The Brussels Post, 1891-1-9, Page 3JAN. 9, 1891 THE BRUSSELS POST TflE BENE*!I'L' 'OLS fe. S. WORK. A 1'nper Rend by Miss L. Smillie nf. IIIc Walton. Ilnlol Sunday School Assoefntion, In the multitude of large and important interests that aro press• ing upon the church is there not danger that S. S. work may b4 re• garded au of minor imporanee ? if we are not faithful to the children oUr genepatigl,i here is the ehurohof b,fyfllrq to Op? from P. Have we 'as'cburclh6§ yet 'learned the vast power that, Pee ,in .tine S. S. ? How many Millions -of utterly neglected children there would he ? if it were nocolt never have been, thoilaauda d brought to it knowledge of the Saviour. Many of the ablest and most, usefulmenand women in the church were, when children, gather• eat in from the slims and back lanes by 8. S. work and by them instruct ed in all that is good and ennobling. How diberoot would have been the results had they been left to the had they been left to themselves or to the care of intemperate and ungodly parents or friends. Could there be any other way in which eo many could exert such an influence for good as they can in S. S. work As well try to estimate the value of raindrops and rays of [sunshine in the growth of planta and flowers as the benefit of S. S, work. 'There are the benefits to the scholar, t) the teacher; to the ,church, to the home and to the world. There the scholars areitatlght, to unitetheir eta In tdf brviue Efrain, to read' eta 'Q`ud'�e word ; tlioy 'ire ren and these cannot fail to be pro. duetive of much good. S. 8. work is rapidity progreesing, `There never bee been in the bietory of the world eo much ;Christian nativity as today. There never was .a time if it ie thought necessary to eatme three time a day make the last moth very light, For most dyspop• ties two male are better thio more. Never oat a morsel of any sort when so many were coming up to between inn's, the help of the Lord, and it is to Never eat waren vory tired,wlteth•. Sunday school work we aro indebt- ed for stash a etato of affairs. There never was a time when so many mon and women were oonsecrating tbeneeelvee to this blessed service. n;v Rale tot ,111au1i God when, we 'thih'li of'1 moxa then a hendrod thousand Sunday schools in th States and this ilomjnion that meet every Sabbath day, with a million and a quarter of consecrated men and women coming up and giving their service to the teaching of that wurd to ten million of scholars, the vast results that mcc roast accrue from such work ? Think of how many a poor mother, driven almost to the verge of despair, has had her troubled spirit calmed and cheered by the sweet stratus of some hymn or the remembrance of some passage of scripture learned in Sunday school ; how many a rough father has been arrested in a wicked career by some word.) dropped from the lips of his innooeut child that seem• ecl'to reach his heart hi a way no other words ever did ; how many a wounded, soldier on the battle field has been sustained and comforted inhte.'eat moments by the remem- brance of some words taught him by his beloved S S. teacher. The benefits produced by `8. S. work will never be fully kno'vn till the. Mit steal ,day sht l • rev{e i; -thane, 'thene ) .'t l:be seep}e'.004,.;r,138,1110, t of the work which had its beginning in a small room in the back lane in the town ofGlouceater, one hundred Years,ago• A holland y?ate l Oh, whq shall tr`y tb say wheat .htotories w have'bedn gained,'bht good been done, how many led to geek the narrow way„how many harps, how many crowns been won,what brands plucked from the burning there has been, what sorrows been relieved, what comfort found since in the S. 8, was heard the gospel sound THE RELATION OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL taught to reverence and respect the Sabbath. Their minds are trained to acknowledge the fact that the world has' been' redeemed, that. ()lariat.shall reign Rud . itihat-the religion of Jesus Christ is to per- meate our world:from end to end, Good impressions are .made ,,whiph may never be eftaeed, principles are formed exerting influences through life, they become educated in spirit. ual truths enlisted in Ohrist's cause and learn that the highest happi- ness is to be found in the pathway of holiness and by the giving of their pennies a spirit of Christian ed. Then the liberality blessed resultso tyis ti ttt the instruction and prayers of pious teachers who themselves receive snob great bone. Sits from the work for there is no er exhausted frolic moutal er pbysiotil labor. Never eat when tllo mind is worried or tie temper rigid, if 1t is possible ,toavoid, doing so. v,/ttlE'TJE;i A. dunk of a man generally makes a goose' of a bneband.' The man who never smiles is a walking protest against the good DOSS of God. Oonteutinent is more to be de- sired than a horse that eau "go it” in two minutes. The man that in write Tuve lettere without nl•etieg at; nes of himself has kept the In titer very quiet. An lows Neon to 11.1.4 named her twin daughters G<tejhne an 1 Ker' Bene. It will be dangerou+ to spark them. The main rete )u wh ; th) gifted aro so apt to fall is th it the devil seems to give their cases special at- tention. TO THE CHURCH. First what is the church ? Tho church is the whole btdy of true be• Hovers, Christ is the heal, the church is theref)re called the belly and comprises the reclaimed, who. have gone to hen van, as well as better way of learuiug than trying I those who are or will live in the to teach, the process of studying world 0the endof time. The S. the lesson exerts a most beneficial I S. is part of the church and you influence ou the minds of teachers. cannot seporate them. It is the •l traiutng salmi of the charch, there fore we mast place thu S. S. in true relation with the church of Ohrist. It is a vital part of it. The prophesy of ultimty3 victory iu winuiog the masses to 011riet be• give hero, the church through the S. S. dealing with the young. A. church withoat a S. S. would be like a house in which the arahiteet omitted the loots. Tho S. 8. is nothing but the (dearth working on the younger portion of the cora- amity. The pastor who provides for the spiritual wants of the child• ren will never find his church for- sakou by them but will find them among his best hearers and most loyal friends. 1u a few years the Sunday ech0o1 children of to duty will be filling the places of pastors, suporintondente, teachers ani all 8. S. workers. In the words of one of the poets : "Iustead of seeking material for rho tiviug temple which the Master is rearing in the fire• swept, stjrm crashed wilderness, how much more abundant would While aiding the young 111 thele varied preparations they thus bo come learners and more anxious students of the sacred record. The very act of simplifyiug instate tion and varyiug the mode of 1m pressing it upon the mind of the young is a most admirable way of 'axing divine truths deeperand rendering their valao more apparent to the mind of stn anxious and con secreted teacher. The benefits to the church saemauifold. ilia !abit03 • ing to S. S. they get of coming to ohnroh, many are drawn there by the good teacher, or the kindly pastor who moves among the classes, and iu the S. S. they receive the first impressions and lessons which are to fit them for chum', work. The influence of S. S. work is felt in the homes of Ohrietians who follow tip the efforts of teachers, as well as in the home.; where little help or sympathy a will be given in the work. It has been found by most devoted parents that they receive invaluable aid in the training of their children by the her harvest be from the trees of co operation of S. S. teachers and I Ylght000SoOda of the Lord'e plant- ing" were shs to turn the full tido of her life, lova and labor on the training of hit' onildren .)hen would the words of the prophet be falfilled, "Instead of the fathers shall be the children who thou maysst matte princes .over all the earth." A New York tailor says every man should have five overcoats. Not a bad idea, from the tailor's etaudpoint. Every mai sees from where he looks. Dpptorssee begiunio; to warn mothers that habilis should' not ,be liieeeil't poi the lips, but the smell boy is still at the mercy of the old lad's slipper. The velocity of light •has been measured 'and reoprded, but the ttapitiity with which a woman goal $o>jttar bad news Oyer a, neighbor. is. still a matter of guesswork. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro. perty at LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON &HAYS, Solicitors, rdc., BRUSSELS, ONT. in this way the parents are eumn- lated in the work of caring far the religious education of their children. Then the S. S. may iu many 04005 be the means of giving to good and anxious paronte, who int, ht not tberuselvee be able to frame it, )t regular system of training for child roe. Again, there is the sanctify ing and enoblhng influenes of con- versation between parent and child ou the thlugs that pertain to eyrie. 'meting life, brought about in no strained way, but arising from the subject of S. S. lessons. What a powerful influence upon tate homes of our people are the visits of earnest and anxious teachers, who are interested in the welfare of the home. There is no shorter road to a parent's heart then through the children. The S S. is often the moans of bringing the fact of the Sabbath and religion before the in. mates of many, an ungodly home, who, perhapo, never bear the name of Justis except in the hymns their children have learned in the S. S., or get any fragment of eternal truth except what then children may carry hone. There ate the exposi- tions on the 130800 prepared by some of the best men in our ehuroh es for the aid of teachers end scholars, also papers printed tor the children and a large supply of book literature. There aro thousands of volumes eironluted among the child. R E ED! Card of Thanks. 1 take this opportunity of thanking the public for their patronage for. the p ast twenty-four years that I have owned or been in connection with the Hardware Business in the Village of Brussels. The business was first opened in October, 1866, and MRS. Nu"_' 'sit$ Iles I'leneaved to the Store Vacated by II. L.1aokson, PCNTolrICE BLoca, and calls the attention of the public to her Stook of C.txnnis, Fa0IT5, CONFECTIONERY, FANCY Goods AND SSIALL WARES. [' ESI{OYSTER.S ALWAYS ON HAND On the First Day of January, 1891, I shall Start a 313 Days Cash Sale. Havlin had over 24 years experience in the credit business I have come to the conclusion to do a Cash Trade, knowing that it will be a saving both to seller and buyer, for when you take into consideration the cost of books, billheads, and a man's time to keep them, postage and travelling expenses collecting accounts ; and add to that the bad debts, a few mistakes and some law, I think that all honest men will agree with me that the Cash System is tLt. only safe way to do business. A SHORT, CRODIT WILL BE GIVgN TO PERSONS Biz piN, G. I Kaye never professed, like some men, to sell goods for nothing, but GIVE IYII; A CALL. 17-3 MRS. A. B. SII\IMS- Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment 013 real estate. LOWEST HATE OF INTEREST. No Covamissiola. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Throe Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. MILLIS e,)K DY3PECCIOf Eat two meals a day. Est slowly, masticate the food tborouglily,even more eo, if possible, than is required in health. Avoid drinking at meitls ; at most take a few sips of waren, un• etiimulated drink at the close of the meal, if the food is very dry iu character. In general, dyspoptie stomachs manage dry food bettor than that containing ntuell fluid ; so avoid light soups. Eat neither very hot nor very cold food. The beet temperature is about that of the body. Avoid ex- posure to cold seen after eating. Be careful to avoid excess iu eat - hag. Ent no more than the wants of the system require. Strength depends not on What hs eaten, blit on what is digested, Never take vielaut 0xeceise of any sort, either mental or physical, either jnst before or after a meal. It is not gooll to sleep imtnodietely after eating. —)I A I OFA TO(— X. C. Iii ohard,s' I a . cin to nick a Bid Reductions in Prices, Hoping you will think favorably of the movement and give me your patronage in the future as in the past, I remain, Yours truly, B. GERRY. BRUSSELS, Dee. 22nd, 1890. PHOTO S. TINTYPES, ..• 'For •>O•Ceia:1. A11 vrurlt from *Re Smallest to LifeNlse done la 0 Arat•CPES Manner. v 1Ervir of Residences, Etc., nt RenNoutb/e Eines. W. J. Fairfield. HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on k arm or Village Pro- perty at . 6 6' 611 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying wben required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. To the Public -%-- After a business experience of 13 years in the Butchering Bnsi, ness. in Brussels I .desire to ex- press my best thanks for the patronage of the past and ask a' continuance of the same .for the time'Id come. I desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that I have Removed' my Place of;Bnsi- ness to my new Brick Block, Opposite the American Hotel, where L will keep a Choice Supfily of Meats, Poultry, Sausage, &c. FAT CATTLE WANTED. Cash Paid for Dressed Poultry and Hides. GYPS ME A. CALL.. YOURS TRULY, Wm. Biashill, 12- BUTCHER. BEABY POR flSiNESSi As my Goods were Saved from. the Fire in such Excellent Condition I am enabled to Resume Business AT ONCE. To get a Good Trunk and Valise. That's the Place to get a No. 1 Set of .Light or Heavy 17-1AIR.)i\TIEISS. ONLY A 1 STOOK i1SidI). Costars :L i®eetea Itt.ltev. Repairs Cheap, and Promptly Attend ell to. INE&mtnAn The STiNt,— Grahant's Block, opposite Gluten's Hotel, Brussels. 1. O. Richards, YOU WILL FIND ME IN ON'S BRIG LOCK, Ready to Seine the Public, as in the Past, lile IVP FFe1IIISOL THE FLETCHERI Practical, Watchmaker' n.nd Jeweler. Thaulan:: the public. for pant tavors au& support bud wi:bwc; stir to secure year 5utrout e, We are -opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clock's of the Latest .Design's. JEWELRY WEDDING RINGS, LADIES GEuo RINGS, Bn000mtts, BAMBINOS, BSC. i Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and Violin Strings, Sc., hi stock. N. 1t.• -l6 IU',`Y or31arrlagc Licenses. 1". Fletcher, - Brussels. H. DENNIS Calls the Attention of the Public to the Fact that he continues. to turn out First-class Light and Heavy Harness as usual Nothing but A.1 Stock used_ .lust to Hand a Splendid Stool of Horse Blankets, hugs, Robes, 13olls, Whips, &c., &c. A Large Range of Trunks,, 'Valises and Satchels kept con- stantly on hated, and Sold at Baraiiis �a�Special A ttention !aid to the. them. Manufacture of Horse Collars. 7asouablc Prices. N+ Shoddy. Repairing promptly attended to. CALL IN. J. SK NE. H. DENNIS: