The Brussels Post, 1891-3-20, Page 3111
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Late British News.
Olonflmnption of Beer in Grer
A 'outhful Missionary.
Tragic lntpeded by a :Dart Bull.
Tian 7ttt'SStLS POST,
.. .mpp114raJartft0�r ?PoAmzrmwcmRW
the four -Mot way afterwards. Mrs, Tatter•
sill, who was severely lnttt•t about the head, HO 1► HENRY WAS CAPTURE
was carried 131311300 a stretehet'. The child '
30013 only slightly hruiao,l, -- A eombimltion of an organ and a 0101(33•
cello ie being exhibited in ,`'ares.
A new hill fur dealing with England's of- Details of the Arrest of the Defalll-• A white pitch lute been tlisenvere1 that
fenders, bop or girls, umim• 1(1, provides tlna 011atheinit0 can be run into deck scamshut.uoi10 lletand
that the court uuay, without prejudice to its 0
_ _ d
the ,hlll'N heat in an climate,
other powers, decide that', if the nfielder he One of the cleverest Pleert: ar'Sc 'Scheel 3,e De FOUVeia11 de Cour13nellea-of Paris nllt•gee
al boy, he may be whipped ; that the piareute :1',,,'13 knittp'it In Ninny Veers. -$('3U,eOU that Ira has etleeenl031 in conveying h
yt may ho lined nos more flout ole pound stet, 1' Y the
ea for tete us ileus mos tauten. eledrtrlo ou•relt to )31x((0031 internal segues
Ling 1 that the velvets le ((('de0ed to pay Beni itelte f 3'rarltett bur ('nnitrllnie b
compensation to the person injured not ex• of the humor body the cailxti tuegtA of mul-
cuading due pounds ; or that the parents
i'ugilt1e ieainents imitable for their reecn•ery,
must 31100 00(3113)1 for 3139 child's good bq- Pr'rhaps ono of t!,n elavvtnst pieces of It is stated that the muskrat is enabled
havioe. l'he o'ipping nwhCll p0t'fot'Ine(l atoll lllntlorn dOtective wx,tk is that which (per'• to travel under the lee of 0 frozen
he by a birch rn(, and shall not wooed eigh- ilttetld/nitKeller'. of tire Pinkerton Detective river 00 lake for a enusiderablo diatanee by
teen strokes. Agency hits just pieced to bis credit in con• respiring against the lee roof, where the
On Stolidity work Wail 1•3111111101 0.,t the iteetiett frith tate recently celebrated J(nllee bubbles of gas celled,(101 getting a }Leah
SJonnt Morgan Gold Mines, illerionethshlro, N. Henry defaleatim, from Chatham, Ont. supply of 03Y310.13.
l whore the ((1110 have for smite time been 1r' Kellert has ,lust arriv1)1 in Mo(tr03t1 Small nrtielex made or malleable iron are
s ehnt clown pending development opera. from the City of Alexi:ir, where he effected now flnished and polished bright by being
Vous and Cho roue.. of the negotiations 11130 attest of limey. In December last the lilm0cd in revolving drums with enrriere'
t of the Government, concerning Cro+S n uvlmlo of Caunda 1000 stnrticd by tile nevus shavings, trent which they emerge with all
r rlyalties. Tho 1,111 at Leta 0(11ne 0011010110 t`11tJau10S N. Henry, for many years one of ther0031)1 edges smoothed and the, sur.
of forty hoado of sLanlpa, and is capable the leading and most hb1111y respected facie highly polished.
I of crushing three thousand tons of quartz produce merehant0 of Chatham, Ont„ had Owing to the diflienities that have so often
. per month, The managers 11010 expect to go sk1p1 ed from the enlunt011 after securing been found with the closed type of o,ginem
013 crushing stone continuously throughout about .., 0,000 from the Chatham branch nt for electric liglltutacitinery, the English A'.1-
Ihe year, asl0rgo 03310,0000 01 gold -bearing the 11111lk of Moetreal. The hank tom mini- miralty has abolished them iu recent ships
quartz have been stacked at Cho mine for eated with the Matt Pinkerton Detective and substituted open e,3h1c0 of the eerie
13!1113„ Upwards of 403) Crown Itemises Agency 01 011100310. Detective Kelleet at pound type.
have Leen granted to gold peosi0eetut'1 in once. lett for Chatham, U'em arriving he
Wales daring the past Hyo years, but nearly
suneeeded in getting a hu�dd of some en- A Ball Without Men.
' t1(0 whole of these have been abandoned in- 0elopc8 whioh bore the post murk of the
eousequence of the action of the Crown, City of stexfem and widen he recognised to
which has excited great indignation in min-
ed i In the handwriting of Henry. They +iait-
ing circles Leoouglotut the Principality, the 110301 Jnrtlin, the most luxurious
Mr. William Price, the pioneer' of„We'' hotel in Mexico, and there found (hat henry
le'anfam in c01'did; dfed at his residonoe, bad been stopping at this place 0mn0 two
ClivC'1fvo Hall, on $1)301)33d nlm'ni(,J', at the weeks previous, but here the clue ended.
e cad age of 82 yrars. He. 1000 and q'hnir next +urn was in tho direction of the
1110000(1 himself as usual, 31111 asked his ser- Bank of London, Hero they obtained a
runt to bring up s cup of tea, 11'103 the clue which cleverly worked, made known
rant to the coop she fatted 13i30 When
g IIenry''(hiding 0 1.111and his ill ti mate arrest.
1rich his hauls clasped in prayer, Sho 31)3113- The man left lave his os 1.;(130 as 11'. H. Orr and
ed for a few moments, not w'ish10ff lo dis- notifyOrr 311101 t' It was then arranged to
curb him, but on approaching elle found to him, Orr camel money was elf a for
her alarm that he was dead. Deceased was , perste-tiednung o himself smiles, but
widely known and much respected by the little did the know thh a face atbellied theh
SVesle ions of the district, For the last e
half control' be 1, (110et aside 0 tenth of 111' Kell` 'tit paying tiller to
man Detective
income fur religious and charitable purpusos, hiellert, who was so soon to have him and
his confederates in the crotches of the law.
Traffic on the London, Chauhan, and The bank authorities told Ore' tient Henry's
Dover Railway was much impeded one receipt 31031)3 he necessary before they
morning by it mad bull that had got 013 the could band over the money. Orr replied that
lime, Between Camberwell and Wends- this would be impes0ible as Henry had left
worth the animal Was met by a Midland train the city for parts unknown, 13ut the bank
running from Victoria. The animal passed
the train. without injury, butwas then follow.
ed by a Chatham and Lover train. The
hull again escaped, and in running Prem
Viatone the train enmeup with the infuriated
beast tit Walworth, and ran him olose side
by side. (letting' nearer, the engine driver
took out his coal hammer and struck the
animal a heavy blow, falling it instantly.
bo dropped under the wheels, and its tail
was cut clean oft Eventually the bull was
killed, after being oil the lino three hours.
Lord Randolph Churchill has grown l
beard, and in the judgment of his encode
thereby/0000130 his political future.
A medicsl student was' sent to 31`nal n
(lreeenwieh1 recently' for fourteen (13tys fo
hissing a )1013331 10011(3111 against her will.
Tho consumption of tea in the U31itq
Kingdon tluriug last year reached the unpl•e
oedentedly high figure of 55.92, per head, tie
against 4.01 11,. in 1880-
A dotaciunent of Australian lronps is ex
twitted in 1.331133)3 to compete et the next
Annual Royal Military Tournament, whioh
is fixed for Slay 20311 and the following to
Two young num, 1111111011. Davies and Iifrrh,
were remanded at Manchester on 'iathlyday,
charged with robbing their employers of
11,000, They declared they lost the money
in betting at athletic gatherings.
Mr. Benjamin Davis, an aged aline', re-
siding at Mountain Ash, has revolved official
intimation front the United estates that his
wife's brother, who left Wales for America
14 year's ego, died recently, aid has lett, his
estate, valued at £20,000, 10 his only sister.
The treasury has increased from £5000 to
.£h000 per annum the grant oracle to the De-
pe'tment of Agric'llturo rn aid of local or-
ganizations which give various kinds of
egrimtltural teaching to the s0tisfactieu of
the Department.
By the late Duke of Be terl's will not
only his body was crenated, but several
boxes of personal clothing, beetles
slippers, and several walking sticks and um-
The strike fever is 00 strong in England
that u correspondent lieges the 0(11(1100 to
take a 1 and, protesting that the /Setabllshed
013re11 is one of the greatest of sweating
systems. The 0310002' is, that if all the 0nr-
ates went on strike their places emild he
readily titled,
The National Cot Club of Engld"h, whioh
was established several years ago to enceul•-
ago the breeding of good cats, reports pro
yiress, Tho Cat Uhtb " stud hook is rapidly
hlhng, 011d thence the improvement of tuts
throughout the United Kingdom is great
and general.
The death is announced at Ca0tlelyen0,'
County Coit, of Father Ferris, a clergyman
k331103 for' manyyears as a prominent Na-
tionalist. He .died in a Land League hitt
which he occupied since 1591, when be was
evicted front hie former tenancy for fetus:ng
to pay his rent.
It is the enstoln of the Bank of Engiantd
not to pay fractions of a penny in the case of
dividends on Government stock, These
(ructions have in the course of years amount-
ed to the. large sum of :£140,000, which
anment, it is stated, has had to be paid over
to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
A telegram from Colchester says the
smack (Renee of Brightlingsea is believed to
have been lost with her captain, Thomas
Tiller, and five hands off the north coast of
Holland. Her boat, shattered and water-
logged, has been pit'kedl up near Skillings
Oyster Gronnd, where she was known to
have been cruising.
The Nomadic, a 11031 White Star liner,
10110 launched by Harland & Wolff, at Bel -
fest, on Wednesday. Sho is 445ft long and
6000 tons burden, will Have two sets of
triple -expansion engines, and her manganese
propellers will be on the same principle as
those of the Teutonic and Majestic. She is
for the North Atlantic.
A West of England M.P. thinks he has
salved the mystery of "Jack the Ripper,"
His theory fs that " Iaok" committed
suicide on the ('gilt of his last outrage.
He gives a very eircumstautiel account or 0
man with blood-stained elothes,rwho com-
mitted suicide on the nigiht of the lust
mnrde', and assets that the man oras the
eon of a surgeon who suffered from homicidal
Daring last year the vah10 of the fish
lauded on the const of Scotland was 41,127,-
361, being an ineroase over 1889 of £134,-
476. About two•thirds of the whole
quantity +vas landed at ports on the east
coast, .
The strike mania has spread pretty far
down in the labor scale. One Saturday night
the members of a newly formed newsboys'
trades' union fn Greenock declined to sell
the "Evening Times" bemuse supplies
were given to boys who were not members.
Remains of the Palace of William the
Conqueror have been found at Willnhester.
According to 618 maps of the city in Non.
man times, 11110 Ring's kitchen, the residence
of the Master 01 the horsb, and 'four forges
occupied the site Where the excavations aro
now proceeding, so that the wall's discovered
probably loruned portions of the Palace
where public boomess was transaoted and
the Royal tre11llre stored. Tho fragments
'of the Walls are very massive, and contain
remnants elf nonan tiles.
A`Glasgowchurch committee, which held
'a meeting after service a few nights since,
got locked into the building, and were only
reasoned by a minister squeenng himself feet
foremost through a narrow fanlight over a
lofty door, to which he was hoisted by hie
A medical student entered a public -house
in Aberdeen, recently, and celled for a pint
of beer, On being supplied with the liquor
hed sake the barman if the ]'new of any per -
eon who sold ground glass. A tinca00
maker went and procured -the ground glass,
and tho student, mixing about half an ounce
of,i1 amongst hie beer, drank it,
Atl3olton on Monday night apublicfare.
well, was accorded Edward White, a youth
of 10, and ason of the dopety-oo'oner of the
borough, who departs this week to take up
missionary work in Central Soudan. A local
schoolmaster, named Hermann Harris, joins
him, and both were presented with purees
of gold and mediohle cases, the latter being
the gift of Colonel Bridegroom, 11X. P.
'White is said to bo Cho youngest tnissionary
that Inas left England's shores.
On Wednesday morning an extraordinary
00033110 from death oceured at llaslfngcleh
Station, A woman named Tattersall was
crossing Cho line to colah the 0,28 train for
Accrington with a little girl in her arms,
Just as the train entered the station, whilst;
she was waiting on the level crossing, a
goods train to Manchester knocked her and
the child dowvn. The on Me and sixty wag.
Stories are not uncommon of letters
havin0 gone the round of the globe and then
reached their proper destination Some-
thing stranger than this has just occurred at
liar mithaneghaun. ler. Groves, one of the oldest
officials of the County Court in that city,
received on Friday last a letter wihich had
been addressed to him and posted at S taIlord
in the month of July, 1856- The letter
hears the stamp mark made at Cha Stafford
Post Oilice in that month, and the 7311301031. l coov.'yed it to tine brothers, who treated it
ham post mark of the succeeding clew, with silent contempt. They were then arrest.
There Is also the Birmingham post mark of 'ed and treated las their brother was, but still
February 6, 1861. How or where thislettoo they refused to give henry away. Baffled
has so ion [g, remained has not yet been aeeee- here, Detective ]Gellert resolved to 0.o to do
tamed. The probability is that it )nes
turned up amongst odds and ends that have
just been brought to light preparatory to the
(minder of the General Post Offi:e to the
Lowly -erected premises.
A ball without neon is the unique and ex-
traordinary 0peeta0le to which the citizcas
of Now York trete recently treated Two
thousand working girls, representing twenty
clubs, and watched by eight thousand spec
tatnrs, nlet in SIoilmenSquare Garden the
other evening and joined in dances and other
exercises. Only three even were present and
these were there to twefet in the direction of
the entertainment, The girls went through
the gland march, a broom drill, a music
drill, quadrilles, a Virginia reel and other
dunces, osuortetl one another out to supper
and as each club wore its tarn calors and as
of them prettyand oxprulsivl'a castumee, the
spectacle is said to have been highly inspirit-
ing. This discrimination agamst the men
greatly puzzles the New 1 o•k ban. 'file
only explanation of a social phenomenon so
remarkable 10111011 the Sea can suggest is,
that it was due to certain unreasonable and
unnatural ]regulations 0f the Associations to
which the girls belong, and over which Miss
Grace Dodge presides ; that la, the girls hal
insisted 011 getting the rac0ipt 113)3 Orr left onno option in the matter. But is this the
very mnchet:ogrened, His movenlentswere becaustmnnwere clusttbe inferred Cha
shadowed and he was followed to a quaint ofltome men were excluded it'sas on 30(0(33
Old building, run as a soap manttfaetur a rake which the girls would have set
where Ile wes joined by1 y' aside if they could , It is still possible,
two other bro who though to the Sun it does not seem
afterwards 1311(04 out to be his brothers, able, that the girls themselves me responsi-
a f0. ininu0 in an animated hastendiscused
fur 1110 for the peculiar character of their enter -
to the bank and said he could not find Henry pinion which is not unknown, that dancing
and that it was impossible to get a clue to with men is not exactly the proper kind of
his whereabouts. From his manner the amasententfor a young woman to engage he
officers knew ho was lying and at once That the ,Sten is incapable of sympathizing
hint underarrest- was taken to with any conscientioissornpleson the subject
where he Was told he 3103111 have to remain the balm or prison, and thrown intocell, of promiscuous dancing is evident from the
following, taken from its account of the en -
till he divulged the whereabouts of 'Henry. tertainment:
Urr then sat down and wrote the following "Girls, whether they are working
nolo to his two brothers: girls or girls of leisure, may very prop -
Dear Brother—Show the officers where. erly meet together in conventions for
Ilenry is, as I am in the 11410111 and rant get too 0100005100 of measures for the riie:nlar
out til he is produced. (Signed) 33 111 -]13x. 1
The note was entrusted to an officer who benefit of women, but when they go to a
ball to (lance they «ant anti ought to have
men for partners. The moral welfare of
society itself requires that (len and women
shouldnotheseparated on such an occasion."
Indeed, that journal does not hesitate to
assert that to do away with the dance or to
compel men and women to dance separately
" would take tete life out of social inter-
course and paralyze society." Bot though
the ideaisunilnaginable to the Sun that 0013-.
scientiousscruplesoouldhavohad anything to
do with giving the entertainment its peculiar
character, itieteeenevetheless that ninny re-
spoatable enemhersofeocioty have thof rd onbis
about the propriety of dances in which men
and women prolnis0nonely engage. Of course
this (loos not prove that the opponents of
dancing are right and all others wrong, no'
is it mentioned here as though it ended all
controversy, but only t00h0w that the alter.
natives are nab exhausted when it is suppos-
ed that the working girls of New York were
compelled by the rules of their society to
exclude the men from their annual hall. The
question as to the propriety of promiscuous
(lancing still remains open notwithstanding
this unusual event.
A Nurse's Experienos.
The Biagio Tax Theory.
Misery, said Prof, Ashley in his recent
lecture before the Political Science Club of
Toronto University on theeingde tax theory,
11 caused by at least three things : (1) There
is not enough produced in the world to sat.
isfy the needs of all and make every one
cornfortable ; (2) goods are not fairly divided
between employe•s.rnti employed ; and 113)
there aro moral defects in the human ewe.
At first blush the statement that the present
production of the world is insufficient to
satisfy the needs of all and render them
comfortable will, no doubt, appear to many
unwarrantable. For with warehouses filled
with goods waiting to be distributed the
general pope ar impression is that there is
rather an over than an under -production. A
little thought, however, will show that the
statement is literally true, and that were an
attempt made to render tho miserable con•
fortable the supply would be exhausted long
lidera the work was completed. Thomisory
growing out of this under -production hs
aggravated by the foot that of that whioh is
produced many have much more than they
need or can use. How to remedy this matter
and bring about a more 081101 distribution
of the good things of this life is the difficult
problem which social economists are trying
to solve. But there can be no question
that the greater part of the misery is
due to the third cause stated by Prof. Ashley
and to the intemperate and wasteful habits
that spring front these moral defects. Who
will deny that if the money spent in the sal.
eons was used in purchasing those things
Which bring 0Onhfort to the nome a wondoeful
change lvould 00011 takoplace among the poor
of our large centres of population. No doubt
misery would still exist, for even the man of
'correct habits has no immunity from the
mf8fortunee of life, but Cho amount
Would be so trilling compared with
What exists at present would indeed,
hardly be worth mentioning, It is
plain, therefore, that these would, be
benefactors of their fellowmen whose
plans have reaped, only to a change of tine
individual's environment are making an
egregious and radical blunder in ignoring
the fact that in this problem character is no
less important a factor than oireumstanee0.
Gallantry of the Bioux
.A correspondent, who has just returned
from Pine Ridge agency, tolls a story of the
visiting Sioux Indians, who are now fel
VVashingion. Ho said last night 1
n Reading in the Press of the reception
the Dndians received in °hurter last Sunday,
and the fact that they 01111ondecl the theater
Monday evening, recalls a funny inoident
that happened when They wow uh Cblongo
a fou dlays ago of lento to Washington,
she manager who Ilan ohargo of the visiting
Indians thotiglht 110 would ann c them by
taking them to the theater in the evening.
Ho never for moment thought that tragedy
would rouse the warlike nature, of witl0ih
the Sioux is so abundantly endowed, Well,
ho got them into several boxers all t'i;lit,
and everything went well until the tlurcl
act, The play was a heavy tragedy and in
this act the heroin was to bo 1(3l10(1. The
minute the villain attempted to strike the
woman with a knife, three of the Sioux rose
from their seats and actually prepared tc
leap over the boxes onto the stage .for tit
purpose of rescuing the heroit1e. TIm
theater was aeon Man uproar, and it was only
by removing 0110 three refraototy Indlians
from the theater that the:actors, Would pro
gone passed ever them. oth wore found in 000d,
ftwtory, and accompanied by the ofRcers he
visited the place. The janitor was in at-
tendance and threatening him with the
same fate that had mat his employes, if he
persisted in refusing to tell what he knew
as to Henry's whereabouts, he fell on his
knees and imploring mercy pointed to a
door loading to a little room or closet fn an
unoccupied portion of the building. The
0111/01.5 went to the door and kuocketl, get -
ring no answer they forced it open, when lo!
before their very eyes crouched under a
little cot in the room , on his face written
the terrible agonies which he suffered, and
his whole frame trembling like a leaf, was
the once respected and princely merchant
now a felon hunted to his lair. He broke
completely down and sobbed like a child.
" Don't kill me, gentlemen," ho exclaimed,
when he found words t b speak, "I surrender.
Take me and Dart me into prison, I deserve
to suffer for what I have done. Don't band.
cuff me, I will go peaceably." He was taken
from the room and thus within 24 hours of
his arrival in the City of Mexico Detective
Kellert had Henry ill the prison cells. But
the hardest and cleverest piece of work was
yet to be done. No money was found on
Henry'sperson when he was arrested and
there was 130,000 to account for, In the
room was a largo calve of soap about two
foot square. Mr. Keller' peeled off his coat,
fur the temperature was very high, and set
to week with a wire to cut up t110 cake of
Kellert took from Cho inside of the cake
an envelope containing 31000 in greenbacks,
sent to J. N. Henry by his 001) in Detroit,
to defray preliminary expenses. Thera re-
mained but one thing more and that was
the waste paper basket and to this Detective
Iiellert turned his attention, and after three
hours he sticceoded front the torn mites of
which he gathered, 111 Mooing up letters
from bars.Henry; his wife in Detroit, and a
telegram which ons dated Jan. 0, upon
which was the full explanation of whore the
money could be obtained. The telegram
stated that on that date, Jan. 0, $5000 of
the money had been sent by the Wells Fargo
Express Company from Detroit to the City
of Mexico, The parcel arrived the day fol.
lowing this discovery and was obtained by
Superintendent Kellert. The letter showed
that 310,000 more was in the Benno dos
National of the city in certificates loft there
for oolleotion. Kellert had his mem in prison
and every dollar of the hank'ts motley re-
covered. The (ext move was to ko before
the Governor and have Henry committed for
extradition, and as nothing more could be
done until the arrival of- the extradition
papers from Ottawa and being mode sure of
Henry's safe -keeping until his return to the
oily of Mexico, Mr, iiellort loft for Chicago
and is now on his way to Ottawa for the
necessary papers.
1ixaslrcraled by 8191 Ilns0and'e Continued
Abuse Sloe Soot Off pals Nose,
C113cAoo, Marden 12,—Driven to dospera.
anon by ahu:e, the wife of n salesman named
Henry Akin attempted to kill her husband
yesterday by Sheeting hint in the head. Akin
went home drnhk and began quarrelling. He
seized his wife and was chocking her aaus00!.
Sho heel prepared herself for sneh an foci'
dont, and jerking a revolver from her poc-
ket, filed it in ids face. Their throe small
children screamed with fright,, and the
police, running in, placed hnsbantand wife
under arrest. Akin will recover, but will
bo 100001000 and bear a scar four inches long
across his check,
"This is not at all in my line," said the
hangman when lin examined an'oloatrieai
machine for working off a 03110MA. ono it every 200.
I had rather a painful experience this
morning, which haunted me all day. I went
to call on a poor consumptive patient and
found oho had died suddenly in the night.
The scone (night have come out of one of
Dickens's novels, I heard eager voices from
the open door as I climbed the steep stairs,
and, stepping in, found the family and soma
three 01' four female neighbors assembled,
and in the midst the poor woman laid out
on the be dead
d, and still' 133(1 motionless,
She was so emaciated that you could hard-
ly discern the body beneath the sheet ; there
seemed to be only a head, with the face all
altered from the day before, thin and stern
and placid. An elderly female, a sort of
Mre. Gimp, volunteered a garrulous account
of the death,
"She's a beautiful corpse," she remarked,
gloatingly pulling down the sheet for me to
see. ' See how nicely she's laid out, nurse.
I've had praotioe at laying out."
Then she consulted me in a professional
sorb of way, Should the corpse remain
where it wee, or did I think the }coning
board wield be a bettor place ? "The board
is rather short, you see,' she added, " and
it wouldn't do for her head or her legs to
hang over the and, would it now, nurse ?"
I said, " No, it wouldn't, " and tried to
lnalce appropriate responso0. but the stuffy
room, the complacent neighbors, ani the
silent, rigid corpse lying before Inc, together
with the utter ahsenoe of any sense of the
solemnity of death, filled ale with a sicken.
ing feeling of disgust. It was simply tor•
riblo. Alls1 could do wa8 to impress on them
to have the funeral soon (they are certain to
keep the corpse a week) and beg the Mr
Gamp to use her influence with the daughter
(who was oat) on titan point.
"Certainly, nnrae, I rim quite of your
mind, answered the Gaup, droving her.
self np and puttug herself or it pleasing
equality of manner with me, whom olio mis
tool( for a professional nurse. A sense of the
grin) humor of it all burst over mo, and 1 f
hurried away, feeling that I should begin to
laugh nervously if 1 remained. But, its I
have said, the scone has haunted me all dray.
—Temple I3ar.
Unjustly Revue- b 1
Old Gentleman» -1' Aro you not sorry now' 1
that you didn't work for your money like c
other people?"
Convlot—" I've worked hard for all the
money I ever made, sir."
Old Gentleman—"I. thought you were
hero for oointorfoitfng ?" g
Convict---" So I am. I male 32,000 in i
tons and twenties and I've clone tot years 1
at hard labor for it."
It is ostimatedt hat fn England 1 g lan d 01 to mal i1r
ri00" obs a collo o education, and in America i
Little I1o's Letter,
A t5t !pilo buhy blether '
Il d eon, to live whit Flo,
Mei lee wantedit bre tl;ht to the tab's
!hr 111 Immo) .(1.,10)3 1'1.1110--
ltmus1+1llifor awh1lc, '1,1118 grandma
Ltan1e•.1 to herlleu,
For a litter thing that hn�n't teeth
t'an'1 eat 111;0 )333 ,(1)1 roti'
" SVhy hasn't i t got teeth, grandma t"
Asked .lin 13101 ')) rue•pr,se ;
"110, np 1 hue ]sn'l. 1( 1113331
No 10,1h bol'. n0,0 and 03)3.93
1 31130:0" mitre (1 0lcing gravely)
Ihey (1(1101 13000 been ferdot--
G tn't WO 1111y 1,130 lei 131 like grandpa 1
1'd like to know why not!"
'Ilea afternoon to the corner
mem and
Wig t�talk to 100,
11 yen do it'll slop my think ; -
1'm Writing 11 latter, grandma,
113 ,end away tonight,
And 'cause11 very 'portant
1 want to get it right,"
A t bet I he letter was anislted,
A'wonderful thing to see --
And directed to ''tied in Lca}-cu,"
"l1^Il 13)1,311"4±'1' toole,'
b'u'.d lilt le Fto tuber gt'arld111n,
'•'fu ,1 1r., fight :mit know."
•ten here 1.1110lel h',' written
To clue by little F'h, :
"1 tear Cod—The hely' von brought n,
1- awful riled and --acct,
1111 'ciuwe yon fordo• 10:, 1,10810.,
The poor 11rt.Ir thin;; can't eat 1
That's why I'm waiting t.ld, lo: for
A purpose to let yoe knew,
1"rase am313 and 11111-b t110 batty:
That's a111 from Lru•1.0 FLO,"
Dent's for "'abbe Use,
" Don't " 310it ltntil in front of a ticlte
seller's window before trying to find your
drapery -hidden pocket. If tickets cal h
purchased in quantities on welter you fr
quently travel, purchase then, and 0131
ether people's temper and year own time.
Prisoners 1:ruelfic(i Ill ,tp )4 ttse be Wroth
ql'a 1111,,:.
In the ]ling of Daltoi.'y's eonntry, lyl
Africa, that worthy huts a 10(09 not al.
together plea0ant of detain', with those"
incurring 1310 fro, .11'1,1 his defeat at
Kotonou, he relfev"d itis fuelinys by 11n ex,
p0clitiotl against at11110 called the Egbes, and
took several thousand pri':ollers. A. traveler
writes of their foto that wheel within.
about five 1111100 of Abulney lie was shoelted
by the spectacle of a living matt tied to -a
cross near the side of the path pursued by
Mtn and his escort, The poor wretch was
itis true, afire, but unl far from dead.
Ilia face was swollen by 1130 sting0 of insects,
and his whole body was scarlwnl by their
kites, The cross was of rough-hewn wood.
and ill shape simillur to that known to
eSOry Christian. The 01501,3, ryas tied
tightly with a 0(1 30 uatde Of 11 3,1110 which
grows tllicltl in the Dahomey crests T
b Y y f The
rope smelt deep into the fieri, and he wag
utterly unable to help Himself. The lower
portion of the body indicated) that Penne
wild. emitted Had been gnawing at hint. -
Hardly had the traveler passed one tank
he came upon another (133,1 similar speetael0,
All bile Way to Ahemoy 11111"11'040 of wretch
BN were exposed upon crosses, 0onie of them
d yi11gau3 othera de:dd,1] iegnord told him that
all these were Egbals captured in the r00en1
raid and 9nnlia1en in this way for rerneting
110diw.i,i, who claimed to he the lord para-
mount of the Egba eaullt*y. In Ono place
where a cross had stood was curled up an -
immense python, , The serpent had ap-
t. paren11ly Leen making some effort to swallow
the man On the cross, for the latter was
e crushed to 11 oliy, and the mese lay melmsu. hunt and 1300)0en et the ';round. Butt the
•p pitiless rope of vine etill held the remains to `
the timber, and the serpent was rifea7) m]itnted
in its ureal. Toe 'loomed oiserlol)lus had
been exposed to their fate in the course of
the previous three days, and within a week
the sun, the inserts, and the wild beasts
end birds would leave Iittle more than hones.
Ah•early the vultures were hovering about,
and in 0omeiestnn0el had begun their feast.
" Don't" carry your mnbrella with utter
disregard of the people behind you or on
either side.
"Don't" wait until yon remelt the station,
a few minutes before it is time for the train
to start, before you find out the time for
stating, arrivicg at your destination and
the thee of connection. Other passengers
,1;11 to take the sante. train, and In1Nt buy
tickets. And " don't " argue the question
of the price of your ticket with the richer
seller ; the price is settled by the managers
end directors of the road. It the price is
nnjuet, address a communication to them,
cul stay at home t ill the price is satisfac-
tory ; or pay it, and keep still.
"Don't" treat the hotel cleric a8 if he
were a personal enemy because be does not
give you the best room In the house. Thera
is only one best, and the other honored •nes
arrived first and agreed to pay the price fo
the room.
"Don't " tell the clerk behind the county,
what you think of that store and the sytem
under which it is ren. He only receives 910
per weelz ; ff lie could chacl"e the system to
the adr0utagc of the fir -11 he would not be
behind the counter,
"Don't "call on your friends in a store,
occupying seats intended for the accommo-
dation of customers who are buying. If you
have clone brtyingf,l; you are wasting the
clerk's time, that has a money value. Retire
to the parlor, provided in all first-class
establishments, with your friend, o• to a
place that will not intcrettere with other
elneto10ees, Thjs is a busv world.
" Dori't" occupy the end Peat in a pew
and compel other people to pass you. Even
a wedding does not justify this.
" Don't " wear the largest between among
your circle, if large hats aro worn, nor the
smallest; the largest sleeves, if large sleeves
are worn, nor the tightest if tight sleeves
are worn. There is no use in protesting
against the long skirt on the street; the
woman who wears that is hopeless. A wise
woman or a tactful woman is never remark.
able for her clothes. Sho applies the wis-
dom of Hagar, and displays neither poverty
nor riches, but has sufficient for the station
in which she is placed, maintaining an
honest position to her husband, home and
' Don't " entertain on such a lavish scale
that the guests watch the daily papers,
fearing a report of financial failure that will
prevent your having another entertainment.
Don't " be afraid to be gracious, through
fear that you give a false impression of your
position. It is the uncertain throne ceou•
pied by the urs11per that needs constant
holstering. The true king feels secure in
his rights.
"Don't" make the mistake of thinking
that your affairs are the most important in
the world, and be shocked if all your friends
do not remember the last important 17101, -
dent with which you were connected.
Events my have driven that from their
minds, and incidents frequently occur in
other people's lives that are somewhat im-
portant to them, though you Inky have for-
gotten thein.
Nen' Cruisers for the Stpnnix)/ Navy'—Petro.
lento roe Fuel—,'lite ,argentine ('1-013.
or— A Wonderful (;cul,
There is it great contrest between the num-
ber of 0360010 luuilable for active se'yicein the
British Navy and the number in the French
Navy. Oa the plea that there are more un-
employed natal officers ostensibly rated as .
on actfv0 service in the French Admiralty
t list than he knows what to du with, M. Bar-
. hey, the ,Minister of Marble, has introduced
to the consideration of the Chamber of
n, Deputies a scheme which will greatly aug-
ment the scale of pensions hitherto allowed
to French 1110001 officers upon their re-
tirement front active service under age -limit
clauses. M. Barbey snggests that frigate
Captains on the active list to the number of -
210 might be permitted to claim their retire-
ment, with the rank of Post Captain and an
equivalent pension, after a continuous ser-
vice of eight years 111 the former glade.
The sante indulgence of a nominal promotion
amt increased 901181011 will he granted to 720
ship Lieutenants, who after fourteen years'
active 0010100 will acquire the right to the
retiriug allowance of frigate Captains.
"Ono may, perhaps, be justified," soya '
the .."Vera/ and dlllil"ry .fkaord, "fn receiv-
ing the aocounts of the Graydon gun with
caution when it is remembered that, the
inventor' is an American officer, A gun,
said to be capable of throwing a projectile
containing 000 pounds of dynamite, would
certainly revolutionize modern warfare, and
true ld put the Portuguese na3yy nearly
on (1 level with the British fleet. Sir. Frank .
Stockton, in his amusing novel, , The Groat
'lVar Syndicate,' bus pictured such a weal
poo, and describes how a fort eon bo
completely swept away by a single shot,
leaving only a bald spot upon the hillside.
Something very ,like this has appeared in
the Times, although, to be sure, there is
some difference between a charge of 000 -
pounds and one of 29 pounds, which seems
to have been the largest asyet experimented
upon. If the Graydon gun fulfils the
expectations of its inventor, we shall be -
within a measurable distance of European
disarmament, but the critics appear to be
doubtful on this point,"
A Dollar a Foot for Damages,
" And that reminds me," chimed in one
of the party, " of a peonliar ease which
happened some years ago on the Grand
Trunk, A car jum ed the track 11nd tore
down a steep embankment, but fortunately
no one was killed. Among the inmates of
the Oar, however, was a farmer who so-
stain,4 some very severe injuries and was
compelled to remain for several weeks in
bed. His physician asserted that the spine
had been permanently affected, and, roal-
i'riug that a suit for damages would prob-
a(hly' ensue, the railroad company sent an
.,gu0t to the injured man wrtlh an offer to
oompromise. The agent palled as directed,
and, after discussing the matter with the
sufferer, asked him point blank to name the
sum he would expect in the way of dam-
" 1 Well, let lite see,' replier' the other,
'Roiled clear down the bank didn't I?'
" Yes, clear down, every foot of the way
from to > to bottom.' ' - -
rr t How far do you reokon it to have
been )1
1' About sixty feet I should say,'
"' About sixty feet, eh ? Now let me
think a minute,' Then, musingly : ` About
sixty foot you :midi Well, I guess about a
dollar a foot wouldn't be too steep, would
1 ? That would bo about the square thing,
I think, Just give me that and I'll call it
The compromise was made ill hurry.'
A self -sot ing electrical balance lass recent•
y been invented. 'the object to he weighed
to n laced inthe an 1 to o1.s
s be c p, 313,1 h o os the
ircol t, starts a motor, and t0000a the
330i31ht out cit the beans of the balance.
When the equipoise is established the oil.
uit is broken.
A hind of moth or butterfly is said to Have
memo so very troublesome and destructive
n Bavaria that every possible moans hes
loon taken to destroy it. The most effective
method consists of attracting tho pest by
meals of an elootrio light in correction
wits a blow fah, which draw'0 the insects
Me the suction pipe by air draught at:d
omits in millions of them being destroyed.
Not to be Fooled,
"Now, jest you go right along ; you
needn't stop here," said Farmer Hayfork,
authoritatively. " I don't want no lightein'
"I am not selling lightning rods," re-
sponded the sleek -looking peddler, whose
sudden appearance at the gate had aroused
the ire of Farmer Hayfork,
j1 I don't keor what yer selhin'," replied
the farther. " I don't want it, an' won't
tape it, and that's ell there is about it. I
know the tricks of you city sharpers. I
read the papers, I do. You can't catch me
on any double -back -action pumps, or any
self -working churns, 'or patent ,Egyptian
own fresh from the pyramids—not much;
and I don't want to take any mowers on
trial, either, and sign a /receipt fer it and
have it come book as a ninety -day note for
$10,000. Aro, siree. Anti yon can't buy
it bank at a big advance, because some con-
federate of yours comes along and oifors
twice what you gave for it. Nixy 1 I'm 110
chicken, Naw clear out."
I only want--"
" Oh, yes ; yon only want to get my name
to anything at all, so you can snake a note
out of it. �I'nt u}1 to all such tricks. I road
the papers, I (10.7'
I only want to show you our newatent
reversible hens' nests." p
"'What on earth is them ?"
"It's an ordinary hen's nest, only it re-
ver0os itself every time. a hen lays an egg,
and drops the egg into a basketbelow."
" What good is that?"
" Can't you see? The hon turns round to -
look at the egg, but it ain't there, and she
concludes she didn't loy any, and sits right
down and lays another one, and so on, Only
°i13ygum l Gimtaeadozen,"
Spoiling a ,Horse,
Buyer—" Lookee here, yen 1 You said
this horse was soundanrl kind and free from
tricks, The first day I drove flim he balked
a dozen times, and lee's as bad,"
Dealer—'r Um --you've been wondering if.
I cheated you, maybe ?"
" Yes, 1 luaus."
" And tho first time you drnv the hose
you sort 0' wondered if he Hadn't sotme,
tricks, didn't you 0"
" Of course, -
" And yon kept saying to yourself, r I
wonder if that there Horse will balk t
bol" , may
" Probably."
" And you had your mind on it at good
deal, most like ?
"That's tem."
" That's 'wot's the Inattor."You'vel 9p nco
tizodhinh, Sea?" ` ..