The Brussels Post, 1891-3-13, Page 6as
• ••oInemrsvanna91 1:44944.,µ;N,r]na4.117 rn449494lk roe,fa.wrlrn'Cixvuacn9muen4nmsnua1renwavrmato4Lxlase{w!rtat FOF,WfwNAuwr✓m016Sr ffieW
1 1'ine1'1, 43,.19 a hait+leed tut,! tweutyseveu HEALTH AND CHARACTER„
oun,•.., c,i dist ul ,I,e hag, which were valued
t•nihhly ut betweee dc,ut• mei five hundred tcy eet 111
pall+pia' ?)ouhtl0as the high :time of alpiritnnlitynt. ''nu:5 u•(m, looking h,eitw:u'(l throttle!! the
Thomason Iceeper dM 1.v nr4;tling busfnPss tainud by the .lewiel, prophets nal pee, ;l arms, sees everywhere tlin marks of ulery
R, A '"Hilt 1 O)+" :11:ba1Tl till Co LIT .\13=1:. dist averting, on the st c tigtlm of this eon- wee greedy due to the manly hat:1 .ut• hurl mercy r-iono, Following fast upon thin
b _ .._ . m itibutice to OW 40%, '''''$ 1t tens oh' w$dch the, people were pre -meld, , Moises aunt; of hop'. e0utes the grand vow of the
:brae ye1•rs ego L:spetu (1 week 4t !;nigh i,hecu.fa.l slepoof beitJdt re, at nC sharp tan served, however, that while the other uten NMI 0ho th'sl great law- giver who eembitiee mn u:AI soul. 1 will dwell in ,
angle •i}1 +a malt may ulamlwr 1105(4 tholeof we v s0',juvial and excited, the old follow b b t he lions° of
,cervine, in Uzrileee :c£ ftritt8it elelundee, the fnielemental principles of hygioio with rho 1:01.11 forever, Hem was a Jewish etude
aced a ai;tgsder inuudenatthugppeued im, •w•hicei I had'. "'hen Wallace got about ball ••�et • whom I;ila'e °heady mentieued sat avert, hie volitive( institutes, and carni nt it d of rafessin,g lifs•Ion r e s '
tower& the broaalieh valla bottom b eaten with rwt•,ex ressiun on hie haus alt if h) vera) t, a his t1 b t u eat,atimu and
3 had a,psrt 1 wsd wctlt a tinntaun,Caatas• l J; P' subjects to keep dean, east is nhstain from gtntnttule• ihn' another ngtel In this
1ie•enisesouttey, who)bad=!wen seer from th-,• Ile, there appenrtult (farts rift 1sm,tdne utoun• lhiukiugfur)£unudly. He 11411 axlunined the urnavltolexnt,ra food, The strict ontorcaucut sacrad psniter of the :tinoient rhurcl
tam elate under tee to the left. At first, 1 bag Weedy at the first, an1,now and afiain th]s Iciucl of h! h comae
d south 40 n itt 'after <oetein of his follow -Y I of lawn pertaining to physicist, ill less than g , sn,mod, soldnuuesoltttiou:
)hurdmmen iu this remote rend Je ooio.te lit- j thought it °natural tunnel. Later, l (01. ho contented to look 16 it, Of tine the ot tem none 000(1(0000 madder the Jews a sear• " I twill pay umy vutvs naw in rho I:ord'
tie.vieee, xy. frien,f a .i.,e1nown fn Barker- that items not 1 hole, but a raouuo,
eery did not take ineeh notice, until they began late rout chnsoa pall l0.--11'ithout this there 110480 in the presau0e of au His ton
elle,.s,ud•avae welco eel ,w.ith a Ineertisncas0 ; harrow,,wich the QM sides formic .aa wall to play Dards, Thee one of •them, with a could hero been no health root for that e• g series
g y 1 True 04 0 lido fs not ten act of a series of
;hat:showed eciw dull tkesenfartun ee cite- I not less than a tied:sand feet leksh upon: strong ,weal or two, tea,atked that old Pete
culler mental and aplritunl development acts, IAD n life, a disposition, Not a mood
;mans found life in cdneiral esu their isolated, either :hand. The odd thing was tltati, was Ilateln'n', °01110 rolnl'l:Ea'IpiC tale, µ']miUlla ftertvards blossomed in thosun!lmeat AS evanescent es fitful, but a life. The
settlement anang the 41,14042.411.1114. Kr soak though et the mouth -of the moon the width, 011 lite lienrd (ho word6. .At the aw10°5o ntaators and t))i htiust fns )iratlons truly, grateful Irian sloes not sag " t
P mapped hetwoenthe walla has 3(1(00w tutu 1.h, it moment, /twever, he slapped his thigh g I of y thank
had a eases r gramma, of work tea ,ed nut std l g tihma. you :" and there end, But he take:: the aup
dor mai. Them ware two nalmrhnga, j was nart'a.vo• steed.. th0 summit, 'There, lwloavily Ktid"e: one hand and eaid : "1 have God not only viett6 the sins but the of salvation and binds his very beingto that
for .hi)n to sWeennise ; winroe little ems, indeed, it looked ae ,_f e matt coed herr cit. 1 thought I remembered something to I{•irtues of the fwthul s upon the child• great altar of God, which sacrifices
:leaped renis the frightful chasm. do with 1 J..I , 1 g 1 and the gift. the glace
dren had been bort 33/34 00 .the tut iaisaiou j [ ff ren of snllaer rent oneriatious. .1 clean g Binds himself for all the clays
visitation, and hid therefeeeto be buptemed . ' That'w0x•eyo Owen said. my Backer. Lal's llatu it," senora! of tho otbera• dietancd a clean akin are absolute! essential of life. Happy he who so sings and vows,
endif.he woudde:tly eee:sent to tarry tiro or vine Meese " A nice l;loomy sortafiplaee, " He w101381fed, and his naane wee John to the perfect growth of body and soul, and
tbtsao days, heaves aesuuedalao would be able :suet 1t? 1?ot•ever, well feed just outside Ferguson ; ars they :missed his ounces nf:er• the eivilie,atfon or the religion which hos not The Uomin Minister
to brighten the lest hoar: of a ceetal 1 en the sun ;.old alterus,rds, if you like, we' •wards, so it put clown as murder, learned this truth has
a,, yet to acquire the
weather-•uoty and tfmo•efma anaclald settler ,.0611 have a look at ft." then this stuff began 000 of the "43r/it law Af mend" All the various
by promising toesadthe burial sart'ism•e't'ez.; -Our :tealwas soon amide.Wegot througlh where, then stopped; while a doleful "Ohl" races and tribes Which for thousands of
him nt'hia rave, is the quicker' because tee Indian left us on rounded from eevei al pair of lunge.
A must onions place flees Barkerville I a•sadd04, with a shout warning us 1stmt to bold "Deng
sentiment i" exclaimed one man years ved have
is toerely sgroted,v tha`e, with -
follow 40380 in a n. 1S$th The sidewalks I follow film, lie had some, notion of Laidig n the others, "Or, beteer still, out exception, been :]thy in their habits.
of its street were tone pax Fee+. above °fie ; in4lnaue in hfs own wn}•. The Y,arkervelto get tate parson to bless it for ne-•-that ll The independence and the elevation of
level 0f time rocadwlry—so called by courtes • i maul lit his pipe nail atretelted liinmsel# t»niteat all riglmt; and here he comae. Ireland willnever bo 1 i
against 0 boulder, The tale w•IS soon told' to m friend tau e.ed till tho Irre-
alone—which, {whew the mine desceudo+>� ' Y people learn that Choir priests and their re -
was n raging torrent, to be aea000d olndy be, � '" :there's noshing in that canon to see, 'the missionary. It was really quite ligion ere powerless t0 save the souls whose
light bridges, lire¢{ Oetoher,l; hen we were after all," he sinid, " uotthiug worth the' :impressive to mark rho eagerness on temples ere daily damned with dirt and bad
in the plsee, and their, hadelulady had their , 1runiti0, anywuy'e. the faces of these rough-and-t•eady diet and vile stimulants, and narcotics.
first severe frost of Win armies. The wow I ,Well,"said I, 1.f you dwu't mind befog', f4 loue awhile emitting what he would
An(1 Proteatnnt Chriutendom isscaraal lass
lay in the mauwtafn IaoIIo{5s .pretty thick. heftalas;e for afew minutes, 1nwoulf ]Ike to say in the metro•. The feet et was Ox criminal tlnn.m (kttih01 1 10 this rcespect 1t
A tltermnmet o of thirty or rorty degrees here a look at it, since we tla,e come 8o aye Camang0151 bad ranch to with heir 13 doubtful if one regenerate person in ten
below zero x g rat'•" s arstitious self- restraint,
WILE, we .1,'46.1 told, soothing ; „ Da, so," said h well the missionary throw
thinks of giving5the body a born 0l to
ofdhe way assrtezp uiac ce; and 4�ao summer' e, 11 pleased to escape the goldY ins r ; b willing to give throw orf its imptu't4ios, east be born again
Dame so late dud skimmed so t -trickly that ; the task,of cicerone. " Let mind the thefts e his llenedi:cion ;hitt before doing eeith water, by becomnin ga practical Baptist
the life seemef.ait w•mt(t•, —44004 58 had sort of places."
10, he reminded the L'urd;erville eo ala s( b 1 P
tl was no sus fere of work, ologatasutl• about Ce'tAin venue P [ once ca weep, 01. even untie every month.
Theendustryedit e kenen'eiegolfedigging. Ile easy y prun)isas If our evangelists and tem:lids had for
That explain& ofd. The Sear scoresesrr•ed and ; thee elaml'et of amine into the pass. Road of they dead made him to bvil'la mfsslon ohnrce the past century, been earnest in im nesting
wriuklediehobiarestes of .the towel weeld have emira0 thane urns none. There woo n slip of that it wee very Wear he did not mean them people with the importance of proper c,1
stayed here fernetlibeeim efteworld'iar mid. ' a riser In the bed of the canon, with a rub- to have the gold all to themselves, an,l cleanliness, we should not vie n nation
re Andyettheycone zeee:that thopalmyrlaysof 1,leof ra»tkn in it. And thee stream was the church, 11014 of it ,rue ,lovutedto the of whimpering invalids, the willing stares
Barkerville seemed. 'rite rem. \ateso(4', las lg t y to tri I had gens about a quartet rel ratan 4 lemtatuder ,hay conaeeriat of fancily physicians, and the violets of
in 1058, could they/ tl;orel to gine tl; .mis• , of 0 Mile, Phan, hnweyer, the ravine tvid, g the tnwantnen. The share I re- quash medicines.
..fon priest a fee or °aro hundred dollars for .erred, and the wails o: wither side often; ad gas 7 eI wore it to this day in tato form of \\ a ]novo yet aon°thin to learn of the
performing a marriage Rerun:any. 1115 geld to roub a stales, with maks in plenty ahont tt'nit in(itat ruaesmve flat locitat, with a par• Jows and of the old Greeks. Christianity
pieces which they eoutributedatthe nix:eine thea, and here and there the wreck of a is Paganism converted to Christian theories,
Collections were new very, very few. ICrtis- Pine, which had Brut a little while, and As for the 0o'eya Conan mica, very tittle but retaining sumo of the worst of Pagan
then died. -probably bee1useit wanted more twa4 50151 necessary to explain this. Theran
tense, frau being lively, ha,l begone flat. Y P customs, involving bodily filth, and the eat-
The riverbeds and the rocks yielded them sunlight and eh' than it was likely to get, nekless iallo:v who road }trot murdered Inbn tug of uuclenu and scrofula -breeding
Something rn;ta0 me scramble up one 01 I erguson, and then fallen into the " shaft' ng menta.
enough gold to keep thein alive, but net qin his attempt to1.o is true w e tent li ilio Oue physical cul -
enough to enrich theist. Everything al
the slopes away from the water. The rocks p got awayeeot•fre°, would ((fro of the ancient f;lreeica because it {•
stood 01) end hero more like those of the hr -likely (1010 and then 10 4110116 for help{"a
merchandise50801 was fright}cult' expnnair,, Le• Druids at Sumehol while life remained in him. 1 he sides f associated with Ice 01441 sereno its, but we
oauseof the difficulties of transport for more ge, than as if they hal hie grieve and the ud ( f• oaf upot the flash of rlisenaed std lis -
that three hundred tailee over the mann- :merely rolled from the overhanging' cliffs at j teens rotk•wallt no g,ro,ieg swine, because the animal is 004•
tains. Thus luxury was ata low ebb with one tune or another, Isere I lfrat discover, doubt :made lois voice seem most inhuman ; posed to have bean inciuded in Saint Peter's
them. I have seen more comfort among e 1 what my companion had :meant by warn- and the sound of it would drift up or down dream of the great white sheet.
rough islanders of the North gee, than atm or, ung me against the " °hafts," as he called merit he non like a cry shouted into a tube, Our theology has nulcll to say of sins eons.
those Anglo-Saxons of British Columbia', theal. iteal'y, they were eertaiu fissures, i1._ very echoes had died away corm naiad by OUT first parents six thousand
whose finds give them an income of from the ground, as if the heat of a pheno::era pletely, years ago, but it sheds 111440 or no light upon
two to five hundred pounds a year. .summer had perched the soil until i• 0148 rho relations whi0h our " last "piarents hold
The yarns the veterans of the place had fain to °tack and gape with thirst, I all but A ivIEMORABLB JOURNEY, to their sickly offspring, and to those natural
upon their tongues were of a kind to which slipped into one of thein in my endeavour to laws in the observance of 1vhi1h we can se -
the Californian writers have accustomed us. climb over n }particularly big boulder'. TO, Stranea .l,15'erttures or 1t /1lilunutire, cure physical purity and righteousness. Our
They reeked of murder for gold, the pistol.
This lasted for about hwlf�an hour, until 1 schools inform us minutely concerning the
ling of one man by another with as little re. assured myself that I could see to the other Mr. Alexan.le• De 4 1'5)1e, a well -known heavenly bodies and the sources of rivers
morse as if the man killed had been a dog end of the canon. It tt•as certainly a forbid. millionaire
from a Europeana, California, ias re- but keep silent about the mere of our eat thly
instead of a human being, and of dark deeds rung place, and the night -chills already' seem•journey which he bodies, end seldom hint at the sources of
done in secret for the sake of women as well ed to ease altered it, is not likely 80011 to forget. 11r, De Vicuna health and of disease.
„sleeve. I daresay with a little tricking -up I turned to retrace my steps. Bat almost came as
passenger in the steerage of the Truly, eve are a great people. We build
they weld be made to appear delightfully immediately I found myself on the edee of p 133 o iia, from Napes and tnagnifi0ent cities, tunnel mountains, and
zoo:antes, Told as they were, however, in one of these fissures, in which I cold see a Marseilles, in the company of 485 Italian cross continents with railroads ; w0 bid the
a wretched shed which passed ala tavern, gleam of something white. It was a aleft emigrants. His story is a most extraordinary printing•press reproduce a million•fold of
with a dozen or more disappointed and fn- perhaps twenty feet in depth, with sides ab- �uo. C Lappenrs that dl.*, Da \'ietune left every good and bad human thought; tv0 sub -
different miners, grimed and ragged. 050µ•d• y perpendicular. I looked again, and y in September for 010 purpose of jugate time with lightning ; we uncover, ex-
thening round a big stove, smoking sad tobacco, �Qmncl no doubt about it, The round making a trip to Europe, intending to visit pore and measure the planets. But with
epetting, and drinking rum, they, did not ) eltfng was not a stone, but the polish. y and spend the winter at Nice and all these vast material achievements, our
have a very exhilarating effect. They all ed skull of a Jean, Then the tales I had heer'd Monte Carlo. He took with him a few civilization has not yet risen above the i)lahc
�aieetlietl to harp upon one key. Nature led w Barktr\ i.,e recurred to mo, Perhaps this thousand dollars and a letter of cre'iit for am of pork and sourkrout•eatin ,dindrug-taking,
se poop =Rills dance after dance in Poor fellow• was ono of the many miners who amount sufficient to cover his expenses while tobacca•coteaming, whiskeyandbeer (Iris '
quest of the gold :$1..,n'.
river -mouth to river• in the fifties had got their twelve er twenty aheene, He proceeded to New ;oil(, and ing. It has not yet comprehended what
source; from alluvial lain to mountain- dollars worth of gold daily from Pomo Nit eollod Moses understood three thousand years ago
tore. He had in time satisfied his lust or 'rnE10E 4V A STA 1'tF.n —that reclean skin and a sweet stomach aro
tops ; now humouring Mein litho prosper. I
of wealth enough to gore their faded heads, gold, and was e1lretuurning to the south afoot for Genoa, his trip being s much for his the beginning of health and virtue, and that
and now setting then: face to face with ane'•• • health as for pleasure, and not wishing to good health is the rook upon which to build
death from starvation, t110w51t the golrt At iaiiyvate, the matter was worth investi- visit the northern and colder elimates. Ar- up a humanity sound in mind and morals•
'poiee1105 en their backt were ltewvy enough gating. It was not yet teen, We could riving in Genoa in October he remained there Welfare is the outcome of wellness,
to gain them eternal credit from any baker spare an hour in gettlieg this poor trapped some clays, and made a journey through If we would secure strong, consistent
in Christendom—and generally, at the end, corpse out of the earth in which it had been Italy, visiting Naples, Route, Venice, (ho, characters, we moat invigorate the physical
snuffing out their lives before they could re' entombed as a living man. And, as fortune After two :months of oujoymeut of this kind roots of character. Health lies behind the
turn to the homeland where wife and chil•
Would have it, the Indian had been saddled he took a steamer for the south of France, beatitudes, and tvithcut it virtue is °slender
dren awaitedthem, with alight eoil of rape for use in any climb. and proceeded to Monte Carle, $ere he stocl(, aid heaven on earth the shadow of a
"Sir," sAdd 511 i old greybeard in a faded ing emergency during our pursuit of the settled down for the whiter, but one high, dream.
life these here hilts could tred Rua black cheek ell s—"one fine your
I The Barkerville man was loth to stir, but from the Casino, where he had wn on a aoonsid-
`Phe Stings of }hoe
about them times. There's many and many I persuaded hon ; and the Indian having arable earn, he was waylaid by some ruffians A em•iols observation made byDr, Tera
a poor devil of a fellow been lost in them as returned, with the skin of a ail erfox whiela who had watched his good luck. They rob.
an Austrian physician, formed thaubjectvi
Iknowsof,withandwithouthisgold. :Cho hohatlsnnredinsome uncanny nati\efashion, bet him not only of his winnings but of his a anorreatdsome time ago ataesubje of
darned redskins ain't far wrong in saying ss'e 1411 must say it went slourselves; at h)gravo• jemnellery, his letter of credit, and other P 1' is y. Hg44-
they're' haunted—that's my belief." Y slight/es ,;omit the papers, They stripped ilimend left him the French person
ten soaiat
That's stain rubbish 4" roi4;ed another, green to shift the un 9itthnale sk0loton AS sorts that a person stung by bees is for a time
BLEEDING ASD INsysslu),n exempt from tho effect of further stinging,
with atm impatient start of his shoulders, We slid, 13gt it Nide Mt possible the might by the roadside, where ho was f0tmd by the and it protected in the same sense that. vac-
" something t). its identity what alive
"Oh, you, date Perkins,' observed the 5 Y police some time after. He were
em to ideation eves immunitywith regard to
graybeard, with a thin smile of sarenam, by haute ng 11 up. And so we evede a 00005 police station, where h as injuries were droae- small -pox. This protecion lasts for six
you'll never believe anything nail you feel :did dropped dthen boon ht rhent the , tightened hed, but as he alailned to have been robbed, menthe or less, according to the number
the worms biting qqen. Ox -eye ,cane e a corcord, of bones to. the summit as if frame- had which the police refined to believe, he was of stings reeeiced,
joke to you, and aale.ays Wal,'quickly turned out to find his way back to
"Anyhoml•, 1 r'beko.'n, tkaii Spirit Itis been been a bnck04 in a well. It was a frame- his lodgings as best he could. Being abso•
laid this many ada,y," work of bones and nothing more, The lately without a penny, and being quite
"It may hate been. Alia ninny a year, teeth alone remained, strong end white and ignorant of the language -=notwithstanding The song of hope n the vow of gratitude.
tbo) fat it began to walk in '60, as I mind. even, in prof that the poor creature was his Trench origin—Mr. D0. Vienne received "Surely goodness and moray shall follow me
But I call it in(delism, I do, to go setting in the sudden into oto the life
of dntit i slip1ped of a little sympathy. His landlady kept his all the days of my life , and I will dwell in
your men little bet of mnind against what we J e. There was a wardrobe as security for his bill, but would the House of the Lord forever,"—Pasha
know to be true," clog of ice about the feet, whioh told of the not allow him to 0004110 ih the house, and erniii„ 0.
This colloquy somewhat excited my temperature in the dreaded hole, and ing• the unfortunate man resolved therefore to go There are many millions of tolerably well
interest. I asked if there was an Ox -eye gested that before dying the poor fellow to Nice, where he had some friends. He educated people to the world to -day who
Canon ghost, or anything of the kind, must have suffered other agonies as well as started to walk, and en route stopped could not quote a single sentence of the great
"There was," said the old fellow ; and those of starvation, and cramp, and (a grad- several persons, hoping to find masters of philosophy of the ancient world,
then he looked amongst his mates, as if ual lova of the hope of rescue. 0051330:a 00t1A11)N0 400L0511 of Whom so muoh 1s made b�• ceratin scholars
hesitant to say more. I did not press him ;
We were looking at the skeleton and can• to whom ho could tell his story. But his and teachers, Plato and Socrates, Epiatotets
for I had aeon enough of him to know that ecturing about it, when the Indian broke clothes bei: torn, his face bruised and his and Seneca are alter all men'ely names to
if he meant to tell the tale he would soon pit, an exclamation and pointed down the general appearance most sus loou9 he was thousands upon thouaauds who associate
tell it without urging; and if he par[erred Vt. T did not ditch e, words, but the regardedpes a drunken be e • bythose evho with those names the vaguest ideas of Won•
not to tell it, no coaxing could make him Borkervillo man slid, He, too, strained his understood hhn, and all as6isth lOS was re- derful wisdom. But the vast majority of
ten it, eyes into the depths of the fissure •than he fused. Arriving at Nice he found hisfriende these same millions are perfectly famliar
Well, two days aftorwarde, I was off tamed round toward ma. Thr follow is gone, and hs could not get any 5155 to listen with many songs of Israel's royal pout. The
among the mouetailms after wild goats, A right, he said, Thera is a little bag—a to his story, much less believe it, Finally Psalms of David have a firm and prominent
Barkerville man and the priest's Indian Ser• sort of satchel, you know—and some bite of tato Nice police arrested him as n tramp, Plaoe in the world, because they have touch•
vent were with me, the latter more especi• stuff like rags, Anyway, we may as well and as his explanations were unsatisfactory, ed the wor'ld's great heart, This 2'wenty-
ally for the sake of following bear, if we get the bag out" and he was without latter or pdper proven third Psalm for example is as common at
were so lucky as to hit a fresh trail. It was But ft was not an easy business. Again his identity, he Was not believed, The the light, or as the air we breathe. All the
a lovely day—the sky blue and cloudless ; and again wo tried to noose it, and alwayys judge laughed at his stop: of the robber world that knows anything, knows the
and the air they said, wonderfully mild for
in vain. The Me go down, boss,' of the and g gave bine te month's imprisonment fay sweet musio of that refrain, ' The Lord is
Barkerville. It was like a brillian4 Septette. Indian came AS a welcome proposition ;for alleged begging mid having no means of My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want," Eyes
bar day in old England : something very be back In Barkerow no ville bo to y Hair nightfall.
1 if e war) to support. He serve! Isis term, and, having of the minds of men, eyes least accustomed
hard to beat. And so we were in excellent Y 8 been liberated tramped to Marseilles whore to the imagginative and the artistic have
We spirits, and olambared about among the let it cli to thed the e liolee a04 The bo a rook, and he palled upon the American Consul, who seen with thatinner 070 "serenely bright"
pines and quartz rocks in very high sprite, hangwas shipped him home [ill the steerage of the the pictures of this song of grateful praise
and I, for one, determined not to mind very soon down •;and having rut the bag out of Bar undia, of living hoe. There is soothing to
muohif we gotneither goat nor doernarbear. the ids, and looked about; to sea }f there was q the weary soull in the very flow of the words.
As luck would have it, we sighted only two anything else worth removing, but in vain, " He maketh me to he clown in green pas•
or three goats, and these two or three made be 04100 to 4i/0:surface again, by no nnen8 Kitty Neale, tures ; He leadoth me beside the still
off too fast for my gun. By lunob-time we with the ease are had descended. All to the Golden Peig, waters," What worlds of rest and pease
were very hungry, not alittle tired, and eon- The bag was initialled J. F. Itwes heavy 1 met with 1>_ttty Nome, and otlent quiet these :simple words contain 1
siderabl knee -Iced about by the sharp roolt• and swollen, I suppose, therefore, no ono On her poll the milking pail, a lamb nosing at But the last verse fa perhaps in gime re.
edges. We had wandered 0 good many milds. of ns W98 surprised when we opened it to her q nee,r cyte were eremite of bloc, s e0t8 the eWooteat and most musical of all,
We are so near Ox -eye Canon, that if find it crammed with gold -dust. There was With the sun tight dancin through, Itis the 0nm of the whole matter. The
you can hold on another hour, 1'11 like you further a piece of paper with some faint And her saucy lips the hum of the rose on time moral of the song. The crowning gem of
to see it," said the Barkerville man when I writing upon it, the interpretation of whioh tree, the sacred poem, 'c Surely goodness and
mentioned the luncheon basket. was beyond us, both then and whoa we were For n year and for a day, mercy shall follow me all the days of any lifo
" By all means," I replied. "But 1 book in the settlement, I hero sought in every way and' will dwell in the 410550 of the Lord for
thought it -was nearer the town." \Vo buried the poor follow ill another and That maiden fair as May for my tato lova to over," Here hope etude with flaming torch,
Oh no ; or else, I reckon, Barkerville much shallower' shaft' which we had no Every art of tongue and dm lighted at the fires that all along the path
hid go into a pretty remit' °ort of 'lecline.— difficulty afterwards in half filling with loose front rads with learnt try,
hare horned ineassantly. And from that
You "remember the Oxeye spirit, don't soil. Then we matte all haste •homewards. I hada 80(1 with ceaseless sigh, yet all, all in torch casts n s iendot• on all Doming t}niSe.
The (u dol shark hthe is head. the mounlailns ark climbing �(1 lctninedifag lint that morningnt the trace Whatars od1 these pa84 meroioes'but prophe-
g ago 0C the trouble In my Mee, cies of What: yet ellen be. As if tho psalmist
" Ali, well, if you don't you ought. Fele tiguo a good deal lege with such a Sub. She panted with timid grace and murmured should say, "Ali tenet has boon it but the
lows wo do, describe it as a vice mourn- Peet for conjecture amongsts, 105 name, pattern of what of shall be," As ft has
fel and sweet you knot'', filling the 0anon That evening chore was some excitement •Anda Mewled, bloesed man,
y g g 1'11 a kfas beneath her can been with mo in daps gone by, so it shall be
like ah Malian harp, For my part, I don't in BArkervillc. Every mule adult in the place And 05085nt her 'Waist to !pan, W141,0t14 ono in &veto came, only much more abtnldantly
know what to think, I'm a bit spoiled in had heard the news, and crowded into the word of blame. The good hand that has been with me will
the spiriit-way, b008050 5 never Saw One, to tavern for Isis alum of information and the Ane ( a v id thIe blooming
led oming howero, never fail ma. Tho opringo, the eternal
tolls to, spoil, By right of possession we three might Wlth my blushing Plower of Flowers, unser l epriu gg a, the springs that aro eta the °veriest•
We Crossed °bold writ of white rock have kept the others at a (liotn0C0 from tae lloavens blue a ono; ing hills, will not run dry.. Surely goodness
with mot a single tree ap0.5 it, but, within jag• bag of gold•dust, hadwo 10 choose Rut, for But thelam b ho took atiltt,, and mem shall follow me 1 follow mo as
ed peaks, snnw•ti act a orrhh''sj.0aof awondcr m friondwasnotver variciooe; At her nen, till allwaespltt,-
g P ' - PP ' P ' Y, y,N ' And 5117154, 191 bo kat l" ltittydarted home, close as my shadow, newt far' ono moment
the peep, Thee we descend 15 i•,y o• )nest and the Iudman was likely to lye overruled, Amens 1>es(vuv 11.. B1lovrs, , parting eumpaly with me, This hope isnot
X NT r
11,+ta( Ti lit,
O. arrant, 11 bi Lase,4 ttpon th ii,,e i t 1.05
i5 t,4• p, +w
of all the events of the past. !'tae h p,• i$ 8 1 1(14 �,,
es 43, (1511(5• 4115 only 001101 119i011 to w•hir'1) n erne
• Songs of the $east,
Palk and Alarm in Europe --Tho K'aiser's
Plan of Reconciliation with France a
Eat! a:'e--' Norwoglan Polities— Mrs,
Maybriok to be Released Shortly,
Only a weak ego Europe was 1ux1n'iating
111 (111 tuut0custom:n1 ant Wet woloomerelief
from 11 long nightnntre of auspfoiono and
armed vigilauce, To recall a figure used
then, she had taken 0if the cuirass and hel-
met and wee strowhing out her limb's in the
sunlight, too happy for words. Everybody
was smiling at everybody, and one !night
almost have believed the millennium war
olose at hand. All that was a {Wok ago,
and yet alreadyit some like a vision of the
remote past. '.Che situation lute indeed so
0onpla4517 changed that the whole Contin-
ent canoes with the hostile baying of the
joutnalistio watclnfngs at one another and
" Ll the first place he will be amen called serious Wren talk \5 it 1 foreboding of the out -
of God. His call from Cod will conclusively look,
appear to him in this-- -bo,, his inability to Great 15955 have boon male in times not
chaotic any other pI,. ureult. '1 he ministerial so very far distant over a smaller )rovoca-
life with hat will not be °question of ease 41011 that that whioh this week 1118 been
or of money, or of social advancement, or gratuitously hurled into Emperor 1Vil'ian's
of personal popularity. He will preach for face. His grandiethet•, for example, turned
tiro reason that Jeremiah continued in the his august back upon Benedetti on that
prophetic office, Time and again Jeremiah historic July morning at Erns for less rause.
reeoh'ed upon quitting the oidia. IIe saki to 'Toro will be no war now simply becnnse
himself,' I will not speak any 0101e in God's \Viniam is going to keep his temper, but
name.' But what camp from Ode resole• there must have preen times during the week'
Von ? Let Jeromial, himself respond when the tension upon it was perilously
When I 84114)0 thus, God's Word was in great.
mine heart as a burning fire, and I was The trouble arose from an error of jn(lg-
weary with my forbearing.' As fire burns utent on one side and a grievoes lack of
itself mat of its imprisonment, so God's mete manliness on the other. William, in par -
sages burned themselves out into public seance of his deep desire to inflneuee llu-
utteranue. As bird when filled with song rope for its own good, wished to establish
is compelled for its own relief to pour its pleesalter relations trick Franca, Like
carol into the sit, so the God -called and most ambitious young noon ot his sanguine
spirit•lilled minister is pressed by the very temperament, he believes things because he
neee5eity of the entnfort reamer the nessa'e wants them to he true. He believed that
of eternal life to dying men," -1,45, Dated the time lied conte for the two countries to
Crew, D. 1). shako hands, aid bo aosanod upon insuffi-
cient information that the Trend: people
THE LIME-KILNOLUB, Ishsredhis feeliug.
Matey alarmist accounts have been sent
Some ravers to tic Sent to the Le;ishatare, out as to the gravity of the crime in Nor.
"We her met here des erat'enin' " erect wogillt pnliti'y, caused uy the de10at of
Brother elard,,er when the meeting had been Boleti s llmuse y, roma Dien Sweden of le
g solution (f the union with Sweden of lA!4
opened in dna form, "to h'ar de reports of ant! dell war. Asa !natter of fact, no scrim's
etaven4y liaran nhtthere nn' discuss du sate. I trouble nood be apprehended. Norwaysim-
ply takes this maims of asserting her Weise
who frizzles a piece of leather on (fat stove, rte to raise an alley to a volae in the foreign policy of the antic d
or so few forgets hissalf kingdoms, whioh hitherto :itvedenhasdirect-
viuder to see 1f hi drew g nm within'clown ta
ed alone, d there is V3317 little doubt that
star', is gwhie to be finest vat loss clot fo' some arrangement will be made to seem
thousand dollars. Dar' am sadist things this in future.
des dab believes to be wrong, an' sortie this
4510 an important (late in the
other thittgs ft believes co be right, an' de history of the Brit}ah Empire, marking as
people of de State of Mulligan iter deir eyes it (loos the first session 0f n congress at
OP us al' expect us to do Dor clotty, We
will Sydney to effect the federation of the Alis-
on capital
listen to as report of de committee tralasiao colonies. Alt but New•%eadlanal pmmislunenf will be represented, and it is expected that
TAB 101 OM. the lebore of the delegates will not be pro -
Sir Johnsonbury Jonas, chairman of the longed. 110 fish interest in the event take a
above committee, repotted as follows : the practical h•„m of curiosity as to bow
" Dey used to hang a puss0n in die state they will manage things on the tariff ques-
if (ley murdered anybody, Dey found out tion ; but there will be cordial approbation
dalit giuerally broke his nock to hang Win, of the results whatever they may be, The
an' so dey dun 'got sorry an' repealed de law. English are very proud of Austrialia.
Dis committee has gone slow an' looked into 1 understand that there is serious expeo-
do matter very keerfully. It has diskiverod kation that Mrs, _llaybrick will be 800(1 re.
dist : eased by the Iionle Secretary. Undoubt-
I—Hanging a murderer dawn' bring his wily the discovery of Stephen's mental con -
victim back to life, clition has revived interest in her case, hot
"2—It loan' stop odder men from cam. 't is said that her devoted mother line Sna.11y
mittin' murder, gat together from Franco and America a lot
"3—But de man Who ate hung duan' git of new evidence on the subject of her use of
away to kill somebody else. arsenic for her conplexiou.
"4—Nor de state of Michigan dean' hev to
beard and clothe him de rest of his life a: a
" While your committee dean' meant to TIVE.
hurt nobody's loonies, it would mildly an' --
modestly express its belief dot de day has An Incident 08 The 5cotcit Itaiiway Strike
cunt in Michigan when two puss0us are During the late strike, when engines could
murdered in cold blood fur every one sheep be just about got for the asking, one was
stolen, an' dat it is time de crime was made owned to work the traffic of Mr. Robert
onerous if not odious." Yong, coalmaster, Greenhill, and the,
4 R=03013321 3/ gqcarry tratho of .lhS. On n
0u motion of Waydown Bebee, the report day the engine wasir. takenJan to dotottsome sltSunn-
wa5 aeoepted, then a vigorous discussion lag, and when the Work was finished, it was
took plane as to what the club should rec0m• put away near Greenhill Pit, and left in
mend to the Legislature. The following was charge of a man named A. Anderson, who,
finally decided on , had been working as brakesman for tato past
c If, arter a murderer has had de benefit few days, About half -past four in the after -
of a jury who can't read nor write—a good noon foul' men came up, and Anderson said,
lawyer—fo' or five witnesses who will swag he would give them a " lOol" along the line,
to anything—de sympathy of the public— and the result showed that he was as good.
de plea of temporary insanity—if he n1.' con. as his wort!. He filled the boiler and got
vested arter all des it would be well to hang steam properly up, and then.
hint. We recommend, however, dat de tope RAN- (110su T111 010)40
be k]vored wed cloth, an' dat he be hung its to theDrum,Iowio Branch of the Caledonian
softly as possible an' dee at least fo'teen Railway. On getting on to this branch he
hasps be engaged fur de funeral procession,' made for Moutcow, some 4i miles distant.
1'1.iA40rAr. Auderson them. pot 011 full steam, and was.
Prof. Singlotreo White, chairman of the running at from thirty to forty milds per
committee o1 finance, reported as follows: hour, Those on the engine expostuletted
" Your committee has traced (1e use of with 114,1,, and said he was going far too fret.
money back to 4,000 y'ars B, 0., an' has not Anderson's reply was , " Leave that to me,
been able to find chat de poo' man cher had 1 know the road ; and I have to be fironan
any nio' don he has got to -clay, It a1.' our to•morrot'." He, however, put a little
opinyun dot sunthin' orter be dun. Die °hook on the steam value, bat as they were
ger inearound decad- brokeisn't only hurtful going clown hill it did nob muchslackonspeed,
to de feolins, but wherry inconvenient. We One of the " passengers " while keeping a.
would darfore r000mmend as fellers 1 lookout ahead, saw the runaway points at
1, Expand de currency until de basket Montoow standing open , but by this time
slops ober. they were Within 00 yards or 40 of them. He
"2, Coin 'nuff silver so dal ebery man will shouted 4011)5 000npanioos to 2101043, and at
hew to hev an extra hind pocket to carry his once suited his notion to the word. Other
share, two jnmpecl or tumbled out ,and fortunately
' • 11. Make a day's work six houre long, lighted on soft spongy ground. Ono of
an' de pay S6, but dome' hay too many of 'em
111 one Week. themvim. Sll 1.1 smits1.1.4A0)a
"4. Tiring de price 0f whftawaehin' up at tad lighted on his head, with his foot in the
leaet 200 per cent, but knock de price of bul11l nallget samong the fell book wit ors, the engine,
meat an' Caters down to the de werry lowest boon as it 4110804 his lege fell bock on the
"5. Fix it so dat ebery culla pusson in die rail,oeTt t 41 of them, 0 Wilson ou and , and sowoos
n ofd
kentryj who wants to wear diamonds ami ride ithgib tiig11c over the ama�ltm Balk, eOAfter
in his (urridge kin do so, but ifridin'aronnd ebtm arra f1. ve the radicle engineplough-
makes his back ache, den fix it so ho kin set n trach fully 1011 fn c10 tam, and after going
antsntloank an' chink all de champagne his some distan,•e i e apparently got out to stony
\Vaydoem Bebee, Shindig Watkins, ground, and 16 again came to the surface,
Whalebone Howkeri a - broadens Jones and and finished ip by getting on the top of the
Whore spoke very strongly on the gttestiomof condom which by this time was minas a
acloptieg the report, but Brother Gardner wheel or two, and both now lie like a heap
arose and said : of scrap -iron at 0 mini() yards past the end
" Dat report will be sot clown out an' ]aid of the rails, lluring the peregrinations of
on tae table indefinitely. It's too aeon. T4 time engine, after getting clear of the rails,
asks for too mull, If w0 could hev all close time two num,ng,otoh0drigltt over and quite
things asked fur in dal report we'd consider clear of both unp!ue and condor. Haw any
ourselves 60 clue to Heaven dal nobody of them' ince red to
Would tarn out to Thursday ovenho' prayer 118' arm \ mu io , 1..l vEs
meetlns. I shall inotroot de sockrotary to 18 tonak! it ; las4)811,fn�g They wore all
say Dal it is de sense of des dub dat le dfr-
considerably a) ly t:hokom, and Anderson had
sudation ortor be Increased about fo' teen soar o» :spot
gal, The enes in were
millyon dollars a y'ar until ebory otll'(l head snit out the• ,apes making %distvp ea into the
of fam'ly is 84)10 to how a rubber doth mat tnetothers Awernon luta dfeol oared, but
and on
on de top stop at' a cuckoo *leek in de par. tho
wctt were easily
beforot e lthe d f`P ooira-
Ivr, De meatal will now he all broke imp, to bor•Fisl , n T:larilton, Ile went carefully
assonhle agin at the nand da de eecleratary" into the natter, but frou. the statements,
made It,. ulaA to see any malicious intent
Watch° waterfall for some time, and the in avyt of ,; theb.wtes done, and in 00nse-
water appears to standstill, ON the melte stu)nac 11 • time. were liberated. Wilson's
behind it know) up. While sitting ill a train mJuric weer. ;mei that ho was unable to bo
and watching mother train passing, it is taken 1 , 4 an,itten, Before the engine Ceti
inlpos5fble, if the latter be of closed machos be iifte.t '•e; y , r, i0 01 a railwaywill 00(u1`r0
(like a mail train), to say which of four to bo m f •r the engine ill have to be
things is happening. Tho 00ertrein may taken ,e1 ccs. Tho damage clone will bo
beat rest, or we may be at rest, both 4raine 14700 at ;t.
may be moving in the same direction, but
ours quiakor, or in contrary directions, %Ve If th , ,"1••1. to do hard work isnot talent,
ear) only settle the question by looking acct itis the t 1 possible Sa415414t0 for fir•:•
of the other window, (48000,