The Brussels Post, 1891-1-16, Page 101 tit, 61-W88.641...$ rs x08'11
JAN, 19, 1891
At B oca Prices
"Anne of Goierstein,'L by Sir Walter.
Soott, 70e, now 400,
"The Conetry in Danger," an episode
of the Fre ch Revolution, 70c., now 40c.
"Aide to Prophetio Enquiry," by
Newton, 35e., now 25e.
"Missionary Problem," $1, now 75o.
"Keble's Christian Year," 70o., now
"Sacred Names," $1.00, now 75o.
"The Blockade, or Siege of Phals•
boorg, 60o., now 30c.
"Wonders and Beauties of the Year,"
85o., now 50e.
"The Postman's Bag," 90e., now 50a.
Wordsworth's Poetical Works, 700.,
now 400.
"•One Thousand Gems," by Talmage,
Ole., now 40c.
"The King's Messenger," 75o, now 40o.
•'Charms and Counter -charms," 60c.,
now 80c.
"The Peoples' Common Sense Medioal
Adviser," $3,50, now 75o.
Itis our wish to reduce our stock of
books, and we purpose from time to time
giving a list of snob.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:.
Genie Soren. (-toile AOB7 a,
Mail _...,.,.. 8:53a.m.a.. Mixed 0:20 a..
Empress 11:40 a.m. Mail IPOs P m.
Mixed 13x5 p.m. Express ...... a.du p.m.
.eivs Mems.
A °biers amang ye tekin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Rely Found. Apply at Tun Pose Pub-
liebing House.
Miss MINNIE SHAW is home from Brig.
den for her vacation.
J. A. Tnoeess, of the Electric Light Co„
was in town on Thursday.
J. HUOAo and wife, of Walkerton, were
visiting at W. Roddiak's last week.
HURON County Couneil will convene on
Tuesday, 27th inst., at 8 o'clock p. m.
Miss LIZl0IE Dlcxsox, of Goderioh, was
visiting in town last Saturday and Sun-
LAST Sunday Mr. Fortune of Knox
College, Toronto, preached in Knox
church, Brussels.
Mess STURDY, of Harristnn, and Miss
Buchanan, of Seaforth, were holidaying
in Brussels this week.
Mos. R. MosnoovE, of Bluevale, and
Mies Louise Farrow, of Gnelph, are
visiting friends in town.
C. CLerar, of North Easthope, late of
Binsaarth, Manitoba, is rusticating
among friends in this locality.
STANLEY ANDERSON, who has been Laid
aside for the past month by typhoid
fever, is able to get about again.
Moxxnve Horse Fair will be held on
Thursday, February 5th. Keep the date
in mind and bring in your harass.
SERVANT girl wanted at once. A per-
manent place and highest wages to a
good, experienced girl. Mas. J. D. Role.
A xusmEx of Brueselites went to Wren.
eter on Tuesday evening to bear Sir
Richard Cartwright speak on the trade.
questions of the day.
Rennie to the Queen's Hotel are being
pushed ahead as fast as possible by
Melon. Smith & Malcolm. The roof is
being rrplaeed this week.
, Lase Wednesday evening the Fire
Brigade held a meeting. It was decided
to ask the Council for more hose. The
old officers were re-elected.
TEE East Huron Agricultural Society
annual meeting will be held in the Town
Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday afternoon,
21st inat., beginning at 1 o'clock.
DitKasnrAl Iso. -The undersigned is pre-
pared to attend to the wants of the
ladies in. dres,nutking. Resicleuoe near
the school house, Mechanic street, Brus-
sels. MBs. TURNBULL,
G. A. STACEY and wife, 0f Eirkton,
were visiting at Rev. J. L. Kerr's thin
week. Mr. and blre. Stacey spent see-
eral years in Southern Afrioa, only re-
turning a short time ago.
TIE Huron Signal has passed another
anniversary and, under the energetic
management of D. hloGilticuddy, has
improved very materially. We wish it
'continued prospority. Mr. Cassidy, of
Goderioh, canvasser for the Signal, was
n town this week.
SVE overlooked the foot that our North•
Western neigh) or, the Wingham Times,
hind celebrated its birthday recently.
Under the careful administration of Bro.
Elliott the Times has made rapid pro-
,grese end is a credit to the town in which
t is published.
TEE services of Rev, F. Swann, of
Auburn, on Sunday and Monday in eon-
neatio' with the revival services in the
Methodist ()beret] were highly appreciat-
ed. Bev. J. Seott, M. A., of Wingham,
preached I wo excellent sermons on Wed•
mighty end Thursday evenings.
WLIa,-Diamee AND DItILLINC.-George
Bub has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin walls and is prepar-
ed bo attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure setisfuotion,
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme reasonable. Residence
secoud door north of the bridge, west
side cf 1'nrnborry et., Brussels. 43-81
MlilviLrdt CHURCH W.F. M. S. -This
Society held its annual meeting on the
8thirret. The repos': Ler 1880 showed
that the Society hued 110 membere, 3 of
whom are members of the General So-
ciety and 8 life members. The aontri-
butiona amounted to over 8150 00, being
the largest amount raised during any
year since the Sooiety was nfganiaod, 7
years ago. The following officers were
elected :--President, Mrs, Jno. Rose;
Vioe,Proeident, Mrs, Barnihill ; Secret.
Cry, Mrs. Graham ; Assistant Secretary,
Mrs, .N•. Richardson ; 'Treasurer, Mrs.
ltodoriek Ross ; Committee, Mrs, dor.
meek, Mrs. Maltolm, Mrs, Herr, Miss
ItLIKey,14re. A. Stewart and Mrs. Bare
rig ; Auditors, Mts. Skene and Miss Lit-
\Vo have decided to Remain in Brussels for, at least, another year. Through the earnest solicitations of our
numerous customers, coupled with the unfortunate losses of 801110 of the merchants here, we have changed our ideas
of leaving Brussels at present. Our terms and prices will be, as they have always been, Below all Competition on
any lines me carry, Our credit customers will bo accommodated as heretofore, all accounts falling clue on October
lab of each year, No dead beats need a•ppiy fol' credit, as our Prices are too Low to our good reliable customers to
allow dead beats goods for nothing.
If yon are one of those People who think merchants wllo pay their debts at fifty cents on the dollar can sell as
cheap as we can you need not come dear us, as we cannot afford to pay clerks to educate know-nothings. We do
business on business principles only, and if people require anything more they will have to go elsewhere for it.
We buy produce, and will allow only the cash valuo for it, as our low prices will not allow any loss on produce
we handle. Customers dealing midi us can rely on getting three-quarters of their goods at the same price that
other merchants pay for them, and, at the same time, we will protect their interest on any lino of goods that they
buy from us on our judgment in malting their purchases from us, as to quality, value, etc., etc.
Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past, and Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous Year, '
we remain,
-W. NIGHTINGALE & Co., Brussels.
S. BermeeT, wife and son, of Seaforth,
were visiting at Principal Shaw's last
Maly COBHAOE, the lightning slinger,
of Chicago, is home on a visit for a few
weeks. -
ALL the municipal Councils will meet
on Monday of next week, as per statute
to be sworn in.
Mise MARY and Lizzie Anderson, of
Shakespeare, are visiting with Mrs. J.
Sinclair this week.
Ronin. WYNN, of Mitchell, was home for
a brief visit with his parents and friends
in Brussels this week.
Fon sale or will trade for wood one
new nutter, good and durable. Apply at
I. C. Richard's harness' shop,
RENEWAL and new subscriptions are
rolling in to Tnn Pose. All in arrears
are requested to square up at once.
ON Monday of this week Jno. Smith,
brother to Mrs. Samuel Walsh, of Brus-
sels, died at his home in Wroxeter. Ccn•
sumpbion was the cause.
STONE is being hauled for Juo. Skene's
new block and A. Konig has made a
commencement at the cellar of the new
hotel he purposes erecting.
Minns ELIZA and Jennie Babb, Wes.
ley Babb and "King Billy" White, all
of Mitchell, spent Sunday at B. Gerry's.
Mr. White was a former resident of
S. S. CONVENTION in Brussels on Wed-
nesday and Thursday of next week, The
first day's session commences at 1:80
o'clock in Melville church. See program
in another oolumu.
Txls week Miss May Kerr reoeived
notification that she had been awarded a
French ohina tea set, numbering 68
pieces, for successfully answering ques-
tions in connection with the Bible com-
petition, given by the Ladies' Journal,
NEW MARBLE WonRs.-The firm of
Johnston & Cochrane, stone •cartel's, &c.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fenoes, &c., in a workmanlike
manner and at living prioee. Satiefao•
tion guaranteed in every case. Don't
place your order without calling on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain-
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
NECKTIE CAaNiVAL.-A necktie carnival
and grand promenade will be held at the
Maitland skating rink on Friday even-
ing, Jan. 18th, when the whole rink will
be thrown open for the use of skaters.
This will be the greatest amusement of
the season. Supplies given by the mane,
ger of the rink. Admission -gents, 10
cents; is -dies, 3 cents ; speotatore, 5
oents. Everybody go. For farther
particulars apply to
W. S. Klee, Manager.
ary number of Wives and Daughters, a
journal written for women by women -
conducted by Mrs. John Cameron, as-
sisted by Miss E6helwyn Wetherald-is
perhaps the brightest number issued.
Among the friendly wercrs is a warmly
commendatory note from the Countess of
Aberdeen, recently in Canada. For
specimen copies, address Wives and
Danghtere, London, Ontario.
CoaLlntn.-The Brussels curling club
his got in shape for this season with the
following officers :-President, S. W.
Laird; Viae -President, Wm. Thompson;
Secretary -Treasurer, W. F. Scott ; Com•
mibtee, F. S. Scutt, H. Dennis, R. Lea•
therdale and D. 0. Ross. The club have
rented the curling ice on the rink and
will go in for solid practice. On Thurs.
day of this week a match is to be played
with Lucknow at Wingbam,in the Tank.
and competition.
AT the Inst meeting of the Ontario
Agricultural and Arts Association, it was
resolved :"That this Association give
to enob electorial distriot Agrioulturat
Society in the Province, one silver and
bronze medal to be completed for upon
such oonditione and regulations as may
be adopted by each electorial district
board, and they would suggest that the
only oonditons attached by this Associa-
tion be that medals by them be competed
for by animals owned within the bound.
ariee of the respective eleotorlai die.
A GuAIIANTIIE,-The follobving letter'
appeared in the Georgetown Herald of
last week. It explains itself :-To the
Reeve and Council, Georgetown.
Dear Sire, -As I fear there may be
some hesitation in yourselves and the
people to entertain the purchase of nay
engine should it comp out vloturiotte (ee
it will) in case Messrs. Waterous should
threaten you with it law suit, I hereby
bind myself to stand between you and
them from all herrn, or costa of guy
kind, that is, that I will pay all or any
posts that can ever be inonrred in any
such alleged snit, and that I will leave
you my engine in security therefor, until
I liquidate any end every oosts of suah
law suit; and that if the Conrte should
compel you to purchase the Wateroua
engine, I will not only pay all Onebs in
connection therewith, but I will slai cam
eel the proposed per0baee of my engine
and take it away lnyeelf all at my own
cost, I nm determined tlhtt the tatting
and selection or purchase of a fire steam.
er here 'hall be done upon the merits of
exoellenoy-withont any fear of law
costs, which I know will never occur,
hence the above strong guarantee against
them. Faithfully yours,
Dee. 29, 00, Jo1Io D. RONALD.
Tan sending of valentines, like the cus-
tom of paying Few Year's calla, hits
petered out, until it is no longer, "the
thing" to send one. If you do so, it mast
be at your own risk.
THE figures composing the year 1891,
when added to the lowest term become 1.
The total, 1891, is divisible by 2, 3, 5, 6,
7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 21, 27 and 30, with are-
mainder of 1 in each case. It is divisi.
ble by 81 and 61 without a remainder.
A CERTAIN dry goods msn recently tied
up a paroel and started off to deliver the
same without breaking the string. He
did not notice this oversight until he got
to the home of the purchaser. What was
he to do? He quietly returned to the
shop, got the balance of the ball of twine
and quickly wound up the slack.
LOTT'S Lrainv.-The attention of the
Public is called to the fact that Levi Lott
keeps a first-olass outfit of good drivers
and new, comfortable buggies. Every
attention will be given to those favoring
him with their patronage. Stable just
east of Dr. Graham's blook, King street.
Give him a call as his rates will be found
within the reach of all.
11MOVING ALONG. -The Band Germ
mittee is moving along in a cautious yet
business like manner and are perfecting
their plan for thorough organizabion.
By-laws for the governing of the Band
are being prepared, six of theinstrrmeots
have been forwarded to Toronto for re-
pairs, and a teaoher is being advertised
for. The committee ask the Cordial sup.
port of the townspeople in their work.
DIED. -On Saturday, 3rd inst., R. 0.
Hewitt, brother-in-law to Rev. J. L.
Kerr, of Bruese]s, died at his home in
Rutland, Vermont:, in his 71st year, of
0011000 in the stomach. He was a well
educated man, shrewd in the transaction
of business arid above all a consistent
Christian, dying In the triumphs of
faith. He and hia wife visited at Mr.
Kerr's, In Brnssele, 6 or 7 years ago.
Lrvxnr,-H, Williams & Son have
their new livery running in tip-top style,
Reliable, speedy horses, new comfortable
rigs and attendant comforts guaranteed.
Ladies oan be suited with quiet horeee.
"Live and let live" is our motto. lie•
member the plaoe, Mill street, Brussels.
Special arrangements made with coin•
menial men. If you want a rig any
time call On us. H. WILLIAMS & SON.
THE Wingham Times says :-Thos.
Agnew lost a set of double harness and a
°oepte of robes 1n the fire at Brussels, on
Sunday evening, the 411i inst. Hadden
Agnew and J. H. Stevenson drove over
to Brussels that evening, and had put
their horses in the stable about half an
hour before the alarm of fire was given,
and were baking tea with a friend. When
the alarm wits given they ran to rho
stable, and after two unsuccessful et.
tempts, lull'. Agnew succeeded in reaching
the horses and geeting them out of the
burning building.
BAST Hum; TEAOrsnrra. Ths regular
uncal meeting of the East Huron Teach-
ers' Assoointion will be held in Brussels
on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 20th and
27131. J. J. Tilley, Inspector of Model
Sohools, will be present, and during rho
afternoon of the first lay will address
the convention on "Principles of admin.
Mon," and on the forenoon of bhe second
day will take a class in reading. On the
evening of the first clay he will deliver is
public lecture in the Town Hall on "Sue.
0555 in life with speoial reference to
young men," Further announcements
will be made when the program in full is
made out.
LOCAL LEGAL DEcrsioN.--Gibbons vs.
McDonald- Judgment on appeal by the
plaintiff from the judgment of Street 3.,
(10 0. R. '200) diswisaing the action,
whish was brought by the assignee for
creditors, under 1t. S. 0 ,ph. 12.1, of one
Andrew Morrison to set aside as a pre•
ferenoe a mortgage for $600 made by
Andrew Morrison to the defendant Mc-
Donald to secure a debt and a small ad•
vanoe. The mortgage had been assigned
by MoDoneld pefore motion to the do.
fondant hielfernan, Street J., found that
the mortgagor was not able to pay his
debts in full when he matte the mortgage,
and that bo was giving the mortgagee a
preference over Inc other etodibors ; bub
he also found that the mortgagee WOK
not 'ware of Ole insolvency of the mort-
gagor at the time be took elle mortgage ;
and ho held himself bound by Johnson v.
Mope, 17 A. 10 , 10, to hold that rho
plaintiff must fail. Appeal dislniseed
with costa, some of the members of the
onnxb expressing their individual opini.
ons, but all agreeing that the recent de-
cision of the majority of the Supreme
Court of Canada in Moieties Bank v,
Halter goes Inc beyond Johnston v. Hope
and governs Hite naso. Moss, Q. C., and
Hays (Seaforth,) for the appellant.
Lash, Q, 0., for the defendant MoDon.
ail. Mabee (Stratford) for the defendant
Canadian riiuvren.
Winnipeg Siftings has suspended pub-
George Perry, Sheriff of Oxford county,
died Friday in his 73rd year.
The business men in Fredericton, N.
In., are organizing a board of trade.
The wife of C. Beaupre, of St. Ray.
mond, Que., bas presented her liege lord,
who is 75 years old, with twins.
The new wing of the Russell House,
Ottawa, was gutted by fire last evening,
and a number of commercial travellers
lost their samples.
Mayor Drennan, of Kingston, ie said to
be a oandidate for the brigade majority
of millitary dietriots 3 and 4, rendered
vacant by the death of Lieut. -Col.
Lar ue, medical health officer of Que.
ben, repbrts sixteen deaths due to dip-
htheria since the 1st inst. In one house
three children died the same day and
were buried secretly.
Constable Redding of the Mounted
Police, Calgary, who was thrown from
his horse, died from his injuries, his
spine having been broken in three places.
He did not regain consciousness after his
fall. Deceased was one of the best
cricket and football players in the force.
1, deputation of parishioners, to the
number of thirty ,waited upon Rev, R. H.
Shaw, incumbent of the Holy Trinity
Church, Lucan, Mae other day and pre•
seated him with an address and a splen-
did gold watch and chain, valued at $125.
Upon the corner of the watch was en-
graved the following inscription :-Pre-
sented to the Rev. R. H. Shaw, rectos of
Holy Trinity Church, by his friends.
The Ontario Beekeepers' Association
closed their annual meeting at St.
Catharines last Thursday. The statis-
tics as compiled by the secretary show
that the yield of honey is Increasing every
year much more than the general public
have any idea of. The rearing of bees is
also becoming a profitable business, the
public gradually 13oking upon honey asa
constant foodrather than an artiole of
luxury. Many interesting and inetruo•
Live papers on "the busy bee" were read
and warmly received, partioularly papers
by President Pringle and Mr. McKnight,
of Owen Sound, The following officers
were elected for the ensuing year :-A.
Pringle, President, Selby ; T. A. Gem -
mil, Vioe•Presidenb, Stratford ; Direc-
tors -District No. 1, W. J. Brown,
Chasid ; No. 2, J. K. Darling, Allnonte ;
No. 3, M. B. Relines'
Athens ; No. 4, 0.
W. Post, Murray ; No. 5, S. Corneil,
Lindsay ; No. 6, W. Couse, Streetsville ;
No. 7, A. Picket, Nassagaweya ; No. 8, J.
A. Rose, Balmoral ; No. 9, M. Etnigh,
Holbrook; No. 10, R. McKnight, Owen
Sound ; No, 11, A. W. Humphries, Park-
hill ; No, 12, Ear, Holtertnan, Romney;
No. 18, R. H. Smith, Braoebridge. After
a vote of thanks was tendered the County
Council for the use of the rooms, the as.
sedation adjourned to meet next year ab
London on Jan, 8, 7 and 8. The dele-
gates left for their homes on Friday,
load in their praise of the hospitalities
extended them in St. Catharines.
Ilunsox.-In Grey, 011 Des. 1561:, 1890
the wife of Mr. George Hudson, of a
rxA.MB,M =101,
HALL -LEVAN, -In Listowel, on New
Year's eve, at the residence of the
bride's parents, by Rev. J, W. Ort.
weirs, Robert K. Hall, of Atwood, to
Miss Carolina Levan, of Listowel.
Wusox,-In Morris, on January 11th,
William Wilae» aged 76 years, 4
menthe and 2 days.
Vonnee.-In Grey, of Jan. 12tH, 1801,
Maggie, beloved wife of Thos. Vod-
den, aged 20 years, 0 monthe and 20
hbnowo'T.-In Rutland, Vermont, on Jan-
uary 3rd, 1891, Robert 0. Hewitt, to Rev. J. L. Herr, of
Brussels, aged 71. years, 8 months
sand 10 days. - -
WEDNESDAY, JAS. Nem -Farm stook,
implements, &o„ at Lot 010, con. 14, Grey.
Sale to oornmenae ab 12 o'clock. F. S.
Scott, mud. Jas. Kelly, prop,
Fall Wheat 86
Spring Wheat 85
Berloy........ 40
Oats 80
Peas • 50
Rutter, tubs and nolle,
1 50
5 00
Eggs per dozen
il'lour per barrel
Ilay per ton
Pork .. ... ... 5 80
Bides per 1b 4
Salt per bbl., retail1 25
Sheep skive, each .. 60
Lamb skins each,.,.,.,, 40
Wool, poor ib, ., 18
6 00
0 10
DETROIT LIVE 500010 auorur.
Good steers, well fatted,
950 to 1,100 lbs $3 40 $3 75
Fat °owe, heifers and
light ebeere 2 75 8 00
Light thin °ows,beifere,
stags and bulls 2 25
Stockers. 2 00
Bells 1 75
Fancy steers, 1,500 to
1,660 lbs 3 25 4 50
Extra graded steers,
1,300 to 1,4601bs 3 90 4 00
Choice steers,fat,1,100
to 1,300 lbs 3 50
Hogs 3 60
Sheep and lambs, mixed8 60
Dressed pork 4 00
2 30
2 40
2 50
3 90
3 80
3 80
4 25
EAST BUFFALO, JAN. 1iTH,-Cattle--Re-
enipts, 5 oars ; markets dull and lower ;
mostly cows. There was a fairly good
demand for good butchers and shippers.
Good veals stronger at $8 to $7.50 for
good to extra. 5heep and lambs -Re.
ceipts, 25 cars ; market slow but strung.
er; sales of good sheep at $5 to $5.30 ;
fair to good at 94.26 to $4.85 ; western
lambs at $5.50 to $6.25 ; common at $4.25
to $5 ; Canada lambs at $0 to $0.25.
Hogs -Receipts, 80 cars, including, 50
loads held over ; market active and 5o,
higher ; sales of light to best Yorkers at
$3.55 to $3.70 ; medium and mixed ab
$3.60 to $3.70 ; heavy at 93.75 to 93.80 ;
pigs at $3:40 to $3.50.
Quantity of Good Hay for Sale. Price
30 ser Ton, or will exchange for farrow cows
or yottug stook. THOS. PEPPER,
Lot 0,00n. 0, Grey,BrasselsP. 0
Tho Council of the Corporation of the
County of Huron will meet in the Court
House in the Town of Goderioh on Tuileday,
the 27th instant, at throeo'olook p, m.
5au.iOth, '01 PETER ADAMSON, Mork.
tion.-Tbs Cheese Factory Directors
will meet at 0000 Town Hall, Brussels, ou
Saturday, the 17th of January, 1691 at 2
o'clock pi m„ to let the drawing of milk for
the blooming season,
GEO. BRowAE, President.
The mills routes of the Walton
Union Cheese and Butter Factory will be
let at Walton on Saturday, the 21,0 of Jan-
uary,1801, at the sour of One o'clock 0. in.
11. H. FERGUSON, Secretary,
LEWIS MoDONALD, President. 57-0
The annual meeting of the !Oast Boron
Tagricultural Society will he held in the
own Hall, Brusaele, on Wednesday, Tun -
miry 21st, 1801, at the Hour of Cue o'clock
p.m, for the purpose of receiving the Fi-
nancial report for 1590; electingofncers end
directors directors fur the year 1851, uncotransacting
such other business as may come before the
weethig, ALEX, GARDIN11t0, President.
'-.�1e) Lost on Thursday, July 3r8, en
too street in Wroxeter, rt p,n'Oal of bills,
amounting to 9842, and a promissory note
drnwe by John Saudorson in favor of Jane
Walker for 8000, dated ince llth, 1881, and
having it payment. of 3810 enhorsed ou tete
beck thereof, dated Apri111th, 1850. A re-
ward of 800,00 will be pail for the recovery
of the above, 03' for snob information an will
laud thereto. All parties are warned again:t
segotlatlog the 'Wood mentioned note, too
same having beau lust.
Wroxeter, July 10th, '90. JANE WALTcER,
Exo WN .Is TIM 'DAxonL EsTAT14.'
There will be sold by .Public Auction at
the Village of Ethel no Wednesday, the 2085
Day of 7'ebrnary, 1501 (I1 not sold before),
ility (scree of laud, being ,vest half Lot 05,
Uoneession 11, townshnp of Croy. There
are on the premises two good wells, good
animal, good bank bard (45x5:1) and L4 go 0d
frame house. Well lanced. There ,will also
be sold 100 moms, beim./ Lot 85, Oon,'10, rimy.
About BO acres cleared, balance well timber -
en with valuable Bulbar. Terms Easy.
,,'or forth or peritonitis's apply to
WM. DANIEL, .Platteville P. 0., out,
N 0li.'l'(i.tGl'i SALE 01"
1 1aProperty, V�1 e
13efnnithaving been made in the payment
of a uortriu mortgage, do:f0,1 thn laed day o1
Mareb, 1551, made by cue Wthiarn'1'. limiter'
58 Ino vendors, there will, under 110550 307
Sale e00t1Llped ill said 01lrtga'0, len sold by
Pantie Auction by IMIr. 1innes (Bretton,
Auctlonmor, at Ilan QnI,1's's 110.00X,, in toe
Village or Brussuls, 0n "1'01°ad'aY, Ib,+ 'cry1
tray of E,'brtlaEA, 7590, at the hour of Ono
o'clock in to10 A i'tern onu, the following hands
in the v [Sego Of Brussels, viz,:
'Phe l5Ltet Ralf of Lot nntnbar Ono lfond ed
an 1 51x, in the Wad vlllago 0f Brnere)s,
)Weetheraile eurvs,y), and is 14140 the 8001110
lntlnler aauOrding t0 tine survey of tho
]aile of Aitile ; vine by William Ainley, loFq,
rinn'e two oil 10,0 promises da two.storav
frame birlydcnn.lal chop; partly vehner'oci,
alae a rruu,e wagon chop,
'Prantts 010 OALrt..-01101 ilfth of the p,rahaso
money wllf he required to be Lutist et the
ti01a of sato and the balauoe within, fifteen
days thereafter. A portion of the purebass
mono V
May be secured iiytrnortgago nu the
For farther particulars apply to
A. Gl1EHlLlgihlS, Vendors001101tol',
Londou, (hut., or to
JAS. STN7b'l' 20?! Aaotinneer,101 Monde,
Dated January 13510, Ism, 2741
Wanted I
A Boy or Young Man to learn
the Drug Business, Must have
passed Third Class or Intermedi-
ate examinations. Apply to
T Bean&act a Q•eseera1 2304x3iia03
8uo xyet3a.
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and Bold.
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents-MEn°HAxr's BANE of
New XOrk Atse5s-IreORTsns AND TnAD
tions maIe.oiOman—Vunetoo,'s Block OBrlus-
sels. 21.5aa*
• Solioltor,Conveyancer,Notory Pub-
lic, da. Chios -Graham's Block,1 du. r north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Fonda to
resit,) (Late
arresters, Correct iore r0 nveyuuoere,
&a. 0/Bees-Brussels and 'Seaforth, Bras -
eels Offioe,Rogers' Block, Main St, Money
to Loan.
n.8. HAT'. W, B.Dloaeo5.
• Barrister, Solioltor,&a., of Ehe firm
of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barrister.
Soliaibore, &o., Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan.
at his Grusery, Farobofrygstreet,nBr isseels.
A.u• Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A. M. McKay & Oo'e hardware store.
Ladies' and ohlldrens Bair cutting a specialty
1,t MoNAIR,
Marriage byappeiutmout of L1eut,urer of tonor, Oosnl.
Fire I idio elrraus Co, Conveyancer u6 0110 Oraubioolc
Post °aloe.
Clerk otnu rNon utiCo, Huron. Ooveg ,otary Public, Loan and Iosuranae
Agent, Funds
loomed and to loan. Collections wade,
Unice in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Late of the Conservatory of Music,
Toronto, is prepared to give lemons at
Ethel and Oranbrook. Pupil of professor
Fisher and Mr. Harrison ou the piano, and
of Mr. S. H. Clark in vocal masl0. Class at
Cron brook every Tuesday, For terms, &c„
app1V at the Methodist Parsouage,Etual,
In Plano,
saChurch,1R Pipe
eels, 0011015e a share of the patr00age 0f tba
Wuslo-loving people of Brussels and vicin-
Terms, re a eeeos, s &o onlay be rascertained
by calling at the meldenue of 1,005. Dunlord
1urn1/01'r'Y street, Brusaele. 741
Is desirous of procuring prams fu
Yount illuslc, Prof. Warriegtou, of Toronto
is pleased to give his testimonial 018 to Miss
O'Connor's ability, she having been u pupil
of hie durh,g her stay in Gnelph. 0neEru.
mental Mom on Piuuo, Organ Alla Guitar,
Terms made known ou application, PrlllsOse
51., Brussels, hiss O'Connor 0e opal 001'
Concert Engagements, 81.
G, L. Ball, L.D.S. Nitros Oxide Gas 'ad-
ministered 101 the Planless Extraction of
Teeth, 74. Gerrard Street Lust, Tunox'ro,
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D- S.,
Graduate of tho Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario,and of Toronto Uni-
versity. OFFIOE_Opposite America" [Cobol,
• Auctioneer, is always ready. to aE-
tond noes of farms, farm steak, &e. Perms
ahonrlully given, Oranbnook P.0. -Sales
may be arras ed at Tun Pos.e Publisllmg
House, Brussels.
‘.A -Licensed Auetlonoor, Falos cdw:i mt.
ed on re/ab5aable terms, morons and farm
stoat(' speohalb', Orders left at. TUE Poe
(i uhlishiug Hones, 13 ruseols, or seabto Walton
P. 0„ w111 resolve prompt attention,
en as an Auctioneer, L ani prepared
to conduct sides of farm stock at reasonable
prices, 1(aowi ug oho. Standing of anoarly
10000 pores. I aN iu a position to sell to
good marks nod get good seourlty whop solid
On 005:111, Satlnl,etion guaranteed, Give
nip a nidi, 52. 11 8. 8005:5,
%ATM. CM.D., 0,ll'1 ,,
rrr llomboc of Ino Colloga ofyhyataian
0,101 8urga0ua of OnnUnrfn by. nxatnhnaion
(11800 hitt Jtesidones-illaid street TJast,
Ethel, Ontario.
T A, MoNA1JGHII 9 , M. D.
P./ C. M, To R, lI, P, Edmbm'gb, 51, C. r
8, Ont. At tl'opper"e Erna Store from 0 to
11;80 1.10, and from 1410 t0 S p, In, At other
bon] s may bo found at his raeldeuoe, forma
orly occupied by Di, eutohinson, Mill et.
3' •
• Honor Graduate of the
Veterinarytllgele prepared tttat all/Beeaa 5esi atc anin11115 in n coin -
petent nouaee. Fartl11tattention paid
to veterinary dautiebrv. Calla promptly ab -
tended to, OIBoe end fn0rcuary-Two doors
uotth of bridge,Tuenberryet, Brussels,