The Brussels Post, 1891-3-6, Page 8111k+4 UbLS51tf.1.5 YVS'l' CASTOR On...! I have lately received a very Fine Mock of Castor Oil. All rvho .use this medieine in their family should get a supply. I won't say that it ie tasteless, but it certainly is much nicer than that which is generally sold, Try some and see. I make a Specialty of keeping the Best and Purest Drugs that can be bought. Your esteemed patronage so- licited, which will have our best attention. I am Yours truly, G. A. DEADNIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY.. SOUTHERN ESTENSION W. G. ry B. Train leave- Brussole Station, North and South. as follows: GOING Bount. Gorse NORTH. Scan e:se can, Mixed e:e0 u,m• F,xpree, 11:45 a,m, 1I411 8.05 p.m. Mixed 5:80 p.m.. Express 9:45 p.m, g.oca.t Llews touts, A shiers ameng ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. MARoe. WINTER bas lost its grip, Tote days are len.,theniuo consider• ably. b{IRsT-ants buggies at low prices at D. Cootie's. SwEItT pickles by the quart. Geo. Good. TIaI0Tus and clover sand at Geo. Broker's. Crone and Timothy seed at Mo. Creation's. Bunn Boos. have disposed of their livery at Myth. DRY hardevood delivered for $1,50 per cord.. B. Gerry. Pounce will take a rest now and bush ce•s come to the front. CUT nails, $2.66 ; coat oil, 16e ; chop- ping axes from 50c to 90o. B. Gerry. ANoxnEnof Brn.selites attended the carnival at Wingham last Monday even- ing. Currnaer's, Misses' and Ladies' robbers arrived this week. A. IL. Smith. I{Ev. Ma. JonasroN officiated at Knox thumb last Sabbath in 0. must acceptable manner. Toe 1S.emptborue, of illatehell. stock of 1100 pairs of boots selling et very low prices. Geo. Good. E. R. GRUNDY find Gen. E. Capper were the Deputy ',morning officers for Brussels on Thursday. CHEAP goods, bit: der twine 81 ole. per Lb., guaranteed good. Please give me your orders. B. Gerry. Mass KATY WrLeo.rand ,las. Ballantyne were prize winners at the Wingham carnival last Monday melting. EMIRS return the two sorew jhcke, ooh as are ,.sod for mavi,tg buildiogo, They wore taken out last Spring. B. Gerry. Tum choir of the Methodist church, Enamels, pang at an eutertainment at Jaak=un'e church, Morris, on Monday evening. LAST Sunday evening Rev. Jae. Ross preached a very pructioal and appro. gelate sermon from the text "Fear God and honor she King." IT is stated that Enamels will supply the bride for a matrimonial aflianee to be t0tnaammated during the aiming Som. *nor. See if you son hunt out who it will be. Seismal service's will be held in the ,LYlethodist church on Sunday next in connection with the anniversary of the death of John Wesley, and the centennial Of t)anadian Metbodiem. S. S. CONVENTION.---`l'he printed reports of the Co. of Huron Sabbath school Coo 'motion are not out yet os the executive beam not reported as to the number of copies required. They will bo ready for Mailing before Long. SolTE people are wondering if the Editor 0f the 3oderioh Signal is going out of hominess awing to the appearance of the following advertisement :-For Sale. -If yon are contemplating the put, Chase of a windmill a first-class one can Ise had cheap for cash. Apply at the Signal office. Loyy's Lve0x,-The attention of the t ublic is walled to the fact tout Levi Lott keeps a.tiet.clasa outfit of good drivers end note, roomfortable . buggies. Every attention will be given to those fettering $.um with their patronage. Stable just oat of Dr. Graham'block, King street. Give ' him a call as his rates will be found within the reach of all. This is an Easy Oue. FnnE'TRIT,-The Saacese of onr last word finning contest, just closed, en- u(eprsges tie to, offer another Free Trip around the World, or its dash equivalent to the pencil sending in the largest list of wards open the eamo forward and back- ward, ouch as "Pip" 'Web" ''Hannah," The oontcet.closes May 15. Three daily ,tines for the three largest lists received. ontoet 35 open to the World. Every. one Sending ten words will get a prize. `Beatty 1200 won prizes in our reoent oon- test. `Itulee and eample paper 12 conte, together with a large illustrated oats. fogies. Addro,e Belts Magazine, Orhllia, Out. Parma, MERITING. -A very largely at. trended meeting was held in the Town hull bore on 4Vedneeday evening, B. +xxerty proaitled at, a utlets to in an im. radial mermen Poottnneter renew opened the tweeting with a half hour epoch and was followed by be. Mao. donalel in un address of cue hour. Dr. Iiolfnoe elekrd the meeting and the earn' reign with a tpeoolr Deeupying shout 1 hours, The addreOBSs were good and the meetialt,' one of themost order)y ever •lte lln.11.`tblbtls, A outlpio of porsooe oho rnt.orrupted the speaker's get nioehy r'rooated.' A +rota of theeks wan tendered the chairman tollo eed by Ohtani fee the Queen and the caadidatea, Beth lra. bltttdoneld 4x54 iHellnee p10d , theingehe9 to vote for ',t`otal, rrohtbi. 11008. FARMERS Did you ever think when you come to this town anti see the grand illumination of electric light in soma of the stores that you were paying for that fine mellow light till 11 o'clock each night at about five times the cost of men who only asked you to pay for coal oil ? There is it great difference in the way merchants do business. Some are such high flyers that they must have olectrie light, though it costs five times as much as coal oil. They must have the streets watered to suit their fine tastes. There is nothing too good for some of tltetn, but they have to make up these extra expenses by putting on an extra per cent. on goods to cover their rich desires, and remember, farmers, it all comes out of your pockets who deal with those extravagant financiers. Farmers, which is your style? 1)o you want those extravagant expenses put on to the goods you buy, or do you want to deal with us and save the expenses that those other merchants ask yon to pay for .? This year we purpose to lose $3,000 in business, and if other merchants wtll meat our prices for this year to come we think by the end of the year that it will be quite possible we will have another bankrupt stock to offer our customers. YOUR OBEDIENT SE (WANTS, W. NIGHTINGALE & Go. BARGAINS in single harness at 1. 0. Richards. Trig report of the East Huron Teach• ers' Convention will appear in our next ladle. Tee monthly Horse Fair will be held In Brussels on Thursday of next week, 1201 inst. Don't forget it. GENTS, our new Spring 'tock of hate and caps is to bond, fine felts and Chriety stiffs, A. R. Smith, LARGE stook of boys' and youths' suits just arrived. Boys' snits at $L20. How does tbat price catch you 7 A. R. Smith. Tits PosT will be sent to now subecrib• ere for the balance of 1891 for one dollar, in advance. We want to add 100 names to our subscription list during the month of Merob. STRETrot; Baoe. have the Qneen'e Hotel is ship shape again. The new barn, 4000 feet, is Completed and 146 feet of horse sheds are np for the con. venienae of the public. They were greatly put about by the recent fire but they are now ready t0 accommodate the public as of yore. WELL.DIGGING AND Darorr m, --George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillinwells and is prepttr• ed to attend to all work entrusted to hftn in a way that will insare satisfaction. Wells Moaned out and ;ant in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence aecopd door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnbcrry s0„ Brnssels. 43.01 BOGUS SILvEltwaltg -'rhe pnbliehers of that splendid weekly journal, lately so much enlarged and greatly improved, the Dominion Lluatreted, 0ousnited the ad- vantage of their readers as well as their own in inaugurating the prize 0010• petition that will result in the die tribution of prizes to the value of over $3,000 among sub.Gribera during six months ending Jane 30. They are not in the word competition or bogus silver- ware business, Six qua+tions axe pub - nailed in the journal each month. To answer those; correctly requires a close study of the contents of each issue of the Illustrated for that month. This study is a valuable literary enrolee apart from the cansia0ratiun of p.iues. As to the latter, there are 100 prizes in alt, the first being $750 in gold the smallest being valued at $9. There are very valuable prizes on the list, and any win. nor not satisfied pan exchange a prile for cash vabee named in the list. 'There is no humbug about such an offer as this. On receipt of twelve senna the publishers (the Sabieton Litho. and Pub. Co„ Mout. real) will forward sample copy with all particulars. Mcsxc*L AND Lrrit0AnT.-An entertain- ment we' given in the Town Hall on Thursday evening of last week, under the auspices of the East Huron Teachers' In. stituto. Shorty alter 8 o'clock Thos. Farrow took the chair mad alter soma preliminary remarks proceeded to call upon the various performer'. The pro. gram was as fuhowe :--Ihstrmnentel duett, Mies Abraham and H. L. Jackson solo, Mise Lille O'Connor ; lecture, J. J, Tilley, Inepeo0or Model Schools, on "Boo- ms in Life ;" duett, Mies Kate Wilson and Mies Bela Grower ; reading, "Tho tale o' a head," by W. B. Dickson ; colo, Miss Lille. O'Connor; quart•tbe, by Mies F. 13. Kert, Miss Lizzie Wilson, H. L. Jackson and Dr. Cavanagh ; tableaux representittg the nationalities ; "God save the Queen." The program was a very excellent one and the various num bets were most heartily appl•tuded. Me. Tilley's add) ties was of a praotioal ohar- aoler and was divided under the follow- ing held° as the Clemente of semen in life :-(1) The law of la' or. (2) Persev. stance and a determination to excel. (3) Self reliance, (4) Character. A hearty vote of thanka was given the lea• tarer on motion of W. H. Kerr and J. 1). Ronald, Wnnntno ANNIvEhaAoT; On Saturday, Feb, 14th, our old friend Charloe Parker and hie good lady celobratod the 00011 anniversary of their manage by having a hone gathering of rshttivoe at their home 000 Mill street in this piece. There were present Mrs. Wm. Clegg and Joseph Clegg end wife, Geo. Parker and wife, John Clegg and wife, 9 grandchildren and 2 greet grandchildren. 'pie gifts were of a no, fill and substantial character. Sir. and Mr,. Parker moved from Dundee Co. to Morrie township &bunt 44 yearn ago, locating near Sunshine, whore they conbinuee to 'aside lentil their removal to Brneeels in 1877. In addition to the members of the family named above firs. Batk(ey resides at Toledo, end Jun Parker i5 a resident of one o' the Weals ern Staten. Two of the children arc dead Viz Mary, wise died of scarlet fever when eas end and Samuel departed this life Mont 12 years ego in If Naomi. Mr. Parker will bo 81 yearn old otl the 7th of next July and Aro. Tatter 78 in May. The o)ti ooUplo, Who Bayo journeyed eo many Years together, not only enjey the reepeot o! all their relatives but of all who know ibonh and' Tris Porn d1 not alone when 5o Wren the wieli that out the k've»ilfg aloadew■ tmptlten 85. and Mee. Parket- e0ay' realise moo sed 'mow Ott [,wlbtlnnb0 et the Putter who has so often blessed them in the bye gone years. The Methodist ohuroh and Methodist preanhor' are greatly indebted to father and tnother Parker for the good service rendered by them in the past. BEA'oT, Baoe. have let the contract for the stone work of their new livery barn to George Robb and the brick work to Inc. Pugh. The carpenter work has not been let ,yet. The contract is to be nota• plated on July let. TEMPERANOi1.-The Y. P. C. A. of the Methodist eburoh held a temperance meeting in connection with their series on Tuesday evening. President Rogers occupied the chair. The following was the program :-Reading, Alex. Hood ; duets, the Misses Moore ; reading, Mies Maggie MoNaughton ; solo, Mise F. E. Kerr ; speech, G. A. Fear ; chorus, Sun• day school choir ; speech, Geo. Rogers ; music, ohoir, ,,` A GREAT STELLING 812'rcu.-The great- est -.pelting match on record is that offered by Our Homes Publishing Co., in which they will award the following maguldiceut Gash Prizes :-One prize of $300 ; cue prize of $200 ; two prizes of $100 ; tour prizes of $50 ; eight prizes of 0025 ; twenty prizes of $10 ; forty Print of $5 ; ono hundred prizes of $2 ; and two hundred of $1. These prices will be largest to the persons sanding iu tho argest number of ourreotly spelled words found in the advertising pages of the February manlier of Our (Homes, in which uo letters occur but those found in the eente'oe : "Our Homes is tJ ttivell- ed as a Bonne Magazine." Special cash prizes will be givers away each day and each week dining this eumpetition, which closes April 25th, 1391. Send 10 mute fn stamps or silver, for a eampie copy of the February number, with rules and regulations governing the compete. tion. Address, Our }Tomes Pub. Co., Brookville, Ont. OotsItENnanLE.-The following letter from Toronto to Mrs. Frank Shiel speaks for itself :-T celled the other day ea our parlor, 203 Youge street, and found your box had arrived. I0 is literal. ly packed with good and useful clothing and will be a boon to many a poor shiver. ing child. Our circlets of King's Dauah- tere will distribute the phaeton's cloth- ing, I will take the wornen'e garments, girre skirts, oto., for the poor unfortu- nates at The }raven, and the clothing for men and boys will go to the poor fellows who mime to the free break. fame. There is a groat deal of deetitu• tion in our city and help like yours is Christliko and beyond price to the work. ers here. Hoping and praying that all your work and service may be blessed of God to your own souls, 00 well as to those poor unfortunates you are helping ani with kind love, believe me your sincere follow worker, L. J. HARvxp.. [Any oast off clothing would be thank- fully received and made over to the best advantage for the above mentioned nos. Please leave at Miss ,yell ie Ross' Fancy Store,] LIMITER'S PRrER PaoLu'io BAnuas,-In February, 1890, the Government of Oan• Ada on recommendation of the Hoti, the Minister of Agriculture, made provision for the importation of 10,000 bushels of two•rowed barley from England, to bo Bold to farmers in Canada for seed. This was imported in 6,000 bags of 112 lbs. each, the "Prize Prolific" being the var. iety &boson for the purpose, and this bar. ley was offered at the cost importation, $4 per bag, the Goveremeet paying freight ohargue to the nearest railway rotation to the purchaser. By this arrangement ferment in every part of the Dominion obtained the barley at a uniform prim), but one bag only was available to each individual. This restriction was made et the outset so as to secure a wide dis- tribution for the grain, and prevent a too rapid exhaustion of the Moak, so that am phcants from distant portions of the Do• minion might not bo disappointed, This limitation lessened the )ales, and ea 500n toe it was ascertained that the barley on hand wot,td be more than sufficient to meet the demand on the beaie of one bag only for each poroheeet, the restriction was withdrawn. About 8,200 begs were sold to 2,000 purohaser9, leaving nearly 1,800 bags 0u hand. I am now insiruot• ed to offer the retnainiog stook at three dollen per bag, freight propttid to the nearest railway station to the purohaaer, with no restrictions as to the number of bag) which arty individual may buy. All orders meet be aonontpauied by a remibt' muse 9afdoient to sever the Amami of the order. The applications will be entered as mooned and the orders filled 1n rota• tion es lorlg es the stock holds out. The germinating power of this barley hart been Meted 10010 tett samples taken front .dif- ferent bags, the average vitality i9 90 per cent, and the growth caring, An eotn- munioations 0ho'Id bo addleaced to Wt1, SAUNpsmh, Dlreetor, .Esp0rimentel Farre, Ohara, Engieoot ROA.F. Peary, of the U,+8, navy, propeeee 00 start fronts lit. Johne, Pltd.r Mel 1, otta voyage to the North .L'blo. Ile proopetoo0 to foot 10 WWWOOS. tireelilt ere, The king has accepted the resignation of the Norwegian cabinet, Prince Jerome Napoleon is lying in Rema at the point of death, Cardinal illertnillod has administered the sacra. cent of extreme unction to the dying prince. Four hundred carpenters in Lediauapo- lie have etruok for higher wages and tho right- our day, Six bend. ed planing mild hands have been locked ant on aa. count of the strike. The legislative assembly of Ohio has passed a bill which provides that dealers in tombstones and monuments may, after a lapse of three years, enter a cemetery and seize the goods not paid for. A thunderstorm visited New Bedford, Maas., on Saturday night. Six buildings were destroyed and two churches dam• aged. The Methodist church at Wel- fleet, Mase., was struck by lightning and destroyed. At a meeting of the Medical !Society of Vienna, on Friday of last. week, Prof. Bilroth showed the assembled physicians two patients whom be bad cured of tub- erculosis by following the Koch system of injection. Mrs. P, P. Co$ey, of Omaha, wife of a mechanic, is sei4 to have become sole heir to $75,000,000, left by a millionaire mennfaccurer named John O'Neill, in Bradford, Eng. The deceased was Mrs. Gntfey's father, but disowned ler for ber humble marriage. Capital has been subscribed, the ground purchased in Chit:ago and pians drawn for the construction of the tallest office building in the world. The site of tbo structure has 110 feet of frontage on Dearborn street. The building will be 24 st meye high, surpassing the tower of the Aeditori m by 6 storeys end the Masonic Temple by 6. Steel will be the chief material. A deplorohle state of affairs exist, among the negroes who have lately ami. grated to Oklahoma. They have come to the number of several bhonsauds, with the understanding that the Government would feed them and give them a piece of land, and they are now opening their eyes to the fent that the land is all taken by white men, and that the Government will not feed them, and as they have no money and there is no work for them to do they are in a deplorable condition, They aro at starvation's door, with not a friend within 1,000 miles, ac many of thein are from Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas. BORN. SpmxcE.-In Morrie, on Feb. 27th, Mary A. Spence, aged 35 years. Exton -In Blyth, on the and inst., the wife of Mr. William Emigh, of a 5011. 0oAMi'TON-JA1tms: -At St. Paul's reotory, Wingham, by Rev. E. W. Hughes, on the 8rd inst., Ed. Crampton, of Owen Sound, to Susan, daughter of Wm. James, of East Wawanosh. MCMILLAN--MaLs*N.-At the residence of the bride's mother, Riverside, Tuokorsmitb, au Feb. 18th, by Rev. Mr. Needham, Mr. Thomas Mo - Millan, of Hullott, to Mise Mary, youngest daughter of the late Wm. McLean. Cion-WELLe.-At the rosidence of &Ir. Ralph Iiydd, Tilbury Centro, by the Rev. W. Biaobtord,on Feb. 17th, Mr, James W. Crich of Tilbury Centre, formerly of Exeter, Ont., to Miss Gerrie Wells, of Zurich. Jol1N%TON.-In Trowbridge, on the 25th Feb., Honey A. Johnston, aged 8 years, 9 months and 19 days. Ronennow.-I,, Grey, on the 1111 inst., JO)1n Robertson, aged 80 years, 8 menthe and 21 days. .e voa+xo9ar it.x Er, Fromm, Manan 8th. -Farm stock, on lot 16, oon. 9, Grey. Sale at 1 o'clook 9. on. Mrs. 11. Brown, proprietress. Geo. Kirkby, auntionesr. Tttoerso, MARCO learn, -Farm stock, implomento, etc., on Lot 0, oon. 0, Grey. Salo to commence at 1 o'oloak, F, S. Scott, ago. Jae. Menelec, prop. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th. -Farad stoolr, imp10monte, ,bo., oh 1st 111, oon. 8, Morris, Sao at 1 o'clotllt. Jno. fioldrow, pro. ',rioter. Geo. Birkby, Auctioneer. 2o=tTt3w127..01Axxv:r.. 10, Fall Wheat . 08 91, Spring Wheat 00 98 Barley 40 43 Oats 48 45 Boas 613 94 Butter, tube and rang.... 14 00 f,gga per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrol.... ,4 60 9 00 Inotatoos ...,60.4 50 00 Ray per fon r 00 0 00 Pork ,... 6 00 8 50 Bided per lb ...- 4 00 Salt per bbl., retail...,1 26 t'0 Sheep ekins,eaoh...;60 36 40 0 woe& per 18 20. tllb akin REAL ESTATE. rAR11S FOR SALE. -THE UN DE1181ONRD nae 808,880 good iOerme torr sale and to rant, easy terms, In Tewne0Nppa of Morrie and (4rey. F. 8. 600TT.Bruesuls, 87•tt. HOIOE FARM FOR SALE.-- ) Being South half Lob 27, coo, c, Morris, 100 acres, nee rly all cleared. Good buildings, about 20 sores Fall wheat in ground. Easy terms. Apply to W. M. armuot10, tf• SelteIbor, Ra., Brussels. fir OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- The subscriber offers her bones and Jot, corner of James and • streets, Brussels. There to a comfortable house, good stable, splendid well, 6e, on the pre - /8i888, 5 sore of land. Tor further particu- lora as to mice, terms, 60. apply to M1t8. WM.Mo00LLDUGH, Brussels. 110 RENT, -THAT DE HIR. AIME property on Turnbcrry street, Brussole, owned by the estate of the late The e. Danford, being about et acres of bind with good frame duelling,barn, stables and l driving shed, goo well wih pump, also good orchard. Will he rented for throe or live Year to is good tenant. immediate poBseB- sloe can be given Apply to T. C. MINIM FD, Morebant Tmtlnr, Brussels, Ont. or to A.1[W'oItn, 04.00 Div, Court Clerk. FARM FOR SALE, -THE UN nunslaotn, otters for sale the north east quarto) of lot 2s, eonoeasioe 0, Morris (Panty of Huron, containing 50 titres. The lend (son tint 9001115 and In a high state of cultivation, well tensed and under -drained ;0 acres /steered. New frame house, 8 rooms udilt 0Onau with concrete walls, 2 'rolls good barns mid shod, orchard, etc, Eight acres of fail wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Breesele. 9utt able terms will be givers. Title purifier JAMES GRIEVE,Owner, 8G- Seaf,t th P. O. A Eerie) SALE VALUABLE VILLADE PROPERTY --10 VIE -- VILLAGE OF WALTON. There will be sold on Friday, the 13th Day of ,throb, 1898, ab One O'clock in the Afternoon, at the American Hotel, in the Town of tunes0tLs, by virtue of powers Of sale conttueed in certain mortgagee, which will he produced at the sale, the fullowiag property, under mortgage from William Biernosa - Village Lots One and Eleven, Hewitt's Survey, in the Village of Welton, containing half an Sure mora or Jess, said lots being t aJ,unted on the Heat aide of Main Street in the paid Village of Welton. The following improvements are said to be on the premises: -The American hotel, a two. otorey brick veneered hotel, WAG ; kitchen 18x04 i frame stable 4000 ; driving shed andball overhead 20x40. in good repairs. Tmnns,-20 per cont. of the purchase money to be pall down on the day of sale. Por balance tome will be made known at sale. For further particulars apply to JONES BROS. & MAOHENZIE, or to Sulleitore, Toronto St., Toronto. A. Hamm, Esq., Brussels. Notice to Creditors -CF- William 8iash111, Deceasei. Notion is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Btatutos of Ontario (1887) otaptor 110,00 colon 00, that all persons baying claims upon or against the estate of Williams B1ae• hilt late of the Village 03 60rosols, In the County. of Enron, yeoman, deceased, • who died mi or about the 40011, day M June, A.1), 1888, are on or before tiro 131ii Day or March A. U. 1891, to tend by poet ]prepaid or deliv- er to ROrr, lvlaodonn?d, Davidson .0 Patterson, Toronto street, Toronto, Solicitors ler the atdmie.etretoeo of the maid William BhtsbUl, tleceased,,,Ota0emeut, In writing, of their Christian and surnames and address, and felt partiephare of their (dsins and the nat- ure of all emirates (it any) held by tbom. And notice is hereby further given that altar the Bahl last mentioned date the 'a& ministratorewill mulled to distribute the assets of the said tloecaao 1 umoug the per - sone entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims Owl/tell /ting shall have noon given as above required, and the said ad• ministratote will not be responsible for the ameba or any }Ntrt thereof to any person or pennant of Wiese vlahn or t;latmm.. nutlet' Shan net have bean received by them et the Moo or snob distribution. Herr, Maedonnld, Davidson .0 Paterson, 18 Toronto s t„ '10,00,00, Solicitors tor.Atminid0ratore, Tinted at Toronto this 0th day of February .0.13.1801. ALLAN LINE Boyd.l .Ketal Stca,nehip5. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE YOn'108411'1'1,X 04lr,aN6e FILM P0R;CLANI) on HALIFAX, To 11IiIt1lY On L3V7'Rl'0OL. 0,111114 (115105, ft 40, See and $00, dingle; 0$811, G90 and 10010 lipturn, ado)rdlug to Ltaoation of Statement, Ifo Cavite; Cant1IGn, 1N$'IS,RMk ttL051I, Outward 92d; Prepaid 880 090etag0 at LeWeet Rates. Antstru uotlntionce tlltsnrpessttd;. Apply to It.* A. Ar'.I.AN, Mnntrcht, on, W. I'i . 11411 ;ILlltr Ate:41, Banwl000, MAUCH 6, 1691, us 0117,47 Pepper's Condition Powders, • Pepper's Perfect Pills. Pepper's Worm Powder ASK FOR THE 11 AT Pepper's Drug Store. Opposite Quesn'a Hotel, Brusseie, Ont. BANKING. aINTOS[i & MOTAGGART, BANKERS, • IIRIISSELS, ,rrezes,no.ct a C+earr.erstl Actszkirag A,aetnoca, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and Coiled States Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections anode on favorable terms. ftanadian Agents-MEn0nANy's BANK OP CANADA. Now York Atettts-I tronysne AND TOAD NATIONAL BANK. LE(IAL AND CINVEY.ANCINi). D L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solicitor and Conveyancer, flollec- tions made, Office-Vaoatono'b Bionic, Boos - sets. 21. -Om+ `X At. LAR, • solicitor,SINConnvoyIanonr, Notary Pub. tic, 6c. OGlee-Graham's Block, l da or north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Fonda to Loan. J)ICK8ON & HAYS rich,) 7 arresters,tlSSaolicit rs rp ntvova gore, A:e. Oflloee-Ar,sgels and $eatorth, Brno. sole moo -Up -stairs ever Bank, Money to Loan. a. a. ante, w, H. DICKSON A)1 TAYLOR, B. 0 L., of Taylors, McCulloughork Ilurne of the Sotloltore, 6c„ Manning Arcane, Toronto. Money t0 loan, BUSINESS CARDS. ]3, MoCRAOKEN, Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Ontpe at his Grooery, Paraberry street, Brussels. D{ N. BARRETT, LU• Tonsorial Artist. south of A. 51. McKay r0o's hairdware stern Lathes' and ehl1drene hair cutting o suootalty A •MoNAIR ° apron' intesnt of lleut.mer of t o''eronr,'o('am'misl- 810oui•, 6o, Q. Ii, Poorey:ni cel• tn•d 42 cut k'uo lusurn000 Co. r,Rieo at 11,0 t.'racht oak fust (MOO. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INeutl0xcit, FIRE AND MARINF, GUELPH• ALEX. HUNT0 R, Clerk of the Fourth Div,dion Court, Co. llaron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan and Inseronee Agent. Puede invested and to loan. Collections made. (Mee in Graham's Block. Brussels, 1j)' ISS SHERLOCK, Toronto pia of Conservatory give yle s Music, eat Ethel and Cranbronk. Pupil or Professor Fisher 18.00. 8..000.. Clark in voc i music.On the piClassaa 0ranbrook every To'sday, For terms, 6o„ apply at the Methodist Parsonage, E L-aol, MISS CALE, Teacher of Piano, Parlor sett Pipe Organ, Organist in St. John's Ohurcb, Brun - Sola. eolioite a share of the patronage of the mueic.loving people of Brussels' and viola. ity. Inetroctione given at curre00 rates, Terms, referenced, 60. may be 'ascertained by calling at the rosideece of Mrd, Oanerd sr.,Turoberry street, Brussels. 7-1,1 MISS LILLA O'CONNOR Is desirous of procuring pupils in roost mosie. Prot. Warrington of Toronto in i)lease•! to gt183 hie testimonial as to Miss O'Connor's ability, Me having been a .pupil 01 his during her stay in Guelph. Ingra- in ental Music on Piano, Organ and Oaitar. Terms made known on application, Princess St., Brussole Mho O'Connor Is open for Concert 1tugugnmculs. 80 - DENTAL. 373E: rzssw,Rs G. TJ, Ball, L.D.S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad- ministered tar the Pcinless FAx0reetioo of Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street Suet. Tenons. A k; . • :too: M. CAVANAGH, L• D. S„ D. D. So Graduate of the 13oya1 College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario and of Toronto TIM - varsity. Orr/on-opposite American Hotel, Broome, AUCTIONEERS. A RAY JIANN, • Auctioneer, le always ready to at. tend sales of terms, farm 'stook, &a. Terme ahoorfully given. Oraubrook P. 0, Sale, may be arranged at Tum Poem Publishing Gouge, Brn0e019. Z.,EORGIl KIRKBY, Lieeneed-Aaettonoer. Bales 50016090' sti 01. reusonable terms. Forme and tarot stook a snesialty. Ordure loft at Tn1 Pop. Pobit shine Rouse, Urn snote,or sent to Walton P. O., will receive prompt attention, rr�r AVING TAKEN OUT LIC/EN- .0..n. bR 0.m an of farm coo, I stn prepared pt conduct noleswtgtthe standing reasonable every Knowing the standing of nearly y parson l g to a 1 000 position to h when lto d 500,1 credit. Sand,tiefa ttood s1000i teed. Give 015 a Ball. Sutafectien guaranteed. SOO5 Give No a oaIi. 02- F S. B00TT, MEDICAL CARDS. Viai. 1t. CALE, M.D., C. r Ma mbar of abs Ontario of Ph examination u aril Bergamol(Ol Doe - by 5010a kiNtn. alfa m,d )lcafdonoc-Main atruct I1,toti ltblreI,Ontt;rlo. T A, MoNAUGIITON, tl 74f, U. • C. M , Le, h. 0.1', Edinburgh, 'X. 0, 1' S. Out, At Pepper's Drug Store from 9 to 01:110 a. in, end from 110 to 4 ti. in, At, other hour's ruay be found at hie restl0uao, form - Orly eooupjpd by Dr. Bubab)b ott, Mill at. VETERINARY. yy D. WARWICK; tl honor Granata* e, prepared a or the i' 5 1 oa8o, rf Oolleski is 4ti1 M treat Soo* 111a,n,r. tiogti0, aim 101a a WO; potent lasaanr, I A010104. 'otite,atlOn paw to v.ttlt ottr dfnttetry, cello yr50tptl y al• tended be.'• t�ticae Shit tat rm,►}ya..5 wei red forth at taidg,t, •5utnbeery stq $Wath*;'