The Brussels Post, 1891-3-13, Page 8CASTOR OIL! 1 have lately received a very ]Fine Stock of Castor 011. Ml Otho use this medicine in their family should get a supply, 1 � won't soy that it is tasteless, but it certainly is much nicer than that which is generally sold.1 Try some and see. I make a Specialty of keeping the Best and Purest Drugs that can be bought. Your esteemed patronage so- licited, which will have our hest attention. I filo Yours truly, G. A. DEADI'J , Lreggist, Bookseller, Se. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 2OU'TREltN icareeSI(» W. 0. & 0. Trains lease Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GoINO SnnTlt. Gu:Na Nom 0. Mail f1:5. a.,n. Mixed MO a.m. Express 11140 a.m. \I ail.. ....801 p.m. Maxed 6:18 pm. . Express' ::.... 9:41 p•m. .cal ctclUS GTts. A ahiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. ]STAPLE engar weather. EASTER Sunday, March 20th. REDEEM all sizes, Gen. Good. , Tae village auditors are at work. 'ffixs. JAttus Ross has been on the sick list. ]fins. Jive, Tele is vlsitiug at Brant- ford. Sam= pickles by the quart, Geo. Good. TIMOTHY and clover seed et Geo. Bseker's. Comma and Timothy send at Mc. Craoken's. T. WATSON, of Barriston, was in town on Tuesday. Jas. Loam of Brussels, has gone to Fargo, Dakota. THERE will be quite a building booin in Brussels this year. R. L. TATLon, Barrister. is ill with a bad attack of quinsy. M. Soon, of Petrie, was visiting et John Tait's last week, MairLANn Presbytery niet in Lnckoow on Tuesday of this week, Reroit'rsays Levi Lott ititeid0 rem .iv. Mete IVingbain before long, A .;non brick house to rest at Sell, Apply at the Woollen mill, Deus -eta. Orr nails, ?2.I 1 ; coal oh, Ute ; chop- ping axes from 50c to AOC. 11, Gerry, TME recent thaw and the unsidewalkrd street, north of the bridge, make a bad nombivation. RrssezL FLmrcuen is hone from Lis- towel High School suffering iron alt at- tack of influenza, THE Eerepthorne, of Mitchell, stook of 1100 pairs of boots gelling its very low prices. Geo. Good. Mn. WILSON, a student, officiated in Knox (thumb last Sabbath. Rev, Ur. Johnston will preach next Sunday. EnwAnn GRIMM:MIT IT has gone to Owen Sound with the purpose of prospecting with a view of making, his home there, "BETTER late than never." The Bazaar fathiono for March have arrived. Gall and get one free. Alex. Strachan, JAtioe DCNFoRD has been promoted from Brampton to Clinton. He is in the employ of the Grand 'Drunk Rail- wPLEASE return the two screw jacks, soh as are used for moving buildings. They were taken out last Spring. 13. Gerry. RE= Sabbath morning Rev, S. Sellery will take "Canadian Methodism" as his topic and in the evening "A foolish ex. penditure." W. SPENCE, of Ethel, was in town sev- eral days last week in connection with she winding up of the Tindall est du of which he was the Assiguee, Tien PosT Will be sent to new subsarib• pt's for the balance of 1801 for one dollar, tit advance. We want to add 100 names to our tobsariptiou list during the month of Marsh. Pumas. Enyroor,s Si Slaw's Big Gilt Show will exhibit in time Town Hall, Bres'els, on Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday evenings of next week. They give away 100 presents nightly, WtATEvER will be of interest in any neighborhood Of this county is good chatter for publication. If subsuril]ers and readers of TBE Pogr will send along the news of their neighborhood they will confer a favor. LAST week A. Stesoban completed the removal of his large stook of dry goods, groceries &o., to the corner store in Dr. Graham's block stud is now comfortably settled. The sloop looks first-class. It tea splendid stead for business. Leer s LIVItny.—The !attention of the PubUo is stalled to the fact that Levi Lott keeps a firat.claas outfit of good drivers and new, comfortable buggies, Every attention will be given to those favoring him with their patronage. Stable just east of 'Dr. Graham's block, King street. Give biro a call as his rates will be found within the reach of all. 9 1 Yes I—A meeting of the members of bit Binssels Caledonian Society and the moulbors of the Brussels Driving Park' Association will be held in the Town Hall on Monday, 10th inst., at 8 P. re., to consider what is to be done with.the funds on hand to the credit of al ties. T. t mac 13ome J, :( Ross, See. B. C. S.; E, S, Seen, See. D, I', A. This is 1111 1915,8' Arse, PEEia Rttm'—The eitccess of ole last word finding oontoet, just closed, en. cottrages US to offer another free Trip around the World, or its cash equivalent to the persons trending fn the largest list of wpr(le spelt the same forward and beats. watc€e such as "Pip" "Bob" "Hannah," Ttia` content closes May 16. Three daily prizeg torlthe three largest Bete re0eived, fiontest is 'open to the World. Every- one sending tea words will get a prize, Nearly 1200 won prizes in out recent ton- teet, hales and eatnple paper 12 conte, together with a large illustrated eata• t]gtte. .&(dread Detre Magazine, Orillia, 1 HJR Jt3Ml; a`aJ~..LS F'OST E feel to -clay that we have one of the Largest, Cheapest and Best Selected Stocks in the County, comprising all the lines kept in a general country store. We endeavor to buy goods suitable fly the people of this community. We always make it it point to purchase Good Sound Goods, and sell them at the Lowest Possible Price Con- sistent with a living profit. We know that we havo nds'antagos to place goods before you at n loss price than any other Iucl'cbant doing business in this town : it is therefore as liiuch to your advantage as to ours to do your trading with us. IVB want you to call and get our terms and prices before making your spring and summer pilt'chgsos. If we then cannot offer you inelaceluents bottel than other merchants doing a commission business can, wo do not expect your custom nor y'otu' influence. Business 110W 18 (lone 011 business principles only, and it's value that the people want, and it is with that idea in view we want your attention directed our way this coming season. Wo aro determined to put prices clown so low as to more than satisfy seine of the merchants, who have been Fo anxious to get into business koro, that thero is no menu io be 'mule, but 11111011 to be lost, and chat experience is sometimes dearly bought, which, 'no doubt, will bo the (experience of some in this town before many months to come. Men with a few hundred dollars in business cannot sell you gcods as cheap its we can, and the sooner they find it out the sooner their grasping experiences will be gratified. YOGP OBEDIENT SERVANTS, 0 IG GA J. T. Com Sundayed in Kincardine. Jxo. FERorsoN was In Stratford thi week. Miss, 1. Mast:est is visiting in Sea forth. 296E "I told you so's" aro as thick a usual. CLOVER, Timothy and Garden Seeds a Thomson's. Mas. MALCOL1r and Nina are visiting a Kincardine. Woo is going to capture the Grau Silver tankard? DRY hardwood delivered for 21.5 per cord. 13. Gerry. Mun. ELLIOTT, an old resident of Brus sols, is dangerously ill. MTS. CAMPBELL is visiting with he father, A. Bawtinhimer. HARRY Demroan, wife anti children Ief for Dakota on Monday of this weeds. MIss HALLIDAY, who has been visiting her parents, has returned to Detroit. A cos of horses was shipped from Bretssels to Manitoba last Monday by A. Ballantyne. A. Senesce, of Rostock, a former regi• dent of Brussels, was in town for a few days this week. THE base ball, cricket, lacrosse and lawn tennis clubs should begin to get ready for work. CHEAP goods, binder twine 81 cts. per lb., gnaranteed good. Please give me your orders. B. (terry. CALL and see Stretalutu's Disci( Ilse Goals, a nice ee'ection of second more. ing as Well, Something real nice. Moo, Public and Separate Sohnole will close for East• r ho;ilnvs on Thurs• day, the 21ltb or all.truh, till the Tuesday following. Time. Pose welcomes James Menzies and family as residents of Brussels. They moved from their farm in Grey this weed:. Evmm•nonvgo to Strachan's for rubbers. Dont let the eltildren get their feet wet going to scbool for the small cost of a pair of rubbers. Aorox AxDENSON its back front Manito- ba where he has been moulding the young idea. He intends to devote his attention to the study of dentistry and will pursue his studies in Braatels. Socitr„—A social will be held at the resideuce of John Hill, 10th con. of Grey, on Friday evening of this week. Conveyrtnee.3 will be at TRE Poor Pub- ishing House at 7:30 to convey persons o Mr. Hill's. A good time is expected. LAST week P. Scott purchased a Oar - isle Dolt at Mrs. It Brown's sale. It is aid to be a very likely animal and will e speedy. If Mr. Scott spreads out a ittle more on the horse line he wilt be arming opposition to the celebrated Don • et' on a small scale. Or course the ladies remember the caetifnl prints Strachan had last year. 'his year they are still prettier end So ery obea.p. Every lady should have a inestateen dress and something pretty or the girls too, It will be worth your bile to coma and see them. "It's an ill wind that blows nobody ood,” Now we are all the very latest tyle and not laughing at emelt ether. lie fire cleaned out all then ancient bye - ones, so say the brand new stook or hats r btrachan's. Spring will son be here, oyo, so when you want a new bat dont orget the new store—one door north of epper's drug store. THE Royal. Templar) of Temperance f. this place have a friendly visit from 'roxeter Council in prospect. interest. g meetings are being held in oonneotion ith Brussels Temperance organization nd new members are coning in, Tho ounoil is considering the advisnbiliby holding monthly Gospel Tontperartae settings. Tutt Vanabone property, consisting of our and saw mills, stores, houses, land, e., will be offered for sale by Dublin etioi on Thimroda.y, April and, by apt. Stratton, auctioneer, These Hops parcels should sell well as they e well located end in good ehape. See vertisoment for further partionlere, I'. Vanstone will remove to Manitoba. Boons SItvcawamt.—The publishers of at [splendid weekly journal, lately e0 itch enlarged and greatly improved, the c minion Illustrated,cousnited the ad. I ntage of their readers as well as their vn in inaugurating the prize coin- 1 tibion that will result in the dia. 1 bution of prizes to the value of over ,000 among eubeeribtn•s during six 2 onate aniline June 110. They are not I the word competition or bogus silver. re business. Six questions are pub. hed in the journal noels month. To s swat those correetiy requires a oleo t(ly of the contents of each issue Of the ustratedfor that month, This study a vatuatle literary exercise apart from N e consideration of prizes. As to the S Um, there are 100 prizes its ell, the first a ing 2700 in gold the st taliost 5 ing valued at $5. There are very doable prizes on the list, and any win. r not satisfied oan exchange a prize for sit valve named in the list. nevi is Manlier; about soli an offer so this, i receipt of twelve conte the publishers he Sabiston Litho. and Pub. Co., Ment- al) will forward eamplo copy with (ill rtteulnrt, JAMES Tumenurr, of Wyingham, was in s town this ween. RAnntE9, Florida oranges, pickles by • the gcart, maple evrup. Geo. Good. TExmmts are being asked for the ern - tion of two brick stores in Brunets by Dr. McKelvey. t Or; Thursday of this week the monthly Horse Pair was held in Brussels. There t were several sales made. A goodly num- ber of buyers and sellers were in attend. t ance. A BRANCH of the Standard chartered 0 Bank is to be opened in Brussels, on or about April let. It is said the southerly store in Capt. Stratton's new block will be fitted up at once for it. Inspector Lon. ✓ don was here this week making prelimin- ary arrangements. t IF you want a good pair of boots or shoes for yourself or any of the family go to Straohan's new store. They do not claim to give you good boots for nothing, but will give you the very best value for your money and are not afraid to Com• pare quality and prices with any house in the trade, Wm.Lt-Drcanoc Axa DnrLLnNa.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and driilin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wslls cleated nut and put in )stupor SIM 01. Terms r„asomthlo. Residence second floor north of the bridge, west side of Tnt'nberry st„ Brussels, 43.01. 1'. C. A.-- The legulur meeting of the 1-. 1', C, A. of :Melville (March was held in the basement on Monday even- ing of this week. The topic for the evening, viz.' "Present prospects of Tem- perenco," was introduced by the Sore.tary, R. M. Diek.ot, after which a dis- mission followed on the subject by some of the members of the Assoeiation. Next meeting will bo held on the 211rd inst. Ties POST would like to ace our Lime Works in operation.—The town Band ready for concerts ou the opening of Spring.—A 9 cent postage rate for letters. —The electric light retained on the streets,- -Gospel Temperance meetings once a month in the Town Hall.—Extra mail service on the W. G. & B,. --All the sick folks well, -100 new Subscribers added to Tam I'osT right away, at 21.00 for balance of 1891. CcnLrse,—Two more matches have been played in the competitition for the handsome silver tankard given by J. R. Grant. of Winnipeg, The result was as follows :— W.11. McCracken, W. Bright, R. N. Barrett, Jae, Jones, P. Scott, T. Ross, J. T. Moss, skip......I:? 8. W. Laird, skip 4 w,H.3Ie0rael:en, A. 0ormack, B.. N. Barrett, J. D. Warwick, 1?. Suott, R. Leath ordale 3. T. Russ, a:rip....„10 1'.8. Scott. skin0 The winning rink bas to play D. 0. Ross' before the matter is decided. A GREATSre/mAct attee ,—The great- est -pelting match on record is that offered by Our Homes Publishing Co., in which they will award the following matluiaceet Cash Prizes :—Cue prize of $1100 ; one prize of $200 ; two prizes of $100 ; toter prizes of 250 ; eight prizes of 225 ; twenty prizes of $10 ; forty prizes of 25 ; one hundred prizes of 22 ; and two hundred of $1. Those prizes will be awarded to the persons sending iu the largest number of correctly spelled•words found in the advertising pages of the Febt'uary number of Out Homes, in which no letters 00002 but those found in the Sentence : "Our Homee is Unrivall- ed as a home PM:A zine." Special cash prizes will be given away each day and each week during this competition, wbioh closes AprIl25th, 1801., Send 10 cents in stamps or silver, for a sample copy of the February number, with rules mud regulations governing the competi- tion. Address, Jur Homes Pub Co., Brockville, Ont. CAnxrvar,.--The last calmival of the Season was held on the Maitland skating rink on Wednesday evening of this week. The ice wee on the soft tide but the skaters appeared to enjoy themselves ex. Sept when they chanced to fall, The attendance was not very largo. 11. R. Grundy and W. Bright noted in the cepa. iby of judges and awarded prizes as fol - owe :—Goth's character costume, let Noble Gerry ; end, ltd, Pepper. Best sexy character costume, let, It Clara Dieter ; 2nd, Miss I'.o. Fealty. Best acting comic gent, 1st, Win. Stewart ; nd, Nelson Gerry. Beet noting acinic tidy, 1A t, Miss Florenceus Mader ; 2n:1, ltiisa I'lo, Monty. Best dreseed girl, Miss Clara Hunter. Best genii fancy linter, 1st, Wm, Smith ; 2nd, Noble Gerry. Bost lady skater, tet, Mise Kate Wilson ; cltd, Miss Mabel Smith, 3 milo race, let, It, MoNanghton ; 2nd, oblo Gerry. Barrel race, 1st. Walter mitts ; 2nd, Frank Ward, hest lady nd gent skater, lot, WM, and Mabel mith ; and, Nelson Gerry and Kate Wilson. Boys' race, 1st, Walter Smith ; 2nd, Bort Gerry. The baelleler's race failed to materialize although a few of this elites were on hand. The epeetetor'e prize was won by E. R. Grundy who held the lucky ticket, No. 260. A de- tachment of tits Brussels' Band contrib. ute1 a number of nusiettt seleotfetis den big the waning. C:ieetedlictia Nowt.. Parry Sound carried the loon! option by-law by a majority of 60. The Canadian Pacific roundhouse at the Sault was burned on 8anday night. Ross & Scott, of Tilsonbnrg, have paid over 2175,000 for hogs alone during the past year. Tilsonburg electors will havo a chance to vote fua or against a local option by- law on Maroh 20th, next, The steamer Kathleen, built for service on the Rideau, has been sold for $10,500 to a company, to be used on Georgian Bay. The St. Catharines Star intimates that Dr. Ferguson, of Welited, will shortly 'be palled to the Senate and admitted to the Cabinet. Hon. G. MaMiehen died suddenly Sat. urday morning, He was one of Winni- peg's most respected citizens, and stipen- diary magistrate of Manitoba during the FrnIan raid, Mounted Policeman Herron left Kipp, Alba) to., about a week ago for St. Marys and has not yet turned up and is :woo- ed to have beau frozen to death, His dogs have returned frostbitten, Mrs. II. McLaren, jr., of Port Elgin, dropped dead while in the act of prepar- ing to retire on Wednesday eight. The deceased lady was to all appearances in her 110111) good health and had assisted in ironing clothes until after 10 o'clOelt that nigitl-, Pother (i rat„n,who after visiting Wood Mountain, wee returning home to Re- gina, was found dead Ave miles from that town. When 23 miles out the horses played out and he started to walk, but, left the trail and died of exhaustion anti exposure. He was not frozen. On Saturday an Orillia lady entered the post office to post a letter. Opening her pooleetbook she took therefrom a piece of a corn plaster (mistaking it for a three.oent stamp) and stuck it on the l'tter, On retiring at night she put the stamp on her oorn, ana of course the letter turned up dead and the corn is still alive. A ltttie daughter of Kenneth McLeod, of Seafortb, recently met with a very serious accident. She was riding on a load of saw logs, and when in front of the Methodist church she by some means slipped and the hind bob of the sleigh passed over her leg, amusing a simple compound fracture and smashing it bad. lyA we11.defrned rumor has gained cur- rency in Brantford to the effect that the C. P. R. will be through that oity next summer, oontinning the main line through front Woodstock to the Bridge. if this is done the mein lino trains of the G. T. 1t. will be brought through Brant. ford, and the railway inanities of the plus will then.be unsurpassed. The trade rind navigation returne for 1800 were issued nn Thursday or Iasi week. The exports wo•e 297,7.19,110, and imports 2128,848,242. The imports in• oretused last year by seven millions and e, hmlf, and exports increased about the same. The duty collected increased over $'200,000. The balance of trade against Canada was $25,100,02. Our exports to the U. S, were $10,000,000, and impart, 252,000,000, Government Detective Rogers arrived in Toronto on Saturday with a prisoner whom be had brought trent Germany at a charge of forgery. His name is Ches- ter Wilmot Yourox, who engaged iu the seed grain business rather extensively, and is aroused of fording several bills of exchange on a private bank in Loan owned by R. & a. Fox. The amount in- volded reaches 24,000. Yourex was ar- rested a month ago in Bremen, and lield until Detective Rogers arrived to bring him bank, Rose.—Its ;Grease/a, on Feb. 28th, the wife of Mr. 1). C. Ross of a ton. EnaAo—iOICeittOVE.--Ab the residence of • the bride's father, ou the 3rd inst., by Rev. Wm. Torrance, Mn. Wm. A. tidgar, to Mies Isabella A. Musgrove, all of Howlett. GA LOItAITit—H,t Ys.—At the residence of the bride's father, by rho Rev. Wm. Torrance, on the 4tlt inst., Mr, Jno. Wesley Galbraith, of Turnberry, be Miss Sarah Jane Hays, of Amick. ... mm'v'mgt m a 1\411..V.= 83:=0, Fall Wheat Nf ! 00 Spring Wheat ••• 90 05 Barley 40 45 Oats 44. 40 Peas ,.. 05 Oft Butter, tabs and rope,„ 15 00 'Eggs per dozen 12 00 Viola per barrel..,..,.,., 4 50 5 00 Potatoes ,., 45 50 Hay per tot „ 5 00 0 00 Pork .. „.............. 5 00 5 50 Mine per 1b 4 00 Salt pot 111„ retail.,..,, 1 26 (0 Shoop eking, Snob .,60 75 Lamb Skins each,,,,.,,40 50 Wool, per 10. 18 90 EAST B,FrALo, MAt,cit 11.--Cattle—To. day's supply of sale stools continues light and the run of through cattle hits also been very limited this week. The mar. ket is considered steady and firm, all have been cleaned up except a few com- mon miloh cavus and late springers, for which there is no sale. Sheep and lambs —To -day's receipts were fair for this time of the week, about 92 oars. The market ruled steady tend firm for sheep, while good lambs were 10o higher. All the offerings were sold, and the market closed firm with prospects fair for the balete of the week. Good to oheice sheep, 25.75 to 6.25 ; common to .fair, $4.05 to 25.50 ; Iambs, common to fair, $5.55 to $6.00. Hogs—Receipts, 10 oars pale ; market active and fully 6c per ewt. higher for York and medium grades. Heavy hogs were about steady, and pigs were dull and unchanged, Yorkers generally ranged from 28.80 to 3,85 ; light, $3,76 to 23.80 ; good mediums, $3.85 to 28.00, mostly $8.00 ; good select- ed singers (about York weights) also 23.- 90 ; choice heavy, $3.00 ; pigs, $3,40 to 83.00, mostly 93.50. A11 were sold and the feeling at the close was firm. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, ap A01L5' SATCHEL .LOST, IN 1_1 Brussels or MAUI of it,last Sat n ire;, coutatubra a purse anantiaomall sum Of MARclf 13, 1891. ........ 'USE ONLY Pepper's Condition Powders. Pepper's Perfot 1'1115. Pepper's Worm Powders, ASK FOR THEM AT Pepper's Drag Store. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels, Ont. . BANKING. i\ JoINTOSII tsr MoTAGGART, BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, 'S'rexaaact o. E+er_.esal 8n21.2.221.g 1iTuleiraeca, NOTES DISCOUNTED, eau/Minn nod Milted States Drafts bought Mud sold. Interest allowed no Deposits• Oolleclione'titade 50,frtl'orablr terets. Canadian Agents—Ail.ttc'uAxr"a HANK. of CANADA, Now Yore A;eute—i1tronrmis Arco Tota nits NA'rreNAt: 1ANn, LEGAL ANT CiINVEYANOING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 8ulteltm• wid OOl yet- a en , ('..Ileo• Mous made, uRla- Vnustoutte i3 ),,,) , Yetis• suis, R) t1uN SINOLAIR, r r • Sol)eitor, Cenveya000r, Notary pub. lie, &e, 011lee—Graham's Block, 1 tie er north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Penile to Loan, �10KSON & BAYS__, Mate wit:, Oa. row it Proud roe,; , Chute - rich,) Hamsters, Sonoitora. Omlvoruueere, So. ONoea—Brussels and 8ewfo•th. Brus- sels OfOce—Thestairs over Bunt. Money to Lomb U. 9.0050, W. B. DIC'Rlop A• I. TAYLOR B. 0, L. Barrister, Solicitor, tta: of the firm of favlor, McCullough& Burns, Barrister. Solicitors, &e.. Maiming Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan. BUSINESS CARDS. 'VV'• IITsa. urMerooOfRAKENes. Oglesat kis Grocery, Iurubmrrystreet, Brussels. N. BA R RETT, south 1,110 8/.Alelfavt1'C°'nt. llorlw rnte(noo,• Lndies'uud ebildrons heir milting a invoialty t o 'MONAIR, ]scorer kr Nfmu•iage Licenses, by allot,',t,n"ee of I. tunt;'iu,et•u'+r, ..ono• we ,o.11 . rein eyntrc,a et 1.1,0 u, ,,ru,e,+ Co. , Ria,, at lbn t',u -a,. ,uh Post 01,,,. tucaey. The finder 11111 greo(y ohllge rho -- - ---- _ owner by leaving it 00 'Ot]E I.0ST 1ttb,i,,biug R 0 0 E n T C U N N I N G H /1`,4 house, .0 1 INa[•It.txrE, FIRE AND MARIOJF, • REAL ESTATE. GUELPH. A L'ItiX. HUNTI,lltf .ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. DEnsistcD Was several goo;l Farms fw• sale stud to ,'e 51, easy terms, in Townships of Scowls and G my, F. S. SU OTT, Brussels, 17.11. 01-1 OMB FARM FOR SALE.— Being South hall Let 27, come, Aforris, 100 acres, pea )1y all cleared. Good btli]dhtgs, ahous20 aor'ee hal] wheat in ground. Easy torms. Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR.., tF Solicitor, Am., Brussels. TT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.— rtte snbocriber offers her house mud lot, corner of jamas and streets, Brussels, There is a comfortable house, good stable, epleodid well, Sec, on the pre. miser, 1 acre of loud. For further particu- lars as to price, terms, &o. apply to 111‘1.8. W11, MCCULLOUGIT, Brussels. rid O RENT.— THAT DIi;SIR- 1 ABLE property ou Turubenry street, llrnssef0, owned by the estate of the late Thos. Dunford, being about 81 acres of land with geed frame deeding, barn, stables and driving shed, good well with pump, also good orchard, Will be rented for throe or five year to a good tenant. Immediate possea- 0101.1 000 be given Apply to B.O. D0N1'011D, Morahan -I; Tailor, Brussels, Out. 0r to A. RpNTon, 41.4f D0-. Court Clerk, ':1-1AR5I FOR SALE. -THE UN a. nsmoroNxn al0Ors for Rale the north tystfl conu1Oen of lot tlog BO 5% Tile laud is or Rrst finality and In ro high state of cultivation, well fenced and utidof-dralusd ,'O notes cleared. New frame horse, 8 rooms milk house with ooalo•ete walls, 2 wells good barns and sited, orchard, eta. Eight mores of fall wheat. This desirable property &dieius the corporation of Brussels. Suit. able tonne will be given, Title perfect JAMES eltilIVE Ovruer, Sean th P, 0. Extensive Auction Sale —OF— • Mi11 Property. • IN BRUSSELS. In order to wind up the Estate of the late War. VANSTowe there Will be offered for gale by public auction at Brussels on l'ftLltSD I8', APRIL Ind, 1891, Ab 2;30 o'clock T. 11,, the following rah,. able property, viz.: 1st. Ono of She most omelet° Roller Ploir Mills in Ontario mad doing a flood business, together with Raw Atilt, Two Dwelling Houses, Born, Water Power, &c., known as the National holler mine. 2nd, The Bidets Stores of TuriMerry sir Uneven es the Vanstono Blnclr, wtbli largo plate galooetli Jiusss n7aiete,Go (toed, enert jewelry store t W, M. SInolnii•, law onto, and 3'.. L. Taylor, law oMoo, tttA, Tbtrtytwo Acres Land, lest .east of the mina, iu geed state of otiltivatlon, 40, Tlia Residoteo 00 corner of Vora, street, oomtllfetl by W. r, Vanoteue, go, Lot, 9sxes feet, on °other Tutnharry and Market streets, whiolt has born used as a marble shop, MIL The beautiful residence and grounds of the late Wm. Vnnstone, el agree, ou the river bank, With lawns and t•eoa All the above property 10 in good repair and nearly new. Title Perfeot, and will bo sold of easy tering of payment, Possession eon 01 given May 1St, If nob sold, the pro - petty will be lensed tor a term of years. per fnrthot• purtieulare apply to W. la VANSTONfil,'j tlxeenl,re, 171.3'),8t'nl:TTO1,1, Auctioneer, Ols•k of riga r'`nnrth blvwt•+u Cehrt, (10. ILrron. (oc vealn,00', Agen''v rnblk, Laud, Loan and loan, nae Agcut, female h,veel o'.1 and to lona, Collections etude, o Nae In O rebaut'o Deck, 131'5 30,,, ISS SIIERLIOOIi, Leta of the Couservetnry ei \Tania,. Toroulo, is prepared to give lessens at )':shed and f: rail11o, k. Pupil of Ih elteser Eisber and Mr, 17 nt 10ou ou the pia 1,o, and of AIr, S. R. O1ark 111 vocal muffle. (lass at Cronin ook every To 'ods v, Mor terms, ,to,, apply at the Methodist ruratm,ge, hued. MISS CALL reecho, of piano, 'parlor aim Pipe Organ, Organist iu St.,tobu's Oborob, Brus- musla Solicits of tBrusselsUaud uviein Inetruotleme gives at cermet races, Terms, references, &u. may be tasaertelued by calling at the residence of Airs, Murton' sr„ Turubo'ry street, Brussels. 7.11 iurxSS LILLA O'OON p A. Is desirous of procuring pnnils bt Vocal Music. Pier. Warrington, nt Toronto is pleased to give his tostietotlml as to Miss O'Ooueer's ability, elle havlug Leona pupil of 111a (intim; bee stay iu 14tte1Uh• 1ostrtt• mental Slush, en Piano, Organ uud Ruiter, Terms made Ituowu on appltaatiuu, 1'ri �,coas St., 13 russets, Mise O'Uumtor Is open for Concert Engitgem en is, 811.. DENTAL, a is 7x6 S z s L,kZ :t- l G. L, Ball L. D.0, Nitros acne 14ai ad- ministered for the ?Melees ltstretotinu of Teeth, 74 Gerrard Street Bast, ''Pellet/ro. T Y w 'JC M. CAVANAGH, L. D. Se D. D. S., Graduate of the Ttoyal College of Meatal Surgeons, Ontario, and of T,'nrouto versity. O''moo—Opposite Amerman noted, Breses,s, AUCTIONEERS. AARAYMANN, • Aeobioneer, to always ready to at - to ud sates or farms, farm stock, &o. Terme cheerfully given. Oranb'ook P. 0, Sales may he att,augod at TUE Post Publishing Rouse, Brussels, EORGE KIRKBY, ` A hicensed Auctionoor. Sales condt(et- e(100 reasonable toms. Farina raid Tarot stook aspoalalty. Orders left at Tau roes' 2u bli el]lug Ron se, l3re Reels, or sot to Walton P. 0,, 81,1 receive prompt attention LTAVING TAKEN OUT LIC10N, st( aa an Auctioneer I am Prepared to conduct slates of farm stools atrelsonmblo emacs, Iottotviug Lilo standing of 00arly every verso), Inn] in a osibion t0 sell to good' works and get good 000uriby when sold on aredlb. Satistaetiou guaranteed, Give meacall. EQ 10 3, 8.0011', MEDICAL CARDS. ��M. 1'. OA.L.L, 141. D., O. 51., member of th ariolley ofPhistottO ufuao uuua Mesio neer—Main streetue] ast, Tlthe�,Oataflo, • T— A. MoNAUGIiTON,M. I). it • O, kr.,1' , R. 0.1+. 14din burgh, m 9 t 0, 30 a, AtPepper'st, o a 1;15 0, Store frau t er lout a, m, and frau I50 to 4' p.to, At other bouts may be round at lits residence, form- orlyoeonpied by Dr. Hntenine0u, hilt st. VETERINARY, D. WARWICK, el • RoneyrCollege, fa pn ar rho Ontario VeterinatydOmestj is prepared to teat all diseases of nee. Particular animals 11 si c etp- to005 manner. llbtry. lir a,,n,n0,L paled to veterinary dentlotry, Calfs promptly i#rstigb- norhg,utuyueotootnntet bridelberty dt