The Brussels Post, 1891-3-6, Page 1l
Volume 18
Fourth Division Court.
The usual Whinge of the 4th Division
Court was held in the Court room 0'
the 20th ult., Hie donor Judge Doyle
The following cases were on the
docket :
Geo. Love, py or., ve. Goo. Nul on, py,
dr.; Fanikener et al, garnishee -An ad•
journod ease from last Oouro, and was
further adjourned till next Court.
Stretton Bros., py. ors., ve. Semi.
John Carter, py. d
garnishee-An notion on (limited an.
count. Aft, r argumeuta by counsel judg-
ment was reserved.
Wilson vo. Shiels-Disputed acooutt,
and was edjouued till next Court.
Graham vs. Turnbull ; Henderson, gar.
niehee-Grewar vs. Turnbull; Hender-
son, garnishee- Both of these wore no-
tions on aceonnte, resulting in judgment
for primary creditors against primary
debtor. No order againet garnishee.
MaLauohlan vs. Ramsey -Action of
tart for damage alleged to have been
caused i y defendant's negligence in sat
ting fire under boiler of plaintiff's mean
engine at Jamestown. Adjourned till
next Court.
Martin ve. Robortenn-Disputed me -
count. Judgment for plaintiff with costs
in 16 days.
Cola ve. Kende- Action for board
wages claimed by defendant tram plain.
tiff Judgment for plaintiff with costa.
Genie. vs. Rena-Aotion on promissory
note. Defense entered, but defendant
not appearing judgment wee given for
plaintiff for full amount of claim with
.1. number of judgment aummons cases
were heard and the usual orders made.
Washington Letter.
(Prom our 'Regular correspondent.)
Washington, F'eb.:t), 'el.
The rumor is rife in Washington that
Mr. Cleveland is not a candidate for re-
nomination for the Presidency and will
not allow hie name to be presented to
the Democratic national convention of
1892. This statement is -aid to be on
high authority, and its truthfulness will,
it is claimed, in due time, be well
established. 1 -IN decision in the m otter
was made kuowu to close political friondo
some days ago and the formal aunounoe•
matt of nis intentions will roach the
country over his own name, in proper
season. :Ir. Cleveland's determination,
su the tumor goes, is fixed tied uttalter•
able, and while he has slanted his
friends that he fait a• keen an interest in
the 000,oaes of the Demorratin party as
ever before, and would respond to any
reasonable call omen hint in Futuro, ho
emphasized the Iadb that it must be as a
private in the ranks and not ns a can-
didate. Se resolute was Mr. Cleveland in
the interview with his friends that they
abandoned ail hope of iaduaing hits to
again become a candidate, loud have since
had conferences with prominent party
men with a view to uniting upon some
other Democrat for 1892. Whether
that man will be Hill or Gorman,
Abbott, or Whitney, or whether it will be
a Democrat from a Western State is, of
.course, problematioal. Ex-Souretary of
the Navy Whitney has been in Washing.
ton for the past few days, where he has
met many Dentocratio Senotors and Ile.
presentatives. It is but natural to infer
that politioel topica wore "discussed at
these meetings, but it is stated positively
that there is no foundation in fact for the
statement that Mr. Whitney's mission i.
to develop a Whitney Presidential boom.
He has declined to bo interviewed by
newspaper mon, but Democrats who en -
jay his confidence and to whom he hae
talked freely, state that hie visit is
wholly fre•, from selfish political in.
termite, and that he is not a candidate,
so far as they know.
At the close of this Congreve there will
be in the neighborhood of 1,300 bills on
the calendar of the Hoose which hove
been favorably reported by cotnnnittees
but which fail fur want of time for their
consideration in the House. The major-
ity of these aro of little impottanee to
the general publio, but neaortheless are
proper mementos, which should be noted
upon. Very many, however, are im-
portant measures. Some of them will be
just on the verge of being disposed of
when they will bo suddenly ant off by
the arrival of noontide ou the 4th of
March. dome of the appropriation bills.
will probably be signed within an hour
of the time for final adjournment, and
it may be, ss hae often oocured, that the
bonds of the clock will have to be turned
book to prevent the failure of an appro•
priation bill. A number of bills that
will fail aro such as would certainly pass
if there were a day or two more tune,
but the fell 1,800 go oV'er to ho re -intro -
ducted and to burden the calendar of the
next House.
Will Speaker Reed reactive from the
minority the usual vote of thanks at the
Mose of this stenion ? In view of all that
has happeued during tide session, the
ceneetien le ono that to causing .a good
deal of gossip on the House side of the
'Capitol, Tho general impression ie that
it can be answered in the negative. It
is not believed that any Demoorat will
care to offer the resolution, but should
Ruch a resolution be ptssented, Re-
presentative Rogers, of Attuned, will
present a substibute of a diifmont tenor,
and the yeas and nays will be demand-
ed. When Mr, Keifer! was Speaker the
nounl resolution was offered b
Blackburn. Tho yeas and nays Mi,
demanded and called, the revolution
finally panning by the aid of Republican
votes. But Mr, Keifer, althottgh he was
dieliked by the Democrats, wan never
disliked to the degree which the minor.
ity now entertain towards Mr. Reed,
Sines theOhelving of tine force bill the
energy displayed by Congress has been
eetltt(lianone. It' new se0me probable that
the lunar Will 'rase ~rise teat of the rogue
lar gaqual appropriation measures before
the week closmn. With the facility a1'
*eye shown by fila 84bate In the die,
Vetch of bailout] at the OKI of a Bearden
Confidently he 'ori sacci that
altered off the docket by Match 4th.
Congress is a 1.quaoione body, bub it is
alto when aroused to working body,
Ex Secretary Whitney during hie
visit to this city did nob announce In
atenborian tones that he w+te "not in 11"
for 1802,
Silver will not be quoted below '92,
and next year's candidata in both parties
are requested by the political miners to
bear it in mind,
For the majority in the House the
4th of March is drawing mtplettaantly
The force bill appears to have been
lost in the shuffle.
lo;ast nuron Nomination.
'Pita nomination for this Riding was
held at the Town Hall, Gorrie,on Thurs-
day of last weak. There was a good
Milkmennopenod thenproceedingsUfliotat lof 12
o'clock. The oandidatoe nominated were
Dr. Macdonald, Wingham, and Dr.
Holmes, of Goderieh.
The nomination paper of Dr. P. Mac -
'weak( was signed by the following elec-
tors :-W. B, Towler, Geo. Vetoed, J. J
llumuth, D. M. Gordon, (3, hielntyro, S.
Gracey, Jae, 'meth, Pater Deane, Thos.
Leel(«, ltobt. Orr, R. Elliott, \V. Reid,
Alex. Roan, of Wingham ; Thos. Gibson,
R. McGee b, Jo-. Mitchell, J. 1$.
Williams, Jas. Edgar, rm., Jas. alaLetuth•
lin, of Howlett Geo. Fortune, John Di.
meat, Wm. Douglas, David Moffat, John
Harvie, Wm. teemnnih, Atex. Hislop, .Iaa.
Stewart, of Turnberry ; Thos.. Ashton,
Jonathan Moore. J. R. Miller, of Morrie,
The nomination paper of Dr. W. J. R.
Holmes was signed by the following deo.
tors :-Thos. Beli, Thos. Ohisholm, H.
Davie, W. Clegg, (3. N. Griffin, S. Kent,
it. Malndoo, M H. McIndoo, John Gal.
braitiv, Robt. Hill, Geo. Petoypieoe, B.
Nilson, Rich. Anderson, S. J. Smith,
Thos. Agnew, W. J. Doyen, J. B. F'er-
Youhill, H. Kerr, John JMcDonogh, Jae.
Armour, 13. R. Talbot, Gen. Russell, .l.
ll, Hiacocks, Jas. P teuty, H. W. C.
Meyer, all of Wmgham.
After the nomination proceedings had
been declared closed a public meeting
was organized, with W. 1f. Clegg, of
Gorrie, as chairmen, who di•uharged hi>t
dutiee to the satiafacini of all, ft was
arranged that Dr. Macdonald should
speak first for oue hour, then Dr. Holmes
wets to speak for one hour, iVlid Dr. M to-
douaei wtae to ulo-e with to fifteen
minute reply, anal this arraugenneet
was carried out.
Morris Council Ivteeting.
• The Council met, pursuant to arijonre•
meat, in the council room, on Feb. 23rd.
Metnbars all present, the Reeve in the
chair. Minutes of last meeting road and
passed, Messrs. \fuOlelland and John-
atot presented the audito.s' report which
was examined by the council and oonn•
pared with, vonah,,rs. It was mover] by
S. Oaldbick, seconded by Goo. Kirkby
that the auditors' report as now read be
adopted and that the abstract be publish•
ed in Tits Beussenn Pose and Wingham
Advance, Carried. Moved by James
Proctor, seconded by 0. A. Howe that
the Treasurer be instructed to deposit
$1,200 in the Bank of Hamilton, Wing -
ham, to the credit of this corporation,
also to deposit auoruod interest on •910,-
000, now in Bank. Carried. The follow.
ing accounts were ordered to be paid :-
C. MoOlolland, auditors' salary, $10.00 ;
R. Johnston, ditto, 910.00 ; W. 11, Er-
win, nomination:posters, $1.25 ; trustees
of S. S. No. 1, use of school house at
foal election, $4.00 ; Albert Hughes,
damage hauling gravel, $1.00 ; S. Walker,
gravel, 05.25 ; Misses lllxford, charity,
910.00 ; John Hays, keeping county
ward, 015.00 ; Robt. Shortreed, keeping
Wm. Palmer up to date, 924.00 ; corpora-
tion of Bly'h, Moll rent u , to Jan, 1891,
oe 150 re Wilson draiewis n, $12.00 ; TThos �tbliller,
repairs for hall, $1.04 ; T, S. Brandon,
ealary and expenses, 9100. Moved by J.
Proctor, seconded by, Geo. Kirkby that
this council do now adjourn to meet
again on March 30th. Carried.
W. Ceram, Clerk.
R. T. Walker was Friday elected dopltty
reeve of Kincardine.
Monday was the coldest day of the
winter in New York, the thermometer
marking 10 degrees below zero.
The owners of forme in Minnesota and
North Dakota, for 100 mike along the
Red River Valley from Wahpaton to
Pembina, are greatly excited over the
property prospoat of losing their propo ) ).
defective titles, The Great Northern
Railway Company has made application
to the general land office to have the
rant along the St. Vincent extension de-
hned•by plot and map, as has been done
in the fireokinridgo division in North
Dakota, according to the Ransom -
Phalle] deoisiun. That decision will
prove more disesteem to the settlers in
the St. Vincent extension than to the
othere, or at least it will effect more vela,
Ode property.
Monday last being the 100th anoint.
eary of the death of John Wesley, a sta.
tuto erected in hie honor was unveiled in
the presence of a large concourse of pee.
ple in trait of the City toad chapel, Lon.
don, Eng., the headquarters of the Wes.
loyiens. Rev 7'redetick Farrar, arch•
deacon of Westminetor, took part in thio
ooromoitlos. The arohdeauon delivered a
long and eloquent eulogy of John Wesley,
during the bonnie of which he said he re.
gutted, as a chur0hmttn, that the church
100 years ago hats not the wisdom to as.
simitate with the (nighty enthusiasts
which gave montolttum to the Weoleyan
i the meth,
movomont. It soothed, ehid
deacon, )hooking and diegracofnl'in
Christians bound by a common Chile
handy to treat each other with enamel
(midterm. John Wesley leitmotif, he
added, set an exempla of splendid toler-
ance. 'fife erohdegoon retniddod the
cengreg8tion of the words of 'William
Penn, that the humble, mock, inaroihd
and jest er0811 of ono religion, and will
act roue:ooze eftelt other when in tactual
The Government Sus-
tained b a Small
Hons, Carling, Foster and Colby
in the "Soup."
Three Bruces in Line.
North Persil goes Reform
Dr. Macdonald rolls up 300.
As we go to press the returns aro yet
incomplete, but the figures appear to be
91. to 106 in favor of the Government,
with 13 constituencies to hear from.
Tho Opposition gains were very note-
worthy in Ontario in the rural dintriota,
but the cities held to the Government,
excepting London, which elected Chae.
Hyman by a good majority over Minister
of Agriculture Carling.
Dr, Macdonald is elected in this Riding
by about 300 majority, having to majority
in every municipality except Howick and
there the vote for Dr. Holmes was far be-
low what was exported by either party.
The following are the returns for East
Huron, by majorities, as nearly as could
be obtained :-
t 11y ria
everything of p ice n 000a ty will 1* = wort41 with the tattle off.
Dr. Macdonald's majority 307.
NAST noBON IN 1887.
Turnberry ,
Macdouald's majority 61.
M. C. Cameron defeated Porter in
West Huron by a large majority. John
MaMillan holda the fort in South Huron.
Grieves was elected over S. R. Henson in
North Perth. Dr. Bonne was victorious
in North Bruce and Tnrax in East Bruce
over Messrs VioNeil sod Cargill, respect.
tivoly, North Essex, Peel, Welland, Lin-
coln and Meek also elected Opposition
members, while East Elgin and Halton
returned supporters of Sir John A. Mac-
Welland -Getman.
Oxford N --Sutherland.
Lambton W -Lister.
Lincoln -Gibson,
Brant S-Pattonion.
Wellington S -Innes.
Waterloo S -Bowman.
Oxford 5 -Cartwright.
Ontario 8 -Davidson,
Porth N -Grieves.
Durham W.-Beith.
Ontario S -Davidson.
H.ur.tu W -Cameron;
Huron E-Maodnaald,
Heron S. -McMillan,
Essex N. -McGregor,
Waterloo S. -Livingston,
Elgin W.-Ct.ey.
Lennox -Allison,
N. athumborltted-Hargrafb.
York N,-bIulook.
Perth S. -Trow.
Wentworth -Baits.
Simone 71.-Spohn.
Middlesex 8. -Armstrong.
Essex S. -Allan.
Bruce W.-Rnwatd,
Wentworth S, -Middleton.
Bothwell -Mills.
Grey S.-3 wnderltin.
York k E. -Mckenzie.
1lttntings E.-I3u„tdette,
Wellington N.-Molfullen.
Narfello N - Oharlton.
()uteric W. -Edgier.
ONTA0,30 CONe noreety1%a seagri ce.
Simone N.-Tyerwhitt,
Proakville-Wand. ..
Polorboro' W--StoyotlOn,
Cibtawa--lvfrwintosln and Bobillartl.
Ilamilton...Moltay and [Veltman.
Toronto - Contcbnrn, Denison and
1.tnN:nein•--43ir ,john lasedernld,
Wither Steward -Miller.
Co800000Ttv11e --(Continued).
Cirenvilie S. -Reid.
Siuwoe N.-MlcCarthy,
llfiddleaax N,-Iimelons.
Ilaldimae h1-Moutsgue.
Dundee -Rosa.
Norfolk S -Tisdale.
Leede S-ilttggart.
Renfrew -Whits,
Middlesex E -Marshall.
Middlesex W-Roomo.
lel sngaary-McLennan,
Viotoria S -Fairbairn,
York W -Wallace.
Gray N -Maroon.
Northumberland NI -Cochrane.
Hastings W -Corby.
Elgin E- Ingram,
Leeds N -Ferguson.
Halton -Henderson,
Durham E Craig.
Lambtnn E-Moncrieff.
The Reformers of this riding were
jubilant as the largely inereaoed ma.
so: ities poured in for Dr. Macdonald and
their joy was gr -at at the Liberal vioto•
ries in the neighboring onuetituenciea of
West Huron and North Porth,
Dr Holmes pulled down the Reform
majority somewhat in Grey township
and gut vot; in Brussels that no other
Conservative could have got, bub Blyth,
Wingham, Morris, Turnberry and Brus-
eels rolled up the majority. firer• and
Wroxeter held their own fairly well but
he naughty people of Howick evidently
are Free Trade re.
The Wingham Advance, published on
Wednesday of this week, is authority for
the following :-"Good news comes from
all parts of the riding, and in Grey a sur-
prise, it is thought, is in stare for Dr.
Macdonald. Holmes is the man."
East Huron will evidently have to un-
dergo another gerrymandering. How
would it do to attach Grey, Morris,
Blyth, Brussels, Turnberry, Wingham
and Wroxeter to South Heron and East
Huron to retain the balance ?
Sir John A. had a large majority in
Kingston bnt lost several of his Iieuten•
ante on the persons of Finance Minister
Foster, President of Privy Council Colby
and Minister of Agrioulturo Outing, at
least so the telegrams) stated.
Out of 215 seats the Conservatives are
credited with winning 100 and the Re-
former 05, leaving 1.4 unreported. There
firmres may b•• somewhat altered es the
full returns come to hand later but while
the Government has undoubtedly a
majority the unmher has been reduced
very materally as compared with the
last 1Iuuse. A11 the leading Reformers
have been reelected among whom are
Messrs. Cartwright, Mille, Patterson,
Mackenzie, Charlton, &c.
Number 34.
Montreal city 0 unci( las voted $5,000
to the Spring Hill sufferers,
The township of Westmeath, Onb,,
paused the local option by law by a ma-
jority of 32 votes.
Newmarket is rejoicing ever the pos-
session of an arteeian well widish die•
Omegas 80,000 gallone of water per d ly.
Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the two
evangelis's, are drawing large congrega•
Kona at their revival meetin,is in New
Westminster, B. 0.
A boy named Geo. Dison, about 14
years of age got naught in the machinery
of Herr & Harcourt's bobbin factory at
Walkerton Eddy and was instantly
A enowstorm has raged in Dakota fur
two Jaye and ie iunreaeing in force.
More snow has fallen than during the
whole of last winter and this winter up
to Sunday:
Of theft/ultimo of the Springhill mine
explosion 44 were Presbyterians, 28
Episoopatians, 24 Roman Cabholi -e, 19
Methodists, 2 Baptists and 6 unknown,
Tee relief fund now tom •uuta to over
A very line specimen of the tiger oat
was abet this week near the Blank Gorse
in the township 01 Sinless. It is tato
largest animal f the kind tied has over
been seen in this station, and weighed
over fo ty poorids.
The Britteh oulumbia Legislature has
passed a reeoluti,n to petition the Do-
minion Government to make the 011inese
poll tax 9100, abo,isb return certificate)
and restrict the number carried inward
by the steamships.
Edward Dowdull, of Elba, a young
man 21 years of age, was instantly killed
the other day by falling in (rout of hi-
aleigh off a load of wood while pasting
Catuilla. His nook was broken and he
died in twenty minutes.
At the G. T. R. station, Cobourg, Fri•
d ty, Brakeman Bret, while trying to
draw a pin out of a oonpiing, slipped on
the iso and two ears ran over him. One
of his arms was out off and one leg wee
broken in two planes. His recovery is
A message from the chief superin•
tendert of the Interootonial railway
in reference to the Spring Hill explonien
reads : There have been 122 deaths,
lea'ing 56 widows and 163 fatherless
children. Ten wounded are doing well,
but the recovery of two others in doubt-
Tuesday efbornoon ab0,1 8 o'clock a
fearful accident oecnrred at 1' brolea.
Sonia men were oreuting a three pole
derrick in the Western of Canada pros-
perity, and by some means the poke be•
came loose, and is falling struck Jackson
Stru:oars on the head, killing him in -
Wm. Hardy, of the Wallaoeburg din•
triut, and James H. Hardy, who is em,
played on the tunnel at Port Huron, have
entered an action for 92,000 damages
against the proprietor of the Wallaaebure
Herald•Record, The plaintiffs claim
that oertaiu articles appeared in the
newspaper regarding the "Wadsworth
liyotary,” and that said articles were in-
juries to their eharaotere and standing
in the community. The ease will be
tried at the Spring Assizes in Chatham.
Friday a sawing match took plana at
J. D. McColl's, Lucas, about 400 people
being present. The contest was over an
18 inch log, two cuts to bo made by oath
party. Messrs. Gilmore and Fraser, of
lldooreville, won in 764 seconds ; 2nd,
Messrs. Spraul and Carroll, of Teeswater,
in 8G seconds ; 3rd, Measrs. Gilmore and
Simpson, Mooreville, in 86$ secouds. At
the clone of the tnatah Metiers. Currie
and McColl, of Parkhill, took off one cut
in 80 aeoonds,wtth their overcoats on and
while smoking cigars.
Last week e. salon-year•old boy, son 01
Fred. Ball, of Toronto, was in a hack
yard at play, Three prize bull terrie 0,
owned by bis father, and not hitherto
found savage, were also there. The
little follow stumbled and fel., and the
doge rushed savagely upon him, bit him
in a more of places, tore the scalp off hie
head and mangled him frightfully. Hie
father fainted at the eight of the boy
when tine dogs had been driven away,
and on recovery immediately killed the
dogs. The boy is not oapocted to live.
Sporting Editor Globe : Sir, -I have
aeon it stated in print that J. F. Corbett
of Chicago and E. D. Rogers of Weans.
ter, Maas., are negotiating for a single
scull rano. I would like to meet them in
a ewoepetake of from 9200 to 0500 a
man. All the stakes to go to the winner,
and the gate money, if there ie any, to
the second man. I am willing to row
over any suitable three mile course at
any time that may bo agreed on. Any
aommuniaatiot addressed to me in care
of the Globe will receive immodiate et.
tension, and will load to a race if Moses.
Rogers and Corbett moan businese.
Torouto March 2, D. Dmount. Newna.
The returning offloer'e summing np
gives Hnn. J. M. Gibson a majority of
704 in Hamilton.
Jas. Wallace, of Che ley, who is a car-
penter by trade, has just fallen heir to a
fortune of 910,000.
Robert Fletcher, a farmor living near
Ivey P. 0., Simone county, fell from a
load of hay on Friday and died in to few
John Calkins, while driving a fish
waggon at Waodatook Saturday, sudden-
ly tumbled off the seat and when picked
up was dead.
hire. Sarah Ferguson, of Proton, was
found dead in bed Sunday morning.
When ehe retired the previous evening
she was in her naval good health.
The Michigan Central Railway Com.
puny have vory generously presented the
Railway Hoepltal in St. Thomas with
9486.65 to pay off the debt of tho institu-
The wife of Joeeph Langford, a resneo.
table retired farmer living in Lean,
dropped dead at aha ten table on Tuesday
evening. Tho doctor pronounced it a
cavo of heart disease.
The C. 1'. R. steamship Emprese of
India sailed from Suez'oil Wodnenday on
her world -circling trip. A11 the peewee -
gars were delighted with the trip to
Cairo and the pyramids.
Mr. Currie, of Port Elgin, lighthonso
keeper of Cove Island. shot a white deer
near his reaidenue, He sent the carcass
to Toronto and had the whole animal
set np, which cost him 9100,
Rev. T. M. Campbell, of St. Mary's,
has been invited to beo,tno pester of the
Cambridge Methodist church in Lindstty,
and has accepted, nubjeet to the action
of the transfer committee.
Funk Ryall, cam of Thos. Ryall, of
Oak avenue, Pario station, Ont., watt
found dead in the barn by his brother
Saturday afternoon. He did not come
into hie dinner toe usual and when search
W1113 made was found dead.
Grand Master 3. Roe. Robertson, on
bohalfof the Mosonic Grand Lodge of
Canada, hon forwarded 9250 to the
Springhill disaster found at Halifax, 925
of which is to be given to the oma Masonic
family effected thereby.
Willow oreok overflowed its banks int
Paisley, on Wednesday, completely
stopping traffic. The bridge was broken,
a barn parried away and other damage
done. A large number of men wore put
to work clearing away the main road,
On the 14.tlt of May the property owe,
ore of Essex Centre will vote upon a by.
law to rains 920,600 for the purpose of
building a system of tvaterwo•ka in that
town. Pito propearei plan inoludos a
tribe well, and an elevated steel storage
1(ev, T. W. Jeffrey, who had been
confined to his Unite for two Months or
eo, died Sunday meld, aged 59 yore,
Nom the offsets of beset dmaase, Ills
death ban boon ex} eotod of late. Its was
of Berkeley Y Street Methodist
Church, Toronto, from the date of last
Titan. trembly, of Whitton, father, of
Charlie Hambly, the victim of the Bal.
tlo outrage, while waiting on the ice from
Prndt a (tools to Wiarton Monday even•
ing, broke throtlth and wag drowned.
As ha did not return home, search waw
toed() : tba next morning and his body wee
Need ill twelve feet of motor, Piet Under
the break 10 the loo,
The record of the work of the Inde•
pendent Order of Oddfellows in Ontario
for the year ending Deo. 31, 1890, has
been issued from the office of the grand
smutty, J. B. King. Following are
some of the statistics contained in the
t aport: There aro in Ontario 232 lodges,
seven having been instituted and one
roinotated during the year. The average
lodge membership is 70$. Tho total
membership is 17,693, a net 10010000 of
758 during the year. Tho total amount
expended in relict was 071,063.10, an 3n•
crease of 925.09 per day over the previous
year, Tho total amsete of the lodges are
3698,1139.04, and the lodge fluids amount
to 9980,998.89.
At a moetiug of the kirk 0008100 of St.
Androu'e Church, Went Toronto, it was
decided to graft the Rev, D. 3. Mardon•
A011, six months leave of absence and the
Rev. Dr. (loldenith was appointed to take
temporary charge of the oongregatioe.
Mr..Macdonnell's general health is good,
bat Cha doctors insist that he obeli en-
tirely refrain from public speaking. Mr.
Macdonncll leaves Toronto on Saturday
for Liverpool, where he will oatoh the
now 0, P, 14. steamer, the Empress of
Japan, and will take a trip around the
world on her. Ito will be absent about
six months. Mr. Mttodoneeli is OttO of
the tenet pantile photon in (:)nada anis
everybody will lama 10 sow hits return in
good health,
Thos. Thomson, who has been for acv•
era, years clerk in the hardware depart
meat of Kyle & Barnett's establishment,
and has lived all hi. life in Mitohv1), loft
Par New York, where he has accepted a
situation in n large hardware More.
A, Gordon's jewelry store and dwelling,
Durham, was burned on Snnrtay.
An the -took and the grouter part of the
fnrnitare was removed. Cause of fire
unknown. Loss about 88,000, insurance
$2,000. The Standard BanK was saved
by hard work,
The big steamer Steinhoff, which
worked the Lorne Park route during the
summer of 1890, is res ing at the bottom
of the bay, N .rthorn dock, Toronto,
where •he lar in winter gnarbo.s. Last
week she sprang a leak, and before it
could be reotiSed site filled and went
down. Divers aro at work locating the
leak, which when fated will be plugged
and an attempt made to raise her by
pumping her oat,
Allan Mlorione, lot 25, con. 19, Elmo,
has ,rade preparations to corm -armee the
erection of a handsome residence, at the
estimated cost of about 93,000. All the
contracts have been awarded and worlc
will begin as soon ar spring opens. Over
4,000 bricks are on the ground ready for
ope anions. The main building will be
20x35 feet, fwd storeys high, with a kit.
then in the shape of a T, 18 feet square
and fall heigh', also a frame kitchen and
woodshed, 18x86 feet, one storey. John
Push, Brescia, has the contract for the
brick work and plastering, and Meseta.
Smith & Malcolm, of the same place,
have the finishing in hand. Stone work,
Henry Nesbitt, Listowel; carpenter work
Jan. Hanna, Atwood ; elating, F. W.
Bloxam, Stratford. The woodwork fin.
hilt will ba something unique in this sec-
tion, and it is calculated that the pro-
posed structure will be one of the finest
farm houses in the country.
People We Snow.
Toe. Burton has been quite ill.
1'. Thompson is bomo for o week.
Thos. Gill le home from Michigan.
Miss Lily Kendall is visiting in St.
Mrs. W. H. Willis, of Mitchell, is visit-
ing in town.
Miss Dolly Pollard, of Waltnit, was
visiting in town title week.
J. J. Gilpin went to St. Marys to vote
for lir. Sharp on Thareday.
Willie and Ernie Fairfield have gone
to their grandparents for a visit.
Samuel Rivets carne bank from the
north this week. Miss Pivori is still ill.
Arch. Pringle, of 13elLfouot.tin, was
vi-iting his daughter, Mrs. Fairfield, last
Mrs. (Rev,) Smyth, of Harriston, was
renewing old acquaintances in Brussels
this weak.
Miss Sadie McDonald returned from
Landon this week. She likes the city
very much.
Mrs. J. T. Cook wessummoned to Kin-
cardine last week owing to the illness of
her mother.
A little child of Frank LeBon's was
severely burned on one leg this week by
falling againet the stove.
Mies Edith Hill, who has been so-
jcurning in Algoma for some time, spent
a few days in Brussels thio week.
Thos. Bradwell and daughter, former
residents of Brussels, were in town host
Monday. They live near Clifford.
The Lnoknow Sentinel says :-We aro
pleased to learn that J. Ssmnerhas again
been ro.ongaged as loader of the Fire.
men's Band.
W. R Wilson's health hes not been toe
good lately as of yore but we hope the
atproaohing Spring weather will prove
beneficial to hits.
Miss Clara Jreighton and Miss Mary
Sample are attending the millinery open-
ings in Toronto, and \ Wacker
the openings in London.
A. Bruce and wife are talking of re-
moving from Brussels and locating at
Belgrave. Mr. Bruce appears to think
there is a good opening there for him.
T. W. Crich and wife nee Mise Carrie
Wells, of Tilbury Centre, Kent County',
were in town recently visiting at Geo.
Baker's, Mrs. Crich and Mrs. Backer
are sisters.
Last week's Clinton New Era saes :- .
We aro sorry to bear of the very serious
illness of Mrs. Jno. Oalbiok, Site is well
up In yoars, and no hopes aro entertain-
ed of her recovery.
Mra. A. Currie sr. is visiting relatives
and friends at W.,odst.00lc. She watt
called there to the funeral of her brother,
John Rutherford, wlto died recently, at
the advanced age of 70 years.
John E. Smith, of llrandon, Man., is
in town t i this week. no is taking a ear
load of there' bled horses and cattle Nook
with him to Boraeford Farm. Mr. Smith
has the reputation of keeping one of the
best stook farms In the Dominion and
thole who are acquainted with the
gentleman will know that whatever he
undertakes he pate vim into it and aeries
it to a eunoessful issue.
A letter received from Mrs. Albert
Gerry, Indian Head, N. W. T., gives the
pheaain' information that a great revival
of religion has taken place et "Pair Play"
school house, and tine people are in fop
Rood, solid work. Alberti Gerry has been
appointed Superintendent of the Sabbath
school • Geo. Mooney class leader and
Sam. Mooney leader of the Young Peo•
pie's Assooiation. Their many old
friends baro wish thong abundant Mouse
in their work.
Election day brouht the following
former residents to Brussels ;-J, ilar-
greavos, 7. W. Shaw, T. lieCrac, J. F.
t3toCrac, J. Aluxteudor, W. H. Moos, 3.
Stanley Old G. L. 13011. Termite ; 13, W.
Tuck, Shelburne D. 1ttcCillisduy, Soda -
Het) ; C. Gritnoldbv, sr., Owen Sound ;.
II: J. Whitley,`Vingliam 'Lee,
jr., T. Wateoh se. and Goo. Love, Har
rtatall ; W. 1I. Willis and John Stacey,
Mitoholl ; L. Prey,Artnotrong l(ot•r, R.
S. Haye and G. A, Boar, Soaforth ; Juo,
Glenn, Tleborn° F. L. Scott, ]]lona ; A,
ilermleten, Walkerton ; Jas. Laird.
Tiverton; J. Denman and J. J. Den-
oten, 731uevale ; W. F. Vermeil,
WttnII ; Dutitey ochres, Goderitb•;
Cl,neIlektoe, Totont0.