The Brussels Post, 1891-1-23, Page 5i
JAN, 21, 1891
xf t:.Ct News,
f',r o x•rie.
The Emma 'Wells Company will be In
Gerrie from Oh till 14111 Feb.
A number of our townspeople attended
the County Sabbath School Convention
at Brussels thee week. I4ev. Mr, Wright
• delivered en uddreoo on ".0he lesson and
the teacher,"
• Jno, Oitmpeell and Lauohlln. Campbell,
hobelkeepero of this plans, were fined $20
and.000te, rsspeetively, for selling liquor
on municipal eleotion day, thus violating
the provieiono of the Crook's Aot.
Herbert Edgar, who lives near
Wroxeter, got hie left leg broken above
the ankle. The little fellow was watch•
ing his Wire load dressed hogs for the
Brussels market when one of the hogs
accidently fell on late leg with the above
Peen:einnem—On the evening of the
30th inst., the Rev. W. Torrance was
trade the recipient of a purse of $01 by
'the people of the Orange hill congre•
hisoneal rnest labors in thespecial as a token of their uo
logs recently hold, in which sixty now
• members were added to the oburoh.
• Geo. Strong, Township Treasurer, made
the presentation in it few well chosen re-
marks. The rev. gentleman made e
imitable and feeling reply.
P3t.1 r til .
Heffernan, & Bawtinhinter shipped a
oar of lambs last week.
J. M. Davies has been on the sick lisb
' for the past month and is not yet well
enough to resume work.
A. party of village young people spent
itlonday evening with Geo. Welsh and
family. A plensant time is reported.
Jno. Whitfield, jr., who has spent the
past four years in Michigan, is visiting
in this section. He reports times dull in
. that State.
During .the past ten days the saw loge
have been rushed into the mill in good
style. The stock now is about equal to
other seasons, which is encouraging to
the proprietor and employees.
W. F. M. B.—We omitted to mention
the meeting of the Ethel Branch of the
Women's Foreign Missionary Society
home as a trophy of the only treo.olimb-
ing fox on record. Wo believe this to be
something almost unprecedented in fox
Morin, and would seem almost incredible
were it not vouched for by two ouch re-
liable men. It would seem that file
particular fox was an adopt at escaping
haul the dogs, for in following up the.
track at one plaoo when he had been
evidently pressed pretty close he had
talten to the top of a rail fence, followed
for clout two hundred yitrds and then
sprang off, gaining a big lead on the dogs
before they again found the seont,
iiel grave.
L. Cunningham, of East Wawanosb,
while chopping wood received a bad gash
hi his left instep, requiring four stitohes
to draw the wound together.
Labatt Walter, son of Riob'd Walter,
of East Wawanosh, met with a painful
accident recently. He was taking out
saw loge from the swamp when a log fell
on hie log, brooking one of the small
hones and potting the ankle out of
The annual meeting of tho East Wawa -
nosh Agricultural Society wee held here
on the 8111 inst., according to statute,
when the following canes were elected
for the ensuing year :—President, Chas.
Proctor; Vico•Pres., Jas. Owone; escey,
Finley Anderson ; Treas., C. McClellan ;
Directors—Thos.13rydges, rhos. 130lby,
Jas Harrison, Jas. Pollock, Robt. Currie.
Bich'd Corley, Walter Scott, 11. Stone.
house, Jas. Henry. The taperts of the
different officers for last year were re.
oeived and adopted. There is at present
nearly $100 on hand to the credit of the
Lia towel.
The gross proceeds of the charity con-
cert amounted to about $80.
On Tuesday evening of thie week
Hon. A. S. Hardy and N. Awrey, M.1'.
P. addres.ed a public meeting in the in-
terests of Dr. Ahrens.
'Fred. W. Tanner, late of Blytb, and
his brother, J. A. Tanner, now Head
Master of the Listowel High School have
opened a private bank in Arthur.
The Emma Wells Comedy Company
will appear in the town hull for six
nights commencing on the 29tH inst.,
under the 'auspices of the Town Band. •
which was held on the 7111 inst. in the The second anniversary of Knox
Preebyterian church here. Mre. Sather. church, Listowel, will be celebrated with
land gave an interesting address and
Mrs. McNabb, of Luoknow, read a paper
on missions. The following officers were
elected :—Mrs. Dunbar, President; Mrs.
Patton, vice-president ; Mies Davis, Sec-
retary ; Mrs. Panabaker, Treasurer. A
lively interest is manifested in this im-
por'ant department of :larch work.
Alec illop.
The increase in the population of Mc-
leillop for the last six menthe was 27,
and for the year about 00, exclusive of
foreign immigration. The number of
births registered for the last six cnontlis,
i2 ; marriages, 8 ; deaths 5.
The brick residence of Mr. McNamara
was burnt to the groand on Wednesday
morning of last week about two o'clock,
This was one of the best residences in
the oonuty and oust about. $1,000. It
was wellfnrniebed. L'verything in the
building was entirely consumed. It was
insured in the lfoKillop Mutual for
52,000. Itis supposed the fire first ori-
ginated in the furnace. No person wee
in the house at the time as Mr. and Mrs.
McNamara wore in the hotel building.
The younger members of the family re-
main at night in the residence. They
were loltending, a party at th1 residence
of Mr. Mcllroy at the time and wore re.
turning home about two o'olook and die•
coverall the house to be completely en-
veloped in flames. Had they been at
home they would in all probability have
lost their lives.
Pee wood.
Jacob Klamp intends ereotiog it brick
residence and butcher shop next spring.
The Directors of the Elma Insurance
0o. met at Graham's hotel, last Tuesday
afternoon, leith inst. Considerable busi•
nese was transacted.
J. W. McBain, Geo. Hume, John A.
Turnbull, Robt. Forrest and Win. L ooh -
bead were cleated Directors of the Elena
butter and cheese ranufaetnring com-
Ata meeting of the Board of manage'.
ment of the Presbyterian ahnruh, last
,Monday afternoon, it was decided to pee-
' ohne a new silver communion service.
The service which has been ordered at
Toronto, will be bath costly and beauti-
fal in design.
An Epworth League hos boon estab-
lished Here in connection with the
Methodist church. The following oflioors
were elected :- President, J. W Ward ;
Vioo•President, Miss Ettle Fax Snore-
tary, John Mul3ain ; Assistant Secretary,
• 0. Stewart • 'Treasurer, Jas. Carrie ;
Committee of Management; 1'], Breolaon-
ohire, A. Holmes and D. Graham.
Elmo, Agricultural Society elected the
following Masers for 1801;—I'teoideub,
1. B, Hamilton (re-eleoted) ; Vice-presi-
dent, Wm. Dioltson ; Directors—Messrs.
'R. Morrison, Y. Coulter, J. W. Boyd,
Wm. Fervent, Janos Irwin, O. Heller,
H. Smith, Geo. Richmond, Robt. Ford ;
Auditors --Thos. Fullerton and J. W.
iMoBain, At a subsequent sleeting of
the newly elected board Jno. Morrisob
was reappointed Seu'eeTreas.
The following officersand tnaohers
' were appointed for the current year in
• connection with the Methodist chetah 1—
W. leloBain, Superintendent ; Cl.
Moran, Assistant ; R. M. Bahanbyns,
Secretary ; 0411. Harding, Treasurer ;
0. Stewart, Librarian ; teachers,
Harding, Misses H. Ayers, Mary Shan.
non, I. Parker, A.'Turnboll, Mrs. Pride,
Jos, Ward, W. Ilawkshaw, J. W. Boyd,
0. Megan and Mrs. Boyd.
The Bee says :—"On Tuesday Of 11110
week es R. Brooks and Jas. Ranee, of
the Atwood Gun Club, wore fox hunting
it few 'miles east of the village, their
dogs,' which lmd been following it fox
finely all clay; suddenly lost the scent
when Hoar the Itlorningtoti boundary.
The hunters, coining up, ondeavoeed to
follow by sight where the scent of the
dogs felled, The track, however, was
lost to few foot from a Large hemlock treo.
Tide tree ll tie abort two foot in diameter
and folly seventy foot high, without n.
branoh for about fifty feet from the
germane 11 was eucaine slightly, but rot
nine0 titan fifteen feet frons the Deepen -
dinky. ' The idea. of the fox climbing
such a height Was not thought of at first,
but when no otlter, bane om ild bo found
the branches of the bice were searched,
whets the fox Was seen V01y 110nr the top. (r0•ebeOted1 ; Comm tte0-•41, Bowen, Jno. Munroe, allotted one of their meta, '1115
A. 'tvell•directe:l shot Leon R. Brooks Whitfield end Jur. K. Baker; Auditors--- Sun tap. detailed bum to fallow the thief
dropped bite, itnd iia slc111 was btoudht Chas. Bowen and Jacob Reenter. whilst he ,vent to awaken the ohiof., who
special services on Sunday, 25th inst.,
conducted by Rev. J. L. Murray, M. A.,
of Kincardine, and on Monday evening,
20111, Rev. Mr. Murray will deliver his
popular lecture on "My travels in Italy."
The Elma District L. 0. L. held its
annual meeting in the Orange Sall,
Listowel. After the transaction of buei•
nese the following officers were duly
elected for the ensuing year :—Diet. M.,
Bro. Chas. Anderson ; D. D. M„ Bro. E.
M. Alexander ; D. Chap., Bro. S. S.
Rothwell ; D. Ren.•Seu.,Bro. R. Stanley;
D. Fiu.•Sec., Bro. R. T. Kemp ; D.
Treas., Bro. Wm. Welch ; D. D. of C.,
Bro. 8. Culbert ; D. Loo'nrers, Bro.
Dickson and Bailey.
(:1.•tutl)r stoIs.
The sawmill yard is being supplied
with logs this winter.
Township Connell met at Tuck's hotel
on Monday of this week.
The tope: of Rev, B. Sherloolc's die).
worse hero next Bundle, afternoon will
be "Temperance."
Robt. Scott hal bought Rob'. Mc-
Donald's house and lot for the sum of
5175, and Mr. McDonald has rented the
house in the village belonging to Alex.
NOTrea.—All persons having :lanae
against the estate of Ohms. Dahms, Oran-
brook,are requested to present them at
ouoe to the nneersigned as the estate will
be wolind up. A. RAntao:t, Assignee..
t'. Gramm, who has managed the lime
works here for the pest ten years, has
leased the sante for a term to his sons.
John and George. As they have worked
all along et the business they are fully
acquainted with it. We wish them suc-
Rev. Campbell, Ph. B., leotnrod at
aanbrook on ilionday evening, 12th inst.
Elia subject was "The Sins of 1118 Pe,v."
The evening was vary stormy and on tbie
account the audionoe was not BO large se
ib would have been ,had it been a fine
night, but as it was, there was present a
largo number. The reed. gentleman
lectured for an ]lone and a quarter .wfth
entire satisfaction to all present. Mr.
Cntnpbell undoubtedly is en able man
both on the platform end in the pulpit,
and if ever he comes book to Cranbeoelt
he will be sure oda full house.
Joseph Porter arrived homo from
Manitoba the other day after an absentia
of four or flue 1 ears.
Bine Souijrr.—A meeting wee hold in
Tnt'nbull's school Melee on Monday even-
ing of this week, under the auspices of
tho Walton Blanch of the Upper Canada
Bible Society. Exosllent adslrssoee were
given by the ohairman (See,.Smilhe) and
Geo. Grigg, Jas. Bulger, Alex. Gardiner,
Rev, D. Forrest, David Knight, and Rev,
W. Ottawsll.' Appropriate musical niece
tions were Interspersed, Before the close
four young ladies were appointed to min -
vase the lure for subscriptions to the
Society. The meeting wee a good one
and enjoyed by all present.
McDonald Bros. opened their saw mill
for the season with a, good supply of logo.
Jas. Humphries has gone to Stratford
to take a course in the Business College,
Mies Minnie McDonald bas gone to
Arthur where she will attend the high
W. H. Humphries lute purchased the
shop, house and let icemen as bhe Mut.
holland property, paving therefore $900.
Tho Uireotors of cheese factory en-
gaged William Edgar as ahem maker
for next season. He comes well recom-
Tom. Clark has taken to himself a wife
in the person of Miss Debora MoNeii who
is well and favorably known round here.
Mr, and Mrs. Clerk have the best wisbe'
of a long circle of friends.
The annual tea meeting 1 , enllne.'tioil
with Duff's church will be held on Men•
day Feb. 2nd. Addresses are expeoted
from Bev. J. H. Simpson, of Brumfield,
Rev. Mr. McDonald of Seaforth,
Rev. W. Ottowell, and W. H. Kerr. Mr.
McDonald will preach also on Sunday.
The Bookseller, published at Toronto,
Bays, of a gentleman known to a number
of the readers of Tun PosT.—An old To-
ronto boy, Wm. Smiley, for many years
with Gage & Oo., now traveller for flume
& Co., wholesale stationers, New York,
hes been spending the holidays in the
city. "Willie," as his familiar friends
osll Mm, has lately taken to himself a
wife—a Toronto lady.
(•;. r• is s-:
The inspector of weights and measures
for this district paid Wingham a visit
last week.
Miss Louise Sparling left last week to
resume her studiee in Whitby Ladies'
Rev. Dr. Crawford, the new pastor of
the Baptist church in town, has boon
compelled to return to Toronto, on ao•
count of illness, bat it is expected that
he will be able to resume his duties
A meeting of Turnberry Distriot Loy-
al Orange Association, was held here on
the 6th inst. There was a good atten-
dance, and the following officers were
elected and installed for the ensuing
year :—Andrew Maffianas, Worshipful
Die. Mao. ; John Casemore, W. D. D. M ;
R. Bloomfield, Ohap. ; John Herr, Ileo.•
Sao. ; R. C. Sparling, Fin. -Seo. ; Tho'.
Abraham, Teas. ; Jos. Curtis, Lect. ;
Geo. Caldbeok, D. of 0.
At the meeting of Minerva Encamp.
meat, No. 47, 3. O. 0, F., the following
officers were installed for the current
berm : M. Rob 'neon, 0. P. ; R. Main•
prize, S. W. ; Jae. Hunt, H. P. ; James
Cochrane, J. W. ; A. G. McGregor, S. ;
W. F. Brockenshire. T.; John Dodd, G. ;
John Hardie, 1st W. ; R. Elliott, :2nd
W. ; T. J. Elliott, Srd W. ; II, Hiscooks,
4111 i,'. ; Neil McGregor, Sen. ; E. 0.
Cllek, 1st G. of P. ; Wni. Robertson, 2nd
G. of T.
The minuet meeting of the. Winghtatn
Horticultural Society was held on the
8th inst. There was a good abteudanoe
of members. The Seo. -Trees. report was
read, sbowing the socieby to bo in a good
condition. The election of officers re.
salted as follows :—W. F. Brockenehire,
President; W. Taylor, Vice•Preeident;
Peter Deane, R. Elliott, R. ltiolndoo ; J.
A. Morton, D. McKinley, A. Roe, T.
]3e1, S. Youhilt end, E. L. Dickinson,
The annual sleeting of the Turnberry
Agricultural Society was held ab Kor-
man's hotel, Wingham, on the 8111 inst.,
with Chas. Henderson, President, in the
chair. The auditors' resort was read,
showing the society to be In a nourishing
condition, with it balanus of nearly $200.
The otlioses elected for the current year
are as follows :—Chas. Henderson, Presi•
dent ; Geo. Moffat, Vice• President ; Jno,
Anderson, toeretary.Treasm'ee ; Robert
Maxwell, Thos. Jonkine, Jno. Diluent,
Jno, Elston, Wm. Isbistor, Peter Fowler,
Jne. Anderson, Thos. Goy, reenters.
had just left ante,. The thief went up
Blain, Market and 011nroh streets, then
up Goderioh street as far as D, D, Wil-
son's simmer, tvhon he turned and doubled
book on his teacake, passing down past the
market to the salt block, where he bad
the gond secreted, The Goya followed
him Like slouth-houndo, ante, to make
use of an Americanism, "they were onto
him and hie name was Dinnis. ! The
rep. and Lusby after a time, etruok the
trail, and in the vicinity of the salt block
came up with the boys, who informed 111e
chief that the thief 'was inside the build-
ing. The thief caught eight of Lusby
and decamped oat at the other side of
the building. The boys soon discovered
him making tracks down Railway street
and then towards Bgmondville. The
rep, next enlisted the eervioss of Con-
stable Anderson at the purling rink, who
secured the asoietenoe of Richard Com.
mon, who was passing along at the time
with his horse and buggy, and they ar•
rested the thief near the woolen mills
and returned and planed their prisoner
in the look -up. Just at this' time Mr.
Lusby appeared with the valise, a pair of
pants and an overeat. The thief said
his name was Smith, and pleaded guilty.
He was sent to Goderieh for trial.
At Omaha on Sunday night a tremen-
dous explosion ooeuvred in the building
occupied by Klein & Speigel as a wllolo-
sale liquor etore, which was completely
demolished, with 512,000 with of liquors.
In the debris the body of an unknown
man was found burned to a crisp. The
cause 01 the explosion is not known.
Alex. Stewart of the 14th eon., has
beau on the shalt list daring the last two
or three weeks, but is nary 11111111 bolter.
Jas. Sinclair, of the 1411r con, has been
ill for some time pts b with typhoid fever
but we aro Med to stabs that his physi•
oian now peononnoes him out of Bangor.
Wm. Habkirk,of the 0111 eon. Gray,
purposes having an auction sale of his
farm and Perin stoop about the firsb
week in Feted/try. Look out for poslere
with full particulars next week.
Aloe, Crerac, who went to Manitoba
eight years ago, has been here on a visit.
He is located at 8insoarth and ie well
satiefieel with the appearance of things
in the west. Mre. Creme and children
ars visiting in Stratford at presenb,
Hilton Fowler is teaching in S. S. No.
2; as the teacher the trustees first engag-
ed failed in his final examination at the
Model. Howard Fowler,the late teaohor,
is now attending the Toronto Normal
school. but will enema teaching in S. S,
No. 2 after the midsummer holidays,
when his brother's term expires.
A.rxute, Menu:a The animal Meet-
ing of the dirootors and patrons of Silver
Corners cheese factory was held in the
factory on January 10111. There was a
large ttttentlanne of patrons, Minutes of
last meeting were .road and oonflemed,
cul the auditors' report adopted. The
comtnitbee'o report showed the season's
work to have boon vele satiofant ory.
Total amotttlt of mill: reamed, 1,208,050
Me; 0118000 manufacbneed, 112,505 the.
average meant of milk for one pound
cheese, 10'01 lbs.; average 'pin per
ported for season, 0.200,; avevag5 net
i ,1 t 11.
A number of our townspeople attended
the County Sabbath School Couvenbiott
ab Brussels this week.
John Hannah, Vice-president of the
Oreamery Association, attended their
meeting held in Berlin.
. The Emma, Wells company:: is •to be
hers for a week in I'obruary. The town
Band have engaged them. ,
D. D. Wilson arrived home from the
Old Country on Sunday, having driven
from Stratford on aueoant of the death of
his daughter-in-law.
Next \iondarr
y John Tarrson`' bairns
will celebrate the endive'&try of Soot -
land's poet, Bobbie Burne. The spread
will bake place at Kennedy's hotel.
Last Sunday Mrs. Jno, A. Wilson died
after a brief illness, h1 her 21th year.
She had been confined a few weeks ago.
Mire. Wilson was a general favorite with
all who knew hoe an l hot unlooked for
death is greatly deplored. Her maiden
name was Nettio Sogmiller. The funeral
on Tuesday was largely attended.
The Sun gives the following account of
oatohing a thief in this town
Thursday last, our town . was visited by
fear tough -Woking tramps. Conductor
A.usebrook pet them off the 5:30 p. m.
train. They waited around the store.
hoaxes opposite the station uu1i1 the
twain wee moving out whoa they again got
on board, and when appasite Ogilvie's
mills they jumped cif, carrying with
them a oomulcrcinl traveller's valise and
the beakoman's overcoat. They pro-
oeeded north of the track to the salt
bleak, where they secreted. the stolen
The. Scotch, Specialist,
b1HQIAOIftb' 1•'011 Tut) ''It1A'1'110111 OF
Chronic) Diseases, Private Dineen, Dis•
eases of the Brain and Nerve, Ole-
eaeee of the Heart and Lunge,
and Disoasee of Women
positively Treated
JONATHAN lfesonAHT, Lletowe), eey9
Atter spending all my money anti property
to no parpoee On wadies( moa, for what
they termed a hopeless ease OI consumption,
Ur, illnalalr mired me."
Mos. MART 1unnowa, Woodllnuso, Saye:--
"Whon an othere failed, De. Bi,lclutr cured
me of fila"
D. It altroO, Oarleton Plape. eeys:—
"Dr, Biooluir oared 015 of catarrh.'
G no. Itownn, Blyth, says:—'Dr,. Sinclair
(urecl 010 of heart Oiseaoa an.l dropsy, when
all others failed,"
Dfsrnses of Private Nature, brought on, by
folltl, Dr, oinolair certainly Ceres.
Conovatation Free.
-1: • For - - C7eltti/.
All Work from the Smallest to Life dee
done N, n Ilr)Melaes manlier,
lir I,esIdemees. Etc) alb Reasonable,
W. J. Fairfield.
Gallery—Stretton'sNew Block.
1l1.ONE1 'r1'0 LOAN.
Any Amount of 141oney to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6?,,g Per Cent., I'early.
AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, Straight Loans with privilege of
—ON— repaying •.vhon required.
Friday, Jan. 30th, '91. Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
ringSale ! To the Public
..52-2.e.AAfter a business experience of
13 years in the Butchering Busi-
ness in Brussels. I desire to ex-
press my best thanks far the
S 1 F A c H A N J o patronage of tele past and ask'
a `continuance of the • same for
All through January and up to Removing into
new premises our Whore Stock will be
offered at a Great Reduction.
And more particularly the Balance of our Winter Goods,
comprising Dress Patterns, Wool Shawls, Blankets,
Hoods, All Wool and Union Flannels, Men's and
Boys' Underclothing. Caps in Seal, Beaver
and Lamb, Canadian, Scotch and Irish
Suitingd, Pantings (a Fine Range).
art - IIs Gloves Wool Shirts
per pound for nntnufas1nring, sbippiug, goods, They spent the night in town.
eta, 1.261,.; ttvera50 ccs, per ewe. for On tho following morula; the 11i eliernau,
hauling milk, '1'70 m
total aount' of T. Mahoney, stoplfod off to look for his
overeosd', lie enlisted the sympathiesof
a Son raporber end bwo boys uamaO
. hint
Munroe and Dunn, who cocoa,uicd
to Chief I,usbys house, and on their w.ty
thither the "boy adenine," Dunn and
money roonived, 1116 12`2.02; number of
patrons in 1880, 20; lntinbee of panne
in 1800, 02, Tile following (neap wove
elected . -- John I,itblo, Women, (re-
elstited) ; Geo. Richmond, 8ee'y.Treas.
Hosier . ,
Knitted Shirts, Wool Muf-
flers, Cardigan Jack-
ets, Ready-made
Clothing. e/ic'rrl 1riticit.rin,irhel.
he time to come.
I desire to call the attention
of the public to the fact that I
have Removed my Place of Busi-
ness to my new , Brick Block,
Opposite the American Hotel,
where I will keep a Choice Supply
of Meats, Poultry, Sausage, &c.
Cash Paid for Dressed Poultry
and Hides.
Wm. Blashill,
T1LoiJr J: LE 1 UI,A:E R,
A few ends of Cloakings Less than Oat Felice, irlrrl jel"6 61%
'We want to Reduce our Stock as much as possible before
Removing so you can Depend on Bargains
in Every Line.
Cooper SE BMW* Booth and shoes
Grocery Stock is all New Fresh and Glean,
We have some Special Lines in r1?_
Our 30 -Cent Tea can't be beat Try it,
Present Premises—L'1g Lrmp0I'i.ZG712, BTUS,5els.
lex. t .,.a' frac
Sole Agent for the 'Little Giant' Broom Holder.
- RI AID F'01=?.,
Pall and 'Muter Trade of 1890-01
STOVES CI •_ We have one of the Nicest Assortments
F.7 .L d Y'➢t.3 of Cook, Box, Parlor and Coal Stoves
ever exhibited in Brussels, and they will be sold
Ayr ] 3o.4._ 4ON•A.1f3i,N: PFLICF3 3.
Otr 6Tioga' Cook Move Leads the Van.,
LAMPS�_A Large Stock of NewLalnps and Lanip
• Goods to Hanel. Special Attention called
to our Handsome ]Range of HANGING LAMPS. They are Dandies.
Craniteware, Cutlery ant! Shelf Gods always In Stook.
Goods not in stock. Made Up at Short Notice,
Thanking the public fur pets, favors .and
support aHyl wi.hing still to scalars
your patronage., we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Desi,47zs-
WnnoIso BINO8, "i)
:Wallis Gas Brans,
Bannvvee, &o.
l O'Aleo a full Line of Viore rs and
Violin Strings, &c., in stook.
H. Ito -bearer of 1,nrriaie Llc'anacs,
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Calls the Attention of the Public
to the Fact that 11e continues to
turn out First-class Light and
Heavy Ilarness as usual
Nothing but A.1 Stock used.
Just to Unnd a Splendid Stock
of Horse Blankets, Dugs, Robes,
Bells, Whips, &c., &c.
A Large e flange of Trunks,
'Valises and Satchels kept con-
stantly onhand, and Sold fit
]:Reasonable Prices. No Shoddy
about them.
Special Attention paid to Oa
People, can `ave Moneyy by trading Wide 1118, littlktiflt•1ttlr0 YSf H01'en C01111.1'8..
Eagnemq ' itopajriupromptly attended
, i , Jy�. ,Ltcp. C✓' i t 1gV,
d tI -.
1311 . SSi est. ONT