The Brussels Post, 1891-5-1, Page 51VIAY 1, 1807.
1 tlYtticty,
,9 Cyw 0oeL.
rear., 1 ••,•i.. a (,.,rr'o di:,rend of
1,0110 bushels of murphies last week,
11ov. A. llonderson, 51. A„ and Jam's
Nekton je, were in London last week at
tcndiee the Syn"d,
Wm, Dunn hoe puroluteed the Gotham
saw mill from George Keith. Mr. Dunn
will run both the Atwood and Gotham
What !night have been a serious aooid.
ant happened in the planing mills when
one of the belta broke, striking Wm.
Stewart on the left arm and shoulder
with great force. No butes ware broken
and the arm in now doing well.
The Elmo Tanners' Mutual Fire In.
Fortune Co. Board met at. Graham's
Hotel, Atwood, on April 11ith, all the
members proeent. Slim last L:porLud
applications for ineuran0e wore roaoived
and accepted amounting to 608,308.00.
Next mooting to beheld at the sumo place
oe Tuesday, the 26th May, at half past
two o'alook p. m.
Caa.L ee 7 .
John Ames left here I1tst week for
Malaltoba. His destination was Ncepa•
J. C. Heffernan loaded aid sokl two
earn of Irish pills this week an Ethel
The regular quarterly meeting of the
Methodiet ohuroh will be held next Sun-
day morning.
Walter Whelpten,of New Weabminsbar,
13. 0., who has been so seriously ill with
some heart trouble, is about all right
A pertain youug man of our village is
preparing the cage for his birdie. The
"roost" and other outfibtings bave been
Nosh Wolfe, who has resided here for
a few years, left last week for Eenfryn
where be takes a "sit" as section man on
the G. T. R.
Reeve Milne disposed of 40 head of
yomg cattle to J. Scott, of Listowel, for
e, good round figure. The mettle will be
shipped to the Old Country.
Reeve Milne and Clerk Spence at•
tended a meeting of Elmo, Council last
Saturday in connection with the pro.
posed drainage movement.
On Thursday of last week Miss Bartle -
man arrived home from a visit to her
sister at Toronto. She called at Heepeler,
and made a brief stay with Madames
Patton and Panabaker.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Jno.
Hose, of Brussels, preached an excellent
discourse in the Presbyterian church
here. His text was Psalm 133. Rev.
Mr. McRae was at Brussels.
T. P. Nugent has
removed to the
ited States
J. 'Rogers, a former resident, was in
the village last week for a day or two.
The Directore of the Howick Mutual
Insurance Co. held a meeting here Met
On Tuesday the dwelling of Henry
Lomb, lot 33, con. 3, Howick, was
destroyed by fire. Little or nothing was
Janes Peeking'
a well known resident,
has been appointed Township Treasurer
as successor to Treasurer Strong, de-
Rev. Mr. Berry, of Mildmay, will
preach in the Methodist church next
Sabbath. It will be the regular quarter-'
13, meeting.
James Leech was recently presented
with a silver headed cane by the young
Conservatives of Gerrie who have been
thing his Hall for their meetings.
Mrs. Torrance, who has been ill for
tbo past six menthe, is slowly improving
in health. Iter father and brother were
vieiting her last Saturday and Sunday.
One old resident, Mr. Greer, is able to
get about again after a long siege of
typhoid fever. His many friends wel-
come him back to health and strength.
At the last election of officers of the
the following
Y. M, h Cg
ediaers were eleoted :--Pres., W. Doig ;
Vice Pres., G. Walker : Sen., W. J.
Greer ; Fin. Sec., T. Nash ; Treas., W.
J. Greer.
Howick township is largely interested
in the proposal to ask the Dominion
Government to refund e, proportion of
the amount granted as bonuses to railways.
Reeve Cook has best] delegeted to look
after the matter.
Bliss Jones and Mr. Embury, of Dur•
ham, were visiting at John Mooney'a
this week.
Ivliss Janet Hood bee returned after a
few months stay at Rev. A. W. Tonge's
tat rlesherton.
V. S. Warwick, of Brussels, was down
to Mr. Hood's last Sunday attending to
his professional duties.
Mrs. Misekimmins, of Sunshine, who
has been visiting her daughter at Toronto
for eome time, returned last Monday.
Quarterly meeting services ab Eelgrave
oirouit will be held in Belgrave Metho,
diet church on Sabbath next at 10 o'clock.
One clay last week the house of Jos.
Corbett was seen to be on fire but with
the assistance of some of the neighbors
the Piro was put out, after having burned
about 6 feet of the roof. Mr. Corbett at
that time was away at a raising of Wm.
Moltae's been, Tommy, who had his leg
broken, got afraid and took his knife and
out the rope which hung his leg np and
then hobbled outside,
Fzma.-•Last Monday afternoon, about
4 o'clock the rosidenoe of George Kerr,
adjoiuhng Brussels, was discovered to bo
do fire. The alarm was given but owing
,o the high wind and the fent that the
fire weight hi the roof there was no
possibility of saving the building. The
h008011old areas were removed from
downstairs and the altar was also em.
paidd but nothing was saved from the up-
stairs. There lues an insurance of 6300
on the house and 6100, in the Howick
Mutual, on the eoutenbn. Owing to the
building basing what is known as o board
honed, plastered inside and outside the
walls burned very slowly, in fact they
were not entirely consumed 01)1121 after
8 o'olook p. m, The fire is supposed to
have originated from a spark from the
dinmuey on the kitchen, Had the wind
not been as favorable as it was the barna
tvonld have fallen a prey to the devouring
element too, d. small band engine Was
run over from Messrs. Smith, Malcolm
& Gibeon's factory but help Dame too
late to avoid the desbrtiotion of the
dwelling. Mr. Yore will rebuild as soon
as possible.
1 1'he Sibbatlt 11011001 at Sunshitlo will
not enmru,nee till 3 o't!Iuok next Sabbath
oaring to quarterly serviette at Belgrave,
The football boye ofF, S. No. r, intend
holding a literary and nutshell entertain•
Inept in the Foresters' Hall, 130130100, 00
ALt,v 8111. .A gee.; i,",u 11111, pled,
MnsTnty Rrron'r.- Tho following are
the pupil' who tool( the highest number
of marks in than' reepootive (interim! for
• 1.,, to 1,tli ''1 April, AR Allowu by 1180 nY
eminaticlls held in S. S. No, 10. Names
in order of merit :-Fifth class -Jamas
Brealcenridge, ltobt. Woodrow ; Fourth
olitee-Sllas Johnston, Agate Emilie,
Jas, Molewen, John Snell ; Se. Third
alas --Sarah Wilson, Mary Peacoalt,
Milton AleVol,y, Martha Thornton ; Jr.
Third alaes-Wm, Woodrow, Agnes For-
mat, Archie Messer, Andrew Wilson ;
5r. Second Maes --Bohemia Forrtia, Reu-
ben Snell, Bert, MoTlwen, Christiana
Robb ; Jr. Sespnd alas --Walter 'Break-
enrid;le, Gen. 11. Johnston, Martha
lnheetou, Walter Smillie. Semite L.
Wiosox, Teacher.
C. E. St. (blair.Simpson, aeo0ttntaut
of the Bank of Commoree, Seaforth, has
gone on a three months' trip to Euglancl,
J. 11. Carnegie, of the Brantford branah,
tailing his plane during that time.
The Seaforth firemen intend holding a
grand firemen's tournament in that town
ou 23rd and 24111 of Jane next. Eight
hundred and fifty dollars will be offered
in prizes. Eaeb fire department that
• uxrrrrrrnnrntt unraemnwa+eram ... _. ..• nzrrmmal',aeva atstc eamifx rariay. xa +arvstnmrmrns r.+^:,rt t!m•^rrra- rntxcrattar. a:arm•^^rara r ..,razur^.s axtsts'laaa:s a
IN,.I tor). I .
wf:ym "orf• P"6 •9ilr"uriaV .` B I y t ei 1 `Fdf Eggs 1 1@'Fi Orel•".Y TO LOAN.
M.,1„ L.C,1'.fi.O.,11.( .P.H.II„ f - '111111'.}' to LOUD ('31
(y l(y '1 (j ttij
J:glin have Ib•opped i,1 f» •Ina, so has ma FARM PROPERTY.
ipjJ1alLN - i ut tli Ufl Laren Ntorlr of Prima
,t+ v i 1(,l t I
5114;, Win, Neal hag gone to I.onlrei
for a'ltort time,
5Iis9 A, Swallow h0,9 gene t0 Seaforth
to learn millinery.
Prof. T. A. llawkins arrived this week
11111 lets et111 .' Work.
Alis' Eliza Williameol le learning the
"lightning slinging" with Wm. Neal.
1''red, Thomson and wife, of Wingham,
,v, r,: visiting et 'r. Melttbhl 'n thio wed,.
On Wednesday Mr. Sage had the mbar
fortune to lose a good year old Dolt from
Wm. Kinsmen and fancily, who have
resided 10 our village for a 'imbue of
years, have removed to WhtShaul,
Tho new choose matter, Will Edgar,
and wife, hove moved into the brick
manse We welcome them to Walton.
The Lady True Blue's, of Walton
lodge, are engaged in embroidering a nog
for the Orangemen. It is a beauty and
ragouts great credit on the workers.
Mr, and Mrs, Leech and Mise Ettie,
of 'l'ilsonburg, were visiting friends 1101.0
this week. Mr. Leech has charge of a
cheese Notary near Belgrave this season.
Inspector Robb paid our solcool a visit
on Thursday and expressed himself well
satisfied with the condition of the school
under bhe management of Mr. MoLauob.
lin and MISS Kelly.
Who were the two young ladies who
were disturbing the studies of our pro.
511eetive M. D. a few evening., ago and
trying to attract his attention by throw-
ing; atones at hie window ? No 11e0 girls •
talie9 a ' band of twelve men or morn and be has a Dasa in hand that requires all
take part in the parade with the band hie 0118)4800.
The R. T. of T. debate last Wednesday
evening was a decided sucoess. Subject -
"Resolved that woman should have the
franchise." Decision was given in favor
of the negative. Bubjeat for next night -
"Resolved that woman suffers more from
the evil effects of the liquor traffic than
man." Captains 13. Moliibbin and Jas.
Berm BUnNED.-The new barn of
William Scott, 12th eon., of Maliillop,
was destroyed by fire on Monday after-
noon. He also lost a spring foal, 4 cal-
ves, 9 pigs, a new binder and a new
mower in addition to grain, hay, ,Go.
The fire it is supposed to have been
caused from a spark from the chimney
of the Inooee. Mr. Soott was burned
quite seriously in trying to save a colt
from the flames. He will be laid up for
menthe. There was an insurance of
$1800 in Howick Mutual.
will receive 626.
At the last regular meeting of the Sea -
forth cnnncil 8 petition from the mer -
amnia was received, agreeing to take 45
eleotrio lights, providing the same are
given at a cost of 11 cents per light per
night. This being about the actual cost
of furnishing the lights the council com-
plied with the request and agreed to
change the by-law accordingly.
Wm. Iiillough had quite a severe at-
tack from La grippe, developing into an
affection of the lungs, but he is improv•
ing now, we are pleased to state.
Next Monday evening F. J. Bonnest,
organizer for the Patrons of Industry,
will deliver an address in Smith's school
house. On Wednesday evening he will
be at Turnbull's school house.
Drnn.-Last Friday forenoon old Mrs.
Barker, mother of John and Matthew
Barker, deceased, passed suddenly away
at the advanced age of 93 years. She
bad got up in the morning and had laced
her shoes and was seated in her chair
when she apparently dozed off to sleep.
When her .attendant went over to her she
found the old lady was dead. Mrs. Bar-
ker had lived hero for the past 15 years
or more, coming from the 01d Country.
The funeral was on Sunday afternoon,
the interment being made at Brussels
cemetery.Rev. B. Sherlock of Ethel
, ,
conducted theservioe.
BTV isi hat'.
Dr. Blac(0nald M. P. is away at Otta-
wa ready for parliamentary work.
Mrs. Fairfield and ohildren aro visiting
her parents at Belfountaiu.
The Salvation Army berraoks are near-
ing completion, and see reo0iviug a coat
of paint.
Upwards of thirty car loads of salt
were shipped from the Wingham salt
wake during the past mouth,
The oontraot of removing the old town
hall to a lot opposite the Salvation Army
barraoks was let to M. G. Alurdoub, of
London, for the sum of 675.
Thos. Agnew intends visiting the N.
W. T. and will leave for Calgary shortly.
He will engage in the lumbering businese
if be can secure suitable location.
The Bank of Hamilton has decided) to
open a branch in Lueknow in a short
time, and it is stated that J. C. Brown,
of this agency, will be appointed agent.
On Sunday the members of AIaitland
Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. and visiting brethren,
celebrated the 72nd anniversary of the
Order by
attending divine service in the
Net Codi t church at 3:30 p. m.
1 s
1 1 0' i Barg factory,
Geo. atter t n u
who had the misfortune to mangle the
first and second fingers of his right hand,
has returned to town after spending a
fow days with friends iu Seaforth,
On the evening of April 10th a little
daughter of Frank Flanagan, aged about
six years, aooideubally tipped the tea pot
over 00 herself, the hot tea eaalding her
terribly on the shoulders and batik.
Medical aid was procured, but of no avail
and death acme to the relief of the little
eufferer on Sunday night last. The re•
mains were interred at London.
The former Miss Tufts, of London,
woe visibing here this week.
Airs. (Rev.) Wallwio is spending part
of the week at her home in Goderieb, her
father being vary ill.
Our new wagou maker and carriage
builder is already hard at woe k in the
large wagon shop text to Mr, Wasmau's
blacksmith shop.
Ward Farrow, the goniol assistant
poetnlaeter of Brussels, was•in Bluevele
last Sunday. Wo aro making an effort
to ttsoortttin who Ward's girl is.
Edward Leah left on Monday for Da.
aeon en route to the N. W. T. The
village will MIEs him and espooially the
Mobhodieb ohnrah in which he was are -
spaded and devoted worker.
Rev. Goo. Leach, of Breeklin, Ont.,
was visiting big brother, Joseph Lomeli.
The reverend gentleman is in poor Itoal1tt
and thinks of superannuating next con.
foroaoe if ho does not gain up speedily.
Lltst Friday Fleming, the eleven
year old son of John Burgers, died after
a brief illness. The funeral took place
on Monday. George Burgess has also
boon on the sick het but i8 improving
Council met on Monday. A number
of ratepayers Prom lower Wingliam put
in an teppoarttnee to try and 500ure a
foot•bridgo across the river where the
old bridge stood before the 0010 ono was
Next Sunday Conductor Snider will
proaoh at 10:80 and 7 o'oloalt in the
Methodist ohuroh. In the evening he
will preach, by request, his railroad ser-
mon. Ito will also preach at 2:30 at
Ebenezer, aliag Beowustown, fn Morris.
BAR AonlotNT.-We are sorry to have
to state that Willie Dnff met with a
serious accident, last Friday, while work-
ing in his fatliGr'e saw hill. In some
way his right hand Came in contact with
Not having seen anything in your
paper from our lively little town, thought
I would write a few lines and let your
readers know something of what is going
on in our midst. We (the town) are just
recovering from a severe attack of
measles nearly every youngster bavingl
been laid up with them, but, happily, al
are on a fair way to recovery.
Mies Hopper has beenre engaged
3rd tone/ear in our school.
Steve Playford, who was census ann.
merabor, bas completed his work.
A large number of suckers were caught
in the river here by netting them.
One hotel -keepers have beep granted
fresh lillenees for the ensuing year.
Easiness is rather dull on account of
the farmers all being busy seeding.
The small boy and the fiehiug rod are
to the fore again, as also are Iamb
The Sanderson block has had a fresh
coat of paint, which adds considerably to
its pearance.
B'Iapessre. Sanderson 8t Hennings sold
three carloads of potatoes lash week,
which were sent to the Philalelphia
One of the greatest drawbacks to mar-
ried life is housecleaning. It's ab this
particular season of the year a than
who's married wishes he wasn't.
Messrs, Hemphill ez Rutherford Bros.,
hardware inanimate, reueivsd a carload
of nails from Montreal last week. Quits
a lot of building going on this year.
Wm. Smalo, sou of Dr. Smote, of this
town, secured his diploma for an M. D.
at Dotreit. Will is now a full-fledged
"Duo." Blay good luck attend him.
Our town population has boon oonsid-
orably inamaeed since the new year by
new families moving into town,so that
now there is scarcely an empty house in
the town.
Rev. Me. Davidson, wife and family
are away on a six months' visit to Soot -
laud. .His place is being ably filled by
his brother John, who has been studying
at University in Toronto fur some time
It is our painful duty to have to record
the death of the infant slaughter of T.
Ramsbaw, who died Sunday evening
from aa attack of measles. The parents
have the sympathy of the oomtnouity in
their bereavement.
`Masers. Sanderson 5t Miller, general
merchants, have circulars out announcing
their intention of selling for cash, or its
equivalent, only, after May 1st. We con-
sider this a step in the right direction,
and trust they may succeed in their new
Nearly all the females in our town
have blood iu their eye, and the mu are
very 'reek and submissive at present.
The cense is easily explained by a glance
at any of the yards, in which carpets,
furniture and everything in geueral is
strewed around.
George Brown, son of our esteemed
townsman, Rev. Mr, Brown, is one of the
orown witnesses on the double murder
case, now being tried, at L'Origimtl,
13,tinet Lareeque for the murder of two
libbin girls, scholare in the sohoel of
which Mr. Brown was toneher.
Sports seam to be very dull hare at
present. Our football or baseball team
hove not yet re.organized. Wako up,
boys, time to prautise and show people
what yen can do. We understand Corrie
and Wroxeter are going to have a union
baseball club again this year and iamb
Mune is going to be 1t change for the.
better of the team. Several now players
wi11 be seen in Union suits. Snuaese to
Wm. II. Eyre, registrar of deeds fur
Wast Northumberland, died in Cobourg
on Satnechey.
Levi Krupp, of Formosa, an insane 01'
mate of the county jail awaiting trans-
forenoe to eh aeyh nl, died in his call
from starvation ono clay recently. Ap-
plication had been made fat hie admin.
81031 to the asylum, bat he died pending
the completion of orrangemente. every-
thing possible had been done for hie coin.
fort and all hie wants supplied, but he
steadfastly refused to either eat dr drink,
the saw while mating slabs and was bad- Ho Would allowtithing, not even wine
ly laderated. Three angors had to be or milk, to pass his lipe. The verdict of
amputated. HO is doing as well as could the jury was that death woe caused by
bo Woad. lack of nourishment.
,1OxAruA08 B it:Ji as', Llntuwel, nye :- y.„ 4IU11 MEAT,
' 87,,, 1 ,t•, 111111 v,. u d J,,,(
to 115 1.01, 0n0 on in odioul mu„ Pni roiuib All Of Our Ow) (airing.
they termed a hopeless ease at ecusumptinn,
Dr. Sin ebbe cured mo."
Nits mem. Penne o, Weedbanse, saya
"When all others 11111ed, Dr. Sluelnlr cured
100 of ate,"
D. Ittuns rronx, l'arlatou Plane, says 1 -
"Dr. 518018110 cured me of ('atarrb "
Ono, Rowan, BID), says:--' Dr. Siuotalr
trod mo of boort (Itsen u au
gsn s 1 dropsy, whoa
411 others !ailed,"
Diaeaoeu of Primp, Nature, brought one by
jolty, lir. Sinclair certainly Cerrve,
Ce0au3.tatiorm >='oca,
Thu rsday, May 28, '91.
_OR, S.I LE.
The subscriber offers the following
Well-bred Animals for Sale :
"Cadiz" (0504), Vol. II ;
"Ilerl of Breadalbane" (6709), Vol. II.
These horees are 8 years old ; heavy
"Lagen Chief," 6 years old, Leavy
One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from im.
ported stook on both sides ; heavy
"Prince of Douglas," a road or carriage
stallion, rising 8 years ; imported.
One Heavy Draught Mere, 6 years old ;
imported ; with foal.
Ono Canadian bred Mare, heavy draught,
rising 6 years, with foal by her side.
One Mare Foal, from imported stook on
both sides.
One Gelding, 3 years old, heavy draught.
LS -Lumina Taus will be made to
Responsible Parties.
The above mentioned stook may be
seen, pedigrees secured and prices ob-
tained by applying to
20• BRUSSELS P. 0,
Paid for Wool at the
i lse
We wish to call your at-
tention to the fact that we
still Want more Wool, and
we are determined to snake
this wool season one of the
largest, for we have a Tre-
mendous Stock of Goods on
hand. d. y
an It is necessary that
you should look around be,
fore you dispose of your wool
to see where you can Make
the best purchases with it in
Buy in the Cheapest,
Sell in the Dearest,
Do not fail to come and
see our Large Stock of New
Fine Flannels, in New Shades
and Patterns. Something
Never Before Shown the Public
We have made up a lot
of Fine Halifax Tweeds, just
the thing for school boys.
We also have a big stock of
Fine Tweeds, Coarse Tweeds,
Bed Blankets, horse Blan-
kets, Flannels, Robed Skirts,
Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades,
Shirts and Drawers for this
season's trade, which we offer
Do not be deceived by
pedlars, but come and deal
direct at the Factory, where
you can rely on getting a good
assortment to choose from,
Everybody should conte
and try our fine Grey Flannel
thn,t won't shrink in washing.
and outwears the common
grey flannel sold the public.
Roll Cary ing, Spinning,
Fulling and Manufacturing
Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets,
&c. On short notice.
B, I?'. Brook & on
We also lfannfaeture I3ologua Sausage.
Patronize home industry by calling onus.
Oive me a call and prove the truth.
Wriest( of the above statements,
Blashill, Butcher,
_Royal ;Ifuil S'telunahips.
CABIN IRA7.'liS, 8K.10, 800 and Beg, Riegle;
$80, t;e0 and *110 .Return, acoerding
to Location of Stateroom,
INTERMEDIATE, outward 825; Prepaid 00
Steerage at Lowest antes.
.t•('t'/11111111Nlit1111145 (Ill5•11•1111ea('ll.
AU1.1Y to II. d; A. ALLAN, Montreal,
alt W. 11.1181111,
Aintree, Banseens.
Why Not Do roar Own Thinking?
BStntlnrtL., November gth,111816
J. M. 1PIcLnon, Goderiob,
DEAR Sun. -I should have written before
now to lot you know bow I am getting along.
I am allot better thnn 7 was; gaining streegttl
every day. I have a goodappetite and sleep
well. I can take the full quantity o1 the
Sydtem Renovator and 1t does not sicken
me. Sly limbs are all right now; quite
smart in that way; swelling all gone. The
greet thirst is gone; I drink no water at
night, but I take a little buttermilk. I am
quite straight again. Sena me another
bottle of your System Renovator.
Yours, dm, JAS. Duxcex.
Bitumens, February 7)12, 1891.
J. M. McLno1, Sacraria, Gil
DEAR Sin. -Fifteen veare a33'last Novem-
ber I Started to doctor first ; 11.005 treated
for dyspepsia, but they never helped me
any. At times I suffered greatly from my
stomach ; I continued. but I grow worse.
I turned dropsical ; limbs and body swelled
badly. You ]c
y 0 now the state I was in robed
I welrt 40 GOdeTiOn-11. morn Brock,
hardly walk -suffering from Bright's
ease. Ono one year ago last 1011 I began
your mend i Renovatorandd S continued
Cure. I Lagan
to three
m iu a few day. ; continued tion for
Ehruo mouths steady. Although I was told
I could not ba 000s,1, it you 08101 me now,
well and beauty ; oat everything that somas
iu the way. I owe you the praise of saving
my 11fe. I was in a hopeless condition whom
I went to you, in fast no one thought I
would get bettor. I cannot speak too highly
of you and of your medicines, for it was
them that cured me. Words cannot express
my thanks to you. FToursrooly pass 101y name to
Private andCompanyFunds,
.4 Y.'1'J:."SC 'CGI
J.C.FIeflernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.0,, Ont.
`lA'Cr,`.' PARTIES
tam: ;•:ir GT ON
,.. ., ., .,..• •1 n.711 081 F1'idut'a.
1891 I MAY 1st. 1893
holo!Utg 'rlu91uMg11 1016r'11:5Il')111/'er
'Without Obange.
For Berths and all Information apply to
J, T. Pepper,
Shoddy -
- Pedlars
Are on the Warpath, so are im-
plement agents to entrap the
nary farmer into buying inferior
plows made at a distance from
Brussels, for which you cannot
get repairs when needed.
Palmers consultOnr 045'11 in-
terests and encourage home man-
ufacture by calling at the
Brussels 1our.ciiy
Where you can get it Superior
Article at a Reduced Price, Guar-
anteed to give Satisfaction, or
n0 sale.
Plows, NUDE Rest PSIlabulg Cast Steel..
Boards, Single and Rouble.
Plow Points of Every Make at 40e. each -
Gang Points 25 Cents.
Bugg le,R 1 Best Pittsburg Steel Boards fitted an
cg nay plow at the Lowest Possible !'rice.
Bo sure and call and examine our
Buy your Buggies from stock before buying. -
D.EWAN - I W. R. Wilson, Brussels.
And Save Money.
I alp building a large number
of the Best Buggies, wllieh are to
bo sold at the Lowest Prices ever
offered to the public. Every-
thing about them is First-class.
The very Hest Standard Wheels,
and the Workmanship through-
out Guaranteed.
I am Determined to make a
Big Slaughter on Prices
this year,
I have sold a largo number of
]3uggies du ing the past 5 years
to many of the leading men of
this section and surrounding,
country, and I 1:1u'pose to peep
Children's Wagons
S Carts
i e Post' Bookstore,
up the number and double the CROQUET SETS,
Call and See the Rigs and
Bet our Prices, New Goods sold at Close Prices
Don't buy a buggy until you
toe my Stock of Choice Buggies. •
Cricket Set, for Boys
8, G and •1, Bales,
Repairs in -Wood work and Iron
clone at Bock Bottom Prices.
Painting and Carriage Trimming
done at the very Lowest Rates.
Ilorsoshooing Done with the Best
Experience and Attention,
as i11 the past.
Shop opposite Queen's Hotel,
Including Bat, Ball, Wickets.
and Bales.
They are Just the Thing fat.
the C011ling cricketers,
'Post' Bookstore,