The Brussels Post, 1891-4-3, Page 5Ana, 3, 1801THE BRUSSELS POST r,t ac t=at• rlrri=et,a,R�r„a tlMI=1 inexis�. p�,T,pC,y,pprprrnmarcrf.�E4,v.,�ruvea'nxAL4YNaeSsiiifaiIDLxltStII62�.'Btn�' R'{r¢l.'IBrr Miss Mary Wit000 wont to Meuue,lona, I I). Arnoel Bnwermaii,+nu of J. Bow- 'y��' ° a 3-10.) AC pu obal. Aiuoitubtt, title week. I Dnna, of Exeter, inns 0uCOEPsEally puma. G�iIE�©� t`a 115 X11 C. 5, J, L. Mader has pm'obased a thorough• Mrs, \Vm. and Al, s. intro Johnston and ed the Deal examination at the Chicago Eg, to i®�,ti� brad Newfoundland dog from a party in ahildrau leave Bruesele for Port Aloofly, College of Donbas Surgeons, and had em- w tg�� �T� J 131,,,ovnl.,,. Brantford, Tacna Agricultural Society's spring Clerk, aFcY, Paisley, Friday ofthis to week. Mra�SJ, dental mum thim thehadegree ounq geutlrnrEa r `R (leu, J. Aloallrove and Rioh. Porter are show will be held at Newry on T Iture[lay, JolulstOtI "u;ugpanied Cham. e'lay , mentioned above is a brother of 0. 13ow :Renovator �t'�OY' t1:u aeusus eunrm'rutors for Tarnborl'y April 113th. [ lnrchn d tickets frau} d. T, Peeper, ; armful, A theeacher in ronotinnexnm elation in H, S. Ie hteelnilig the Htut,derd Mc:11Miuo of township, A meeting was hell) in Pole's harnese 13usaol , 7'lle a11eQa0 faatol'y is belles got in Hllop last Saturday night t(1 L'0 organize E.x:1511NA'1T00.-010 Thum:cl ty, 211111 nit., No. 1, ten wore promoted from the the day. Partial palling or writing from readiness for operate on May let. the football [anb. a very etteme1UI public) examination was salmi ease to 1110 third and eight from all parts of Canasta and the Milted Slntea Urn. AInitomtlrt will be the cheese Miss Bella, Mltsltoll' of the Brain ford in S. (4. Nn. 0, Morrie. The teaoh,:r, the third to the fourth, with three re• for the System Renovator. ranker, Young Ladies' College, Is home tar Ilue J. 13, Morrison, wee assisted by Miss onimuen,lod• The beet lit each cage in it Never trans to Care Impure, Weak - wall oarnl'd vauatiou• 13eesie Kelly and Mesere. Sloan, Niuhul, order of meat are :--•1'or l"onrbh Claes--- and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Ell: ob. Mise Mary Hervey, who has been at -McColl 004 DicLnuohlin. The pupils tat, Maggie Switzer 1,,71 lnarits; 'Lod, lthemm�tiem, Loss of Memory, Bron• operations will anon commence at our tending the Toronto Normal Scheel, answered the questions very stetisEaotoro Tees's) Switzre 541 ; Ort, Alungle CRlrlor ahi6ls, Careumption, Gall Stoics, Jaun. cheese factory. came home lust Friday to spend tier, ly and by their responses left no doubt of 930 • dth, Mary Devidsou, 5O9. For dice, Kidney and Urinary Diseas00, St, it is said that David Ifendeeon'a Laster vauatiol. Mr. Morrisou'e ability as a teacher. A 'Third Claes--let, William 1f. Ellie 3171 Vitus' Deuce, Female Irregularities and health is Improving. The Bae stye :-We aro always pleased good program consisting of motile, reoita• marks ; 'lad, Doman lylcCallum 352 General Debility.Manufactured only b An "episode," as Ari 3, Ib Wttrd de- to learn of the 3r su¢osss of Atwonoted times and dialogues had been prepared Ord, Edward Hollinger 308 ; .1th, Thomas J M• MoLEon, Sole Patentee, (batter scribes them, arrived at the houses of abroad, and frequently have we noted and was well carried out, The excellaub Blake 302. known ns "Tha Old Doctor") Luboratmy, h. Clambers, D. Mul4ny and A, Cam- their achievements in 0the08 aahonls °Hearn- dinner provided by the ladies was enjoy. Onrr. -Last Tuesday the spirit of Newgate tit., Godorieh, Ont. anon lately, ing, and among others J. II. Moi3nin' e l by all. Messrs. Laidlaw and Stalker William, second son of George end .1. T. PEPPER, Solo Agent, 1rst0sals. Metiers, Pwnabttkar and Patrol and who, inltognu to tho laurels won at on violins and Miss Kirkby ohordiog on Harriet Crooke, con 8, took 1s flight, wives removed to Hespnler this week, to Albert College, Belleville, Ineteyear, has rho anneal added mush to the enjoyment The deemed was born in Morrie bo+vu• � rho regret of the people of this looelJGy. been awarded the looney p given m of all present. henry Kirkby end Wtn. ship. He served his epnrentioeshih In They will be greatly missed. ooon with the annual elocution MoArber oonbributed a harmonica soler. the tin shop of Messrs. Jcwkson & Hal. We are pluasod to shuts that our old burg,contest, held in Victoria University, Oa tion and Mr, McGill, of Wawanosh, sang lielay in Brussels and wits a good meohaa. friend 'hos. Taylor hes sufficiently e- burg, last Friday. When it is remora- a Hong or two. Oco, Kirkby ooenplol 10. In May 1858 he weal to ltfanistique, J. & J. LI V I N GSTOI� E covered his church to to get about. He bared that this contrail11000is open bo four the chair and short speeches were made , Michigan, from Toronto, but his work walked to ohuroh last Sunday: year men and that there were seven eon. by S.111.Four, W. Jackson and the did not agree with him and h0 took ill have 1000 bushels of first growth David Sproat, who is taking J. M• tcatants, two of whom competed in lust 'Leathers. _ with blooding of the lungs in October and L7LTTCTI W 1 0141I� Davies' place with Reeve Milne, hes year's sanest, 3. 11. in to be Indeed con- a .__ with some difficulty his father gob him moved into Mr. Po.bton's dwelling. Mr. gratelatsd. Mr. liclec.in is ,rade of the Menet,_ Is et an. ' home in January owing t0 bis preaariotla for farmers 10 the vicinity Of BI'llg 018, ho will has not definitely decided what right metal to emceed in the literary Onr SpringShow will be hell on tho condition. By 0000111 nursing and pro. who [01004 noising flax during the ecm- h0 will do. world, and the marked suaoesa that lois hath inch. per mediae' treatment health was very in season, whish they aro prepared to C. Stubbs will be hand pork in H. 1'. oharnotariz ed his poet efforts is but an Button & Pageant have on !rand at , flirty restorsd and the patient recovered deliver in quantities to atilt fax groes. CharlMcAlie store. Report says that index ofu what may be expeatod of hem in present about 11,000 broom handles. I so as to be able to resume work in May Can bo got at the Brussels flux hill. Charlie will shortly go atter "Mrs. the future. __ The well•kuown firm of Cline ,0 Co., 1880• He was employed with the Gamey Seed given out at $1.x,0 per bushel, and Stubb1. That's right, the Good Book V sal ton. hardwire merchants, )Vinghmm, has been Foundry and the Toronto Enl':l 00 Coal on the usual forme. Order early to tin• Bays ft is not well for man to be alone. Reuben Grimoldby hue moved into 0 dissolved, John Neeinnde retiring there• pauy, being engaged with the ]atter at sure a supply. from. the time he was compelled to give up Cr authrosel;c. house on the boundary owned by Chas. Wingham merchants, beginning on work last November. The deceased Sage. April tat, will close their places of bus[- Dame home to his father's in December For Flax grown fro this seed There is a good opening horn fora alba Pollard, who resides south of p' p y - q�T l! PEE, t TOW - shoemuker. Walton, has been ilangeronety ill w[th nese at 7 p. m., exec t Snturde e, Dorsi and gradually failed until his eyes closed r t October 1st. in death. Consumption was the Deuce. assessor ltuymanu will soon be through infiammabion of the longs but is Improv 7. S. Anderson, who has been for some On September the 10th Mr. Crooks was Will be paid, if of good growth, harvested with his wet la in somewhat now. time with W. H. A'[oDonald studying den- united in marriage to Alias Jane Alexan- in proper Season and deliverer! at the R. F. Cameros, omeent of Knox Col- ley. John Ross, B. A., of Brnesels, teary, left for Philadelphia, Po., to take der, of Owen Sound, who hos been with . b'lax Mill as soon as fit for threshing. lege, Toronto, is home. preached in Duff's obureh on Smiley' a course in the Dentistry College in that himall through his illness. The death We will also rent a number of good sod The beautiful spring Weather turned Rev. D. Forrest ucnels, the potpie f city of her husband so worried her that a fields for the purpose of growing ilex. into a big sheep lust 7`ueeday• Melville Smith,, Brussels, the same day.Some of the materiel for the Bank of Physician had to be rolled upon to pre- J, & J, LIVINGSTONis, Henryer Scott and beer Kresslor are Wm. hapathmnster, had a mon Hamilton's new b•Lnk building bits been 'scribe for her. Tee funeral on Thursday home from Parry lumber woods. cleaning the snow elf the sidewalks in laid of the ground, and it is expected afternoon was largely attended. Rev. J. Proprietorblirasscla fax mill. Wm. Meer w ods las home from flus- stead of waiting for it to thaw off. This that work on the building will be cern• Roes conducted the service. The sorrow. W. BRIGHT, Manager. holes lumber woods tsar Saturday. adds • very materially to the comfort of 0100004 as soon as the weather wit per. ing relatives have the blessed assurance The saw mill is running full time. wayfarers and is worthy of imitation by ,nil. that their departed has gone to be forever There is a big stock of logs in the yard. other planes. JOh❑ Karr was in St. Thomas last weak with the Lord. 'lira flex mill bas clone a good season's order and musical parties seam to be attending the meeting of the Prnvinoinl -..-- work and of a very satisfeetory oharaoter the order of the day, or rather of the Orange Lodge of Ontario West, 310 was to the live p night, ho'to these11ha have sense enough to also the representative to the meeting of Hundreds are ue has p with rt, fu Quebec. The rive oad iron note is,p will the ro- gothe Grand Lodge of the Black Knights of "EfanDea re laid Toronto, says ;-It is t posed Gran r from Guelph to Goderieh keep from getting in a state which a brute Ireland, which met in the same place. now about ten years since the American touch Gra s reou 2 would not, viz.: beastly drunk. A number of boyo were up in the hal drylead producers have ban exporters Work was resumed at our publiosehool PaasosALs.--Miss Penelope McDougall, fry of bbo new 00500 Hall at Wingharo on Tuesday morning after the Easter of Goderich High School, paid Walton n y to this market. Sinop then our mann. holidays. Our teachers aro doing well, short visit during Easter holidays. These the other day, when by some miahnp, faoburers have obtained their supplies J. C. Tuck is giving up hotel businessholidays also brought Jas. Humphries, of one of them, Frank Coolioan, fell down a from Great Britain. During the past m re and has announced an auotion sale Stratford Business College ; John Me- oonsiderable distance, injaring himself couple of weeks the usual order of trade on Thursday, 10th inst., whet he will Donald from Berlin and Miss Minnie severely. L. was thnughtat first that tbo has been reversed, and American lead offer live stook, hotel furniture. &o , for McDonald from Arthur to spend their injury might prove fatal, but he is rapid. has been placed with our manufacturers tittle. Mr. Tuck has not decided where vacation under the parental roof. ly recovering. instead of the British product. Whether Ito will Mole. p prig The officers for the current year of the the displacement bbs B will be permanent or Thos. Thompson has uta new on Septennial Benevolent Order are :-J. R. An exchange of proprietors is on the the stage routs !mosso,, 15 is well suppltii, not remains to be aeon. It may be only ts.pis at the old Tuck hotel, D. Zimmer This rig rides very easy, is well supplied Roy"dela, Past President• J. J. Homuth, temporary. Prices on the American hale ng exchanged with a Waterloo County, with robes and spreads and will have a 1 resident ; R. Elliott, Viae President ; markets are not any lower, but theta is of Blair, a village in Waterloo County, good top put on to guard aga,us0 the ala- E. C. Clarice, Secretary ; W. T. 7. IIn surplus for which the Trust has to find 2 miles from Berlin. The new proprio- meats. Tom is careful and has a good moth, Treasurer ; Rev. Ie. W. Hughes, buyers. The most sonvenisnt outlet is p team nor does lies ere it et the expense Chaplain ; R. Venstone, Warden ; J. A. Canada end it is generally believed that 00 _ .• m_ tors take possession an April 27th, so it p p' McLean, lineal 01 ; P. Brown, Guard. it is their intention ene to supply us in ,✓ i . K .. _. _. `I,,r "',.: tri Y ti li a is stated. may rely of peed and cors and the public Miss P. Billingsley, who has been in future at figures just low enough to pre - It is said that the bays have otpanized rely ou speed and c meets with him. &M ate health for some time hoe gone toI. a r •.'11 " 1 ['rids a noviety called the "$:edits of Taffy," Tln' 031111 vestry meeting o£ St. Kanglln ,0, British Columbia, in the ex- want British Compe,itir+n. Great Britain 30 one of the beeline provisions being tient George •a ,enrol twee held oo Easter l will have lit pay greater attention to this they are not to think of, attempt or go Illuley. The following ntlicere were I pactatfnnthat a change of climate nu y be market if she world hold it. Not only '30th, into any inmu0r'a bah daring the 1,igill benvlici;il for Is r health. 1 -ler le other ,ere the Americans nuderaelling her in 11•+711 I MARCO APRI1, Orct le 173h, I 1101 esu sun it. r'cr;!uxnn, In 1111a11`.'H tour • r •.i l in K•:nt', _apx. 11'r mil", frien,le lend, but also in pi, icon. lli- rrcdmn. au,l tattier r Lr buil demi guy sap that den ; W. :Smith, pcoplc'a t. lIi,u : Jim.. 1 in \Vintth,un wish her a s asci eontary. t. 1 MAY la. new 0114 t tie Mend, for the purpose of lien i�l Adan, ebleenee, NV. Haile and 1 Ykitties of British firma is few 0u tl•au„h I nun wing '11*1 ,0tg,1, in t>aunnr rr y Jno. Scarlett, sidesnten ; R. leuretteon, ' A hod prepared in the car for her, and Ontario lately, and with few cx00ptiuns Innkiag taffy far Ihemseh ea or time, of ll,•, (1015' s 1100010 mnied her ns fur as wiibout 0 bangle their 1esoei ala. lay I1a1'onte. r tt,, uon:;ro;;utin , ea 1' e , .. l they lace not booked a siu_Ir. ovltr. .11• prosperous condition, free from debt and letmltn, 011 111: she 10 51 1)1 4 l in em;l- though their prices are low, aim .rgelu, For Berths iota ell lniorn,uti,v, tytply to with good prospects for the furans, Rey. I. funanble 41' 1'u,s 1 a sleeping car, which pig iron 01011 can go lower, \V.'1'. Clulf occupied tiro elude. would lake her to her doatmatlon. J. T. Pe. pper, 4artr•riie. EOPLE' UL 1TIES E.T;r. tdr. li0313.3rrahiis .......li3]';N e.iettotee's^1, Le. Grippe has struck tho town again, but not to anything like the extent of its visitation a year ego. Scott & Jones chipped to Toronto, a oar of 1at cattle, .ax head fed by Peter Stewart, weighed 7.180 lbs. On Tuesday of last week the officers of the Listowel Lodge, A. 0. U, W., gave ,Ire. A11drew Little a aback for 32,000, Meantime benefit et her late husb,,ud in that order, Ki,id Pros, the owners of "Oliver Witices” offer colt statical for foals of 1800, $2 o:tr0nce with 300 added, to b0 trotted on Listowel track in the coning fall, Entries close May lot, 18111. There must be four entries. Kidd Broil, 10,00 purohased from Geo, Forbes, of New York, the tbo•ourlbred race 11ar10 mrd stallion leader Khan, by Dyke Ali, vice of tbo phenomenal Spolc- nue. 11e is a b, nailed walnut bay, six y, urs u1,1, simian hen•Is high, loved by G. n. I+. Merrett, "The Meadows.' stud, Kentucky. 013 Wednesday of lad week a ease was 1s 11,1 bei eft Polite \fn'i••rate Terham, tee defendant brlug Mr, eleKee, ono of the arcistant teachers in the high School. 1).11 Cumpbrll wee camplaommnt, the charge being for unduly tio.gipa his son, Ubl'1 rin Campbell, a, pnpiil of the school, The meth) had Leen preview)y brought to the notice 1f the [Ugh School Board, Who, utter hart the txplttuntioes of buts purees, x,0111 d tlsot the boy's eon dal tars de erving of correction, but not i11 the minter a1• to the extent adminis- tered? by the teacher. The evidence be- fore the I3.ho;ietrato we to the ¢tient that the bot had�tot clone the work assigned him, which was 10 write out 001110 0x• ur tics, lie reason of exouso for non-com- 311,100 with the. te00310r'a ivatruatione being that ore had not a pencil. The teacher provided him with a ponoil, encu the tank 11.0 being nneomplished at four o'olook to was kept in, along with three other pupils, 1:6 impairs that before the school was ,lismiaeed young Campbell f0• tamed the pencil which had been provid- ad him to its owner, another pupil, and was consequently again without a pencil. The toachee, nothing that he was still not making an effort to do the work as- signed hint, prouoedod to bis neat and administered a (logging, tieing liis open stand, with which he cuffed him about the face and head a number 03 tinges. The defence claimed that the boy's man- ner teas particularly aggravating and that he tuns disposed to be sol£•willed and obabborn, and that he merited the pun. fsinott initiated. Tho court, however, considered that the teacher had 0400. shopped the law in administering the oaotigation, and imposed a flue of $2 and coots. Whether the verdict is a just one or not, it ie a pity that bite matter had nob been satisfactorily settled without Use publiniby which it has received. Naturally sympathy is divided between teeeher and pupil, but all who have the welfare of the school at heart regret that anything of the kind should ocenr. Al a meeting of the pupils and toa0bors hold on'Tbnreday morning, favoral moubefe Of the I3iglt School Board dist being M'elfeo Leona bhoon Wee sdopted, &ndglthe eignatnree of 126 pt1pil0 atteohod thereon. Sugar malting, is till the go in tel. sal lion. Thos. Anderson, 4111 lino, bas a ewe which gave birth to font Jambe. Who ane bent that y • Miss 0. and el. Halliday wore home for Batter holidays but return, .1 to their parents nal Mende for a few days tires school at Godorioh, wek. ,James Ire and has been somewhat "un- flies Ellin I1icNull was home from dor the weather" for a 11,110 but we hope Galarinh high suhool during the Footer he will coutluue to improve. holidays. A number of farmers wile have been Arch. Juncttise1 left last Monday for holding back their grain for better gree, a Morrie where lie secured a situation its are new 111501ing it to -Brussels nlarbet. farm hated. Themes Code and Tames Prootor have Mrs. C. Bowerman wee visiting her the poeitlon of census ellunlerntnrs for . am,t and uncle in Kincardine for a few Morris township. They begin work next 1days this week. Alnndtoy, John Harris, 211111 con., has the meter - Peter McDonald, of Woodstock, lee ital on the :{nine:) for a largo b,rn which been home for a ample of weeks en the he will put np this season. ill sick Het. Ile rammed to his week m, ALs.d tm e '.1itehellbas boon very Wodnesdat, for •0•tie time ;with beaobitia, bet hopes Robert Carrie and sister, or tho •lel, 1 care a )tertttioee of her e0overy. line, visite() Listowel on Therslny of 1 11 the hr,o, who belled down such a lot last week, ett ending the wedding of their I of sap the puler night aro foend oat they cousin, Miss Conainglam, will get +,oinething more anbstanti,tl than S, Irwin has a wonderful eutila ml reify. BiorrOlyei'S Call 1111V0 100.119 C0111 - these thews, Weald you Elio 1,1 know The c:1.11110 entenor 1100 ft' (trey why •? Because he's "pat" 00w, Mac. 1r- 1/00/313 the 1). ii ,b rlso,1, It. Bowed j,)Uteci 11l Thrum 1)ayS 1f title win leaving presented him with a dau,;h. and Chen. (',',:i, They bugle w,u•i. 00 satisfactory. ter, Monde} ea It W. M. SINCLAIR, ('berlie Wiikinsnn, eon of Then. Vi ii Mies Menem li •intosh, who leas beet, 1ina,m, 4111 line, with hag anent the wit,. tic home "n a yetit tete some time, welt LSo1'Ntre, BritSSele. ter te home, 1 turnee last itml,lay t1 back t+ I!rama [blpids, Ahoh„ attain, ou Montane, where he has been for a 101111- \V,111 , f tine week, be of rare, the p1 - .1 t touter f0 proving a very :E,105;15 11 U11), 11'1'' Wm, Shedder and wife, 1th lige., whi'e diettateverec tee, Mr barkeepers. We tare 4rivr•g to shovel last Htbb 0th 1110314t l sofa fn :;lariat bat not 10000 than Ole. the filet that the gamy w; +a a el'',ea on 1311 11,10111 1,1 the et 1.i.etet stoe011 away in the road Mr Shedden drove over the ditch 4y vas R•. NOTICE l Ms1110 sugar making is in full swing. Wood beat are finite fa hionablo just To Parents residing within the 11(0110 now. of the Brussels School Boned. March came in like a lion ami wont out like a wether. Notice Is hereby elven that the Public .1 l;, hill, of Toronto, was o'siting his nob eels N4,0111.0,01. 40, Section 010, requite us that the parent m• guardian of every child not less than a0Vr1) years nor more than 01,110nm, years at ago 011011 Close snob child to attend a Public School, or any other school in wbleb elementary 3vstrotion Is given, for rho period of ono hundred days in each Public Scheel year, 111,11-x0 there be ammo ea5onable 080)100 for non.att0mlun00. Ry order of the Brussels retina school Ito,ud, L, IOOS$, Secretary. Private Funds to Loan. 6520,000 Rave been placed in ins hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. fell writ n!l: .t e. the winter. Eun'fI Ctl 6V 011 t� C .tta.`1. !'seed W Y and celril 4 baokto the reel tho horse Mans are taking suet advantage of the big part n jump and throw Mrs. She!din rain in prises an, teaming oat their suet bank over the buggy hurting her bsok pins mince. 11 looks as if Canada's The East II11roa License 00111- oonsiderably. At the debate in the school house al. jolting the Morris Town hall 0110 81001• ing last week the gnestiou of Capital Pnuislunon6 was discussed, W. 13redoe "arena old wan" was returning good fur nits$j0llerte will 111eet art the evil. mf f:u' sal ll vim is oonceetled, henry Scott is home again from Parry Sound District, \there he 03-nt the winter, 1Ie ryas getting good wanes and and M. Black argued for its abolition, steady employment; but now there are end W. Sloan and Cliris. Miahio the op• too many young men there looking for poeilo. Decision was given for the form- work, en Mr. Nicholl ocoopied the chair, R. Lang was awarded the oontraot of Earlier in the evening the euhjout"tvhiol burl:linll the new Queen truss bridge over has caused more dosbruotion fire or the eleitlaud at Jamestown. :Cho job water" was debated. Jos. Sherrie and will web 5(}138, There were fivo other Thos, il(ipor, 1jr., upheld the lire and Marlette for the work. Mr. Lang is an Neil Blank and W. Mrobio, water. The old hand ab bridge building and will no latter mane off victorious. doubt do the wort[ in good style. STEP alorllEo.-On the 20t11 of Morels Last Sunday Angue AfcKay died at the Arthur Brook, who resides near Belgrave residence of his son, Hugh, Obli con., at station, while deriving through the bush the advanced are of 81 years. The old on Henry Brandon's farm saw a female gentleman lied boon quite blind for some fox. He went to the hoose and soourod One. The funeral took plate on Mon- a gttn and ehot her. While ha was ab- day a`torn0on, the interment being made sent for the flre•arins mother Reputed at flullobb township barging ground. had gone to hoe hone' close by and re. The foltowiog foport shows the stand. moved her family of four babies, whose ing of elle pupile of S. 13. No. 1, Grey, eyes were nob yot opened, to a brush pilo for the month of TM'Ieech t-11'onrbh Class for greater safety, it is supposed. 'Their --Maggie Robertson, Mary Alexander, hiding piano was foiled, however, and Joseph Ridley ; Sr. Third Class--Flor• they wore (10301ed to tr. i3rooles home, onto Spinet, Ban. Taylor, Jennie Disko ; What to do with them Was the next con- Jr. Third (Kase -LIMO Duke, Amy undrum, A remelts hound wag in peg Spillet, Mand OoienO ; Second Oleos - selection of the proprietor who had had bar Iobn Robertson, Arthur Portnoy, Willie !1topples reread} taken from her and to tle'0upriso of all filth adopted the little "chicken hunters" and is oaring .or them in good style, CENTRAL HOTEL, BRUSSELS, Friday,Aril �.Mth1'01., � AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31., To talo into consideration the Applications for 'Tavern Licenses for 1801-92. Tho number of Hotetl Licenses granted last year in the Riding were 2d:. The number of Applications this year are 27, Isaac Grill, Ethel ; Joseph Youngs, Fordwioh ; and Sohn Hasket, Lakelet, being the only applicants for houses not holding License last year. Oliver ; Part Sewed -Jahn Kemp, Thos, John R. Miller', �, u.•-trenr0r atDltarrluae Licensee.Lucas, Florence 33.Ooatee ; Fart •stat-.-• INSPECTOrt. Mary Duke, Noble Oliver, Nettie Rid.ley. deo. Dobson, Teseher. 4...uts'rnws„April end, 1891, 1"8 Fletcher, - Brussels, AGENT, P,nresls.,. ENTIRE H R E AD MARE FOR SILE. —Il The subscriber offers the following Well; bred Animals for Sale : "Cadiz” (0504), Vol. II ; "Earl of Brlachllbanc" (17013), Vol. IT. These horses are O years old ; heavy draught. "Lageu Chief," (', years old, heavy draught. 011e Entire Colt, rising years, from im- ported stock on both sides ; heavy draught. "l'rinee of Douglas,' a road or carriage stallion, rising 8 y, ars ; imported. Ono Heavy Draught Mere, 0 years old ; imported ; with fool. Otto Canadian 1 red Mare, loavy firelight, rising 1 ;entre, with feel by h, r side. Ono Mare Fual, from imported stock on WILL BE AT THE beth sides. One (leading, a ye:lra all, he.,Vy draught, AlliER130,1 HOTEL, BRUSSELS, 8 Money to Loan, I\ioney to Loan on Farm Pro- perty 131 J OTI'1s,'+J' 11,47'ES. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON & HAYS, ,''Olir•it,0'3, dt•.1 BRUSSELS, 0341. MONEY TO LOAN. 11VV11 Money to Load on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Fendi, APPLY' TO J.C,IIefern an, J,A:Young., Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. :011 HONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6z Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steaiaohips. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE WAITNIGIITLr 001L1109 FROM PORTLAND of HALIFAX, To DERRY on LIVERPOOL. C AHIN HATES, 1040, 1$10 and 860, Siegle; 8a0. 8110 and 8110 Hawn, according to Location of Stateroom. Ago CATTLE ()ARMED. INTERMEDIATE, Outward 301; Prepaid 0034 Steerage at lowest bates. ACCOU1tlOrlattOn5 8gnsurpassnl. Apply to le. & A. ALI.AN, Idontre1l, mt. _i,:nNT, BRresnLE. 9 71.D.. \L.1.. Tel ..r.1i.+ 7 h SCOleh. ,,SPeCi((lr.•,3tr 4D i' Ton ON TO, 1ltC1.11.I0•1' 00I1 THE TREATMENT ": C'hrutia Diseatses. Private Diseases, Die. eases of the Brain ane Nerve, Dis- eases of the Heart and Lungs, and Diseases of Women positively Treated Suacsesfully. .TeNATIr41 IIU1011ART, Listowel, Paye "AM -1. 011113110 all my motley and property to nu 1+011.0se e1 medleal mea, Ion what they t, rumd u hepeleen 01000 el oousomptioa, Dr. Riuelair aired mc." 31ns 31.1110 Trr1,1 nxn, Woodhouse, "When all others hilted, Dr. Sluelair cored me of lite:" D R,;r.nl::ax, Carleton Plnee says;- Slmdair cured lee of Catarrh." Oso. 110wen, Hlyth, Days: Dr, Sinogr"ir cured me 0f heart diuense au4 dropsy, wh.ei' all ethers fel led. Dim eves nt L'rirate Nature, brought . a by elly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Can.,. Coss.aultutiosa. Fw'oo. h_'Lnn 11 it 1' gats will L. 0,:0111 to Responeilee Parte e. The chore aesthete: eek may 10 seen, pedigrees crenae ,rad prle,: Sb. wiled by nl'ply'ing to Vf Ptl'1Y,11' 231- l.t.e•_ -,ti.n 11. 0. .1 La Ma iLlliii•u1'3. .Tract i('rtl Watchmaker CLIL(G r t'IS"G lei. Thanking the pnblio for past favors tend support and welling still to 0000500 your patronage, to etre opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Raliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest DesicIns. JEWELRY Wunntso 1IINas, Limes Gan Rises, Bn0oohis, EARRINGS, &o. 13'"Algo a Full Lino of Vtanoss and Violin Strings, &o., in stook. Friday, April 24th, '91.. •l tui.' H. _D E•iN.d..V1 6,p M Calls the Attention of the Pubiir;• to the Fact that he continues to turn out First-class Light and Heavy harness as usual Nothing but A1 Stock used. .lust to Hand a Splendid ,Stoa'tt of horse Blankets, Rugs, Robes;, • Bolls, Whips; &e., &c. A. Largo 1ialige (1f Trunks, Valises and Satchels kept con- stantly on rand, -mil Sold -at Reasonable Prices. No Shoddy about then!, Speoial Attention paid to the Manufacture of horse Collars. Repairing promptly attondedd to, Ont. T\ L t, DBMS.