The Brussels Post, 1891-5-1, Page 44
New Advertisements.
Looal-D. Stewart.
Locale- A.Is. Sinitic,
1\1edioal- I)3' Sleoloir.
Local -G. A. 1eeu'enan.
Loeal-The Sablatou Litho. & Pub. Co.
Loonla--\1 Zvi he church.
Local --erne eValtet• SUllth.
Steers fur sale-- D. W. Puwur.
Curtains•--lftlrguson at Halliday.
Mechanics' institute --A, Hunter.
0. P. R, Exotrsiorre-J. T. Pepper,
Wool wanted -.-B. F. Brook at Sore
Teachers' examination -Peter Adam
d b.e Ifiru5sels lA'St,
FRIDAY, 3/.1Y 1, 1801.
Ax important amendment to the
Municipal dot is before the Ontario
House, which provides for the punish.
snort of aounoillors guilty of allowing
money raised for sinking fund purposes
to bo used for current expenses, Per-
sonal liability for the amount so im-
properly expended and disqualification
for five years, is the punishment pro.
Prem. 8 few persons are aware of the
fact that next year is one of very signifi-
cant celebrations. It is the twenty-fifth
anniversary of Canadian confederation ;
the fiftieth anniversary of the establish.
meet of responsible government in the
country ; the one hundredth anniversary
of the convocation of the first parliament
of Upper and Lower Canada ; the two
hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the
founding of Montreal, and the four hun-
dredth anniversary of the discovery of
America by Columbus.
Huron County.
The estate of the late W. H. Cooper,
Clinton, pays a dividend of 2 cents on the
Preparations are being made for the
building of a new organ in the Main
street Methodist church, Exeter.
John Plewes, on Saturday, 18th April,
left a sprig of Russian Lilac that was out
in bloom at the Clinton New Era office.
G. A. Hyndman, grooer, of Exeter ;
Chas. Hogarth, harness maker, of Ford-
wioh ; and W. G. Brown, hotel -keeper,
of Woodham, have assigned.
Mr. Coleman, agent for the Canada
Company, Toronto, interviewed Hay
township clerk, on matters relating to
the draining of the swamp.
Several farmers in McKillop township,
have been unfortunate toloee their spring
colts, among the number Robt. Beattie
and S. Shannon each lost one and Jas.
Lawrenoe two.
A public meeting of the people of Lucile.
now will be held on Tuesday evening to
make arraugements for entertaining the
members of the County Council on their
visit to that village on the third Tuesday
in June.
The Evangelical Conference conoluded
Rs 555510110 at Orediton, recently. A
committee was appointed to meet a sine.
1lar aommittee appointed by the Metho-
dist church, to arrange a basis of union
for the two bodies of Canada. Five
young men were ordained before the
Conference was brought to a close.
David Sanderson, of the 4th con. of
Howick, has a cow which gave birth a
few days ago to a calf with two heads
(one on each end), six legs (in three pairs),
anal two tails. The tails are attached to
the side of the body just about the two
centre legs. This is one of the strangest
cases ever reported in the townsbip.
Thefollowrug interesting information.
from the report of the Poetmaeter Gen-
eral respecting Lueknow Post Office,
shows it to be an important institution :
The postal revenue lest year was $2,340.•
00 ; 1,204 money orders were issued and
the sum of $21,705.40 was received in the
money order department, total amount
of money orders paid out, 38,401.40.
Perth County.
Knox Church, Stratford, will meet on
May 5th to call a minister.
ILeer Hord, of Mitchell, has bought W.
Colwell's bankrupt stock at 41jo. on the
Pat Murray, of Stratford, who stole
$14 from the pocket of Wm. Benwick on
the night of the 10th April while the
latter was asleep, has been sentenoed to
six months in Central prisioo.
The St. Mary's Bicycle Club was form•
ed the other eveuing with about 15 mem.
berg. The officers appointed were : Pres.,
C. S. Rumssy ; Captain, Dr. Gillrie ;
Lieut„ J. A. Morrison ; Seo., J. Young.
All the doctors of Stratford have agreed
to attend thepatients in the hospital
there weekly in rotation for one year
from its opening on the 7th of May.
Lieutenant -Governor Campbell is to be
invited to open it,
The barn belonging to E. Evans, on
the Mitchell road, Blanehard, was totally
destroyed by fire en Monday evening,
His children while playing with matches
accidentally fired it. It was 101005d in
the Blanchard Mutual.
Mitchell Recorder :-On Thursday
forenoon, during recess, Rev. Mr. Tully's
oldest hog looked into the open window
of the High School Irymnasium while the
girder ocoupied it in their exercises, One
of the girls, seeing him, threw a handful
of sawdust in his face, which entered hia
eyes, and injured him so muob that he
had to be conveyed ltotne.
The newly elected officers of the Strut.
ford Beard of Trade are 1 --President, E.
T. paten ; Vico-Prosidont, A. J. ilia.
Pherson ; Secretary, W. G. Iviowat ;
Coun0il, J. A. Duggan, W. J. Ferguson,
F. D. Hamilton, II. G. Hopkirk,'W,
Maynard, A. Ie. MoLaren, 3, P. Mac-
donald, E. O'Flaherty, Jno. Payne, T.
Plummer, T. E. P. Trow and John
There has just boon lodged in the
Stratford gaol a young man who for hie
age of 18 or 10 yeare has displayed a re-
markably vienotie propensity. The
young man's name is said to be Charles
Steeley. He was brought to Befit oonntry
by some of the immigration societies or
homes sending children from England
to Canada, and about a year and a half
et two years ago he was hired b Wtn.
Dew, of the 0011 eon, of Bibbed fie left
1\4r, Dow's last fall and went to Hugh
Kennedy's for the winter. For some
reason which bus not yet come to light -
possibly feeling that he had been wroug-
ed or ill.used 10 sumo way -he harbored
e deep.rootecl spite against 211'. I)ow.
Between 2 and 3 o'clock last 'Wednesday
mornine n,• entered Bir, Non's house
armed with a heavy club. Leaving his
bouts fn the woodshed, he put on a pair
of rubbers and walked right into Mr.
1)uw'e bourouin. kis first etruele 21r.
Dow on the face with his heavy club,
making an ugly wound. The next blow
fell on Mr, Dow's hand, wltioh wns
thrown up in defence. Ivirs. Dow by this
time waked up, end ou rising from her
pillow received a heavy blow ea the
breast. The fellow then became alarmed
at the noise he had made, and rushed out
of the house to the barn, whish he fired
and had ablaze in a few minutes. On
seeing the fire the inmates of the house
rushed out, end had just time to get the
the live stook out of the burning building.
The been was a largo and splendid build-
ing and contained a large quantity of
bay and several hundred bushels of
wheat, oats and pees, besides sundry
implements. All the hay and grain sou•
tents, with 0120 calf, were burned, and
the loss will be heavy as there was only
$400 or $.500 of insurance on the whole
thing. The lose is pat by some at $1,•
700. Steeley was arrested by Constable
Farrow' of Mitchell, and taken before
Magistrate Flagg, who committed him
to the county gaol _to await his trial.
When asked why he committed the
dreadful deed 115 admitted that while
living with Mr. Dow he was well treated
but said that Dow owed him some money
which he refuel to pay. Inquiry at the
Boyo' Home, Stratford, elicited the fast
that cue of Miss Maopherson's boys had
been placed with a farmer named Staffa,
in Hibbert Township. The home
authorities had not heard of the affair
and could not say whether the boy was
one of theirs. Steeley has since been
sentenced by Judge Woods to ten years
(el -enema Nowt..
The Jamaica exhibition will close May
Ground was broken at Riverside Park,
N. Y., Monday,for the Grant monument.
A lady who bas died in Glasgow has
bequeathed £70,000 to General Booth for
the Salvation Army.
Judge Gregg, of Cincinnati, has fined
base ball players 02 each for playing a
game on Sunday.
Chief Justice Green, at Guthrie, Okla.
homa, has rendered a decision that
women are eligible to public office.
Baron Hirsch has brought a large
tract of lend near Ridgeway, Pa., on
which he will colonize Russian Jews to
cultivate sugar beets.
Baron Fava has arrived at Rome, and
had a prolonged conference with the Mar-
quis di Rudini upon the various aspects
of the New Orleans affair.
The old log cabin in St. Lonis county,
Mo., which Gen. Grant emoted with his
own hands out of lumber out and hewn
by himself, is to be removed to Chicago
as one of the attractions of the World's
A queerly -matched pair have just been
married in Webster township. The
groom, A. L. Daniels, weighs exnotly 408
ounds. The bride, Miss Mary Ding.
man, is a feather weight only 85 pounds.
No one disputes Mr. Daniels' claim to
being the champion fat man. in the State
of Iowa,
A girl in Kentucky has recovered $500
de mates from a steamship oompany for
naming a boat after her without asking
her permission, and they must re -name
the boat. She took offense at a marine
item stating that "Kittle Marshal took
the lower abet and run her nose into a
Hebrew, it is said, is again becoming
a living language in Palestine. The
thousands of the chosen people who are
going there from different countries,
being unable to communicate with oath
other in their ordinary languages, resort,
to the knowledge which they have of
Hebrew in their religious services for a
means of oommuniaatton,
News has been reneived at Havana of a
horrible affair which recently happened
at Macaigua. A madman attacked hie
little brother with a knife, cutting off
hie head and otherwise mutilating him
in the most terrible manner. He then
proceeded to eat portions of the body,
and had devoured the fingers, liver, heart
and eyee when discovered. In reply to
questions why ho had committed the
horrible deed the madman declared that
his brother bad died and that he was
Making an autopsy on the boy's body.
At the Regietrar'e office in South
Sbielde, England, Last Friday, a midget
girl only 82 inches high was married to
Prof. Hedley, a man 6 feet 1 inoh tall.
Humbert, the man without arms, gave
the bride away, signing the eertiflcate by
holding the pen between his teeth. The
bridesmaid was Miss Nina, the American
giantess, who weighs 616 pounds. The
best man was Capt. Dallis, who is 7 feet
10 inohes tall. Gen. Metilone, 29 inches
high, was one of theweddiug party, All
were connected with a travelling eines
going through the country.
Because he could not get a new shit for
the celebration of Passover, wltioh began
on Wednesday of last week in the Hebrew
faith, Ferdinand Meyers, of Philadelphia,
a boy of 17, shot himself in the temple,
and died in fifteen minutes without
uttering a word, The youth had the
pistol a week, and when be repeated his
request for the clothes Tuesday night
his mother says she told him she would
give hint the money, but he said he
would not want any clothes, and started
for bed. A little while after his mother
heard the thud of a fall, and found him
dead en the floor.
The wife of Henry K. Updegrave, who
keeps a hotel al Tower City, Pa., lanke
over three months of being 48, but is a
great-grandmother: She was married
when only 13. The eldest of her children
was born a year after her mother's mar.
''fags and was named Martha. She at
the age of 15 married Jonathan Rumber-
ger, Within a year Martha bad a dangh.
ter whom she obristsned Maggie. A year
ago Maggie, who was then 16, married
Daniel Messner and to this pair a son
has juet been born, At 30 Mrs. Upde.
grave was a grandmother, and now as a
great.grandmother at 47 is still remark-
ably comely in feature and gracefel in
figure with glosey raven hair and spark-
ling black eyee. Should the young Mees.
nor heir thrive and ultimately marry
ehrly, se there is every prospect of doing
if he follows the traditions of his family,
elle may confidently look forward to be.
nig a great•'reat-grandmother and pos.
'ably a great great.great•grandtnetber.
rHE E1-ZUSSELS POS'l MAY 1, 1801
o . Fr6MItiL^ll.w.e-x-•--•�,•�..}�unMn+nva,r.n.•:dIIdLllaeull a-ev„•rgCi1atTes
A verdict that was almost comical was
recently rendered by a Paris jury. lar.
nest Taste, who shot his wife while she
was tailing a map ono day lust September,
\vas sentenced to six y0121'e imprisonment
wig -toot hard labor, The inrv's vireint
\1'58 that of '•maesraughtor," with ext, 0.
eating circumstances, The extenuating
oiroenletanaee summed up in the defence
were that bis life was made miserable by
Itis 88101, who awed to caul hue bad
131.7 tle.
Di. Skeen has sold one of his farme to
his nephew.
A special sermon will be preeolied to
the A. 0. U. W. on Sunday, May 24tlt at
the Episcopalian church.
Dr. Ferguson, who succeeds Dr, Sloan,
is reported to be a mast worthy gentle-
man and a great eueoeas in his profession.
We welcome the Dr. and his good lady to
our midst and hope they may enjoy
Wealth, wealth and prosperity.
The annual Distriot meeting of the
Methodist church, Wingham District,
will be held here this month. On the
evening of the first day there will be a
musical and literary entertainment. Ad-
dresses will be given on the Nationalities,
England being represented by Rev, Jno.
Scott, M. A., of Wingham ; Scotland by
Rev, J. A. McLachlin, M. A., of Wrox•
der ; Ireland by Rev. Robt. Godfrey, of
Belgrave ; and Canada by Rev. I. B.
Wallwin, of Bluevale.
C. 111• Taylor, of the Canadian Express
Company, has accepted a good position
with the new Ontario Express Company
and goes to the head office in Toronto.
Win. Godfrey, who has occupied the
position of G. T. R. station agent at
Southampton for the past eight years,
was honored by a banquet by the citizens
at the Central Hotel there the other
A committee meeting was held in the
Queen's hotel and it was decided to or-
ganize an athletic association in town to
include cricket, lawn tennis, lacrosse,
baseball, football, cycling, target and
trap shooting and general outdoor sports.
Mrs. H. Sohlim, of this town, reserved
word from Buffalo, that her son Wm.,
who has been working at the carpenter•
ing trade there, had his left band taken
off. The young man learned his trade
with Bamford Bros., contractors and
builders, of this town.
R. Je W. Woode have pnrohased a
handsome new bus which will be running
to all trains in a few day e. Meanwhile
they have put a splendid team of steel
greys to a livery wagon and are already
is the Heid for business. John Shanks
is also replacing the old bus with a hand-
some new one very shortly.
At a special meeting of the town Coun-
cil the Mayor was instructed to notify
the insurance companies not to pay over
to Mr. Rosebaoh the $5,000 insurance
being amount doe the town over the
$10,000.00 polioies held by the town. R.
Bohner was appointed inspector to look
after noxious and diseased fruit trees.
W. L, Manning brought snit against
Robb. Roth for balance of wages. Both
brought counter claim for damages be-
cause his beer went bad through Man-
ning's neglect, and Manning brongbt
another claim for illegal dismissal. Roth
Maimed his beer went bad because Man-
ning had not cleaned out the vat in the
cellar. Case non suited.
The following are the partionlars of
the prospectus of the Listowel Furniture
Company, Limited : Authorized stook,
$100,000 ; subscribed $50,000, of which it
is proposed to call b0%, or $25,000. To
this it is proposed to ask the town to add
$5,000, total cash capital $30,000. Esti-
mated cost of building and plant,$20,000,
leaving $10,000 to begin carrying on the
business with.
The first steps towards rebuilding the
Central Hotel are already under way al-
most before the bricks have got cold.
Val Brown has the contract for the brick
work and Messrs. Bamford for the wood
work. The present contract is for the
rebuilding of the dining room and kit.
ohen. It is Mr. Rolls intention to run a
dining room and bar with bed rooms,
etc., up stairs for the summer at the old
stand, and do his Commercial trade at
the Arlington.
John Keso has purchased from Wm.
Hetohison four acres of land beyond the
Railway Station, and seta to work at
once erecting a first.olass caw mill there-
on. He ]las purchased from W. H. Me•
Cutoheon an entire new outfit of machin.
ery, a forty horse power engine and 60
horse power boiler to be on the ground
on the 15th Juno, and includes saws,
carriages, edgers, etc, ilde expects to
have everything in position by the first
of August and be running full blast for
the fall nutting trade.
OLIVER W1tuee Cor STAxr —Up to
date the following entries have been
made in the above oolt stapes thie fall :
lett, Thoe. Ballantyne'e b. f. Nettie
Wilkes ; 2nd, Jas. Lowry's b. e. Spring -
hank ; 8ed, Jas. Lowry's oh. f. Lady L. ;
4th, W. J. Hays b. f. Lulu G. ; 5111, Jno.
McDermott's oh, f. Daisy ; 0th, W. Pow-
ley'e oh. c. Oliver Kid ; 75b, R. 1t„ Hay's
oh. o, Ellwood Wilkes ; Rib, J, Sproule's
b. f. 011ie Parke ; 9011, A. R. Smith's
(Brussels) b, 1, Agitator Wilkes ; 1011,
Thos, Reed's b. o. Wm. Oliver.
The following well..lcnown Stallions
will travel during the season of 1891, as
11055111808„ MPhil/TOM.
Monday, will leave his own staple, Lot
22, Con. 5, Grey, and proceed south to
George Dark's, 10th Con., for 130011 ;
thence to the Queen's Hotel, Brussole, for
one hour, thou to John Coates', 9111 Con.,
for night. Tuesday, proceed north to' GV,
Bateman's, OM ,Con., Grey, for noon;
thence to his own stable for night. Wed.
oesday, proceed north to the 4th Cone
then welt to Joseph Frein's for noon ;
thence north to the 2nd Con., Grey, thee
east to William Mines', let Can„ for
night. Thursday, proceed to Mr. Buy-
ers', Lot 35, 2nd Con„ Grey, for noon ;
thence to his own stable for night. 1! ei.
day, proceed south through Ethol to Jno.
Long's, llth Con., Groy, for noon ; thence
east to William Armstrong's, 12111 Con.,
Elms, for night. Saturday, proceed to
Henfryn for noon ; thence to hie own
stable, where he will remain until the fol.
lowing Monday morning'
On Friday, May
0ID 1J9
I, tn?fHAt1 111'1'[, 10,.'11 `elele.
TIEf ''I(1 - ti.e undersigned will keep for
I service r n Int 01, ('on. I, ‘i Orrin, the More'
�4 breed roaist„r,•1 Durham Lgll,' nerd v; ,'ling.
lou" Terme e1.00, wl lh privilege of return-
ingif'teeessen•y. Pall'^'es ,;.y,• 1'," .;;;0.1 on
applloatdon to owner, i'1:1'1;11 !UAltlt,
41.4* Proprietor.
TH0R01TOI II.731111) .11:115!3Y BULL -
One Cow, 02.'20; 2 Cowe, 8•L00; aedlttounl
sews, 01,00 each, all the property or ono
person. A discount of 10 per cent, 10111 bo
deducted when paid at the time of service.
Jersey Cows 00,00 mob 001,11.
G. A. DI1ADMAN, Druggist, &c.
51IIR13 130A16.
'rhe 0u ieleiguvd will keeppro for service tide
present mina the ',Heady"
vel largo white
Yerkehtre lig "1(eadv' 00 int 20, 0013, 0,
Morris, to which a !1 011e.1 number of soave
will bo taps', Terms 81.00 to he paid at
time of eorviee, with the privilege of renrrn-
ine 11 neoeseary. Pedigree av Inc nose up -
0n appil0atlou. 1101113113'13'1t11IOl.,
104E InProprietor.
1 fiERVIC14.-The tmdorafgued bas re -
coldly purchased and will keep for Soryiee
at North half Lot 20, Con. 7, Morns, a 01103 -
bred lorkshl'e flour, ire,) by Mr. Snell, and
also an Ohio improved Chester White, ono
year old, brei) by Thos, George, Putnam,
fro. t imported stook on both 81310e. Phis
hog tools Ira prise at the industrial IRxhibi-
itoe; Toronto, 1800,5011 class of 17, and also
3rd at the Western Fair i0 a mess of 10.
T° rine, ,;1.00, to be paid at Hoe of service,
with privilege of roturnias if necessary.
10-10 0. WALliEB,Proprietor.
10 1i s
A Bargain in Season is a Genuine Bargain
We have recently purchased at 75c. on the Dollar 250 Pairs
Lace Curtains, which we are going to offer at the
following Reduced Prices :
50 Pairs Crean{, 3 Yds. Long, Taped Edge, at 75, regular $1 00
50 " " 3 `4 4f `4 $1 00 i4
30 44 44 3 44 " 14
20 " " 3.1 3'4 44 44
20 44 44 3x 44 44 44
20 White &Croam33 44
44 et
20 Pairs Cream, 4 " (Very Special)
20 44 44 3i, 44 44 44
20 44 44 8G 44 44
1 25
1 40
1 75
2 50
2 50
3 00
3 50
1 50
1 70
2 00
2 40
8 15
3 50
4 00
4 50
We will have these goods conveniently arranged in our
store, so -that they may be seen at a glance, and we trust
that many will come and see that we advertise truthfully.
Ferguson & Etallid.ay,
For the Next 0 Days.
The Partnership 'laving been Dissolved between
Tailors, Clothiers and Gents' Outfitters, in Brussels,
Lively Cash Sale, to Reduce the Large and Well
Assorted Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds,
Spring Overcoatings, Pantings, &c.,
Also a Full Assortment of Gents' Furnishings,
Hats and Caps, White and Colored Shirts, Underclothing,
Collars, Neckwear, &c., &c.,
Will' be Commenced on Friday, April 17th, and will
Continue for One Montle.
Big, genuine Bargains offered, as the stock must be Reduced
All tweeds purchased will be Cut Free -of charge,
Call early with your cash and secure a big
bargain from our new spring stock.
Suits Made to Order, and all Work Guaranteed to give
D. ROS Jr.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels,
have 1000 bushels of first growth
.iDt7TCI-K �ildelIC D
for farmers in the vicinity of Brussels,
who intend raising Max during the corn-
ing season, which they are prepared to
deliver in quantities to suit flax growers.
Can be got at the Brussels Flax Mill.
Seed given out at $1.50 per bushel, and
on the usual terms. Order Seely to en-
sure a supply.
For Flax grown from this seed
- $10 PER TON -
Will be paid, if of good growth, harvested
in proper Season and delivered at the
Flax Mill as soon as fit for threshing.
We will also rent a number of good sod
fields for the purpose of growing flax.
J. C J. LIVIM&'ii'ONE,
Proprietors Brussels flax mill.
W. BRIGHT, Manager.
Canadian Pacific Ty,
Last Chance
1tound the We -1d
$600 !
Will Leave LIVERPOOL on Jeze 1101:,
1801, by Stenmsr
Empress of China,
Stopping at Principal l'orte in rho
1.1Paitasrc,,xteaa. an44. -ed. Meat,
2xa4110,sa Oeoan,
Por pamphlets and full information apply
W, R. CALLAwAY, District Passenger Agout,
110 BMug Street Wast, Toronto, or to
Ticket Agent 0, P.R., Brussels.
A Tip-top Display of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at
Ht Dennis', Brussels,
Call and see diem before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
Sec always in stock and sold
at Close Prices.
If you want a set of Light
or Heavy harness I can
supply you.
See our Scotch Collars.