The Brussels Post, 1891-4-10, Page 44 New Advertisements, T,,00als•-.Geo, Good. Flax -Cameron Biros. Plowv--W, 12, 'Wilson, Local -Marsden Smith. Baby Carriages---il, lje,d»s. Farm for sato-W. M. Sinclair. Standard Bank --G, P, Scholfield, 1)ry Goods -Ferguson &Halliday. Shingles for sale-.Riabd. Mitohell, Chicago, Milwaukee & St• Paul R'y. Millinery openfug-W. Nightingale & Co. Diesolutimn of Partnership -- Boss Bros. (1=ljc 6r1155e.i5 ` zst. FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1891. Thome the amended Brazilian constitn• tion the members of the Jesuit order, who were banished from the country some years ago, are permitted to re- turn, and clergymen are eligible for elec- tion to congress, %'poen engaged in preparing a coneti• tution for the new Australian federation propose that the title of the new nation shall be "The Commonwealth of Ans. tralia." The title is expressive and savors strongly of democracy, though it is per- haps not so euphonious as "Dominion of Australia" would be. T. S. C bonaLL, gentleman, of Wier - ton, through bis solicitor, C. L'. Stark, of Tara, on Monday filed with the registrar of the Court of Appeal a petition against the return of David Porter as member of the Legislative Assembly for the riding of North Bruce. The neuitl chargee of bribery and corruption are made. Mr. Porter was elected at a bye -election, Mr, George, his opponent, having been elected at the general election in June last, but unseated on the trial of the petition filed against bis return. TRE Dominion Government has de- cided to allow the Provincial Act abolish. ing separate schools, and also an act abolishing French in the Legislature and journals and judicial proceedings, to go into operation in ilIauitoba. Sir John Thompson says : "It is doubtful whether the Legislature had the power to pass these Acts. The constitutionality of them, however, can be easily tested in the courts by anyone who is into ested in the use of the french Ianguage iu legal proceedinoe or in the journals of the Asscun ;v, and therefore the prero ia- tive of disallnwa,ee has not ben exer- cised." =EuzitAL 11 oriel illness will Le re- grec-ed throngbout the world, and its course will be followed wi h anxiety as to its result by all who have the best in. tere'ets et the world at heart. Tho sun. cess of the Salvation Army, which is the creation of this groat organizer, is acknowlo%lge.l by all magistrates and charitable workers who cone into skies content with the lowest classes, and it would seem proiable that the fair trial of the scheme for leaden; the lapsed masses out of darkest Eng ,unl depends upon General B'ooth's personal snpervisiou. A man doe: int 'lis• until his work is dote, and it i., to be hoped that hes task is not vel a5.'.A I :i:u^d, though be has done much. Tan color, d n •pn:itti ,n of the Hoath - ern States to-4av is .; I;t .1 to what the white population of tl. o South NW's twenty ,yeure ago, lwrf i p a number of the States the blocks now nut -number the whiles. What is to he the eventual result? The two races will not mix. It r is idle to propo-o, as some Southerners have proposed, a wholesale removal of the negroee bath to Africa. The people were brought from the dark continent against their will, but they aro here now, and here they intend to stay. That they will live in peace, as a separate race, side by side with their former masters, is not to bo expected. Collisions even now are of almost daily occurrence, and they are growing more frequent end fatal as the two raoee become more evenly matched in strength. The certain out- come must be the creation of a black republic in the South, and that in the neer future. Lase Tuesday in the debate on the pro- posal to revise end consolidate the High School laws, Thos. Gibson, if. P. P. for East Huron, said t -He opposed the High School eystem as a system, but as he supposed his voles on that question would sound alone be did not wish to discuss the matter at length. The opinion of the country, he claimed, was that there were enough High Sohoole now. Ile 010 not gum accept the argument that these institutions openod the why for higher education to the poor man's son. This might be true of those in the towns where the high Sohoole were, but there were many from the townships who could nob attend without the expenditure of considerable sums. He had figured ant the cost of board of those from the Country attending High Schools at 5640,- 000, a very aeriotts tax. Ile quoted figures to show that the grants to Ifigh Schools were growing more tepidly then times to Pubiio Schools. 10 opposing the High Sohoole he declared he did lint oppose higheredutnbion, bat he wanted the host placed on the right shoulders. Tnoeea the open voting system in the Northwest hue worked well for Me, Davin that gentleman declares that the people of his ttonetibuency aro (trying for the ballot. FIe also says that "it is intolor• able that in title ennutry men should be squeezed and oppressed by petty tyrants booanso they exercise the right of the franchise, end the petty tyrants who are still exercising tvrnmty had better look out, for public opinion min reach thein," Ton Mayor of Orangeville has been distributing copies of the proceedings of a meeting of rspresentativee of muuioi. palities, at which it was resolved to ap- ply to Parliament, on behalf of those municipalities which granted bonuses to railways prior to the adoption by the Dominion Government of the policy of granting subsidies, for a grant of public money sufficient to place themselves to this regard on an even footing with those bodice assisted by the Dominion Parlia- ment to eoustruot railways within their own borders. Councils are asked to have a delegate appointed on behalf of muni- cipalities to make a claim in respect of the bonus granted. Grey and Morris townships are largely interested in this matter and will likely send delegates if necessary. THEE is serious trouble in Russian military circles. A quarrel has broken out between Count Caronoviteb, the Czar's minister of war, and Prince Her- berbzky, the cootntander-in-chief of the Imperial army, in regard to the manage- ment of the forces. Iierbertzky allegrs that Caronovitoh is grossly uncivil, negli- gent and incompetent ; that the requisi- tions equisi- t ll t o sand recommendationsof 1'. the mi 1 Lary n commanders ore systematically y ignored ; that he wastes the time he should be devoting to the public service in frivolities; the army appropriations uselessly wandered or stolen by fay. orites, and that the whole military ser- vioe of the empire is a mass of corruption and rottenness. But as Caronovitch is one of the Gzar's favorites there is little hope for reform in army management, though it is notorious that the profits upon contracts for supplies are divided among favorites, and appointments and promotions made without regard to fitness. Tnn Netefoundlaud Government is act ing unwisely towards Canada in refusin to allow Canadian fisherman to parches bait from their fellow subjects of New fonndlaud and in eoforciu.( the law wit the utmost harshness against Canadian 'this course is the outcome of ilei anger against the Canadian Government who induced the Imp.a•iel Governmen to defuse its •auction to the treaty »ego. tinted by the Newfoundland Govern• moot with the 1J. 5, The interference of the Dominion Cloeerttment is, no inubt. vexations land annoying, told will douse Newfoundland some cotnmeroia rHE BRUSSELS POS'l ! LVoetlewo t 1VottetR, I The aseaestueut of S� nttnpel; for 1801 i le 520,000,1100 and tie population 27,000. non, Mr. Laurier has written a letter IA a Wimtipegger Minting his intention bo visit the Canndin, Northwest doting the Wining sltnunar. A dospatch from McGregor, Man„ sage that an old bachelor named John Gibbs, living four miles north of that town, was burned to death Synth:), night. The Cu c, it is supposed, originated through a de- fective stovepipe, and the unfortunate man appears to have been suffocated and burned while insensible. A bad shooting scrape is reported from near Pembina, just south of Manitoba boundary. Two brothers named Bartlett started out to kill ono Mo0onitell, the se• decor of their sister, going to bis house and filling him with bullets, fie cannot live, Others attempted to disarm the ]3arbletts, and were badly wounded. The ]3artietts returned home, and shortly afterwards Fred, one the brothers, nom• misted suicide, shooting himself through the head. The Canadian Pacido people are making an effort to find a practicable pass through the mountains on the west side of the Columbia River, to enable them to extend the Columbia and Root. nay Railway from Sproat to a con- nection with the Shuswap and Okansg. hen. It is reported that they have dis- covered a new para over Hope Mountain, which, if true, will cause the early de. fieotion of the C. P. R. mein line 50 miles south of the present route in British Columbia. Tha Rond Fan light was lit up Mon• day night last for the first time this season. Wm. Forrest, of Atwood, is getting materiel on the ground for his new brick block, to be erected as soon as weather permits. A representative of the Independent Order of Foresters was in Atwood ]set week with a view to establishing a branch of the Order in that town. Al 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at Mitch. ell,a lire broke of i tt in an oldbuilding ke dr» R o ned and used by John Bigg as a stable, which was completely burnt. His horse and carriage bad a narrow escape. The cause of the fire is not known. The promptness of the brigade prevented the fire from spreading. Zoe Gayton arrived at Grand Central depot, New York, at 8:58 o'clock Friday afternoon, thus finishing in 212 days, 10 hours and 58 minutes, her tramp from San S'rnncisco, which oity she left on August 27, 1800. She has won by her undertaking 512,000 in bets. \Vin. Brotherton, a young man, has left Napa, Cul., for New York Mendluutr a wheelbarrow. The trip is the result of a wager of 53,000 on his ability to ac. eomplieh it within six months. Two - years ago he mode a similar trip from g I,os Angeles to Cincituntti iu five menthe o and two days. h 'THE PECPLE' Ca 1l U7Vi e Canadians. ✓ QEED IIA1i"LIS'.- FOR SALE }. at my Stmehuuse, n flouted dmuttity of Castor's Prize tro)ifw Rmrlop, Rrowa trots t lout year's imported seed, :Is• it, (1 .,Ald.l1l, L'ruseels, 1�7IBST OLASS SHINGLES FOR gale. A1,c a quantity of Caddo• Rails Stakes. Vol: mice, terms, kc• amply to /IV 'HA nn \II'I'('rrt;LL, 30 2 Lot 18, Oen. 0, (troy, or massifs P.Q. HGHSEIN & HALLIDA —)SLTCCESSOIIS TO( -- SGA �aFF & FERGUSON. CASH AND ONE PRICE DRY GOODS STORM We are pleased to inform our patrons in Brussels and vicinity that we have bought the Dry Goocls Business situated on Turnborry Street, Brussels, Next Door to the Post Office, belonging to Scarff & Ferguson, and which we have managed for the past two years, and we takb this opportunity of sincerely thanking you for the generous support accorded to us as managers of the said business. It has been our aim to conduct it in such a manner as to Merit 111e confidence of the public, with whom we have to deal, and we feel satisfied that you have appreciated our endeavors. In placing ourselves before you as a New Firm it will be our earnest desire to serve you, if possible, more diligently and faith- fully than ever, always studying to mike our interests mutual. Our aim will be to keep oar Stock Well Assorted, buying in the best markets, and, in purchasing, Value and Desirability will always be considered. We are young men and expect to make Brussels our home, and we need not tell you that we are going into business to make money—that is -an incentive we all have. We aro not going to sell goods from one end of the year to the other at less thau cost, or bankrupt prices, but we are going to Sell for Cash and Otte Price, and expect to make a living profit. In order to extend our business we have decided to take in .'utter and eggs as Cash, and cash prices will be allowed for then. Our Stock is now Well Assorted in every department, and we can show you the Choicest lot of Goods ever brought to Brussels. We submit a detailed list of goods in stock. We again thank you heartily for past favors, and elope to have a continuance of your worthy patronage. ReartiCTYCLLl• Yelnta, FERGUSON & HALLIDAY. DRESS 0 0DS�. It is otos pnrp,se to slitter the ladies of Drtc c.e1. and vicinity tt Larger and Cheaper Assortment of Dress Good- tb m any other store in town. Cashmeres, Serges, Camel's Pair, Cheviots, Pedford Cod>, Scotch Ifomespuus, Iletlrieltas (all wool), Ilenriettae (sills warp), Debeige, Nnnscloths, Alpacas, eta., in all. the Lending Shades and Colorings, in Tan, Pearl, Gray, Mame, Heliotrope, Dome Blue, Cleopatra, Spanish Yellow, Leather Shades, Seal, Myrtle, Navy, Fawn, Garnet, Cardinal, Serpent, etc. SPECIAL LINES. • 10 Pieces 42 -in, Fancy Black Dress Goods at 05e., regular pride 905. 5 " 71 -in. Throat Henrietta Dross Goods at 20c., regular price 75c. •1 " 42 -its. Cashmere Dress Goods at 44o., regular priors 60a. • . 4 " 40 u,, „ „ Qn,,, " 58e. 1 REAL ESTATE, 5 40•in. All oro"1 Debeige Dress Gods et 830., degular price 50c. 25 Dress Poo terns at Exactly Half Price. Joss, but the r taliatory policy adopted by the Newfoundland Got'erntnei,t, by which it allows Ameticees to purohare bait while prohibiting Canadians from doing no, w•il. only convince the Imperial Government t^rat it dill right in protect• .Ig Canadian interests in regard to the fish. les by proveuiiug Newfoundland from oarryicg out a treaty concerning the fisheries which dirt not guard C,ma- (11t's interests. It is unfortunate that this new trouble has risen between New- f•umdlaud and the Dominion, as it will, in all probability, postpone tit„ union of Newfautdltutd with Canada, which euoie u:otthe ago seemedl not unlikely to take place shortly. Huron County. The total debt of Stratford ie 5398,. 708.70. We ter Campbell, of Luoknow, has left for Toro0bo, to accept a position in the financial department of the Ontario Gov- ernment. Jas. Holmes, 10th can„ Blma, drew a pine saw -log to Monkton mill, 8.40 feet, 12 feet long. This is the largest this seas,e. John Creasor, Owen Sound, and father. in.law of John iiacwhirter, formerly of Clinton, has been appointed senior judge of the county court of Grey. The friends of Rev. W. W. Spading, of Tesewater, will be sorry to learn that he continues in poor health, with symp. tome that ere regarded as unfavorable. Among the Western Ontario gentlemen who passed the examination at McGill College, Montreal, and are entitled to write M. D., C. M. after their reapeetive names, is R. J. Gibson, Clinton. R. Adams, Londesboro', had the mis- fortune, wbile handling a revolver, to 1L.vo ib go off, the ball going in the first Linger, breaking the bone anti coming out the palm of bhe band. The Wfngham base ball club hoe or- ganized with the following officers :-J, Lockeridge, Captain ; T. McLean, Sec. ; D. Srnall Tea x s. .M T a0raclden and ,� t1 F. An tie, or J. Lockerid +e and A.Stuartl RS will form a very good battery. Candidates and probationers for the Methodist ministry will be examined in ]:Rotor 0n Wednesday,A.pril, 22, A pub- lic meeting in the evening will be ad- dressed by Rev. A. C. Conrtice cud Rev, J. Learoyd, and the corbilicates will be presented. The Clinton News Record seys.-A citizen writes us that ho noticed an item last week in the News Record aboub an unmarried young lady sawing a pile of wood for a Wager and winning it. This, bo eaye,'ban lie beaten in Clinton by an elderly lady who splits up all the gnarled chunks of wood, the only !rind about tbo house, without any hope of reward, but merely the priviiege of golfing meals for two grown upp male mombere of the family with tvborn labor is resting in innocuous desuetude." 1 ARMS FOR SALE.--THE1JN• DEnslo\Iib Lasaevunl yin,,,l Varna, Its gala and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey, F. S. Seh'1"1',Itrusscls, 87•tf, (H0IC'E F AAAI FOR SAT' L— L"t1.1, Con. t9, Ric y ; lee hers ; flrst- t'nsq baildinps. a rote barlinin to a 013411 »archnser. 'i file perfect. Apply at ogee to W, AI. Sits CLA111, Sol,eitor, Brussels, 1:. ('(HOTPE RAERf FOR SALE -- J lining Sontb 1,a1r L,at 27. unn.0, AT orris, 300 noes, c fly ell elrarrd. dine t buildings, one young bent ng ,,cot,, rd. limn utile te p^s- eessiott. Easy Tenon. Apply to W. di. St v C t, \rit, tf- Mdtciter, ,es., IJruosels. 11_1 OUSE AND I10T FOR SALE._ The subsc'ibor offers her house and lot, corner or James and streets, 13,080,-, There - is 0 nonfo•tnble house, Rood stable, splendid well, 00, en the ore. utisos, l acre mf land. For further pax -bleu• lass as to price, terms, kn. apnly to 1\1188. war, MoQtrL ,otra , Breseelq, I.i'ABIL lii'OR SALE.—TtfE tlN dersiguei offers his valuable 100 acre farm, being Lot 12, Oon, 8, Gray, for sale There are 85 aofos undor (trop. befalls° timbered. There is aood orchard, wells, kc. on the promises, besides log house, bank barn, 0.0. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For price and fell particulars apply to WM. BABK IISI(, Brussels P, c,., or ,)ono SEATrnt, Scaforth, Ont. 87.Om ,201-1 ACRE FARM FOR SAL., -The undersigned proprietere otter their well located farm oontai ping ecru aces, being Lot 5, Co n.10 and Let 5, Con, 11, Grey township for sale. There is a log boned, good outbuildings large orouartl, water supply, 00, on the promisee. TIM property is onlyll est es from the thriving village of brussels, Full particullre as to price, terms and conditions of ealo may bo asosrtaiued oa npupplieatton to 87•tf 1?C1teusoN 1l1LOs., Toeswater. TALTJAI3LE 50 ACBE FARM • eon tiALE,—Botng wort 9 Lob 11, 000, s, Grey, 2A miles from Brussels. The 1508 Is Rood clay loans, well drained, mostly ail cleared and in good order, Ono &ore of or. chard in good repair, There is a never full• ing spring on the premises and an extra well at the buildings. The buildings are comfort• able. would take suitable property in or nearlirueots as part pay. For farther par- ticulars apply on the prsmisos to TWA. 11faC.RTue0R, or address Brussels P. 0, 0S0 rp 1; N T — t) R T kIAT D);aIB . JL Am» property 1 t p ray o0 state ofry stabstreet, Ilrtssels, owned In tho estate of the late who s. oo l Iran being ahem 81 noise of land wlthgoocl franca dltnlllmg, barn, stable s and driving shod good well with imam, also good o'ahard, war ' Lo. routed or three or Ove you to e. good tenant. immediate pos800. sloe Otto bo givct. Apply to 14, O. ll1TNFoIOn, lforebnnt'L'aflet' lliitssels,Out, orto.1,11001 1,, 51•tf Div, Coot's Clerk, TilA111111`01t SALE.—TI4H UN- aEnslogen oll(tr' tot solo the. north omit quarter oflot 28, oenoossion O, Alo rle County of Huron , eontainfng 50 acres. Tho land is of drat quality end in high state of cultivation, well feticod end auder•drafned i'S soros cleared. Now frame b0ttse, 8 rooms milk house with oanerebe walla, 2 wells good barns and shod otard, oto, night Dares of fall wheat, shod, dealrable property ad elms the corporation of Brussel., suit• aha terns will be given. 2'ftleportect, .t0• '1.00010 t3Rini 8r owner,forth P. O, 15 " Odd Lines Dress Coeds, 2..in., at 12c., regular price 200. • When you want to see the Latest Novelties in Dress Goode don't he afraid to cone and ask to see them. There is nothing pleases ns like shovilog goods at 011 tittles, whether you intend buying or not. Tey lime and gelvetsn Gros Oreille, Satin Merveilleux, Faille, Roomers, Royal, Sarah, Pongee. Black Snlin Merveiileux at 07e,, 51,00, 91.21. $1.50, worth 80c.; 81.25, $1,50, 51.7.7, 2 Pieces Black Gros Grein aillt at 131,00, worth al 35 2 Pieces Colored Se. in Duche at 75c , worth 31,20. Satin De Lyon at 81.25, 51,50 end 81.25. ]Pollee I'•riuioai•e et 91,00 51,21 and 91,110. Colored Satin at 95c., 50a, and 75c. Silk Warts in nil Sheath to motel). Dress Goods end nn eudlese assortment of Panay T.imming Silks and Velvets. For the very Latest Novelties in Dress Trimmings conte to us and we will show yon the goods and tell you how they are to be usod on the dress, We always have on our dress counter a lot of the latest fashion plates to assist you in selecting a suitable material for your garment. Prints, Sateens and Wash Dress Goods. 200 Pieoes of Fast Color Prints to select from. The very best goods in the trade at 129c., regular price 14c. In ;;Steens we have a very Large Range to show, in the very Newest Patterns and Coloring. Also Seersuokere, b'lennolobe, Ginghame, Mnslius and Obellies in abundance. STAPLE DEPARTMENT. In this, as in outer departments, we have been at war with high prices, and it has always been cutting down, and now we think we have our prides lower than any other house in town. Full assortment of G. sty Cottons at 6c„ Go., 7o., 80. and 9o. White Cottons at 7e., 80., 9o., 10o. end 123o. Lybsber Skirtings, fast dye, ab 8c., IOc. and 129e., regular price else. where 100,,129o. and 15e. Towellings at 5e., 7e., de., 10c. and 109e., very Cheap. Bollands at LOc., 129c., 15c. and 180., regular price 1290., 15c., 18e. and 25c, Tiokings at Ina., 15o., 18e, and 20o., regular price 15o., kis., 20o, and 25o. Table Linens at 20o, 25o, 800, 40o, 60o, worth 26o, 80o, 879e, 50o, GOc. And all other Linens in proportion. Towellin s, Table Linen, Sheetinge, Shirbhpgs, Cottonades, Denims, Tiokings Hollande, Table Napkins, Doylies, Butcher's Linen (fine line for fanny work), Table. Clothe, Tray Clothe, Sideboard Scarfs, Fine Bleached Table Linen, Think Towels, 2•yds.•wide Pillow Cotton, Damesk'Towels, Turkish Towels, Gloss Towels, in fact everything that should be in a Firsteelaes Staple Department. Hosiery and Gloves_ In this dee ertment we feel confident 'h p t that we can serve you bobte: than our cnmpobitore. We shall keep this stook as well assorted in ell linea as we have done in tho past, and hope for a continuance of trade. In Rid Gloves we keep the Celebrated Rotiliin french Blake, and we guaranine every pair, at 51,00 and 51.26. 5 Dozen 4.13utton Real 7l'renoh Kid Gloves, Tau and Black, sines from 11 to 74, et 50o, per pair, regular price 71ic. 5 Dozen 4.Dutton French Rid Gloves tit 76c„ regular prion 91.00. Orders Taken for Ohilch•on'a Rid Gloves, sizes front 2 bo 5, al OOo, pot pair. Gent's Vino Rid Gloves in all sizes, 74 to O}, at 91.00, 91.26 and 91,50. Tn Hosiery we have Full Moe in Cashmere and Cotton for stmtmee weer in Plain end Ribbed, Ladies Cashmere ftou 260. to 700. A Spaniel Line at 500, Coma 10 us for all sizes for Boys and Girls'. Yon need not send out of town for £hem. 25 Daren I•tettvy Cotten Mao 0,t 1298., regular price 200. N. l3: --On Monday, April lath, Butter and Eggs will bo taken in Trade for Giioods, APRIL 1.0, 1891 Private Funds to Loan. $20,00Q Have been placed in my elands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Coltllllission, Borrowers Can have loans e0111- ploted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brusscls. J & J. LIVINGSTONE bare 1000 bushels of first growth DtTTCB `.Eitin tor farmers in the vicinity of Brussels, who intend raising Flax during the com- ing season, which they aro prepared to deliver in quantities to suit flax growers. Can be got at the Brussels Flax 7.111. .'cad given out at $1.50 per bushel, and on the usual terms. Order early to en- sure a supply. For Flax grown from tide seed - "�10 FEB TON - Will be paid, if of good growth, harvested in proper Season and delivered at the Flax dill as soon as fit for threshing. We will also rent a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing flax. J. & T. LIVINGS'!'ONE, ProprietorsBrnssels flax still. W. BRIGHT, Manager. Fresh Mllh!nery MISS HOARE Invites the Ladies of this town and vicinity to Call and Inspect her ;Mock cif New Hats and. Bonnets FLOWERS, RIBBONS, !,ACES, Sliow room open after Tuesday', April 7 alt. S WALE'S BL CK, BRUSSELS, One door North of A. R, Smith's. - Pedlars Are on the Warpath, so are im- plement agents to entrap the wary farmer into baying inferior plow's made at a distance from Brussels, for which yon Cannot l;et repairs when needled. Partners, consult your own in- terests and encourage home man- ufacture b,y calling at the Biz . s®1s rotuldry Where you slid get a, Superior Article ata Reduced Price, Guar- anteed to give Satisfaction, or no sale. Plows, with hest Pittsburg Cast Steel Boards. Single and Double. Plow Points of Beery Blake at 40c. each, Gang Pointe 25 Cents. Beat Pittsburg Steel Boards flute on any plow at the Lowest Possible Price. Be sure and call and examine our stook before buying. W. R. Wilson, Brussels. THOS. FLETCHER, Practical IV'atclv7na1i,er and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening oat Full Linea in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from I9stablishod and Reliable Makers folly warranted by us, Clucks of the Latest Desid728. JEWELRY Witoota r Rases, LAnlas Gait ROM, Biome/tea, EAnnlada, hc. t�'..r'Also a Full Line of V1oralrs and violin Strings, (4;c., in steak, N'.1l,-lsserer et Marriage Licenses. FERG`JSON t .EJ„c 1,.1.41-41.111-1X T, Fletcher, » Brussels.