendor's Solleiter, BEST FRESH PURE ENGLISH PARIS GREEN AT PEPPER'S DRUG. STORE, BRUSSELS. 54 el 1.1 t,t0, e9 1:4 s ,e „ 0,1 fg 11 re ..°1 Eti P BANKING. moiNTosa & MoTAGGART, 13AN/KERS, • BRUSSELS, Tra.T.Aamot a. cH-ewloual OB3axt.1.5.=.0, NOTES IDISCOUNTED. • Onnadian and United States Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposita Collections made on favorable tame. Canadian At2001B -151E110.0AND'El BANIC ON CANADA, 140W Y011t A3on1S-IttPO31TA33S AND TRAD 00030(101093133 BANS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A M. TAYLOR, B. C. L., ta-e't EleVVO'ustgl.i°4T;A:t7,, DADILT"'" "D L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, _L It • solicitor 11031 Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. Oaloo-Vanstoue'a /3look, Prue. seta. 2.1.are M. SINOLAIR, • Soliolter, Conveyancer, No bury Pub. Ho, dm. Office -Grahams Block, 1 dc .jr north0(3 of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. _ inICKSON & HAYS, trAA• with Garrow & Prou(jfoot, Gode- rich,) Barr,sters, Solicitors, Oonveyaneers, dee, Offloos-Firussels and Seaforth, Brus• eels Oilloe-Up-staire over Bank, rdouey to Loan, s. nays, W. u.13I0ite011 BUSINESS CARDS. 'VMS O'CONNOR, Teaoher of Organ aim Plano, 40-tt Prtucess etreet, Brussels. MoORAOKEN, • lamer of Marriage Licenses. Office at his Grocery, Turnberry etreet. Brussels. BARRETT, Torisorfai Artist- Skop-Neat door south 05 4, M. A/slier & Co's hardware store. L aches' and ehildrens hair cutting a BeecE1153, it UoNAIR, • Issurer of Merriage Licenses, by appointment of Liaut,-Governor, Commis - miter, cto., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire 'neurone° Co. Whoa at the Oranbrook Post Ofilee. ROBERT cuNNINGHANI- INEitiniNON, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTRR, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron, Conveyanoer, Notary Public , Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Puede invested and to loan , Oolleotlens made. Wee 111 Grahanre Bieck, Breathitt. rr A. HAWKINS, • Organist in St. John's church, Brus- eels, and pupil, in the Art of Teachlug, of A., W. Thayer, Mus.l.Me., New York, will give lessons to pupils either at Tilos, Holly's, Turnberry st., or if preferred, at their awn homes. Terms moderate. 45. M ISS SHERLOCK, Late of the Ooneervatory of Music, Toronto, is prepared to give lessons at Ethel and Oranbrook. Pupil of Professor Fidler and Mr. Harrison on the piano, and of Mr. S. Et. Clark in vooal musio. Class ab aranbrook every Tuesday. Par terms. ire, 099131 at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel. DENTAL. Z73421\TWTSW2i2,"Z" 1 10.21, Ball, L. L. S. Nitres Oxide Gas ad- ministered for too Painless rIxtraotion of Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street Rasa TORONTO, 111371.N.rtte;T: M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S.. D• D. S., Graduate of the Royal Oolloge of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. OFCION-Ovet Pepper's Drug Store, Brume, AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, famn stook, 40. Terms cheerfully given. aranbrook 9.0. Sales ntay be arranged at Tan Posm Publighing House, Brussels. aEOReD KIRKBY, Llooneed Auctioneer. Sales oonduot- ed on r01180no,b10 terms. Panne and farm stock a apeolalty, Orders left at Tan Posa. Publishing Hou se ,Bru seals, or sent to Walton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention, T_TAVING TAKDI,14 OUT LICEN- ALL SE as an An05101Iner, I sin prepared to coaled sales of Blinn stook at reasonable prices. Knowing the deriding of nearly every person Iaiuiuu cr0811100 10 t011 10 good marks and got goo seourity when gold on caotlit. Satisfaotion guaranteed. Give 11.10 01311. 82- V 8, SCOTT. MEDICAL CARDS. wm. CALE, M.D., O. M., Member 01 5130 College of Physician, wed Surgeons of Ontatle hY essminatlen. Oilloo aud lteeklence Mail) street Bast, Othel, Ontario, JT A. MoNIUGIITON, M. • 0. he.ele, R. feep,, Edinburgh, hf, 0. P S. Out. At Popper'S lIrtig Store front 9 to 111200,133,891 from ergo to 4 14, M, 46 other hoots may be found tet Ids rosidenoe, fothl- orly oommied by Dr, et utehilleon, e3111 at, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, e . Hever Gritchisto of the Ontario Veterinary College, is Rrenared 50 treat tell disearres of 5erttall510a50d ithitliale in a 0003- 9050135 Manner, Partioular attentioe Paid to veforitiar,v dentistry, Calls promptly at- tended to, 011100 and Infirmary -TWO doors nottit of bridge, Turnborry et, Brass's,