The Brussels Post, 1891-5-29, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Looe,1-11, S, Earl.
Low) -J. J. Gilpin,
Card -T. A.. Hawkinte
Local -I. C. Richards.
Hellebore -I. T. Pepper.
Strayed -Trueman Smith.
Wool wanted -Howe & Co.
Notice -Trustees Cranbrook cemetery.
fat $russels int,
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1891,
ir would appear that the text of the
late Dominion election campaign was
being oloeely adbered to as far as the
"Old Polley" is ooncerned, as the first
vote in the House watt upon the abolition
of one of the unfaireet measures ever
yawed by any Legislature, viz., The
Derninion Franchise Aot. The support-
ers of the Government are not a few who
spoke very strongly of the necessity and
deeirebility of removing this very costly
piece of machinery, but when it comes to
the question of party the vote is solid.
'L'he Montreal Gazette admits that
rhe Dominion Franchise Aot is use.
less and expensive, but argues that it
should be continued because its repeal
would injure the party.
EVERT justice of the peace heretofore
appointed, but who has not qualified,
must make the necessary declaration of
of60e and qualification before the clerk of
the peace, before the fleet day of August
next, or his appointment will lam. Any
justice of the peace hereafter appointed
utast make the necessary declarations
within three months of his appointment.
Any justice of the peace who becomes in.
solvent ceases to be a qualified justice,
and anyone now acting as a justice of the
peace without necessary qualification, on
b'eing reported to the Attorney -General,
will be struck off the rolls. All declare -
tient; taken or other acts done by un-
qualified justices, by virtue of their
offices, me illegal. These provisions are
the results of recent legislation and de.
eisions by the Attorney -General of
egresterttl riteNvIes.
There were 260 -leas from infiuenza
in London last week.
The liothseltilds will send 11,000,000
in bullion from London to Russia Fri-
Secretary Blaine is still improving,
and is expected to leave New York in a
few days.
At Knoxville, Tenn.,fire destroyed the
machine 'bops aud bolt department of
the Knox:vile Iron Co. Los 330,000.
The hessian fly has appeared among
wheat in the vioinity of Jaokeonville,
Ole and is uaueing great alarm among
A Munich banker has committed
suicide at Monte eerie because of leases
at the gaming tablee. His is the sixth
suicide there since May 1.
The hand of a child was found in the
stomach of a catfish caught in the Red
River, near Winnipeg, Monday, and
Tuesday another catfish wan oanght with
another baud in its stomach, and ap-
parently belonging to the same child.
A Kentucky man was two years atm
smitten with paralysis. He regained his
physical strength but was unable to 'meek
a word. A few days ago while watching
a game of ball he received another stroke
which threw him into violent °olive/alone.
Ile was pnt in bed and the bext day as.
tonished everybody by eating up and
talking. He has gained his voioe, but
has lost his recollection ot all events dui,
ing the past two piers. 15 18 believed he
will recover,
John Caetie, of Grant tlemehip,
was shot by a spring gun set by the son
of Walter Etielteeds in a new homie upon
the Richards farm, The trap was sprung
about 0 o'clock Motiday nigh,
and the charge of dm& shot entered the
leg above the knee, severing the main
artery. The victim bled to death in 15
miputes, Rieharde was arrested. He
claims the trap was set for an incendiary
but the neighbors allege a domestic
trouble ouw.ed the machine to be set in
A peoeant at Biedenhofen, Lorraine,
was brought before a magistrate a few
days ago charged with showing disrespeot
for the German authorities by whistling
"The Marseillaise." The man contended
that the marob he had whistled way one
that he had learned when he was serving
in the Brunswiela Huttears, The court
;mule the policeman whist e "The Afar.
seillaise" to Bee if he knew the &moue
hymn. Then the prisoner was ordered
to whistle the maroh be claimed to have
learned in the Hussars. It: proved to be
suspiciously similar to °The Mamie
!Mee," 9,nd the unlucky whistler was fined
15 marks for his indiscretion.
Every :fifteen minutes, says the N. Y.
Prese, each olock placed in rho Vander•
hilt tomb is visited by a Pinkerton de-
teotive, two of whom are constantly on
guard. One of these detectives patrols
outside the tomb, while the other is
locked in and sits behind the bare with a
loaded repenting rifle across his knee
ready for instane use. It would be next
to impossible for any robber to get away
with the remains ot Wm. IL. Vanderbilt
to long as the tomb ie preheated as it ie
now.. The Pinkerton men are hired by
the yeareend there 18 quite a little colony
of them established on Staten Island
very near the mausoleum.
Joseph Harti, who keep a, human hair
etore at No. 469 Broadway, 1,Villiame.
berg, near New York, reported to the
police at midnight Monday night that
hie IiS10 daughter Carie, 3 years old,
was missing from home and requested
them to assist in finding her. No trace
of her was found until 6:30 Tueeday
morainic, when the unfortunate child
was fontui drowned in ft (teak of water,
head downward in the unite. Clasped
tightly 10 her little ttrene was an old
Aim doll, which was little Carrie's in-
eeparahle oonmenion. It le seppotted
that the child took her doll clown into
the eellar 10 1910811 it, and in leaving over
the barrel loath her balanee and fell heed
toren:Lose Otte the Patel%
Thirty.tsvo years ago this month the
Britieh volunteers wore called into ex.
A furious; etorrn and 8 waterspout
caused much damage in Peris on Thurs-
day night.
Ten miners wero fatally crushed and
ninny others injured in the Pontey•Peuld
colliery, Wales, by a blast bringing clown
a portion of the roof.
B. B. Angus; and Duncan Mantyre
have purehased '21) tickets in the Grand
Derby Sweep, and have presented them
to the St. Andrew's Home, Montreal.
WilliamtPeeless and Charles Chapman,
Hammond, Wie,, farrn hands, had a fist
tight Saturday night, in which Peeleea
was killed. The teen took this mode of
settling a dispute. They had not fought
more than a few seoonde when Poelese
fell to the ground, dying in fifteen
minutes. Chapman escaped.
A Windsor, Ont., despatch says
: -
James Pillon, of McGregor, tees shot in
the arm by Michael Connolly, station
agent, at that place. Connolly had tes-
tified to an assault perpetrated by Pilton
on a neighbor, for which he got six
months, and Pillon was clubbing him in
revenge when the shooting occurred.
Pillon will likely lose the arm. It ie not
likely Connolly will be arrested.
Mrs. Chrieten Pederson, a Danish
woman, and four children, aged from
three to ten years, were found hanging
in the °eller of their house, three milee
northwest of Harlan, Ia., on Sunday.
It is thought they have been hanging
since Wednesday night. The husband
was sent to the insane asylum a week
ago, and this aeries of murders and
suicide shows that the wife must also
have been insane.
In Kiowr Connty, Kansas, Johnnie
Renner, aged 6, and his 8-year.old slater
were playing at "burying." A hole was
dug, Johnnie sat down in it and the girl
piled up the earth until it reached the
boy's chin and he was tightly imbedded.
At this juncture an old sow and her
brood appeared and savagely attacked
the girl and drove her away. The sow
then turned on the unprotected head of
the boy in the ground and sunk her teeth
in the face and skull several times. By
this time the acres.= of the children had
been hoed and assistance arrived, but
the boy died before he could be released.
Sporting News.
Hamilton bicycle club has 125 members.
The Winnipeg regatta has been post•
poned to June 13.
Sullivan sails for Australia Jane 23rd.
Jack Ashton will be hie sparring partner.
Berlin defeated the Ohioago foot bailers
at the former place on Monday by 2 to 1
The team raoe record still remelts 2 18.
It was made by Maxie Cobb and Neto
Medium in 1885.
Chicago still leads in the National
Baseball League and Boston in the Amer-
ican Association.
The three mile record, 7.24, made by
Huntress in 1872, is still the world's
record for that distance.
Luther Cary, the Princeton Univereity
sprinter, ran 75 yards in 7 3 5 seconds on
Saturday, and lowered the record.
Ten picked men of the Toronto Bicycle
Club defeated last year's champions of
that club on Saturday in a 20.mile road
Corbel and Jaokson, two heavy Weight
pugilists, fought 61 rounds and then did
nob decide the question of supremacy.
They each received 32,500.
What will probably prove the finest
gun tom nament ever held in Canada as
to be given by the Keystone Gun Club of
Windsor, Ont. It commenced on the
25th and last four days.
The tense ball match played at Galt on
Monday between the Alerts, of Loudon,
and Galt, resulted in favor of Galt by 13
runs to 10. Batteries -Galt, Coektnten
and Landers; London, B. Sheers and
O'Connor and Harlan on Saturday ac.
eepted the challenge of Gaudaur and Mc.
Kay for a double scull race. The date
and place of the race will be fixed ineide
of a few days and also the 5108 of the
stake. The Toronto men are willing to
row for any amount between 35,000 and
310,000. O'Connor and Belden are
training carefully for the event and will
e.ep into their boat on the day of the
race with every confidence of victory.
The Harriston Driving Aesociation
held their ennual meeting on Monday
last. There was splendid weather, a
good field, a close race and n large at.
tendance, Everything pieced orf in
splendid order. Athletic sorts and the
football tournament in the morning,
Mount Forest, Listowel, Drayton and
Harriston taking part, Mount Forrest
taking the prim. In the afternoon the
first race was a three minute trot, mile
heats ; best three in five ; purse, $125-
Neuat edt Lad lot, Sleepy Joe 2nd, Prank
P. 3rd. Thne, 2:34. The running race
was second -purse $100 -Topsy B let,
Clara K 2nd, Colonist 9rd. Time, 61e.
Third Race -Half mile ; for three.rnin.
ute pacers ; puree, el25-Jessie Maee 1st,
Maims. 2,331, Fred W 3rd, Nimrod 451,.
Time, 2;49.
The Caledonian gmnes were the prin-
cipal attraction at Strathroy on Monday,
and came off very successfelly, although
the chimers and pipere were not flamer.
ously represented. About 2,000 people
were on the fair grounds, and everything
went off pleasantly. The following events
were decided t -Throwing 20.11). h ammer
--.G. Perrie, 102 ft. 4 in. ; W. F. Scott ;
R. Currie. 12•Ib. liammer-G. Perris,
103 ft. 2 in. R. Currie ; W, F. Scott.
Standing( high jump -W. F. Scott, 4 ft.
018.; A. Scott ; E. W. Loosing, Hop,
step and jump -W. F. Scott, 80 ft. 0 in.;
A. Soott ; F. D. Outober. Highland
fiing-ledith Scott ; Aggie Rankin. Run.
ning high jump -W. 1'. Scott, 6 ft, 7 in.;
E. W. Leasing ; A. Scott and F. D.
/Dutcher. Putting 23-1b stone -W. le, Scott
87 ft. 5 ire ; It. Currie ; A. Seed. Pet.
ting 14.11). stone -R. Currie, 40 ft. 8 in. ;
NV,11. Scott ; A. Scott. Hitch and kick
-A. Seote 8 ft. 111.; W. V. Seat 11,
W. Logging. 1.3(1 lb. weight, higli-C4.
Perri°, 11 ft. 0 in.; W. E. Scott and 11.
Currie tie. Tossing caber -It. Currie,
0866. 8 in. ; A. McNeil; W, F. Scott.
Vaulting with pole -F. D. (Attalla. ; E.
W. Loesitig and A. Scott tied at 10 feet.
100-i card race- -W. Scott ; F. ;
F. 1). Cuteher. 120.yard hurdle race --
W, Ie. Scott F. 3), Ceteher ; le. W.
Lonehte. reoe-F. D. Cutober
53. W. Leasing ; 14. Ellis. The otitch.e.a.
tatch.ce,n wrestling match between Pollee
and Currie Was guile interesting, and
Wee won by the former in two etraight
fills, The Scotell concert in the evening
wag fairly well attended, Mtge StrOeg and
lif r, itapkin being the Odd ettreetions.
One more crank is about to etart on a
long pedestrian tome This time it is
a wee:tailed "Dr." Kaiser, who will learn
Buffalo and foot it all the way to Mexico,
The internatIOnal bioyole road Me
from Bordeaux to Peels, a disterme of
358 miles, was won by the Englishman,
Mills, in 26 hours, 86 minutes, on May
545)5. The Frenchmen were nowhere,
There is always some 11015 novelty
terming up in eporting affairs, The
latest ie by Charles Winslow of
Poughkeepsie, Persons letve gone with.
out sleep to test how long it could be
done, others have fasted until they were
mere ekeletons, a woman has travelled
on foot from California to New York, a
sensational artist has jumped from the
top of the Brooklyn bridge into the Eget
River, but Mr. Winslow has something
entirely new. He is ready to draw a
trotting sulky, with a man seated in it,
from the Court Hones in Poughkeepsie
to Central Park, New York, ineide of
fifty hours, the man in the sulky not to
weigh more than 140 pounds. He will
do this for any reasonable purse. Here
is a chance for somebody who desires to
test Winelow's endurance and strength,
and at the same time have some fon at-
teched to it. Or, be is willing to go
against any man in a twenty-four hours
go es you please.
DEBBIGNED has several good Fame for
side and to rent easy terms, in Tesynshipa
of Morrie and Grey. F. S. SOOTT. Bruseela.
Being South half Lot 27, con.0, Morris,
100 aenee, nearly all cleared. Good buildiuge,
flue yonue; bearing orchard. Immediate pes.
5000105. Easy Terms. Apply to
W. M. 810 01.4116,
51- Solicitor, Au., Brussels,
The subscriber offers her house aud
106,000000 01 James and streets,
Brussels. There is a comfortable house,
good stable, splendid well, dm. on the pre.
mixes, 4 acre of land. Por further particu-
lars 08 (0 price, terms, &a apply to
MRS. Whf. hfc0I7LLOUGH, Brunets.
dersigned offers his valuable 100 acre
toren, being Lot 12, Con. 8, Gray, for sale.
There are 85 acres under crop. halance
timbered. There is a good orchard, wells,
*a on the premises, besides log house, bank
barn, &e. Will be sold on reneonable Lerma
For price and full particulars apply to WM.
RABRIRIC, Brumes I'. 0., or JOHN 011093116,Seaforth, Ont. 57.13m,
ZJJ -The undersigned proprietors
e0 their well located farm containing 200
acme, being Lob 5, Uou.10 and Lot 5, Con, 11,
Grey townehip for snle. There is a log
house, good outbuildings Berge orclaard,
water supply, &c. on the premises. The
property is only 1} miles from the thriving
village of Brussels. Full partioul Ira as to
price, tonna aud conditions of sole note be
asoertaiued On application to
37-tf FERGUSON BROS., Teeswater,
V Fon letee.--seing west 1.06 11 Com
Grey, 111 miles from Brussels. The laud is
good clay loam, well drained, ntostiy all
cleared and 111good order. Orm acre of or-
ehard in good repair. There is a novel. fail.
fug epring on the premigen and on extra well
at the builtlittge. The buildings am comfort.
able, Would take sultablo property he or
near 13ruesels as part pay. For further par -
Heelers apply on the premises to
or address Brussels P. O. 5804
-12 DERHIGNED offern for sale the north
nalit qUarte r of lot 28, conoeseion 5, Morrie
(100017 0! Huron, contain in g 10 norm The
land is of first quality and in a high state of
cultivatiou, well fenced and ouder.dratnetl,
a acres cleared. Now Irate e house 8 rooms
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good barns and shed, °reliant, etc. Eight
wee of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Bruesele. Suit.
able tern, will be mewl. Title perfeet
83191J15 GRIEVE, Owner,
50. Seaferth P. 0.
Dn. S/NCLatin,
M.D., M.A., r,;o.r.s.o„
Specialist, - Toronto,
JONATHAN 1511e011811T, Liatowee Nye :-
" Af ter Spending all my roOliey end property
to no purpone on medical enee, for what
they termed a hopelees wise 01 consumptioe,
Dr. [Pentair 800611 108."
/dna. MArty FURLONG , Woodlouse, says :-
"Whop all others faliml, Dr. Sinclair mired
me 01 055,'
ItoneeirsoN, Carleton Place, says 1 -
"Dr. Sluoluir cured me of Catarrh."
Gno. Bowen, Blyth, says ; -"Dr, Sinclair
mired me 01 110005 disease 013.1 dropsy, when
nil others failed."
D10011008 of Private Nature, brought ort by
folly, ..Dr. Sinclair certainly Cares,
Coot.43.tatatiost. Vmeo.
Tuesday, July 7th, '91.
Paste this in your Hat
Football Matches!
Seaforth Recreation Grounds
Mass., U. S., vs. W. F. A.
JUNE 17t13,-Drernme V8. SEAFOHTL1,
Royal Mail Steamships.
CABIN RATES, *40, $50 and fee% Siugle ;
*Sae $20 and 8110 Return, according
to Location of Stateroom.
INTERMEDIATE, Outward 621; Prepaid 030
Steerage at Lowest Melee.
AcconimodatIons Unsurpassed.
Apply to H. 31 0. ALLAN, Montreal,
on W. J. 3FEEKUR,
• -
All Stations in Ontario ,j'etZ"
Canadian Pacific 114.
Tickets will be sold
for Excursions leaving Toronto 11 p. 01,00
June Pend, I801,
(Good to return until JULY 12th)
yearee -
Juno Otb. 10-11.9
Good to return until JULY ]0th)
June f3rd, usm.,
(Good to return 111)611 31110333811 2nd)
To the following points at rates named e
M el been liar! ney
Deleralne Motteelnin $28 og
IWOOKIFilsTA-„,, $30 op
For further particulars apply to any
agent of the Company.
Agent, Brussels,
Axe still pleasing the public with Oils. Why use an Oil that will
injure your machinery, when you can get the
Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka,
Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, ,Harnesk;.
W. F. COWAN, Preeident,
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier,
Cerwee, Auenomenp, -
PAID 111,, • •
11180115E FUND, . •
Agencies in alt principal Points in Ontario.
Quebec, Manitoba, united States
and Pnetenet.
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking Bushmen Transacted,
Farmersend other good Notes Discounted
at lowest rates. Drafts Ismael and 0 ellen-
tious 5111(118 08 ell polute, Deposits received
cud Bitterest allowed at 011100111 rates.
Iuterost Allowed on Savings Bank De.
posits of SI and upwarile from dote of
deposit to date of withdrawal, and com-
pounded half yearly.
Prompt attention and every facility afford-
ed customers living at a diatom).
Brussels, April 8th, 1891.
Why Not No Ti Own Thinking?
BitulmEL13, November 8th, 1850,
.1., MoLson, Goderich,
DEAR should have written before
now to let you know hew I air getting along.
atu It lot better than I was; gaining strength
every day. I have a good appetite end sleep
well. I can take the full quantity of the
System Renovator end it dome not sicken
me. hly Bulbs are all right 0019 ; quite
smart in that way; swell= all gone. The
greet thirst is gone; I (Wok no water Me
nigbt, but I take a little buttermilk. I ani
quite straight again, Setia me another
bottle of your System Renovator.
Yours, etc., .188. DUNCAN.
7013100053 M089118 LATEM
BIU150111.5,Febrintry 7th, 1891.
J. M. McLean, Einderich,
DEAR Stn.—Fifteen 151190 000 last NoVeM.
*100 I started to doctor first ; X was treated
for dyspepsia, but they never helped me
any. At tunee I suffered greatly from my
stomach ; I continued. but I grew worse.
I turned dropsical •, limbs and body swelled
badly. You know the state I wee in when
I went to Goderich-it mere wreck, could,
hardly walk -suffering from Bright's die -
ease. Just one year ago last fall I began
Your Renovator and Specie° (MM. I began
to mend in a few days; coutinuml thou for
three menthe stondy. Although I was told
I could not be cured, if you saw me now,
well aml hearty ; eat everything that comes
in the way. I owe you the pride° of geeing
iny iffe. I was in a hopeless 0581110101when
I went to you, in fact no one thought I
would get better, I cannot speak too Imply
of you and of your medieines, for it was
them 02101 530-031 ma Words cannot express
my thanks to you. 11Pyoteuerl laur. m noun to
SOLD BY J. T. PEPPER, Beresees.
Half the Virtues
Have never been Told.
—II— —
Read this—
Dyspepsia, indigestion, pains in breast
and kidneys for years very bad. When I
stooped (meld scarcely straighten up ; felt
miserable. For three months I pei elated
in a free use of Se. LEON WATEE. It was
the cup of joy to me; brought relief, par
excellenee ; pains, stifling, eto. ell gone.
Call at my office, I will tell far more
about the value of St. Leon, W. 1J1001Ns,
Empire Laundry, 823 Queen street west,
And this -
I 115,1 rheumatism in my knees and fingers,
bilious headaches. eta. every few weeks
Mr. Biggine, Empire Latuntry, ureed me to
try ST. Leos Mineral Water. I did, and it
805 0)0 all right; beadeches and pales all
gone. My wife and three ehildren also nee
it. We all fled $t. Leon Witter very good
and healthy. J. T. 8. ANIIIIMIoN, Watole•
maker and Jeweller, 110 Queen street west,
Geo. Good, Agent,
Si Leon :11;nrral Water C'o'y, St. Leon, Qeo
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the piddle for past favere and
support end wiehing etin to Homo
44-0111 For Sale by B. GEBRY, Brussels'. your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Orga.41,7--,ed 1871. Offiee, Toronto.
Remember after Three Years Policies are Incontestable,
Paideap Polley and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Polley. •
APPOltng Ass000ri' PetrfeeTt011 114110 lime Demi ; rem tone An ISIOMele
TX 01,, Ante, AND re A 600o levetersteere
Policies are Non -Forfeitable after the Payment of Two full 823111101Pre11Iitune.
Prate, which are Unexcelled by any Company doing buehnets in Canaan, Me
allocated miry five. yen% from the issue of the policy, or at log,' periode, may
be selected by the insured.
Profits go Allocated tare Absolute tied not liable to be reclneed er recalled at
any future time under tiny eiroutnetenoes.
Participating Policy Holden are entitled to not less than 00 per out. of. the
prolite emned in the elms, and for the past seven years have itetually received 06
per cent. of the profits 80 earned.
W. 0. MACDONALD, Aornmee, 1. K. MACDONALD, Meeretallie Dineweeit.
'w, it, ICIElit,114 ./544,01a-14 tivwfswi.1*.
Silver Plated Ware
from Eetablithed and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clock:8 of the
Latest Des kgns.
LAtillee 0801
IIIAIMI2309,. de>.
t.. --Also a Eull Line ot Viobies and
Violin Stringe, tee., ie atoek.
11.••••11fieteeer ee
T. Fletcher, . 1?3russels,
MAY 20, 1801.
TM/BOCCI 11.1111191) 131110592 SULL-
One Cow, 011.25 ; elowa, 51.00; additional
teowe, 51,00 tench, all the property or one
person, ,A clieeOlint Of 10 per mint. will 110
/loam/Cod when mild et 4110 Mem of eureka).
IL A, DBADMA Cregfast, the.
Jersey Corm $2.00 eacb extra.
undersigned will keep for nervine on
10t18, con. 7, Grey, the :meg thor&-bred
Durham bull, °Neel McDuff." Ho was bred
(,y Mr. John I, Robson, of idosherough, and
is an A 1 animal. Pedigree may be seen on
applimition, Terme-SIM for grade (tows,
and 83,00 for thoro`..breds, with privilege of
returning if neColleary.
484 ANGUS LAMONT, Proprietor,
Tee Onderaigned 1913( 00833 for semen this
present season the Improved large white
Yorkshire pig I'lleatly" on lot 20, coo. 11,
Morris, to which o limited number of 00198
will be taken, Terms SIM to be paid at
time of eerrice, 5331511 108 310181(055 of return-
ing if necessary. Pedigree linty he Buell up -
033 aoanwr 03(110(11,,
Earn and Eggs !
Eggs have dropped in price, so hoe our
Large Stook of Primo
All of Our Own Outing.
We else Manufacture Bologna &tame.
Patronize home industry by calling on me
Give me a call and prove the trutb-
fulness of the above statements.
Wm, Blashill, Butcher.
Money to Loan on
Private and Compatty Fundi,
J.C.Iieffernan., J.A.Young.
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. 2861
Patrons of Industry,
Of the Patrons of Industry, for
the purpose of receiving Tenders
from the Merchants of Brussels,
will be held at the AMERICAN
HOTEL Sample Rooms, Brussels,
On Monday, dune 8t/?, at 2 p, m.
Merchants desiring information
respecting contracts are respect-
fully invited to attend.
All members of the Order are
expected to be present.
Organizer Huron Co.
A Bee in Your Bonnet.
I have Combs, Frames and
Empty Hives for Sale.
Hives are Well Made and Welt Painted,
Price, 76c. Each.
Sth Con., Morris.
or write Walton P.O.
Take a Bargain while yon
have the chance. 15•2101
Shoddy -
- Pedlars
Are 016 the Warpath, so arc im-
plement agents to entrap the
wary farmer into buying inferior
plows made fit a distance from
Brussels, for which ,you cannot
get repaars when needed.
Farmers, consult your own in-
terests and encourage home man-
ufacture by calling at the
Bruzzols Foundry.
Where you can got it Superior
Article at a Reduced Price, Guar-
anteed to give Satisfaction, or
no safe.
mows, Ion) pcsOlitsinnoc vest skel
iseancs, Mime anal Potable.
Plow Pointe of Every Make at 40o. pole
Gang rein be 26 Cents.
lteet Pittebltrg Steel Boards fitted on
any plow at the Loweet Possible Price.
Be mire and cell 9031 eXemine wet
stoek before buying.
W. R. Wilsch, Brussek.