The Brussels Post, 1891-4-24, Page 7AP111I. 21, 1801THE BRUSSELS POST ltllgiaAA1A�M1Eda7r7RG1R�ll�"fir' ITffiIYGSill4'rRrIEri3'WRii4W4 onadananormamanaamaarnoana Inananananamxnlnnewan'saza'umnya annaaanizil ntaoant.n raaaan8ianaenamam' xkiu ju"t below the meld,., neral Viking a Mee. John Hurl, of Morris, re Lived 1 The Drenthe Sun now publishes a tri. 7 �Y � , downward eon, no for tiled. two Mello. dWord oarhf,ritror tNN4•tpt11(,1',ha1eN1!ote:eine Bahls, 3he,weeklO eO. dit!un. lt.aud til 1),)nlGhelllia01I 1."�'5�11 �'� J,V � i Medical aril wee secured et, rnumevolver and Gh bullet removed. The revolver was all dir, very xroldouly of the Grippe and ni- 1 tob410Qverenten tithe teed when the Spuria Aiitets�'ttict. old ono, turd it 18 though; iho bullet have 1'ucmmenitt.or. l per ton. entered rho young man'e aide must have "Yana: or M nom," catin'1ef volar am- breath reat railway le completed, error will be Caw t s. Pirie4000 is 3 manager , of James I ) coma from rho breath, luso„ "i of the , 7iav,- The amend 11, No. 3 seiner bowie I The 13attlaforrl Iiarald soya the present I'irnulinx. storey, 111.Brav14 c td nuzzle, as there teeth throe cllarltbers oi+ui m wag held 'uv. ll hollieto r IirnNLIm north were onlytwo report%. 'Thursday venting or last week, 'Phe t(4' under indications alr 61te at tali 140 eager tobo be put ar la :in exoellott dieu0ur0o in the Methodist emptied to; wowd(ltsluot deep, ad the young unniatiou began with ton mem ea tend 1 !introit last Sunday101 eve 1g t off work only a few days, now unabor8 Oitay.tbrae Mr, B Metalled tt, greater (r then 11 any rev io wheat,er, nndv4 Henry1k;; enterprising a lung .Lunn resident man wall ant l0 ' roto will The ball drunk the heckle of hie au•pea. alt('f Ilo(tviu > Was ol'licrrxt��for nt tttho nd current The �s,lntrnet hem been rut by Ella Nor• andremove to3114 withzen of Chn col, to lilunvale with his 0family, this der, which broke its furan, and ohne the the following r M. for the ridgeconstand lr of a bridge pmts 1 engage in wagon young maul's lila wag saved, no doubt. torte : Pr08idoht, Ii. t3orhholrinr ; Vial. wood LridgO and Improvement oumpa y week, whore he will 0 R c to alar Parr Miller's Rana was ileo injured, the Yrexhltnt, .Jeoaph Seat ; Huor04w y. woes malting, Mr, Stevens has been , C razed ono of hie lingers. Ill ecic ; Treasurer, .John Dor4�las; Quid., 131 It hill be begun of SOMA iLa the1boi118. tie well as et8000, Ging, is an 1x -conn• bull 1laviut, (, __ .� Jno.. fiburiio ; {4811 311101, ChM, chlor and assessor, and both 0 beet and Atwood. Committee on By-laws, the President, 30881lOt41hM1V0 subsided. wire will parry with Cham the best. wish. , re•o•'an»zetl. Jno. Ourrio and Wrn McMeirr1y ; Dem. The plane for the new Methodist a of a very largo number of friends. The Band is being r gas treating m ear, :Minnie 310Mnrray ; „flnerva, Luella chnroh at Portage la Prairie are selected. -- -- ell•a. Porterfield pu pn ttelfurray. .1.II farmers and laborers 30 31011800. Lowrie & Lowrie, of Winnipeg, W tt,1 tort. handsome reeide1100 in town next 0(111Y their own I'ILOr'eNtx nhoutd mhite tion• are church boutilssful uow earls 4arttendarsRod o n the salves with this progressive movement. 11UI'Oof erecting the new building. Dittman 111CGualg Br. hi e0 far Imprpy. nor. -...-�.Twork ad in health as to bo able to got now. it is etre 3er'un manOG,ted 834bltat eta ,will coot qtr John Robertson, son, a farmer living 18 y. l+armors in this viaauity are buoy with lhu Ontario L1, nese W tc P miles north of Oalc bake, met with a8 enne work. the f are highly planse(1 000, Eton Go will opo: an 011100 in from a load of ha on the prones of a by the look of tit tall wheat. A gnartet,h lite been following in town, C painful aaoideut last friday. 130 fell Wm. Iiinenan, who has boon in the onneistng of the fallowing members18Mi :— hay fork. One prong penetrated his emplo11018,1) of McDonald Bros. for some Maes If1110 Geos 01(001 ; Mise Miriam neck tilt it remelted the spinal column. time, has removed to W Ingham where be MCBn alt bane GeoCurrie, Currie,e olub bettor mate' every (C W Woods, liverymen, lave de A syndicate of St. Paul capitalists is has a situation.being !Gernert to purthas° swamp lands The Western Advertiser now reaches Tumidity evening for practice. have ordered a brand outfit. John of Northern Minnesota, from Ros0eaa UR telae a week and our poge tmistrose At the regular meeting of the I. O. G. had meth! [Lha bits Lake to Lake of the Woods and as far thinks she will hevo to enlarge the office T. the following resolution of co1101m08 business o t the prosout coati as pracbioahle, for the purpose of to provide roost enough for all the papers Ives passe :- Moved by hes also invested m e4 new U protecting game and using true tract for thatGOME. This speaks well for Walton. Urs n any byd .Almigbtylshire God Co thatBiota ibome rrpd uGwp haN tnlltpa tl ommn(lr bunting. Jae. r another has everything in roatty p There is considerable excitement at ness for another fencing campaign and the beloved mother of brother Mellia and ht n 1 m ,nod dtylo ns n Blowing parlouover the it r t Mr. Chandler. What the Jessie Hamilton and brother Ionto andl billiard hall. He partytalong the ol(lillpline o! ethref0. Prit., has ergot b tlain we torte this early opportunity Immo of the firm (?) will be is bard tomea on the strength of the impressio., toll 601 titre 140 a good outlook for a firm. convey 111 to them on dehpeaG sympathy in out license for eight tl that a bridge would be built across rho _ this their severe hoer of affliction. ,, II Ro is has completed the pur lied River there 50 town lots were pure G orrice. A court of the Independee6 Order of 1 e of the Arington Io I phased from one agency. Burliness 14 is bray oe quiet now that the Foresters Wit. . O. R., ofd Lon by. J. H. The Banff Spring Hotel was opened Dickenson o ie S. G. R., London. The Op f the s entire Tues(lay for the season of 1801 by W. L. farmers are bray seeding' following officers were elected :—C. D. II. premises. 'Mr. Rolla intends to occupy Rev, W. Torrance has been on the sink C. Ct„; VL. 0..oder ; C. 11., L. 33. RW, p Mathews, with an efficient staff (0crnited list from an attack of sciatica. We hope M. D. ; adlt.ahs.. 11., ; S., W. in Toronto and Montreal. The first ur- B. Humphries ; F. S., 1Vm. Ilatvkel}aw ; !!tg re•bmlt rivals are Lieut. Sc Montreal. , the Arctic, be will soon be of Ino. y explorer, and. Mre. Schwatk11 of Bock The Patrons of Industry are beeoroing 1011 ; Treas., Wm. Bell ; S. W., It. B. Ilamil- J W 14Ie ere has reargued his post ton Inland, Ill., M . SOhw koChicago, Bock numerous in Howlett township and aro tort ; ea.s W., Joseph Henna ; S. B.. S. C. and Dr. S 1,, 3lrrd, of New York. going to make trouble for some people. Holmes, J. 13., Wm. Graham ; T. 0. R ' the Nater -works contract which the firm Hon. Edward Blake, G. T. Blaaketoalc, 1!10TRALL.—A mass meeting for •the H H. Rope ; Chaplain, Wm. Forrest ; pur vas bee of organizing011es a football tion Physician, Dr. Rice. The court meets of A Moyer Co., of Nht° Wm. Dawson and A. T. Grier arrived in t the town. A Winnipeg Tuesday from Toronto and was held here on Tuesday evening last. on the eecond and last Tuesday evening ,raw election 'll b held, the nomination left byi afternoon Tuesday train for the mountain TheotrePresident, 1N. ' were el0eted :— of 01(010 month• tnkmg plume next ML t a y section of the C. P. R., where they go to list.o.ia0. r8 'McLaughlin, drrson, lite Banner 0nys. Jmoob Tennant ,let ; at'e V tae• 41311 ; ant, D. Sanderson, resume the 0. P. R. and Government ar- hardware merchant ; Plesieont, Wm. Angus McIntosh, o Gat ted ionto sur other a p bitration case in the Ondordouk section Doig, jeweler • Vice -President, Thee. t dtnal of the road. While at Winnipeg Mr. plane and ep901hCW610n8 L g Blake was entertained to luncheon at the Nash, editor Treasurer, ; m. Doig; aLMc- tyeok olronmference 12 inches, Manitoba Club by several city friends• Dermot; e.nOe 3 rerMam. Doig` Captain, The pigs are doing statute labor on the dupers The Manitoba Legislature has just 1Vm. . Torrance, jr.; Managing gh in andd kee er closed one of the longest sittings in its —wan. Keine. Tce, 00 McLaughlin for rods Where ie the P v 't b Lha pro history. The debates on the new Fran - J. teamBl. Baine. The prospect) are goodbfor It to said that Wm. B nos of IIen E ne un Fran- s to compete tth the best of ohise and Electors Bill began Mouday at them, and from tits date are open for management of tl a Dames hotel known ovhfer 8 m. and did not close till 1 o'clock Possessionewill be taken on May let the toGnl heaotpt 1890 1 for the Tuesday, the House having been in ses• some of the neighbWouldoring like to hear from ro uotor Bion 21 hours. During the night the some of the neighboring oleos. p Zimmer will Contin 1 p p' $438 26 f wbtuh Government supporters reposed peaoeful- k:tlael. he este arrnnging nu of prop ly in their seats while ivpong sn mem- lb e� enses mcludmg bots passed the time delivering speeches in Gmlio, French, Ores and English. Several amendments by the Opposition were adopted, but the main features of the .bill stand as introduced. Aft t•.o.vtel. Thu 1 Trans ort0• town. W. Ulimio, editor or the Bawler, will be the a"eot. en 11 • (riche to run ,t t11(s nod dray busiuea t, ale 1 new ou Shrank, who has lar ami ro o' s f the terve n1, o , us. he c • 0ua st.Ire of G, Zilliax and intends linin: 11 e has purchased two new steel cushioned tables and talon ice t months. mnoe - o hny Hotel, - and pro- ceeds at once to lit n1, for business. The price paler was 115,6 yr e it hi,n0013 whirr the Grand Coutral is be - as Oounolllor for Bismarck Ward, his resignation being teudered on account of s h he is a mem- ber, are entering into with wl o e , na. specimen of hen fruit built according to the following :—Longitudinal transverse eir- 00013000nah 0 incites, weightavoir 12 011 11009. He found it in the hen house bat won't vouch whether i e duet of a hen, duck, goose oro some s for rink & Park Co., appears from the treas- urer's statement as , o 980 was revenue during the summer. The .p , $168 interest on mortgage, amounted to 1436.48, this also included 44325 of 1880.90 accounts. There is it balance on hand of 1)25.43 with unpaid bills amounting to 109. So that the year's work of the company has just about miaaly cleared 118813. Last year's total receipts all told were 1x139.60 and total expenses were 9348.20. The teachers of Knox church Sunday school presented Miss Kay, one of their number, with a silver banner rind clock and a pard 000eiv01• as a memorial of her services and of their pleasant assooia. tions together. The p,0sent0tion was made at a friendly gathering ab the residence of Andrew Kay. Miss Kay' goes to Detroit, her father, Hugh lay, who has been for years a respected resi- dent of town, having removed to that city last week, three of his sons having their homes there. W. Godfrey, station agent atSouthatrp. ton, has been appointed to Listowel. He has removed with his family to town and commenced his duties. Mr. Godfrey is an experienced railway man, having been in the employ of the G. W. R. and G. T. R. for a number of years, and has the reputation of being an obliging as well as an efficient offioial. His appotntmeut 10 L isbawel will no doubt prove highly sat. iefeutory to both the company end all who have dealings with him. Sine the death of ;lar. Little the station has been in charge of T. 0. West, relieving mgeut. 330. Gadfrey•e place at So06hempLon as being 11110! by the appointment of Mr, Gray, who hoe been agent tat Milverton, and the Bli.vorton et0lion has been placed in charge of Mr. 33e11, operator et 1Viarton. Joseph Oth-euagh, until meet. 1y 0pera:or here, has been removed to 1 1Viarbon. The Standard eity0:—On Saturday hast, when the :faitland was at floocl beetle four of LleIOwOI'a citizens, name- ly F. t4'. flay, Wm. Olimio, J. A. Hata. ing Auld his son ltoy, took a memo ride clews the river a4 far as Iionfryn. Alter they had started out the rain began to 3e10oe1 quite heavily ; but more wet was yet in store for them before they reached their destination. .In getting around a sharp bend in the rieer the canoe in which :liners. Hay tool Glhnie were was over- I Clothiers and Gents' Outfitters, 11'1 Brussels, turned nod the 0000pante were given a Tailors, °oldb1Lh in he waters of the Maitland. Lively Cash Sale, to Reduce the Large aad Well Having gathered themselves together again, they proceeded on their way, mines a rubber mat which had sunk to Spring Overeoating8, Pttanting's, &e., on, bottom of the river. We nedorsband the they met with another mishap be- fore Ifeniryn was reached. Tho quertobbt eetnrhed by tram, having absorbed en- ough water during thee voyage to sntiefy them for Dome tim0, 4, Spring seeding is going with a nab. J. A. Young is meeting with success in his work as Life Assurance Agent. Jerry Anuis is home, unable to hold his position at Allonford on account of illness. Blies Eshter A. Lnlco is home from Hespeler where she has spent several Months. The East Huron License Commis- sioners did not grant license to the station hotel this year. Jas. Spence left last Saturday morning for Montreal, where he has has obtained a situation as operator. Part of the large cut of sate logs for Reeve Milue's sate mill has been put in. the river to be run to the mill. 11. T. Sherlock, who hoe been visiting his parents for the past few weeks, re• turned to Toronto last Saturday. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. illness and hope ltice is tshe iwill soots g from lbe arer ound :pain. Last Friday as Dan. Eckmier was plowing around what was once a well, now Martially filled up, one of hie horses slid into it hind feet first and a trench had to be dug to get the animal out. We wish that the party or parties who WOO promenading the street with a lantern one dark night not long ago would be ]find enough to explain matters so that innocent people wouldn't be ace• cuec,'i of it. 1Ve are sorry to learn that some of our yowl: men were 0o neglectful nt au even- ing party given lust week as to remain until all the girls had gob nearly hone ted thin come running, almost out of lateatlt, just 10 time to stay "Good.night” as the phis were going in the gate. Wo hope they will do better next time. One night recently some evil disposed pere,nt not having the fear of the law be• fore his eyes nor the love of his fellow men in his heart, stole a crock of butter from David Ilonilersolh. About the Beano time a qum,tity of pork was stolen from Christian Eak,nie0. There is evidently roots for a series of sermons on the Ten Commandments. "Provide things honest in the sight of all men." Car:>t.nl reolt• E Hartford, Mich., was visiting relatives in this locality list sides of the roads Etna rooting up the sod pound eix - fryn, will succeed J. 0. Took in the h . teas of the hotel here as the man with whop exchange erties 0000 0110.1)10 to curry out his eon. tweet. held at The special Council meeting, Zimmer's hotel lest Saturday afternoon, brought a number of persons to the villoge. There is quite E4 vigorous hick ou the part of some of the interested parties over the proposed Elmo. drain. D1E11.—Lnst Monday evening Edwin, the 8 yea' old son of D. Zimmer, of this plaee, died rafter an illness of a few days. It tVaa a ere.tt 0ureriee to many, as few, knew of his illness. On Thursday of last week he was jullping with some other lade nod sprained his right ankle, hat nothing was 111003113 of the mishap., On Sunday the pain was more severe, however, and the father toolc him to Brussels to see a doctor, who presot'ibod for the trouble. On the same day the little sufferer iodic oonvolsions and quickly Sauk and died as above started. The ease MD a peculiar one. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon, the interment being made at the ceteetery in this place. Mr. end Mee, Zimmer have tho sympathy of the villagers and residents surrounding in their sudden bereavement. Miss Annie Smith is home front s visit of several weeks with friends in London. Her health is somewhat improved. John McLachlan, 12131 con , will erect a brick rostdonco this year. Jno, Pugh, of Brussels, has the uoutl'act. Jnmea Smith, who is in the employ of the Ogilvie 11ti11iug Company, of Mont- real, was enjoying a holiday visit with relatives in this township this work. Mr. Smith has a good position. MeratemerceL.•—As will be observed by the marriage notice fu this week's 10000, 101)11 McDougall, oldest son of John Mc. Dongell, 811 can., 3000 married on the 8th inst., at Bonen:m ilte, to Mies B,bn Col - will, by Rev, Magee Pratt. Mr. Mc Dougall holds a position in the Dominion Organ Company's factory in Bowman. vine, whore he has been for tine past six years. The many relatives and friends of the groom in this locality area unit in wishing himself and bride long years of happiness. Goon 1:Iono .—Last Frlday the veteran horse man Laohlin McNeil, well known to tunny in this section, brought home a splendid imported Clycleedale stallion from Toronto. His name is "Meefar- lane's Hero," No. 8002, Vol, x11. He was imported by John Ralston last fall and sold to Thee, 4I00gher, from whom Mr. McNeil purohasod him et a high figure. The liaise is a light brown, with white face, hind legs and off fore foot white; 10 four years old, and weighs 1860 pounds, "Maode:lane's Hero" 000108 of good stook, the well-known "Darnley" and "Top Gallant" being in the family. 141r. Mo. Neil is jestly proud of his new horse, and says he never owned a better bred ant. mal. Muth the same route as that of other years will be followed this season. Witty;11440x+. The Wiugblun firemen have eecurod 1.110 now town hall for a concert on the evening! of May 25th. :Boating promisee to beoorne very pop- leer on both branches of the river 1n Winglam this set40on, The old lookup has been p1rcha0od by W. 30, Brockehslire. I6 will be need for 0 11811 bouet in the future. One of our sportsmen, while trying to spear suckers saw a muskrat near hie spear and hooked it by the nook. John Forster las been awarded the contract or removing the hoso tower and I1r0men'811haB, He is to receive 930 for 1110 job. Tenders aro attired for the emotion of trio 11010 building tor the Bank of Ilamil- ton in town. The building when com- pleted will bo the finest in town. 'The G. T. R. Company intend putting in a siding along the north side of their traalLO, near Button & F0050nt'8 chair cautery, for rho a00ommodetiou of those l gaJleeu. t John Kerr, of rho "1'lolipeo" restaurant, las disposed of his bosinoes to F. 0. Spading, of Clinton. Mr. Kerr has se. cared a business eland in London and will ammo there. Mayor Clegg alld peeve McKenzie visited Lietovel to inspect some ece00ry that towel has for sale, After looking it over, it was dtaidad"by these gentlemen that the 8eenery ireeuld not suit the stage in the new hall. The Poole not all dead yet t•—What inight have been a fatal 000ident happen. ed to Wm, Miller, son of Jae. Miller of this town. After tea, William ona itis brother Peter were fooling with a revol• Ver at their home, when Peter fired the revolver off in the air, when by some moans it wont off again, the ball entering Move Miss MoQuarrie has gong to Michigan 011 It visit. 1300118 Connell Will not meat until the 30th of:Iay. Spring work 15 advancing With m bound this weep. The season is coneiderably atm: then last year. PATRONS or' 11410101Ov.—"Prir10 of Morrie" Association olosed their ehartee 00 Thursday evening of last week with 0 chimer membership of 83. This is probably the highest number of charter members in Huron. The readines0 with wh1011 Ode neighborhood attempted the prinoiplee ndvooated by the organizer, give8 umnistakeble prof of the intelli- gence of the oomm00h140, Au ewes - tion was also organized at %nacre}yelps school .house, No. 3, on Friday evening of lest week. F. J. Benncst, County '011. ganizer, will deliver an address at the same place on Thursday evening, 30th Mate, and will close the charter. Will this a0a03i1tiorl reaoh 40 charter mem- Willitun'a loft broaet, penetrating the bens? Wm. Watt, jr., B. A., has been ep- pointod Sheriff of Brant county in snit - cession to the late W. J. Scarfs. Mr, Watt formerly owned the Brantford Ex. positor. Isaac Raun, of Port Dover, who is at- tending the Collegiate Institute there, emptied a qninine capsule and filled it with strychnine to take to school for ex- perimental pnrpcses, placing it with the ethane. Feeling unwell he took one of the capsules, and in mistake pierced up the one containing strychnine. Doctors had cliffioult work in saving his life. 02)31800 6 ;eeerma essec ngreerales stere mlra Ileal reale sltvirl2 elece fps I) ULL FOR3L(RV 1C1P3,—'1'11) 3 nnduvtl.ut 1 hell raw :oily pure purr pard aid tris keel. 0,11. e,+rvkko t4 realism 4nste (' 1 11,,,- Inm, boll ou 8lr t LN, e a tl ,rr,x. r"0018 81,50 10 hotial41 al Moo of Service with liege of ratw•,dnlih)). 00RR113, 1 actor. 2etif cru, .��Uit11151 BULL FOR SER. II(:l'1.—'1'ho undol•Oigued Evill keep for 1er17100 en 1.01 31, 001.4, Morris, the Moro' bred registered anthem bull, "born Welliug- tee. " Terme elate with/,010110110 of return- ing if 000e80ary, Pedigree may bo seen on appliaet14n to owner. PETER BARIC, 41.1. proprietor. TERMS OF SERVICE'' OI' MY 1'IlOROCGII-HRIa) JERSEY BOLL -- Ono (low, 89.21 ; 3 Cows, 81.00; additional ceras, $1.0U each, all the property of one Portion. A dleoount of 10 per oenth will be deducted whorl paid at the time of service, Jersey Cows •$1.00 ouoh extra. Li. A. DEADnf40, Druggist, 30. I41P1ROVED LARGE WHITE YORK- SHIRE BOAR. tr 'rho nnde8igaed will keep for service this Yorkebire season the Improved on lata 300 white 0, adonis, be. 30)11.011 a limited number of sows Evill be taken. Towns $1.0') to be paid at thn8 of servloo, with the privilege of return- ing if n00088ary. Pedigree may be 50ou up. of application, 110131;RT N1CH0L, 15tt Proprietor. TWO WO P01331 BRED PIGS FOR 1L SLRVIC11.—Tho undersigned has re- cently purehaeed and 30111 keep for Service at North half Lot' 00, Con. 7, Morns, a Pure- bred 13erkshlre Boar, bred by Mr. swell, and 14180 an Ohio improved Chester White, one vent' old, bred by Thos. George, Putnam, 1000) Imported stock on both sides. Pills hog took 3rd prize at the Industrial F.xbibl- ito0, Toronto, 11300,1n a class of 17, aril also Ord at the Western Fair in a aloes of l7. TSrmO,$1.00, to be paidat time of service, with privilege 03 00lntnin0 if necessary. 16 -if S. WALKER, Proprietor. Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST, No Comiiiission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. NV. 14 i. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. 1891 —FLAX — 1891 CAMERON BROS. Have a limited number of Busbele of the 13E31 DUTCH 8E13D — For farmers in the vioint30 of Oranbrook who intend raising Flax durlug the coming Beason, which they are prepared to deliver iu quantities to suit Ilex grOw01'0. Can he got at the CRA081s00E FLAx tfILL, Seed given out on tete usual terms. Order Early to ensure a supply. For flax grown from this seed $10 per 'Con will be pv.18,11 of good growth, harvested is proper season, and delivered at the Flax Mill as soon as fit for threshing. Wo will rent a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing Rex. CAMERON' BEDE•, Proprietors ('r,u(broolc Flax Bill. 1�1 SIM For the Next 80 jays. The Partnership having been Dissolved between Ms NI 51 Assorted Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, Fel ortkW 4)Mot Notes. Arbor Day in hlanitobti will be Bitty 7. Tho i0,' in the Iced River fa breaking nl} A 11x110011 of the Imperial Bank of Canada is being established at Rat Portage, Business on the M. & N. W. reed is booming.- Lush Saturday's train left 107 passengers between the l'ortage and 1110- accost, about 40 of whom got off at Nee. pima. D. McDonald and 3, 0, Russell are making a 0011e11ron of living spopimens of game, animals and birds of tho Prov- ince or Manitoba for exhibition at the World' Fair. An Englishman named Fox, jest ar- rived from England, was killed at Indian Head. Hie horses became frigh'oned at a train and threty him from the rig he 300.0 driving; Tilt Manitoba Fish and Game mambo Hon have interview the Local Govern. meet In regard to the game laws of the province end are in great hopes that the Government will aocodo to their teeniest to re'enaet the late of 1889 in regard to the slaughter of prairie chickens. They claim this 1(440 was of groat benefit to the farriers and to the country 0nd would prevent the indiee'iniinate slaughter of ohiokone by pot -Mentors. 31..0NEY 'I'O LOAN. 4ny Amount of Morley to 'Loth on Farm or Village Pro- perty itt ( rpt; Per Civil., Pearl)'. Straight Loans witli privilege of repaying WIlt Il required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, 1331"G88el8, MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. APPLY TO J,O,Helernan, J,A,'oung, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. eta .BBIAGEs A Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs in Baby Car- riages have arrived at a Also a Full Assortmolit of Gents' Furnishings, a H1 Dennis', Brussels. Call and see them before you purchase elsewhere. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c always in stock and sold at Close Prices If you want a set of Light or Heavy Harness I can supply you. See our Scotch Collars. E. Dennis. Da r IoRsY CL IR Hats and Caps, White and. Colored Shirts, Underclothing, Collars, Neckwear, &c., &o., Will be Commenced on Friday, April 171h, and will Continue for One Montle, '; Reduced Big, genuine bargains offered, as the stock nut,.! lac. I cl 4 All tweeds pm -chased will be Cut Free of charge. Call Early with your cash and secure a bargain from our new springy; stock. Suits Made to Order, and all Work Guaranteed to Satisfaction. 9 M.D., M.A., L.C.P.S.O., The Scotch, Specialist, 0714' TOUONTO, SP14GIALT0T P08 THE 1140AT11EVT t8 Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Dis- eases of the Brain and Nerve, Dis- eases of the Heart and Lungs, and Diseases of Women positively Treated Successfully. JOSA'r1.11.14 B0OcfAnnl, Listowel, says :— "Alter see:ding all my money and property to no purpose ou medical men, for what they termed ohcpcless ease of eou8umption, Ilr. Sinclair cared mo." ,lana. MART li't*n03G, Woodhouse, says :— "when all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cored me of fits." D. Bcrtr.Tson, Carleton Place, says:— "Dr. enema cured me of Catarrh." Orn. 100wrn, Bhtn, says:—"Dr. Sinclair cureall otherd mes fulof hled."eart disease tan.1 dropsy, when Oise,,.=es of. Prirate Nature, brought 08 by /oily, Dr. A'f,tclair certainly Cures. Conouitation r'xeo. big give D. ROSS Jr. WILL BE AT THE AMERICUS HOTEL, 6WSSELS, Friday, April 24th, '91. Shoddy - Ped1.arr3 Aro on tho Warpath, so arc im- plement agents to entrap the wary farmer into buying inferior plows made at a distance from Brussels, for which ,you cannot got repairs when needed. Farmers, consult your own in-, tercets and encourage home man-il u£acturo by calling at the Dr seek Folamary 'IVhero you can get a Superior Article at a Deduced Price, Guar- anteed to give Satisfaction, or no sale. Moire, with (test Pittsburg ("oat Steer 1800.1118, Single mud 1Mno31'. Plow Pointeof Byers,3 1)0 at 40c. each. Gang Best Pittsburg Steel Boarde fitted on any plow at the Lowest Poesiblo Price, Be 0000 and 0111 and examine our emit before buying. W. R. Wilson, Brussels.