The Brussels Post, 1891-5-1, Page 1Volume 18.
Number 42.
Washington Letter. alers5Ec,5 I'OSTOFfit'4• own Casa in an eloquent and forcible Newmarket lids let file contract far 8 Senator Sutherland has onbertld an
g People we Know,
manner, malting it evident that ha should $10,000 sobool house. actino for slender agmina( lin Watson, M.
To the Pelton of Tiil. Pasr• 111V8 been a drool"'
(From ones onto r eorresi mlonar
Dram Sur. -fn your Iasi issue there Wo8 PI5 of Coo ,� Meek. open for
Rous@, Ly 11: Stanley, will P. for Mnrgnette, charging th�.at the
Sam. Wake iv away at Owen Sound.
Syesbingtnn, A01il 17,'x1. Y stone. In font he handled his °ase about For guests on May 1G, latter aaause4 elm of personation in the ?des. AI00 0 ('8 pus been on the diel(
a communication in reference to the en well as the late lamented Jenkins, and The Power Bros, have been offers] recent election,
that vicos from Bluinl's103100 has 0ansthe
ed some Brussels postoilioe over the signature f enocootted in getting a verdict nonsuit. $35 by a Toronto museum for the knife The Amherstburg Echo suys : On 11 1'vfiss Maly Oliver is vlsitin ne Te.
"Fair Play, nn winch is viol every Straohan Broa, vs, Milne.--A°tion on with which Kane killed his wife at Belle. Tuoaday, oot
while digging in his garden, of g
disappointment in political oirole8 at the prinoiplo of that word. I will 110(1 say aacoant Adjourned to next Court, Mlle. Ramsay Street, Captain John Dunoaneon, 001111.0s..
Italian capital, it being oharaoberired as very much about the uniairucs8 of manP M0 . Wm i'a118 000 aeon( Sunday in
"vague and incbnolueive, insistingMOM- Y A judand l euminone victim was ex. John Kennedy, slry, aged about 7ti, a retired found an old 4.pound Hannon ball. 7t i3 �yln ,barn.
things KIWI lie Oil tbs very sttrfa°a of nminod end the usual cedar mud°. farmer, was straek by an engine on the then& to be one of the balls thrown Geo. Love, of Harriat011, was in town
ly on the statue quo; " Tho question that letter, such as attempting to compel Grand Trunk, Hoar Aaron, on Saturday from the Schooner Anne in 11387, as some
arises : How would the loiter have Mr. Farrow to occupy a buIldieg that be THE CHINESE .1zon ,14 111ti, and killed, who were here than tall us that the shot on Tuesday.
boon regarded it it had insisted upon does not like and which is unsuitable in
The Huron Anglican LayWorkers' As- struck about the spa where this wad oleo' Watson Ainley is vleiting relatives
nothing ? The ver Ener i4 p0110(8 6 t in Listowel,
tont maintain° rico 081th that many ways, denying him the privilege, Ref/. J. Goforth, Presbyterian mission- sociutiun is a new chetah11(1organization found. Capt. Duncanson has presented Mrs. Battery was visiting in Kin°an-
Y P originally which every citizen enjoys, of purchasing dry in China and well known in Canada, formed in London ander the Presidency it 00 P. B, Leighton, and it will be quite dine this weelr.
talon by the SevrsLary makes its aIle"ed w piece of property and improving it, and writes from Lin China that the natives of Bishop Baldwin, an addition to that gentleman's museum dine
T. G. McCracken, ken, of Mitchell, was in
vagueness inc°n°tusiveuees impossible, in this way benefiting the front street, are giving great trouble to the missio0ar The Northern hntel, Port Arthur, has A Jersey bull belonging to Joseph town this week.
What the dispatch probably means is and, consequently, the town. I would lee in the (Henan district, He says : been leased for a term of years to one of Cameron, of Louth township, broke from Ja4a. Drava paid pia usual doll to ]3rus-
that the communicationof Mr. Blaine is litre, however, to draw particular atter- Pressure has already been beou11ht to the 010°0 peolnitmet hotel -keepers in a its enclosure Sunday m0reing, and Han- sera last Monday.
Rodisappointing in that he does not recede tion to that dreadful reference to fire, bear on the ol3ioials and gentry of the un• large American city, vaded the remises of Tobias Wismar,
from what he had said before, or rather The man who penned such a truculent rely disbriet from their superiors, but it The Y, W. 0, A. is suing the Y. 111, 0. who, with hie son, started to drive the in Brbb. seeisttab, week, spout a few days
does not aoc8de to the Italian demand. threat under an 1088010011 mime is a thug. is net 80(3X+1800 to suit our consul and a° A. over the meaning of the terms of a animal away. The brute charged on alias O'Connor has a mesio class of
dhe the tray,int , 11e stands
�dswo where
, be I will not indult Mr. Farrow even by sop. they are apt to get a bander squeeze be. bequest of $10,000 by the late William them, driving the boy up an apple tree, twauty pnaila in Gerrie,
P posing that he would be inflgea°8d by Pore they awake to the fact that when Gooderham to the Y. W. C. A. Toronto. while Mr. Wismar took refuge in the G. P. S0blifield, of the Standard Bank,
18 Oruoson olluny findecision ce on but uts nob by auuh "[air play," and although 1 3031 they adopt 01113100° methods of looting A. farmer was tined in Walkerton the' house, but the bull was about to follow Sandayed in Goderioh.
strongly opposed to some of 1vlr. Farrow'e Britishers they will have to accept Brit- other day for tying his horse to a shade through a window, when a shotgun was L. IIembl,y, of S dem, was in town for
of the art.GovernmentI,h78, Ilii law
offi that opinions yet were anyone to menace him, isb tnethocls of paying for it. The Amor. tree. This should serve as a warning to procured, and, alter several charges had n couple of days last week.
of 0(1 al proceedings a 811011 the vthat as this party is attempting to do, I, fie. dean leresbyterfan missionaries have been all who aro accustomed to follow this been &red into it, the animal retreated. Samuel Burgess wits quite ill for sever.
tors of the law at e4v 011150°Mas may be p°0' would rally to pun like a brother, driven out of Cho ming -°iron. --Dr. Hun- bad practice.
A great curiosity in the shape of the al days during the past week.
Y and I believe 90 would nine sub of every ter's wife and two children and Mr. Captain McKay, of Montreal, a dia. 01d and New Testament in rhyme, writ -
D. Wilson, the Egg King, of Sca-
instituted ip the Federal courts, the ease ten ; yes, nine h1udred and ninety.niu0 Lane, A mob attacked their residence Liugulshecl graduate of Kingston Milf. tau by the immortal John Wesley's fatlt. forth, was in town on Tuesday,
will be 7107 11y presented, If, he add° out of every tl]°u°and of the citizens of and wrecked all they could lay their tory College, died from Atrioan fever on ern two of the volume being published Have W, E. Kerr, of Durham, was
in regard to indemnity, it be made to tip cu
Brussols, for I gn'stion if there aro two hands on, the ocponte of the house es. Thursday aa he was about to leave Africa before John Wesley's birth, are on exhi' home Per a week on a holiday visit.
pear that the vict,ms of the mob e "Fair Playa" h1 the plane. A word in (raping by highways. Mrs. Hunter was for England on sink leave, bition in the Guardian otHoe, Toronto. Miss Addie VatletOne has gone on an
to their (teeth through the 001111iven08 of regard to the petitions. Petitions, as a cornered by a mob and aaughb hold of an Cao. Elliott, of Blenheim, while ex. There is a wood cut on each page, and, extended visit to relatives in Illinois.
the local authorities, the President may rule, are very harmless affairs, because elderly Chinamtnl and asked : "Why are perimenting with a stave -crating mach. oonsideri0g that engraving was in those Mre. Geo. Good, of Seaf°rth, wa. viait-
rref eraer he euguesti n of Congress,frelief Mr the con -
very little att00010n is paid to them by you trying to kill me and my children ?" ins on Wednesday, out off the end of his days in its infancy, they are well execut• fug old Friends fn Brussels this weak.
bhe authorities, but in this case it would The crowd fell back a little and m man thumb. It is needless to say that he is ed. The books must have cost the grand-
Mrs. J. J. Denman, of Bluevale, was
might have added that no criminal pro- bo quite different, in this way, that ovary cried out : "We don't want to kill you, satisfied with his experience. grand-
father of Methodism a large amount for bhe
cede is likely to be issned by bhe Federal person attaching their signature to this but if you don't Leave the city at once The Gan and Trap Olub, of Guelph, their publication. guest °F Mrs. Lo00)0 on Thursday.
courts, anti that in all probability the petition endorses the line Walked out by we will." having learned that a number of woad- At the Wentworth Assizes on Wednes• Reggie Fletcher has been on the sick
muni°ipaliby of New Orleans is iu nowise „fair Play," and should this prove enc. The entire party lvae allowed peace. be sportsmen have been shooting ducks clay of last week Mrs. Lapsley, of Bever. 08080 t this week. Dypbtlneri3L was the
chargeable with the offense or offoially easeful a reign 00 terror would be frau. fully to leave the city in carts next day, and catching trout out of season, have ley, sued her brother-in.10w, Walter Mrs. D. Roberts was visiting at Loa
responsible for it ; but this would have gurated which would destroy all enter- but the excitement and exposure bad an taken steps to put a stop to the practice. Lapsley. Mrs. Lapsley rented a farm desboro' last week. They have removed
been antiaipatiug something as yet not prise and freedom of action, because a ill.effecb on all, especially Mr. Lang and Carleton County oa0 boast of one o[• from him and now brings an action for to Wingham.
definitely determined. The infereuee is person world be deterred from investing Mrs. hunter, who have gone- into o0n- 0110 oldest inhabitants of the Province. trespass against him because, she alleges, Mise Annie Rivers is about oouvales-
obvioos, u11101ohnn is e of notument in this piece or that piece of property, snmption. During the riots the Man. Mrs. Langton, of areas, has just reached he came upon the premises before the cent after a long illness from inflamma-
tion these Dints Secretary's certainly s° argument
that fearing that it might be displeasing to darin was appealed to, but declared that her 105th year, and possesses all her lease expired and sowed a crop of wheat tion of the lungs.
P Y certain individuals. Trusting that yen h0 could do nothing. faculties as well as bodily health and on a field. In the course of her evidence
none call fail to understand it whose un. will pardon the length of my remarks, I AIr, Goforth says in conclusion : "Nona vigor. the plaintiff stated that her brother -in -
Harry James has gone to Ottawa. Mrs,
<lorstanding is not warped by oircumstau- will conclude by .:iguing myself of these things move me, but I confess I While playing baseball at school b -year•- law and pia family had come to board James is making a holiday 0151E with
ccs they are unable to control. Btussela, April 27. No Seamnxnen. would not care to have my wife and boy old Henry Dunington, of Chatsworth, with bar on the farm, and had an one 0013031001at Shelburne.
The President of the United States r pass through tbose experiences." Ont., was struck on the head by a base- occasion held a bee, to whish a number Jas. McLaunhlfn and R. Sperling, of
doss well to travel within the broad IT IS TO TEA.1.1i 11011 L►U9E8. , ball club, which flew from the hauda of a of neighbors came. In order to provide Wingham, former residents of $russeie,
bounds of the Republic. When he goes --- rtetgrneu sprlay Slrow, companion, and his skull fractured. he a recherche ppread she alleges that her were in town this week.
out among the people he sees them and NewYork, April 18. -Among the -- may recover. boarders cleared out the larder and killed Jno. F. MOCrae, the real estate pusher
judges of their well or i11 being, of their cabin passengers who arrived from The annual Spring Show of the East The amulet Methodist Conference for and cooked a pet black hen belonging to of Toronto, Was home on a holiday visit
wishes or necessities. He is thus the Europe to -day by the steamship "La Waanosb Agricultural Society wits held the Guelph District meets in Reran the bee, She was away at the time, and this week to Ids parents,
better prepared to recommend legislation I3ourgogue," wore fourteen Parisian des. o1 April 10th. The prizes were fleet week in June. There will be over when she returned at night after the bee Mrs. John Alexander, of Toronto, was
or to withhold renomineudation when iRnea of Indies' fashionable gowns, awarded tai follows :- three hundred delegates, ministers and there was no food left in the house, and here this week attamding the funeral of
mod by intereeted persona in the face 00 These °atlats have 330en engaged by the llb0sits.--Aged heavy Draught -Let, laymen, present, mud the services will she had to go suppsrless to bed.
his own personal knowledge 0f the re. outerpL1n111g mana:Ore of The New York I3 Oiv,r's "Ayrshire Stamp" ; 2041, W. continue about a weep. Asad drowning an0ideub occurred on the late flee. S. Burgess.
of the eituatiou. The Praiaand Panda Toting Ladies FashionBe4zmr, Welltvuud's "Isdmoud" ; 3rd, Jae. Dan- John iLrmstron, 711, eau, McGillivray,Hamilton Han on Wednesday evening of Geo. E. Oooper and family will re -
dent is not a sovereign ; be is merely t" °ontribute exclusively to the columns by's "Prince V3010r." heavy Draught, has a living curiosity in the shape of a Inst Week, which has Haat a gloom over move to Toronto Munn they pn•pose
the executive wormy of the sovereignty of that popular mauazfne. All of them three years and under -T. Todd's "Young spring lamb with fine legs. The extra aquetio circles in the city. Three young malting their home for the fatare.
in a 11r1pu1140 goverment. It is therefore are well known in Now York, for their 113101:" 1 Sud, N. Cummings' "Orphan limb comas out of the body a little bo. own belonging to the Leander Rowing Walter Coats favored us with o, omit on
the more important fnr him to know just reputations have pr -ceded. them. Airs. Buy." Read and Carriage - 1st, W. hind the right front shoulder, and et the Club, named F. W. Oxenham, L. Camp. Monday. Ile is now ',reveilles', for the
what is for the public interest, just what Astor, the Vuuderbilts, Mrs. Ulevehaml L Vy'a "Melbourne", 2nd, J. A. King's end has a esu of porfcotly formed hoofs. boll and D. :Stuart M°Inues Wen out fur Toronto Biscuit and Coefeeti°nary Co.
the public lie domes and demands ma, and Mrs, AIarshnll U. Roberts are coon Royal Clad" .; 3rd, Van Vanol:emu s The 10.year-old daughter 01 John n sail in ono of the Club's canoes about R. L. Taylor, who bas been in a ver
Aiiugied among the people he 05000twilta the society feeders who have warn AOwna ",lith Angus." Best horse, any age or Fowler, near Jauetville, Ont„ died on Fri- 4:30 in the eftornobu, and when about critical eovdition during the pest wank
more certainly than he could by confer. designed by these artists. During au class, diploma, "Ayrshire Stamp." clay under very distressing; 01roumstanees. half a mile from shore a squall came up is somewhat improved in health at the
ewe with the few whom he mild see u1 interview with a reporter one of the seam - 1st, 11. areulcy's 'Baron She swallowed a cherry.• atone, which suddenly and capsized the craft, dump- time of writing,
the White House the temper of tine designers said ;-"Paris still leads the Knightly" ; 2nd, J. Oedema's "Rajah" lodged somewhere in the bowels. An ing all three into the water. Melones, pars. Wilson, orator to R. Laatiterdal@,
people and the needs of government, world of fashion although Eu euro In, Best bull, any age or olnse-"Baron pt6 1aty101 tie atone taken (10 ebur vdeuth afloat uutildrescued, a , anageother two who fives near tVrosetor, is dangerously
The Presidents have usnall one out longer sits on tate throne. Padden Knightly." ill. Mrs. Leatbordmle and Mrs. Lon=
more or lees to study Ilia people and to gowns have a style about them that can - put a stop to her sufferioge. sank from sight ad were drowned. have been out With her. 6
be studied by thorn. From Washington not be equalled. That, I suppose, is the •1t 11 tattier n NO cs , . Auctioneer Alums held a sale for Mr. - Oxenhatn was a clerk in the aloe of the Thos. 1 . Calbiric, of New Wastmustar,
to Harrison periodical journeys have reason why 1v0 have been engaged to M»Oubbin in Burfofd on Tuesday. A Canada Life A S11Canne Co., and Camp. 0 ,was in town for a fdmtela
been made by every Chief Magistrate of come t° America to teach the ladles of Toronto ems one daily paper to every carious old cloak Nae bought by Mr. Ai. bell, who came from Toronto a short
the Republic who has been long enough your beant:fnl 00autry, through the 88,000 of population, mos, 10 is about seven feet high, made time ago, was employed in the Bank of Week calling on old time friends. The
in office to undertake sunk exclusions of column° of The New Yolk and Panda p guru bed has been ddsanvered on the entirely of wood, even to the works and Hamilton. McInnes is also an employee Pemifl° slope evidently agrees with T. F.
duty and pleasure. The present tip of Young Ladies' Fashion Bazar, how P a m of Dr. II140307 near Wyoming. oog•whosls, and was constructed at Win. of the Bank of Hamilton. Neither of the Peroy White, wife and children, of
President Harrison will be c0utiusutal. these wonderful mations of the dress- The Forest Council will not permit Wester, Bug., 0300 100 380(8 ago. young man were married. Port Elgin, were bees this week on a
Beginning with the south, to whish, as makers art are aeustrueted. It is oursheeting inside of the corporation limits. E. Daniels, of Princeton, is the owner A very serious accident °anurred with- visit to Thos. Hall who continues very
110anmea the people their, be has been business to design the handsomest and The Chatham Council has made a of a fox tender dog named "Tip" that be in it mils of Shelburne Saturday where. Poorly, Mrs, White is Air. Hall's laugh-
0ordially welcomed, he will make a broad most fashionable gowns for the different grant of $200 for the celebration of Do -18 anxious to match against any dog in by the 10-year•o!l sou of R. J. Whitton ter.
sweep A°YOaS the plains and monutaiu5 seasons of the year. Tease design.. will be minion day. the country on ruts. Tip r@OBntly caught lost his life. It appears that the boy and Isaac Fitzpatrick arrived home from
of th0.lvest and beak again to the older printed in colors and will be accompanied The clergy of 1lonbreal,both Protestant 88 rats in a barn in less than three hours, 8 younger brother were playing around Deaver, Colorado, Inst week. Ko our.
east. by each clear ilstruotiuna as to the solea• and Boman Cattolio, are moving agmina( When gathered up the Cabe filled a half bhe barn, In these rambles they found poses going into bueiupss in Ontario.
PeriodicnlTy too joint committee at tion of materials and the cutting and Sunday emusen8Ots, bushel measure and weighed 40 pounds. a small piece of plough line. The boy His brother Albert may become a
printing wines to the oonolusion that our fitting of the garments that no W00)00 Vessels arriving at Quebec from the Mr. Daniels would like some one who had read or beard of a 13.year-old boy partner.
national printing bills are enormous ; of sense will have the least dillicalty in Banks report fish plenty. The only tilt. has a better ratter than "Tip" to produce hanging himself, and he was apparently Rev. W. J. Brandon, of Monlatou, ,vas
that much of the mass of printing order- making perfect fitting gowns herself. It floulty is the scarcity of good bait. him. trying to explain to his younger brother
ed is of no vatus to anybody and that it is a knack, a ser°100, to fashion a gown Otoesle'1 and llnilt00, the revdvallsta, At the Whitby Town Council the other how it was done. He fastened the is town ou Thared.y of fast week,
is high time to wit a halt. The Cam- that will matte a very small and very night the following resolutionBrussels was his first 00(001( when h0 en.
were expected iu ltegiu0 on Friday to g passed 0101) plough line to a beans and made a noose tared the Methodist ministry some fifteen
mitten, therefore, Having no other mother• fleetly lady appear slim. N"t one ivaal ur,ita a (fere@ weeks' oampaigu, Moved by F. Howard dunes, seconded by of the rope, in which he pineal his bead.
ity in the premises, asks 0ongress to designer out of a thousand eon hit open Th° $1,000 reward ollored fur the tip• Charles King "That the mayor and clerk The ground being slanting and slippery, Yeats age'
'Mall a halt," Congress does nothing of the true Mum unless he makes it the prelteosion of tato murderers of old man o� this Uounoil po 11100 the Dominion
he seems 00 have feat his Pootiug, and
Drs. Kneclltel and Shaw ora Noma
the liitid and the weary committee malted study 01: lilo.titlle. You ought to see the holt m, of Tilbury, was divided the other' Parliament i31 favor Of two -cent letter N308 strangled h11oro assistance arrived. from Toronto readying the oongratnlit-
aYlohher repose, This 7000511 1:0 is play mttmbet• of our Magnziue 1V° have day at Uh,4tnnun. DOtOrttll'e 1'Iuliee, of postage, and salt aid from the Canadian His father drove into the yard thou and tions of their many Mende in Brusaele
getting monotonous. 1110 proposed designee 131 It (11(44 (viii toile (110 h0(11108 Of 171,1KU,', i,•eoaive(i $2fr0. llOwa1)0001 11(088 111 IlCglag similar action colied to him, thinking he was fooling, and locality. The result of the alali041
ineesur0 of reform in printieg. which it the Indies by storm. Thay tell you it is The volunteers will go into camp at Si, on the part of the municipal corporations but received n0 reply. Uo immediately Oote011 examination will not be known
is understood the 0ontmittee intends to an important iron to got the best mug.l• Thom158 this ,yo +r. Tata camp will pro- and other representative bodies bhroagh- out him down and summoned Dr. Nor. for about e month yet.
present to the next Congress, e110u1d be zing, and the very latest and meat ex- babl,v be located at Lynhurst, whioh is a ant the cosubry." ton, but Whou the doctor roadbed him A Staffs correspondent says ;- Wo
carefully considered and if approximately gnisita Parra styles, 1111 11 11031 It fashion. beautiful 1 11 orlon, and whsr5 a camp was Wilmot, son of Richard Reeves, of life (vas extiuot, The coroner, Dr, Nor. learn with regret that our genic( masa"
commensurate with the end sought it will 0d like the ane that IS boat soitul to Italia 803110 years (ago. Markham, was romp1ng with some girls ton, held an impost at the homo when teacher, Mr. Hawkins, is about to leave
be aaaopted by the Fifty-second Congress. their figure." Chief Justice Sir Thos. Galt Friday in the yard en Tuesday everting and the following verdict was returned :- us for Brussels, whore he has a 8111001011
Something needs to be done, r quacked two more 100141 option bylaws,
jumped over the fence oloee to where a ',That Betas John Whitten came to his 10s orgamiet and the enemies of a largo
Notwithstanding the fact that au ex- Fourth. .Division COuxt. 010" bheae 141071ed in Leamingtou and young lad named KFlbet eat whittling death by strangulation, the same 000 be- diose. Mr. Hawkins has been with n5 for
eoufoderate soldier is eligible to the Derolam. Al r, MaaLnren, Q. C., mu- a stick. When he landed on the aide. dug intentional but en accident occurring several years and has ceased the whale
presidency of the United States anti se, The annual sittings of the Fourth Div nounuad his 111001,000 of appealing. walk he stumbled and fell across Killet'o in ploy."
neighborhood almost to ring with music,
gnentiully commander in chief of its inion Court was hold at the Town hall The di000101'5 of the Williamsburg Glass lap with his whole weight on the knife -
leaving he has been asked to give
armies, lie is by statute ineligible to be on 'Tuesday uF this week. Elia honer, Winks are ready to begin operations as
blade, welch pe»otra'ad his left aide, the
1W eerie Yet t NnCo 3� far°avell concerts at Dublin, Stafla,Crom-
an °Meer in tale army of the United Judge Doyle, presiding The following soon as a suitable site is procured. There point barely 000011/111 his heart. A deo• arty and Lumley, which 1,0 intends to
Statue. Our atm001017 law ought at toast oases were on 1(13) docket : 13110 plenty of goad sitar to be lead very for was culled, who pronounced the wound Ili is understood that Attorney -General
do, and as Prof. SCutt and many others
to bo consistent, Love primary creditor, Nolson primary r0180nable before the Company 1.105 01: -
s@nous Dna, ) &tortiu's resignation will be aooepted have oontieited to give aaeiotaoeo wa pre.
Senator Carlisle says 118 18 nob a Pima- debtor', Faulkner 01 el g44rnishsos-Ad- ganioed, They have risen in value since. Tho 9ltelburue free Press says ;- tads week,
dint largo turnouts and 011008 101 001 -
dentin' possibility. There 1108 a number jouoned t0 110x( 0001:1 by 001108111, John gnmpbell, bet08T k1pWn tie "Jam• ltiohard Porter was m140018d all Wednes. D, Barclay, a taborer, wee fennel dead oats while w0 wish 11Im SPOONS (0 bit
of ether very excellent gentlemen in the Wilson vs. Siliels-Au notion for the bo," has entered snit against the Mayor day to Mise Mina Alilsap, both of Banda. in bed Tuesday morning at Shoal lake. new sphere of labor.
same position, but they lout 5081ri to reeevory of the prim/ of. a monument sup- and City Treasure. of Toronto on behalf Unfortunately, 11few days before Richard Heart disease. Courntxsxranx. Tho Ilatriaton Tri -
realize the fool. plied by plaintiff to defendant, Ebe defeu. of the citizens to recover $40 alleged to tool( the mumps, and when Wednesday J, 1V. Simon, sbpeoinosnd8110 of the bone of last week has the following to say
struggle, ft r aJlung, serious Land sensational dant refusing payment of the ground be wroug(nlly pald out of the city funds wane was too ill to leave his home. Bob Brandon reformatory, will likely bo ap. of Rev. W. Smyth, formerly of Brussels :
has Piutll James
e4 oriel Huston, 001 Indiana, !hat tee name °f deceased ,vas misspelled for• engrossing a resolution of oondole ere the outs were all 3Ls=ouiblod, bud 10 pointed dnspa°tor of public/ buil(ldtaga.
At a very full meeting of the Quarterly
y o l 1 severing his in the iuseription, and that the attempts un the deat11 of Vicar -General Laurent. would 18300 do to have it,postponed, 80 Joseph Couture, of St. Joachim, Mani.
Official Board of the Harrieton Marino-
Federal oomnsotic,n• of plaintiff to make the inscription car • Heenan Servise, aged 10, only son of all repaired to Mr. Porter 8, where the tuba, while bunting in Labioquooie on dist church, held in the vestry of the
- ° -- root rooulted in an nnwor'i man -like lob. Mrs. Wm. Sonnies, of Iroquois, coo• 04rCnnOny was performed, after whin April lstlt, ran across a little shanty, 311 phuroit an Monday evening, 20th foot.,
Dominion 31.oul3e Notes. .Considerable expert evidence leas given, matted aui°ide at hie sisters. For some
guests returned to Mr. Milaap'8 for front of which was a human foot, E11. the following resolution avhioh epoxied for
dinner, tering the lodge he to
showing to the satisfao(0ou of the court time past the young man has been wok, ted a man lying on itself, was passed :-Moved by L. Buis-
-- showing
bills for divoro@ will (eine before that the work was good and judgment lug 011 a farm across the river and had 1Vn]. 338011118000, father of the young 10 bundle of rags. Ito was almost fam. bin, senondod by A. G. 1001115 'Tbab this
Fa1f10010111 this session, was given for amount claimed by plain• boon in low spirit.. Ido retired to his man now In 11011 011 the charge of murder- jailed and nearly insane by his sufferings. Quarterly Board of the Methodist church,
The Ottawa Oitizen prodiols that the tiff with costs. 000111 and shorty after was found with
ing Agent J,lett at Arthur, diad at anis Some wsols ago both his foot ban30ne 11100010 0 hereby expresses its erratum('
re ua10n of the Dominion Parliament will Smart vs, Denman ---Claims for rent his throat orb.11 wafarm near, Reuter. Ever since the at. [cozen, and mortification set in in one mon&den00 in the Christian ohmmeter
not 1051 more than eight Or ton of a building used by rlet°0clwnt on prem. The superintendent of the northern rest of his son Mr. Remington 11a8 been toot. Ill desperation he out it off with a and faibinPnlnose 309 a Minister 11oe Of the
It is understood that TIo1. 0, 0. Col- (-es leased t° plaintiff. Judgment for division of the Grand Trunk Railway ina very. *mimed state, and latterly backer knife and threw it outside. This Gospel of our pastor, Eso. Mr. Smyth.
by has resigned the portfolio of President plaintiff for 1310.130 and costs ill 15 days. lute issued a circularL•emit:stiing 19ent8 to has been confined to els bed, bauig much crippled him aolnpletaly, and be any in His willingness in assisting in all thin s
of the Privy Council, 110 and his family Bowen, appellant -Jus. Lindsay et al talcs very determined seam: against til- wbaltowa by fits of weeping whfah over• his but dying of starvation, thine and in the 111L8r0eta oP the church, and for the
sail for Eugland next week, respondents -An appeal from the awned lowing boys about the cars, yards or wholmed him at the thought of the die. pain. Contort) gave the wounded man promotion of our Master's cruse emote
The Dominion Government sent by of certain fence viewers of the totwship pr51ni500, and to warn the parent° that grace brought upon his honorable name, something to eat Hud sat out to x5(010 as. with our hearty approval. Wo therefore
express 011e miillgn white Ball apaivn rfoo' of Grey, Adjourned by OOnaOrlt fo Host 1°gtl prop@°dings will be halon against h0 has never seen his son 5100e Ins ar. sistanoe. His first appeal VMS t0 a mon extend to him a Oordial invitation to re.
Goderioh, one and a half cnillien for lain. court, their children. This motion has been rest and it is said tbat his family were living about two miles distant, who do. main with us during the Doming °onfe •
oardhn@, and one million for Soutlt. Stream), prin1(41y °waiter 0s, Cole, taken to ovoid 5ilnilar aeoidents to 01.1030t4Eraid to lot biro visit Joe. as he had gained on the ground that 110 had his sues ,ysar,and the Secretary of (hie board
30111 ton to bo deposited in Luk° Hum, priniar. debtor ---A, Koenig, garnishee.- whish recently o°ourrod at 13001in• threatened t0 almoot him.
seeding to do, els appeal emI to the clock of is perch
p p Y g yg l p y inatcuoted to, at an early crate,
The Govornor•Go1ea1 leas re05ivad a Garnishment of eSUM�god dos prim. TilsOnbprg Observer -"Nino different On Monday the drillers in the Rogers' the municipality was, Couture nays, forward a copy o£ this resolution to the
resolution passed by the Legislature of dry debtor in an action at last Court, heady of familk% W000 summoned to tip- well, located o1 the Lalonde farm, one equally unatl0000sfui ; be flatly refused President of the coulpr5uce." 1u refer.
British Columbia netting that the Chinoae Judgment reserved. peat bolpre P, 14I. Hare be Wednesday mile north of Ogmber, were compelled to any assistance. Couture thou wonted n eyes to the above resolution we may say,
Act be amended with a view of still fu - Snell vs. Mout,(.-Alta°hment against evening to show eau50 why they had not oaepend operations, owing to a eteong team and two cion mud rammed to the as an outsider, that the members of the
that• 108t1110ting the imtnigeation of the alleged absconding debtor. Settled by tient their children to anhool bhe number flows of gee. Monday night a charge of hut, only to find that in the into'veniegg Methodist ohllrob will not alone be pima
Chinese, parties ant of Court, of days during last year required by the nntro.glyoorino Nab brbught from P0. period the wounded11111,11had Melted offed in being able to retain bbe ser01005 of
The opening of Parliament tools place Lang vs, Burton.--Aeti011 on 30000014. school law, In 800'0 of the oases Ha -
and this morning the well was his other foot, mortification having Rasp their much respected and popular: pewter,
on Wednesday
business that day, consent, till next Oourt. fieibht exams were gdv0n and caeca ells.soot. As yet oil, the product the limn ds attacked it. Ito won placed of the wag. Rev. W. Smyth, for another year, bat
in search of, does not U
however, was confined to the swearing in Bank of Montreal vs, Baylis, --Action missed, others were let go en suspended pine to the sur- on and a 811111 made for Winnipeg, but the °dEizeus in genera( will be pleased to
of members and the elmbiem of a Speak- 0u a pron,iseery note, J'adginont ter sentence, while one 1bgle0tetl to appear face in payi119 quantities, brut the ills crate of the roads mud the condition know that the lieu. AIr. Smyth is to
00. Tho former ceremony taking Edam plaintiffs with ode, air eummone3, and the his negligence will quantity of gas is greatly Moccasin]. The 00033.1 sufferer pr°cindOcl 1'apu travelling, sppend another year in our Midst. At a
in the morning, and the latter to the atter. Halliday vs, Miller. --Action for work in all probability have cause to feel sorry, tloN 1s said t° by equal to that of the and not until the following 1'rtday leas platform speaker) he is a spore° p[
noon, The Goveotoos•Gonoral was not done 1y plaintiff, far defendant dole». The School i3°and have no elvish to pros. Kingsville wells. Unbess oil put in an the wounded man pla0Od in Winnipeg etrengbh to our town, while as &Minister
rdaell(1 au Wednesday,, but was 00p1110- dant denying any Onnbraat'madO 30111 the acute anyone, bat they aro obo008cl to
appearance, 0I which the indications are hospital, 110 1e 1n a kert:ihle ebuditi0n, of the Gospel hie own eon rogation has
rented b the a7epilLyG°verbor, The plaintiff, The plaintiff was represented carry out tea laws, and consequently are
favoraid°, the gas will be piped to the and We recovery 1s very iipllbtful, Fid,( given ample evidence of ltega approval of
formal opening took plans on Thursday', iiy 0mlmaal and defendant engineered 1311. only doing their duty," village ter Cttel and other put70805, name is bleiiiolion, his oervieta, PI