The Brussels Post, 1891-1-23, Page 4•
New Advertisements
Notice --Wm, ,14itohell,
Strayed -David Moore,.
Notice -Jas. Turnbull.
Strayed_ Jae. Ferguson.
Special bargains ---W. Nightingale
the purpose and about two weeks are re
quired to complete a test. Since Nov„
, when the season opeued for this work,
the vitality of more than eleven bnndred
eamples has been ascertained and it is
hopedthat all those who desire to avail
themselves of the provision offered will
send in their samples early, so that there
may be time to complete the work and
apply the needed information before
Deeding begins.
trt:bt flitsst.CS .est.
FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 1891.
ON. 1rnWgnn BLAKE bad juet given
$20.000 bo Toronto University to be ay.
plied to the endowment of matriculation
- scholarships, the holders of which are to
• ' be exempt from fees during the tenure of
their scholarship.. Well done.
FEnnuAmY 17th and 18th are the days
decided upon for the bolding of the
Reform. Convection in the oity of To.
tanto. Ten delegates from each riding
are expected to attend and as many more
as may be able to take the time. The
leaders M the party will address the
Own more we direct the attention of
the County Council to the necessity for
the ereotion of a House of Refuge in
' Huron County. Work for it and vote
for it, Don't oppose the onward march
of so benevolent and humane an enter-
prise just because you voted against it
before. Take a broad view of this ques-
tion, and read the letter in another col.
nen of Tam POST on this subject.
Reim Tuesday afternoon the Huron
County Council will convene at Goderioh.
The selection and election of a Warden
will be the first business. We take much
pleasure in suggesting the name of Reeve
Milne, of Grey township, for the post.
tion. This municipality has never yet
'been honored with the Wardenship,
while the South and West have repeated-
ly carried it. Mr. Milne is well qualified
to discharge the duties of the position,
and would do credit to himself, the town -
,ship and the county. The names of Dr.
Rollins, Beck, Griffin and Manning are
'also mentioned.
Tam PAR:Anus' LEAGUE, of the State of
New York have adopted forest protection
Its a part of their political platform, and,
in particular, demand that the forests of
.the Adirondacksshould be protected in
order the t the great water reservoir of
the State should be preserved. This is a
demand which is so clearly in the public
futereste that very class of the com-
munity should unite with the farmers in
their efforts to have it carried out. The
Farmers' League of New York have, in
taking this action, set before every far-
mers' organization on this continent an
example which they should not be slow
to follow.
Two Oonaervative members of the On-
tario assembly wane unseated by the To-
ronto courts on Saturday. The election
of Mr. Stioson. of Hamilton, was declar-
ed void because some of his agents in-
• doted umnaturalized foreigners to vote
for him, and air, George, of North
Bruce, was ousted because of corrupt
practices by himself and his agents. The
latter was saved from disqualification by
an exercise of mercy on the part of the
judges who tried his ease. So far as the
trials of petitions against members re-
turned to the Ontario legislature in June
last have gbne the honors are easy. Two
Reformers, two Conservatives and an
Equal /tights man have been unseated.
Two or three cases are still to be tried.
Four bye elections far the Provincial As-
sembly will be held on Friday, the 23rd
lust. These are Etbb Durham, North
Perth. and North and South Norfolk.
Tim following from Wm. Saunders,.
Director of the Experimental Farm,
will be found interesting :-The past
season has in many localities been tm-
favorable for the perfect maturing of
grain. In some districts frost has touch-
ed it, in others it has been injured by
rain during harvest, or from being stack.
nl before fully dry thus amusing it to
sprout or heat, while in other localities
some varieties have been shrivelled and
partly blighted by hot drying winds.
Under each and all of these conditions
ceeeals are apt to lose a portioll of their
vitality, or'to have it so weakened as bo
prolbnce, when' sown, a puny growth.
Seed grain, to bring the bast melte,
Should have its germinating pewee un:
impaired; so that when placed in the
soil the yoang plants may make •a
prompt and vigorous start. The enamel•
er of the stop 15 mueh•intluedtel by the
quality of the seed and for this reason it
la important that farmsre Should ascer-
tain whether the, grain they arc holding
'for sped possesses the necessary Vitality,
Provision bas been m ode by the Govern•
wont whereby this cm be done without
n tat'to the individual, and. any lamed in
the Dominion who may have any varia-
ties which he degree to Have Mated; may
obtain the information be spoke by for-
warding to the Control I xperirnentel
Patna, at Ottawa, samples.of finch grain
or other agricrtltural seeds.., A 'modal
testing home has been built ,fir file
work which, ,affords ample eapaoity,;
Samples may he •sent.•free through the
mail, an ounce of two is diffident for
Huron County.
A telegraph office has been opened at
Mrs. Moore, of Whibnohurob, had one
of her arms broken be a runaway.
Luatinow is moving to aeoure th
Orange celebration next 12th of July.
The work of organizing the Patrons of
Industry is progressing rapidly in the
Aboub 400 invitations have been sent
put ,bythe Luoknow Caledonian Society
to their annual ball on Friday evening,'
Jan, 21th-
An Association of the Patrons of In
dcabry was organized at Holmes' sohoo
house, Turnberry, with Jas. Simpeon
President, and Fled. Hardie, Secretary
Tenders are asked for the rebnilding of
Bethel church, wbich is situated on tbo
10th son. of West Wawanosh. The new
Blenders will be a commodious building
end will be a credit to the Methodist
Jas. Allen, a tramp hailing last from
Seaforth, was recently sentenced to ono
mouth in jail at hard labor by Judge
Toms at Goderioh for stealing en over•
oat and pair of mites from one McNeil,
of bhab plane.
D. S. Faust's general store and post -
office at Zurich was burglarized early
last Friday morning. The sato was
blown open and the vault taken away,
but it only contained a few papers of no
value to the burglars.
Daniel McIntosh, who stabbed Jerry
Badere, at Goderioh, on Chietmae, was
arraigned before Judge Tome there the
other day. Re elected to be tried with-
out a jury and pleaded guilty. The
judge remanded him for sentence.
Lest Sunday night the barn of Samuel
Essery, third con. of Usborne, was
burned, with a quantity of hay, oats,
seed grain and some farming implements.
The Ore originated from fr a lantern being
upset while Mr. Essery was feeding the
sheep. The building wee iusured for
About 3:90 Tuesday morning fire broke
out in the tannery of Hugh Moore, Olin•
ton, which was completely destroyed.
Some of the stock was saved, but about
$800 worth, which was to have been
shipped that day, was burned. The
buildings and plant, valued at between
$5,000 and $6,000, are a total loss, there
being no insurance thereon.
The Reinhard and Niesouri Cheese
and Butter Company held their annual
meetinif on Saturday, 10th ineb., in the
school house near the factory. The
meeting was a very large one, and much
interest was taken in the bslanoe sheet,
which showed that 2,038,519 pounds of
milk bad been received during the sea-
son, which produced 183d tons of market-
able cheese, being 54 tons beyond the
previuus year, and nearly double of what
the factory made six years ago.
Huron Perechcal Association '-The
annual meeting of the Huron Medical
Association was held in the Mechanics'
Institute, Seaforth, on Tuesday, the 13th
inet. There were present : Drs. Irving,
(Pres,) Wood, (Vice•Ptes.) Elliot, (Sec.)
Cami.bell, Worthington, Sloan, Bethune,
Stanbnrv, Graham, Holmes, Gunn, Arm-
strong, Ferguson, Smith, MoTaviah and
McLachlan. Dr. Armstrong reported an
interesting ease of an auencephalus mon-
ster. Dr. Holmes presented the sass of a
young man, nineteen years of age, who
some four years ago complained of week -
ass in the arm after exertion. At pre-
sent the arm is ,:hotter than the other by
abed three inches ; the muscles in bhe
region of the shoulder are very much
wasted, and there is complete inability
of the mint. Some of the members were
of opinion that the shortening was due to
distention at the shoulder, and that the
wasting was unused by pressure of the
head of the bone on the nerves. The
majority of the members, however,
thought that the case' was one of arrested
development due to nervous induence,and
any displacement that there might be
was canoed by contraction of munoles.
Dr. Bethuuepreaeuted a case of spinal
curvature, who recently had an attack of
pleoriny with an effnaion of fluid. The
principal points discussed were bow
much of the deformity in the ohest was
caused by the pleurisy, and how much by
the curvatures, also the beat method for
treating such eases,. De. Elliot presented
a epeonnen of abdominal tumor, which
he recently removed, that had several
points of interest. Dr. Campbell read
the reed': of -a, post-mortem examination
on a patient whom he had presented ab
the Association on a previous occasion.
Dr. Worthington read an interacting re.
port ofa ogee which he had
lately under observation. The following
officers were elected for ensuing year :-Dr.
Smitb, Pres. Arnnstrong, Vice•Pree.
Gunn, Bac,
INSURANCE Cotu'utxee.-The following
is a sumtnery of the business Sone and
standing of the several Mutual Fire In-
surance Companies in this district for
the year 1889, as shown by the official
report of the Inspector, which has Met
coma to. baud :-The Hay company had
1,197 polioiee in forgo, carrying a risk of
92,06241, Its assets amounted to 959,-
088; it collected in assessments, $1,500 ;
paid in losses, $508, and the expenses of
management were 9)695. The Howicit
company had 2,317 policinn in force,
covering a risk of $3,180,308. Its aside
amounted to 9145,788 ; ib collected in an.
sesements 92,807, and paid in losses 91,-
620 ; the expenses of management were
97.,333, The McKillop company had 1,-
617 policies in force, carrying a rink of
92,385,555. It assets amounted to 904,-
586; itoolloctedin assessments $3110;
paid .in losses $2,814, and the expense of
management wag $1100, The 'Osborne
and Hibbert' cenpany had 1500 polioioa
in force, covering a visit of 92,324,830.
Its meets amounted to $48,782; it col.
lasted in assessments 92,202; paid on
losses $0,1111, and the exposes of manage.
Mont was 9857, The West Watvnnash
company had 2,170 policies in force,
covering an insurance 01$2,633,1.50- fts
assets amounted to $00,152 ; it collated
in assessments 94,167, and paid in losses
$2,1)11 ;- the oxponsa5 of managenwnf
amounted Po $9111 Them ere 58 of these
purely mutual oompan(ee iR the Province;
rt -IE 13I-2.USSELS POS'i
their total assent amount to $2,754,090 ;
they have 04,006 policies in fmwe, cover.
ing an insurance of $84,946,008. In the
year named, 1889, they oolleeted in as.
sesaments $325,616, and their total ie.
Dome from all enured amounted to $280,-
460. They paid in losses, $158,060 ; in
general expense', $43,187 t in agate"
commissions, $15,620, and in law, arbi•
tration and division court wets only $2,.
677. The total expenditure of ail the
companies amounted to $271,956.
William Saunders, direotor of the Do-
minion Experimental Farms, bas pub -
Belied a bulletin giving the comparative
results of early and of late seeding of
barley, oats and spring wheat. The re-
sult is to 'show in a very marked way the
e advantage of early seediug. In one var-
iety of barley the seed sown on April
22nd produced nearly sixteen bushels
more than the seed sown a week later,
and in another the difference was eleven
bushels. In oats the difference did not
appear so quickly, but the yields of the
first sowings were 37 bushels and 35 bus-
hels, while the yields of the last sowings,
a month later, were 17 bushels and 10
I bushels, In spring wheat the greatest
difference was Been between the sowing of
' May 8th and the sowing of May 14th ;
the former yielded eight bushels and the
mooed four bushels. Taking bhe static•
tee of the Ontario Bureau of Induetries
ns a basis, Mr. Saunders estimates the
loss to the farmers of Ontario from a, de-
lay of a week in sowing barley at $3,750,-
000 ; two weeks' delay in sowing spring
wheat would mean a lose of $744,669, and
a delay of one or two weeks (it is not
clear which is meant) in sowing oats
would mean a loss of $752,000. We print
the table of results as giveu in the bol•
]chin :-
Prize pro-
Dan's Ot1-
Pri ss C1u•
Ea'y Rees
BP's wa's.
Red Fife
Ladoga. -
'a w
bu ]b
40 80
09 25
87 02
5 50
CTM qm 'ie
.r'vq and aja
flm `dm A0 Bio F
rlv nb aro
B2 gm
?op mW
bn lb bu b hu lb
24 09 15 22 14 09
22 14 10 08 15 10
85 28
80 05
0 00
80 20
51 20
8 10
8 00
28 18
4 20
bu lb
18 18
9 00
2 50
17 22
10 04
2 05
Brussels Council.
The first meeting of the municipal
Council was held as per statute on Mon-
day at 11 o'clock, Reeve Graham in the
chair. Councillors Molntosh, Stewart,
Ament and Ross took their seats. The
minutes of last meeting read and passed.
On motion of J. 15. Molntosh, second-
ed by W. F. Stewart that J. N. Rendall
be appointed auditor.. Carried, The
Reeve named J. Y. S. Rir11. The usual
Bylaw was passed ratifying the appoint-
Moved by W. F. Stewart, seconded by
J. G. Annient that the Collector's time be
extended to Feb. 2nd, Carried.
The following accounts were present.
ed :-
L. Lott, hauling engine $2 00
E. W, Menson, Fire Dpt 5 00
George Lott, " " 1.00
A. McNeil, " " 2 00
Dr. Holmes, Board of H,ealth10 00
W. H. Kerr, printing 2 50
Moved by J. M. McIntosh, seconded
by R. Ross that above accounts be paid.
Moved by J. Ament, seconded by R.
Rose that the Reeve and Councillors 1Ic•
Tamil and Stewart be the street nom-
mittee. Carried.
Moved by J. M. McIntosh, seconded by
W. F. Stewart that the Finance and
Charity Committees consist of the Reeve
and Councillors Ross and Ameet,
Moved by J. 81. McIntosh, seconded
by 3. Ament that the Board of Health
be oompoeed of J. G. Skene, Jno. Wynn
and A. 8tewert. Dr. Holmes medical
examiner. Carried.
13y -law No. 2 was read and passed.
Council then adjourned.
A special meeting of the Oonnoil was
held on Monday °vetoing, when a repre•
tentative of T. Mollroy, of Torouto, was
present with samples of hose for fire
lighting purposes. No decided action
;vas taken, but the matter is now ander
consideration. It is to be hoped many a
day will pass by before the Tito Brigade
will be brought into requisition again.
Perth County.
James Stewart, non. 4, .Elmo, who lost
his barn by fire, has been awarded $1,018
by the Elia Farmers' Mutual Fire In-
surance Company.
A deputation from linos °beech, Strait-
ford; composed of Messrs, Callon, Stewart
and Dow, called on the Rev. J. A. Turn-
bull, L. L. B., of St. Marys, ou Wednes•
day muluing of last week and presented
him with $150 in gold. Mr. Turnbull
was appointed Ibloderator at the time
the Hum: church pulpit became vacant,
when Rev, Mr. Wright went to the N. W.
T., and this is a reoognibion of his valued
services in such capacity.
A new wrinkle to defraud unwary
farmers was unearthed at Milverton. Al
the instigation of Robert Hoohay, Wel•
lesley township, Chief of Police' Hart.
raid had warrants issued for the arrest
of two men named Snaith -Robert and
Edward -hailing from Dobbington, Grey
County ; who had just disposed of a load
of grain to the Milverton buyer, consist•
ing of wheat, barley and oats, for which
they received tickets from the warehouse•
man to the value of about $18. It ap•
poet's that they were travelling through
the alt htry representing themselves as
unfortnnatee who had enaaered from the
ravages of the fire Bend and were greatly
in need of essittanoe, If the fanner bad
no tnoney they lost little time 10 eug•
gusting that a bag • of grain would bo
equally adoptable, and ail they' carried
a good supply of empty bags it rarely oc-
curred that they were turned away wall-
ed receiving a contribution, In this
way their etore increased tepidly and
they wore enabled to dieppaae of a fair
sized load ab oveey market reached.
They wore taken before Magistrates Weir
and Grath, who decided to divide the
spoils with the munloipalityby fining
thorn $2 each with costa amending in all
to $9,530, They got the. bicltete cashed,
settled up with thea mire and started, out
Henry Pearce, of the G, T. R. bridge
pang, who lived in Stratford, died sue
denly lash Thursday morning, IIe wee
sick with bronohibis and asthma, and
was taken with it coughing spell, during
which be buret a blood vesad, flying in-
The other morning John Reese(), of
Avoaton, espied a pan' of owls on his
barn, and A. Rae and his trusty rifle bo-
ing within range, the birds were speedily
made to bite the dust, They were bean -
ties, very large, and their plumage Was
not damaged in the alighted by the ride
ball. The taxidermist is now manipul.
ating the birds.
A disastrous fine broke out in Messrs,
Weir & Weir's flax mill at about L80
o'clock Sunday afternoon. It was first
discovered in the roof near the chimney,
but spread very rapidly. The fire
brigade responded promptly to the alarm
and succeeded in preventing the flame
spreading to the immense stacks of flax
nearby. The north end of the building,
which was of stone in which was. located
the engine and boiler and also the electric
light dynamo and machinery belonging
bo L. R. Reeser, was saved almost with.
out injury, bub the remainder of the
building is a total wreck, Messrs. Weir
& Weir, who aro the largest dealers in
flax in the Province, aro heavy losers, as
there was no insurance. The cause of
the fire is unknown. About 60 hands
ere thrown out of employment -St.
Mary's Argus.
Township Council met here on iAlon-
clay of this week.
Bismarck Timmins bas gone to the
Owen Sound Collegiate Instilute. He is
taking up matriculation work for the
The annual meeting of the Bluevale
cheese factory was held on Wednesday
of last week. The following Directors
were elected :-J. R. Miller,Jno. Diment,
Jas. Elliott, Wm. Isbister and W. J.
Johnston. J. R. Miller, who has been a
member of the Board for the past 12
years), was re-elected President, and J.
Burgess was re -appointed Secretary-
ecretaryTreasurer. Another meeting will be
held on Wednesday of next week to let
milk routes end talk up the question of
the factory shipping its cheese direct to
the Old Country market.
Blyth Presbyterian ohurch ohoir gave
it concert in Industry Mill to an ap•
preoiabive audience on Tuesday even-
On Monday our new Council met in
Industry hall for the first, time. Reeve
0. Hamilton in the chair. Councillors
Motes, McNally, Gidley and Metcalf
being present. E. D. Chamberlain was
appointed village clerk and John McGill
was appointed assessor.
On Saturday the funeral of our towns-
man, the late L. II. Shane, took place
from his late residence. The procession
WAS formed at 10 a. in, and, headed by
the band playing a solemn march, and a
large Dumber of A. 0. U. W. from a dia.
Mae, followed by a largo conoouree of
citizens and sleighs. passed through the
town. The burial took plane in Clinton
Mayor Clegg and wife, of Winghatn,
Sundayed at Joseph Clegg's.
Miss Pipe, of the 5th line, is visiting
for a week at Mrs. John Clegg's.
Jas. Watson, of Sunshine, lost oue of
his horses last week by heavy feeding.
Wm. Armstrong, 5th line, has been
confined to his bad for the last few days.
Will. Harlem, who has been making
his fortune in Dakota, has returned on a
Donald Robinson, former]y. of Bel.
grave but now of Manitoba., ns visiting
his sister, Mrs -Adam Halliday.
Isane Misskimmins, who has been
spending a fete years in Port Arthur, is
visiting relatives and friends of this lo-
David Knight disposed of seven lambs
to Joseph Clegg on Wednesday of this
week, which averaged 155 pounds in
The missionary sermon will be preach-
ed in Snusb,ne church next Sunday,
Jan. 251h, at 2:50 by Rev. Jno. Scott, 4I.
A., of Wingham.
Mies 0. liallidav, who was spending
her holidays with her parents and being
delayed by sickness iu bhe house, re.
lamed on Monday last to het school in
A thorough tanvass of the township in
the vicinity of Belgrave has been earr]ed
on, the object being bo circulate Prohibi-
tion petitions. The result is they have
been numerously signed.
The young people of this vicinity as-
sembled in the bush of lit. Tucker's cm
Friday last and conquered some of the
monarchs of the forest. They w• re in-
vited to ti social hop in the evening,
Mrs, W. A. Leech, of Fort illuLetod,
N. W. rT., is home visiting her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, A. Jackson. Mr. Leech is
in the employ of Sena or McLaren, who
hos largo lumbering interests in Fort
An enthusiastic Bible Society meeting
was held last Friday evening in Button's
school house. Addresses were . given by
Messrs. Grigg, Smillie, Balm, Gardiner,
Knight, and Revds. Ottewoll and For-
rest. Four young lady oolleotore ware
appointed to look after the flames.
On1T.-This week it is out mantel
duty to chronicle the death of William
Wilson, who departed this life on the
11th inlet„ aged 76 years. Doomed was
one of the oldest pioneers of the town-
ship of Morris, having tltovecl in when
the country was new, and hewn for him-
self end family a comfortable home in
the vast wilderness. Tho subject of this
notice was born within two Milos of
Enuisltilllen, in the county of Ferman,
agb, Ireland, Previous to tooling to
th)s,conntry he served with distinction
ie the Royal Irish Conatab]ary and was
often detailed for apeoial dttby requiring
more than ordinary ability and courage,
He emigrated to the oeunbry 10 1812,
stopping at Jiingeton for a white then
going further west to the county of Went-
worth, whore, in the year 1917 he was
married to his late partner, Mary Gillen,
Who, it will be remembered, passed poem -
fully away ea the let day of January,
1801., there being Daly o,evee days be.
Ween the tivo deaths, Decoded was a
mambas of the chttroh of. England up•
wattle of fifty yenta The funeral seevioc
was emanated by the Rev, W. T. Olnff,
the intmmntbeub being made in the Bette.
sols eometery on the ldbh inst.
"Pee pains 01 death are past,
Labor and 0OrrOw c ea5u,
And lifo's,1011g war1arsnlesoilat.,it,3t.
1110 sun( 10 rental in pease
AjIY o 11tNB'UI,
Mechanic Street.
FARMS FOR SALE, -921111° UN•
nineionitD has several good harms ler
sale and to rent, maty terms, to 'roomette
of Morris and Grey, P, 8, 500'1'1, Brunets.
lining South half Lot 27, eon, 5, 0torrte,
100 Beres, nearly all °leaved. Good buildings,
about 20 acmes Fall wheat iu ground. Eney
terms, Apply to W. M SIN CLAIR,
tf- Solicitor, .0a, Brueeelle
scriber offers
UB.scriberoffers his 1G0 sore farm, being
Lot 15 and West half lotl4, Ona. 14, Grey, to
rent. Between 80 and 00 acres cleared. For
further ponlinulars as to tont, terms, 40.,
apply to PETER. SINCLAIR, Proprietor,
Oranbrook P. 0. 15-4
mtnerownn offers for sale the north
east quarto rof lot 25, ooneeseion 0, monis
Connty of Huron, auntalnbn g GO soros. The
land isof Orst quality and In a high state Of
cultivation, well famed and under -drained
15 sores eleared. New frame house, 8 roomsMille house' with concrete walls, 2 wells
good barna and shad, orobard, etc. Eight
acres of fait wheat. This dad ruble property
adieu(' the corporation of B1'ussels. Suit.
able tun ICS will be given, Title perfe et,
P. 0.
Notice to Creditors
Pursuant to au order of the 81011 Court of
Justice made in Chambers on Monday, the
lst day of December, 1850, in an action of
the British Canadian Loan and Investment
Company vs. William Tindall and others,
the creditors of Beniamiu Tindall, late of
the Township of Grey, in the County of
Huron, farmer, deceased, who died in or
about the month of May, 1585. are, on or be-
fore the Twenty-seventh Day of December,
1500. t0 send, by poet, prepaid, to FummamoN,
Oooa, WALLACE & AlAoDnNALD, Solicitors,
No, 1 Adelaide st. East, 1n the City of To.
ronto, their Christian and surnames, ad -
dream and description, the full particulars
of their claims, a statement of their ac-
counts, and,the.nature of the eeenrlties (lf
tire) held bythem; or, In default thereof,
y be permstttm•ily excluded from
the benefit of the said Order. Every credi-
tor holding any security is to produce the
same before me, the nnderaigned Olerk in
Chambers of the said Oourt, at my Cham-
bers, in Osgoode Hall, in the city of Toronto,
on the 7111 Day of January, 1891. at 10:80
o'clock in the forenoon, being the time ap-
pointed for adj udicatiou on the claims.
(Signed) F. ARNCLDI
Dated the 8rd day of December, 0800�bere..
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro•
perty at
Priyate and Company Funds.
solicitors, (*C.,
NHS. do E. t3IG&YMN'J
Has Removed to the Store Vacated by
H. L. Jackson, PosxoFw•Icm BLOC1t, and
calls the attention of the public
to her Stock of
17-3 MRS. A. E. SIMMS.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
—)I Abs OFC T0( -
Ie O. Poo ,arks'
To get a Good Trunk and Valise.
That's tho Place to got a No. 1
Sot of Light or heavy
IT ^.... E3 S
�� �C�:, � IT JC'' l.� t �J .
C celleerrs 9l.>'
Repairs Cheap,. mid Promptly
• A:ttcntlod to,
IttglIgttnalt nig STAND,--
G'rahaln's Block opposite
Queen's Hotel; 132'us80)5,
JAN. 2d, 1891.
undersigned will 1 kraft trr seviee, on�
N aa Lot 27, out, 4, eforrla, a-titoro' bred Berk
ab(re boar. Terms 81.05 to be paid at time
of service with privilege of reburuing, if
neooasary. it5CigAltei A1min,R0NG,
24.0 'Proprietor,
undersigned has recentlypnrehaeed
autl will keep for earylee a reentered Dur-
ham bull ou N fol es, eon. 6, tlorris. Terme
51,50 to be paid at time 51 service with pri•
vilege of returning If ueeensary,
04.8m 1N0, CURRIE, Proprietor,
undersigned will keep Two Thorougb-
Brod Berkshire Bare for Service rn Lot 11,
Con. 5,Grev. They are both lroin imported
stook, Terms el, to be geld at time of ser-
vice, with privilege of roburuing it necessary,
24.4 A. SHAW, Praprtota•,
nusTArAn,--Tile dam of any Jersey Bull
",Morgan of Glen Ducat" is an Imported
sew, She book Ord prize at the Toronto In-
dustrial Itxhtbntmn, and, It le salt( should
bave'had and. For turtiner partimnlars 4t.
ply al my Drug and Book Store brussels.
G. A. D` EA'D11AN.
The nnde'signsd will keep for service this
Yn•n,•bo4 Scum 5(10 Improved largo white
orkshire pig ' lioady" on lot 20, con. 11,
hlnrlie, to which a limited number or sows
will be tenni. Terms 61.00 be be paid at
Mine of service, with the privilege of return-
ing If necessary. Pedigree may be seen up-
on application, 100010119NIC,
2514 PropriHOLetor.
SERVICE, --Thu undersigned has re-
cently purchased and will keen for Service
at North half Lot 20, Con. 7, Aloers, a Pure-
bred Berkshire Boar, bred by Mr. Snell, and
also an Ohio imported Chester White, one
year old, bred by Thos. George. Putnam,
from imported stook on both sides. Me
hog tools 8r0 prize et the Industrial Exhibi-
iton, Toronto, 1800,in a Blass of 17, urd also
8rd at the Western Fair in a Mase of 15.
T'rms,$1.00, to be paid at time of service,
with privilege of returning if necessary.
15-11 8. WA.L1!ER, Proprietor.
The subscriber offers the following
WeI1-bred Animals' for Salo
' "Cadiz" (6584), Vol. II ;
"Earl of Breadalbans" (6700), Vol. II.
These horses are 8 years old ; heavy
"Lagen Chief," 6 years old, heavy
One Entire Colt, rising 2 years, front im-
ported stook on both sides ; heavy
"Prince of Douglas," a road or carriage
stallion, rising 8 years ; imported,
Ono Heavy Draught (fare, 6 years old ;
imported ; with foal.
One Canadian bred Mare, heavy draught,
rising 5 years, with foal by her side.
One Mare Foal, from imported stock on
both sides
One Gelding, 0 years old, heavy draught,
l Lfnen,tn Tans will be made lc
Bospousibi. Parties.
The above mentioned stock tray be
seen, pedigrees secured and prices ob-
tained by applying to
A. eviPloral.t,
26- Redeem P. 0.
llVi Money to Loan O:1
Private and Company Funt73.
J.C,Heffeinau, J.A.Younb,
Valuator Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. 2atr
Felt 501:51
'rho movement for hoisting he Canadian
Bag onthe aottoolhousis onnmlivvram•ies of
noted events in our history is spreading rapidly
throughout the; Doniluletr and evoking the
'readlwurt.yy approval of all patriotic citizens. AY
the tapir:
has done its share fn holningg on this moveinen I,
by awarding a handsome flag to ono school in
ditch county of Ontario, het the number of en
Dairies from riO parts of the Dominion 5010
how nage can be obtained by other schools has
determined the publishers of 17116 11591"1910
to otter a handsome
or best bunting 12 tent long gnler price 915).
55 n prolnhnn for (rr 8e(1 nets yearly anbsceibere 10
the W OOI 1ILO' COiPtN1t at .St, el or right note
Yenrly Onbacriburnto T111119.41LY 1'9a'lktl(
at 85 nor 51,nui0, or a mewl' tion of 00011, one
subedit—etch to belly counting foe 1+4teet
13very school In the Dominien ought to have
a national Ona, aid 1:1119 offer presents 5n op•
po•tunity for each cbba]ldeg it without 1051,
and with utile trouble, Let those who
are 1nterustrd In aoiling A flag For their smltnot-
bones join in getting up n 0101,. and while sub•
scribers got fod vela for thole nlon0y in the
boatlOWsphpor in the Dontinlbn, the school
obta)n.ils flag 8110111 4►P COAT.
'.l'ho WL01ki v 11O11'lltt: hap reoonil, been
mist -Wink" to twelve pekoe, and ie note, without
Mum fhb best weekly newspaper In Canada,
Wlille the reputntioe of MX DAILY 1i111'lltlw
AS the loading morning' learhel of the 0o1nin-
Ion le well known.
Send for sample copies and spectal dabbles
nate, 0114 go in for 5 flag for your school,
.:0% Ab1nta5s filial `tem nite.