The Brussels Post, 1891-1-23, Page 8aVIORE BOOKS
At Reduced Rates.
"Sunday. Magazine," $2.00, now $1,35.
"Scottish Pictures," $2,a"O, now $0175•
"Aesop's Fables" (largo edition), $1.16,
now $1.00.
'.Deubey and Sena' by Dickens, 200.,
now 15c.
“History of British Colunhbia," $450,
now $3.50.
'aim Aldine Reciter," $1.615, now $1,35,
"The New Testament Synonyms," by
French°, $8.75, now $1.75.
i•aThe Canadian Anthem Book," $1.25,
bow 900.
"The Rifle, and how- to use it," Roo.,
now 20o.
"Tile City Youth," $1.00, now 71c.
• ,ifeof Queen Victoria," $1,00, now 75o,
Druggist, Bookseller, &c.
SOUT0EIN EXTENas0N w.. G. & H.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as foliows:1
00010 SOUTH. 50IN0 NO1 TE.
Mail.m. Mixed 9.55 a.rl1
Express 11:45 am. Mail
e:59 a 8'00 p.0)
Mixed 8:50 p,30. Express 9:45 p.m.
,ora' gews teens,
A chiel's among ye taken' notes,
An' faith he'll prout it.
J. Y. S. KUM has been on the sick list.
W. B. Drcxaos Sundayed in Toronto.
Trios. Drcasos is home from Toronto
on a visit.
E, E. Wane, of Owen Sound, was fu
town this week.
Da. CAVANAGH spent last Sunday at his
borne in Elmira.
Tues. McGonti, of Wingham, was in
town last Sunday.
Miss HATTIE FRANCIS is visiting her
sister in Brussels.
Miss KATE CORAIA01f has returned from
u visit to Goderioh.
MONTHLY Horse Fair in Brussels on
Thursday, Feb'y 511).
Muse MAooIe STEWAR'T is home from
Mount Forest on a visit,
Mn RUNT, a student, preached in St.
John's church last Sabbath.
Co0900 Council will meet in Goderieb
on Tuesday afternoon of next week.
REVIVAL services still in progress in
the 'Methodist churoh, Good is being
WIN000 c curlers were expected here
on Thursday but did not come. They
may come en Friday.
Fon sale or will trade for wood one
naw nutter, good and durable. Apply at
I. C. Richard's harness shop.
LARGE quantities .of excellent ice is
being stored away by the butchers, hotel-
keepe's and toe Dream vendors.
SEnvANT girl wanted at once. A per-
manent place and highest wages to a
good, experienced girl. Mao. J, D. Ron.
WE understand that T. Fletcher has
disposed of his comfdrtoble and com•
inodirus brick residence to Geo. Thum
son of this place.
TIM boot & shoe stock and grocery of
Geo. Good have been combined in one
store instead of two as in the past. He
retains the northern shop in the Van•
stone blook.
Dnesssrsxnis.—The undersigned is pre.
(pared to attend to the wants the
e (
adies in dressmaking. Residence near
the school house, Mechanic street, Bras -
CoaiMONuoN in Melville church next
Sabbath. Rev. A. Y. Hartley will preaoh
en Saturday afternoon, title pastor on
Sabbath morning and Rev. Mr. Law, of 1
Belprave, in the evening.
Ws embrace the first opportunity of.
eongeutulating Bro. Holmes, of the Clio -
toe New Era, on the arrival of another
daughterto his household. wonder
whre the joke about the reserve baby
carriage is now 7
MEssea. Diecseo 11 EWE have removed
iheirlaw offiee to the rooms formerly
ccuupied by E. E. Wade, Leckie's block, 3
over tete Bank. The store vaulted by
them will be'tttilised as sample rooms f
for the American, Hotel,
THE Guelph Junction Railway Com-
pany will ask Parliament at its next sea- ,
sion, for an act giving effect to au agree.
ment extending the line for °eminence•.
mens and completion of
the extension of its railway from Guelph
to a point on Lake Huron at or near the
town of Goderioh,
Lori's Lzvnur.---Tho attention of the
Public is called to the fact that Levi Lots
keeps a first•class ontflt of good 'drivel's
and new, comfortable baggies, Every
attention will be given to those favoring
11i1n with their patronage, Stable just
east of 17r. Graham's block, King 'street,
Give him a call as his rates will be fulled
within the reach of all.
• TUANka.—We are greatly obliged to the
large number of persons who have and
are squaring up and renewing their etb-
sariptiens to Tim POST. 'We hope to
hoer from a large number of others 00011.
lust here we would like to express our
thanks also to our staff of correspondents,
musty of them reporting with vary rates.
factory regularity, The itindnose of
friends dropping in items of news occas•
loftily is duly appreciated.
PA9sl nsTioN Wise—Waterous :Unglue
Conhpauy v. Town of Palhnorstnn.---Jndg.
meet on appeal by th' plaintiffs from tbo
judgment of Bose. 5., at the trial ab
l4rantfnld fn fuvr,r of the defendants,
dismieviug the actino, which was brought
to recover the priors of a fire engine and
bole sold to the defendants. The defence
was that there was no ooutraet tinder
Setal and no by-law of the defendants
authorising the contract, and upon this
fronnci the action was dismissed. The
ec'trt hold that the law 15gnir05 such a
.power as that exercised in buying an
engine to be exercised by by law, tend
Mut it W55 incumbent upon tine plaintiffs
20 Hoo that the power war exeroised ao•
cording to law, Appeal dismd.sed with
nests. Wilkes, Q. C., for 1115 plaintiffs,
A.,141'. Clark ()`'aimerstou) for the flake -
gars I SS LS
We have just returned from Toronto after making large purchases of the wholesale stock of Bryce, McMur-
rich & Cu., which Has thrown on the market at a discount, for moll; of from 15 to 75 per cent. off the regular
wholesale prices. We are always ol1 the alert for bargains for customers nutting their confidence in us to furnish
them with reliable goods at wholesale prices.
We also made the purchase of a Gent's Furnishing Stock in London a row weeks ago at 40 cents o11 the
dollar. Just imagine men buying goods on four months' time and trying to compete with us in Tweeds, Gont's
Furnishings, etc. and keep three families out of the profits on the goods they sell at the same time. We never
claimed that two sold goods without a profit, but we do claim that we buy goods so cheap that we sell then' at the
snore price that other merchants pay for them.
It's worth your while to compare our prices with any other store in the County before making your pur-
chases. It's very foolish of you to work hard to earn money and then throw it away with merchants who have to
make big fat livings for several families out. of you.
W. NIGHTINGALE & Co., Brussels.
TUE banquet announced for the Salva-
tion Army has been indefinitely post.
D. M. FEsOUsoN, of Stratford, was in
town several days this week. He's a
pusher in the dry goods.
Wal. WoLTon has gone to the Salvation
Army Training Home, Toronto, to qual-
ify as an of6eer. We wish him success.
Tint Royal Templars of Temperance,
of Listowel, have invited the Brussel';
Council to visit them next Monday even.
Trios. TUmcesooe and wile and Mrs, P.
Scott attended the funeral of the late
Airs. Jno. A. Wilson at 6eaforth on Tues.
A Snow at Billie smiths Shop Next
Saturday. admission 1 Dent reserve
seats 2 ciente Fred hunter And Fred Gil-
pin Managers.
A.IIuwriia was chosen chairman of
the Brussels School Board for 1591. T.
T. McLauchlin's tender for wood, at $1.-
20, was accepted.
Wet. HAso,s, a former Brusselite, was
visitingiu towel this week. He has been
sojourning in Dakota e.nd, judging from
appearances, he was treated well in that
TUE Blyth Standard says :—"Manli.
nese" was the subject of Rev. S. Sellery'e
lecture, Monday night. He dealt with
his subject in a very able manner and
his audience expressed satisfaction and
delight at their evening's entertainment.
Oust old friend, Rev. S. Jones, celebrat-
ed his 83rd birthday on Tuesday of this
week. He gets about as handily as he
did 15 years ago and retains bis vigor in
a wonderful manner. We wish the rev-
erend 551005man many returns of the
Nessus. SCAM'S & FER9050N are giving
up business in Brussels and have in.
angurated a oleartng sale to reduce the
stook. Look out for advt, next week.
It is hinted that the successors to Messrs.
Soar0l 1' Ferguson will be two well known
young gentleman in town.
Cue thanks are due the publishers for
a copy of "Christianity, and some of its
evidences," by Ron. Oliver Mowat, Pre.
mier of Ontario. It is a book of nearly
100 pages, printed in large, legible type
and neatly bound in seal paper ooyer
with gilt top and this edition sells for 50
cents, It is well worthy of perusal.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms reasonable. Residence
seooud door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43.11
1, Faso, late of the Royal Hotel, Mit-
chell, formerly of Brus-els, has leased
the Hawkshaw Hotel, Seafortb. - The
Seafurth Sun says :—Mr. Frey is an old
hotel man, having carried on business in
Brue-els and Mitchell for years. 118.
comes to us recommended as a Ulan of
business abLity and integrity and as
suoll we extend to him the right hand of
A. Seamans has leased the comniodi-
ous corner store in Dr. Graham's block
for a term of years and will remove his
stook fu the course of it month or so. A
plate glass front is talked of, we believe.
Jas. Junes and W. M. Sinclair will tithe
up thele quarters in the southern store in
tine Vanstone block, (adjoining tele.. Ceu.
tral hotel) which will have a partition
run through it for the accommodation of
these two gentlemen.
LIVERY.— Il. Wtuiamg & Sett bawd
their new livery running in tip-top style.
Reliable, speedy horsos, new cornfort::hle
rigs and attendant eotnfotts guaranteed.
Ladies can be suited with quiet horsse,
"Live and let live" is our motto. Re-
member the plaos, Mill street, Brussels.
Special a'rungemetts lade with cn1n-
mercial men. If you want a rig any
time can On us. n. WILLIAats tt Son.
Bina S000wrr, —At tt meeting held at
TUE Pon Publishing !louse, last Satue-
day afternoon, the following collectors
wore appointed in connection with the
Brasses Branch of the Upper Canada
Bible Society for the districts named :---
Bpu,sele East—Miss Vanstono, Hies
Kelly ; Brussels West—Mrs. 1R. Ross,
Mre. Strachan ; Brescia Nortel ---Niro.
Kerr, and 01ies Rivers ;-Morris, ton, 7. --
Misses McColl and McCarter ; non. ti --
Misses Walker and Smith ; con. 8—
Misses Clark and Love ; con. 4—Misses
Black and Currie ; con. 5—blissee Ire-
land and Armstrong ; con. 2—Misses
Reid and Forest; Ethel—Misses Davies
and Milne ; Grey, cons, 18 and 1'1•--3fis-
see Ballantyne and Hielop 1 cols, 11 and
12—Miss Perris ; cons. 9 and 10—Mis-
ses Hill and Ilablfirk ; cons. 7 and 8—
Miasee Crooks and Cardiff ; cone. 5 and
6—Misses Smith and Smith ; eons. 8
and4—Misses Strachan and Taylor
Sons, 1 and 2—Misses Strachan and
Beharrill. The collector's books mn,t
be returned to the Bom'etary-Treasurer
in time to allow him to send away the
i0mn51 report Maroh 1st.
NEw Maims Wontcs,—The firm of
Jobuston & Cochrane, atone cutters, ,,to.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fences, dm., in a workmanlike
manner and at living prides. Setisfao.
Con guaranteed in every case. Don't
place your order without canine on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain-
ing prises. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
BEE Jo01NAL,—If you have "a bee in
your bonnet" or a hive in your garden,
you want a journal that will tell you how
to handle them to make the most profit
at the least expense. The Canadian Bee
Journal, a large semi-monthly,
published at Beaton, D. A. Jones, editor,
doss all this and more. It gives you
practical articles from the best bee-
keepers of Canada and the II. S., and the
cream of all the apicultural literature
published in the English language.
Questions of all kinds are asked and
answered through its columns. The
subscription price is 75 oents a year, but
to readers of Tim Posse the publishers
offer a special rate of 51).cents for a trial
year to new subscribers, brit you will
have to mention this paper when re.
milting. Address The Canadian Bee
Journal, Becton,
7.11E S'1S1N6 ANIS li140I11.
nnU5en05 VS. 1090ARDINE,
Last Friday two rinks 21 Brussels
Curling Club visited Wingham where
they played a match with Kincardine in
the first draw for the Ontario Tankard.
They won an easy victory as the tollow.
i11g soore will show :--
HnU8eEL5, 91909180I90.
W, P. Scott, Irwin,
W. Th00050on, Donahoe,
D. C. Ross, Hurden,
A, Currie, skip,...,.tit Replay, skip, ..10
P. Scott, Collins,
F. S. Scott, Murray,
J. hose, .0, 001131,0,
S. W. Laird, sktp,...92 J. H. Scott, skip, —34
Totel 41 Total "1
Majority for Brussels, 19.
nnne9EL5 VS. LU089010.
Oa Monday of this week a match was
played on the same ice between Brussels
and the war•boopeos of Luoknow in the
London Tankard group. In this, as in
the former contest the representatives of
the carpet town proved their ability to
know something about curling by wiu•
Hing easily. The soon was
13111155111.5. 10010901.
w. F, Scott, Geo, Herr,
Dr, A1oNaughton, A, MoPhe'eos,
D, 0, UM, J. G. Murdock,
A. Curie, 511ip,..,...20 Or. Ton want, skip..,14
P. Sett. W. A11tu,
H. Dennis, J. Little,
J, Ross, J, Alilu,
8. W. Laird, skip, .23 J. Hunter, skip, 20
Total 49 Total 0.1
Brussels won by 16 shots.
', l>< Naeww.
Kingsville is agitating for a high
a chool.
Manitoba flour is quoted at $2 per
barrel higher its Washington state than
the home product.
An Oswego mon has bought 20,000
bnehals of potatoes in Porte, for the
Philadelphia market.
Kingston bee eleven Liberal and eleven
Conservative aldermen, and the result is
a deadlock over the oomposition of the
attending committees of the Council.
Last season 8,401 steamers, 8,806 sail-
ing vessels and 5.1 lefts passed through
Um International bridge at l'ort Erie, a
total 'of 12,851, against 11,425 the premed.
lag year.
Au express train so the Welland divi.
Bion of the G. T. 11. ran oil the trach
near Thorold Monday. Thm express'
messenger, Philip Gmbh, was somewhat
seriously injured,
An Indian named Slolnaob was hang-
ed at New Westminster, B. C„ on Fri
day' last, for shooting a half -teemed named
Louis Bee on Lillooet a]ongh last Sep-
tember. ,Slumaoh viae 75 or 80 years
old. Death ensued in less than four
mi antra after the drop fell.
Nominations for the Local Legislature
took place on Friday of last week
in the 'two Norfolics• and
North Perth: The. candidates are
Snabh Norfolk••' -W. A. Charlton, Liberal;
771otgap, Conservative. North Norfolk--
Carpentor,Libsal ; Boughner, Conserva-
tive, North Perth—Ahrens, Liberal ;
Magwood, Conservative.
Shortly after elinner. Saturday the
family of Mo. Peters, batter, Neepawa,
were Ulm violently sink and Boon be.
came unconscious. Dr. McFadden was
summoned, and after several flours'
hard work euocoeded fn getting his
patients sufficiently recovered to be able
to leave them, although by no means out.
of danger. The symptoms 'pointed to
narcotic poisoning, and from 'Urfa
Peters 1t was learned that the rest of
the family had partaken largely of Borne
prunes, P.11e prones ware analysed by a
olletniet and• were fouu,i to contain by-
drooyanic acid. Had the doctor been a
few minutes later in arriving it would
have been impossible to have saved the
lives of those affeoted. As it is some
may die.
Montreal had 26 fires last week.
Teams began crossing the toe bridge at
Three Rivers, Que., on Saturday.
A strong flow of natural gas was
struck while men were boring for oil
near Comber, in Essex.
E. A. Macdonald has been granted
leave to commence hia quo warrant°
proceedings against Mayor Clarke, of
The board of trade of Vancouver leas
passed a resolution endorsing the by-law
to grant $100,000 for a dry dook there,
and a mass meeting of citizens subse-
queutly held backed up the board of
A probably fatal accident happened
Monday night to an estimable young
lady named Miss Rivers, daughter of
Richard Rivers, a prominent and
wealthy farmer near Walkerton. Miss
Rivets was stepping over the shaft of a
horse power which was' working in the
yard, when her skirts caught in the
abaft and she wns instantly wound under
it and one of her legs crushed boa jelly.
The limb was amputated above the knee
and the young lady is in a very low men.
S11ORZ, _
Jonss0oN.—In Morris, on the 812 inst.,
the wife of Riab'd Johnston of a son.
HoL11es.—In Clinton, on the 13tH inst.,
the wife of Robt. Holmes of a dough.
Ruon9s,tN,—In East Wawanosh on the
12th inst., wife of Robb. Buchanan,
of a eon.
Love.—Iu Elma,on Thursday, Jan. 8th,
the wife of Samuel Love, jr., of
a son.
Tltousow.—In Brussels, on Jan. 2151,
the wife of George Thomson, of
a daughter.
MoGnEoon.—In Wingham, on the 14th
inst., the wife of Neil McGregor, of
twin daughters.
Coen,sa—SLo,N.—In Morris, on Thursdi£y,
Jan, 8th, at the residence of the
bride's father, by Rev. Mr. McLean,
Mr. Joseph Combs to Miss Mary,
daughter of Mr. Andrew Sloan, all of
Rienlio5b—M0Gows9.—At the residence
of the bride's father, on the 2nd con.
of East Wawanosb, on the 14th inst.,
by Rev. Mr. McLean, Mr. Wm.
]Richmond, of Morris, to Miss Sarah,
daughter of Mr. Gen, McGowan.
CL.tnt—}Lummox.—In Elma, on Tues.
day, Jan. 18111, at the residsuoe of
the bride's father, by Rev. A. Hem
Berson, 111..A„ Mr, John Clark, of
St. Paul, Minn., to Alias Mary Aline,
eldest danghter of Mr. John B. Ham-
ilton, of Elma.
WILSON.—Ill Seafortb, on Jan. 18th,
Aggie, beloved wife of Jno. A. Wil-
son,, aged 20 years.
01191,1„ --In Blyth, on Thursday, 15th
inst., . Lannon II. Shane, aged 82
yeses,9 months 013d 15 days.
.Lt.'CJ'OTSOZS sas.x,sems.
WEnzEsnxr, JAN. 28Tto.—Farm stook,
implements, dim., at Lot 80, 000.14, Grey.
Sale to oommen0s at 12 o'clock. 11, S.
Scott, and. Jas. !telly, prop.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls
Egg! per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per tong
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail...,.,
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins each
Wool, per lb. '
4 50
5 00
5 5a
1 25
5 .00
R 00
(5 75
1,10rno01'' men S'tOOlt 11081<119.
Glood steers, well fatted,
000,10 1,100 lbs $8 40 58 75
Fat cows, heifers and
light -steers 2 75 3 00
Light thin mows,hcifers,
8(015 and bulls. 2 25
Stositers, 2 00
Bulls 1 75
1'atoy steers, 1,500 to
1,050 lbs..... ...+8 26 4 50
Extra graded steers,.
1,800 t61,4501bs 3 90 4 00
013oien Steer8,fab,1,100
to1,800 1 ,00 lbs 8 5
Hogs . 8 330
Sheep and lambs, mixed:1 CO
!)reseed pork 4 00
3 30
2 40
2 50
3 00
8 80
8 80
EAST BurrAto, JAN. 20x1(.—Cattle--11e.
ceipts, 2 ears fresh sale and several loads
• common held over. The market was
easier and very little demand prevailed
for any kind. Veale, fair demand and
eoaroe ; quotable $5 to $7. Sheep and
lambs—Receipts, 80 oars, including 30
bode held over. With this heavy supply
on sale the market was very much de.
pressed and prioes all of 26 to 80 per
sent. lower than the sales of Monday and
the values are likely to go still lower be.
fore all are sold. A few fair to good
sheep sold at $4.25 to $4,85 ; choice 90 to
95 lbs, $5 to $5.15 ; fair to best lambs,
$5.25 to $6.10. Hogs—Receipts, 80 care.
The market ruled than for good light
grades and about all were sold. heavy
hogs are still dull and slower. Sale ran.
ged :—Yorkers, good to 01)0109, $3.80 to
$3.85 bo $8.90 ; light, $3.75 to $8,80 ;
mediums and heavy, $3.85 to 3.90 ; pigs,
$8.50 to $3.65.
A I3oy or Young ]tfan to barn
the Drug Business. Must have
passed Third Class or Intermedi-
ate examinations. Apply to
Trasaae,ct a t 00962 . m040,3.51.ra.5
Cana:lien and United States Drafts bought
and e01d.
Interest allowed On Doposlts.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents —I5Enouacr's 139Nx or
New York Aaente—Inrnoarens AND Tamp
made. 011lee Ysttuelenes Bleak,O13rue.
eels. 21.3m+
• Solicitor,Conveyanoer,Notary Pub.
tio, &a. Oflee—Graham's Block, 1 dc,,r north
of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to
(Late with Darrow & Prondfoot, Godo.
rich,) l(srr,eters, Solicitors, Convoyasesrs,
&c. Offices—brussels and 6eaforth, Brus-
sels Unice, Rogers' Block, Main St, Money
t0 Loan.
11. 6, 0595. V. B. n10xa0N.
.G1• Iiarrlster, Nolieitor, dm, of the firm
of Taylor, MaOullongh & Burns, Barrister,.
Solicitors, &c„ Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan,
• Insurer ppfbtarriageLioonses. Otaoe
nt his Grouery, lilrnberry street, li]•useuls•
�1 Quantity of Good Hay for Bale. Price
es nor Ton, or will exebauge for farrow cows
or young stools. THOS, PEPPER,
Lot 6, Con. O, Grey,13rileeels P. 0
The Council of the Corporation of the
County. of Huron will Meet in the Court
Route in the Town of Oode'ich on Tuesday,
the 27101 Instant, at three o'clock
Jan, 10th, '01 PETER ADAMSON', Clerk,
rens of the undersigned, tot O. son, 0,
Grey, three white eneep, on or about the
15th of Deo. Owner is requested to prove
Oropsrty, pay expenses anti take them
away. 78.20 J48. FERGUSON.
of the undersigned, tat 35, eon. 8
Morris, on or about Deo. 151h, 1800, one steer
cult, redin dolor. The owner is requested
to prove property, pay expenses and take
hi.0 away, 28 4 DAVID MOORE,
The mink routee of the Walton
Delon Chasse and Butter Factory will be
let at Walton ou Saturday, the 311111 of Jan -
nary, 1801, at the hour of One o'clock p, m.
LEWIS MODONA10),kPiesident. Secretary. 8
_L Hr give notice that any 503001100 110)”
Sons fourni brespesslug or hautiug on my
]premises, South 4 lot 14, sou, 0, Grey, after
this date will be punished nun0raltu5 to law,
oy, Jan, I7,91.
signed isleaving: t31'uRBelshe requests
timbal! accounts duo the Late film] ,$'Porn -
111111 & 13allantyue be punt by cash or note
on or before Feb, 1st, 1801, or they will be
placedinSan.17, ther Olds for
JAS �A �TU1RN71ULte,
Lost on Thursday, July ltrd, on
the st est in Wtexoter, a Unreel of hills,
am etutiug to 51142, and a i,rnmiekory note
drawn by John 605,10rson in (aver of Jena
Wallror for 5500, dieted7sue 0th. 1880, and
having as payutett of 5850 endorsed uu the
back thereof, dated April 11th, 1800. A re,.wiord. of 325.03 will be paid for the reeove'y
of the 0,1300e, 0r 10T tach informati0u its will
lead thereto, A 11 parties are we rued against
uegotatlug the above moutiouud note, the
same havleg been lost.
Wroxeter, 31119 hith,'Ott. JAMS WALHER.
There will be boll by Public Auction at
the Village of Ethel en Wednesday, the 26th
Day of February, 1801 (ff not sold before),
fifty acres of land. being west bolt Loh 05,
0oneession 11, Iownslnp of Grey. '!hero
are on the premises two good wells, good
orchard, good lithell barn (40x54) and a 14002
frame house. Well fenced. There will afro
be sold 100 a 0,'sA, beteg Lob a5, Oon, 10, Grey,
About 90 acres cleared, balance well timber.
ea with velttabte timber. Terms Easy.
Dior further eartieuta's apply be
FVN, DANA1(L, Platteville P. 0., Out.
A�nn oll']rt1,t,Q11, SALE 0111
Villa P o
� e.t1
Defatlbhaving been made in the payment'
of It oo•tutu mortgage, dated the 551:11 day of
lfareh,15351, 109110 b.y 001' William T, Mento'
bo tun 05,1,55.5, acro 50111, 111111813 powo• pur
sell r-outnined to said mm'tga e, be 501;3 ,y
Pnhlio Ano Iso by Mr Jttmse litrottthe
An0tnnoer, ab the Qut 1 N'a HOTEL, 1n, the
Village of brussels on Timothy, the Ord
Stat' or February, 1891, at the h or 055
0'010011 10 the A f to'noot, tit o fallowing lands
u th0 village of Hru5ge15 0iz.,
The Haat (boll of Lot numage One lieu ods,
5111 Eix, in the said village of he sante,
1Weaterrallo Fnrvey), Hutu is 11150 the sante
number boaorctiug to the survey of the vih
lege 01 Ahtle5v111u by William Aililey, ldeq,
T'hes'e ere 01l the promisee as tw0•etOt'0'
frame hlachsmith shop, Paitly veneered,
also a frame 5vagou them,
Timms 51' SAma.—Due Nth of the Purchase
mom will he reg0h•od to be maid et the
time or salend 1130 balae4e within fifteen
prdaysoulieoe, tileettfttur, A portion of the i,urobaae
mouby may bo secured by Mortgagee on • the
I'er ierthil' particulars anpiy t0
A.•G1LEE N LEES, •sudors Solicitor,
JAS. S3.(t1GTToNb 8uo1185951r. 137iiad01s.
Dated January 10th, 1801, 37;3
• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door
south of A. Ai, McKay & Co's hardware store,
Ladies' and obildreus hair cutting a specialty
,t MoNAIRa
Iseu•er of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of Lieut,-Uovernor, Ooomi5.
teener, ,Agent
lireiuserai] dco. B. °iinnceyattthhe Orer and
Pogo ()Blue,
Olork of to Fourth Division Court
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Laud, Loan and Iueun,nce Agent. Punch
invested and to loan. Collections made.
Mee in Grabam'a Sloth, Brussole,
Toronto tris preof ppparetl for give yle55oof us usett
Ethel and 0raubroolt. Pupil of Professor
Fisher and Mr. Earthen ou the piano, and
of Mr, S. H. Clark in vocal o,osia. Class at
Uranbrook ovary Tuesday. For tame, &e.,
twiny at the Metllodist.Parsonage, Ethel.
Orgaan, rriq,iu tohusChur,
501i01ts a shale of the patronage of the
tousle -loving people of Brussels and vicin-
ity. Instruotious given at currant races.
Perms, Teferouaee, &c, May be ascertained
by calling at the residence of en. Dunlord
sr., Turoberry street, Brussels. 7.11
Is desirous of procuring pupils in
Voce'Musio. Prot. Warriugteu, or Toronto
la please,' to give (ole lSSbinl01:1m1 as 10 tries
O'Uouner's ability, she having been a pupil
of his during her stay in Guelph. tustru.
mental d
u uie cm w
on Organ totusTerms made known apiain,Priooe
St„ 'Brussels. 'bias u'tlauuor is open for
Oo0Oe't !engagements. 50 -
G. L. 13u11, L. D.S. Nitros Oxide Gag ad -
mi Watered for the 111_iulo95 Nrtracbion of
Teeth, 7.1 Gerrard Street haat, ToneNTo.
y)1121:1 2X$.14 cf
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S„ D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, awl of Toronto Uui.
varsity. 0ne10E—Opposite Am0010au Hotel,
1-b • Auabinueo•, 1s always ready to at-
tend vales of forma, farm steak, &0, Torras
cheerfully given. Cratbrook P. 0. Salus
may he arr/lugell at Tun PosT Pnblislusg
}Mime, Bras:eels.
e_- Licensed At1Ot1051ss'. Salmi 0553101.
ed 03) reasonable tutus. Farms mud tarot
51.5011a s00olaltt•, Orders left et Telt PosO
P ubl (eh l ug 13 n use, Brit scala, or motto Walton
P. 0„ will r5051ve prompt atteuttou,
s_asE es 1111 Auctioneer, I am prepared -
to eondo.ot sales of farm shook at reasonable
primes. !Knowing the standing of nearly
every pere0a 1 am in 15 position to sell to
good marks and got good soeurity when sold
05 credit. 6ablsfaotien gn,aravinod, Give
mea call, 031- 19 9. 8007'5).
v/ ,111.1`. CA.LED, M.D., 0, 11,,
5r Menthe). of the College of -Physician
aria Bullpens of Ontario by 00/1111iii nxinn
Cnlae and lto5idoue—Main etroot-East,
Etllul, Olt Carlo.
8 0,51.,T,11,(1.P Edinbergb, M,0, P
3,Onb. At Pepper's trug Store from 0 to
11,50 a. in. and Prem 1180 to 4 U. 1n, A4 other
bons maybe foeld at his rositleu ea, form.
arty ocanpied by Dr, 13 Ubobiuson, 51111 rd.
, •
Honor: Graduate at the neat al
Veterinary s01 emeeo to pro511,10 t11 treat -
pie01 d on Parton animals Atte ,O a 6010-
potent0Vo50511 son bltrtoetOr attropn pard
to u ria y ee an,1yn Calls-5w4promptly at.
Wudodta. Ulacoant4,din8rmta15'—Twe,(oOrs
north of h ridge,'Turnbcrry et., Bru.ssle,