The Brussels Post, 1891-5-15, Page 8S CAUTION Don't neglect your Currant and Gooseberry fanatics Until the leaves are destroyed by worms, but rather call at OnCe and get supply of iollebo'e Whish we hays just receivetl n Large Stock Of. G. A. DE ADMAN. HAY WANTED! In Exchange for Bees, Bee hives and A.piariall Supplies. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &c. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & n. Trains lathe Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING BOOTH. GOING SMITH. Mail 11:56 a.m.Mixed 9:20 am, Express 11:46 a,m. h ail 8'ua p.m. Maxed 655 p.m. I Express 0:i6 r,m. Q.Cat 41lebUs Vte111S. A ehiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll print it. TRorT tishiu5. THE barefooted boy has made his ap- pearanoe. Fele, races will be held on Brussels track on August 21st. RAYMOND Sewing Machine Needles at S. G. Skene's for 25o. a package, IF blossoms are any indication of fruit there should be a big yield this year. DROVER SCOTT, of Listowel, shipped a oar load of prime cattle from Brussels on Thursday. A e w sign has been hung out as J. J. Gilpin's implement emporium, opposite the Town Hall. A FOOT -BALL match was played on Vio- torla Square, in this place, on Thursday • evening of this week between Seaforth and Brussels clubs. LAST Monday J. T. Pepper received a handsome upright Mason & Risch piano from Toronto, and had it placed in his residence, corner Alexander and Mill streets. BORT. HENDERSON has purchased the street watering outfit from E. R. Grundy and commenced work on Tuesday. Ile expects to arrange to have the water pumped into the big tank by power from. the National Roller Mills. WELL -DIGGING AND DRrLLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for diggiug and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to ell wort: entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. 1 Wells cleaned out and rut in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnberry st„ Brussels. .13.15 IIALr-a•dozen or more newspapers in Ontario have lately collapsed. They were in eaoh ease papers which subsisted On "cheek," that is, one or two individ- uals thought there was money fu the business and they began the publication of newspapers, only to find that after all, the profits were so small that there was nothing left to pay the chattel mort- gages which were taken by the type. dealers. Couxera MEETING.—At a special meet- ing of the Council, held last Monday evening, the following tenders were re- ceived for gravel :—W. Denbow, screen- ed, 75 oents per oubio yard ; unsoreened, 50 cents. D. McMillan, 80 and 55 cents respectively. Jas. Kelly had a tender of 40 cents for broken atone. Moved by J. M. McIntosh, seonnded by John Ament that the tender of W. Denbow be accept. ed. Curried. Council then adjourned. rice is an Easy One. FREE TRIr.—The success of one last word finding contest, just closed, en- ucarages us to offer another Free Trip aronnd the World, or its cash equivalent to the person sending in the largest list of words spelt the Fame forward and back. ward, such as "Pip" "Bob" "Haiinah." The contest closes May 15, Three daily prizes for the three largest lisle received. Contest is open to the World. Every- one veryone sending ten words will get a prize. Nearly 1200 won prizes in our recent con- tent. Rules and sample paper 12 cents, together with n large illnstreted rata. logue. Address Bell's Magazine, Orillia, Ont. EAST Huron License Board met at the merican Hotel, Bruaaels, on Tuesday fternoon. The filling up of Statements for distribution and signing 111e same, of the License Fund and the transfer of the Queen's Hotel license, Brussels, from lltret1on Bros, to A. J. Cousins ; from tyle. Beck to Peter McDonald at Dames' hotel, Cranbrook ; end from W. Beirnas to G. Taylor, Henfryn, constituted the business of the meeting. All the 111011P bars were present, ole, : Thos. Gibson, Fordwieb ; Geo. Fortune, Turnberry ; Geo. Murdie, Moxillop, and Inepeoto• Miller, MLIACOMEMIXEMIM RE:v. I/ S. J4 111:eON trill preach in lino 'church next Sabbath. AN r1; •i vie light will be planed near th nativity track t, tight the way to the de oh, p Smite" fare return tickets on the C. P. R. on May 23rd21th and 25111, good to return on 20+11, Tru: new aidewalk north of the bridge has been laid Shia week and will bo a per. moment arrangement. A. It, Sumo's end Thee. Straohan's Wil1;es cola are entered for the trottdug match at Listowel for the special prize offered by Kidd Bros. TilosisoN has put a brand now delivery wagon on the road this week It is n stylish outfit. The new rig was got up by walker & Ewan and painted by W. smith. BBT. SAIt0EL Jo ccs peached twice in Melville church last Sabbath in the absence cf the pester. Reeds, Messrs. Ottewell and Swann took Rev. S. Sellery's work in the Methodist church the same day. Ix the new American Hotel there will be 52 windows and 50 doors. D. Lowry and his assistaute are rushing the brick- work at a livery rate. The stonemasons have completed their job. Few hotels will be tis conveniently arranged as this out promise. to be. CNE man with nothing to do but go around disome aging his neighbors from making a mow • CM do more to keep back a town than is thought for. Give such in. dividuals the ool•t shoulder, When you hear a "croaker" say the town is no good" and has its growth, tell him to get o:if. This town is O. K., bit it's the drone that's away off. Sit on the "squealer" and do it liur,l. T. A. HAwoINS, music teacher, Brns- sele, Ont., will take a limited number of pupils on the piano, teed organ, vocal music, practical harmony or the art of ohord-playing. Mr. Hawkins is a pupil of A. W. The' er, mus. Doc. of New York, in the art of teaching and a sub- scriber to the "Etude" of Philadelphia. Any who wish to favor him with their patronage will please leave their address with Mr. Jones, Jeweller, Brussels. Terms moderate. Cnooc's ACT.—Inspector 'filler had Andrew Hnebchwerlin, hotel keeper, at Wtvxeter, before T. B. Sanders, on Fri- day of last week, for selling liquor on Sunday, May 3rd. Six witnesses were subpcened, two of whom (Wm. and Geo. Muir) refused to be sworn and were oom- mitted to Goderioh for contempt of Court, they to remain there until they are willing to comply with the law. The COM was then adjourned until Wednes- day, 13th, when a fine of 520 and costs was paid. SHOOTING MATCH.—last Friday after- noon sevetl members of the Brussels Gun Club drove to Ssa£orih and had a friend- ly match with the Gun Club of that town. The wind was very high and consequently a large number of birds were hissed by both teams but the score resulted in a victory for the visitors. A return match will take plane in Brussels shortly. The following was the score of Frlday's sheeting. : n110(0000, RrAI•'UITII. J. HORa............ 111 Stevens 3 It. Watt . _._ a 'Turner s S.W. Lainl....... .. a ori;int .. 7 A. 0, I)aone) 5 Grit ............ 5 A. J. Lmah•k_. _.., n St•trh, 1 J. Hewitt,.,. _. .. Dnd,1., 4 J. Buhuutytrr•,„ ..... Iiluclnlen', e 'total 37 Total 36 1 HB. L 1s L a l✓L`a YUS'1' x Soso service in the Methodist church next Monday evening under the auspices o of the Y. P. C. A. 411 are welcome. b1a0LE Li.11 relieve Dolce4a will be leaned to all paints in ',ankle by the G. T. 1t, on the 23rd, 24th cud 25th inste,, good to return on 20th THE new proprietor of the Queen's, Mr. 0ousine, of Mitotic/II, took possession on Tuesday of CUB week, Frank White a farmer Bruseelite, is the bartender. MESSRS, COCHRANIE & JOHNSTON received n oar load of Cleveland, Ohio, stone last week for use at their marble works. Sone of the biocke weighed three tons. POSTMASTER Fennow ie tearing down . the old frame house on the lot ro00ntie purahaeed from Jus. Somerset. The building has stood there for upwards of 30 years. MESSES. 501511, M4vmn. [ & GIPSON are pushing the furniture =nufa,ottiring at their faoto1•y and invite the public to in- speut their stook. Their advt. appears in this issue. stead what they have to say. AA000D sized stone was thrown through one of the side light windows in McKay & Co's. store On Tuesday night. They want the party who did the act to Come forward and settle the datn6g0 at once and save further trouble, Trot Seaforth football elute has'lrrang- ed a tip-top aeries if ma1Ches with the amok clubs of this Ooulinent. A list appears in another column. Car south. ern neighbors are heavy weights at foot ball and it will take a good team to beat them. THE first Lawn Tennis club to organ- ize in Bra eels this year is officered as follows :—Honorary President, J. T. Pap. per ; President, J. Ferguson ; Secretary Treasurer, Geo. S. Rogers, The olub will play on the same grounds as last year. THE Leamington Post says :—"James Buyers desires to express his thanks to the citizens who assisted him in remov- ing his household effects last Friday avenin: when bis dwelling was threaten- ed by fire. Not an artiole was brolten and not a cent's worth was stolen." The initial number West Lorne Her- ald published byW. Colwell formerly ,P of Mitchell, has reached our' sanctum. It starts with a large patronage of ad- vertising. Mr. Colwell will do good work for the phos if the residents accord him generous enpport. THE POST wish- es the Herald euceese. AT a meeting of representativee from surrounding towns held at Mitohell on Wednesday of last week, a circuit for fall races was formed, to be known as the Lake Huron Trotting Circuit. T. S. Ford, Mitchell, was elected President ; T. F. Coleman, Seafortb, Vice -President ; and W. Marlyn, Mitchell, Secretary. Treasurer. Arrangements were mode for meetings as follows :--Hanover, Ang. 12 and 13 ; Harriston, Aug. 18 ; Bros. eels, Aug. 21 ; Goderioh, Aug. 25 and 23 ; Clinton, Aug. 28 ; Seaforth, Sept. 1 ; Mitchell, Sept. 4. 6715.00 IN GOLD FOP. A WINE, --We will give to the first perxou telling us before June let, 1501, where in the Bible the word "wile" is first found 8100.00 iu gold. To the next 560.00. To the third, 525.00. To the fourth, 520.00. To the fifth, 815.00. To the sixth, 510.00. To the next 25, 55 eaoh. To the next 25, 42 each. To the person sending in the last correct answer, we will give 5100 in gold. To the next to the last 6150, and so on same as bone the first, With your answer send 25 Ota. in silver, or 27 atm in stamps, for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver and Siomenh Pill ever made. Stir° euro for sick headaohe. Don't gripe. Be. member the presents ars absolutely free, being given away to advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect Pills and Fancily Remedies. At the close of the contest the names and addresses of all the prize winners will ap. pear in this paper. We refer you to the Traders' Beek of Orilla. Send at once and be first. Address, Home Speoifio Co., Orillia, Oat. NnTIONUILa Iurm.vE11ENTe.—J. J. Gil- pin has painted his residents on Church street.—A new wire fano(' has been put up by Dr. Graham.—New awninge have been hung up by H. L. Jackson and W. B. Dickson. Jno. Barnhill has erected a varandah et his residence, Thomas street.—lire. Hingston, John street, has improved the appearance of her house by a fresh coat of paint.—Goo. Thom. 8013'8 brick store House in the roar of his store, and the addition of two rooms to the rear of T. J3'letcher's block are oompleted and comfort and con. vislience consequently prrvail.— W. F. Vanstone has thinned out the trees and shrubbery at the Vanstone homestead, now occupied by himself and family, and improved the appearance of the property.—Bev. 1t. Pawl has built a woodshed at Victoria Cottage, Princess street. He has e neat, Cosy, well inept property.—Tiro wood work on the resi- dence lately onoupied by Geo. Howe, has been refreshed by a now dress of paint. W. M. Sinclair ie living in it n0ty,—Mrs. Pearson's rosidenoe is being brightened up by the pointer's brush this week.— John Wynn is putting up a twee fence at his property on Turnberry street, COMPLIMENTARY ADDRESS.—At MIS regu• lar monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the Methodist church (Brussels auxiliary) bald on Thursday of last week, at the house of Rev. J. L. Herr, the Secrebary read the following address, which speaks fur i'solf :—Mos. Wm. Vio nTsNl,—DEAR FnIEND,—Learningtbat the hour we have been dreading for menthe has come when we must part, it is with feelings of acute sorrow that we clasp your Band and wish you "Good bye," Hon have boon so deeply interested in every good week in our ehurob--especially the Woman's Mia: sionary Society, of which you have been Vioe•Presidenb ever since its orgenizabion, nearly four years ago ---always in your place, unless detained by illuees ; ever ready by words of encouregement or your open purse contributing to the 1000180 of our Society. "We shall meot, but we shall miss you ; there will Le ons vacant elver," but rest assured you have won the deep and lasting regard of every mem. berof this Society, and, though the regret your removal, ewe sorrow not res Idiom without hope," for we treat in the future to 500 you often among your old friends. Wo pay God will ever bless and keep :Pott till we meet again some happier HORSE SHIPMENTS.—The Seaforth Ex. positor esiys : John MehMsmn, of this town, the Ontario 1lorse King, shipped from hero on Tuesday last lot Detroit a mixed lot of thirty horses, One of these, four.year•old gelding, Mt. bftt4ann handled, was the bast horse he has over and that is Baying a good deal. He was bred by Duncan MoLiu5lilin, of Grey, sand Weighed 1,780 lbs, Ito was 5000 YOU A Neenoat.—"Our HIomes," n thirty•twc page monthly magazine, de- voted to house building, home furnishing, hoose decoration, faslnooe, general litera- ture, etc., is the best publication of its class in America. The publishers, in order to increase the circulation of their magazine, offer large oast) rewards to those of their subscribers, or inteuding subscribers, who correctly answer the following question: Where in the New Testament are the words "a needle" first found? Cash deity and weekly rewards given while the competition lasts. The publishers will give away thousands of dollars among those correctly answering the question—the leading reword being 5500 in gold. Send ten 'cents in stamps or silver for a sample copy of 'Our Homes' and complete rules governing the con - petition. Address --Oen Hones PtnLISH- 1N0 Co., Brockville, Canada. LICoNsin AnCTioNEEns AND PM/MESS.— The following gentlemen having deposit. ed the requisite fees with the County Treasurer, have been granted Itemises to act es auctioneers and peddlers in the county of Mum for the year 58111 :— Auctioneers—David Dickinson, George Kirkby, John Currie, G. Barton, Joseph Cowan, John Knox, F. S. Soots, W. G. - Dull, Peter Deane, jr., Thos. Brown, Jame) Rowson, Joseph Mttllongh, Jolla Farrow, C. Hamilton, Jas. Jones, A, Bishop, F. Hinsperger, J, Brine, T. N. Carling, Henry Eilber, E. Bossenberry, John Gill, John Griffin, R. M. amides, L. Hardy, A, .1. Rollins, Anthony Ray - mann. Peddlers—S, Wray, Richard 130ker, J. L. Cosrtioe, Wm. Wiley, J. W. Gibson, Fred, Chessman, Geo. Beatty, 5r., J. C. Clark, Thos. Dearing, C. Newton, 3. E. Cantelon, Geo, Cranston, W. J. Lobb, Thee. Watson, H. 1t. Stanbnry, Thos, Sneyd, Any persons acting as auctioneers or peddlers whose names are not in the abovr, lists are unlicensed and are, consequently, subject to the penalty prescribed by the comity bylaw. The June session of the County Council will likely look after the unlicensed parties doing business. Pxrce» 01, AT THE =wt.—Messrs. Smith, Malcolm & Gibson are rushing work on sash, doors, frames, &c„ to Toronto. Shipments are made eve)y few days.—Two new substantial Bross. ngs have been put down in the station Orton RIcr.Ir,L.—The following is the i program of the entertainment to be held in Melville church on Thursday evening of. next week, commencing at 7:45 o'eloak :—Organ solo ; solo, "Babylon," Miss X. Wilson ; solo, "Not a sparrow felle1h," (Abt.) Thos. Gibson ; anthem, "Wake the Song of Jubilee," choir ; solo, "He will forgive," (Moir) Mise L. O'Con• nor ; solo,' "If the watars could speak as they flow," Geo. Duffield ; anthem, "Come Granioue Spirit," choir; sole, "Too late," (Lindsay) bliss Ames ; solo, seleoted, W. 151. Sinclair ; anthem, "It came upon the midnight clear," choir ; organ solo ; solo, "Oh Thou who dryib the mourner's tears," (Geddes) Miss Tay. for ;'solo, selected, Mr. Duffield; anthem, "Hark what mean those holy voices," oboir ; trio, "Still, still with Tbee," Miss Kerr, A. Straohan and De. Cavan. gh ; solo, MISS g. Wilson ; solo, Hied- , n, $traohan ,anthem, "There, wete elle/Alma,. (Painter)ohait ; sola, !'Flee ass bird," ten rd Miss ri es • solo, oto, "Come unto Ate, (Lindsay) T. Gibson ; Dox - elegy. yard and a large temp, with reflector, hung at the South west earner of the building to lighten the sleekness. Before long the station house will be sided anew and the whole building painted.—An oleotrio light will likely be placed at the entrance to the grounds from Turn. berry street, It is inuob needed on dark nights,—A oar of potatoes was shipped to Stoney Point, Ont., this week. --Last Monday Joseph Clegg sent a oar load of cattle to Montreal,—Two tars of briolt for Mrs. Strechan's now stores tame to hand this week, They name from Drew station,—Two et three care of baled hay was shipped to Toronto this week,—Quito a number of elerial were at the depot on Tuesday morning en route to the Maitland Presbytery at Wingham.—Tho bus man *imbed old Daddy Time by starting for the 11:46 train shortly after 10 o'clock lash Mon, day morning.—Few, if any, sections of the Grand Trunk are kept in better con- dition than the Brussels section under Section boss Ilfelfelzie, Lrl- only in fair condition, and Mr. MoMnn ' says he could have been made to tv5igln 2;1)00 lbs, In addition to 1Lro, Mr, M'o . Mann bits also shim/ then sold tee out o his stable rind shipped 15 to Montreal making hie total sales for the past tw weeks 55 horses. He says he has 13008 led over 450 nurses 511108 the first of San nary last, malting about fifty thousand dollars that he has paid out for horses in this vicinity during the pest four months This will give 50m0 ilea of the impor tance of the horse lndust'y to this tenuity Mr. McMann says he handles as many horsee as be ever did, and the most of them go to the United States, and that the inareesed duty occasioned by the Mo. Hinley tariff redeem' his profits, and also reduces the price of the animal to the Canadian Beller, Taking the business done by Mr, McMann a8 a basis, the farmers of Huron can very easily figure rip how 11111011 more they world make on their horses if the duties were removed altogether. Ronan v8. SAOL& ST. MARIE,—This was an action beard at the Chancery Sittings iR Goderioh on the llth inst., before Mr, Justice Robertson, and was brought by J. D. Ronald against the town of Sault 81. Marie to recover the sum of 5310, the interest due on debentures to the extent of 56200, tine price of a steam fire engine, hose and reels sold and delivered by the plaintiff to the defendants during the summer of 1880, and for a declaration that the debentures iasuod by the de- fendants were valid and binding on the corporation after the delivery of the en- gine. After the oouneil had thor- oughly tested it, they passed a resolution, nndar seal, for the purchase, and sob. mitred a bylaw to provide the necessary funds, which was carried by a 1atg- majority. Debentures were in due time issued and handed over to the plaintiff, but the by.law authorizing the issue ex tended the period of pnyesens It month beyond 20 years from the time at which the bylaw took effect. The plaintiff, in negotiating the debentures, being made aware of this defect, sues communicated with the corporation, asking that the de. feat be cured, which the corporation then agreed to do. Nothing was done how. ever, in this respect, but the defendants continued to use the engine, sending it to Cook's Mills, where there was a largo fire, and for which they received some 675 for it serviooe. When the action was brought the defendants refused payment and re- sisted the snit on the ground that their by.law was defective, in that it extended the period of credit one month more than 20 yearn. Judgment was reserved, bat the learned Judge, in commenting on the matter, made use of the remark that he wished the town clerk, who was present at the trial, to go home and tell the town fathers that it was the most dishonest trana•letion on the part of the corporation that had ever been brought to his notice. W. M. Sinclair and J. Garrow, Q, 0., ap. peered for the plaintiff, and Mr. Fare- well of Sault St, Marie, and Juo. Iding- tou, Q.O., of Stratford, represented the defendante. n Moosojnw, N. W. T„ is now lighted by slrotrioity. • The aloteeil Monitor thinks the pOpn- f lation of Manitoba tvi11 foot up 250,950, r was Ground a broken at ' la ] r'r i 11a for. 1 y the o • foundation of n statue of the late henry • Weed Beamer in (rout of she City Hall, • i Brooklyn. Word was received at Nelson Inst week that the gravel miners in Granite • Creek, Yale district, are doing well, - Ono company 1; reported to be taking I'ERSONAI, P,11,.1(.lt.11'IIS. R. L. Taylor will soon he convalescent. Capt. Stratton was in Mitohell on Mon- day. Dr. Shaw spent several days in Sea. forth last week. 1t, S. Pelton, of the Atwood Bee, Sum dayed in Brussels. J. T. Pepper and wife are away at Hamilton this week. Mrs, Wm. Vanstone has gone t0 Galt on an extended visit. Miss Lizzie Thompson left for Loudon on Tuesday afternoon. W. M. Sinclair was in Goderioh this week of legal business. Miss Bird, of Harriston, was visiting with Mrs, Simms this week. Mrs, Thos. Ainley, of Listowel, is visiting relatives and friends in Brussels. Roy Sellery, youngest son of Rev. S Seliery, was dangerously ill last week from croup. Walter Richardson purposes taking a pleasure trip to the Old Country in the near future. Mrs. Chris. Seel fell down some steps on Wednesday and cut her elbow open. Several stitches had to be put in the wound. F. S. Scott and family have removed from their old home, Elizabeth street, to the Leckie property on the bank of the Maitland. S. W. Laird and family Incl Wm. Mooney removed this week to Lakeleb where Mr. Laird is managing the cheese factory. Mr. Mooney is his assistant. Rev. S. Sellery, 13. D., has taken another step in advance in theEdncatiol• al ladder by adding the degree of M. A. from Victoria College, Cob;:urg, last week. Rev. J. Livingstone, Listowol's popu- lar Methodist divine, end W. Hamilton, General ageut of the North American Life Assurance Co., of London, were in town for afew hours nu Wednesday alter• noon and called on Tan PORT. The question of the appointment of n second Public School inspector for Toren. to is already Creating much interest in educational deifies, The name of E. W. Brune, son of A. Bruce, Brussels, is men- tioned among others for the position. A. J. Lowick has gone on a pleasure trip to the Pacific coast, He will go out via 0. P. R., calling at Winnipeg, Van• oouver, 'Victoria, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland and will return via the Northern Pacific through St, Panl, Minneapolis, Chinas° and Detroit. IIo purchased hie ticket from J. T. Pepper, C. P. R. agent, Brussels. Mrs. Lowick tvIll visit rola- tives at Woodstock, Thamesford and Dealtown for a month or two. Northwest; Notes. The Legislative elections for the Northwest aro oxpeobocl to take place fn September, Winnipeg is looking around with a view t0 securing an improved 0156018 street railway system. Some 28,000 new ties aro now distri- buted between Winnipeg and Dominion City to replace old ties. At a mooting of Sootohmenheld in St. Andrews Soddy rooms, at Winnipeg, it was decided to form a branch of rho Order of Scottish Clans. 1Presh eggs are a luxury fn 01e1son, and sell readily at 75 Bente a dozen, There is a fnrtt,no in a hen ranch for Como en. tetprising man or woman wlio under. stands the business, One of the census bnumorators got loot in the take Manitoba Matelot, and after being four days without food killed his horse, which was (lying of starvation, and ate horseflesh. lie afterwards reached the settlement safely. MAX 16, 1891. NEW ALL7 APFR If you want your House papered in the best Style, out 2U S (300) to the set of • timbers, '1111 newest moods a A °hsese oose factory has been Greeted by , t lowest Jas. Robertson on section 4, 13, 8, Rea- prices try burn, Man., and went into operation the brat of May. Me. Robertson has a :arge It T. Pepper 1 Ll u is baud of stows himself, and with the as• Pepper .0 7 g(p eh/lance of h[8 neighbors will turn out a 1 j large quantity of cheese. The Rat Portage milling company are preparing to meet ole elevators with a capacity of 35,000 to 40,000 bushels eaoh in different parts of Manitoba. The lo. eating are not definitely settled, but everything will be in readiness for the workmen to begin ereotion by May 15th, This is a sample of the amount of grain sown by some of our Portage Pluius farmers this 8pring, viz, : Mc- Lean c0 Motbobbie, wheat, 1,000 aures ; oats, 200 acres ; barley, '200 sores, 13, N. Smith, wheat, 840 acres ; J. E. Mel- len, wheat, 550 acres ; H. Sorby, wbeab, 1,200 acres. 1lerry Williams, a young man who ar- rived in Winnipeg from Parkhill, Once only a fete days ago, was drowned while rowing in the Red River last Monday night. Ile al tempted to uhange planes with his comrade, George Elliott, also of Parkhill, and in doing so lost his balance, fell overboard and was drowned. 1t i8 perhaps not generally known that Braudon has within its borders quite a large colony of 'Weeders, whish is eon• sequently increasing in size. These children of the north are making good, intelligent, law abiding citizens and promise in the near future to cut not a little figure in the city's history. They have erected this spring a neat, 0omtllo. diene church, and have now a settled pastor. The tunneln o Itis Silver King,near Nelson, B. C., is in 40 feet beynd the old crossout, and is still in ore. Five shafts aro at work and preparations are being made to Rink a shaft near the in- tersection of the crosscut and the tunnel. It is common rumor that an offer of 52,- 000,000 has been made for the property, and that the offer is now being consider- ed by the Hall and Atkins estate inter- ests. 0301:TT- Beene—In Grey, on May 8113, the wife of Mr. RRobt. Blair of a son. MANN,—In Mina, on the lst inst„ the wife of Mr. Wellington Mann of a son. ForuueoN,—Lw Atwood, on May 41b, the wife of Mr. James Ferguson of a - daughter. MoMA,TIN•—In Brussels, on the 7t11 that , the wife of Mr. Duncan McMartin of a daughter. MA•s .e ..:.ED. DUNCAN—Bxnn.--In Harriston, on May 5111, by Rev. Mr. Belt, Mr. Joseph Duncan, of Harriston, to Mies Maggie, youngest daughter of Mr. Jahn Bird, of Morris township. axaa_ Begin.—In Gres, on May 13th, the in- fant son of Robert and Mary Blair. IIAnnow.—In Elms, on the 0th inst., Margaret Haddow, aged 54 years and 1 day. HAMtx,rote—In Grey, on May 8th, Edgar Flamilton, aged 11 years and 2 months. FLANNEnY.—In Moli.illop, on May 1311., Maria, beloved wife of Michel Flan- nery, aged 45 years. BEwLEY.—In Morris, on May 8th, Mar. garet J., beloved wife of Rich. Bew- ley, aged 40 years, 5 months and 26 days. =rna•rTSsax.e ztza.MELS.: T1. Fall Wheat 107 Spring Wbeat 1 04 Barley 45 Oats 44 Peas 08 Butter, tubs and rolls14 Eggs per dozen 10 Flour per barrel 5 00 Potatoes . .. •50 Hay per ton 5 00 Pork . • 5 00 Hides per Ib ..., 4 Salt per bbl., retail^..., 125 Shoop skins, emelt 60 75 Lamb skins eaoh 40 50 Wool, icor 1b, 17 18 THE PEOPLE'S COW N. 1 10 1 05 50 40 70 15 00 5 50 00 6 00 5 50 00 nc MONEYFuuciTO LOAN•—PRIVATE s. Joliet, Illinois, or to Apply 15 GEnnGRHrNss1". 41.01 THOS, 7(Tt,LLY, BrUssols. RIVATE FUNDS TO- LOAN on Farm 000,315 y at Low rate of In- terest, Apply at 1'nE PosT1'ubiiebhrg lions°, Brussels, 414 6. W. ARMOT1CONG, COURT OP REVISION. .J VOt,I.AGm OF 13R1]Ss3L8. R'sltn notion that the Oourt of Boylston for the Vllloate ni Brussels for no yearlRul, will be held In the TOWN HALT. on 310610.017, .flims 18), 1881, at 7,311 p, M. 411 persons interested will please take no Moe end act aoosrdiugly. F. S..S00 Tr, Olerk, 1R1SCORS,UJTORS' NOTICE TO CR1]D. . 1 IT Pursuant to Revised 6tn,611tee of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110, Sootion 85, notice 15 'hereby given hunt all ererlitors, next of kin, nett others having any claims neatest. the estate of Jon.N Pelona, late of the Towusbip of Grey, in the County of Huron,fernier, do. ceased, who died on er about 110 221111 Limy of March, A, D. ISM, in said t0Wuebip, are hereby required to sand, by post prepaid, to Messrs. McPborsen & Davidson, of tee (My of Stratford, Ontario, Solicitors for the Exe- cutors, takingead to then at Reid 01ty, on or before the 2311n.Day or May,1831, a state• remit containing their names and 06111605 and fun -partloulars of their elaime, and that after sale' 28th day of May the said 508011tera will proeeel to distribute the mote of the amid deceased among the parties entitled tharoto, ]laving emitted only to the Mahan of tvkiah notlee shall have been given as a.iore, said, and the said executors will not be ltable for the said amide, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or Menne notice shall not have boon reeelved by the said McP1seemi & Davidson at the 11636 of knob distribution, htcrlfell5SON,te& DAVI1)SON, Stratford, eltonor nutimtN Pomo and lta ins °AIm1FYl, 411.11 S150111015, BRUSSELS. tI BANKING. / 'uTNTUSII rk MOTAGGA.RT, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Tram>.ea,et a Gexi.eratl T. ans.lcirag 2934x.a1.9aoaa. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Comedian and United States Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits. Cotteotlolrs made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents-11f11nelrANT's BANS on ICH York Agents—Iurnnrn0a AND TnAn, 1105 NA'rrsNAL d3ANN, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A M. TAYLOR, B. 0 L., lrtioonytu,ihddeStreet ]est, Barrister, Solicitor, Lou L. TAYLOR, BARRISTE1R, s Solleltor curl 0011veynneer, Colloc• tains matte. Oi11eo—Vaustoures Bleck, Brus- sels. 21-3m+ Y I. STI 'OLAIIt Solicitor, ano01c, rt •Inc &pOsioa—Grabi, sBI ticernorth of Popper's Drug Store. Private Feuds to Lona. DIOKSON i% RAYS, rioh,) trsGSlsto erpoonoosInr.ster, ulluvyar, &o, Oftloee—brussels and Sen(orth, Brum. eels UAioe—UP•etalra over Bank. Money to Loan. n. 0. HAYS. W. B. D1r:Re0N BUSINESS CARDS. .1 NAL O'OONNO.R, Teacher of Organ anti Piano. 40-tf Princess street, unmet,. ''M V • II, cORAOI1EN, Issm'oroMarriage Lioeusns, On]os at his (grocery, ,run/berry street, Brussels, 1p • N. BA.RRETT,Lei Tonsorial Shop—Nextesoltb of A li!(ny & Co's hadw stol, Ladles' and uhildrone hair cutting n speelalty A MoNAIB, Issut•er of Alm•riage Lieenoes, by appointment of L1nnt; rdovernnr, Oninmie- Virstoner, st Insurance 05. Conveyancer the Oraobroolt Post Ogle°, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. IYSOitANCE„ FIRE" AND MARINF, GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Dlvtsien Court, Go, Huron. Oonveyaueer, Notary Public, Leilinvested o an and ste land to loaf,, Collections made. O1.11oo in Graham's Block, Brussels. TiIISs SHERLOCK, Late of the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, is prepared to give lean ,,o a1 Ethel and Ornnlliroolr, I'up]] of Professr Fisher and Mr. 'Harrison o13 the piano, and of Mr, S. 8, Clark in vomit Music. Class at Oranbrook every Tu•'eduy, For terms, &a„ apply at the Methodist Parsonage, ]Roel. HISS GALE, Organ, Teacher isIn StPlate", ou eaO enroll Brus- sels, nolieles n share of the patronage of the musk° -loving people of Brussels and vietn- ity. Inslruetions given at eurre111 rates, Terms, references, &o. may be ascertained by calling at tele residence of Mrs. Munford sr., Turnberry street, Brmeowls. 7-4t DENTAL. a a L0'Tx10T R'S'1 G. L. Ball, L. D, 8, Nitros Oxide (iaa ad- ministered for the Painless Di:tr'actiou of Teeth. 74 (ierrm•d Street Bast, TORONTO. tee IFI 'It' I to M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S„ Graduate of rho Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. Omen—Oyez popper's Drug Store, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. A BAYMANN, • Auo1loueor, hs always ready to at- te nit sales of farms, farm steak, &c. Terme cheerfully given. Oraubroolc P. O. .Salon may be arranged at Tan Poor Publishing Rouse, Bruasone, GEORGE KIRKBY, Idealised Anotteneor, (Stales 5nuduet- oil en rea0ouable toles, Farms and farm Moak a specialty. Ordors left at THE Pon Publis1ingifouso,Bress515,lir sant to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention. AVING TAKEN OUT LIOIt;N- et ae an Auttiooaer, 1511 prepared to conduct males of farm stook at reasonable prlees. Knowing the deeding of neatly every imam, I am in a ttloslelon to Boll to good marks and get good security when sold onormalt. Satisfaction 5iarantoocl. Give mea °all, 82• rr S. 8OOT'r. MEDICAL CARDS. M. F. OALEL, M.D., 0.14L! V Member of the College e of Pbyeaoiau. 001 Smgoois of Ontario by Otoesb ]last, SJthel uud Stostdsmon—Ma]n stroot Dnst, kl tlel, Ontario. A. MaNAUGHTON, 01. D. e6 C, 1L, e p. e'sp „ ugSt re f M.0, P 51 OHO. At Pepper's Drug 5. In, from a er house o, and 3,sn at to 4ea1nAt other hours niuyed by d at kris nett, Hoo, form- orly oaonpiod by Dr, Ilutahinoou, Mill st. VETERINARY. T D. WA1 WIOK, el a Honor Gr of the Graduate pr Oat all 11100008 0f deinotsbl is d anima to treat all Patent a net. Pcatee animals in a awn. (5 inaryer, Petry. Ca 9 )110 fon nabs to Veterinary311.0) a aoldI etti tpromptly m fllebb to. bridge, nnid In111't41. 18(11005 doom north of bridge, TurtiberrY oto 1)ru00911h 1 16 I 11.