The Brussels Post, 1891-3-13, Page 44. New Advertisements. made which will greatly benefit our Fall Exhibitions and lie a, source of pleasure Locals -Gem Gond, and interest to onr residents. The Dir. New goods-, Rogers. eotore of the agtieriltural society ore Locals -Alex. Strnehan. quite agreeable to supply the balange Local -Geo. Titan -won, THE BRUSSELS POS'i. AIARCII 13, 1891 D. W. Kern, who opposed Mr, Sather. land in North Oxford, ileacs his depoeit, Fred. R. Cole, dealer in lamp+ end ohthaware, Montreal, hes aesigned with thibiIitiea of 0135,000. Constable Herron of the Mounted Police was found on the prairie neer A tration gide- Varerane Bros. easement to meet the desired object. Lethbriage, N. W. T„ froeeu lo deals Spring 1100118-A lex, Straohan. The intention ie to put a geed mum on A Beam 100)] j,gies li en„to sem. the Card of 'Melts -P. Macdonald, the grounds ee an to give horse owners other day within three mikes of tho ell - Auditors' report -Grey township. Special nan opportunity of exhibiting their lage. A small dog stented it and whim lies -Ferguson & }faith -lay, t Satchel lust- Puer Peblisaing Howe, equinee. There ebont 3.43o0 in the it stuck its head out of the hole to map fit the deg w was levelled with 411 1116. General gootle-W. Niglithigale & 00. bank to the credit of the Caledonian SO- A brought l$25 in Toronto the next day. oioty and about 6181 belonging to the The usual placid run of affej,e in the To the Electors of the East Riding of Huron; GRNTLENEN,- Now Nett urns content is over and the smoke and cleat of battle is cleared away, I take this, my earliest, opportunity to thank you for a renewal of your confidence. I am deeply grateful to every one who contributed to my eleetion-by vote, in- fluence or work. But, while cordially thanking all for their valued and highly appreciated Bervices, 1 am under special obligations; to rattily of my friends. Driving Park Aseociation. We hope the village of Elora was rather disturbed the other day by 10111018 of the 'Padden des parties interested will attimil the meeting parture for the other side of Dr, Bleck, a and have it agreeably and satiefaotority eenties there. The stories seem to agree aettled, The propmed porehase will that Black made his %vas to Guelph, and give 141 acres in the Show ground, most affeationetety greeted a young lady who arrived from Toronto oti the train. It ie understood he 'bought two tioluts Perth County. for Chicago, and the coeple, joining emu- - pony here, continued their journey to. Air. Ormiston will shortly olotte his acither to the western metropolis. office in Mitchell and remove to Toronto, Black's parents live within a mile of the where he has formed a partnership in a village, Red are highly thought of, In law firtn. fitet, Black ',yea doing a good business, W. ea Gres of Fnllarton, has gone to and always conducted himself properly, Southern California to seek a euro ter and, beyond some fast driving of his tang disease. His eldest daughter ac. teem of ponies, which culled forth 00111. companied him. mens in some quartera, no one had any- thing to say against him. He is meld to The Cosgrove family and the Mines To the speedier. elm se ably aseierel Rosa, who have WM a tom through On. me upon the public platform ; to those who so skilfully organized the "plan of campaign ;" to the executive workers who so effectually carried out every detail of the organization, and to those who so kindly carne from a distance to record TM Equal Righters were toting to in. their vote for me I tender my deepest dim the Rev. A. P. Tully, of Mitchell, gratitude and sincere thanks, to run in their interests in South Perth, bot he very whole reinsert, att he is en - 1 cordially thank my political op- gaged in much better work. pcments for the great cutirtegy they have A tittle son 01.7110. ss. H„mites, sth shown me during the campaign, both at con., Elam, got his arra badly bitten by their doe OM day last week. He is be. my meetings and in my general inter- ginniug to get the use of his aim now, couree with them. but it will be sore for o hong time. I am now, by the will of the majority, T. Hewett), of the 0 iminereha nose, Stratford. had a small bet up on the re. the representative of East Huron fur stilt fof the Hmnilton election with a another Parliament, and while honored 1- 1000 who asserted that Gibson would with that position I will endeavor, to the have a majority of 700. etecording to the official return Mr. Hagerty lost by best of my humble ability, to discharge votes. His opponent is a close oaleala. my duty in a spirit of fairness and i1 . tor. partiality, always keeping in view the On St. Valentine's Day W111. Hanson, good of my native country rather than of Fellarton, had a floek of chickens hatched out. These are eitely birds and the exigeneies of party. deserve to catch tho early worm. Mr. If I can be of any seri ice to my con. Hanson says they are preparing to crow, atituents Liberals and Conservatives and thinks they will be ready by the eth alike-iu transacting any business with lo,fo;a.tiairochniofithe weather remains warm ; Iberia blizzard maws up they the Administrative Departments at 01- may get nipped in the bed, taw a it will afford me much pleasure in dames Kennedy, wholesale liquor 100101101)1, Stratford, died suddenly ahem placing my services at their disposal. twelve o'clock Sunday night of mum/eta I have the honor to be, gentlemen, of the !teem He NM out and around your humble and obedient servant, during the day, apparently as well a.s any one could be, and this makes the death - P. MACDONALD, terrible ea any time and model, any ohs "e"rest dwuth"gt ""d khlking taros, are at present enjoying a, holiday in St. limeys. 'PM value of all farm property in the °ciente of Perth, inoluding land, build. hies, intelemeuts and live stook, was 084,64408 in 1888, against 684,289,634 in the fallowing year -•- 31''] been 1,k.”1,,t41 tin Wort girl, lout the surmise is i hat he became 0110100(00of a Toronto charmer, and the only wey he eould see to eoloy her conmanionehip was for them both to flit to the other eide, leaving the other girl in the leech, asiestete sta. tel. The Listowel G,lS and Electric Light Co. have purchased an clectrie plant from the 13a11 Company, and tinned com• pleting a circuit immediately. The Reliance lietrtrie Light Co, 11008 Greeted a comae ol poles for street lamps to show what their lights aro like, 010 have also completed their circuit through town, The following officers of the Listowel fire company were elected et the annual meeting held on Saturday eveuing Cbief, R. T. Kemp •, Captain, J. F. Wil. son ; Lieutenant, a..4.. Seaman ; Semi tary, G. I', Mortar At the regular tneetra„. of the Court Royal Oak, No. 20, Canadian Order of Foreaters, held on Thursday, February 10th, a letter of oondolenoe Iwas ordered to be presented to Mrs. A.. Little, wife of our late brother Andrew Little, on behalf of the members of this (Tome about 2 o'cloek Sunday morning two masked men seized the night watohnoan at Hese Bros'. factory, Listowel, tied his hands battiest his bark filled his mouth with cotton and tied a wooden gag in hie mouth. They then threw him on the ground. end 050 held him there 5011(13the other proceeded to fire the promisee in several ;Metes. When the wetchmn a was liberated he made his way to the Wineham, 110.1011 9th, 1s91. eurnstances-the m re imyteseive. Ire doer Baptiser] the inmate% When he was -- - - - - -- - - - reoffered from neuralgia in his hied, mutt, freed and the alarm was given it was abont twelve o' l It i 1 c oc , w t iont any warn. fonyremud the whole 1 i ses were burning. ing, the neuralgia left hie them ,ms ss. Um 1)0(35 in commotion with the water taelced his heart, causing instant death. ' easeseesseesere”seeteeeetee werks had been tempered witi, and were .— - Owing to entity.) able eeather very 1100)000, and the wire in mimic:inn with a ET If. be 3.6T1U5C15 hilIDAY,MAR. 1 8, 1,83)1. 'I Le Libel:els L.: leetrth "errs, tura cro the ism Ns:, to nominate a candidate to succeed the late Mr. Hunter as AI, P. P. for the riding. A reveres has bee- filed 11 Osgood. Hall against the return of fir. Magwoocl No got Go and seo MRS. B. BOGERS' splendid stock of Black and Colored Dress Goods just arrived. They are worth looking at, and we fool a pleasure in showing them, oven if you don't buy. We have some Protty Goods as Low as 10c. a Yard. Now Om:Prints, too, are the Prettiest mon for many years past. We make a specially of every lino of 11/2.1ourning Goods, of m hid.: we ka eep largo stock on hand all the 1111310. Our Courteous and Obliging Milliner, Miss Green, will be here tm ext week to commence the spring season. Our grand Millinery Open- ing will take place short/y, of which we will give due Notice. little swamping was done in Erna towii. the alarm had beeo cut Oil intended 0 • . ship last winter, and the saw mills -of for use in the faot.-ry had been poured which there are half 11 0 zett- were eorn- on the finer. and everything acute to pereticele idle. This year, however, the 11)1(1(Itt, 0 Itt, 00 ('10 03 ()ltht""Aiu" 0004'1". people otete eager for employment and The whale prennse- are in ruins, with tole advantage of every opportunity pre. several dwellinge ttd other ;shoe, Men sewed to engage in the work, with the aged• There is about $31,000 Menominee 'itatkie sla SS '• el V , .14. E. _ROGERS. vAwamava*sa.urwc.etam.,...eusseerena Money to Loan, ----- IGney to Loan en Farm Pro lefty at 0 1P ES T le,/ TES. Private and Company Funds, DICKSON &HAYS, Solieo'iors, attl8Sist8, ONT. CANADIAN 'PACIFIC pEOPLE'S POPULAR .1 0, t 1 144°11'4 ARTIES TO British Columbia WASHINGTON Dregon and California Leave Termite 11 p.m, on Fridays, as under I MARCH 200)' 1 e91 I APRIL (('11d te 171, I 1891 MAY let. Ole 'ming 1 bre 511)5 to )1111e0 111'54 0411114kt( 0 hauge. For Berths end all 1101 101111011 artily to J, T. Pepper, A1151,1r; ThirPBELS. J. & d. LIVINGSTONE have 1000 busbele of first rowth DUTCII Ell: ill lor farmers in the vieinity of Drusselst wile intend raising Hex during the coin- ing totem!, which they are prepared to deliver in quantities to enit flax. growers. ( en be gut at the Drueselit Flax Mill. Petri given c to et „Lilt) p r tiobol, and on the 11111111 1011118. (1,1.' eat ly to en- sure a supply. Fee Flax grown 1. n. this. t,td $10 PER JON apiTIG if of go -d greet 1. lit et sled — 0 _IL in pl opt r 1 10311103110111 de nog o nt tie - Flax Mill fie me, eh 111 far threehieg. 11 • Pratifyitik, result that the mill yards are on the butIcting and machinery, besides full of logs and tha task of sawing thetn large mimetic on the co tents. The coin. To Dr Graham's 4110 11201ber is !tow belle; prosecuted with paeies inct rested as far as; known tit R,lock, lipposito Queen. s Rotel, cousidmir erable vigor, ing employmeut to a large mimeo!. of halide. On Feb. 13th as member eleot to the Outario Legisla the Ifienkton mid bad 700,000 feet of tura for North Perth. Ceneematers state that „teethe:I: &lege. tion 1. ootning from Ireland to At -Irwin. to solicit money in aid of the viatime of landl trliern in that unhappy country. Until the Lich people show some 0010. 111011sense by settling the Parnell diffl- catty their delegates may ae well stay at home. rhe enthusiasm over Mr. Per- na 1 displayed iu some parte 01 Ireland will go far to strengtheu the hands of the opponeuts of Home Role and upholders of landlordism, who are 1104 niakia,, curninou came with the Parnellites in their opposition to lir. Gladstone and his Mende. Tee Dotnitlion Government should ohm; the head off their franchise Ant at the comieg seesion and thereby nob only gave thousands of dollars to the text payers but give the electors the privilege of neing a fair and impartial list prepared by the municipalities, Tbe recent elec- tion has show', to many a supporter of the Government the absurdity of retain. ing their expensive, unfair and unwieldy list. The Toronto News in speaking on this subject sae ;- There should be e. rotor» to the 1160 of the Plovincial voters' liras for Fedetal eleotions ancl an adoption of the principle of one man oue vote, The preparatiou of a. Federal list credo the country nearly half a million dollars and imposes upon candidates and their friends an almost ego,' expellee, This oost must be borne annuehy, or else the clangor is 5001' pre. mut of an appeal to the country on fists whioh do not contain more than six. sevenths of the 101000. 13y returning to the old system of using the provincial Hilts great expanse will be spared, and the lists will be found always ready for use. Tlien'as to the Om -maroon° vote primiple. That should certainly be adopted, if for no other reason than to save the enormous expense noW involved iti bringing votes from one end of the Dominion to vote in the alma Neer Monday oveni ig a meeting of the members of the Brussels Calorlonien SO- oiety and the 13ressels Driving Park As- sociation will be held in the :Pawn Hall to °emitter the disposal of funds in lta,nd to the credit of the OMB 510/1001113(1 111. ditutions, We propose that the money be utilized for the Wilma) good of Bras- toelitee and the people of this community by being mad tewarde the purchase of all additional ten acres of land to tho north of the Grey Branch Agricultural grounds fee that ,improvements may be n 8 10 1115 yard and the malinger was °madam that with favorable weather for auethitr week or two they would remit the million notch and begin to as. slime milliott airs rho mill gives etn- plot nr-ne -0 8 oe 10 handy. fo. 113111110' '0 mill on the lath eon., has a stock of about 400,000 feet of logs and a large quantity of lumber and posts. Lag's mill, gravel road, Ints 8010,000 feel of loge to StEST, and is also preparing to trim out about 1,00o bunches id shingles. 117ne. Attie, the Donegal lumberman, has larger stock ef logs 011 band than he has had for six years, over 800,010 feet are in his )aro, and as great a quantity 5e 40,000 have been received in a single day The Atwood and Gotham 101118 are well supplied. :Jet undies AI Nktt t.k. Aloerie Cornish, a, farmer in Orford thensliip, near Thamescille, killed him- self in a fit of despondency on Aioncley. Probably the °Wed num who voted in Gamete last Thursday was Wm. Gunner, of Hamilton. Mr. Gunner i 08 years of HO. Roy V. Somerville, who reeently re- signed his position act general advorthoing agent of the 0. P. 1.1., han gene to New York to eetablieb it newspaper advertis- ing agency. About 6 a, m, Tuesday, at Clinton, the bo'el owned by John Butler, occupied by AI. (Mara atid.lomen as the Railroad Hotel, was totally consumed by fire, the otempants barely escaping with their lives. Fortunately the wind was in a teem:able direction otherwise a scrims cionflagration mighl have resulted. Loss not definitely known at the time of writ. leg, but the insurance is said to be slight. Nothing Wee saved teem the Ere. The 'Windsor, 1Valkerville Lts Amherst - burg tarot railway company hue ordered 225 tons 01rails from the Cambria Iron Co., of Johnstown, Pai Ten tome with electrical machinery for operating them have Wee been orOored. The generating etittion will be erected on the Canadian P110110 tracks, Tho supplies thus far ordered will cost 5{5,001 The company expect to bo running Mel/mai Sandwich to Brighton Boatel) by June lea provid. ing they obtain all the Concessions they demo from the Windsor otaineil. Thomas Hoggarth, fortnerly of Clinton, but now of Elmer Tp., Banihto Coe Mice higitn, while out cutting rails a couple of overate ago his dog started to bark and be wont to see what he had got to bark at, and behold he had en old she hear in her met with oubs. Ur, liogartral went at the nest with an axe and he gave the female bruin a Wow, het could not get her mit and want for a rifle and aloof her, 8 111 brad three cube. A few clays after he was attracted by Ste dog the same way 0.nd found another she beer Ire shot ler also. She had two cube about tt week old, Ile 80011510 531 for the two pelts bettolee about live gallons of 0,3,Air. lingertrth ,etepeon of Andrew formerly. of Clinton. present are the Western, 88,000 ; Lamm. shire 51,0 ; National of Irelerad, 62,- 100. ALLAN LINE Our New Store is Central, Well Lighted and Convenient, and as many new ones as may call 1 ayal Mail Steamships. All will be made Welcome. CHEAP IfICURSIGNS to ELME and I will be glad tr) see all my old customers 00111;1110.7327,7 RAILINGS 11150111 PORTLAND on HALIFAX, To DERRY or: LIVERPOO 01.18IN "RATES, $45. 80511113 $110, Ring 1180. 800 am) isous Iteturn, according to Location of Stateroom. 3(0 CAITLN. CARDING. lutward 825; Prepaid Steerage at lamest itatee, acconintodittione faisurpassect. Apply to IT. & A. ATIAN,ltnntretd, olt W. 3)1 AnaNT, E The past week lifts been a busy one opening, unpacking, marking and getting into order the purchases for another season'k trade. Our Assortment is Large The Styles are particularly Attractive The Prices are Low, and the s Values are Exceptionally Good AUCTION SALE --)0F( --- Farm Stock and Implements, 3)0. George Xirkby, auctioneer, has received instructions troiu the undersign. el to sell by pnblio aeration at Lob 1, eon. A, Turitberry, on Wednesday, Mar, 18th, commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, the fol- lowing valuable property, 0121k : 1 regia. tered mare ; 1 aged mare ; 1 registered filly rising 2 years ; 1 gelding ming 2 year:: both sired by oaVareior" ; 1 trait rising 1 year, eligible for registering, sired by."Yoteng Tasteall" ; 8 cows and 1 heifer in calf '2 farrow wove ; 1 steer rising 4 eears ; 4 steers rising 8 85(0081 2 steers coming 2 yettre ; 1 heifee coming 2 your; ; 8 spring oalvee ; 3. waif 4 mote old ; 82 well bred Shropshire owee all young sheep, all supposed to 135 in lamb to a thorough bred Oxford -flown ram ; 1 thorough heed Oxford down ram ; 4 fall pigs ; geese, duolcs, teekeye, and over 60 Ilene all young and prineipelly well bred legloorne 1 lutnber wagon nearly new ; 1 hay rake ; 3. pale of bob.sleighs ; 1 Week. buggy; 3, Portland otttter, nearly new ; 1 reaper 1 Termite motver ; 1 combined freed (hill ; 1 entity horse take 1 plow ; 1 set of 500 .3011 btterowo • 1 tan. Wing mill ; 1 'Maxwell' turnip molter ; 1 net of double harness ; 1 sot single liar - nen ; voythes, chain% forks, =die, grind stone, oross.ont saw, workbench, and other artiolee too nemerous to men. title, else 11 prantity 01 hay. The sale will he without tottery* as site proprietor is going to rem his farm. Tonots.-All sense of 65.00 and under cash umt (111101111 11 menthe cleat will be given on furnithing approved joint notoe. A die. Out of 03301 0851. will be allowed for molt oredit arnounts, Geo. Iftinow, P. C. WRIGHT, Anetioneer, Proprietor. We. have bought a very -Large Stock of the celebrated ...ybster Sbirtings, every piece warranted Fast Colors We are also in receipt of a large consignment of English Prints and Sal:teens —all New Styles —Gray Cottons, Pickings. Pillow Cotton, Sheeting's, Cottonades, Dress Goods, Gi ngbarns, Cash ineres, Cashmer- ettes, Lusters Embroider- ies, Ete , Etc. The late lire destroyed our stock of Hats & Caps, 80 we open up with Everything New in this Line. Call and See our Electric Hat, the Latest Out. We have just opened 31i Cases of Boots & Shoes, so we can supply everycne with this line of wear. A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES. A very Fine Line of 35c. Tea. Try it. These goods have been bought in the best markets at the very lowest prices, and will be sold at a steal advance on cost, for cash or trade. Our business for the past year on the cash or ready pay system has been very satisfactory. It enables us to sell on a much smaller margin, and is better for both buyer and seller. We have not attempted inthis advertisement to enumerate the many novelties and attractive articles which we have to show; neither de we quote prices; the vare is too limited. All are invited to comeand see them, New Faces will be Made Welcome, 0111 Customers will be Cordially Received. Remember the Stand—firaham's Block, 0110 (13)01' North at Pepper's Drug Store, Brussels, ALEX. STRAOHAN. We will tile() relit eTamil et. ta ened alio: .ter the rewrote, el growing & 0. 13%1 a (last ON Fe Propriete re Brussels flax milt. W. BRIGHT, Manarer, ENTIRE HORSES ND MARES FO.B SiLE, The subscriber offers the fdlowing Well-bred Animals for Salo: "Cadix" (6664), Vol, it ; "Earl of Breads:thane" (0709), Vol. /I. Thee° horses arc 3 years old ; heavy draught. "Loam Chief," 0 yea)'] old, heavy draught, One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, from 101. ported stet* on both sides ; heavy draught, "Prince of Douglas," a reed or carriage stallion, risi»g 8st Ittel ; imported, One Heavy Draughi Mare, 0 years old ; impelled ; with foe', One Canaclien bred Mare, heavy draught, risinp 5 leers, with foal by 1)1 side. Oettt blare Void, from hemmed stook on both tides Ono (teldrag, 3 yeers ohi, heavy d)aught, 3,-"Lintiter, Teem will be made to Respoesibitt Parties. The above mentioned stook may be seen, ped eta 5(00 and prices ob- tained by applying to .A. t.purrt, 26- Beessms l', 0. Z.exBrozrAm, ALD., L.O.P.S.G., M.O.P.S.M., lite Scotch Specialist, .1.S' 1311 la4 speommsT Pon 11015 TRIkATAIltea; Chronic Dimmest Private Dioeases, eattes of the Brain aro Nerve, Di& eases of the Heart and Lungs, and Maumee of Women positively Treated Suceessfully. Oneteiretee Beliatrawr, Lietowel, says t - 'tenor spet11111 • all my munoy atul properly Lo no pnrnose to medical toot, for what they termed ft impetigo. ease 01 consumption, Or. Sim:lair cured we." 14.148 MAUI, Venom, Woodbome, saye "When ail where Isitol Dr, tileetteir eared era Wilts." 11, SoublivrsoS, Oarlerati P1,ieo, 15315 : - ova fenthile tiered nie of geletitris" Cleo. fiewen, Myth, intyst-'eter, Sinclair cured me of heart Macaw mint dropsy, when alt otherfat led," Dierecees of Private Nature, bratty/a on by br. Sinclair certainly Cures, 10o1ri.1mat0:45,11,10. 's5l3. WILL BE AT Ttla AMERICAN ROTEL, DRUMM, —0e1— Friday, March 13th, '91.