The Brussels Post, 1891-1-9, Page 5t�. JAN, 9, 1891 zstxixt altbas. craft' lc ite Dire, Wm. McDonald has returned from a ton week's visit to her son hi Jackson, Mich. Everybody seems pleased thet heave Milne has again been elected and that he may long hold hisimportant office. We were sorry to hear that Maggie, daughter of John Little, Silver Corners, had the miefprtune to slip on the floor and fracture ono of her lege. The annual meeting of the Silver Cor- ners' cheese factory will be held at the faotory on Saturday, the 10th inat., at 1 e'elook, for the election of officers and the winding -up of the eesson's business, Your correspondent has lately been summing up the bachelors of this place andis prepared to wager that no other ' village in Western Ontario can produce more bachelors, according to population, than Henfryn. Stealoest Ia. John Hannah has left for British Col- umbia, whither he goes with the view of opening up n market there for his Dream. cry butter. Allan S. McLean, elc]eet son of M. Y. lieLeae1 has gone to New York where he has accepted en appointment under the Yonne Men's Institute of the Young Men's Christine Aescalation of that city. '.L'he Christmas number of the Can- adian Horseman aontaine an excellent engraving of E. 0. Coleman's (of Sea - forth) stallion "Dick Wilkes" and gives his dock ok farm. rite a of also generalw a Reference is also made to Florence G. with a record of 2:24e. Florence G. will enter the grand oirouit next season and will be entered in the 2:20 class,at Inde- pendence, Ind. nde-pendence,Ind. ]Blyth. • Large quantities of potatoes have been purchased by Jno. Wilford, C. E. Tanner, J. B. _Kelly apd Jae. Anderson were elected s6hool tenst'ees ley acclamation, " Breve Hamilton will assume the re sponsibilities of repreeenting Blyth hero. after. It will keep him hustling to out- do the typical Irishmen, Patrick Kelly. The Fire Brigade were oyster supper. ed at the residence of N. H. Young one evening lately. No more genial hoot and hostess could be found. The Conservatives of this place meet on Friday evening to elect delegates to the West Huron Convention, to be held neat Monday at Smith's Hill. L. 0. L.—The anneal election of omoers of the L. U. L., No, 060, was held as follows :—Jno. Wilford, W. M. ; Robs. Gibson, D. M. ; J. McGill, Chap. ; Jas, McGee, Treas. ; Wm• Moutgomery, 13.8, ; A. MoNally, E'. 8. ; T. IbioElroy, S. ; J. Gibson, D. of 0. ; T. Raney,1st Com. ; 7, Mains, 2nd Com. ; W. Mc- Elroy, Brd Uom. ; Wm. Toll, 4th Com. ; H. McLean, 6th Com. A. 0. U W:—At the annual meeting of the A. 0. U. W. last ween the follow. ing were elected officers for the year 1891 :—M, W., Bro. 0. Hamilton ; P. \l., Bro. M. Cumming ; F., Bro. 7. • Logan ; 0., Bro, J. M. Hemiltnn ; It., ?aro, J. T. lTuekstep; Rec., B'o. R. Milne; F., J. McMillian ; G., Bro. Geo, King ; I. W., Bic,. J. Dodds ; 0. W., Bro, I), Cunningham ; M. E., D. D. Cruder, Cr:i etlerrrole. Miss Blair, of Vallee, was visiting with Mise Mary Ritchie this week. David Miller, tailor, is still on the eiok list. We hope be may soon be well age n. :• drool reopened on Monday last, The principal, John McIntosh, is assisted by 1,Iiss Ella MaLauchltn, The school meeting was largely at. tended on Wednesday of lastwee(:. Joseph Oster was eleoted trustee. A. 0. Dames, drover, was in Toronto this week. 13e dropped in an enormous- ly big vote before going, However. Eleotion day passed off quietly. Wm. Spence, the worthy clerk, wig busy in the e, ening adding up the returns. R. F. Cannon returned to the Queen airy on Monday last. He will continue his course in Knox college. His many friends wish him success. Monday evening, Jan. 12111, is the date of Dr, Campbell's leobure on "The sine of the pew.", Let nob an empty seat be a sin of the pew on Monday evening. LEcrens—Bsv.Ieaeo Campbell ,Ph. D„ of Listowel, will deliver a lecture in Knox church on Monday evening of next week. The leoturo is entitled `Sins of the pew" Rud will begin at 7:30 o'clock, A literary . entertainment will take place in Dames' Httll on Friday evening, Jan. 1611). Prof. Franklyn D. Beicer will sing and recite. This eelebiatect acro. balio contortionist should draw a large crowd, ''V al ton. Walton school re -opened Monday. last. Miss Milan, of Winthrop, spent part of her holidays among her old friends of Wilton. We aro sorry to hear that Mr. Mo. Craig be en the sick list but hope aces to see him around again, Isaiah Smith; obr genial sawyer, is nursing his hand, whicbbe got jammed between two logs ons day last week. Mies Lou. Pollard, of London, has been home visiting her parente. She looks as if city life agreed with her. The Royal Tomplars held a rousing meeting in the Methodist oburoh last Wednesday evening. We will give the programme next week, as it has not none to hand at time of writing. The London Free Piens says of a young lady well known here :—A class of Sabbath school scholars of the Askin Street Mothodisb Church pleitsanbly stir.. prised thoir teacher, Mise Lon. Pollard, at her home, Queen stroet, and presented her with a nobly designed work•baslist, Afterward an hour or so was happily spent le social onjoymunb. 8'r Dlin.rina, —Owing to the inoient. enoy of the weather, tile annual tea meet- ing in the Methodist shun h here was postponed until Itlonlay availin;. last. On Now (:ear's evening a few of the bravo hearted might be seen wording their way to tlno church. Mich dioap• pOlitmett wee felt as ail hell been loop• ing forward to the eh:eaten of hearing Dr. Macdonald, Ibev. Dir..hello•y and other noted speakers, finder the able sepervision of Res, bit'. Ottotvoll, a pro. grain was arranged. Readings were given by Mies Hilton, DIM Neal and B. Y Miss Allis Morrison ; reaita0lona b 8lwallow, Mite Leu. l'alletd and Mr, NCis• and music by phnrph choir• Avery en- joyable time wee spent, Monday :oven. ing the cliuroh was Silted to overflowing. After a bountiful supply of edibles stroll as the ladies of this oangregabion always dispense at these gatherings, Mr, Allan, of Uarleek, was voter( to fire chair. It is hardly necessary to abate that he per- formed the ditties of that efiioe most ad- mirably. A very interesting and well arranged program was presented and untried through, to the oredit of those taking part and the pleasure of the end. tense. It was as follows :•—Reading, "The Creeds," by Mies Sarah William- son ; speech by Mr. Homey ; dialogue, by Masters Frank Neal and emerge Fer- guson ; reading by Miss Allis swallow ; speech by Mr. Smillie ; recitations by Sophie McGaven, Annie MgGevin, Jos- hua Pollard and Frank Neal ; speeches by W. 72. Nerr, of Tug POST, end; the popular pastor. ]1b;c,.silent mesh) 'was nevi= by a lona( ohoir, Votes of thanks were given to all oontribubiug to the sac. ease of the sntertainmocb. I3luez*s,el e. The Rev. Dr, Griffin, of Stratford, will conduct the eervioes of dedication in the now ohnreb next Sabbath. Ths library in the Presbyterian S. 5, is complete in 180 volmnes, Members of the S. te.oan obtain books next Sabbath. Wm. Ilarbley and wife and Miss Jsasie, of Halton, Christmesed at the manse, end Ira Fitzgerald, of London, spent hie New Year's there. Ed; Coulter succeeded en obbaiuing hie professional Third these rserbidante and has now gone to begin his labors as a lar Zetland. in ubl c school tear( i public pleasant face of Bismark Tim• mice is once more to be seen. about the village postoffice. Ho returned' home from school for a visit on New Year's day, He purposes going to Harriston High school when his visit is over. Usually at eleotion tinea there is a great deal of excitement, but it is easy to eee that people are losing their fanat3• cal enthusiasm and bottoming more sensible and mietterrof,fact by. bbs quiet .way ip which ' Sihs municipal eleetioa 'passed oft do *dicky last. ' Mies Mary Harris, who has been laid up for some time with inflammation of the lunge, is, we are glad to Bay, able to "11-1B BFtJ ELS POST The following are the g01oera for the emoting year, of Beigrave Lodge, A, 0. U. W., No, 821.—P, M, W., John Gilllea ; M. W., George David; Foreman, Chan, ItfoOrao ; ()warmer, Chas, Law, rend ; Recorder, Wm, Wray ; Guide, Oban, Birnoy ; I, W., Martin Mestere ; t?, W., Robt. Owners; Medical Examiner, Dr, Godfrey. Wire ehatn. The Presbyterian, blebhodist and Bap. flet churches are now lighted by eloobrio light. Work on the town hall is being Fished along, but it will not be readyfor some time yet. Wm. Ridd, V. S„ has disposed of his practice and property fa town to J. Golly,. Mr, Rhdd inbonde removing from Wong, Intnt shortly. He is one of the old resi- dents, having praetleed in town for near- ly sixteen years. The petition for mors mall accommo- dation on the 117. G. & B. 'divieion'of the G. T. R. and a letter box at the G. T. R. station, has been largely signed by our townspeople and will be forevarcled to Ottawa in a few days. Mee. John Neelan•ae hie presented to the Wingbam Carling club a beautiful silver cap, for Inc ,1 ce•nl,ebibion. The sup is to become the property of any skip who wins it three timer in sucesssion and complies with other conditions. L1flirrrriee. Nelson Thornton had a .bee cutting wood on Tnssday. Miss Lizzie Stroud, of Ripley, is visit• ing at Too, Johnston's, on the let eon. P. Baine was on the sick net wi.h u s et beilding in his ear and one of Pub's coin• furbers, Walker Ad, of the 1st eon., is going to attend High sohool. May emcees et. tend him. The caretaking of the Sunshine church for 1691 was let to Wm. Watson for,820.00. Miss Jane;MoVety, of the lab son., has gone to spend•a few weeks with friends at Newbridge: Miss Annie Eaket is at present away vieiting.friende in l3owick. We all wish het a pleasant time. Mrs. Jos. Clegg has,been ill with an be shoot again. 8 ,e took her usual attack of plenreoy. Mr. Clegg was alsb lace in the Presbyterian choir last Bab. Laid up with Sr say, d cold. . p Y 'Tr,issa Hallidsy;,daughter of A, 13x117• bath morning, where she has been mat.ly missed -during her absence- We are happy to be able to once more record the progress of our sehool shows from the results of the recent Entrance examination, in which it ice taken a prominent stand as usual, F. Hartley, M. Messer and B. Sanderson passing with high marks. This reflects great oredit upon the Principal of our school as well as upon our peaceful villagers, who provide the ability and brain -rower capable of receiving snob instruction. Your aorreepondent feels that he owes an apology, to all whom it may oouoern, for the way in whish he has tweeted them during the holidays in not telling them anything about Blusvale. Bet could any of the aforesaid parties hays looked into the home of your correspon- dent they would not hive wondered at his silence, for the manner in which Scuta Jlans treated him 1n the way of swo,tmeats was simply absurd, but the meaner in which they were disposed Of was nob absurd but serious for there were no items in TIM POST under the heading of Biuevale. DEDioexonr Snnvmrs.--The dedication of the new Methodist ebnrch will take plane on Sunday, Jan. filth. The dedio . tion sermon will be preached at 10:30 it. m., by the President of the Guslpin Con- ference, Rev. W. S. Griffin, D. D., who will also preaab at '7 p. m. Rev. John Scott, al. l)1., of Wingllam, is expected to p,eaoh at 2;30. Special collections will be taken up in behalf of the befitting fund. On Monday evening, Jan. 12th, n musical and litentry entertainment will be given. The program will consist of addresses by Rev. Dr. Griffin, of Strut• fdrd, and Rev. Jas. Livingstone, of Lis- towel. and music by the choir and other vocalists. teelgraees o. (Intended for last week.) Mrs. Whit, of Clinton, is the guest of Mrs. McKinnon. Dr. McKenzie and wife, of Toronto, were the guests of Rev. Mr. Lawson 00 Christmas day. Robs Agnew. of Ea,t Wawa:osh, is visiting friends in Clinton. "Tenting on the old catnp ground. The Young Peoples' S'noiety of the Presbyterian ohat•uh is a complete sum cress in every particular. George MoKuuzie, of Toronto, was in town last week. Ile is at present re- sident physician at the Horne for Iu- eurabi, s, Termite. Dir. Mo0orkindale is now sebtled in his residence here and pays be is getting used to the rush and tumble of every day metropolitan life. The shooting match held here on Xmas day and managed by Wit. Wiley, of this place, was a great success. The marksmen, to obtain it turkey at all, had almost to drive the nail, so keen was the Oompetibion. J. M. Godfrey, of Toronto Uuivorsity, is home for his Christmas vacation look- ing hale and hearty as are also Tom. and Rob. Agnew, the former talking lectured - 1y of hoop's Consumptive pure while the latter explains the necessary twists that a dentist should give a refraotory lafb upper molar, Thera seems to be a storm brewing for the Bolgrave Connell, grave pharge being laid against the Mayer. Never' in the history of the place bits there been such dtsoeder. The hitherto peseefnl in- habitants of this burg being at (present, as a general ?rule, turned into feather, weight champions of the pngelisbio art, The sidewalks ars filled up with snow, the street lamps are hardly ever lit, and the only way an honest citizen can nave gate ascend is to wait until tho Wing• ham electric ligbte loom up, or these failing, to stay at home until the :noon comes out, On Monday evening there gatherer( at the residence of he. Stewart, our re• speoted reeve, a large and influential deputation of our beat citJesns to wielt him God epeed' on the eve of his doper tura for another place of, business. Many woo the speeches laudatory of the departing coniple who have made many friends during their sojourn in Belgtave. As a' tangible token of'respentanal' mont- her of the homily was made the recipient of a handsome present, ]n t fou well limn wards Mr, Stewart thanked the ompany for their Itiudnces. The Net the evening was spent in disonneing he respoGtive merits of the Glassoyster. 0 Goon ; HOMO by Tiov, W, Ottovell ; day, is suffering,with starlet fever. We hope to hear of her recovery soon, On Monday last Mr, Burke, teacher in S. S. No. 10, commenced his duties of instructing the youth of the neighbor. hood. The Sunshine postofliee, which°•bus been managed by F, Baines for the Last month, Inas been given to J. Watson for next year, Wm. Russell, who bas been spending some time in Detroit, has returned home looking as though that part of the couu • try agreed with him. There will be no service held in John- ston's church next Sabbath, ovring to the dedicatory services being held in the new church, Biuevale. Joseph and Robt. Smillie, who have been away ab Harriston High school for some time, are spending their holidays under the parented roof on the lab cot. at present.. Andrew and Anthony Samp'e • rather surprised their relatives and friends by dropping in on them on Monday from Manitoba, They will return after a visit of a month or s,,, Miss Eliza Claret, daughter of Wm. Clark, formerly of the 8111 line of Morrie, jo]uorl bands and heart with Jno. Sher. ritt, of 1Ianitoba. The ceremony was performed at Pence, Manitoba. Last week Jno. Welled, 7th eon., d- immed control of the Bushtiold, Sun. shine and Belgrnve mail line. He has also been appointed postmaster at the first mentioned "city" as successor t0 Mr. Newcombe, Jno, Haley purposes removing to Sag- inaw city, Miob., where he hopes to pros. per. The farm be has been working has been leased by Wm. Michie for a term of years. The latter can work it well as it adjoins Mr, Miohie's 100 acres on the east. Henry Johnston, of the 6th line, hue a wonderful emits on these times. The reason is Henry's wife presented him with one of what Adenine Ward called an "episode." • Henry says it is a 82,000 gift. We should have told you before bot I guess it is keeping all right. The annual school meeting of S. • S. No, 6, was held in the sehool house on Wednesday of lash weep. All the brustees and a number of ratepeenrs were present. H, Johnston was appninbed chairman and proved himself the right man in tbs right plane. R. Ites.ell acted as secre- tary. The auditors report shoved the section bo be in a sabtsfaobory financial oonditien. Cheri. Lawrence was elect. ed trustee in place of Jos, Stubbs, who retired. Jno. Clegg secured the °en- treat 11:0 famishing the wood at 81.16 per cord. The caretaking of the sehool was hat nob lel as 111e trustees will ask for tenders, The scrubbing and cleaning of the school for the year was let by open tender for 84.08, and the Secretary• ship wits secured by S. Irwin at 61.03 per annum. Outer,.—With the death of Mrs. Wm, Wilson, which took plane at her reel. deuce, Morris, on Thursday evening, Jan. lab, the life of one of the oldest and most respected of the pioneers of thie town- ship closed. Deeeaseil was born in the county of Antrim, Ireland in December of the year 1822, and emigrated to this country in the 1887, settling a t first in Peovfnoe'of Qnebso. Afterwards she re- moved to the County of Wentworth, in 1847 where she was married to her now bereaved husband in 1847. In 1864 they moved to. Morris township, and settled in their present home. Seven children were born to them three of whom are left to mourn bhc'loss of an affectionate mother, viz, : ars. J. Kgrnighan, of the sixth lino of Morris ; Matthew, who is married and lives of tho homestead; mod May, who lithe at home, now oaring for her aged father. Mrs. Wilson had been n member of the choral of Emitted for a number of years and to the large Girdle of relatives and friends who mourn hot loss she has ]oft the snblilnosb consolation which can brighten the hour of deabh. The funeral took piece of Monday, the imte'ment being made nt Breiceele ceme- tery, (Rev, W. 8', Oho? concnated the Ravine. 'lel her narrow bed en laid her, And Mur grief 00 foment San toll,. Silent loads felt tears descending, O'er the farm we loved so well, i • tvl neo a' a p tad ��o to weep may anal , ]Daily is env Srtvinur saying, Mr, Gibson, of Jamestown; is very poorly at present. Miss korreab has returned from a hall• day visit with relatives and erp Woodetook, Mrs, Frank Ashton, of the Id cat„ who has been seriously indisposed • fur some time, ie no better, Mae Hubert, of St, Thomas, and Jos, Sharp, of Toledo, utero visiting relatives, Mies Sharp returned to St, Thomas on Monday, Anson T, Pybue is home stn a visit, after an abeamof three yore1 Winny• peEs Ulnae the west tip•bop and will, return bfoolong, A. W, Sloan intends shortly to take a somewhat extended trip to the Southern States. We wish Mr, Sloan a pleasant' trip and a safe cetera. W. W. Sloan, teacher in S. S. No. 4, ie holding a night school for the benefit of the young men in that locality. Mr. Sloan is a gentleman and always ready to assist in rendering aid to those whose opportunities were not so favorable in the years gone by, PussanrATioN,—Tito Woodstock Stand- ard in speaking of a sehool examination et Bond's Corners refers to a son of Wm. Forresfe, of this township, as follows :— "The sehool examination on Tuesday, Deo. 23rd, was a very pleasant affair to all concerned. After the usual array of classes, in wh'ah Geo. Weir assisted, Mr, Forrest, who has so faithfully performed his duties as teacher during the last six years, was road an address from hie scholars and presented with a handsome easy chair and pair of gloves. A general feeling of satisfaction in the proaress of the school I and beet wishes for Mr.Pot - rear s emcees in the future, e 1 e ore ase es . F , w xpr a ed by all present." Mr,' Forrest's first school was at Browntown, Morris town- ship. ANOTnxa PIONEER Gotta.—On the last day of the year the spirit of Margaret, relict of the late Richard Millers, took its flight. The deceased was upwards of 86 years of age and had retained her bodily health and her faculties in s wonderful manner, 'She'eame tb Morris with her husband from Sootland in the year 1864 and settled on the farm on which 'she died. Mr. Miller,,deperted this life pbou t 13 years ago give sensate living viz. : Jno. R., tide License Inspector of East Huron ; Wm., residing qt ,Prince Albert, N. 'W. T. ; Ahdrew, Robe. and Thos.. living in Morris, Turnberry. and Wrox eter, respectively. (tire.. Miller was of old Presbyterian stook and dearly loved the kirk. The funeral took place on Saturday, the interment being made at Biuevale. Rev. Ur. Davidson, of 'Wrox- eter, conducted the service., Lar'rito w el - B. l - B. F. Brook, of the Listowel Woollen Mills, has taken his son into partnership, and the business will be carried on in future under the name of B. F. Brook & Son. Friday, 0th inst., is the date appointed for holding the winter meeting of the North Perth Farmers' Institute in this town.. The meeting will be held in the Town Hall, oommeneing at 10:80 a. m_ A child of lobe Little, implement agent, had a narrow escape from being burned to death by evertereing a lamp into bar lap. The child was badly burn- ed, and Mr. Little also had his hands blistered in extinguishing the flames. The Listowel foundry and wood -work• ing machine manufactory is being again started up, a change having taken piece in mnoagemeut, btsesrs. Climie and Austin have retired from the old firm, and L Bush has formed a partnership with Mr. Gunther, of Milverton, who is practical machinist and brings cousid- erable capitalpato the badness. Niue Tiffany ears, loaded with cheese, left Listowel the other day for export to Britain. There were other 3,800 boxes altogs.her, representing between 825,000 and 6811,000 in value. The choose was from factories in than neighborhood. Molesworth Notary alone contributing nearly 87,000 worth. T. Ballantyne & Son were the buyers. This is one of the largest single shipments of cheese that has yet been made from Listowel. Perth County. The South Perth Farmers' Institute will convene at St. Marys this week. The Harmony postofAce has bean otos. ed, Dir, Powell, who has held the position for Revere( years, having resigned. The list of convieeious in Perth for the Tatter ended Deeelnber Otb, 1800, shoe the amonnt of fines and damages to be 309, and the number of persons eon. vioted 10, The Moukton factory made over 811,. 000 worth of ohosso last season. The fol- lowing directors have been elected : Thos. 1lloffate, Thos. Hannavan, John Francis, Geo, Struthers and Roble Smith. Rev, T. M. Campbell, of St, Marys, has been elected a member of the Executive Committee of Alma College, St. Thomas. His daughter, Mattie, bas also been ap- pointed to the position of assistant teach- er in .English studies ab the same insti- tution. On Sunday next, 11th init., Rev, d. A. Turnbull, the esteetnsd pastor of the First Presbyterian chimes, St. Marys, for a number of years, will deliver his fdro• well sermon, having accepted a call from West Toronto. On the 18th the pulpit will be declared vacant. • A shocking accident happened at Mit. ohell on Thureday'of last week. Oharlee French, an adopted sot of John French, while crossing the river, a branch of the Thames, fell through the toe and was drowned. The body was recovered on Monday. The unfortunate boy was a bright, smut yomlg fellow, and was only about thirteen years of age, The following rebuke to the young men of Dublin is told by a norrespondott of the Mitchell Advocate from that place —A ,young man who is not in the habit of visiting town only on certain occasions made a slight mistalie the other night as he walked tip street. He met a young lady who lie tock to be an 01 1 time no- gnaiumnce of lois, and thought it a good opportunity to crook a joke at her at. ponse. ]Io stopped up behind her and gave her a lass, saying "How are you, clear 1' Het to hie surprise he had he, stowed the token of friendship oe the wrong young lady. lie immedfntoly apologized for iris forwardness, saying, '1 tookysn for terns,--." Blit, instead of 'no (roods fere' Here, and they -.Mrs'' be Disposed of. llnito some goo,ing cl'fgntlsd at him, oho only twined littit' clodgel' s heart lad spending 20 cent,: if llOtlllno• up her little viperish eye, aocorepanied g by 1 e' r a 190fN. with it anile and said, "don't 15101000 it, for I lusow yon are it stranger In town," ENTIRE HORSES AND MARES FOR S4LE. The subscriber offers the following Well-bred Animals for Sale : „Cadiz" (0604), VOL II ; ',Earl of Breadilbane" (67011), Vol, II, These borsoa are 3 ;years old ; bow/ drangbt. "Laren Chief," 0• years old, heavy draught, One Entire Colt, teeing 2 years, from im, ported atook op both stdee; heavy draught. "Prince Of Douglas," a road er carriage stallion, rising 8 yearn J imported. One Heavy Draught Mare, 0 years old ; Imported ; with foal. One Canadian brad Mare, heavy draught, tieing 6 years, with foal by her side. One Mare Foal, from imported atook on both sides. One Gelding, 3 years old, heavy draught, re/Ander- Tsnuus will bo made to Responsible Parties, The above mentioned stook may be seen, pedigrees secured and prices ob. rained by applying to A, :IPLIR, 26- Bnussal,s P. 0. REAL ESTATE. H037872 AN]) LOT FOIL BALE 'with good garden, well end stable 6l P Y U 19098. T133$8J1 17,8, Dieohunia $creat. 1 I1M$ BOR SAVE.—'TSE JN- uult°eneasstispotlSalo aort,yepmrwnllpd of Morris and Grey. 10, 8. BCOTT,ISS'ussele �F10ICE FARM FOR 'SALE.— 4J Beteg South half Lot 27, cori, 0, Morrie, 150 scree, Raufly all cleared. Geod.buildings, about 29 acres Pall •wheat inground. Easy terms. Apply to N, 11, envOLo115, 11. Schaper, Ac., 8rsossls. I'iABlll TO BENT. --THE SUB- ocriber offers Ills 180 acre farm, being Lot 10 and want half lot 14, Con. 14, Grey, to rent, lietweeu 80 andel) acres cleared- i+or further partienlars, as to r sub; basins, eccs. appl'y to PLOTitlt 811 CAAI1c, 4'rcpriotor, O1mabrook P• 0- 1;1.4 • 41A.Rbi FOR SALE,—THE L ooneroosg, cams for sale the north east quarterof lot 2e, concession e, Morris County of Ouron,cuntalning SO acres. The land is of drat gpality Audi's a high striate of eultivrrtion, well( lensed and auder•drainsd ulna house lwithpconmxtee walla, 9r walls good barna and abed, orchard, etc- Eight awes of fall wheat, This .lesirnble property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. 13nit- a4le tetras will be given . Title perfect. JAMICti 01,43071 2, Owner da- 6eafar di P. 0. cKINLEY BILL BEATEI New Raisins New' Via, � w:Cur'��n• 5,, Candied Peals and Nuts of Various Kinds, A, Splendid Assortment of Candies for Christmas. A Fide Range of Crockery. W. H. M'ORACKEN. Ai1 ® � . 4 �(t_ —AT— "THE 1,,t J BOOKSTORE. �t• i' 'f n The Realms of the Rich and Rare ransacked for the Beautiful and Useful. THE PICK OF SANTA'S PACK Of Presents are here Presented to the Public. Every Purse. Every Person. – 01Ui��HSNG- H01:27-- THE OE — THE PENNY,, r , r 1 THE MOTHER, THE DIME, ti� O lI E { II I N G 1 TIIE FATHER, THE QUARTER, THE LOVER, THE HALF, ---FOR— THE GIRL, AND 0100 THE 130Y, BIG....„ Y 0 U 1 i AND Ina: BABY. Something to Suit Everyone's Stocking, OUT Store is Stacked with, Bird JIear'tecl gains at Big Ileariiecl Prices. PRIZFS - AND - SURPRISES - FOR - EVERYBODY, DOLLS in Bisque, Wax, China &c., Drums, Work Boxes, allagie Lanterns, Money Banks, Writing Desks, Cups tt Saucers. Children's Toy Sets, - Washboards, Pails, &e. GAMES OF VARIOUS SORTS. Sleighs, Carts, Whips, Horses, Trains, And Toys of almost Every Description. Big Bargains in Bibleta and .A11bums. — 1 PANSY SERIES OF STORY BOOKS' — Boy's Own, - Girl's Own, - Chatterbox, AND PICTURE BOOKS BY THE WORE, (idly(( YOUR, SELECTION EARLY AT lie-• •"Ifs w do ,you (clow that's" Shoe. "011, 9 can °roil,y toll, for there is nota t-_� ,yennl7 meat in t)nblin who has courage 'Come.,ti;ere't roost enough for all."' euoiigh to kiss a serum lardy,"