The Brussels Post, 1891-1-2, Page 870T.7
We their our many n :(fiends
and patrons for their liberal sup-
port during our business career
with you You have assisted to-
wards malting the past year the
most prosperous Since our com-
ing to Brussels, over 14 years
ago. We trust, by Honest deal-
ing and reasonable prices, to
merit a continuance of your
esteemed patronage. We hope
you have had a joyful Xmas, and
We wish you a Happy and Pros-
perous New Year. I ale,
lours Sincerely,
Druggist, Bookseller, &e.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :1
Gorse sooxu. G0Txe :gown.
Moil 0;63 a.m. Mixed 0:20 man.
l inou
Miixpedse 1114e ;Lim 8:50 p.m. I Express 8;45 p.o.
Karat Dews 4te111.5,
A obiel's among ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll pront it.
HAPFY New Year.
2 cATls potatoes wanted at McCracken's.
GOLD and silver watches, beet in the
market, se Jas. Jones'.
REV, Ms. MaIsteas will preach in
Knox church next Sabbath.
BnosssLe public school reopens on
Wednesday of next week, 7111 inst.
Bsavnrree silverware presents to be
bad by calling on Inc. Jones, jeweller.
Jusm received 50 fanny cups and
saucers to give away with ten at George
Tee postoffico hours for 'delivery of
mail matter on New Year'. dry will be
from 4 to 5 o'clock p. no.
Taix report of the Goderteh and Clin-
ton Model schools may be read on page
7 of this week's P50T. It came too late
for last issue.
TEE Foresters' are talking of having a
demonstration in connection with: the
dedication of their new Hue', in W.
Blashill'e block.
Deessoraxnco.-The undersigned is pre-
pared to attend to the wants of the
ladies in dressmaking. Residence near
the school house, Msclauic street, Brus-
sels. Mas. TUasBULL.
R. LEATNERI'ALE makes a specialty of
upholstering and guarantees his week to
wear. No hoddy. Having served an
apprenticeship an this line he thorough.
ly understands his work.
Jusn arrived at Mrs. E. Rogers' a
choice assortment of new groceries suit•
able for Xmas. Granulated sugar 13 Ibs.
for $1,00 and everything else equally
low. Try our lovely 350 tea, cant be
beat anywhere.
R. BEATTIE ie hauling brick for a fine
new livery burn he purposes erecting on
his lot, corner of Tarnberry and Flora
streets. The building will be 10X00 feet,
facing on Turnberry street, and will be
pushed ahead as quickly as possible as
Mr. Beattie expects to have it in use by
the month of June.
Puoro GAr,LEnn.-W. J. Fairfield has
his new gallery, in the Stratton Moak, in
order and ie ready to attend 10 business
as of yore. He has engaged J. Mason,
au experieuced hand as assistant and will
be better able than ever to turn out
work promptly. He has a brand new
outfft and be wants yon to gall and see
LoTT s LrvnaY.-The attention of the
Public is called to the fact that Levi Lots
keeps a first-class outfit of flood drivers
and new, eetnfortable buggies. Every
attention will he given to thoee oaring
him with their patronage. Stable just
east of Dr. Graham'. block, King street.
Give Lini a call as his rates will be found
within the reach of all.
"' CARP of TaANK9.-We, the undersign-
ed, return thanks to the Li.erpool, Lon.
don & Globe Fire Insurance (lo., and
the County of Pet Oa Fire Insiu'ance CO.,
through their agent, 7.1I. O'Couuor, fur
the prompt and satisfactory maun'er they
settled our respective claims for the loss
we sustained by the late fire in Jimmie.
A. Kraxlo,
Cr•.o. Lummox.
LIVERY. -H. WtIlfasns <& San have
their new livery running in tip-top style.
Reliable, speedy horses, new comfortable
rigs and ettendaut comforts guaranteed.
Ladies ono be spited with quiet, horses.
"Live and let lisw" in our motto. Pe•
member the plane, Mill street, Brussels,
Special orreugeinents made ttith cone.
mereiel met. It you Want a rip; any
time call on us. II, ' VTLLt1sts & SON.
COUNTY CoxvxoTloN,-The County
Sabbath Sohool Convention will be held
iu Brussels on Tuesday and Wednesday,
January 20tH and 21st. The first day's
cessions will be he'd in Melville church,
sea Wednesday'e gatherings in the Meth-
odist church. A local committee has the
billetting of delegates in hand and will
shortly Dell on the people of Brnscals
aching them to entertain the visitors on
the days mentioned [deem The pro.
grants will be ready for distribution next
Tee Mrt,rtxa,-The anniversary tea-
meetiog of the Methodist church of this
pestle wan held on tine evonieg of Chriet-
teem d .y After tea Itav' R. Peel wee
caned to the chair nod after a few In.
troductory rorark, the following pro-
gram 000.5 given :---A (them "Fear not,"
by the ohoir: recit•ition, "Santa, Claus
and the mosso," by Winnie Selleey ;
quartette "The suitor's glee" by Mise
Louis Hill and brothers ; aldrewa by
Bev. S. hellery; saln, "The sung for me,"
by Mrs. W. IL Willis, of Mitchell ; read
ing; W. 73. Dialceon ; quartette, "One
sweetly solemn thought" by the Misses
Kerr, Dr. Cavanagh and Rev. W. E.
Kerr ; recitation "Little Blossom" by
fvlrs. Silas Jackson ; address by Rev. T.
Gtdfroy, of Bolgrave. The program was
interesting throughout, the recitation
,of Mrs. J'aokeon' being specially good. A
:sot IRA was held on 1''riday evening. Pro.
er do of anniversary about 806.
1.t -1h, SS1 L .HOSTJAN. 2, 1891,
.l lir: days are increasing in' length.
Reetew your,nL t subscription to Tee I>oter,
ltisau•:atsrn inn PUB" Cart ter tan, week,
Si000o bargains in jewellery during
the holiday season at Jas• Jones',
Su1E.ltwAltE, watches• clocks and jaw.
elleie at Jas. Jones', Big bargains.
A me new Ronald steam Fire Engine
was shipped to Georgetown this week.
These msohines lead the van.
CARD of umees.-I wish to return my
thinI s for the kind assistanoe given Ise
by the people of Brussels in helping me
bear 0 share of the loss I antlered by else i
ltto tire. Mos. WALtuta.
Beers% Sunday falls very early this
year, being on the 200b of Maroh. There
are only two Sundays after Epiphany,
Ash Wednesday falls on February 11,
Coed Friday on March 27111.
Nne r Sabbath Rev. S. Seliery will
take "Consecration" as the tepid of his
morning discourse and "This year thou
shalt die," in the evening, Revival ser -
vises will be entered upon on Sunday to
be continued for a few weeks. The pas-
tor will be assisted by other neighboring
Ouotee XMAS Goons, -Cold and silver
watches, clocks, jewellery, silver pintas/
ware. A full hue et very low prises.
Gold, wedding, gem and keeper rings,
watch chains, charms, gold lockets,
brooches, earrings and everything in the
jewellery line suitable for Xmas presents.
T. FLw•rolixn, Jeweler.
NEW MARBLE Woaxs.-The firm of
Johnston & Cochrane, stone autters, &0.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
ciders for monuments,, tombstones,
markers, fences, &o., in a workmanlike
manner and at living prices. Satisfao•
tion guaranteed in every case. Don't
plane your order without canine on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain.
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
evening the annual election of officers in
connection with the Melville church Sale.
bath school took place and resulted as
follows :-Superintendent, Alex. S.ewart•
(Queen at.) • Assistant Supt., J. B. Mc.
Lauohlin ; Seoretary.Treasurer, A. Stew-
art ; Precentor, A. Stewart ; Organist,
Miss Lizzie Wilson ; Librarian, R. Mal.
oolm ; Assistant, R. Rose. Miss Taylor
was appointed teacher in the place of
Miss Richardson, removed.
A 8750 COTTAGE or its equivalent in ne-11
will be given to the person detesting the
greatest number of errors, (words wrong-
ly spelled or misplaced) in the December
issue of "Our Homes." In addition will .
be given two cash prizes 11 8200 eaeh,
four of 8100, eight of $50, ten of 825,
twenty-five of 810, fifty of ,$.i, one hum.
dyed of 82, and one hundred and fifty of
$1, distributed in the order 'mentioned in
rules and regulations, whish will be mat
with a copy of December issue on receipt
of 15 cents in stamps. Special oasts
prizes given away almost every day dor•
ing competition which closes Febena•y
let, 1801. Address Ors Hoalss Publish-
ing Co., Brookville, Canada.
C.iuxrvAL:-The masquerade carnival
and races come off on Tuesday evening
and was a fair success. The number fn
costume was well represented bet the
apeotators were somewhat deficient. The
following prizes were given :--Torre
mile race, Geo. Baldwin, Seaforth ; boys
race, Colin Shaw ; best chant -ter
costume, gent, Ed. Mellon ; best soots,
Lorne Hunter ; best costume, lady, ,lies
Florence Hunter; best dressed etrl, .\[iso
N. Williamson, Stratford ; bast de 0001
boy, Jas. Driver. The spectator: prize
was won by Miss Mattie SIuKi"uey,
The three mile rats was closely eenteste
ed by R. McNaughton, of town, e d no
doubt at the next carnival the money
will stay in Brussels.
Tnaeleotrio light was not to the front
for several evenings this week owing to
repairs to the boili•r at the mill.
A visite' disgraceful scene was present.
ea on our streets on Christmas day, viz. :
-A boy about 13 years of ago incapably
the worse of liquor, The party who sup
plied the liquor should be made to smart
for Such a flagrant transgression of the
le you want to see the largest and best
a+s0rtnteut of Ilress Goods in ilrnssele
g0 to Mrs, E. Rogers', the Pn laoo Store ,
Their styles are the newest and the
prices very low. Nice fashionable geode
as low as 10 Ootits per yard.
Soo:AL.-A very enjoyable time was
spent at the manual Sabbath school
in Knox church last Friday evening.
After refreshments heti been served Thos.
Strachan took the (their And an interest
ing program of recitations, dialogues,
music, &o, was rendered by the school.
A number of presents were given before
WELL -Doane ANn D1aILLINe.-George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed bo attend to all work eoteusbod to him
in a way that will insure eatisfaotion.
Wells cleaned oat and put in proper
spial e. Terms aasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43-tf
NEwPnornutroe.--Ou Thur•day of this
week the management of the Brussele
and Ssaforbh stage passed into the hands
of Thos. Thompson, of Seaferth, now a
resident of this place. Mr. Thompaon
hopes, by Iceepiug fast horses, comfort-
able rigs, &c., to largely increase the
business done in the past. • Ile solicits a
share of the patronage of the pabiio and
will give his personal attention to nil
business matters entrusted to him.
CLEnannEN TO Be TAxED.-Tile cot
passed by the Ontario Legislature last
session, abolishing certain exemptions
from taxation, will go into force on Jan.
1. Next year, therefore, the salaries of
ministers of religion and their dwellings
will be liable to aseueamlut for all par.
poses in the same manner as the incomes
and dwellings of other persons. Hither-
to the salary of a minister bas bean ex-
empt to the extent of $1,000, and his
residence to the extent of $2,000.
Y. P. 0. A: Laijt Monday evening
Rev. I. B. Wallwin, of Bluevals, deliver.
ed a very thoughtful and instructive ad•
dress at the Y. P. 0. A. in connection
with the Methodist church on The ten-
dencies of the age in the development of
oharaeter. His points were :-(1) An
intellectual age. (2) An inventive age.
(3) 'An age of specialization. On the
other side it is (1) An age of disentegra-
tiou. (2) An age of supsrfioialism. (3) A
monetary age. Mr. Wallwin was cor-
dially invited to return and rope,it the
address some time soon.
Omer. -Last Friday the residents of
Brussels were startled on hearing that
Alf a I Ooner_y had died at the residence
of 11. Leathe•dale. elle report was only
too true. The deceased had been in the
employ of Mr. Leatherdale for the past
two years eerving his time ee the trade
of joiner &o. Ile had been at the shop
on the Monday preceding his death but
was not feeling very smart and on Tues -
lay the attendance of a physician was
ueneeeary. In spite of all Mist could be
done he gradonl y sank until death re.
lieved l,im from all pain. During hi+
n•ief illness he spoke untny eucoeragiug
words to tboae near him and secured
mare than one promise in reference to
meting 0.1 the "outer shore." Alf. was
bora in Morris township and grew Ile It
bright, iutelligeut young men. He had
the necessary tluatiittoatious for teaching
ween 18 years of age. The funeral took
p1a0e to Sunday afternoon, the inter -
stent being made at Sunshine. A good.
ly number of the Royal Tetuplars, of
witch tie doosalrml was a un•utber, .,td
representatives front the Methodist Bah.
batil school marched ab the head of the
procession through the village. The
mother and outer relati•et/ of the deems.
ed have the sympathy of the community
in the anlooked for bereavement.
LAST week A, Straohas rsoeivod a copy
of the deity Mail, a Japanese paper, pttb.
fished at Yokohama, from Oliver Snaith,
Mr. Straollin very kindly offered it to us
to make any selections we sale fit but we
thought so few of our readere would un-
derstand the language that we declined
the offer. Mr. Smith sett a few of the
coins in use in that land of wonders,
1\faaocio,-Laub Saturday evening the
annual meeting of rpt. John's Ledge, A,
1t. & A, 51., No. 284, G. R. C., took place,
and the ollfears for the'ear 18111 were
installed by W. Bro. J. DM. McIntosh, P.
M„ assisted by V, W. 11'0. Jno. Shaw,
1', M, and W. Bro. W. 101. Sinclair, P.
el. The following is a list of the o0peers
W. Bro. D. Strachan, W.11. ;
W. Bro. W. 111. Sinclair, P. M. ;
Bro. J. T. Pepper, S. W.
Uro• W. 13. D101t8on, J. W. ;
V. W. Bro Jae. Shaw, Seo, ;
Bro, '1' V' etcher, Teas. ;
)3m', A. flames, S. D. ;
Bro. Jae, Ross, J. D. ;
Bro. A. Lowick, S. S. ;
Bro, H. James. J. S. 1
Bro. Thos. Edgar, L G. ;
I3ro. J. Y. S. Kirk, Tyler ;
Bros. Jas. Roes and Thos, Edgar,
FAIOIN59 INSTITOTE.-The annual Meet.
ing of the East Hume neuters' Institute
will be held lu the Town Hall, Brussels,
on Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 12th' and
1801, when the following gentlemen will
be present and speak on the subjects
named :-F. C. Greeosides, V. S., of On•
tarin Agrioulbural Oollege, let. "Our
horse and horse markets," 2nd. "Here.
ditary Unsoundness in horses ;" T. Ray.
nor, L'. 4. A., 1st. "Insect life on the
farm," 2nd. "Feeding of live stock ;" T.
H. Race, of Mitoholl, 1st. "Frauds and
humbugs in horticulture to be avoided
by farmers," 2rld. "Varieties of apples
to cultivate ;" Robe. Armstrong, of
Morris, "Who pays the duty ?" ; D.
Robertson, of Grey, "The pleasures of
farming ;" C. Mich e, of Morris, "Cul-
tivation of the turnip ;" A. hlislop, of
Grey, address. On Monday evening a
public meeting will be held, commencing
at 7:80 o'eloek. Addresses will be given
by Mr. Greeusides on "Education of the
horse ;" Mr. Raynor on "Education of
farmer's eons ;" Mr. Rue on "The far-
mer's fruit garden." Vocal and instru-
mental muaio will also be given by well-
known talent. The first session of the
Institute will commence at 1:30 o'clock
on Monday. Election of officers for cur-
rent year the seam afternoon.
McDoxoos,.-Iu Grey, on Dos. 3154, the
wife of Mr. James McDonald of a
DcxvotD.- In Brampton, on Dec. 20th,
the wife of Mr. James Danford, of a
Wa.Lu tenN - MnNTao este.-In Morris,
on Dee. 31st, by Rev. Jos. Rosa, B.
A., .lir. Wnt. Williamson, of Brus-
sels, to Miss Maggie Montgomery, of
Norris township.
Nxenoo-Sab'e'r.-At Wroxeter, on Dee.
31st, by Rev. Jim. ROSS, B. A., Mr.
David Nichol, of Daltota, to Miss
Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr. Alex.
Smith, of Wroxeter,
Snos000-BaAn51lA11',-In Brunie, on
Christmas clay, at the residence Of
Pee ntdelatinlb milliner, Rev. 11.
Paul, Mr, John Sherrie, to Miss
Viot'tria i14, Bradshaw, both of
Morrie tovochAip.
T,taist NRLsuN,-t rho Methodist Par-
sonage, Brussels, on Deo, 8106, by
Bev. 8, Battery, B. D., Mr. Henry
Tainan, to Miss lemma Nelson, all
cif HRilet township.
Beaman --Storn.--At the Methodist
Parsonage, Brussels, on Deo. 17111,
by Rev, S. Sullsry, B. D., Mr,
Charles Burling, of Blyth, to Miss
Nellie Smith, of Mort ie township,
MARSRAsL-S1ttILTON.-At the 1lethocllet
Parsonage, Myth, oe the 21th inst„
by Rev. W. 1'. Campbell, Mr. Thos,
S. Marshall, of Blyth, late of Portage
la Prairie, Dian„ t0 Miss Betsy L.,
ee]orroonid s, duughte' of John Bite' tell, of
CoNNtty.-In Brussels, on Dee. 20th,
Allred 13. Oonery, aged 21 years, 4
mouths and 0 days.
LAKIC-In Grey, on Dec. 27th, .[rano
Byron, infant son of Immo/tad Addle
Lake, aged 4 months and 5 days.
S3.vVSS E11..M 04.41.==F.TS.
Fall Wheat 85 87
Spriog Wheat 85 87
Barley 40 45
Oats 38 40
Peas. ,,,50 GO
Butter, tubs and rolls.,14 00
Eggs per dozen 15 00
Flour per barrel,......,4 50 5 00
Potatoes ... 30 85
Hay per ton ,. 5 00 G 00
Pork . . 5 30 5 50
Hides per 111.............4 00
Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 25 110
Sheep etches, each 00 75
Lamb skins each 40 50
Wool, per ib 18 20
..I firms and Gorrle, a Indies' long mink
boa. The tinder will he liberally rewarded
by leaving the same at the office of Tun
PasT, Brussels.
it L flan, -Tho Cheese Factory Directors
will sleet at the Town Hall, Brussels, on
Saturday. the 17th of January.. 1851, at 2
o'olock p. m„ to let the drawing of milk for
the incoming season.
0130. BREWAR, Presitlont,
ILundersigned will keep for service, on
N 1 Loo 27, 0011.4, Morris, a thorn' bred Bork -
shire boar. Terme 81.00 to be paid at time
of earele5 with privilege of return lug, it
54.48 Proprietor.
undersigned bas recently purchased
and will keep for services. registered Dur-
ham boll on 10 lot 23, eon. 5, Morris. Terms
01.50 to be paid at time of 600010e with Pri-
vilege er returning if necessary,
11.3:11 .NO, CURRIE, Proprietor.
44,10 REWARD:
A V Lost on Thursday, July 300, on
the street iu Wroxeter, a parcel of hills,
automating to 8342 and a promissory note
brawn by John Sanderson in favor of nuns
Walker for 5000. dated June 0:11, 1890, and
having a payment of 8350 endorsed on the
book thereof, dated April 11th, 1600. A re-
ward of 025,00 will bo paid for the recovers
of the above, or for such inforniatton as will
load thereto. .011 parties are warned against
negotlatiug the al>ovo mentioned note, the
same having boon loot,
Wroxeter, July 15th, 50. JANE WALKER,
Pepper's Drug Store,
Graham's Bloc]], Brussels.
il/,'oINTOSH lC 141oTAGGART,
'rransaot 0, G•oraeral 130.nls±.aa(g
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposita.
Collcotioas made on favorable teres.
Canadian Agents-MEnonANT's Banff of
Now York Agents-LtrronTens Ater Teen
ERS NATIeNAL 134015.
14e SaHui for and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. 01lloo-Vauetone's Bleak, Bruit.
eels. 21-8m 6
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub.
Co, &o. Oilbeo-Graham's Bloak,l do,,r north
Loof Pean.pper's Drug Store. Private, Funds to
(Late with Garrow ,& Proudfoot, Gode.
rich,) Barr,etere, Solicitors, Conveyancers.
c&a. Otllaas-•Brussels and Seaforth, Brus-
sels Oiloo, Rogers' Block, Main St. Money
to Loan,
A 11I, TAYLOR B. 0. L.
Barrister, Solicitor, r&e., of the firm
of Taylor, MoOullough 10 Burns, Barristers
Solioitors, &a.. Manning .Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan.
• Isaurer of Marriage Licenses. 0 mica
at his Grocery, furuborry street. Brussels,
1'oueorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south o1 A. M, McKay 4.2 Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and ohildreae hair cutting a specialty
Isaurer of Marriage Lleenses, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis.
Moiler, Sze ,Q.33. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance (10, Chloe at the Oranbroolc
Post Oillue.
Clork of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publio,
Laud, Loam and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Oelleattons made.
011loe in Graham's Block, Brussels,
Late of the Conservatory of Music,
Ethel ands o prepared
to upil of eProfesso
Fisher and Dir. Harrison on the piano, and
of Mr. S. H. Oiark in vocal music. Class at
Craobrookevery Tuesday, For terms, &a„
apply at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel.
Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pipe
Organ, Organist in St. John's Ohuroh, ]lrue-
9018, solicits a share of the patronage o1 the
music -loving people 01 Brussels anti viein-
ity, Instroations given at ourreat rates.
Terms referondea, &o. may be ascertained
by 'calling at the residence of Ml's, Anniel•,I
sr., Turnberry street, Brussels. 7.15
Is desirous of procuring pupils in
Vocal Music. Prof, Warrington, of Toronto
is pleased to give his toetimoc htl as to 11116'
O'Connor's ability, she having been a pupil
of his during her stay iu Guelph. Anstru•
mental kindle on Piano, Organ and Gaiter.
Tome made known ou application. Princess
St., Brussels. A1100 O'tlumtor is open for
Concert Engagements, 30.
==i7,"I'3:ST R3:1
G. L. 13a11, L. D. 8. Nitro"; Oxide Gas ad•
ministered for the Painless Extraction of
Teeth. 74 Garrard Street East, To0ON'r0,
DEIN OCItestr:
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. 8,,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario and of Toronto Uni-
versity. ot't'I s -Opposite American Hotel,
. a Auctioneer, le n.hsvays ready to at.
1011d ealus of farms, farm stock, Co, Terms
oboe'fully given. Crenbrook P, 0. Salol
may be arrtllgr,ed at 005 Poem Publishing
Eonse, Urnseals.
\ 8'
Dimmed Auctioneer. Sales conduct-
ed on reasonable terms. Farm and farm
stooka epaaiadby. Orders lei b at Tina POST
P ttbti thing 1Toaae,Drn seals, or sen 190 Walton
P. 0., will reooivo pr0lupt attention.
en as an Auctioneer, I tun prepared
to conduct sales of farm stock at reasonable
"trios. 0uowing the standing of nearly
every person 1 au fu a 1n05lt1.on to sell to
good musks Militant good security when sold
on needle Satisfaction guaranteed. Giro
manual!. 82. 10 S, SCOTT.
tk 0J t N M. 13'. CALE, M.D., 0, M.,
Member of the College orf Physician
110,1 Surgeons of Ontario by examination
Otlloe rod Residence - Main erect Bast,
10.1.110, Outside.
re c, rip„ L. 11, c. P., Edinburgh, At, 0. P
S. Ont' At Peppol''e Drug Store iron a to
11:10 a. un and h•Sm 1:30 to 4 p. re, At Other
bon>5 may be tonna at ble residence, form-
erly occupied by Dr. Butehinson, Mill St.
!1 . Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
dieoaeee of doinestleated animals In a emu -
orinab'yy ,tan isbry. Calls promptlyyN att.
tended to, Mao and Infirmary -Two 0o01•a
north 01 bridge, Turnberry et„ JStuesels.