The Brussels Post, 1891-3-6, Page 4New Advertisements, • Devid Stewart, formerly of Clinton,
while en route to Spnkano WI% Muth.,
- ,
; was injured In e. railway accident, Tho
To ltent.-.-E, C Danford. 1 extent of his injuries is not known, —HOF TII13{—
FIRX.--a. de J. Livingstone.
Castor Oil- (1, A, Deadmam 1 further than that hie shoulder hnne W80
Abstract—Morris Township. ; broken, Mre. Stewart left Wingham on TOWNSHIP 01? MORRIS
A notion Sale—F. 0, Wright. I Saturday to join her husband in answer
House fir Sele—Mre. Win. MeCul• '' g In
keel', At tbe prunes of the 74th ltegimeot and
the Buffalo Athletin 01111,, 10 Buffalo,
-- -- -- Geo, Kerr, of the Std. Lacrosse Club, 19th March to 81st Deo,7890
(I be Vittl e v C15 Vrf5t. !rrighti:roneh:n4 yfralalt err 1):
. -, .
-.,.-._..,.. ._ ....___ _ _-_- 4.-.: starters. Kerr ran three heats in seven RECEIPTS,
FRIDAY, Milli. 6 , 1891. • and four•fifthe seconds, eight second and For roads and bridges from 0o.
seven and five•eighthe seemule. George Treasurer and E. Wawa.
is an old Lueknow boy, having been nosh town -hip (4 170 68
13/111T Tuesday the Provincial contest brought up there. and there he learnt his Charity f om Do. TreasurerSO 00
was foneht out le North Brno and D. 'aerostat and eprinting. Ho is one of 010 Lioense Fund 47 71
Porter (Reformer) eleobed by about 234 old jenior Sennye. Taxes
of a majority. At the last general elec• ivi rt.naortiltheurralters %b. iiiIrkg,1 aV es ne 8 ao sswr 8,.6 'Marto .ton Mortgages and 94(4(4 82
tion, held in JUI)e, ;No. George {Con- • made 00 Tneeday last, an entrance WM BankeCtr(llmilton 3101120 2070
serrative) WAS returned by 17 and at the effecterl by a rear window. The tnols, Boboole 210 80
election in DM Biggar (Conservative) sledge, hammer, brace die., were taken
from Brown &Clarlee shop.
won by 110. It ie rather amusing to They attempted to drill through the out
Total $13140 68
read the various papers concerning the Bide deer and kebab off the combination
Bruce eleetien. The Empire says ; — lock, but in (hie they Merl, they then EXPENDITURES
"The election hi North Bruce, made Mier] to knock off the door hinges, but Roads and bridges $ 1366 04
failed They will -term corne to th., ooi.
necessary by the unseating of John elusion that this safe in really len glar a „, „,
Chttrit 282 13
George, took itlitea yesterday, Returns proof, and this is the emend etternpt (1),,"cir,Ye',„.1"'4'.'eg
1 u s 519 10
as far as received give Mr. Porter, mad, within a year, Liberal,Printing
n Bnf last week a . , ,
a majerit, but the stroughohl Oewley evenig oo,"
go dly number of the penile of scheol ''u° re', n" ,
MARCH. 6, 1891,
Handsome antines!
Worsted Coatines
If you Want a Wedding Outfit
Call on A. R. SMITH.
Gent's New Spring Hats and Caps
209 20 New Silks, Dress Goods, Prints, Challies.
46 00
10 00
and the mimic wit be ie doubt for per. of Robt. Bretherston, for the purpose of
of Mr. George has not been heard from, is.lo. 9, Meliillop, .ssernbled at the house
Bank of Hamilton
IT.ttedrteoti 11 )• 1. tti 1100 00
1.176 11
700 00
begs three dayn. owing to the difficulty mowing their respect or Mlles .,1110abitoetiiet Schools
10 getting news from the northorn penin. 1.13mVosZtl'g ,itl'anirroy.°' t„y,o'ndy 'after Balance on Eland
sale." The London Free Press re. arriving Mi-ct Maggie Davidson reed a ....,_
marice : —"Porter, Reformer, wee elected very complimentary ItaareSe ad Misa 513113 68
to -day for the ()uteri° Legislate, e byElie.1 Berrow., nn behalf of the other We, the undersigned Au litotes, !Mee ex
pupt s. presented their friend with a very am ined the foregoiot; 00000000 v3.I, the
about 50 majority." The Toronto World pretty u.d
cl brooch, a handsome
neekl ,ca a
vouchers nd centimes thereunto belong.
gets things elightly tnixed end affirms :-- mud a purse. Aftm: the prese„tatiu„ the Mg and fled the shale
'Tlie voting on -the bye -election in North girls met boy. enjoyed themselves to the Bzer1.111), JOIE:VS-MN 4
Bruce to day resulting in the return of fall, by singinr, dialogues, games, Moe Cmot. 5.1eCi•rmtAce i Auditors.
end the partaking of a sumptuoue repast. 1.
Porter, Reformer, by about 150 majority. ' Feb. ltith, 189
lie majority in Juno last was 310." 1.31A 11c.
Wednesday's daily Globe states :---"Mr. 1 Mrs. Curtis is recovering fast from her
Notice to Creditors.
Porter, the Liberal eaudidate, was elect- recent acadeeer.
ed to the Legislate e in North Bruce
Gent's New Furnishings, Film bias, iltasi, Brans, &o,
A SM .1-1_
We have tried them all. Cooper & Smith's are the Best. We have them.
Robb. 51cQuturrie returned from Toron• Ellndred,S O usof Iteadymad.e Clothing I
to on Seturatty.
yesterday by about 150 majority." Abs. E. Watson was called to Clinton In the matter of the Estate of Item Gov
to see tier brother who is lyiug danger. MOM: late of the Tuwtiebip of Us. Bob' Sailor Suits at $1.25 up ; Men's Suits from $4.00 up.
131,scriox excitement will often cause ou-ly ill at presenl, prey in the Province of Memito.
people to say and do things they would Samuel 13 tate: has sold oat his livery lea, and formerly of the town- A• R.,• E.3 MIT 3E -I.
bud... to au townsman William Bell, ship of Grey, in the
not think of ender ordinary °Mourn.
County of Huron,
who took po session on dontiay.
stances. h. big heed of steam is got on .
1:he proprietor of the Revere Goose
and if the safety valve is not in good oon- is the proud st inan in town shiee the
diii,n an ex, loeion is the result. To degree 01 tt randpa" was conferred upou
Paronant to Sestioe 3601 rhaptor 710 R. S.
O. we hereby ate° notice 11,00 all eredirorn
13 and other oersoos having Olnima neatest the We can crive you Shirtino-s Cottons, Cottonades at the Closest Prices.
further illustrate this we subjoirn a lx • tatate of JANn Gorki:D.0n, above Mulled. 0:3 P
Un Monday evetting Dr. Mamionald, ,t di a
"mild, ReadelnalllY" criticism of Um,- tile liberal candidate for East Huron tt y,A. n 1880.are herelr;cr, quested to send A . it , SMITH.
, air e on 3.0 shoot tho Fight!: day of
A. S. Hardt, Provincial Secretary, by tiddressed the electors in Inoestre fla 1. by bort. oreeent er re roomer to mew:re
Ci. tam A: it lets, of the -t 11.331.e of Bro,tels
the StratfOl.r1 Tin),.s. This paper has a ; N• Id. Yuma{ oeu1tgi.4 the' chair. The
1 hall was deeoruted with mottoes. Ad.,tict;n1,011t1eleti, Solicitors for Wel?
repntatien for modslinging and Billings.
gate, but it bac oVidently arhien to the :. dmrostois wont gis en by DV, SIDELb mid Dr. 10.01,01,m a 1 :, 01 1 etlo:a*L114:111.V1‘.•'' l'.11, 1 it's!' ""1
aodonald. aft .f 14,4 ,,,,wak - Lrica,h,tLsooifitrittle,si!tIttii, 7.1,11. lif"zrei,11,11%,,,i.,,t,r°,
occasicm this 11in00. liere is what it says: On Plairstlay
e,,r1- ieunes ute3e.'tnbe "11Est:.t;1"t,1E11
'It ha,:e1old down f.m Mies M rY 110IlliogS met (vi au7..:1'L.0171101
almientbistny 14,1,u11gwas strtio, 011ee Whie WiAlt:eg .(loris streettyel00171;,3(11
1115.0 (7
p,ty by tb.. tlipnicg doNti o11 the too. it Was Boole '
1.1y 0,,,s 14111h, tri.;:) belt: Joy 1111,4, that ad •
1111,173.00 r too greet "" etr • 't;It• 611:17th t1.0 1.1
.113 r even 11,0 11,1 !otter 1,201,S, o I " " 11001001111 •,dr •t410-
was promptly flie,1 eta 01 that gnarlier, ; eIree alten "I her home, Inedieel
But dbonirU
i, 11111010 011 0011)1 111 the aid was 0111011 111. POrtutatt y 1711
t e erebett, although she has be // Geo- .
pre,eot o; 11101:4 Ortat4re win) is eVeti
lleeti tu her bea ever 0111013.
greater dar than 710)100' Of these. Ile liven
hi. A. 113y,11 re/303311y a Nene crowd of the
sportaug lraterotty a 11 otImrs esselelned
1 011 J. 0133lien's past, to ,yituese a live bird
the reputatiou of heitig the most 65011
tine, Incluel•platee, brass mounted, all
W00 , :cud ayard wide liar in oreatiou.
A1111,11E88 was 11 di -v nompared with
Hardy, and T 111 Pieter Waa 100 Oltioh
Or a kw:Alen:an 0' he elaesed in toe -151110
paragraph. 13711 liarny -so. monumental
liar ; a {menu -Mated eold.blooded lior; 0 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-6
the wore, kind of u 11.r, tel the Grand BoatIKIVT.,--foritlicy, Morning thieves
River, and the higher you go up the br ke into Meledetion & Powell's feed arni
vverse they get, oo,-I dirty ts from the gnmery atore awl helped themselves 0
hied of the strestii." what they required, hie!, o. old tea In
smell artielee snob as tobaecO, lei -oohs
BUttoD 00131.1.ty. and canned eel), The till had a tow
coppers 3,, i , which they did not touch.
The Salvat ten Army it+ ereetieg a 11000 They gak 1 ,11,,,, 's the !lick door
hart Dekasi Winglium. 1500005 of 5700. by breekieg the 1.10-0 1,. the peed of (-11-
11,11 G, Less wan one of the soeick- door eed 503 i et: the holt or Inuit ofr,
er- in the 'l'o ti H,lI, Clioton, lust Fri- 'Irthelte enidd be seen where they bad
day 44:hut, been by he burnt uovelles they 1 ft be -
13, W. 13tirley, of Clinton, thinks of re. hied. They broke into A. Tay or'e
movieg to Colorado on account of con• weeny in the same way, and married off
tiLuecl 311 11, alth. a Pervian lamb sap, watch mid razor
A. little girl, ettughter nf Jas. Barr, of An entrance was made into Watson's dry
the , oinetery , linnet 5, had the nne. 1 goods St°,0 and 11.11 overcoat and other
for , ube to slip bleak her arm. articles ',veva to keit. It is supposed the
.13, R. Toltett id hinny. of Wingnarn, thieves "roo be in the 003(0,1) ',tel 14511 WASHINGToN
lehsk 01,0 1110 Isior invest this month, 1 a good warming, as very eady is the
• ere 1 113 51,)! vimeavor 111111te 11. success morning smoke (0(1000011 lea:dee, from , Dragon and Cali.fornia
Of the 51110114 busittens. the chimney, They harl left a eta: I flee
Cobs able luta iitty, of Clinton, says burning 101,01 remnants of fish and bin. 1.,eare Toronto 11 p.m, on Fridays,
tic under in, et, euniotances will be allow • cults. A young, 1111111 tilruing front 00 under :
11 bol to be etartet electien night, no 13russe1e abom fone •,'el 11;11 1110 morn.
• . •
l.110ter which ebb. victorioue. , paseeda 02upie of trainer+ (4113(11(4 Napoi 1 L2While . iindch, f 0 inton, was 1 seni, which In ntppOSe1 to be the h,'01.
enteritig his Whew the otln-r day, the in. mantes.
(1.3 linger of the lett halal 1110 °aught by
tla: door, and the nen torn clean off 51any uf the Mort -nuns are having
Ben. Churchill's magnificent colt 1 Utah lor Mexico.
"EIevator" was weighed on the scales et Jae. 0. Flyne,.51. 1', for North Cork,
Cloitou a few days ago and thread it, at has chal.enged Mr, Parnell to contest
172 (be. 1110 )ust two peva old and has aey one of the divisions of Cork with AueNT, lffiteseeis.
only been in this country a couple of him.
lli'oilll, A physician of New Orleans sta, es that
Cohoer't elaorliy alter 11)1704100 is 0000, New (41,11.119 W11011113 iteileted. With lop. ir
!the program Will 0011,801 of vocal and roey.
•1,e, firemen of Exeter intend having a there are at least 25 pet -Roos at large in,
r",' I IT C Tsai rif
inetrumental muaio, after which it will Am a result of the decline in the prate06 51.21,, L.C.P.S.O., 51.0.P.S.M.,
be brought to a alone by an "013 Negro of silver, caused by the failure of free
1)011011g Suene."
e coinage legislation at Washi»gton, 100 et , is&
At the Lucknow Council meeting the bars of bullion have heel tok f • th lite S6citS/
pe ja
shoutiog tuateh tietween o. 11 Gal ey and
A. Tierney 10 510 a side, The 0.311teet
W Muse and very exulting. Ten births
tu :Meet 110 30 yorde •• The followieg
in the euurn :
S II. Gi ,Isy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.---9
10,0.,1' W1.1 ! 1.7 ;,111,11t she LI.
June 0.8,1 0,8,8 ?1.10018-48t Isurti(18 ent/c
tate tool dielo 3 1,11, 1110 t1.1.1 .,o,,1ed th. rem, 1,7, ,,,g regard ettu, to tile 0181111S
7.1 8.1131011 111.81 c1,1111.11118tratin. 8 All 1111.181
11,3110 170111,0, ',1411 t 10 0010 7,. 101101.or
Hill rot, be liable ror the sum esuets er
Van thet eol 11.1 Llibt1111111'1.81 (11 11.114 ,
perm 1i1 0, W111100 01,1161,1 101 811411 1108 1811.1'e
1101.18,11t. 5110 (11110 01 .L11111
13101iSON & Hol
(1011c1101-8 for the e,.10 ArIlminharn tor.
Doted at liressole thin 111(4) Clay of Fawn-
nry A • D. 1 eel,
Butter and Eggs Wanted!
Parasols, -Umbrellas Hoisery and Gloves.
trir •ur
34.M•opazanarmaa,•msay.aa.aasan*navv•i...nsmeenewtmewom ornwsim.Was•swammn
British Colton -1331a
attuning einetentic to vaneouver
w Ithaca the lige.
For 'Berths and all Inforniatien apply to
J T. Pepper,
fonuerieg officers were appointed for the ntint at Carson, Neve and sent to China,
eel- 1—Cons able, Kenneth McLeod ; where the melte is higher than in
Morrison ; Ireaeurer, Geo, Anijoa,
A, 8iddal1 Assessor and Colleotor, W. The first disastrous engagement that
01. Ste,th, at the some salariee as last Stanley has had diming hi. lecture trip
year. was in a Western city where a eolorea
Sometime during Tuesday night the minstrel company gave a rival entertain.
store of Robt. 1140111e, Kippen, wee enter. meet, This is ndt 5140 firetime that
ed by some unknown person or persons. Mr. Stanley has had trouble with the
Wilh e, diamond they cut a light of gime colored mce,
from the Mont window and thus gained A contract, has jest been executed be.
an entrance. The Post Office till was ro. twuen several Joliet, III., property °WOK'S
11o'o, of tv few (Moats, bat (1 10 euppooed and Lewitt Bros., of Pittsburg, I'ao, and
that Wttli all they secured. Wale., England, be which Be:nth Joliet
Parties who took iee from Jewitt's lake, has secured a (4500,000 tin plate plant to
near Lueltenty, have 1100,1 getting into meitapy twenty 110000 end furnieh 10 floor
trouble. Last year R. Roth, brewer, space of over 20,000 tentare feet.
Listowel lowed the lake and right of Chariot 13. Pratt latel inhe.ited t800, -
way to it from 51r, Jewitt and now wante 000 hi Ithigland, Ho bad lived for a long
15 emtte a Med from there who went en period in Rahway, New Jersey, in mo -loot
and tooe effize: Boma have itetded am. bet comfortith o circemstancee, 0)1 in.
ioahl,„ othero ranee and there ie a pros- lieritieg hie fortune he built a princely
poet of UOlue Worh for the lawyere, mansion, bought bursae and engaged a
"The young num whu broke my gine large retinue of eervante. Ito seemed,
on eatordar night, Feb, 21st, and done however, not to enjoy his now lifo, and
some other things I will not mention at one morning ho remedied to a servant
prone:Abed better call around and nettle that be wiehed be was back in his old
the matter with me before the 100400 006110 house, as 110 VMS very lonely and 1110.of Dile paper, Or they will have the
pleasure of settling in the law courts and
knit stones as a penalty." Thie is the
happy. An hour or two later he walked
into his old house, Whielt had been con-
verted into a etable, took ar pistol from
hie pooket and shot himself through the
timernahurr eon Ten Tairialtine.r 01,
Chronic Diseasee, Private Diatoms% Die-
eacee of the Brain aim Nerve, Die.
eases of the Heart and Lunge,
and Diseases of Women
positively Treattql
;IONAIMAN I301011AWIt Ltatowol, Hayti
"After spendin all Illy 100i103 Mut 11rOttol:ty
to 110 porpOaci Ott 1110111001 111011, for what
they termed a hopeduee use 01 consuntotton,
lar• Sinclair ftiWea Mo."
Mae 11341141 ll'unt,oRe, Wo01111011NO, 015y0 1—
"When an ahem 0111e31, Dr, Sloohlir cured
016 07 Ota,'
13. RostateraMt, Carleten Place, Alva
"Dr, intimate eared toe of Oatayrh,11
Ono. liownn, 1tlyth, tatyst--t Dr. etealatr
tUreil 1,1t, 1it.1411. ,118V11.1,1aosl aro/.By, When
alt 04)101a failed."
Di0radlr/1 0, Privato Nainre, brought on by
folly, Dr,. Sinclair certainly Cum,
boniness hhe mannor in which OMB.
:Kerr, of Looknow, addreettes the youth of head. Tho
that community I limeh ttlnnet to n, ereport roused some stable.
ran in and leen,' hi, 00114)1
of the Sentinel. tly ti3O stable floor, Friday, March 13th, '91.
W WI A R 33 ElbsT& -
&I Sea what Pleasure we take in Showing Goods,