The Brussels Post, 1891-5-1, Page 8Do 'You Mum That we have a Large Stock of Cheap and Boautifol Wall Papers, 13maler o and Ceiling Decorations. Judgin g from the quantity we are sull ing many are aware of t this fac t, are you ? G. A. 111eADMAN• GEES AND BEc-HIVE3, 100 Colonies/of Bees to Dispose or from Selected Queens. If, you want °MIAs TiiveS for swirrma 1 ilaVO a First-das2 ono (SaMo- as I use Dayself), which I will sell on for loss than cost, as I have more than I require. Q. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, Sto. BRAND TRUNK RAIL -WAY. SODTBERN EXTENSION W. 0. lt D. I H S541.4S .VOST MAY 1, 1891 WB1001:0 1W0 011 Inond 1 the nem fame, Gem t -e,e1 item. eel .1.,. t Mee Maredini Smith, thee.: serviee in Alelvillo eh emit on Thureday, Way 21at, liten,,NO SIM? Matldie° Nemllee et J, 0. Skomeet for 50, a pat:auntie Tint eholetiet atonic of print, mamma and °baffles in town at Foramen it Hal. Utley's. Om' new dress goods aro tithing, aim our whole mock, BB it is 101 new. A. 11. Smith. Ritv. 3, Roes, le. A„ and Rev. D. 13, Moline, of Critubrook, exchaneed'pulpits ocr ainininy. You men get till the lateet noveltiee in ,Ireee geode and trimmings at Fergnson 0 flail! I ' Toe Natiomel Roller Aline in Bressela will from Mee litt be eon under tis liem of Moms. Hembly d Vanetone. Dr. CAVANAGH has placed a piano cased Oakes organ in his Dental. parlor. He purehaeed it from Thos. 'Moore, of this plat.e, lieve had geoid semen in ordered clothing. Another now lot of tweeds and worsteds opened up. Call end see them. A, 11. Smith, One thanice am due to the subseribere of Ti POST who have responded to our notice th pry up. We atilt extend the invitation to others yet in arrears. Berssees Toot Baliclub talk of play - ng & eriendly match with Gerrie at thee Ince cm Saturday afternoon of tiffs reek. They should give a good aceounb 0 themselves, Srtiveron Ihneree mid F. S. Seats were ngagorl last Weilneeday layieg out the neem on the new merieeltural ground. t will be bent neat she pa, miming north id mute. Work will leo pie:marled with t num. '111/1 Inanagers of Melville churoh have purchased n large double banked Bell orgau from Scott Bros. of Seaforth, for usmin cenneetion with the choir. It is only used at the Sabbath evening ser - rims. Rev. R. PArL WES away last Sabbath t Palmerston, preaohing for Rev. J. T. mith who was ill. W. H. Herr took Rev, W. Torrance's work at Gerrie and °rouge Hilton the same day. Ni. Tor- rence has been lain up with schttiote for several weeks. Cow Re-Lew.—On Friday of this week the Cow By-law again oomes into opera- tion. It has been fairly well enforced in the past and our citizens are asked to as- sist in seeing that its terms are complied with from the start so that the Pound. keeperneed not be called into requisition. Owners of bovines are asked to remem- ber the date. NI:insane 8ne1; FOR Seen.—The under - geed has a huge quantity of Norway zrune for sale, from 1 to 3 feet high ; orse Chestnuts, 1130 8 feet, 23n. each ; ed Cleerries, 5 to 6 feet, 25e. each; Grztpo nes in variety, 250. each, and two green lss full of Ho ise and Bedding Plants, 1 kinds of Veeetalee Plants in season IOMAS It.ELLY, B/111480111. 40.4 IN the PoMmiteter.Genertil's recently id Remit it is noted that 922,541 ters, circuities, oarde, etc.; were dealt i Trains home Bruesels Station, North 1 and South, as follows : t GOING EMOTE. (lento Rouen. 0 Mail Pooess 11:5Ran. Mail :3:ee pm. Faxed 9:53 a.m. I Mixed MO a.m. m 0:55 p.w. Express 1013 p0m. e - --- -- -- - -- - -- . - 1 roctcins, . a A °biers among ye talcin' notes, An' faith he'll punt it. ftLCY. Tnoirr fishing. Comma, meeting next Monday evening. a CLOVER, Timothy and Garden Seeds at 5 Thomson's. HATS re -shaped. ALBS. TrIIIIIIELL, Mill streht, Brussels. ASSESSon STSW.Urr has finished serving assessment notices. CENSUS enumerator Hingstoo is through with his work in Brussels. Another new stook of meies, youths' and boys' suite opened up. A. R. Smith. UNDEE the new sehool law, municipal councillore will he unable to met as school trusteee. Seeman—TO doz. ladies Foanie silk Jen my gloves at 80 cents, regular price 50o. Fenoosox a: HALLIDAY si Gent's ties, collars, cuffs, flne shirts, SI Braces, kid gloves. The Nangar oo Glove H takes the bun. A. R. Smith, I R NEW awnings have been seoured thie seaeon by Gm. Tbomson, T. Fletcher, ' n° It. N. Barrett and A. Stenciled]. , Al Jur grip mil soon 00ease its hold, and apples green will gripe ; the feetive I . fly will grow more Mid, and piemies will '" be rip', ' let Tito ;Yemenite cart made its first ap- t50 pee•anee for leal on Tuesday morning. Do Tlo dust on Monday, owing On the high 00 111by the Bend Letter Moe of the minion recital servieo daring the year ding 30th June, 1890. Of thea, 10,4113 120 batik frem the British Post Office ; wind, was semething terrible. Ofti d 5P3,210 from the Puttee States ; ile 718,838 were returned tenni Dam- n Poet Offlees. The work of the Dead ter Ofilite wonld be greatly facilitated ' Ire Cashmere and Cotton Steekinge our see Meek is now eon etete, We are :1180 pro- torietcrb of the ;Ever. fan: StainlesS Hose, "" warranted not 10 fade or ) ub off. FER- 11,1 GEM. aiLLIPAY. LAST Monday evening Rev. S. Sellery gave an interesting and instructive ad- dre.a to the Y. 1'. 0. A, of the Methodist church on "Singleness of purpose as one of the conditions of emcees." Tun Fire Engine Works during the Summer months will shut down at .7 o'clock every Saturday afternoon. The whistle will blow then instead of at 6 o'clock p. rn. as heretofore.' Sattirdays only, TOE Listowel woollen mill is to the front again this season with a larger and better assorted stook of tweeds blankets yartut, &a. than ever offered before. They want all the wool they eon get hold of and offer good inducements to farmers in connection with this Reticle. See their advertbement in this issue On Nanntirar, TREF:S.—The subeoriber s on band ole.' hundred splendid, thrifty black wahine trees, from 0 to 8 fat high, which he %tin e14t et half the meal musere prices, also an assortment of 25 varieties of flee &tibia dahlias ready for delivery from now till May the 20,11. D, STEIVAIIT, Brussels, 42,2 Bev. 8. Smartly will take "The trans• forznieg power of the Gomel" foe his to; te next saebath moreing and "The blued Red the nereocv way" in the evon• The saertuneet of the Lord's Sup per will be dispensed nt the cos e of the miming seevice, and after the evening service' the queuterly fellowship meeting will be held. Taetz•Draomo ANn lIBILLING.—Goorge Birt line all the memory machinery for diggleg :me drillin wells arid is prepar- ed to Defend to an work entrusted to him in a way thus will insure malefaction. Wane cleaned out and put in proper PerDIS reasonable. Residenoe mooed door north of the bridge, west Side of Turitherry ste Brussels. 43-tf ENGABED.—The Band Committee has arrengm i d a year's coma with Band. master Albertson and the Band is re. editing a thorough drilling, the reornit m :malting very inarked progress. Th weekly open hi/ retreat:, will be oontin. ued during the summer inonths as in past ear. Brussels has alevaye had the reputation of Miring a goad mueicol or gazdzation but the large addition of reed instrements to tlm brass sill p3 tbn In better shape than over. Bancinutetor Albertson is a thorotigli musioian and well be heartily seconded in his work by the people of Brussels. Char, --On Saturday afternoon the stern messenger detail called away Nicholas, beloved wife of Samuel Bur. gess, in her Oath year. Her Innen was of brief duration but eevere diameter. The deceased was a mi is of Dumfeiee. ebire, Seothind, coneleg to Canada in 1803. In May a the sante year she was married at Harputhey to her now bereft pactner and became a resident of Brims- ele. She was the mother of three as and two daughters, one <laughter dying eoncie years ago, Mee. Bergen was an honored member of lenex Presbyterian ohnrch for Many years and died in full asetlrenee of enjoying the reet that temains for tho people of Cod. The euneral took &CO on Tuesday afternoon, Rave S. jonee, atteleted by :Rev. 1. Roes, Geminating the aerviee. Alr. Bergen tend fatreBy have the deep Sympathy of a urge, circle of friends in their 101Mliness. If the waltere of letters would be oareful to give their addresses and sign their name in No. mt. Is au Easy One. Flinn Ten',—The smeoss of our last word Ending contest just closed en. ontmages us to offer another Free Trip around the World, or its cosh equivalent to the pereon sending in the largest list of words spelt the Fame forward and back_ ward, such as "Pip" Bob"e"Hannah." The contest closes May 15. Three daily prizes for the three largest lists received. Contest hi open to the World. Every. one sending ten words will get a prize Nearly 1200 won prizes in otr recent con. test. Rules and sample paper 12 cents, together with a large illustrated mem !ogee. Addreee .Bell'e Magazine, Ont. A Berman Comm.—The publishers of the Lond .n /Weer:ism have jttee mals an tmportant chan4ct in the publication of their favorite Weeltly,tthe Wo•teru Ad vertiser. Lietead of appeering nee a week as a 1ive1ve.p.ge paper, it ie now issued in eight page form twice a week— on Tuesdays and Fridays- ,which is a gain to the evader of four pages, or tiweety four aolumes emh week, of later and ;nom ooMplete nem than fortnerly. The subscription rate in only $1.50 per annum, or 70e. for eix months, including that charming monthly publication, Wives and Dam:biers, for the same term, which, 10 ,20002 eepterately, wonld cost 50e, per annum. Samples free by ad- dreseing—Advertiser Printing Co., Lan' don, Ont. Lear efonclayai Toronto Empire sae's : "A. a. Banton, a Methodist ininisthr, of Ottawa, who came to elle city a few days ago on business, woe assaulted in a brutal Manner while w....lking clown Centre streee at 11 o'olock on Saturday afternoon by them TEM Mr. Poulton was severely in3nred, being knocked down and kicked, his face cut, his hand bitten &lid his Clothes torn. The attack was entirely mprovoked and wag °OM - piked before the unfortunate elergyinan could la) rescued by P. C. Chapman, who had seen the whole effete from a neigh- boring house. Two oE the toughs got away, hue tho third, Thomas Fleming, of 11 Centre sena, was tweet:ed." Mr. Renton took it prominent part in the Salvation Army exercisea in Brussels some yonm ago, Annon Dy..Arbor day, nocoreting to the report of tho Ontlielo Minister of Education, hies become one of the most proflthble holidays of the Public sohool. "In a very few years," he says, "every rural school in the province will have its pleasant shady bower, where the pupils oan fincl shelter from the scorching sun during the summer months, and whore tilde taste for the beautiful in nature will lind maze gratification," The first Fri- day in May has beau appointed for the mote of tree planting each year. Ib ie boped that Breseela Public sollool will continue the good work inaugurated in previous years. Nothing atide More to the beauty of a town than shade trees. The intention of the Minister of Rama. tion in proclaiming the Arab Pridal in May of evety year was not to establish a. holiday to enable tho ppplio to go fishing. The clay itt to be spot in ploothig shade and ortamental trees, making lower beds, eto., and all are expected to unite in thio geed work. REY, 8111. Wants, of Jarvis, will peenah in Knos thumb next Sunday. T1TE 1E11,14 004 (11118111091, 11.8101/1011o.',1 01 pariteula iu WWII ob a'orgnson & Mill. day's. A full line of hoots and shoes (Coning Smith's) in stook at all times. A. 13, To Ultra- The honee letely mounted by IV. J. Fairfield. Apply to Dm aim Brevity, Near Ifuren Lioense Commissioners met at the Itevere Nouse Ou Thursday uf this week. SPECIAL —10..pietes fancy check ging. Imam at 7o., worth 10e. leanetniox IIALLIDAY• Doser forget that on the evening of 1May 21s1 a song serviee sv111 1)0 ..lvett lo Melville cheetah Brussels, finmen sawing machine, almost new, Lar sale at a bargain. For price teems, ,to., apply to Bilis. Miami Beirut, Beene's. JERREy milk.sliake and denial butter- milk by ,the glass at Deeelman's Drug Store. Moe temperance drinks in a few does. Novi:IL—all persons indebted to the fiem of Stewart &Lowiek, of the National Roller mills, are asked to settle the same Loi:Norzi•ohke.fore the lot of May. Steerart Tun STANLEY Itte.—As worn by Henry Al. Stanley on his tout' in America. We have been appointed agent for the Stan- ley Hat. They come in three oolors• black, Congo aud Zembesi. The prices are right. A. R. Smith, ROBT. BEATTIE has purchased the two basses in Winghain and will melte his home there. He will run one bus which will he lime moving es they ineet thirteen trains each day on the 0. T. It, and te. 1'. R, Sam. Beattie is inanaging the Brussels livery. Tire Atwood Bee says —W. Roddick, painter, of Bruesels, was in town Tuesday and frosted and lettered Bee" office windows. He also mid a, new sign, finished in gold relief, The work is beautifully exeouted and reflects credit on the ertist. Virednesdny evening, May lith, the annieersary meeting of the W. ls. M. S. will be held in Melville church. Rev. A. D. McDonald, the popular Presbyterian divine, of Seaferth, will deliver an 0.2. dress, in addition to a musieal and liter. nry program. The public weloorued. Taz annual meeting of the Brussels Mechanics' Institute will be held next Monday at 4 p. m. About 81.00 worth of new books have been added to the al- ready splendid library this week. Every family in and around Brussels should belong as a year's reatliug only ooets 51.00 WORTH TgrLya Ina.—It is nOt yet too late to take a hand in the great Dominion Illuetrated Prize Competition, and try for one of the hundred prizes whioh will be distributed among the eubsoribers th that splenetic] journal. a'he first prize is 1750 in Gold. iind the list includes a Heintzrean Piano, Bell, Kern and Corn. wall Organs, Gold 'Watches, elm, the lowest prase beim; valued at 55. Co oeipt of 12 cants in stamps, tho pubits ers, The Balaton Litho. ca Pub. 0 Moetreal, will send to any address sample copv of the journal and full pa tionlars. NEWSPAPBS NOTES.—.A., W. Robb, of the Oheeley ise, 16 15 roported, has purchased the Walkertou Telescope. —Die Glocke in Walkerton is publishing O bleak list. Some 18 subeoribers with the amounts in arrears of each, varying in 81111111 from $3.00 to $16 appeared in last issue.—The St. Catharines News, published by le. J. Leavenworth (brother of Mrs. R. Holmes, Clinton) has been sold to a joint nook oorepany, who pur- pose turning it into a Conservntive paper. —The Parkhill Gazette, owned by 3. W. Green, has been sold to Mr. White, of Windsor, formerly of the Blyth Stand. ard. It is reperted that Mr, Green will go to the Northwest and start it paper in the Temperance Colony. NEWSPAPER Does.—Figures taken from the advance sheets of the American news- paper directories for 1891 show the tothl number•of daily newspapers published in the United States to be 1,700, tri -weekly, 89 ; motheyeekly, 221 ; weekly, 18,420 ; hi -weekly, 85 ; setni-morithly, 1312 ; monthly, 2,501i; bi-monthly, 73; quart- erly, 178 ; giving a grand total of 18,536, For Canada the figures are : daily, 88 ; tri•weekly, 7 ; semi•weekly, 15 •, weekly, 577 ; bi-weeltly, 5 ; serni-monthly, 15 ; monthly, 110 ; bimonthly, 1 ; quarterly, 2 ; grand total, 829. Newfoundland boasts of 3 daily, 2 semi-weekly and 3 weeklies, et totel of 8 in all. The grand tome of ell the papers published in the United States, Oanacla and Newfound. land reaohes the respeotoble Epee of 19,- 3 78. . eaelealGeaLlieletealletelneeeeetane11181105018111E8O1128119O111111,111111111lise01911151108,111/51111181 _ %MACE Faehion Sheets for May Struolninee Oull and get one free, oincv Bennett Agricultural Hoehn y eskieg tenders for 120 rods of draining --- anti 100 rode of fon dug, Specifloations HEAL) OFFICE, - TORONTO, and informatiou ratty be heti on appliem Hon to the Seerethey, D. Stewart. W. F. COWAN, President. aLib • $1110,411D 1),ANS Or CARPI BEFORE YOU BUY aie SURE AND SEE THE STBETTON 101. 0011NOLLY.—Tili8 00 on promissory nete and for board lociging on the lieaat the recent Ass was referred by IIis Lordship to D. Donald, olerk of the Court. Taylor plff. ; Campion, Ce„ C„ for deft. Bausszes Driving Park Assoc:eat moo issued posters calling for tenders grade a track and do Rome draiui Secretary Warwick will receive tandem. The plans mei specilleati may be :0011 At the Atnerleau Hotel of Ality Oth, TIM GENSUS.--Wh011 the Census 1et merator called tonne were disapPointed that he did nob tisk the following quits. teems :— I. Do yon owe for yonr paper ? 2. lfow inuell do you owe ? a Why don't you pay it? papers ? 4, Why do you borrow your neighbor's b. Where do your boys spend their evenings 6, Is your baok yard olean ? 7. Do you believe in the whale story ? 14, Are you vaccinated ? gum ? 9. Do any of your daughters ch 10. How do yon vote? 11. 'Lime you bought your new spring litet yet ? 12. Who ownes that dog ? 13. Why did you ? II Will yeti ever do it Rgaill ? le. Coml. afterimon, EAST Creme lloTez, Lremesite.—.T1 following licenses were granted by the least Huron License Board, on April 170, for the current yoga :—Hoivick on Newbridge, Bob. McMinn ; Fordwie The Geo, Brown ; Gerrie, John Campbell an e os Lachlin Campbell ; Lalcelet, John Ila ket Behnore, John Lamonby. Wro eter, John Gof ton aed Andrew Hue ohwerlin. Turnberry — Bluovale, Be Baulk Morris—Belgravs, Rohr. Ga lagher ; Walton, Chas. Sage, Grey Nictlessvorth, Jacob Steles ; Hentry Wm. Beirnes ; Ethel, Jobe Burton Oranbrook, D. Zimraer and C. Beek Waltou, Thos, E. Jones; Jamestown Thos. MoEwen, beer and wine license. Bruesels—A. Koenig, Srretton Bros., O. Zilliax and Thos. Hall. MoIseillop— Winthrop, Jas. Fulton ; Thos. Crawford. The ease of Edward McNa- mara, Leadbury, was laid over for con- vtoorI sideration. Licenses were not granted Ethel; and Joseph Youngs, C. H. Ross bas been appointed Police Mazdetrate for the town of Bartle, with- oub salary. Hazel, the little two.year.old claughtei of M. H. Willinms, of Guelph, whil felting her grandmother recently, tool zo contents of a bottle of embotic acid he innocent sufferer lingered until a te h ,ur the same night, when death rought relief. While George Gamble, tinemilli, Port 11011 and J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. —)carto,,A.P(--- iMOR --A1m- --, Ivo: 9111.11,TiTi,,,A.Irrilo.n1511D., ^ . ^ 81,22,2(9) for rA —)c-7.00n(-•-- mwEnvi, ru$D, - - - 400,000 ion --- —AT— to Agencies in all principal pointo in Ontario ng t Qualm.. filaidiolni, United Stake ' the aud Biagatid. WA LL PAPER (Lois A Gon?ral Banking EEO/BOSS T1/111111101.00, Brussels Agency. en. Farmers tool other good Notes Disenunted 1 . lets Ismed tele eortee. tines inline all paints. Deposits received and Interest allowed at cui rent rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De.. posits of 31 and upwards Mtn dale of itl,eciiin,Natdtzaidra3teemilyr,withdrawal, and coin" Prompt attention and every (anility arrant, na mammon; living at 0 illetance. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, Agent. ew BrOutsel A, A11/118311, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. • Gir,E!E IAIDAp iy N T WANT itt 0500. la "-- 41 , , . SI7^, f LAIR, 14'0 8 YEAR OLD STEERS for sale, Let 20, Con. 0,DGrInvv.. 42-1_ DUNBAR hd ONEY TO LOAN.—TBIVATE o• x - n. t• 0, MBE A1/1113, 00 GEORGE HatesToze, 5oliet, ulitiole, or to 4140 2.11015. EELLY, 13111801s. pRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN .a. on Parin Security et Low rate of In- torost. Apply at Tun POST PI1B11801111$ Rouse, Brussels, 41-4 J. W. ABIUSTIIONG. To OONTAOTORS.—TENDERS -11- Wanted for the mason work of a honk barn, 55x70 foot, OD /4 310127, oom 0, MOryiS. All material now on the ground. Tenders reeelved until Saturday, May at 0 p, m. Contract; price to be lianiu5 8000 na Work is coninteted. For further particulars apply to 41 ,TODN MOONBY, Brussels P.O. Brussels Mechanics' Institute, ANNUAL M:ETING. mooting or tbe 'Brussels Me- e; 1'1p n4 ste, itt 53 fi111113 Zolt'tire: °looting oilleelre fo:r Gm co rim I p.m., dm. A. 11(iNTillli, See.-Treas. CMINTY OF MIRO/se TEACHERS' Eseteux.ertaxs, 1891, I v tl T re- la h• h oe I a Hope, was enjoying healthful sleep on r. Wednesday niebt of latit week, thieves entered Ins place anti earned off his vet Ilnd trousers, containing 5101 in melt end O golcl wetell, The clothes were found in the morning Gathering chewing gum, save the St. John, N. B., e'elegraph, at the present time is considered men more profitable than anything else farmers' sons can turn their hands to. The demand is large and a high figure la assured. When 11 15 known that last year one druggist alone sold 200 Pis, of spruce gum to fair idea of the consumption end demand may be had. For a really choice article, the price to the picker is Mc. per pound. 0. Plane, &yeoman, resides 111 the first concession of the township of Modem. His wife, it is Mid, has repeatedly urged her husband to MOTS into the village or the city, as she disliked living in the country. This, however, did not meet Mr. Plane's views and as zo result some trouble has arisen between them. Lase Friday afternoon, dnring IlIr. Plane's absence from home, his barn was des- troyed by fire, together with some cattle, farming implements and n quantity of grain. It was alleged that the wife was the cause of the fire and she was arrested and brought before a justice of the pence in the village of leladoe, who acquitted her. - _ CLEAN Ire.—The Boned of Health re- quests the residents of this munioipality to cleanse their premises, pending the amino( inspection by the Sanitary offloer. This work is remtred to be completed be. fore the 15th cif May to receive the op - probation of that officer for after the date mentioned he will proceed to enforee the by.laws governing the pnblio health. This ie a very important matter. Clean- liness 16 next to Godlinees: The disease swead by the decaying vegetable matter lying around onr yards is inceloulable. Even though no diteet illness results the air is fen/ante aronnd it, thne injuring the oonstitution end enervating the system of al 'hio are compelled to breathe it, while the portions which find their way with emblem water into wells, continue to do &theme by rendering the water un. ilt for use during the whole meson. A. littlo care in destroying garbage at thie season of the year may thee trouble with the impactor and perhops a big (looter's bill later on. 8715,00 nv GOLD ECM A WITTL—W0 will give to the first person toiling us before June 1st, 1891, where in the Bible the word "wife" is Erse found $100,00 in gold. To the next $50.00. To the third, 826,00. To the tourth, 820.00. To the fifth, $15,00. To the Math 810.00. To tho next 25, 85 each. To the next 25, $2 each, To the person sentileg in the lad teamed tawnier, wo will give 8100 in gold. To the next to the last 850, and 50 01) 800)0 05 from the first, With your answer send 25 eta in silver, or 27 eta. in stamps,. for a box of De, Colcee Blood and Livet: Pille, the best Blood, Liver and Stoma& Pill ever melt. Sure Inc for eick headache. Don't gripe. Re- member the presents aro absolutely free, being given away to advertise Dr. Coleat Perfect; Pills teed Family Itemedieg, At the (dose of the (=test the names and adareffS011 of all the prise winmers will ap- pear in thie mote We toter you to the Traders' Bank of Orilla. Send at once and be 11rst. Addteile, HOMe Sleeeifie Orillfa, Ont, Cesm—In Seeforth, on April 27311, From- ois Case, agea 50 years. Agar,—.1n Morris, on April 20th, tho wife of Mr. Devid Agar of a 800. Thenter.—In Telueve.lo, on April 201.1), the wife of Mr. John Dimont jr. of a sem Mootras.—In Wingharn, on April 150, the wife of Rev. E. IV, Hughes of a SOn. 24.0...M2,1R.S111=. SAND11.11808—GRAY1311/1M.—In the ItTelion. dist (Mural), Fordwioh, on April 8th, by Rev. a. W. Pring, Mr. James A. Sanderaon to Miss Euphemize Gray. brief, youngest daughter of Mr. lecl. ward Graybriel, all of Hoivick town. ship, ezzesite. COP14.—In Trowbridge, on &mil 21M, Carn'zzo Wilflecl, Pon of Air, J. la Code, aged 1 year mid 4 0e1,6110. ROWLAND.—In Elmo., on April 18111, Elis' n.buth, road of the late Jesse Row- land, aged 73 yearn, Boneass,—In Brussels, on April 25th, Nioholas, beloved wife of SaMtlel Burgess, aged 57 years and 4 Months. Reuenelv.—In Wroxeter, on April 20th, 1801, Franitio Alice, dearly- beloved daughter of Thomas Ratnehaw, aged 1 year, 4 months and 113 days. There woe 0111100 11) beavee; Whieli was nee quite oote pieta God took our dealing Allis To 911 the vacant seat. =1:51rCTSM=IT.,M z55303M, Fall 'Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Gide Pees .. Butter, tube tend rolls..., Eggs per dozen Flour por barrel Potatom Hay per ton............. Pork ,. Hideo por lb .... Salt, per 13131., retail...,.. Sheep skins, Lamb skins owl) ..... 108 310 108 110 50 55 50 51 72 71 133 14 10 00 1500 5110 00 60 1100 600 500 8110 4 00 125 00 60 71 40 50 18 20 %he Primary (al, elites) and Junior TOM -- 1114' 111,11 1'11%R 'It V.I). ass) amthations at the Collegiate Institutes and nigh Schools will ha held 01 Goderuth, 0110. 0,' aud Settforth, beginning, Tnciality, 7113 of July, 8..1.0 111, Senior Leaving and Honor Mat, iodation (0 r 0111 bo 1 1 begiunoug Tubulay, 14th Jolv, at 1;30 Candidates who {Vital YO write at Gibber Seafortli or Clio ton must notify David Robb, Bee., 1.10, Scheele, Clinton P. 0., not tete • ' May, stating at which of the wheels they imend to write; aud those who desire to wiito at Gmlerich mist notify boli', Toms, Bse., 7, P. Schools, Ooderieh P. 0., by 0110 Hal)10 date. No name 0111 be forwarded bo the Department nnless tho feo of 85 accompanies the application. Head- masters of Digh Schools 1WM (301100/0t0 Whiles will please 501101 the cepEcittions ard fees of their citodido.tes to the P. S. Tn- sPeator Avithilx whose jurlailetion their school is situated. Forms of appliotttion may he rbtained from the Iuspootor or the undersigned. PETIIR ADAMSON, County Clerk, Goderloh, AprIl 27th, 1891. 42 2 REAL ESTATE. riintms FOR SALE ---THE UN. ORRSTONED has 601/01.t01 good Farms for sale and.to 1.001, easy terms, in Townships Of Morris and Grey, 0.5, SCOTT, Brussels. 37-01, ROICE 313281 FOR SALE. CLot 14, Coe. 12, Grey; me acres ; first- enas buildings, A rare bargain to a nosh Purchaser. 'rifle perfeet, Apply m 02100 10 W. AL SIBOLAIR, Solicitor, Breese, 511. CIII0I010 FARM FOR BALE — '1/4 ! Being South half Lot 27, eon. 0, morris, lee acres, nom ily I cleared. Good buildings, 11110 I,01/011 hearing orchard, Immediate pos- Session, Easy Tern's. Apely tn 05.01,SINCLAIR, Solicitor, .bo., Brussels. CZSaA.N, D LOT 31011 SALE .— 1I,or offeee hor bonne and latecomer et James and streets, Brussels. There Is a comfortable bongo, good stable, splendid well, itc, 011 the pro- mises, nom of 1 Ind, Per further particu- lars Oslo price, torms, .t.e. apple to MitS. WM, itioCULLOUGH, Brussels, FARM FOR SALE.—T it E TIN dersigned offers his valuable 100 Imre farm, being hot le, Oat,, 0, Grey, far sale. There ore 85 mires under mop, balance timbered, There is a good orotund, wells, .05,05 the promises, 1/5111155 log house, bank barn, ST, Will he sold nn reasonable terms. For price and BM partioulars apply to WM. RA.BIGILIC, Brussels P, O., or Joing57.1481_ssgem, &wth or, Ont. on LORE FARM FOR SALE. V —The undersigned prepelotoes come their well loateell farm eontaitning 200 Reiss, being tot 5, Goo. 10 and Lot 0Clon. 11, Bray township for sale. Them is 0 log house, good outbuildinge lame orchard, water euppty, eze, on the proinieeS, property IN only 14 noll es from tile thriving Village of Brussels. Pull partiellilre as to prim, teems and conditions of ado may be eseerteinea on application to eati 010001.1301,4 131308,, Tothwater, TALUABL1A 50 ACRE FARM v ono smot.—lielng west 1 Dot 11, 00)1,0, CSzey, 23 60011yLl oe 01.,tvl II/11801S. who tand is ell drained, ametay all eleareit and in good order, Ono nem of ar• chard Is good repair. There Is a never eat- ing spriug 10 the promiHes end au extra well at the buildings. The entidiugs aro comfort- able. Would take suitathbe pummel. lu 0/ Detre Brufleols ER ESA pay. Por further Intr» tioulare apply on the promisee to ce; Wrests Brunson' P. 0, 1'1108, 111008510021, 3811 TrAinf POR SALD.--THB UN. DIARSIGNIG) erten foe sale tbe meth met, quarto r of lot 28, eenoossion 0, Merida Gott n ey o t Huron , (intestate g fie amen, The lend Mot Ant quality told to high state of eititivation, 05011012554 nod nuder.drained acme °leered. Neivfeame home, 81100105 milk house with concirete Walls, 2 milli! 0004 harm and shed, orchard, eta SHIM 1113/08 01 fel 1 wheat. This deel rabic preporty adjoins tiso oorperatien 02 Belem:as. elute. Mae tot 00 vill be 111Ven , 1Titlosatt';ertfiel et; 0, 20.1B13 1)2(31331.15 [We • Pepper's Brag Storil, BRUSSELS, • BANKING.. muINTosu & MaTAGGART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Tretamactct 0)•om.exo.1 Zlictraltia-4.8 33-taccitarcma. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian aim -UMW States Drafts bought nil sold, Interest allowed on Deposits, Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents --111anona7'0 554,010 of, CANADA, Now York Manta —I5MORTERS AND TIIAL nits NATIPNA14 ensue LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BAIIRIST.ER, a Solicitor end 0Onvoynnoor. Colloo• tions n1ado. Oftlee—Yanstono's 131ook, 13rots• ads. 111.31,14, -y-IxT M. SINOLAIR, • I I' • Solid -tar, Convoyaneer, NOtary Pub- Oillee—Grahtun s Block, 1 do 5r nortlt of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. - • 10KSON & HAYS, (Labe with Gamow Proudfoot, Gode. 'Hamsters, solicitors, Oceiveyancore, Oillees—Brussels and Seetorth, Bruce solo outoe—Up.stairs over Bault. Money to Loan. 0. 5.I1A.105. 17./1.0101E500 U. TAYLOR, B. O. L., • Barrister, Solicitor, cbc., of the firm of Taylor, McCullough de Burns, Barristers, Solicitors, &a, 91 Adelaitle street Bob, To- ronto. Money to BUSINESS CARDS. MISS O'CONNOR, Teacher of Organelle 0I0110. 4040 Princess Street, Brussels. H 21001tAcKF, VrPr=l t°gli".1WsGrocery, relrtioT•iese. -1-.? N. BARRETT, I; • Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south of A. SI, Mc gay & Go's hardware store,'IL113 ohildrons hair mating specialty , _ . • Timmer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Liout,-Coverner, Commis- sioner, kci , Q.13. Couveyaucer and Agent Fire Insutituee Co. Office at the Craninoolt Pont 011itie, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. FIRE AND MARINP. GUELPH. A LEX. IIUNTER, rm.. (1ook of the Fourth , F i 'Y1T fix ta e tlo bed ( rift i ' Crog, eHmn. Couve yunconrLandLoan and /newsno'binvestead tlan. GOillee in Graham's iOok, Br irIBS SILERLOCK, ,AA. Late of the Conserva t eorvy i of Mu, spic ,Toronto, is prepaed to give lessons abEheaud Cranbroolt101011 of ProfessorFishr and Ur. riarrison on the piano, andof Mr. S. R. Clark in vocal mush), Class atOrauerook every Tomboy. For terms,.00,,apply at the Methodist Parsonage,Ethel MISS CALE, Teacher of Plano. Parlor and PieOn, Orgaulat 00.7015 Church, Brs- eels, solielte a .hare of Mao patronage ef themusic-loving peole of Brussels and vicin- ity. Instiructios gven at 8,10051,1 -ra tes,Terres,refureneest. may be tsoertninedbcalllat the residues ofMrs. WinkiwiSr., TurnlorrY street. 71,1 (1( ain tl ln asl ala vat 1)01 0p, BM 03'ofi bre tog th far. ale, cot up the wiz . on )1 egg she ear 3101 end tin 1 the ^ ege soh sot Ha lee likc mo abl, bra I Gm •att one troi nu not Dision Court,Notary Public.Agent.Funds onrNenemade. usses. DEftTAL, n 550 X -2" I G-. L. Bail, L. 1).S. lams Oxide 0,09 ad- ministered for bile Painless le r trodden of Teeth, 71 fisillard Street Nast, ll'oliocrre. 114-1 x 43. CAVANAG H, L• Se D. D. Se Graduate of the Royal College of Deutal Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni. voreity, 01PK05—.01/01Peopor's Drug Store, litrusseis, AUMINEERS. A RAYMANN, auctioueer, 15 envoys ready to at- tend sales of farina farm stook, le. Toren cheerfully given. Crumbroolt 0. 0, Sales ttity bo arrengett al Tun PoST Publiehing House, Brussels. EORGE KIRKBY, Licieused atintioneer. Sales oonduet. 04 on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook % specialty. Orders left at Tem Posw Publishing 1401,80,erassoiteee motto Walton 0,, will rowdy° prompt attention. _ AVING TAKEN OUT LIC.111N- .11__L. sit us ati Atioticioeor, 101)1 propered to otniduce sales of farm meek at eeasouteble woes, knowing the standing of nearly every person lain in a position to mit to good maks and gob good sonority when gold on credit, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give Me a mill. 32- 3 13, SCOTT, MEDICAL CARDS. 13'. OALD, M. D., 0.81,, VV atomizer 00 305 college of l'hystelon and Snygoons of Ontario by examination. Oilloo and Residuum —Aron; steeob Bast, Dthobontario, T A, RoNAUGHTON, M. D. o • 0„ a. P., Bctinbuegb, 31.0,10 0013, At Pepper's Drug Store from 9 to 11310 it, mond frono 1:89 to 45, In, At other Ileum may be found at Ms resideme, form- erly 000101011 by Dr. ilutoitiuson, Mill st, VETERINARY. T D1 WARWICK; . moor Graduate et the Outierio Voterleary College, 111 pie:mated 10 teat 011 (linemen of' domesticated anitnale in a com. potent manlier.. Partieular attention paid tei Veterinary deotietry, male neeinetta "G• Lauded to, 0111te and luartuteryeetewo Mem north of midge, Tee:theft et, Brume*, non fro, end tint mai wax b.el seal her con Wel' end. the tiny iteie are the dem on 1 ie s The yen frau clout whe sere whe the may to tr see of p the seen eou Ne for 1 ft 1. e. 4 uri and tr/IS' folio pout' 1J 1118 t 1 , oil n1 3 If we t.,st jale i.., poet truce '14 1 limn] loom tho the of t there ! or Lo. teen guar , of eo add t 8. , paint 'leash the 0 , of th I lim. Po The , po.-it tiptie , 01810 , pe.00 ' for 3 anti retie ' 13 110 I bon', ' in o• elim . Mal . polo able ," exit; 0 pear iI plae torte levee its 1 ,' in c , trail )ec0icasein: