The Brussels Post, 1891-5-15, Page 4New Advertisements, 21111 of May- G. P. R. I"'„ouUnll matches. iSeaforth. Court of ltevi ion -F. S. Scott. (:hurt of Revision --W. ,;peneo. 111acltiue oil -Sim on ribs. ae Co, Perniture-Sn th, Malcolm Sr Gibson. FRIDAY, 1 t Y 15, 1891. As subjects of Great 131 3. U we often boast of the Bible being the secret of l;uglend's greatness. Iu the face of thin propagators of false religions have acme in and it is reported that the 3loleam• merlons of India have begun mission work in England, and they have estab- lished ono society at Liverpool, the President of which is a preeminent Eng. Bah barrister of that city. In their re- port to Hyderabad, which is the head. quarters, apparently, of the propaganda, the sooiety reports the prospects of the Mohammedan mission in England as exoelieet. It appears that a 'sweetie has I been established in Liverpool, and the first marriage between an East Indian 11lohammeden and an English woman has taken place in this bidding, all Mohammedan marriages to be bitediug having to be performed in a mosque. The society has not grown much of late, and it seems probable that after the novelty of the ides of such a propaganda ]tae departed there will he few converts, and all that will remain of the sooiety fn England will be a few wretched individu- als who have discarded their religion and, perhaps, contracted marriage under the influence of romantic notions. Dominion House Notes. There is talk of asking for an extra sessional indemnity of 8600. Mr. Jamieson has a ae given notice of the prohibition resolution to be introduced in Parliament. It is understood that it has been de. finitely decided that there will he no June camps this year. It is rumored at Quebec that Hon. Thos. MoGrevy intends witbdraing from politics, and that the Hon. Jno. Hearn will represent Quebec west in the Com. mons in his stead. The amount of the revenue cc,llected during the month of April on Chinese landing in Canada at the port of 'Venomver, British Columbia, as poll tax was '65,144, somewhat in excess of that dur. ing the same mouth of last year. The Customs Department, it has trap• spired, refused the application of Toren. towho wanted to import ort nn. Hebrewsb p leavened bread for the Passover feat free of duty. The department decided Shea the incorporation must be taxed 20 per cent. ad valorem. As to the Tea to charges thio meal is known, that they are of a serious character. If they are proven, Sir elec. tor and Mr. MoGreevy must take the consequences ; they will he in exactly the same boat, as far as the party is con. earned, with Rykert. Sir Hector says he is ready to rest his saes there and to abide by the finding of the House. In the present House of Commons there are only thirteen members who sat in the first parliament after Ooofedera• tion, and twenty-six who were returned on the following election in 1872. The present members who were elected in 1867 aro Messrs Bourassa, Bowels, Bow• man, Can,erou Huron), Cartwright, Costigan, Demist, Geoffrion, Sir H. Lan- gevin, Sir Inim Macdonald, Mackenzie, McGreevy and Mills, of Bothwell. Z'HE ati.USSELS POST tnal%.u.ac,snranenstarums.�amoar:mmmesresenses0. %'nssis .,^rrtcs'mmannsweer ramersraelmnoenu'=nonliominlri.nrtunsvatzessnmt ores, In the excitement, the burglar escaped to a bush south of the town. 1,v ry4Moir is being made to catch the fugitive who is evidently making his way to Detroit, where be is eappoetetl to have balk Iran,, Ile is said to Lave been scan Umar Seefe'tb, hcadiz g nor,: Sporting News. . e The Detroit Athletic Clnb bas Outlet 6u cricketers this year, Tho Rangers, of Galt, led the Detroit foot ball club by 3 gaols to 0 and finally lost by 4 to 3. At a shooting match in Toronto last Saturday 0. Henry only miesol one bind 1 out of twenty. A sculling match hag been arranged for July 7 on the Pltrramatta between McLean and Statbury. At Philadelphia Saturday in a Iialifax cep match 13011110nt made 3(11 funs in one inning against Merlon. A wire from Cornwall says that Hugh l.ia:t0 w<•t. The census report will show Listowel to have a population of about 11100. Wm. M. 01311115 and wife left on Tues• day for New Westminster, 13. C., where they intend to reside. J. (', Beet 11„n eceeptud a poitlo1 as traveller rot one of the best Toronto dry good's houses, 11leaere. Cgilsio, Alexander mil Anderson. The boiler fur !be waterworks arrived 1Vealaweaay and being sat up, It is a 00 horsepower steel boiler made by John Abel et Son, Toronto ; 14 foot long, 5 feet 6 Moises in diameter and contains 100 tins. The smoke stack will be 80 feet sigh and 93 reit from boiler to top of sleek and is 30 inches in diameter, William Greenaidee, of Mitchell, has secured a lease of the old Dover station grounds and intends to at once poised with the erection of a first class saw mill. IIe leas par'a1110011 art outfit of machinery and will manufecttn'e lumber with a band saw, tieing a circular to slab off with and or edging. Ire is arranging with the railway people for a siding ineo hie yard. The Listowel Gun Club was re.orgau- lard the other night, at a meeting in the Royal Hotel, with the following officers : President, G. hese ; Vice President, R. Brooks ; Treece., Jno. Living -tone, jr. ; 1omn11cte0 of Management, the otlioors nd 0, A. Lee, N. J. Iiay, A W. Feather - tan and le. Notre. Messrs. Ilay, Brooks led Howe were appointed a 'Sleuth Jon,. nittee. Friday afternoon was fixed cu as club practice day. The following °Moors wore elected in oounection with the Mechanics' Institute or the coming year a Prea„ w, G. Hay ; Vice _Pram, Rev. J. le, Parke ; Tress„ C. abborner ; Direeters, J. A. Tanner, J. 5, Bowman, 0. Tabberner ; I1. B. 11'Lot• hy, 0. S. Clarke, 0. Heiobeoiter, Rev. Adams en Saturday threw the lacrosse ball 109 yards, making a nue world's mo- oed. A novel match has been made in ling. land between a bicyclist and a carrier pigeon. The distanoe will be 1 miles and the rider receives five minutes' start. Dennis Gallagher, Buffalo, and John Richardson, Dorohesta', aro. inatnhed to a wrestle in Loudon, Ont., for the chain- s pionebip ot Canada and the Uni1OdStates a and for 5250 a side. Dalton, the American hack swimmer, who took the water at 8 o'olook in the morning for a 10 hours' swim in the Eng- lish Channel, ltnished his feat at olid- f night in good condition, The New York Sportsman hears that a T man in Decorah, Ia., has invented a speed indicator, which is to be fastened to the p driver's wrist in such a way that the dial may bo seen at all tinges. A small cord 1 connects the novel device with the sulky wheel. A. driver can tell by glancing at 113e machine how fast he is going. The indicator also registers the greatest flight 1 of speed at any part of the mile. l,i-esaerul Pde�v.t, 1 It is a fact established upon the au. 6 thority of travellers in different parts of a the world, that stammering is almost un- 1 known among savage tribes. A dud of millions of tons of bright a green quartz, carrying from three to seven per Dent. of niokel, has bean made t in the Parsley City District, Smith Dakota. r Twelve -year-old James S. Truit, of No. 1215 Bainbridge street, Philadelphia, has been suffocated by eating an apple, a 8 piece of which stock in his larynx, and e before aid could be summoned he was a dead. r Mrs. Clairie Taylor of Pern, Ind., le started for France with the heart, elands 0 and feet of her mother, who died )tete m some time ago and requested that these t parts be removed, preserved and taken to her native country for interment. Vice President Proctor, of the Sieger Sewing Machine Company, is reported to be worth 595,000,000. Ile shared the iuvent rs poverty with himand after. o to y t of o ward married his d-tughter. Singer's orikinel capital was 550, which grew to be 830,000,000. Of the 11,000,000 square miles of Af- rica, only about 4,600,000 remain which have not been olaimed by some Euro- pean pewee, and more than half this area lies within the desert of Sahara ; France has taken 700 000 square miles, Germany 740,000 equate miles and Eng. 1,md has a controlling influenoe over 1,000,000 square miles. Honolulu hipped more than 100,000 benches of bananas to San Francisco in 1889. The export this year is still larger. The cost of the fruit delivered at the ship is about eine dollar a bunch. This gives a pretty fair profit to the producers. On average banana land about, 1500 salable benches per acre can be cropped in three years. But only very good soil, abundantly watered, will produce banan- as at all. The greatest diving feat ever achieved as in moving the cargo of the ship Cape orn, wrecked off the cost of South America, when a diver turned Hooper Oda seven descents to a depth of 201 et, and at one time remained under ater forty-two minutes. Siebe states e greatest depth to which a man has vor descended to he 2.14 feet, equivalent a pressure of eighty -sight and one-half ands per square Inch. Jets. Livingstone, W. Climie. The an. teal report was prepared for submissfo to the government showing 65 member on the first day of May. Assets 8590 liabilities 8170. The amount expends 'n new hooks last year was 6145, and 83 for magazines, etc. At the fast meeting of the Counoil etter was read from representatives he proposed factory company asking for 6,000 of insurance money due the town nd exemption frons roses for 10 years. t was moved by J. A. Hacking, seconded y J. Happier that the sum of five thous. ncl dollars be granted to the Listowel Fnr'nit ale Company with exemption from axes for 10 years out of the insurance money re Rosbaoh, and that a by-law be repared and submitted to the ratepayers. Moved in amendment by Dr. Parke, sec. ended by A. W. Featberetone that the re- test of the Furniture Company be grant. d, and that the necessary steps be taken s early as possible to carry out their equest, and, in the event of it being gal for the council to grant $5000 with- ob a by-law, the Mayor call a public eeting at once to get an expression of be ratepayers as to advisability of giving aid amount without a vote of the people. he amendment was carried. a • expended 0 a of Huron County. 13 Howick Township residents are asking m to do away with dog tax. fe Horses and hogs running at large its Howiok township are to be impounded. th Tho pipe organ for the Ilam Street e Methodist church, Exeter, is now being to placed in position and wi;l he opened, it IN IS expected, nest Sundae. It is from the fantory of Wa cteworth Br is„ Montreal, aid is the second one Hey have built iu B deet town. s Bishop O'Connor, ot London, paid vto his fleet visit to Seafoi tl, on Sunday, and da assisted at both the manatee and oven. D iug servioes at St. James' Roman to Catholic Church. Tho parishioners of 51 Bt. James' made every preparation to fm receive hint in et fitting manner, and au thus eoutribnted to ]mike his visit pleas. of ant. Two years ago Mrs. Mary Green, of ridgepor't, roam., deolerod that she had yellowed her false teeth. The doctor& bo examined her concluded that she as a vioim of her imagination. Sun. y Mrs. Green died of oonsumption, and r. Blodeet performed an autopsy. Iu e gnliet, about twn inches above the omach, the teeth and pia a were found bedded. They had become encrusted d formed 110 obstruction to the passage Mod. • 1'. J. 13cl:neeit, 1. n':1y Organizer of th Previa -I. of indmat y, nonrated a leoture of t 1 a1.0 s;: h1 lei ketal )1,sWestfield on 01 Fri ing alat were The au el- tle ren: • marifestel R .t !II interest in the lee leatere, teal readily acii p'ed the ideas ye advancers by hint by orgeniziug a strong w,i a:eo(iation to be culled the "Pride Of in \l, ca ile:1d.” The following oiiroers were no drily et„ntrd : Jas. Johnston, Pres. ; 1%, rid Ni int, Vice Pros.: 12. Buchanan, Sea. ; pe . N. Johnston, Tress. ; 0. Garret, Minerva ; kh 0. Armotrotrg, Ilemetcr ; Wm. Jackson, of Guile ; Jelin Gook, Sentinel. The or• T,, g oliz0r said 1" had held over 120 meet. oa Ings in the 000110y', and the townships of col Ashlleld, East and West- Wawanosll, of Tt rnberrv, Benicia 'Morrie and Grey fill 0r were urly' al) organized and some of the n p irfay pluses who had rtdured to be organ,' Ned Warne tune no Ott ; i1Ow asking to ha n1,+al,15 c1. Mr. Delmont lmont will leetnre et Malaauesheater and Donny brook in a few ttuys. 'Saturday morning, shortly after six n'clook. Cow:table 13nlmer, of Listowel, with Chiefs whsatly and Paisley, et. tempted to arrest a men at Clinton for bur'glary.cennnittod in ll,trriston. Being traced to Clinton, he was found at the Commercial Hotel in his room. He wee ordered to come out, bob refused, and fired with his revolver through the door,He looked the door and made a feint to escape by way of rho window, Upon doing so all bands rushee out, to inter• cepb him there, except Constab1e13ulmer, who remained in the hallway, The man rdehed out., and was gasped firmly by Buttner, both drawing reVotvers. Tho burglar managed to abbot the constable, taking dead aim for his heart. The bullet streak 8 rib, and ramping round staved leis life. The amend 16 net danger. Tho Grand rl lade, Mich., Leader of e i/th Inst., had the following account te serious ambient to a former re5lderl)1 Berlin :---'"Dr. Peberami, a dentist in e Hernlitnge blorlt on Canal street, ver easy 0 dynamite enrtridigo before sterday but he is now well acquainted 112 it and is yet alive. IIe was stand. g in frost of his (Mice yeatol'day after - on when he noticed a dynamite cart - go on the sidewalk, where dozens of ople bad boon walking over it. Not owing whet it was, h0 pickod it up out cnrioeity and began examining it. e cartridge was meat similar to a gun rtridge only was black instead of copper ored. He tried to slip it onto the end his lead pencil] but found it partly 0d with a grayish substance. Goingr, stairs to his office he teak a pair of forceps from the drawer and began ex. amining it. He had hardly touched the instrttlnent to it when there was et ter- rible explosion. The windows in the office were shattered and till the residents alarmed, Dr, Nellis, another dentist, camp ru5Uieg in, and found D1'. Peterson covered with blood, and his left hand mangled and tern. For a few moments n there was no pain, but when Dr, Peterson �: "iNG1 recovered from the shook be wan in agony. Ho was taken to the residence of Mrs, Wm. Dunn, 220 Ottawa street, —ON where be is boarding, and Dr. Belly dressed the injuries. It was necessary to amputate two fingers of the loft hand end the others were somewhat injured. Bis face was 'filled with powder, but for" Paste this 111 your Hat • 1'AI: 1'?OLLO WING Football Maitohes I w'/LL ns PLAYED ON TUE Sea forth Recreation Grounds lizA'Y elf th,- 1330110 BANGERS vs. SoAFonrn lusoNs. MAT 280h,-Cnxc:tao vs. Humes. JUNE 9th,- NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE, Maes,, U. 0., vs. W. Ie. A. JUNE 17th,-DETnOre Va. SEAFohT$. STANDARD BANN OF CANADA, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, W. F. COWAN, Preeidont. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. CAPITAL, AUTUMN ZED, - • 82,000,000 Pam UP,- - - 1,000,000 REleN11v11 Fuxn, ' . _ • 400,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England, Brussels Agency. A General Be,11dng Bneh,esa Trnnsaotod, farmers' and men goo, Notes Discounted at lowest rates, Drafts Issued and boil.{• bone made ou all pelt ts. Deposita received and 1, turost allowed at current rates, ftVINGS RANK. 1} Interest Allowed 011 Snvinge Bank Bo. `lnrposit of SI and withdrawal, andscom- pounded half yearly. Promo t attention and every to (ditty afford- ed costumers 11,ing at a distauee, G. P. SCITOLFI1;i,D, Agent. Brussels, Aprli enh. 1011. kNABIAN ARNO RY. (Ontario (.6 Quebec and Eastern Divisions.) K 1trrrnN T10111:15 WILL at; 501,1, 1110.1'010 ALL STATION, AT May 28rd, 24th and 25th, 1891 Good to Return until May 26611,'91, innately hie eyes were not injured. The accident will, it in feared, eeriouely affset his professional work. How the cart. Tickets on the above dates can be Pro - ridge came there le not known, but De. eared from m sant of the retortion son t11u h there Y g ]. r thinks ere sl o toldbeela w m C1 0 an y r compelling I ompelll g such articles to be stamped so that people wilt know what they are,, J. t r. P131'PER, Agent, Betnel0Ls; C MAY 15, BR. N. 11lr^�r^.9p3fi'm nmrrifrrv.35""6'— 5 ,ry 1 S 1111 � u!TIC I NCL.I&I 7 1 WO 111,11.M .A. I , xl,(.P.,'.Al., , SA i ll f AND GO,RG /0 REMAl.`v. 1 It is with flee gt't,;1t1)iit amount of pleasure we UOw bring before the Notice of the public our well Assorted, Flesh and Elegant Stock of F 1 q We have recently had fitted up our show 1001118 com- modious and harmonious, where is to be seen everytliilig, that gods to make the heart of the house -wife jubilant, and make glad the home where our goods are to be round While we clo not profess to keep in detail a large and varied assortment of brie -a -brae, notions, Ste, for they can only be rightly purchased in the city, we rattler -invite an inspection of our Sideboards, Extension Tables, Secretaries of various sizer,, Easy Chairs, Bedroom Suites, etc. PARLOR SUITES from far that would meet the de- mands of a mexchnnt prince or satisfy the most fastidious, and we are constantly receiving this class of' goods from the very best manufacturers. Our Picture Framing 'Material and Workmanship in this line defies criticism. CUI11TAMN POLES GOPtUEOESLY TRIMMED. We wish further to draw your attention to our Uandoi'takb g Department Complete in all its Appointments, FiRST-CLASS HEARSE AND OUTFIT, And the Closest Attention given to orders of this nature • Embalming, temporary of arterial. No discoloring or unpleasant odor in the hottest weather. Forty years experience in House Building and the Manufacture of Sash and Doors should impart a knowledge of thisline 111 of our business, b11S111CS5 and, '.t d, \\'Bile we can truthfully say we never were so busy as at present, our capacity is great and enables us to get through an immense amount of work, and we can turn it out on verythort notice. Smith, �Mt�a7l�colmT& Gibson. M'COLL BROS. & 00. Are still pleasing the public with Oils. Wily use an Oil that will injure your machinery, when you can get the CELEE ;IA fa S N E 9)) — )SPECIALTIES(— Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Boltcutting, Solar, Harness. MANUFACTURERS : - MoCOLL BROS. 84 CO., TORONTO. 44 -em For Sale lav ll. GER,1;SY, Brussels. CONFEDERAT.1CN ;* LIFE, - Orga;,tizecl 1' 7I, Ilettci Office, Toronto. Remember after Three Years Policies are Incontestable, 01115.25 11110M ALL rillw 1(IC710E8 AS 10 ltiSIDla3C'A1, O:IiA\'RT, 03 OCOIIPATION Paid-up Policy and (lash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Policy. THE NL;W4iVNU72'Y ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFonDa ADnOI.UTE Pno'roc',f0N AoAIxsT BADLY MAIM ; PROVIDES AN INGO= IN 0LD AOE, AND 10 A GOOD INVi*oTrinNT. Polioios aro Nun-1'urfeitabl,' alter the Payment of Two full annelid Protiums. Profits, which are Unexcelled by any Company doing business in Canada, are allocated every five years from the issue of tete policy, or at longer periods, as may bo selected by the (metered. Profits so Allocated are Absolute and not liable to be reduced or recalled at any future time undor any aircunlatancea, Participating Poiicy Holders aro entitled to not less than 00 per cont, of the profits earned in the clues, end for the past seven years have actually received 95 per cent. of the profits so eared. W. 0. MACDONALD, AcTuaoY, J. le, MACDONALD, 133.xao13n Dnutcroo, W. XX, ICItel33038, A•out, L61-tr1,,404(13at, m-.ecru...e..,....... e� e , ,....s.., ALLAN LINE Executor's Notice. In the Metter of the Estate of Meeent:ww 'loyal Han Sleaptsyl'i )s. Beeman, late of the Township of. Grey, 1 Deceased. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE Pursuant to Revisod Statutes, Ontario, t,nIrTVIsnTLY eAILINe9 5110s1Chap.110, See. 10, notice ie hereby iron to ' ati persons having claims against 1tie said MattneW Barker to sold in Ito his Slxooator, the undersigned, at Ethel 0, O., on or before the end Day of :tune, 1801, 61111 parbioufars of their claims and nature of eoourities (if amyl bold by thein, Notion is .further given that after said date sate executor will distribute the assets of the testator among the parties entitled. thereto, having regard only to those diatom of which be shall then have Ootioo, rind said exonutor ill no be t liable f t w I ab o or he said mete,wso ala earn rice teemed, to any per. ben 010 w10e1 shirt notice sbo11 not mato boon bu1ii od by him at the Limo of snob dis 433>Iutlon, WM, 5A1t10114 Exeoutoe, PORTLAND on HALI1'AX, TO DERRY on LIVERPOOL, CA.13IN RATES, $40, $110 ane. $180, Single; t$80, t$00 ante Oslo Return,n060511153 to Location of Sbatorcm, IN'IIIBMNDXA'io, OutwardS20; Prepaid 080 Steerage at Lowest hates, Ae6Ontinedntlohs Urrenrtiaaaed• Apply toll. A A. ALLAN, Montreal, Alt '4'V, JI. I3.Ii`HEti e A000v BoVeeet,s, $ eoiaiist, - Toronto. • "A10Nn'rfAN limn:DANT, Ltatnw,,b, en ye ;-- fter apei.dliu' 1111 my 111000,5 and nrni' rty to n0 runic•( 1 lne•.le.tt 1,.., 411. they termed it ilopulene nano or consumption, Dr. Sinclair mired m(," Alas Meer .Fnnr,00rn, evemehouso, says 1- "When 011 others fulls{,, Br. Sinclair cured me of lits," D, ltninDITanN, Carleton ]'bras, save 1• - "'Dr, Sinclair enroll nm of Uatarrb:" Ono. ltow'41,, 101511, says i -"Dr.. Slnaiair cured mo of heart drawee Ong dropsy, w'ris't all others failed," Dixesees at Private Nature, brought un by Ally, 1Jr, Siurluir certainly U,n'ee. Com,n111tat'1Ora. :'coo, WILL BE AT TILE AMERICAN HOTEL, Q31,ISSEI3, Thursday, May 28, '91. Why Not Do Your Own Thinkin 4 Bursa:Ls, November 861,1833e. 3, AI, yleLnon, (aoclorieh, Da:AR Sra.--I should have written before cow t0 lot you. know Trow 1: 01' getting along. I ani allot bettor than Iwaa; gniuh,g etrengt,t every day. I have a good appetite and sleep well. I ono talcs the full 0,nntit3' of the System Renovator and it dues not Waken rue. Aly limbs lure all right now ; quite smart in thus way ; swelling ell gone. 1'110 great thirst is gone; I drink so water at night, but I take a little buttermilk. I alt quite straight again, Sant me n0011101 bottle of your System Renovator, Years, dc.. JAB. DUNCAN, FOURTEEN MONTHS LATER. B11ussLLe, 1Perltary 1111,16(11. J. AI. AIcLnon, Ooderleb, ll1.An On,. -Fifteen Veers ago met Novem- ber I started to doctor first ; I was treated for dyspepsia, but they never helped Ino any. At timed suffered greatly from my stomach; I continued, but I grow worse. I tweed dropsical ; limbs end bodyswelled badly. Yon know the state I wah1 when I went to eoderich-a more wreck, (mold. hardly walk-aullering from RrlGbt'a dis- ease. and one yens ago last fall I began your Bennvator and Spectate cum. I began to mend in a few clays ; continued then for three mouths steady, Altbougb I was MN 2 could not be cured, if you saw mm now, nrell ,Ld hearty; eat everything that comes 1P1 111 the way. I owe you the praise of saving my 111", I was 111 u hopeless condition whenI meat to yon, In fact lee cue thought I would get better. I cannot speak too meetly of you and of your medicines, for it wits [Lem inns eared me. Words emmat esiirese my thanks to you. 1 reely pass my name to au;loue, Yours, t0s., 1,131100 DL'NC.LN. Ser., 11V J. T. PEPPED, Bnresi:rs. Wool autd HIGHEST - CASH -PRICE Paid for Wool at the Listowel Woollen We wish to call your at- tention to the fact that we still Want more Wool, and we are determined to make this wool season one of the largest, for we have a Tre- mendous Stock of Goods on hand. It is necessary that you should look around be- fore you dispose of your wool to see ,where you Can make the best purchases with it in WOOLLEN GOODS, Buy in the Cheapest, Sell in the Dearest, Do not fail to come and see our Large Stock of New Fine Flannels, in New Shades and Patterns. Something Never Before Shown the Public We have made up a lot of Fine Halifax Tweeds, just the thing for school boys. We also have a big stock of Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweeds, lied Blankets, Horse Blan- kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades, Shirts and Drawers for this season's trade, which we offer AT EOTTUM PRICES. Everybody should cane and try our fine Grey Flannel that won't shrink i11 washing. and outwears the common grey flannel sold the public, Roll Carding, Spinning, Fulling and Manufa.cttiring Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Sze. on short notice. B. P. Brook &, Eon.